Thank you very much. All right, buddy, we should get a move on. You know, Doug, I was thinking, you know, if you want to go to Vegas without me, that is totally cool. I want you to know, Doug, I’m a still trap. Whatever happens tonight, I will never, ever, ever speak a word of it. Okay, I got it. Thank you. I don’t think that… Seriously, I don’t care what happens. I don’t care if we kill someone. What? You heard me. It’s Sin City. I won’t tell a soul. Okay, I got it. Thank you.
Oh, thank you. Whoa! Road trip! Vegas! Vegas, baby! Vegas! Get her done! Take it off! Take it off, baby! Who wants to be my spotter? I don’t think you should be doing too much gambling tonight, Alan. Gambling? Who said you think about gambling? It’s not gambling when you know you’re going to win. Counting cards is a foolproof system. It’s also illegal. It’s not illegal. It’s frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal, too. Yeah, maybe after 9-11, where everybody gets a little sensitive.
Thanks a lot, Bin Laden. Oh! I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven. When I woke, I spent that on a necklace. I told God I’d be back in a second. Man, it’s so hard not to act reckless. I don’t clean my eyes. What you need to do is be thankful for the life you got in this. I don’t need your life. Hey! Holy shit! Oh, listen, Vegas! Oh, my. This place is enormous! Now we’re talking. Is everyone sweet? Okay, all right, let’s just track this thing. All right, what’s the last thing we remember doing last night? Well, the first thing was we were on the roof, and we were having those shots of Yeager.
Oh, my God! That is my tooth! Why do you have that? What else is in your pocket? Whoa, this is a good thing. No, no, check your pockets. Check your pockets. Do you have anything? I have an ATM receipt from the Bellagio. $1,105 for $800! I am so fucked! Hey, Tracy, it’s Phil! Here, Phil. Where are you guys? We are at the spa, at the hotel. What’s that? Um, you are not going to believe this. We got comped an extra night at the hotel. You did? We are thinking of spending the night here, and then we’re just going to come back totally relaxed in the morning.
You want to stay an extra night with the weddings tomorrow? Yeah, that’s why we’re going to get up real early, and we’ll be back in plenty of time. Anything? What is this, a snakeskin? Oh, come on. Ew! That’s a used condom. Oh, God! Oh, my God! All right, what the fuck, man? What the fuck was that? Have internal bleeding. Today call 911. Guys, there’s something I need to tell you. Last night on the roof, before we went out, I slipped something in our Jagermeister. You drugged us? Oh, I didn’t drug you.
I was told it was ecstasy. I told you it was ecstasy. The guy I bought it from at the liquor store. Why would you give us ecstasy? Because I want everybody to have a good time, and I knew you guys wouldn’t take it. But it wasn’t ecstasy, Alan. It was roofies. You think I knew that, Stu? The guy I bought it from seemed like it was a real straight shooter. I’m sorry. You mean the drug dealer at the liquor store wasn’t a good guy? Let’s just calm down. But it wasn’t ecstasy, Alan.
It was roofies. You think I knew that, Stu? The guy I bought it from seemed like it was a real straight shooter. I’m sorry. You mean the drug dealer at the liquor store wasn’t a good guy? Let’s just calm down you fucking calm down. He drugged us If you want to see your friend again, you get me my idi grant. What’s our friend? You have to know some other friend What are we gonna do we are so fucked hey guys, do you find it nope But check this out Oh I Man I know where Doug is Oh Going on we can explain everything but right now we gotta go.
Hey bud. You okay? No Not okay. You look good. You got some color. I’m jealous You look good you got some color I’m jealous Oh Hey, sorry math quest took us on a really crazy route It’s classic She looks beautiful Oh Oh