What is a message from the universe? A message from the universe. Please, I got one out. You need an evil woman in your life. I got one already. You need to look to her. That’s crazy. That’s crazy. I did not expect that at all. When is this all a little… I knew it in there. I already knew it in there. When you said that, I was like, oh, wow. That is insane. Okay. Alright. She’s the one. That’s what’s going to help. Go for it. Most evil women, right? I know exactly what it is. That is…
You should shower. You should send her a picture of the car. When? I’m going to get off my ankle basically. You’d have to move. You’d have to travel. Nah, what the… Nah, that’s crazy. That is… I mean, you got one. Listen, don’t skip stage, bro. Who I’m going to marry… The qualities of the person I’m going to marry in the future. I’m not going to do the money. Could it be a woman? It could be anything. Someone very beautiful. I mean, I’m straight, but… A very beautiful man. He’s the Venus. Venus, they’re Venusian. They could be a Libra.
They could be a Taurus. They could be heavy Libra and Taurus energy. They’re very good at interacting. They’re good at communicating too. Yeah, but in fact, Cheryl’s. I will, I will. Interesting, interesting. This is like a perfect man. You get Venus, Mercury, Capricorn. So seek someone beautiful, strange, and good at talking. I had a… Thank you. The terms of my career… Like the time. The time, yeah. You currently have it. You currently have this job? Yeah. So it’s like how to get it? Yeah. The job you want? Yes. And what’s your name? My name’s Blair.
Blair! My five… The person I made these cards with is named Blair. Oh! Co-host of the M.I.N. Alright. Do you live in New York? I do. Okay. Or do you have like a stable place in New York? So do you live in like one part of the city? I live outside of the city. Okay, okay. Having a stable place to live is really going to help get that job. That’s it. It’s going to come from where you live. The rest of it is relatively undisturbed. It’s entirely about where you live. Am I going to be charged with negligent homicide? Oh, shit.
Let me clarify. Oh, shit. This is so either or. Literally sun or moon. Night or day. Like it’s absolutely split. So it’s a 50-50? It’s just like directly 50-59 dead. Yo, that’s what everybody’s telling you bro. That’s crazy. Thank you bro. Yo. Bye. It is something about maybe finding a partner. I want for my goal is to start a family. So anything. Water. Following the path of least resistance. Like instead of struggling against you. Go with going with the pool. Like I don’t know if love is moving you in the way to not fight. And to let the heart overflow.
To let the heart move you. The heart is the watery part. That’s the idea. The idea is not the heart. Like in tarot, cups are hearts. In clay carts. So water and heart together. It’s very much following the heart, following the emotion. And like the path of least resistance. That will inevitably lead to the back. So stop those dating. Yeah, yeah, no fighting, no trying. Just going. Just letting it happen. Just letting it happen. Let it happen. It naturally is. The path of least resistance. Come to me please. And that the heart has to be open to receive it.
How much or what kind of bracket financially will I have in my life? If you want more, it’s better to ask how to make more money. Okay, how should I make more money? How could I make more money? Don’t change what you’re doing. Continue doing the same thing. Should I stay in the same place or should I go somewhere else doing what I’m doing? Change. Change location. Should I let time be a construct? Engaging what I should be doing and when I should be doing it? Know when to plant seeds.
Know when to make things that are intended to do something later, you know. It’s not about immediacy. So time as seasonal growth? Okay. Are you in the art world? I would say there could be money in beauty. Money in the cultivation of aesthetic. What’s the upcoming year? What’s coming in the next year? Energy, but I think likely through a relationship. Like a very serious relationship and moving with that person. More aggressive than you’re used to. More aggressive movement than you’re used to. When will I get a job? Yeah, when will my career prospects fly? Soon.
Soon. Plus. Plus. More is coming. Very powerful. Wait, can I ask them the same thing? When will I get a job? You. Are you from here or are you from another town? No, I’m from some… The state? No, from Missouri. Okay. There might be money at home, is what I’ve heard. Money at least like in roots. There’s money in roots. There’s money in like the ground. If you can find good ground here, it could work. But you need to find the solid ground from here, if so. Alright. Alright, thank you. Yeah, I want to know if I’ll get a job at the end of the summer that I like.
Yes. Oh yeah! A rather exciting job. Oh, an exciting job. Yeah, how should I go about making my next piece of art? That I’ll like. Objects. It needs to be made of objects that you find. Like real. Like yeah, like probably dig something up. Okay, I like that. Gonna dumps. Like bringing out of the earth. Well, I get a new job in London. Yes. That’s a plus. Yay! Okay, okay. Wow. Do I ask another question? If you want to, we could ask anybody else. Um, I don’t have a good question. We’re disappointing groups.
Yeah, tough times. Do you have another? Will I leave my job this summer? Yes. Okay. Or if you stay, it will be painful. Okay. It will be painful either way. Good. Good to know. That’s good. So I gotta go. I gotta go. How will I get the new job in London? Possibly through your mother or an older woman you know. Oh, Carol. There we go. Okay. This is Romy. We were on the podcast, the narrative. The narrative we’ve had. Listen to it. It’s a good episode. People still are watching them. The people love it.
The people want more. And we’re giving them more right now. What would you like to know? Okay. Is it better to go back and be comfortable or press on with uncertainty? Both. Combining both. Knowing when to look back and when to go ahead. How do you know if you’re too comfortable or if you’re just in a good spot? It’s nice to sit, but when you’re just like okay, you’re people. The good comfort is like basking in the sun like a cat or like a lizard. It gives it light. It needs the light of the sun.
The comfort that dead ends is bad. The comfort that is not out in the open, that is not like giving us bad comfort. I’m on my relationship with the future. Good. To be proud. Okay. A degree of showing, like showing off. Okay. That’s vital too. Okay. Do you have any Leo in your chart? It’s amazing. I’m on the coast between Leo and Virgo. And what year are you on? Leo. I am actually in Virgo. So you must have stuff in Leo in the chart. That’s true. Yes. Those are the elements. Okay. Evoke. Yes. Of course.
Will my situation come sweet and go anywhere? Yes. I’d say that it’s positive for romance. Should I take my doctor’s advice and take less classes this year? Or should I take more classes this year and finish college? Cut through it. Get through it. Okay, sure. I love that answer. Get straight to the end. That’s what I wanted to hear. Thank you. Of course. For telling me what I wanted to hear. Yeah. Do you want it?