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➡ The speaker criticizes Reverend Al Sharpton for allegedly exploiting companies for personal gain and accuses him of being a race baiter. The speaker also claims that celebrities were paid large sums to support Kamala Harris, not because they believed in her, but for the money. The speaker further criticizes the Biden administration for alleged corruption and incompetence, and accuses Hunter Biden and Jill Biden of attending confidential briefings without proper security clearance. The speaker ends by expressing support for Elon Musk and certain political figures, while condemning others for alleged corruption and misuse of taxpayer money.
➡ The speaker encourages safety and health, highlighting that the country is becoming safer due to the removal of harmful individuals. They express hope for the confirmation of RFK and introduce Bedros Kulian, a health and nutrition expert. The speaker sincerely wishes everyone well, praying for a better America where people can live without fear and enjoy life. They end by wishing everyone a great weekend and promising to return.
➡ The speaker criticizes Maxine Waters and the Department of Education, accusing them of neglecting students’ needs. They also claim that taxpayer money is being misused, citing examples such as funds allegedly spent on Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and mansion, and money given to foreign entities and causes through USAID. The speaker urges listeners to challenge these actions and accuses those involved of corruption and self-enrichment.
➡ Billions of taxpayer dollars allegedly sent to Ukraine have gone missing, with claims of corruption and misuse of funds. The text also criticizes the use of U.S. aid for projects such as sex changes in Guatemala and a Sesame Street show in Iraq, arguing that these funds could be better used at home. The author expresses support for Trump’s efforts to expose corruption and reduce wasteful government spending. The text ends with a call to action for Americans to stand up against this misuse of their tax dollars.
➡ The speaker criticizes the misuse of taxpayer money, arguing it’s being spent on unnecessary international projects instead of addressing domestic issues like homelessness. They also express concern over the promotion of LGBTQ+ advocacy worldwide, suggesting it’s an attempt to disrupt traditional family structures. They condemn politicians who support these actions and advocate for the prioritization of American citizens’ needs. Lastly, they express their love for the country and its people, and their desire to protect them from harmful policies.
➡ The speaker is urging listeners to take action against what they perceive as harmful societal changes and government corruption. They believe that certain ideologies are being forced upon society and that there is wasteful spending and fraud within the government. They encourage listeners to write to their congressmen, demand transparency, and support leaders who will work for the benefit of the people. They also express a desire to draft a letter or petition to help facilitate this action.
➡ The speaker expresses frustration with hypocritical leaders, praises Donald Trump’s efforts, and encourages listeners to stand up for moral issues. He also discusses his faith and the importance of honesty and integrity. The speaker answers questions from his audience, touching on topics like future generations’ perception of Trump and the need for a peaceful revolution in the country.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of verifying information in today’s world of misinformation, especially on social media. They also express their desire to start a movement to influence government decisions by speaking up peacefully. They mention their platform, Michaelfrancis.com, where they provide content on leadership, business, and personal situations. Lastly, they emphasize the importance of respecting everyone’s lifestyle choices, while not imposing those choices on others.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including his favorite places, the importance of kindness, his Christian faith, and his belief in Jesus Christ. He also talks about his personal growth, his Bible study sessions, and his passion for improving the state of California. He expresses his frustration with the current state of politics and emphasizes the need for reform in all sectors, including law enforcement. Lastly, he mentions his appreciation for his audience and his desire to make a positive impact on their lives.
➡ The speaker encourages people to hold politicians accountable and vote out those who don’t serve the public’s interest. He shares a personal testimony of a man named Juan who turned his life around after surrendering to Jesus Christ. The speaker emphasizes his Christian faith and the importance of sharing the good word without imposing it on others. He also expresses his love for the United Kingdom and ends by promising to start a peaceful, legal movement to ensure public funds are used for the benefit of the country.
Who knows, you know, part of the sport. People are always going to complain, but should be a good game. And I think Philly’s ready. I think they’re ready to make a move. So we’ll see. So enjoy that. You know, today I have some plans. Hope all of you have good plans, relaxing plans for the weekend, if you’re able to do that. Great. It was a good week. Just to let you know, some information on my part. I was with Bill Maher on Wednesday evening. We taped his club random show that will be aired next Sunday on his YouTube channel.
And it was quite a sit down, I can tell you that. You know, Bill and I, we bucked heads a little bit, but we left his friends for sure. And I think was a very interesting, you know, conversation that we had. I got to tell you something, he’s totally into the mob stuff. He loves the mob movies and everything else. And he does a dead on impersonation of Don Corleone movie. Marlon Brando in the movie Godfather. He’s just right on. I said, bill, you missed your calling. You should have been an actor. But a lot of people are gonna, you know, they’re gonna get a kick out of it.
I think they’re gonna enjoy it. You know, he’s. He’s come around in a lot of ways. You know, he. What I. What I really commend about him is he has common sense, you know, common sense. And that leads me into what I believe our discussion is gonna be this morning. What a shake up this week. I have to tell you, everybody on the left is going crazy with El. What he’s doing, and he’s an unelected official and he’s really the pseudo president and he’s controlling Donald Trump and we’re hearing all this kind of nonsense and baby, oh, did I freeze a little bit? I think I froze.
Oh, there we go. And seem to be freezing on this part. I don’t know why. Hopefully it’s okay, Paul. But anyway, yeah, everybody is in hysteria this week for the moves that he’s making. Before I really get into the subject, this is something very, very serious. And I need all of you on here to tell me that you’re going to spend an hour, maybe an hour and a half and you’re going to listen to this interview. You have to do it. It’s going viral all over social media, but you have to listen to it. And this is Lindy Lee.
He used to be high in the campaign position and a high position in the Biden administration. She has a sit down with Sean Ryan on the Sean Ryan show, about an hour and a half. You must listen to this woman. I believe she was very honest and she absolutely blows the whistle on everything that went on in these past four years, from the entire Biden scam in his presidency to the entire scam with Kamala Harris running for the presidency. She reveals it all from an insider’s perspective. She was a fundraiser. She had the inside track. She was with Biden quite a bit.
She knows all the players. And boy, you know what? Everything that we’ve suspected, everything that we’ve suspected, she puts the lid on it. She verifies, corroborates everything. And people, I can only tell you this, it’s sickening. The scam that these, that these Democrats put on us on the American citizens for these past four years. It’s based upon. It’s criminal. It’s absolutely criminal. It’s horrible what they’ve done. You have to listen to this woman. I listened to her, I got home, my wife told me, she said, you have to listen to this. I got home from meetings and everything last night at 11 o’clock and she put it on YouTube.
She put it on our television and we watched for an hour and a half. I was glued. I couldn’t believe it. I was sitting there, I’m saying, does this really happen in America? This really happened. We have such people that are so power hungry that care so little about the American citizens, that care so little about our country, that have enriched themselves, that have lied to us, that have scammed us, that have put our entire nation and the world in jeopardy. They really did this. And people, I’m going to say this, you can get mad at me, you can get offended, you can put it in your comment.
I don’t care. I spent over 20 years on the street. I’ve met some pretty rough characters and I’ve met people that would do things that are totally unethical, totally in every way, shape or form. But these people never took an oath. They were never elected officials. They were never put in place to help other people. The only thing they did and we did well was protect our neighborhoods and protect our families. That we did. You don’t have to worry about us. Nobody’s going to mess with our families. Nobody’s going to mess with our neighborhoods or our communities.
That’s it. We took care of it. These people in office are worse than any person I met on the street. They’re horrible people. She said it. This woman said it. Lindy Lee said it. They don’t have a religion. Their religion is their own party, their own ideals, their own ideology, and they don’t care about anybody else. And this is from Biden on down. Was Biden a puppet? Yes. Yes. And you know what she said? She said, I have good feeling for him because he was nice to me. She said, but he was totally corrupt. She said it.
And she told us why he was totally corrupt. She told us why the media was totally corrupt. She told us who got paid off, where money went. It’s an unbelievable. I’ve never heard anything like this in my life. If you want to talk about a whistleblower. And then, of course, what they’ve done to this woman, my thoughts and when I was sitting next to my wife, I says, they’re going to want to kill this woman. Forget killing Jeffrey Epstein. They’re going to want to kill this woman. She has verified everything that all of us thought. And I have to say this again to all of you on here and to all the American people that have become disgusted with them, that stopped listening to their lies and their gaslighting and saved America by throwing them out of power in a way that at least not giving them the ultimate power.
Now there’s a check and balance on them. You saved this country. You saved this country by putting this new administration in office. And I really mean that, and I’m grateful. And I have gratitude to every single one of you out there for whatever your reason was. Hey, you may not have liked Donald Trump. Smart enough to know that these people were just liars and gaslighters. And as they continue to do it, their behavior hasn’t changed, they haven’t learned anything. And we’re going to go over that. And I want to tell you this. I want to tell you what this is really about.
But please, I’m going to direct you to that. Her name is Lindy Lee. Sean Ryan show. He’s got a podcast go on YouTube just put on Sean Ryan podcast and she will come up. She’s probably the second interview. I think this happened maybe a week ago, but it’s going viral. Everybody’s talking all over social media. You have to listen to it. And if you have friends that are still not bought into what you believe, if you believe that this new administration is the right call for America, then you need to show this to anybody that disagrees with you.
You need to challenge them. You need to tell them, don’t be a coward. Watch this and formulate an opinion based upon information that is coming to you that you can verify. Do that. Because that’s how we’re going to change, you know the feeling of this country. That’s how we’re going to let people know. You got. At some point in time, people, the truth comes out. And it’s coming out big time now, not only by whistleblowers. I hate to call her that because that sounds like it’s a derogatory term. And she’s not. She’s a woman that loves this country.
She’s of Chinese descent. She got here the hard way and she loves America. She said it. I love my country. I couldn’t stand by and watch this. She was a Democrat her whole life. She couldn’t stand by and watch what was going on. You have to talk. You know what else she talked about? She said every one of the performers, every one of them were paid and paid big money. Oprah Winfrey didn’t get a million dollars. She got $2 million. Beyonce got paid. Cardi B got paid. Everybody got paid. And that charlatan, he’s nothing but a charlatan.
A race baiting charlatan who’s continuing, who could care less about his people. I know that for a fact because I worked with this guy for several, several months. I know him. He was a street guy. I’m talking about the Reverend Al Sharpton got a half a million dollars to sit down in an interview with Kamala Harris. Who gets paid? Since when do you pay an interviewer? You don’t pay an interviewer. If anything, you pay a guest. They paid him $500,000. Excuse me. He’s a charlatan. He’s a race baiter. He’s doing it now. Let me tell you what Al Sharpton is doing right now.
When he’s standing up for dei, you know what he’s doing? He’s going to protest all of the companies or he’s going to select one that has the most money and the most to lose in his opinion. He’s going to protest. He’s going to call them out and then he’s going to there and say, make a donation to my company and we’ll settle this. That’s how he’s made his living. That’s what his foundation, nonprofit, is all about, by extorting people, by extorting companies. He goes there, hey, we’re going to target you. You’re a race betty. You’re, you’re racist, you’re anti black.
He’ll do the whole dog and pony show and then he’ll go quietly in and said, if you give me X amount of dollars, we’ll settle this. That’s how he’s made his living. He did it on the street and he’s doing it now. And the Obama administration, the Biden administration, they allowed him to do it. And so does msnbc. He’s a charlatan. I’m calling you out, Al Sharpton. I know you. You are an informant on the street. You know that. Okay, we got proof. It’s on video. We know what you did. And you’re doing the same thing for the past 30 years.
Instead, you took your warm up suit off that you used to have on with all your gold change and your wild hair and you put a suit on and you got the Democratic Party to back you because you’re nice to them. You did all the race baiting. You’re divisive as hell. You’re wrong about Tawana Brawley. You go back, we know you, Sharpton. And now you extorted the Harris campaign for 500,000 to sit down with a guest. Who does that? Who does that? People. They have pulled the wool over our eyes from the administration to all the people.
You got to listen to this woman, please. I’m not promoting the show. I want you to hear what all of us have been saying, what Donald Trump has been saying. Everybody, you got to listen. And you know what she said? All of these artists, they didn’t come there for Kamala Harris. They came there for the money. They didn’t come for her. They couldn’t care less about her. She said this. The donors, they didn’t do it because they believed in Kamala Harris. It was a smoke screen. They just hated Donald Trump. They tried, that’s all. They didn’t know what to do.
They were desperate. Barack Obama, yeah, he was the shadow president. She says it 100%. She reveals it all. And she’s an insider. And she couldn’t take it anymore. And she felt a responsibility to her country to her people in the United States. And that’s why she’s talking. You got to listen to her. So please, Lindy Lee, Sean Ryan, take an hour and a half, get yourself a cup of coffee, a drink of Francis wine or whatever it is that you want to hold in your hand, and. And just say, I’m going to spend the time because I need to hear the truth.
You have to do it. Okay. Now I’m going to put on these goofy glasses that I have because I still haven’t got my glasses. But I have to read some things to you today, people. The hypocrisy continues. It’s not going away. And you know what? What Donald Trump is doing, he is revealing. He is opening the door. He’s pulling down the curtain. He said enough. In his first term, he was green. He wasn’t a politician. He trusted certain people. He didn’t know the Washington, D.C. dynamics. He didn’t get it. But after what that man went through over the past several years during his presidency, the impeachments, the Russia, Russiagate, all of this kind of stuff, he’s become wise now, and he’s not allowing anybody to deter him.
He wants to pull the curtain down on the corruption, the absolute corruption that has gone on in D.C. and let me tell you something. It wasn’t only through Biden’s administration. It just was so out of control through Biden’s administration. Not saying it was totally irresponsible and never happened before. And he created all the corruption. No, Joe Biden’s been corrupt his whole career. So for him, individually, his whole career, he’s a corrupt politician. He used his political office as vice president to steal, steal, you know, a point she made. Everybody now on the left is screaming, Elon Musk is an unelected public official that’s pulling the strings.
Well, you know what? You know what she reveals? Hunter Biden, after he was pardoned, sat in on every confidential briefing. He didn’t have a security clearance. He’s a former crackhead and a drug addict. He sat in on every secure meeting that they had. He had no business being there. She said Jill Biden was running the presidency along with a lot of Biden’s advisors. She says it, they lied to her. She said Biden wasn’t competent. He couldn’t even read off the teleprompter. He couldn’t remember anything. Was he drugged up? She believed so, yes. He was only good between 10 and 4.
One of the reasons that he was so terrible in the debate, because it was Past his bedtime, he can’t function in the evening. She said all of this, and she knows him intimately well. And she said, I have a good feeling for Joe personally because he treated me well, but he was totally corrupt. She said it, and she just couldn’t sit tight anymore. All of these things they’re complaining about. Elon Musk. When Hunter Biden was sitting in unclassified meetings all the time with no security clearance, Jill Biden sitting in with no security clearance, you know what she said? His staffers, Joe Biden’s staffers, were creating policy.
They were writing everything for him to say on the teleprompter. He didn’t know, and he couldn’t even repeat it properly. It was young kids on his staff that came up with or not came up or pushing the DEI agenda. Young kids, unelected officials. Nobody said a word. But now you know Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer, that phony hypocrite. And now they’re complaining, unelected officials. You know why? Remember this, people. Remember this. Those that are shouting the loudest are those that have the most to lose. Elon Musk is just exposing everything, and I’m going to read what he exposed.
And people, it’s time we had enough. They have totally abused us, extorted us out of our money as taxpayers and enriched themselves with wild, crazy programs. If you see the programs that they’ve spent our money on, while we have veterans vying to get medical attention, we have homeless people in the streets, we have people here that can’t afford, you know, a vacation. And they’re taking care of everybody else around the world. You know why? Because money is flowing back into their pockets. They are stealing our taxpayer money. That’s why we’re $36 trillion in debt. $36 trillion in debt.
They did that to us. You didn’t do it. I didn’t do it. No taxpayer did it. They did it. And they have the nerve to say the rich have to pay their part. Why? So you can steal more from them? Is that why you don’t have enough? You want to steal more? How much money do you need? You want to complain about Elon Musk? Well, Elon’s got nothing to worry about. He’s got the support of the president. He’s got the support of the Department of Justice. Now the. Now that it’s clean, going to. Going to be cleaned up by Bondi.
She’s got the support of the FBI. Once Patel is confirmed, and let me tell you, Republicans out there, any of you that deviate from this agenda and you give anybody a hard time from being confirmed, shame on you. You should be exposed because you’re no damn good. I’m telling you right now, we have a job to do in this country. We got to bring America back. We got to take care of the people of this country. We got to put money back in their pockets, not in yours. You better have a damn good reason if you disagree with any of these confirmations that are coming up now.
Cash Patel. He needs to be confirmed. Tulsi Gabbard. I sat down with her. A wonderful woman, a patriot. She needs to be confirmed. Bondi, job well done. And Elon Musk needs to be left alone to do his job. You know what I saw yesterday? That hypocrite Maxine Waters out here, she’s mad because the security guard would not let her into the Department of Education. The phony Department of Education. We need to go in. Really? And she abused this guard that was sitting there doing his job and he had the integrity not even to answer. A riot came.
All the Congress people let us in. He said, no, I’m doing my job. I was told not to let you in, and you’re not coming in. And she abused him. Maxine Waters, where have you been for the last several years? You’re so interested in our kids. Is that why we’re falling behind in reading? We’re falling behind in math? Is that why during COVID you supported that traitor, that liar, that person that has blood on his hands. Fousey. When he closed down the schools, you supported the Department of Education head, that other phony that she is, Baumgarten, whatever her name, she.
Is that all she cares about, the teachers, she don’t care about the students. She closed the classrooms. And look what’s happening to our kids. We are so far behind the rest of the world in basic skills. They did that. And now they’re so worried because Trump put out a directive. Where were you? Maxine Waters? You’re a phony and a hypocrite. You don’t care about the people of California. You know that? You’re a race baiting phony and a hypocrite. Maxine, I live here in Newport Beach. What are you going to do about it, huh? You’re on the wrong side.
And all of the people that tried to storm the Department of Education, all of a sudden you care. Anything to go against Trump, Anything to go against the American people that he’s trying to do better for a bunch of hypocrites Hypocrites. They’re exposed and they’re going to continue to be exposed. The more they complain about our government cutting wasteful taxpayer money being spent on projects that enrich themselves. We’re going to go over them now. You’re going to get sick to your stomach. Write your congressman. Stand up, say, I’m not paying this money for you to abuse me anymore.
What are you going to do? Come and arrest me? Is that why you put. Is that why the Biden administration put 87,000 more IRS agents on the. On the payroll to come after us to collect more of our money so you could enrich yourself? Want to hear this? Hillary Clinton’s daughter. What’s her name? Let me. Let me get her name. Hold on a minute. Sorry for these goofy glasses, but it is. Let me get her name. Okay, listen to this. Doge says this. This is what Elon covered. I’m going to read the whole thing, but listen to this.
Doge says that usaid, the company that they’re on right now, usaid, this, this piggy bank. Piggy bank for the Democratic Party. You’re going to hear. It gave Chelsea Clinton $84 million. This is a wealthy family. They gave Chelsea Clinton $84 million. Why? It was supposed to go for relief in Haiti. That was the intended purpose. That’s what they said. Well, here’s what happened. Line Items show that $3 million of the 84 million was spent on Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. There you go, people. You paid for Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. You gave $3 million of your taxpayer money so that Chelsea Clinton could have a wedding.
Father didn’t pay for it. He’s a thief. Hillary didn’t pay for it. She’s another hypocritical thief. You paid for her wedding. How does that make you feel? And listen to this. Going to get you a little bit more happy about this. Out of the 84 million, 10 million went to purchase a luxury mansion. You spent $13 million putting money in Chelsea Clinton’s pocket. How do you feel about that? Under the guise of usaid, this money was going to go for relief in Haiti, but somehow it didn’t get there. $3 million for her wedding, $10 million for a mansion.
Your money, my money. That’s where it went. How do you feel about that? Are you going to allow this to continue? You’re going to allow them to continue to gaslight you and complain that Elon Musk is an unelected official exposing all of them? That’s all he’s Doing, people. That’s all he’s doing. Let me read further. This is what Senator John Kennedy, a Republican. I love the guy. He’s from. He’s from Louisiana. He’s a good old boy, down to earth. I hope to meet him one day. Just to say, I love what you do. He calls it like it is.
Straight shooter. He doesn’t care. Great guy. Listen to what he had to say. Listen to this, people, please. I’m going to read it off. I’m going to go through the comments, but you got to listen to this. This is your taxpayer money. This is what it was spent on this B.S. u.S. Aid agency that they put together to be their personal piggy bank. Okay? The American taxpayers are giving money to Afghanistan. He found that we are giving money to Yemen. He found that. We are giving money to Syria. He found that USAID has 10,000 people, employees, and every year they give away $40 billion to foreign entities.
Who. For alleged foreign causes. Let’s found out. Let’s talk about these causes. He found that USAID gave money to support electric vehicles in Vietnam. Our money, taxpayer money. Why are we supporting electric vehicles in Vietnam? You know that. How many billions of dollars that they put aside to put charging stations here in America and they didn’t make one of them. Not even one. They robbed the money. Yeah, I’m saying it. They are robbing our money. The money that you work hard for. They even wanted to tax your tip money for all you people that get tips in your industry.
Trump put a stop to that. He’s putting a stop. They took your tip money, put tax on it, and spent it on themselves on these BS causes. Let’s continue. He found that USAID gave money to a transgender clinic in India. I didn’t know that. This is Kennedy saying that. I bet you the American people didn’t know that. I know. I didn’t know that. I know. I would have never approved that. Never. I know many of you would have never approved of it. Why are they giving transgender money to a transgender clinic in India? What possible benefit can that be to any one of us here in America? What possible benefit can that be to any.
Anybody in this country, to our country in general? They’re robbing you. You know why I live down the street, people. They’re getting kickbacks like Chelsea Clinton got. They’re getting kickbacks. They’re robbing your taxpayer money. That’s why we’re $36 trillion in debt. This has to be exposed. Let’s go on. He found that USAID gave $1.5 million to a Serbian LGBTQ group. They got a million and a half dollars to, quote, advance diversity, equity inclusion in Serbia’s workplace and business communities. Why are we doing that? Why are we giving any money to LGBTQ causes? Unless they were ill and we can help them recover from an illness, what other reason are we supporting them? Are they supporting Christian causes like that? Absolutely not.
Christians are the devil to them. Absolutely not. Why are we spending our money? I don’t believe in that cause. Why? Why am I spending my taxpayer money on that? Why are you spending your taxpayer money on that? Why are you working 10 hours a day giving money to the government? Tax for a change, transgender cause in India or Serbia or anywhere else? Why? Do you understand the inc. Do you understand what fools they’ve played of us and in the interim have put us in debt for $36 trillion? This is criminal. These people belong in jail. They belong.
They should be stripped of their assets and they belong in jail, each and every one of them. We have a legal process. I don’t want riots in the street. I don’t want anybody getting hurt. We have a legal process, and you have a person in charge now that wants to implement that legal process and go after these people and stop them from policing us. And these people on the left are complaining about it. Why? Because they’re the perpetrators. They’re the ones that earned the money from it. Do you understand? Let’s continue. They found that USAID spent $164 million to support radical organizations around the world.
Why are they supporting radical organizations? Why? Why are taxpayers paying for this? Because they’re getting kickbacks. That’s why. They don’t care about us here. They’re getting kickbacks. Do you not understand this? People take this seriously. And I’m going to tell you at the end what we need to do. Take this serious. Let’s continue. According to this report, in Mr. Musk’s report, the USAID has given millions of dollars to a, quote, organizations in Gaza controlled by Hamas. We’re fighting a war with Hamas. Why are we giving organizations in Gaza that are controlled by Hamas $164 million? Why? Why are we doing that? Why are we spending money to support terrorist organizations? Do you understand the lunacy in this? And by the way, a lot of money that was allegedly sent to Ukraine has been unaccounted for.
Billions of your taxpayer dollars has been unaccounted for. Zelenskyy said we never got the money. Billions. I think the number is 75 billion. Something like that. That’s taxpayer money. That’s not the United States money. That’s taxpayer money. You entrusted them to put your money to use in the right places to benefit our country and to benefit you hard working people. They squandered it. They got kickbacks 100%. If we ever were able, and we probably won’t, if we were ever able to trace the money, really trace the money, there would be a revolution in this country. We would throw.
We would throw them all out of office. We throw them all. We would exile them to another island someplace, never to be heard of or seen again. Strip them of everything that they have because they robbed us. There’s no question about it, people. I lived on the street for 20 years. This is. This is textbook extortion, robbery, graft, fraud, whatever you want to call it. Textbook. Let’s keep going. He found that we gave $2 million in aid, US aid for sex changes in Guatemala. Explain that. Explain that. That’s as bad as giving transgender sex changes in our prisons.
That Kamala Harris wanted to pay for sex changes in Guatemala. Why? Can you give any possible reason for that at all? Why is that an interest of the American public? Why all this is going on while they have open borders allowing people to come in and. And terrorize us in some cases in some cities, Trent Diagua and that. And allow crime from illegal migrants to be perpetrated on innocent people. All this is going on. While they’re doing that. They’re stealing our money. They’re stealing our money. Your hard earned money. I know I’m emphasizing it, but you know why? Because we can never forget this.
We got to allow Trump and this organization to expose it all so it never happens again. He’s got four years to clean the swamp. And God willing, if he exposes it enough, there’ll be another four years after that and another four years after that and we’ll eradicate this leftist, right, left wing ideological nonsense and get it out of America. There’s no place for it here. Absolutely no place. He found that we gave $20 million. Oh, my God. Gosh. To produce a new sesame. Sesame seeds. I can’t even say it. A new Sesame street show in Iraq.
$20 million of your taxpayer money went to produce Sesame street in Iraq. How many of you can’t afford cable in your own home? Because it’s a couple hundred bucks a month depending upon the service that you. How many of you can’t afford that? Well, you just paid for Sesame street in Iraq. Is that something you want? Would the money be better in your. I’m asking imbecilic questions. I know that. But I’m trying to make a point. My wife says sometimes you repeat yourself too much. People. You know why? We can never be gaslighted by this again.
We have to put a stop. We have to allow Trump to do his work. He. He’s exposing it all. He doesn’t care anymore. There’s nothing more they can do to this man but kill him. And I’m worried about that. I am worried. I hope he has mucho security around him, even if he has to hire his own personal people. He’s got enough money, loyal people. I’m worried about that. I believe I’m not a prophet. I believe there’s going to be an attempt on his life over the next four years. He is doing too much damage to the people that deserve it.
And they can’t stand it. They’re losing their minds. Losing Chuck Schumer. A guy’s older than me. He’s acting like a little baby. Stupid. Holding up a can of beer and an avocado and saying the dumbest things. Get this guy. He’s an imbecile. An absolute imbecile. How do we have him in a position of power? This guy couldn’t last two minutes on the street. Not even two minutes. None of these people could. You know why they can do this? Because they’re frauds. And they have an unsuspecting public that they hide everything from. And they have the media that’s complicit with them that hides everything.
They should be ashamed of themselves. Every news organization that lied to us and gaslit us. I hope the FCC investigates them. Pulls their license for lying. They deserve it. They don’t belong around anymore. Any one of them. Because all they did was feed us with misinformation. And if another four years of that would have gone on, they would have destroyed our country. They would have been complicit in destroying our country. And you know that. This woman, Lindy Lee, even exposed that left wing media outlets got paid. They got money for it, for spreading propaganda. I got to calm down.
I’ve been irritated all week, people watching this. It’s worse than even I imagined. It’s worse. You know what? I just can’t believe it. You got you. Please listen to this woman. Okay? He. We gave not too bad $20 million to produce a new Sesame street show in Iraq. Listen to this. He found we gave $4.5 million of taxpayer money to combat misinformation in Kazakhstan. What misinformation? Maybe they were selling the truth and they had to jump in the middle of that misinformation. They’re the biggest providers of misinformation. They’re the biggest gaslighters, the biggest liars, the biggest frauds, the biggest hypocrites, the biggest.
That’s them. Who got kickbacks on that. If we can ever do a trace of where all this money actually went, forget about it as they sit on the street, there would be a revolution. There would be a revolution. People would be so upset. Poor people that can’t pay their rent, they can’t make their car payment, they can’t make their health insurance payment that sit outside a medical facility because they don’t have proper health care. They got to wait in line. And we’re supporting these programs so kickbacks can come back in the leftist pockets. And that’s all this is.
People, it’s a scam. US Aid is a scam. Write your congressman. Do whatever it is you need to do peacefully and legally the right way, and make it known you’re not standing for this anymore. If everybody in America got up and said, we’re not paying our taxes anymore, you could take those 85,000 IRS agents that you put to come after us and shove them because we’re not paying attention. Build 20 more prisons, try to do whatever you want to do. Lock us all the hell up. But you’re not earning off our backs anymore. You’re not gaslighting and lying to us anymore.
You’re not. If we all stood up, nothing. They can do nothing. And we have a president and administration that supports us now. He doesn’t want us to pay higher tax. Don’t believe that. He’s doing all of this for his wealthy friends. That’s the tagline. It’s like racism. It’s like everything else. It’s a tagline. It’s bs. The biggest corporate donors are all in the leftist pocket. Trust me. They’re the ones that. That. That we’re gaining off of their policies. It’s not Trump’s people. Trump’s a billionaire. You don’t care about it. Look, he don’t care about anybody right now but the American people.
Look what he’s doing. Elon Musk needs your money to get $400 billion. He’s the wealthiest person in the world. Don’t need your money. Don’t let them gaslight you. The billionaires that are supporting Trump, they don’t need our taxpayer money. They need you to buy their products, buy their Services because they put it out there for you. That’s how they make a living. Tax credits and tax breaks. Hey, if you stopped all of that, they wouldn’t get an advantage to that. But don’t let them gaslight you and say Trump is doing that for them. No, he’s not.
He’s doing it for you and for me. That’s why he’s exposing this corruption and cutting out this, this, this wasteful government spending and, and shrinking the size of government so that we can put more money in our pockets and they can have less in theirs. That’s what it’s all about. And Trump’s a billionaire and they’re going to affect him no matter what. He’s in business, guy. His businesses are going well. He doesn’t need, he doesn’t need our taxpayer money and his pocket. Trust me. They’re gaslighting you. An idiot like Chuck Schumer. What an idiot. Boy, has he been exposed.
What an idiot. It’s, it’s painful to watch. Go on. He found that we gave $10 million in U.S. uSA did of meals to an Al Qaeda linked terrorist group called the Nusra Front. Why are we supporting Al Qaeda? They killed 3,300Americans. They took down the World Trade Center. Why are we providing them with food? Don’t listen to this humanitarian bs. They are lining their own pockets with this. Do you not? They will pay terrorists to get a kickback for themselves. These are evil people. Lindy Lee said it best. They have no religion. Their religion, the leftist party is a cult.
That’s all they are. A cult that lies to you to enrich themselves. They’re a cult. I sat with Bill Maher, by the way. I came across. I came away from him liking him even more because he has common sense. He speaks what he believes. He has common sense. I think we disagree on some things. No problem with that. Healthy disagreement is okay, we can choose sides. But he has common sense and he’s been displaying it. It’s been on display for everyone to. He’s been so honest about the left. I appreciate that. I have a lot of respect for the man, I really do.
But I think he was, he’s misled on this. He believed that the borders were open because in their hearts they believe that they’re supposed to be humanitarian and that’s why they let these people come across the border. Bill, come on, man. These are not good people. These are people that are enriching themselves. And look, it happens on both sides. It happens on the Republican side too. There’s no question. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen there. I’m not saying these Republican congressmen come in, you know, blue collar people and go out wealthy. I’m not saying they’re not engaging in insider trading.
I’m not saying that they’re not getting paid off from special interest groups. They’re all doing it. It’s just that it’s got so out of control on the left that by exposing what’s going on now, maybe we can put a stop to a great degree to all of it. All of it. I don’t pick sides in that. I pick people. I don’t pick sides. I pick people and I pick policies. Remember that? I pick people and policies. I don’t pick side. And the policies that are being implemented right now are the right ones for this country. They didn’t do.
They didn’t open that border for humanitarian reasons. This is an extension of their lust for power. That’s all it is. Bring these immigrants in, flood the states, turn every state blue so we never lose another election. I have said it from the beginning. I’ve said it four years ago. That’s the only reason they’re doing this. And I’ve been verified and I’ve been corroborated and the evidence is coming forward to show that I. That it’s correct. So that’s it. It’s devious intentions. They don’t care about people. If they cared about people, Trent D’Argo wouldn’t have been killing people.
Illegal migrants wouldn’t have been murdering and raping our women. If they cared about people, transgender athletes wouldn’t be playing in women’s sports. They don’t care about people. They really don’t. Trust me. It’s a smokescreen and it’s coming out. A terrorist group, Al Qaeda, that killed so many people here, the World Trade center, why are they supporting anything that this group is involved in? It’s disgusting. Despicable. Mr. Musk found that we gave $7.9 million of taxpayer money to a project that would teach Sri Lankan journalists to avoid binary gendered language. You give $7.9 million. How would $7.9 million go in the city of San Francisco or the city of LA or the city of New York or Chicago where we have homeless people sleeping all over the streets.
How would that $7 million work to help these people build a shelter? Get a private company to build a shelter, not the government. Not like this idiot that we have in office here, our governor, not this idiot who’s Been building shelters and losing money for the homeless for years. Just wasting taxpayer money. He’s building a train to Vegas for years. Hasn’t even started it yet. Wasting taxpayer money. Newsom’s an idiot. He’s a fraud. Also, you give it to private companies. Give. Give the private companies who have the ability, okay, to accomplish something, give the money to them to build the proper shelters, all the proper housing, or do something.
Give them the mental health that they need. These homeless people. No, you want to give it to Sri Lanka. You want to give it to Siri Lanko Journeys journalists so they say the right things not to insult people of different gender. It’s crazy stuff that we’re spending our money on. The USA took 8 million bucks and gave it to a bunch of journalists in Sri Lanka to teach them how to avoid binary gendered language. Listen to this. USA gave a million and a half dollars to promote LGBT advocacy in Jamaica. Are they trying to make LGBTQ take over the world? Do they want to explode the nuclear family? Do they not want a two parent home? Do they not want males and females reproducing the right way? Is this what they’re trying to do? Explode the universe with lgbtq? Putting them in control so that everything changes since the beginning of time, since the days of Adam and Eve? Is this what they want? These people are insane.
They’re insane. Do you understand? Why are we supporting LGBTQ in Jamaica? What the hell do we have to do with Jamaica? What? Why are you spending your money to do that? Are you not outraged yet? They gave a million and a half dollars to rebuild the Cuban media ecosystem. I’m not even going to comment on that. I don’t know why we’re giving money to Cuba. I don’t know. Give money to the Cubans that are here in America, that have left a communist country to come and live in America to have the American dream. Give them the money right here in America.
I’m all for it. Help these people out. Many of them escaped communism and poverty and come here. Give them the money. They’re all in Miami. Many of them. I’m all for it. Give it to Cuba for their echo. What the hell is that all about? Your money. They gave a million and a half dollars for, quote, art for inclusion of people with disabilities in Belarus. What the hell do we have to do with people in Belarus? We have enough handicapped and people that are disabled here in this country. You know how many disabled veterans we have? Look at all of these.
These foundations and organizations that are trying to raise more Money from us. Good cause to help disabled veterans. Why the hell isn’t the government putting our taxpayer money into that? Why are they giving it to Belarus? Why are people offended by America? First, I want this country to be the strongest nation in the world because if we are true, a true constitutional republican democracy, then we will and the strongest nation in the world. We will make sure that the world is at peace. We will make sure of these things. Why do people within this country hate us so much that they are offended by make America great again? Why? Ask yourself that.
They’re sick. Another 3.9 million for LGBT causes in Macedonia. Why are they trying to spread LGBTQ all over the world? What are they? What’s the deviousness? Do you see what I’m saying? When Lindy Lee says they don’t have a religion, this is their religion. They want to impose their values on the entire world so that it spreads worldwide. Explode the nuclear family. Explode it. Take parental rights away from them to have dominion over their children, their young children. Allow a 13 year old. This idiot congressman in Washington says that a 13 year old should be able to make their own decisions about their gender, their gender surgeries and things like that.
And parents have no dominion over them. They’re qualified at 13. Really? Well, why do they have to drive at 16? Why do they have to vote at 18 or 21? Why can’t they drink liquor? But they can change their gender. Go under. Go under surgery, you idiot. You’re an idiot. You should be thrown out of Congress for those statements. For me, you should be put in jail. You’re dangerous to society. You’re an idiot. And I’m going to get your name. And I forgot your name because I’m aggravated right now. You’re an idiot. How dare you say that? 13 year old is capable of making a decision to go under the knife and change their surgery.
Because people like you been drumming it into their heads that they need this change. Rather than give them the help, rather than let their parents support them and try to help them. You’re a moron. I come across you in the street, man, you open your mouth, you’re going to get one from me. I’ll tell you right now. You don’t dare hurt our children like that. Who the hell do you think you are? You’re an idiot. And yeah, I’m a Christian. Yeah, okay. But I can call you out because you’re hurting my people. The citizens of America.
They’re my people. I travel this country, I’ve been in every single city I’ve spoken to millions of people over the past 25 years. Wonderful, gracious people that I really care for and I really love have treated me so kindly, so kindly, so warmly. I got to love this country. I’ve been in every city in every state over the past 25 years. People are wonderful. And an idiot like you wants to impose your stupid, ridiculous, harmful values on our children. You want to take away parents rights in Washington? I’m going to get you his name. People should be thrown out of office, moron.
Okay. Another 8.3 million for equity and inclusion education in Nepal. Do you see what they’re doing here? They’re trying to spread this dei. They’re trying to spread this LGBTQ across the world. They wanted to have dominion over the world. They want to explode the nuclear family. They want to take away the nuclear marriage. They want to install transgender in every sector of society. They want that to become the norm. Why? I don’t know why. What are they trying to prove? It’s ungodly. It’s satanic. And we got to stop them. We have to stop them. That’s the bottom line, people.
Here’s what I need you to do, and I really mean this. You’re a good American citizen. You care about your family. You care about your country. You care about your neighborhood, your communities. You need to find your congressman and write to them, and you did. Tell them you’re outraged at the wasteful spending, at the kickbacks. Use the word because they know it’s true. You’re not going to offend these idiots. And if they. If they cry outrage, to hell with them. Call them out on it. I am telling you, as a former gangster, as a former made man in the Colombo family, as a former guy that defrauded the government, as a former guy that knows this stuff inside out, they are defrauding you.
They are. They’re getting kickbacks. They’re extorting you. They’re trying to impose their will on you. They’re bad people. You need to call your congressman. I’m not saying your particular congressman is a bad guy. And any congressman listening or hear this. I’m not offending individual people. I’m offending the policies that have been in place that we have to stop and that certain people on the left are taking advantage of and possibly people on the right, too. We’re putting everybody. You need to write them and say, we are not standing for this anymore. We want Elon Musk to do his job.
We want Donald Trump to do his job. We’re going to support it. You’re not going to gaslight us. We don’t trust you anymore. We want you to put a stop to this. You work for me. We are the people that you work for. Do your job and account to us and report to us. We want total, total, total transparency. You need to. If you want, I’ll draft the letter. I will draft the letter. I’ll have my team or myself, we’ll draft the letter and let’s start sending it in, whether it be in a form of a petition or whatever.
Let’s show our support for exposing the fraud, exposing the wasteful spending of our dollars, exposing the wasteful, harmful ideology in which they want to impose their will on us. Explode the nuclear family, put our women at risk by putting this transgender nonsense that Trump finally putting a stop to with men in women’s sports. I’m not calling them transgender. They’re men. They’re biological men. They’re superior, strength wise in 99% of the cases over women. And it’s harmful and dangerous to put them in there. And they shouldn’t be exposing themselves in women’s bathrooms. End of story. I’m not saying anything new.
That’s been the culture for thousands of years. These satanic people want to change it and it’s got to stop now. You want me to draft a letter, put it in the comments, write my team. I even want to put an email address down here. Listen to me. I want on my team that are listening now get an email address that these people can send to us. We want to get their emails. We want to draft a letter so that we can start putting a stop to all of this. Let’s create a movement. We want taxpayer money to be used properly in the United States for the benefit of all of us.
That’s what it’s for. Let’s have a strong military. Let’s have a good, responsible, good, reformed law enforcement that’s going to do their job. Let’s put people in Congress that are going to do their job properly for the benefit of the United States. Let’s stand up properly, legally, peacefully. I can’t keep because I don’t want them doing this BS January 6th thing on me. No peaceful, okay? Proper and legal. Let’s show our support. Let’s show our indignation and our indignation to the policies that they have put us through, to the graph that we’ve seen, to the wasted taxpayer dollars, to the extortion that they put on us.
Let’s tell them we want it to Stop. Please put an email address that everybody can reach out. I can’t give you my personal email address because I would be able to keep up with you, although I want to right now. I really mean that I want to. But please, here’s what I want you to do. Let’s get an email address where these people can email us. Let’s draft a letter for them to write to their congressman, and in some cases, let’s even tell them who their congressman is. Let’s put the address on there. Let’s create a petition.
Let’s figure the right way to do this, but let’s support our president and the directive that he has to his staff to expose the corruption. Okay, people, I think I’ve gone on my rant this morning. On a Saturday morning. I’m glad my wife’s not. You get mad at me. Why do you always lose it? Because, people, this is horrible. The advantage they’ve taken of us, the way they’ve tried to destroy America. It’s just terrible. All right, let me get on to. Let me get the link so that I can go to some of the questions. Where is it? Okay, live link.
Here we go, people. All right, we still haven’t figured out how to do it all with Rumble, but I’m going to get to it right now. Oh, wait, that’s the wrong one. Vlad, help me out here. I can’t see the link. I want to get to some of your questions. Let me. Okay, what’s Elon’s must be. Oh, I got it. I got it. Sorry. Okay, give me a second. Okay, here we go. Wow. Three and a half thousand people around this right now. Hey, people, please don’t misunderstand my emotion on this. You know, I’m going to be 74 years old this year, and I’ve seen corruption at its worst on the street, but I’ve never witnessed anything like that.
And you know what I’ve said to you a moment ago? I’m very sincere about it. I mean it. I’ve traveled this country, I’ve traveled the world. These good people, people have been so warm. Listen, I was a gangster. I was a guy that committed crimes on the street. And people have forgiven me and taken me in and have been so kind to me and my family. I have to say it. Yeah, there’s some haters out there, okay? We get it, especially on social media. But you know what? I haven’t experienced it when I was among people in 25 years.
I can honestly say people have treated me wonderfully, warmly. People have supported me online, in person, bought my books and everything else. And I’m thankful to that. There are good people out there. People should not be abused. I’m going to tell you something. I was on the street and, and I really mean this, and I’m not throwing a halo of myself. I said I was a criminal, I went to jail, did my time, whatever. But when I was on the street, I didn’t abuse people. You know who my targets were? The banks. I defrauded banks back then.
Insurance companies. They got tons of money, okay? Insurance companies and the government, those were my targets. They had big bucks and I went after them because I was a criminal. Wouldn’t do that now. It’s the wrong thing to do. I paid the price, but I didn’t hurt people. Honest people in my neighborhood. I gave more money to people on the street than I can imagine that I never got paid back for. I’m not making myself an angel, but I’m just saying it hurts when I see legitimate people working, breaking their collective asses to go out and make a living and the government’s stealing it.
How much money do they need? These darn people in Washington, they don’t even get wet in the rain. They got underground tunnels, they got all these perks. They got everything. How much money do you need in this life? People there are servants. They’re supposed to be doing well for us. And when I see them taking advantage of people that are working hard to support their families, I have a woman came to me. Now I don’t even want to talk about this poor woman lost her home in the fires here in LA because these hypocritical frauds in office are spending our money on their pet projects and they don’t have water and their darn hydrants to put out a fire.
They have a reservoir that they’re saying is under repair for you know, how long because they’re using the money for stupid DEI programs and all this garbage and nonsense and they’re lining their own pockets. Where, you know, Newsom, going out and buying a nine million dollar mansion, eating at the most, the most expensive restaurant in all of maybe the whole country, the French Laundry. While everybody else has a mask on and told to be six feet apart. Hypocrites and phonies and their blood on their hands as a result. People die as a result of what they do.
We have to put a stop to this. People team, please get that email address. Let these people email us. I want to help. We have to get money back in the Pockets of where it’s belong. And listen, yeah, I don’t want to pay taxes to these people. I’m being honest. I’m paying my taxes. I can prove that. I don’t want to pay them to these people to steal my money. Sorry. I got seven kids, seven grandchildren. I want to put money into the community. I don’t want to give it to them to steal so they can buy another, you know, jet plane like that freaking hypocrite John Kerry, what a hypocrite.
Imposes his will on us while he’s flying around in jet planes. And you know what his answer is? You know, more carbon, whatever they call it, than anybody else. Oh, well, I’m so important, I have to get to place. Who the hell are you? You wouldn’t be anything if your wife wasn’t a multimillionaire. Who are you kidding? I see right through these people. I’m telling you, if I was younger, my wife would probably throw me out of the house. I would run for office. Only to clean this up. I don’t need the money, people. I live comfortably.
I don’t need the money. I would clean this up. I would call them out. I would tell them straight to their face, who the hell do you think you’re kidding? And Trump is doing it. I don’t need to do it. Trump is doing it. He doesn’t care. I’m telling you, the man cares about you. I’m telling you. And listen, I’ll put myself on the line if he does anything and you come back and say, michael, he fooled you. I’ll admit it. And I’ll be devastated because he wants to do good for America and I want to see him do it.
Okay, let me get to some questions. So please understand where I’m coming from, people. I’m not an angel. But what I’m saying here, I mean, I mean it. Okay, for all you people that are donating again, we don’t solicit it. I know you want your questions answered. I appreciate it. And for the people, please understand, I have to get to them first because they’ve stood up, that I’ll try to get to as many people. We’re an hour already. If you’re okay, I can go another 20 minutes, half an hour, if you’re all right with that. Okay.
And if you want to get out, I understand that, but let’s go. Okay. God bless America. I love that title. Thank you very much. I have ultimate respect for you. I’ve watched you over the years and certainly enjoy your Commentary thank you for your voice. You’re an inspiration. I really appreciate that people, you know, and thank you for the accolades. I’m not doing it for that. I’m doing it from the heart. You know what, there’s going to be a time I’m going to face my maker and I’m going to stand in front of my Lord and he’s going to say to me, what have you done? You know, tell me.
And what I don’t want to hear from him. Four words I don’t want to hear from him, from the hypocrites. You know, way back when, in the time of Jesus, I’m scared of this. I’m being honest with you. I put checks and balances on myself. If you’re deceiving and lying to people and misleading them because you want all the glory, you’re going to hell afterwards. Mike. God is not going to honor that. I’m scared of these four words. Very biblical hypocrites would stand in front of Jesus and they said, oh, you know what? Look what we’ve done.
We sent out demons in your name. We’ve spoken about you. We’ve done everything. We’ve healed people, but they did it for themselves. And Jesus, too smart, said, I never knew you because he knew it wasn’t for him, it was for themselves, for self gratification. And yeah, we have to check and balance ourselves for that because sometimes when people are throwing accolades on you, it feels good. Then you have to check yourself. That’s why I love my wife. She says to me, remember, you’re more blessed than good, Michael. You’re doing this because God gave you the platform and the ability to do this.
And I can’t deceive you as a result of that because I want my Lord to say, oh, my good and faithful servant, you did it for the right reasons. And that’s what I mean. So thank you for the accolades. I appreciate it. But please take to heart what I’m saying because we have to straighten this country out. Let’s move on. Fresh Visions Trilogs thank you very much. This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own own selves. Just what I talked about. Covetous boast is proud blasphemers disobedient to parents, unthankful and holy.
You know what? I hate to paint everybody with the same brush, but the ideology that the left is trying to impose on us and now we find out on the whole world LGBTQ policies In the whole world. They want to change what God created. They want to change the nuclear family. They want to change two genders. They want to impose their will on us. They’re spreading it worldwide. Look what they’re doing. This is satanic. Is it in the last days? I don’t know. Jesus said in the Bible, only the Father knows. We don’t know. But are the signs pointing to that? Is it prophetic? Yes, it is.
Maybe tomorrow, maybe a thousand years, maybe 10,000 years from now. We don’t know. But we know we’re approaching that time. Thank you very much for this comment, sir. I appreciate it. Okay. Aneurysm fund. Thank you very much. Very generous of you and people. This money is put to good work. It doesn’t go in my pocket. I want you to know that. And I promise you that does not go in my pocket. How do you think future generations will look at Donald Trump when it comes time to learn about what he’s accomplished in school? A success story, an alleged criminal or a martyr? Do you think that his accomplishments will be overlooked like the Nixons? I can’t answer that.
It all depends on the American people and who they put in control. It all depends. We need a revolution, a peaceful, godly revolution in this country. Got to be careful. We don’t have to be careful how we say things. We need a peaceful, godly revolution in this country and it’s happening. Do you know that there are more Bibles being sold now than I? From what I understand, any time in history, there’s a revolution going across the college campuses in America. A Jesus revolution. God is giving us a second chance. And if people stand up for moral, proper issues, then Donald Trump will be written the right way if he continues on the right path, and I believe he will.
But who knows? History gets distorted, people. I don’t know. I’m not the prophet in that regard. I hope he continues to do the right thing and it’s reported properly because the right people are in control. And report it properly. Not the gaslighting and the lying. Listen to Lindy Lynn, how much the press has lied to us. It’s going to blow your mind. Have a glass of wine, cup of coffee, whatever calms you down when you listen to it. But promise me you’ll listen to it and then you’ll give it to other people that disagree with you.
Please. We have to enlighten people. That’s our job. Okay, thank you very much. Aneurysm. Okay, where we go? Let me see. Okay. Jeremy White. Thank you. Very much. Not a fan of quite a few things Donald Trump has done, but have enjoyed your video past two years. Am I getting it all okay? I think so. For the past two years. God bless. Thank you very much. I’m not a fan of everything Donald Trump does either. I hated his tweets. I hated them. I hated the way he would get in petty arguments with people. But you know what? I understood.
He’s a New Yorker. We fight back. Do we see a fighting spirit in this guy? Fight, fight, fight. After getting shot in the head, you heard what Dana White said. He said, I couldn’t believe that. Most guys get shot in the head, they run for the hills. They don’t want to know, hey, I’m gone. I got a billion dollars. I tried my best. I’m out of here. I’m not going to spare my life because of this. Not Donald. Fight, fight, fight. Never seen that before. So, yes, yes. Okay. I think he’s good. Like I said, you don’t have to be a fan of everything.
I disagree with a lot, and I hope he doesn’t get into petty arguments anymore. He’s well above that. Just do your job, Donald. If he does his job, you don’t have to like him, but like what he’s done. Let’s leave it at that. Thank you, Jeremy. I appreciate it very, very much. Okay, I got all that. Let me see. I think I’ve gone through these. Okay. All right. Anna Banana. Gaslighting is a word. It’s a psychological term in the DSM manual describing what narcissists do. Couldn’t agree with you more, Anna Banana. Thank you very much, Mayor.
That’s right. Michael. Paul Gray, Piers Morgan. Michael. Yes. We had a great, great show with Piers Morgan. There’ll be more of that when the JFK files are released. I’m going to have more to say, and I’m going to be able to tell you whether they’re legitimate or not, or whether they gaslighted us and lied to us once again. I know how to determine that, people, in a very effective way. We’ll get into that. Jacob Sterek. Remember, half of what you see and none of what you hear, that’s what I believe in. Very true. You got to verify everything.
People today. You got to verify. There’s so much misinformation and outright lies that are coming from everywhere, especially on social media. You got to be mindful of that. Okay, we got a couple of more up here. Let me see what we got. Zoe, thank you very much. Just thanks for being you wow, what a compliment. I appreciate that very much. Thank. And thank you for being you. I really mean that. And thank all of you for being you and listening in. I appreciate it very much. That was wonderful. Funny. I say what. Thank you very much.
What can we do to change things in the government? Social media distortion, the truth. How can this be changed? Maybe I’m going to try to start a movement. You know, we get changed by speaking up and speaking out peacefully the right way. There are powers. You don’t have to riot. You don’t have to do any of that. You know what we need to do? These people in Congress, they care about your vote. They want to stay in their perky position. So we need to impose upon them what we believe. When I say impose, make it known.
So what I want to do, I’m going to talk it over with my team. They’re probably going crazy. Michael, what are you doing? If we can create an email, well, all of you on here can contact us, and we in turn can advise you. And listen, I’m going to tell you right now, I’m going to do this within my platform, join my platform, and please don’t mistake what I’m saying. Michaelfrancis.com family we have a platform. We have several hundred members in it now. We just launched it in the last couple of months. We’re providing a lot of content in there.
We’re providing courses on leadership, on business, on personal situations. I am doing zoom calls with the team. I’m doing Q and A’s. We’re having live events. We’re doing so much come into that platform. People, I’m going to be honest with. 10 bucks a month, minimum charge, 10 bucks a month so that we can keep it coming, so I can pay my team so they can do the work. We want you to do that. And what we’re going to do, I’m going to discuss with them now, okay. How we can help you. Reach out to your Congress person to tell them we want this wasteful spending to continue.
We’ll write the letters. We’ll tell you who to contact. There are powers in numbers. Let’s start a movement to let our government know you represent our best interests and these, we believe, are our best interests. It’s our best interest to have a strong military. It’s our best interest to have food on our table so that we can support our family. It’s in our best interest to be able to pay our mortgages, to be able to put gas in our car, to be able to take A vacation? Yeah, because we work hard. It’s in our best interest.
And we don’t want you spending our money and lining your own pockets on garbage. And we don’t want LGBT to be. To be the law of the land. We want the nuclear family. We want two genders. We allow you to live your life if you’re gay, if you’re lesbian. I sat with Jillian Michaels. What a wonderful human being she is. Okay, and she’s lesbian. Her wife, her husband. No, her better half is a woman. I love the woman. I’ll sit down and eat with her and be her best friend. I love her. She’s a wonderful person.
I respect what her choices are and life. I’m telling you from my heart. My family loved her. We embraced her. I hope we have a friendship with her, my family, my wife. I mean, that wonderful person. I don’t care what her. What she does in her life in that regard. She’s not hurting anybody. She’s helping people. She’s spreading goodwill, good information about nutrition and health and all of that. Live your life, be whatever. I don’t care about that. But. But don’t try to change mine. Don’t try to impose mine. Don’t try to. Your life the law of the land and change what I’ve been doing.
You can’t do that, people. Nobody’s against the LGBTQ community. We’re against you imposing it on us. We’re against you trying to change what we’ve known to be our way of life. That’s all. Live your life. You’re invited into my house. I’ll sit down and eat with you. I’ll work with you. Do anything. Just don’t condemn me for being who I am. Don’t condemn people for being who they are and what they believe in. This is America. We can live our life as long as we’re not hurting anybody. Hope you understand that, people. So we’re going to do that, but I definitely want an email where all of you can reach out to me.
I really mean that, because it’s hard. We can’t. Can’t do it on social media. We got to have personal contact. But if you’re interested. Michaelfrancis.com family michaelfrancise.com family come in and join the platform. Join it for a month. You don’t like it, go out. We don’t sign a contract, no agreements, no nothing. I guarantee you’re going to benefit. That’s a guarantee from me. Okay, hold me to it. You have this. This is recorded. You can Go back to it. Anytime you can say, michael, you said this and now you’re not keeping your order, do it. I welcome it.
I mean it. Okay, we got. Funny I say we got that Sherry Cook. Buy your own. Oh, buy your own. And hearts around it. I don’t know, maybe that’s a valentine, but thank you very much for that, Sherry. I appreciate. Thank you for being on this podcast. K.A. mills. Thank you very much, Caleb. Administrator from the Francis family. You want more of this? Join the family. Wonderful words, sir. Link in the description. Oh, that’s my guy, Caleb. What a wonderful guy I have. He runs a large part of what we do in michaelfrancis.com family, our community.
We had a wonderful call. We have an organization within the Francis family called Made Women that encourage each other, that hold each other up. I had a call with them the other day. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful women that are spreading goodwill throughout. We need a sense of community, people. We need a sense of family back in America. And that’s what we’re trying to create within this family. So, Caleb, thank you for posting that. Michaelfrancis.com family, I welcome you to join. I love you. Give it a try. I know you’re going to love it. I know you’re going to benefit from it.
People are enjoying it. Okay, let’s keep going. Greg Mitchell, my good friend Greg. Greg, I owe you some restaurant suggestions in New York. I know that. And that’s what this is. Still waiting on some recommendations. What’s your favorite hotel to stay at in New York City? My favorite hotel, I stay at the. The Marriott. What the heck is it? The Essex House Marriott. It’s right by Central park. And I love the place because it’s centrally located. Is it the best hotel? Of course not. It’s a great hotel. Don’t get me wrong. I love it. I love the location.
People are wonderful there. And so I stay there. I can get to any place from there. Although traffic is crazy in the city. I want you to go to Carbones Restaurant. Wonderful, old school. They got one downtown, they got one midtown. Now, Carbones Restaurant. Tough to get in, you know, but do your best and yeah, I know them there. I got so many people always asking me, michael, you drive me crazy. I know it’s tough, but you probably can get in Carbones in one of the two. Go to Palminteri’s restaurant. You’ll love it. Go down and see the.
The exhibit at the World Trade Center. You’ll love it. Go to Columbus Circle and go into the mall there. Great. Place. There’s so many. If it’s warm, go through Central park and take a look. Take a ride in the buggies. New York is beautiful. I mean, there’s no question about it. It’s an amazing city. There’s so much to do. So again, Marriott Essex House, that’s where I stay. It’s one of my preferred bird places. You can go to someplace else. There’s so many beautiful hotels. Go to Trump Towers, you know, go to one of the Trump Hotels, rather.
But that’s it for now. I’ll try to get your email. I’ve been overloaded this week, but I’ll do my best to get back to you. Thank you, Greg. Who else do we have? Let me see. Okay. Gv Fun and game. Someone good. That might be the wrong way. For sure. Olive branch. Love thy neighbor. Absolutely. It’s always good to encourage somebody to hold somebody up, you know, sometimes. What a few kind words, what they mean to people, you know? Do you know what it means? Sometimes I get so many people and it’s humbling. I almost feel bad.
Oh, Michael, I can’t believe you answered my email. Well, look, if I can. I can’t answer everybody’s email, but I do my best, you know, I can’t answer everybody’s request on social media, but people are so appreciative of that. It’s like a kind word can lighten a person’s day, a person’s week. It’s important. We have to try to practice that. Okay. Jose Duarte, thank you. Love your podcast and your stories. Jose, thank you very much. And thank you for your donation. We appreciate it very much. Okay, we got a little bit more. Juan Manuel, Michael, thank you very much.
Juan Michael, could you explain your vision on the Trinity? Do you believe Jesus Christ is God? God bless you, brother. Greetings from Brazil. I 1000% that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and he is the second person of the Trinity. Yes, I believe it. People, I want to tell you something. I am not the best Christian in the world. Not by a long shot. I am telling you now. I still make my mistakes. I don’t live in a pattern of sin anymore. Because you can’t live in a pattern of sin and have Jesus Christ within you.
You just can’t. If you are, you’re doomed. You’re a phony. You’re a hypocrite and you’re doomed. You just can’t do it. You got to straighten your act out. And Jesus transforms you from the inside out. I believe it with all My heart, my faith is rock solid based upon what the Lord has done in my life, what I’ve seen and done in other people’s lives. But more importantly, based upon the evidence that there is to show that the Bible is truly, truly God’s word and that Jesus is our risen Savior. There is enough corroboration in the universe and in documentation everywhere and in testimonies everywhere to show that, yes, Jesus is the Son of God.
Jesus of Nazareth lived, he died, he walked this earth. He arose again from the dead. He was crucified on the cross. I believe it with all my heart. Nothing can change that. Nothing. Now, does that convert me into the best Christian in the world? No. Because I’m a human being and I have weaknesses. But I’m a lot better today, I can say that, than I am, than I was years ago. And that’s thanks to my God first, to my wonderful, beautiful, amazing wife, to the people that have supported me, my church, my pastors over the years, and just the ministry God has given me.
So, yes, I hope I answered your question. Bible study. MichaelFranzies.com Bible study. Come on in. We do four a month. I do two personally, whenever I I can. It’s free. Doesn’t matter who, what faith you are. Solid biblical principles that can help you get through this life, get you out of a rut, teach you things. Solid biblical foundations. Doesn’t matter what faith you are, it’s not going to interfere. It’s only going to bolster your life, people. It’s free. All you got to do is register. We need your email so we know who we’re speaking to. And you’ll get a free gift from me just for coming on and listening.
We’re not imposing my faith on you. I’m not trying to turn you into a Christian. I’m trying to help you in your life. Michaelfrancis.com BibleStudy Register and you’ll be notified when the next one is in the next week. God bless you, Juan Manuel. Hope I answered your question. Okay, we got time for about five more. Let me see. Jesus would approve of New York City dirty hot stands. I don’t know about that, you know, I hope not. I know Jillian Michaels wouldn’t approve. I know JFK Jr wouldn’t approve, and I wouldn’t approve. And I love those hot dogs.
I just can’t eat them anymore because of what’s in them. But I love them. I’ll cheat every once in a while, let me tell you, a Nathan’s or a Sabrette Hot dog from a stand with some mustard and maybe peppers or sauerkraut. Oh, irresistible. Irresistible. You got to have one. Sherry Thompson. I think our country is in shock to hear what USAID has done. They better be. And that’s why we want to start a movement to write our congresspeople and let them know where we stand. You’re not going to waste our money anymore. We’re not having it.
We’re going to vote you the hell out of office. We’re not supporting you. That will matter. Trust me. All they care about is votes and money. That’s it. Most of them. There are some good people in Congress. I’m not, you know, I’m not painting everybody with the same brush, but there are a lot of bad people. I say the word bad people that are stealing from us. We can’t. And in the process, hurting our country. We can’t have it anymore. Trump and Musk are Christian. I don’t know what Trump is. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know what Trump is.
He is a Christian. I don’t know what Musk is. I can’t say that. I don’t care at this point. I want him to do the right thing. Jesus, hopefully will reach out to him. Easy believism. This is Al Capone. Okay, Al, how you doing? Verse Lordship. Salvation. He demands 100%. Keep him number one in your life and stay in the center of his will. Absolutely. Thank you for that. Mary Michelle. Tradcat night is live. Gotta go. Thank you for this Saturday morning Francis rant. You know what? I think that’s what I’m gonna be known for, a Saturday morning rant.
I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Michael, come on, you gotta calm it down. I mean, you’re getting. I don’t know if you think I should calm it down. Let me know, people, and I’ll do my best. But I’m so passionate about this. I almost wish I was in office. I would be right next. But I don’t have to be because Trump is there. Maybe local. I wish I was in office in California. Straight in this country out, straighten this state out. It’s a beautiful state, Wonderful people. And this people are destroying it.
The economics, the politics, destroying it. We need to bring it back. New York, the same darn thing. Illinois, Chicago, amazing city. They’re destroying it and it drives me crazy. I have to say it. You know, my wife says, you know, you’re getting old, you’re getting cranky, you’re Getting like an old stuff. I said, I hope not. I hope it’s just passion coming out of me because I feel this is what I believe. I mean, I can’t help it. I’ve been a passionate guy all my life. But, you know, in the mob life, you can’t show your passion.
You have to withhold it because it’s dangerous to show it here. Hopefully I can. You know, now that Trump is in office, I don’t think he’ll send the Department of Justice after me. I don’t think he’ll send the FBI after me. Local law enforcement in the city where I live, they’re good people. I’m friends with them. I have many friends in law enforcement. Do their job right. These people shouldn’t be persecuted. Does law enforcement need reform? What agency doesn’t need reform? The Catholic Church needs reform. The Christian Church in times needs reform. Of course, there’s reform needed in everything.
Corporate America, government number one. Everything needs reform. Everything needs checks and balances. Don’t pick on law enforcement. They’re doing their job. They risk their lives. I understand that. I even understood that in the street. I had no problem with that. They were the good guys, we were the bad guys. Catch us what we’re doing wrong. Hey, no complaint. You win. I hope some of you have watched my video on what is it with Rudy Giuliani. I’m not going to get into it now because we only have four minutes left, but I hope you watched it. It was great.
I loved it. Rudy was terrific. It was like. I can’t explain the experience for sitting with Rudy. It was unbelievable. All right, I’m going to take two more questions, people, and then I’m out. It’s 11:00 here. I don’t want to kill your whole day. We still got a lot of people jumped in. This is very gratifying to see that hopefully I’m making a difference and in a difference in a way that’ll eventually improve your lives by feeding you the truth, by giving you the motivation, the stamina and the support now that we have it in our government to rise up as people in a peaceful way and make ourselves known to these politicians that have been ripping us off, that we’re not standing for it anymore.
We’re going to vote you out of office. We’re telling you right now, if you don’t do our bidding the right way, what’s right for us, what’s right for America, what’s right for the world, then you’re out of office. That’s it, we’re putting you on blast. Blast means verbal blast, peaceful blast, respectful blast. But we’re putting you out there. Okay. All right. I’m going to say this because I’m getting a lot of questions now that I open the door on this. So let me just see this one more. Jose. Okay, I got you, Jose. People, let me tell you this.
Oh, Joshua Gossage. Last one. Lots of 1930-60s mob lore in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I know about that. Maybe I’ll do a video on it one time. Okay. Juan Manuel. Oh, my Lord. Juan, thank you very much. This is. It’s so appreciated. Thank you so much. I have to read this. He just made an extremely generous donation. Appreciate it very much. Mike. Sorry for this long message, but I need to tell you how you. Your testimony changed my life. And this is for everybody. People, this is not gratification for me. This is something I want you to hear.
I owed almost $100,000 to a supplier, and they hired the Brazilian mob to charge me. I was surrounded by enemies and alone. Just like you. Then I saw your testimony and surrounded my life or surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. I paid the debt and I live a new life. You just gave me the chills, my brother. You really did. And people. And Juan, I want to say this. This is not me. This is what the Lord has empowered me to do. This is my responsibility and obligation. Jesus has saved my life. No question about it.
I don’t get paid to tell you this. He saved my life and he’s given me my freedom. He’s given me my life. He’s given me family, a wife that I adore, children that I love, a ministry I never asked for. And to those who have been given much, much is expected in return. I AM obligated. Mark 16:15. Jesus, last command to all of us, go out and preach or share the good word with all of creation. And the good word is Jesus. That’s what I do. That’s my responsibility. And as long as the Lord allows me to do it, I will do it.
It’s. I have to keep myself in order so that I maintain my credibility. You know, I can’t. Things that would impede my credibility because there’s haters out there to try to pull you down. And then when they pull you down, they try to. They discredit. They try to discredit God. It’s like Trump said. Listen to what Trump said. When Trump said, they’re not hurting me, they’re hurting you, the American people, by making a mockery of our legal system, by lawfare, by going after their political enemies, by taking away our freedoms, by imposing their wills on us, telling us what vaccination we have to take, telling us what washing machine we have to use, what clothes, cars we have to drive, what our curfews are, how we can’t be in business.
By regulating, they’re imposing their will on us. When they do these things to hurt one person in power, they’re hurting us all. And when I do something, I do it in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m held to that standard. So, Manuel, thank you for sharing that. And people understand what we as Christians are obligated to do. Share the good word, not impose. We’re not lgbtq. That we impose our will on you, we’re not allowed to do. We’re not supposed to do that. My pastor Greg preaches against that. Greg, Laurie, you don’t impose it. You share.
We’re not trying to turn you into a Christian. We are trying to lead you to Christ by telling you the truth and giving you the good word. But it’s up to you to make your decision at that point, not us to impose it upon you. That’s between you and God. So, Juan, I can’t thank you enough. I really mean that. It’s very humbling, the words that you said. But understand that this, hopefully is the Lord working through me. And he’s the one that reached out to you and he sees something in value of you the way he sees in everybody else.
And bless you for turning it around and for paying attention to the Lord in your life. We don’t know how it’s going to come. You know, Lord reaches out to us in different ways. He reached out to me when I was at my worst. First. He put a good woman in my life. That wasn’t enough. I didn’t finally get it. He put a good mother in law in my life. Even that wasn’t enough. He had to allow me to go, not cause me. I caused myself to go to prison. God didn’t cause that. He doesn’t want us to go through these struggles.
Struggles. We live in a fallen world. But I put myself in a situation and God said, okay, there’s nobody around you now. There’s no distractions. It’s me and you in here. You’re going to listen. You’re going to be the jerk you’ve been for the past several years of your life. And I had to be in my worst position before I turned to him and searched for the truth. And that’s what I did for 29 months and seven days search for the truth. Is this a God I can rely on? Is Jesus Christ real? Show me God.
And boy, did he show me. He gave me the evidence loud and clear. Nothing will ever change my mind, people. Nothing. So Juan, again, humbly thank you for just a wonderful gift you’ve bestowed on us. Number one, I promise you we’ll put it to good use. And number two, for allowing me to spread your testimony. This is your testimony. It’s not even mine anymore, it’s yours. And hopefully the, you know, 2,000 plus people that are listening in now understand, Juan, thank you. And whenever you can do that, you don’t even have to mention my name. Just mention what the Lord has done in your life and wow, you know what if I stand in front of the Lord and he’s going to mention, hey, look what you did for Juan.
You know, you acted the way you were supposed to act and that’s it. That’s my responsibility. God bless you, my friend. Emphz, thank you very much, sir or ma’am, I’m not sure. A little of topic, but a little off topic. But of all the countries you have visited, Michael, how did the UK rank? Top 10? I love the United Kingdom. I love the city of London. It reminds me so much of New York. I know where New York was born out of the city of London. London. It’s a beautiful city. I say this again, I received a very warm welcome.
I was on tour there twice. People just were so wonderful. I experienced that everywhere. Is it in my top 10? I have so many top tens. I mean, but absolutely, as far as foreign nations, absolutely. Love the city, love the country. I was in Manchester, I was in Liverpool, the home of the Beatles. People were wonderful. I went to the cave, you know, where they, where they used to perform. Wonderful people. I’m telling you, yes, UK is right up there. I love it. I know you’re going through some issues now, but I trust that it’s going to be worked out, I really do.
For the people. It’s all about the people. That’s what it’s about. It’s not about those people in office. They have a responsibility to do the right things for us. All right, people. So, yes, and I hope if that’s where you dwell and I get there again and I will be, I hope to meet up with you. All right, people, we got to cut it out. It’s a. It’s after 11 right now. I’ve kept you an hour and a half. Don’t get mad at me, please. But it was a. It was. And please, I hope you don’t get mad at me for the rants.
And again, my team look for it. We’re going to put that email address up. Maybe we can put it. I don’t know how they can get to you. My team will figure that out. Maybe we have some of you in the chats. Maybe it’ll be ready for next week. We may not be able to share it with you now, but for next Saturday, we’ll be able to share it. That would be great. Okay, you can email us and we’ll start a movement so that we can keep our money and that our money goes to our benefit, to our country’s benefit.
That’s what it’s supposed to be, not lining their fraudulent pockets. So we’re going to create a peaceful legal movement. Okay, we’ll have it ready for you for next week. So I’m going to work on it intensely all week. I’m putting another thing on my table, but I don’t care. It’s for good use. So, people, how do I always leave you? Same way. Never going to change. Be safe. The country’s becoming safer. A lot of these bad migrants have been put out. When I say bad, they are bad because they wreaked havoc on our country. They are criminals and Trump got rid of them first, just like he promised.
So be safe. The neighborhoods are getting safer. Be healthy. Let’s hope that RFK is confirmed. After listening to these two people, you’re going to hear Bedros Kuzian. Come in. Kulian. I’m sorry? Bedros Kulian, he’s kind of a counterpart to Jillian Michaels. When they talk to you about nutrition and health, you’re going to want JFK to come in, trust me. So be safe, be healthy. And I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I hope you understand my sincerity. God bless each and every one of you. I keep America in prayer that this country becomes a better place for all of you.
I mean that, that you can put food on your table, pay your rent, enjoy a vacation, go to a movie, go to a concert without worrying about terrorism, any of that stuff. I really pray for that, for America and for each and every one of you. Pray for you, your family, your loved one, your communities. God bless you all. I’ll see you next time. Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Take care. I’m out.