Donald Trump and the Twin Towers (UPDATED VERSION)

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➡ Donald Trump, a real estate promoter, despite the city’s financial struggles and rising crime rates, is determined to pursue his dream project of a 1500-room luxury hotel. He has ambitious plans for a new skyscraper next to the famous Tiffany store. After the tragic events of 9/11, Trump believes that the World Trade Center should be rebuilt, possibly even taller, as a symbol of resilience and strength. He criticizes the current design plans, advocating for a more majestic and fitting tribute to the original towers.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s desire to rebuild the World Trade Center better and stronger. It also mentions his plans to cut government spending, lower corporate taxes, and stop companies from shipping jobs overseas. The speaker also talks about running for president, his views on the Iraq war, and a conspiracy theory about Melania Trump’s coat. The text ends with the speaker thanking the American people for electing him as president.


Please. Do not forget the punctuations! Please. Do not forget the punctuations! This is Donald Trump, 33 years old, and some people think that he wants to buy the World Trade Center. There’s one more tactic that Trump apparently learned in the 80s and uses to great effect on the campaign trail today. Keep people guessing about any long-term plans. Trump has said quite seriously that he’s a good enough bargainer to negotiate a nuclear disarmament treaty with the Russians. This is not a wealthy country. People think America, you know, wealth. He’s a good enough bargainer to negotiate a nuclear disarmament treaty with the Russians.

Trump, Fred Trump, T-R-U-M-P, and you know what, I heard that Fred Jr., your plane only has one… It’s Freddie, my oldest, he’s flying a plane with one wing and you get to my throne going round and round and round. Hey, look, if you ever get serious about doing business, Walter, give me a call. Otherwise, Walter, goodbye. That was a cold voice. That was a good one. Otherwise, goodbye. You see, you gotta kill, you know? You gotta kill him, okay? Right, Donald? Kill, kill, kill! Where’s my lunch? Amy! Hi, this is Daniel Clamp. You know, no visit to New York is complete without a tour of the world’s most fully-automated office building.

My Clamp, premier of Regency Trade Center and Retail Concourse, headquarters of Clamp Enterprises, and home of CCM, Clamp Cable Network Television. Now, the center is just one part of Mr. Clamp’s round-the-world business network, which includes construction, sports, finance, and, of course, a popular line of jams and jellies. Now, for those of you who have cable TV at home, the Clamp Cable Network is located right here in the building. The death of Mr. Wing removes the last obstacle to developer Daniel Clamp’s long-delayed Chinatown project. This quaint little shop, which once housed many rare objects from the Orient, must now make way for the future, Daniel Clamp style.

You know, tomorrow’s when the Futtermans are coming to town. Oh, right. Well, it’s almost finished. They just have a few minutes. That courtyard looks cold. It’ll be better with the trees. Mr. Clamp, sir, I’m Lala Bloodstone. I’m the Spelman Head here. If there’s anything at all… It’s okay. Everybody just relax and go on about what you’d be doing normally. Hey, I know I haven’t been down here before, but that’s gonna change. I’m gonna be more hands-on with these operations from now on. Hey, this is excellent. Isn’t that terrific? You’ve captured the whole essence of the project right here.

Hey, that’s Clamp. Let’s go. Mr. Clamp, is it true the building’s been evacuated? Sir, is the building on fire? No, no, that’s a false alarm. We’ve just got some, uh, problems. I think real estate would be highly liquid. Now there’s a computer that puts you in touch with the world like never before. You’re the one to talk to, Duck. At the touch of a button, you get TV, FM stereo… Duck. At the touch of a button… At the touch of a button, you get TV, FM stereo, even a digital answering machine. Hey, Doug, this is Donald Trump.

Just got your email. Let me give you my direct line of Trump Tower. The Toshiba Infinia, when you’re ready for a different computer. It’s called the Big Apple, the greatest city in the world. Now there seems to be something rotten in the core of the fruit. The city can barely afford to pay its bills. We don’t know yet the sacrifices we need to make to get this city back on its feet again. And as the crime is surging, it might even have to lay off those who fight crime. But this won’t stop young real estate promoter Donald Trump from pursuing his dream project.

A 1500-room luxury hotel ticket. And as the crime is surging, it might even have to lay off those who fight crime. But this won’t stop young real estate promoter Donald Trump. Donald Trump’s biggest accomplishment to date is the grand highest. Now an even more ambitious plan is in the works. A bold new skyscraper, a prime 5th Avenue location neighboring the famous Tiffany store. It could have been taller, it could have been a lot taller actually. I wanted it to build taller than the Twin Towers. I may still do that, I don’t know. We’re still building, so…

We’re going to do taller, but it’s not going to build taller. It’s going to be as beautiful as this one. Glamorous or glamorous? What is it? Well, you’re willing to spend the time and money that I’ve spent. Are you going to perform tonight? Smile. Look at this, it’s a masterpiece of marble waterfalls. Listen, I could have built it taller than the Twin Towers if I wanted. Gentlemen, enjoy your night. Good to see you, Randy. One day we’re told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin Laden is public enemy number one and U.S.

jet fighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan. I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the 1993 Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers. Whoo! Donald Trump is on the line, and we know him as the man behind lots of real estate in Manhattan, and, of course, Donald, I understand you were actually a witness to what happened this morning. Well, I have a window that looks directly at the World Trade Center, and I saw this huge explosion.

I was with a group of people, and I really couldn’t even believe it. What does the city need to do? Well, I guess the big thing that you really will have to do is never forget. You just can’t forget that something like this happened. The fact is, something has changed very dramatically. And I think one of the very sad things is going to be when you look at the skyline of New York, which has become so emblazoned in your own memory, and you’re looking at the skyline of New York, and you see these buildings, these two buildings, whether you love them or don’t love them, they were a great part of the skyline.

And then when you look at the skyline after 2001, and you’re going to see a skyline without these two buildings, you’re going to say, what happened? When I first looked at it, I couldn’t believe it, because there was a hole in the steel. And this is steel that was, you remember the width of the windows of the World Trade Center, folks. I think, you know, if you were ever up there, they were quite narrow. And in between was this heavy steel. I said, how could a plane, even a plane, even a 767 or 747 or whatever it might have been, how could it possibly go through this steel? I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously, because I just can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall.

You’ve had an impact on the skyline of New York. What is it like as you see it now? It’s like a whole different skyline. It’s like a whole different city and world. I cannot believe the sight of lower Manhattan without the World Trade Center. And therefore, we have to rebuild, not necessarily in that form, but we have to rebuild at least as good and maybe better. Mr. Trump, what should be the response to this attack? How should the U.S. respond to such a devastating? Well, I think they have to respond quickly and effectively.

They have to find out exactly what the cause was, who did it, and they have to go after these people, because there is no other choice. And then, secondarily and much less importantly, we have to rebuild in some form that will be just as majestic as the World Trade Center. What kind of cost would you estimate to rebuild this area? How much money has been lost in the attack? I would say 15 to 20 billion dollars. You’re talking billions and billions of dollars, and it’s irreparable, irreparable. But I really feel that the location is such and the importance of the monument is such that we have to rebuild.

Every time I fly over Manhattan, I see basically an amputated battery area. The bottom of the island looks amputated. I see the missing towers. Is that a better monument than the Freedom Towers, just not having anything, or would you rather have the World Trade Towers back? I’d rather have nothing than what they’re building, Chris. It’s a terrible design. It was designed by an egghead architect who really doesn’t have a lot of experience in designing something like this. What I want to see built is the World Trade Center stronger and maybe a story taller, and that’s what everybody wants.

The New York Post came out today strongly. The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their editorial came out strongly for that. That’s what people want. I don’t want to be stuck with five or six buildings that were designed by a guy that shouldn’t be designing buildings, in my opinion. And it’s just terrible what’s happened in New York, and they’re trying to push this thing through, and I don’t know why. We should have the World Trade Center bigger and better. If we rebuild the World Trade Center in the form of a skeleton, Freedom Tower, the terrorists win.

We want to rebuild the World Trade Center as the World Trade Center, but better. A little bit taller, a lot stronger, just plain better. So what do you think of my Trump home mattress collection by Serta? Finally, the same luxury and comfort I demand in my hotels. Oh, they’ll never count sheep again. Listen, why don’t you come work for me? What do you have in mind? Something you were born to do. Welcome to Room 9. Looking good, Number 9. Looking good. Where’s your dignity? Me. No way. It’s double Trump. And we’re going to be huge.

Let’s get this party started. What are my golden double stuffed cookies? Right where they belong. That’s terrific. It is. I really like it. I do too. Look, I’m really rich. I know how to run a business, and I know this. Our country is going to be well off with me. So here’s what I’ll do. First, we have to cut government spending. It’s out of control. Totally out of control. Then we’ve got to lower corporate taxes. It’s become impossible to do business in this country. We’ve got companies shipping thousands of jobs overseas. That’s got to end.

And it’s going to end. Remember that? It’s going to end. That’s all right. I wasn’t paying attention. I was too busy staring at my beautiful reflection. I’m like a Greek god that just took a bath in a pumpkin spice latte. I am officially running for president of the United States. My dad is the greatest man alive in my mind. And while Donald Trump was building a reality TV show, my brother was building a security apparatus to keep us safe. And I’m proud of what he did. He said the gall to go after my mother.

The World Trade Center came down during the brother’s reign. He said the gall to go after my mother. Remember that. Hold on. Let me finish this. He said the gall to go after my mother. That’s not keeping us safe. Look, I won the lottery. And then Jeb said my brother kept us safe. He didn’t keep us safe. If the World Trade Center came down during I was there. I lost many people that were friends of mine. The World Trade Center came down during his tenure. I think what I want to do is I want to talk just for a second.

I wrote this out and it’s very close to my heart because I was down there and I watch our police and our firemen down on 7 11 down the World Trade Center right after it came down. And I saw the greatest people I’ve ever seen in action. I saw the bravest people I’ve ever seen, including the construction workers, including every person down there. That’s what New York values about. We went after Iraq. They did not knock down the World Trade Center. Okay. It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center. We went after Iraq.

We decimated the country. Iran’s taken over. Okay. But it wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center because they have papers there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis. Okay. But you will find out. It is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the President-elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump. Sometimes I think Donald Trump is really a set of twins. I do. There’s Donald Trump and Ronald Trump. And their masquerading is the same person, but sometimes they just can’t get their story straight.

Conspiracy theorists on Twitter noticed something unusual about the stitching on a coat Melania once wore at a 9-11 memorial service. Is that a plane crashing into one of the twin towers in the back of Melania’s coat? Goes this comment. It legit looks like an object is flying into a tower. The story was picked up by USA Today and Yahoo News. The First Lady wore the coat at a 9-11 ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania last year. It’s coming to light now because the White House posted the image yesterday with the caption, we will never forget.

I hate some of these people, but I’d never kill them. How the f*** did this happen? The American dream is dead. Stop resisting. The President’s powers here are beyond question. Ladies and gentlemen, the last President of the United States. Coming to an American city near you. I want to thank the American people for the extraordinary honor of being elected your 47th President and your 45th President. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [tr:trw].



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