Megyn Kellys UNFILTERED Take on The Ukraine War Trump Modern Masculinity

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➡ The text discusses a conversation between Michael Franzese and Megyn Kelly, where they share their political journeys from being raised in Democrat families to leaning more towards Republican ideologies as they grew older. They discuss their concerns about the current political climate, with Franzese expressing his outrage towards the progressive party’s stance on various issues. Kelly shares her experience of working at Fox News, where she was exposed to conservative thinkers, which influenced her political views.
➡ The speaker discusses their political journey, initially identifying as a moderate center-right individual, but feeling radicalized by the leftward shift in the Democratic party. They now identify as a conservative Republican, despite not agreeing with everything Trump says or does. They also warn about a growing real estate scam called ‘house stealing’ where scammers forge signatures to transfer home titles, and recommend a service called Home Title Lock for protection. Lastly, they express their admiration for Trump, believing him to be a fundamentally good man who will be remembered in history, despite the intense hatred he faces.
➡ The speaker believes that the progressive party is trying to change America in ways they don’t agree with, often opposing Trump regardless of the impact on the country. They suggest that many of these individuals lack a moral compass, possibly due to a lack of religion, and instead follow ideologies like Wokeism. The speaker also criticizes the physical appearance of some left-leaning individuals and questions the intelligence and integrity of certain politicians. They express frustration at the influence of corporations and interest groups on elections, and the lack of compromise in politics.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s frustration with politicians, particularly Barack Obama and Joe Biden, accusing them of lying and causing harm. The speaker criticizes Biden’s actions in office, including his handling of the border and Afghanistan, and accuses him of corruption. The speaker also discusses the perceived lack of accountability for politicians, mentioning the case of Andrew Cuomo. The text ends with a critique of a contentious interaction between Trump and Zelensky.
➡ The text discusses the political dynamics between Trump, Zelensky, and Putin, with the author siding with Trump’s approach. The author criticizes Democrats for trying to sabotage Trump’s dealings with Zelensky and Putin, and accuses them of being willing to risk peace for political gain. The author also criticizes the mainstream media for portraying Trump as the villain and Europe for not contributing enough financially. The author argues that Trump’s approach to Putin, which involves avoiding public confrontation and insults, is effective and necessary for maintaining open communication.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s views on Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election, asserting that while Putin did interfere, it wasn’t the reason for Hillary Clinton’s loss. The speaker also shares their experiences with Russians, stating that they admire America and suggesting that U.S. leaders should try to get along with Russia. The speaker also discusses their views on Putin, suggesting that he is a rational actor who would prefer a positive relationship with America. The text ends with the speaker sharing a personal story about their relationship history.
➡ The speaker discusses her views on Donald Trump’s policies, arguing that his actions are aimed at creating fairness and improving the country’s economy. She also talks about her marriage, emphasizing the importance of traditional gender roles and the attractiveness of a strong, protective man. She criticizes the feminization of men and encourages women to appreciate strong, assertive men. Lastly, she suggests that a satisfying sex life can lead to overall happiness and health.
➡ The speaker discusses the challenges and expectations faced by both men and women in relationships and society. He emphasizes the importance of traditional values like chivalry and respect, while also acknowledging the changing roles and aspirations of women. He shares his personal experiences with his daughters and their search for good men, and a conversation with a successful man who is looking for the right woman. The speaker also discusses his positive experience with in vitro fertilization and encourages others to consider it as a viable option for having children.
➡ The speaker discusses her positive experience with in-vitro fertilization (IVF), arguing against its negative portrayal. She also expresses optimism about the future of the country, praising Donald Trump’s policies and the nation’s recovery from what she calls the “woke mind virus”. She emphasizes the importance of community and personal connections over technology, and encourages people to put personal issues aside when considering what’s best for the country.
➡ This text is a farewell message, wishing blessings on towns, communities, neighborhoods, and loved ones in America, and promising to return next time.


What do they want Trump to do that he’s not doing on the Russia deal? We already passed all the sanctions against Putin and Russia and the oligarchs. We already played that card. And now what we’re trying to do is just stop the bloodshed, stop more Ukrainians from dying and yes, oh, heaven forbid, stop more Russians from dying. But the military stuff, we’re not, we’re not doing it. We’re not getting involved in a hot war with Russia. What are these people suggesting we should. They want, like, us to go in there and set our boys up for Putin to attack them so that my kids and yours have to go over there and fight Putin in World War iii.

It’s crazy. They don’t know what they’re even asking for or are upset about. I don’t want some wussified soft guy who really just wants to be their friend and, like, hang out with them as opposed to, like, raise a man. I don’t think Democrat women need to settle for less in their relationships either. My God, I think they’d be a lot happier if they had struggled. Strong men at home who had strong opinions and understood very clearly how they wanted things to be, but were open minded. And I think most women respond well to that and find it very attractive.

And then their sex lives improve and then they’re less bitter and unhappy. I see all these Democrat women going like, so putting on chastity belts after the election. I’m like, oh, sisters, this is extreme. You got it mixed up. The wrong thing to do. Hey, everyone. Welcome to another sit down with Michael Franzese. Hope everybody is doing well. All is very good, very blessed on this end. And as always, my friends, I give all the praise, honor, glory and thanksgiving to our God for that. I have a very special guest today. As a matter of fact, I’m really excited.

I already appeared on her platform today. She’s going to be on mine. I’m very excited because she’s a superstar, brilliant journalist, brilliant media personality. I’ve been following her since she was on Fox News and she was terrific back then. She’s even better now that she’s on her own platform, unrestricted from Fox or any of the network restrictions that they put on you. Her name is Megyn Kelly. Of course, you probably assumed that already. She’s terrific. And you know, I’m not only going to get into politics with her, there’s other things. I want to talk to her about her personal life a little bit.

I want to ask her something. This is a career woman, very Very successful. I want to ask her, what’s your definition of a man? You’re happily married, you have three children. You balance your home life and your career. What’s your definition of a man? I want to hear it because we’re hearing all different things. Some people can’t even define what a man is. Can’t define what a woman is. What is a woman? So I want to ask a very successful woman what her definition of a man is. I want to see if it’s in alignment with me and what my wife thinks.

Let’s see, I’m going to ask her some personal questions. So again, this is not all about politics. I have an opportunity to sit down with a very bright woman, a very talented woman, very independent. I love the fact that she’s so bold, you know, she’s so opinionated. And I find myself being on the same side of most every issue that she talks about. And she’s. She’s relentless and she has no fear. And just. I tell you, it’s a pleasure to watch her. I really enjoy it. So you know what? Today the spotlight is going to be on Megan.

You know, you’re going to watch her the whole time. You’re going to hear me, of course. But she’s got the stage because she deserves that. And so with no further delay, I’m going to introduce you to Megyn Kelly. But before I do that, for all my friends in Australia, I’m arriving on April 3rd in Sydney. Then I’m going over to Melbourne. We have two big events. The tickets are almost sold out. You better jump on now. They will be sold out by the time I get there. We also have two luncheons. We have two dinners. One or two of the dinners are both sold out.

Now, Franz east wine is going to be on display. We’re going to be taking photographs. I’ll be doing a Q and A. I’m going to be giving you some information that I haven’t spoken about before. I love Australia every time I get there. Such a warm welcome for all the people from all the people down under. I really look forward to getting there. I’ll be with my wife. I think my daughter’s coming. We’re going to have a great time. My host is a wonderful person, so I really look forward to. So April 3rd is when I’m arriving.

Get your tickets now. I promise you it’ll be sold out. It’s an offer you shouldn’t refuse. Without no further delay, my very, very special guest, media star, journalist star, Megyn Kelly. Megan Pleasure to have you on. I have to tell you this. I’ve been following you ever since your early days at Fox and always was, you know, just thrilled to watch you. I always loved your perspective, your boldness. And ever since you left Fox and now you’re on your own platform, you’re even more bold, more outspoken, and you’re very reasonable, and that’s what I like about it.

So thank you. Yeah. Pleasure to have you on. Oh, the pleasure’s mine. So I want to tell you, and I was on your platform, and it was great, and I appreciate that very much. And I want to talk about a lot of things that are going on today. I want to give you my perspective on something. I don’t know where you’ve been with your political views your entire life or earlier on in your life. But, you know, I grew up as a Democrat. My whole family was Democrats. When I got into the life, we were Democrats because we always believed the Republicans were the law and order side.

We didn’t mess with them, and the Democrats were just easier to corrupt. Every politician that I was around at the time, there were always Democrats from the, you know, the Democratic leader in New York at the time, very powerful guy, Mead Esposito, we did a lot of things with him. And, and so that’s the platform that I ran on. And then I go to prison and I’m in solitary confinement and I have a Sony Walkman. And among many things, I started to listen to. I started to listen to Rush Limbaugh. And as I’m listening to him, I’m saying, gosh, I agree with a lot of the things that this guy is saying.

And he kind of made me believe that I’m really more of a conservative than I am a Democrat. And then as my life went on and I became a person of faith and so on and so forth, I realized that I am conservative in my values. So the reason I’m saying this, Megan, I am, I don’t know, maybe because of who I am at this point. I am just outraged with the position that Democrats and this progressive party, I can’t even call them Democrats anymore. This entire progressive party has taken on issues that are so vitally important to us.

And I know we can go down a list, a number of them from trans guys in women’s sports and everything that’s going on. I want to get your position. Do you consider yourself a conservative? Are you down the middle? You listen to both sides. What’s your position? Well, it’s funny. I’ve had A similar journey to the one that you described, where I was raised in a family of Democrats, but I would say they were moderate Democrats. We weren’t very political at all. We grew up in a suburb of Syracuse and then we moved to Albany. We were a suburb of Albany.

And so my parents were kind of just, they were registered Democrats because they always thought that Republicans were for rich people and we weren’t rich. And that was as much as thought as anybody put into it. And then when I graduated from college and then law school and started earning a paycheck and saw what was happening to it, I was instantly much more Republican. And then I, you know, shortly thereafter I was practicing law and I started to see sort of reason and logic and I think that the more time you spend with those two things, the more right you lean.

And then I took a job with Fox and I really, you know, I was very open minded on both sides. I didn’t hate or love the left or the right, but just, you know, with 13 years at Fox, I was exposed to so many great conservative thinkers, same as you with Rush, and he became a friend too, that I just fell in love with a lot of their ideas and they just made so much sense and they were always willing to debate anybody, whereas like the left seemed to have its own little cabal where they just didn’t really want to hang with any righties.

And I love the fact that righties would go in and mix it up with anybody. Not having been raised a righty, I didn’t realize that that’s your only choice. If you’re on the right, you, you can’t function in this world. You can’t go to the bank or a sporting event or, you know, watch TV without dealing with leftist ideas. And then I would say I was still kind of moderate center right all the way up through when I left Fox News. And then the leftward shift in the Democrat party, I mean, almost just radicalized me, you know.

Now, now I took one of those tests online and it said I’m, I’m conservative Republican, but I’m still registered as an independent. And that’s how I think of myself. And I don’t think of myself as ideological, but like, if you’re going to ask me what issues I vote on and how I feel on most of the issues, I think I’m going to come out conservative Republican on most tests. Well, yeah, and we’re similar in that. And you know, you’ve actually, you’ve done something well for me because people online, you know, Because I support Trump and I support conservative values.

They’re telling me you bought into this Trump Kool Aid. And my answer is, listen, I’m gonna be 74 years old. I don’t buy into anybody’s Kool Aid at this point in time. I think I know you know where I’m coming from at that point, but I know you had your run ins with Trump at one point. I’m very familiar with that. And then now you’re a Trump supporter. And I tell people, I said, look what Megyn Kelly did. She had her run ins with him. She doesn’t agree with everything that he says. He could be volatile, he can turn you off at times.

But there’s common sense involved in this. And you support the candidate and the party that aligns with common sense, value that we all have. And I believe that’s why you shifted over to Trump, because it’s common sense. You don’t have to love everything that the guy does. My friends, did you know that there are scammers out there that can literally steal your home right out from under you? That’s right. And they don’t have to enter through your front door or your window. They can steal your house right from under you. The FBI calls it house stealing.

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And the bank or the loan company is going to hold you responsible. So let me ask you this. When was the last time you checked your home title? If you’re like me, the answer is never. And that’s exactly what scammers are counting on. You don’t check your title. There’s no reason to normally. That’s why I trust Home Title lock. Their million dollar triple lock protection helps keep your home and your equity safe. Here’s what you get. You get immediate 24 hour, seven days a week monitoring of your property. You get urgent alerts if there are any changes in your title.

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That’s promo code M250 to get the protection and peace of mind that you deserve. People, this is a serious situation. These scammers are good and they can steal your house. Trust me, it’s being done all the time. You need Home Title Lock service. That’s an offer. I really mean this. Nobody should refuse. Yeah, I’ve had such an evolution with Trump. I mean, there I liked him, we were friends, then we had that whole blow up with the debate, and I didn’t like him for a couple of years because, you know, just the personal behavior between the two of us.

And then. And then he won and he started to govern, and everything he was doing virtually, I loved. I was like, oh, I like that. I want to support that, too. Oh, that’s amazing. Oh, look at him. Oh, wow. He stood up for Brett Kavanaugh. Oh, my God. What kind of a man is this? He’s so strong. This is incredible. And then Biden took over, and that was really, I mean, the beginning of everything, because it was like, you missed Trump so badly. You saw the Democrats, as you pointed out, openly working to ruin the country.

Like, what would they have been doing differently if. If that was their open goal? That you would open the borders. You know, you would try to get rid of things as fundamental and, in a way, holy as biological sex. You know, you would be fine with hurting young women with messaging. Like, it’s fine to be a sex worker. Right. Or to have, like, three husbands at the same time. That’s a. That’s like an option for you. Just all the stuff that they’re chest feeding, that’s motherhood is gone. All just the lunacy. We’re going to prioritize people’s melanin over kindness and friendship.

We’re going to discriminate against certain groups of Asians. They’re out. Even though they’re minority. No, but they’re too smart. They can’t be like, this is what you would do if you wanted to ruin a country. And Trump started speaking sense and was, you know, saying all the right things in response to all of that. And then it really just, over the course of the campaign covering him so much, I really came to deeply respect the man. I just like, between the assassination attempt, plural, and how he handled them and how he is with his family and what good kids he raised, I just started to get to know everybody around Trump a lot better and just realize that even I, as close to the news as I’ve been, had been misled in a lot of ways about Trump and who he is.

I mean, I actually do believe he’s fundamentally a good man. And I didn’t believe that as recently as, like, seven years ago. And so, no, it’s not that I agree with him on everything, but what I say about Trump, and this is still true, is that I neither have Trump derangement syndrome, nor am I under his spell. You know, there are some people who will defend him no matter what. They’re die hard Trump fans. They will take a bullet for Trump, and it doesn’t matter what he does, they’ll defend it. That’s not me. That’s not my job.

And I can see Trump’s flaws and, you know, foibles, and I can disagree with his behavior and policies where, you know, where I do. So I’m not under his spell. But I’m a very big Donald Trump fan now, and I really believe he’s not just a good man. I think Trump is a great man, and I think he’s one of the few characters alive or who’s been alive in the past, like, 40 years, who will even be remembered a couple hundred years from now. Well, we’re in exact alignment on that. You know, I’m not buying into his Kool Aid, but I’m very far from tds.

I don’t have any of that. I’ve realized that’s a real disease that people have. It’s. It’s a. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. I’ve never seen so much hatred brought on somebody for a reason that I can’t understand other than the fact that I believe that he has disrupted the Washington so much because he doesn’t buy into their, you know, their normal program, that they just hate him for it. They hate him with a passion. And, you know, it’s like people said, if Trump was rescuing a drowning child and rescued that child, they say, you know, he was starving the sharks.

It’s that bad. It really? Is that bad? It’s so true. It’s unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like. And I try to ask people, what did this guy do that was so hateful? It’s like the whole Robert De Niro thing, you know, I have friends that know him real well. Chaz Palmiteri is a good friend of mine. And I said, chaz, what is it with this guy? Did. Was there something personal between them, or did he just hate him for, you know, for whatever? Because I can’t figure it out. And I didn’t get the answer to that.

But what do you. What do you think is behind this whole movement by this progressive party, to honestly destroy the America that we know? And that’s exactly what they tried to do and what they continue to try to do now. Every step of the way, they’re going to fight Trump on everything, every which way they can, whether it hurts the country or not. I don’t believe they love America. I think they. They don’t care about the people. It’s very, very obvious. What do you think’s behind this? I think it’s multifactorial. I think, for sure, TDS is a real thing.

And if Trump. A lot of these people have the problem of they had a negative interaction with Trump and they cannot get past it. And that’s just no way to go through life. You know, especially if you’re going to be in the business of politics, news, anything that’s that interactive with other people on dicey subjects, you have got to be able to put personal slights behind you. They’re going to happen. I would have no friends if I were not able to get past that kind of thing, because it’s the nature of this industry. So I think there are a lot of people who don’t have that skill, and that’s unfortunate because it’s a valuable skill in industry and in life.

But I also think on a larger and more fundamental basis, the absence of religion in a lot of these people’s lives has left them just shells of their former selves. They don’t value the proper things. They don’t have the moral code that most of us grew up with. And they’ve filled it with these vacuous, empty substitutes like Wokeism, you know, like almost each one is a chosen cover for a failing they know they have. You know, it’s never surprising, never surprising when you find out somebody who’s up and out there canceling everybody or pushing hard to have this person canceled or fired has A ton of skeletons in his or her closet.

And they’ve committed all those sins. It’s like you can almost take it to the bank that the most preachy, self righteous and sanctimonious are the ones with the worst sins that they’re trying to hide from us. And instead of actually just getting right with God and settling it, you know, seeking forgiveness and atoning, they decide to take it out on the rest of us by trying to demonize the whole world around them with these imagined sins that they are our betters would never commit and just kind of fingers crossed that we never find out who they really are.

That’s been my experience in the past 10 years that this thing has exploded. You know, I think you’re so right on with that. You know, it’s the moral compass, it’s the, the lack of God in their lives. It has to be because if God was in their lives, they, you can’t think this way. It’s almost an impossibility. You can’t think that way. And you know, I’ll say one other thing, it’s kind of petty, but allow me. I also think that there’s this new thing on the left, like the established left, capital L of like leaning into unattractiveness in every sense of the word.

Like these women who were shaving their heads after Donald Trump won and getting the enormous horned rim glasses and, and already they weren’t wearing makeup or shaving their legs. There are very few men who find that attractive, very few. So you’re limiting your field. So now you’re unattractive and alone and it just breeds more and more bitterness. And with the men, it was like the feminization of them. They went the other way, which makes them less and less attractive to women. So they’re not getting any action, which makes men deeply unhappy. Women don’t like that either.

But men really need that in order to be happy. And so I just think like they make these choices that make them less and less attractive to potential partners, potential friends. They become more and more isolated. Then, then lather, rinse, repeat on that woke mind virus cycle that we discussed. Yeah, you know, that makes sense. And you know, and I say to myself, these, these people in office, these politicians, that they really think that pushing these DEI programs and pushing things that are so out of step with really mainstream America, with normal people that have families, go to work, do their jobs, do they really think they can win that battle? And I guess in their minds they think they can.

They think that they can impose that on all of mainstream America. And it seems like such a ridiculous position to take. And, you know, Megan, I used to get upset. I look at people in office and, you know, I try to judge everybody the proper way, but I look at these people and I say, how did they ever get there? These people couldn’t work for me. They couldn’t. How did they get there? They don’t know anything. And then you want to blame people that vote for them. But then I say, you know what? These people that are working two jobs are working eight hours a day trying to put food on their table, take care of their families, they don’t have time to do the research, look into the candidates.

So they see a guy up there, they watch mainstream media, oh, he sounds good. I am a Democrat, I’ll vote. They really don’t have any knowledge or, you know, information about that person. They just vote that way. So I said, you know what? You can’t get mad at people. It’s not them, you know, they got to live their lives. But I don’t understand how some of these people get into office and I’ll name them. You know, Adam Schiff, the fact that he got elected again in the state of California, it’s mind boggling. I mean, this is a bad guy as far as I’m concerned.

Guy lied continuously, you know, and it’s not a question that he lied about Trump. He put the, he put the country through this. $36 million in an investigation, continues to lie until this moment. You know, Nancy Pelosi, you know, goes in blue collar, comes out a multimillionaire, you know, insider trading. Her father, by the way, I don’t know if you know this, her father was mobbed up. He was the mayor. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Mayor of Baltimore. He was, he was put in office by us. We took care of him at the time. He was beholden to us.

She was around during that time. I think she learned a lot of the mob ways because she acts that way. Right? I’m telling you, you know, the city of San Francisco is in the dump while she’s over there, does nothing for her constituents there at all. And people continue to put her in, I don’t know this Democratic machine that they have, how it continues to go. But, you know, I’ve been so outraged lately at the people that we see that have control over our lives. And I guess because, you know, I have failed control over my life.

And I was in a power position at one point in time. It drives me crazy. My wife has to calm Me down really. I think it’s a combination of a couple of things, including Citizens United, which opened the spigots for corporations to spread, spend a lot of money on these elections. Redistricting, which drew lines around, you know, made certain districts super red or super blue. And a combination of those two factors leads to certain interest groups running elections. People deep pocketed interest roots. Interest groups basically choose the candidate and they choose someone that they can control.

They’re not interested in somebody smart or independent minded and certainly not somebody who can work across the aisle. And so we used to have a little bit more of, you know, moderate parties that were, that could find common ground because they weren’t responsible only to the people who bought their way into office. Now you have these lackeys who really work for corporate America. They’re supposed to do their bidding. There’s no reward in compromising on anything, nor is any side interested in doing that because both sides gotten so, have gotten so radicalized, you don’t see any possible way you could compromise.

How are we going to compromise with the people who want to chop off the pieces of little boys? It’s a hard no. You know, like there’s no, there’s no room to find each other anymore. So I think that’s part of the problem. But I, I’ve definitely noticed a serious deterioration in the, in the smarts of the people we elect. You know, when we were young, you could still look up to them. Now we’ve got morons like Jasmine Crockett out there with her foul mouth, four letter take on everything Donald Trump says, or that idiot Maisie Hirono who’s a US Senator.

The way she berated Pete Hegseth was just a disgrace. These people are an embarrassment and, you know, no one looks up to them, no one respects them. You don’t look at the job, even if you ascend her and say, yeah, that’s something I’d like my kid to be one day. It’s like, I think you and I have more power behind these microphones than most of those lawmakers have. Absolutely. You know, it’s gotten to such a point. You know what gets me too, Megan? They lie consistently. Consistently. And people see them that they’re lying. I mean, you have to see it.

And yet, you know, people say to me, you know, Michael, that’s politics. I said, no, that’s not politics. That’s lying. I said, these people are lying and it’s to your detriment when they lie. How do you support somebody like that again and again? I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s a new generation of thinking. I just don’t understand that. I guess I’m old school in that regard. Somebody lies to me once, okay, you know, twice, hey, third time, I’m done, you know, finished. But these people can continuously lie, and people continue to buy into it, and I just don’t get it.

I really don’t. That was one of the things that was so galling about Barack Obama. He was the worst liar of all. And he still is held up in this platform like he’s the second coming because he can say it nicely. You know, he’s got a nice affect that people find super charming. And there are other things about him that they love. So, you know, okay, we’ve. I guess we’ve given him a whole pass on how he stole your health care and your doctor and lied to you in the face about it. And then parents died, and there was no accountability.

And he rejiggered 1/7 of the US economy based on a complete falsehood. And then his, you know, successor, Joe Biden, gets in office and tells the biggest lie of all time, which was that he was competent to hold office, and everyone around him, including the media, pushed it. Still, and only now that he’s been out of office for a few months, are we starting to get reporters. Like, yeah, I know, I know. I know, too. Yeah. How are they ever going to rebuild trust? I don’t know. You know, and hopefully we have faith enough in people where they see through that.

And, you know, bringing up Biden, a lot of people have said, you know, it wasn’t Biden in office. It was people that were pulling the strings. And I said, no, no. Joe Biden’s been in political office for 50 years. I don’t give him a pass. I have no empathy for him. He took the most powerful position in the world. Consciously, he wanted that position. And then he caused mass destruction. This guy has. Has blood on his hands in a lot of different ways, whether it be over the border, whether it be Afghanistan. You know, the guy didn’t even have the decency to, you know, to the Gold Star families to treat them properly afterwards.

This is a bad guy as far as I’m concerned. And, you know, I believe he’s treasonous. There’s no question. You know, Megan, I gotta tell you, the information that the GOP pulled up against Biden is more information than they had against me in any one of my RICO indictments. And I had three of them. He should 100% investigate. And I asked Giuliani about this. I had him on my show and he said, absolutely. Biden crime family. It was worse than the evidence I had against you, Michael. And I was acquitted in that case when he. I got to see that episode.

Oh, yeah, you know, absolutely. And he gets a pass and all of this. And the guy is just a, He’s a terrible human being as far as I’m concerned. Well, look what they’re doing right now. They’re. Andrew Cuomo’s running again for New York mayor. It’s like, fine, you’re part of the machine. The Democrats will lather you up and put you right back out all nice and cleaned off. And you can forget about all those prior problems. I mean, it’s not true if you’re a Trump. But the Democrats, they’ll stand by any of their dirty scoundrels. And Joe Biden, I mean, he only got, he didn’t get charged because, well, meaning elderly man with a poor memory, that was it.

I mean, Trump could charge him right now. The statute of limitations on that has not expired. He now runs the doj. Where’s his credit for not doing to Biden what was done to him? Right. So. But Joe Biden, you’re right, he was corrupt as vice president, there’s no question with the Hunter Biden behaviors that was well documented. He should, his son should have been charged as well for the tax fraud that he committed and the antics as he didn’t register as a foreign agent, which he clearly should have. And Joe Biden used him. That’s the one thing the Democrats kept telling us.

He loves his son. He loves his son. He used his son. His son was critical to the Biden quote, family crime, family of their own. And he did it when he knew his son was drug addled. He had no qualms about that whatsoever. I mean, most of us, if we have somebody who’s on drugs in the family, you try first over the top love, and then you eventually get to tough love. But you certainly don’t set them up with a job with a Ukrainian company where they’re raking in 50 grand a month and you’re running Ukraine policy for the country at the same time.

He’s a user. He doesn’t love anybody other than himself. He loves the almighty dollar. And all this other stuff about him being this family man who loves the kids is window dressing. No, you’re absolutely right. And even when they pardoned, you know, when he pardoned Hunter and people were saying, well, that’s his son. He loves his son. I. He don’t want to turn his son against him because if his son ever said the truth, hey, Daddy made me do it, this would be the worst scandal ever, even though we all know it was the truth. That way I could spend a lot of time on because Biden is one of the guys that I stay at home at night, and before I go to bed, I pray not to have a hatred for him.

I really mean it because this guy caused so much destruction. In four years, I’ve never witnessed anything like it. Just. Just horrible. And I hope people are waking up to it. I want to move on to Trump and Zelensky. What do you think about that whole fiasco in the office? Well, Trump wasn’t wrong. It was great television. And I blame Zelensky. I mean, fully blame Zelensky. When I watched it, I didn’t know what I was watching. I just saw, like most people, just the clip of the most contentious moment. And it was like, oh, my God.

Oh, no, what’s happening? You know, I really wanted the minerals deal signs. I thought, this is. I like Trump’s plan for putting an end to this thing. And so I didn’t want to see that slipping away. And it clearly was. And then we went back over the weekend and we watched every minute of the 40 minutes that preceded that moment. And we did a long clip on this. It hit our feed yesterday. Today’s Tuesday, so it hit on Monday. And it shows Zelensky repeatedly sighing, rolling his eyes and interrupting Trump while Trump was trying to make his points.

And he was antagonistic in the points he was making of Trump. He kept, no, that’s not right. You know, he kept trying to correct him. And frankly, it’s like, I remember when I was a young lawyer at my law firm, and I would go in and I’d speak with a senior partner, and oftentimes the senior partners on the cases would say the wrong things. They don’t know the cases as well as the junior lawyers. And I used to be that little correcting lawyer. Like, no, it’s not that. It’s this. It’s the other thing, because I used to think, he’s the senior partner.

He’s going to have to know this correctly when he goes in to see a judge. And finally one of them was like, stop doing that, and explained to me that it’s annoying and that you don’t have to do that as the junior person. That’s kind of the position Zelenskyy was in. He was by Far the junior partner, he had absolutely no leverage. And it was. It was disrespectful to continuously try to correct Trump on the small and the big points. And if you watch the lead up, Trump let him get. Get away with it repeatedly. He kept taking the high road.

He didn’t bite at every little nip. He didn’t respond in kind. He actually laughed one of them off heartily and kind of, like, knocked him on the knee in a gentle, like, fun guy to guy way. And it wasn’t until Zelensky got leaned in on the JD Thing, and with tensions rising in the room, called him by his first name, which was disrespectful, that JD Kind of snapped at him a bit. And Trump still stayed out of it. He still let those two go. And it wasn’t until Zelensky tried to suggest that the United States of America is about to come under threat, that big Daddy was like, oh, no, now you went too far.

And that upset Trump to the point where he put him in his place. And that was the end. I was completely on Trump’s side. I thought, out of the three, he behaved the best of anyone. He has nothing to apologize for. And by the way, then we learned that the Democrats were tweaking Zelensky for an hour right before he went in there, trying to get him so that he would screw up the deal. So they won. And then they turned around and said, because Trump reacted, he’s Putin’s puppet. He’s a Russian operative. That’s how their whole game works.

Just ask your friend Adam Schiff. Yeah, yeah. You know, and the worst part of this is they’re ready to. They would torpedo a deal for peace and save God knows how many lives and possibly hold off a world war, because who knows, it could come to that. We don’t know. They would torpedo it just to badmouth Trump and put him in a bad light. I hear this. It drives me crazy. I mean, this is worse than the street, Megan. People on the street don’t do this. You know, we have a little bit more loyalty and morals than these people in government have.

And then, you know, obviously, obviously, the mainstream media jumps right away. Trump is the villain. Trump is the villain. You know, they start to support Europe, which, by the way, yeah, Europe has a lot to be concerned about since if Ukraine did fall onto Russia, it’s at their borders, not ours. So they want to be, you know, make like they’re supporting of Zelensky, but they don’t want to do their fair share money Wise. And people don’t see this or they don’t care because they just want to torpedo Trump. Well, here’s the other thing. What do they want Trump to do that he’s not doing on the Russia deal? Like, all of our leverage is over Ukraine.

We already passed all the sanctions against Putin and Russia and the oligarchs. We already played that card. There’s not another one of those to play. So they’ve already been put in the penalty box. And how Ukraine we have leverage over because we’re. Without us, they don’t have. Russia will own Ukraine in two days. So that’s the. That’s where we have our leverage. But what specifically do they want us to do on the settlement of this deal that we’re not doing? I have yet to hear somebody explain that to me. Oh, Ukraine should get all of its territory back.

Okay, how, how is it that we’re going to make that happen? Like, walk me through your ideas for how Trump can extract that out of Putin. We’re at the point now. We funded them to the point. Ukraine, where they beat off the attack against Kiev and some other cities. Putin did not take Ukraine. We did not fund it in the way the most ardent Ukraine fans wanted Biden to fund it to where they actually could have beaten Russia back out of the territory it seized. So that ship has sailed. You can thank Joe Biden for it.

And now what we’re trying to do is just stop the bloodshed, stop more Ukrainians from dying and yes, oh, heaven forbid, stop more Russians from dying. That’s where we stand. I don’t understand what they think Trump can do that he’s not doing. The one place he’s drawn the line is I’m not going to give American boots on the ground as a security guarantee. But the Russia, I mean, but I’ve gotten the Europeans to say they’ll do it. Yes, they’re weak and they’re feckless, but that’s your best option. Ukraine, we’re done being the policeman of the world.

We’ll get an economic presence. We will help extract those. The mining ore and the minerals that we are attracted to. That will be a deterrent, that we’re there and we’re invested and we have boots on the ground in that way. But the military stuff, we’re not. We’re not doing it. We’re not getting involved in a hot war with Russia. What are these people suggesting we should. They want, like, us to go in there and, and set our boys up for Putin to attack them. So that my kids and yours have to go over there and fight Putin in World War Three.

It’s crazy. They don’t know what they’re even asking for or are upset about or. You just said it. They have no clue. They don’t know what the end game is. They just, again, suffering from tds and they have no end game. And, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s so ridiculous for me that they can’t understand. They want Trump to just badmouth Putin, call him a demon, call him the worst guy in the world, and then bring him to the table for a settlement. I mean, how do you do that? In what world do you live in that you think you can do something like that? You know, what they haven’t learned yet is I learned this on the street, and I do it until today.

The best way to defeat your enemies is to make them your friends, or at least get them to the table that way and negotiate something, settle it. You don’t have to go out to dinner with them every day. You don’t have to have your wives be friends. But at least let them understand, okay? We have an understanding. That’s the only way you can do this. If you keep demonizing the guy and badmouthing him, well, there’s no more conversation at that point. It’s just war. That’s right. He, Trump, is handling Putin exactly the way he wants to be handled.

Trump, he is who he is, and there’s no mystery to him. Everybody knows he does. He is subject to flattery. It works on him. Showing adoration for Trump is an effective tool for, you know, people around him to gain his good favor. He doesn’t respond well to public confrontation or insults. And so he’s trying to pay Vladimir Putin that kind of respect in order to keep the lane of communication open with the guy and in Trump’s mind, soften him up. Now, I know people say he’s not softenable. He’s. He’s Vladimir Putin. I get that. Trust me.

I’ve interviewed the guy multiple times. I know him fairly well, better than 99% of these journalists who are spouting off, he’s a former KGB guy. He’s not subject to flattery. But in Trump’s mind, he is. And in Trump’s mind, he’s going to do much better with him if he refrains from saying bad things about Putin, because that’s how it would work for Trump. Just ask Zelensky, who learned it the hard way. So I don’t know why people get so obsessed with Trump’s rhetoric around Russia. As he pointed out in that meeting, you know, Obama gave Ukraine sheets and Trump gave them javelins to use against the Russians.

That’s not soft on Russia. No matter how many sweet nothings Trump is willing to whisper in Putin’s ear to keep the communications line open. What has he actually done? And we’ve played tough with Putin, and he hasn’t removed those sanctions. He’s trying to work out a deal. This is how it’s done. Yeah. And they don’t get it. You know what scared me? If it’s true, and I don’t. I don’t believe there’s. I don’t believe it’s false, is that we’ve sent them so many munitions that we’ve depleted our munitions. And I read in the New York Post, they said if, if China were to attack Taiwan right now, we don’t know if we can defend them properly.

It’s something we might lose. That’s terribly frightening to me. And they don’t even think of this. They’re not thinking of ahead. And I think. I think everybody knows or should know at this point in time, people would sense that China is a big threat to us down the road. I mean, they’re building up their military, they’re doing things, and we’re behind in some places at this point, but they don’t care about any of that, Megan. That’s what gets me. They don’t, you know, the honest truth. They don’t care about the people of this country. They only care about their own position and power to maintain.

And, you know, that’s why I wrote a book, Mafia Democracy, because I see it, you know, on the street. Sometimes people, they want to stay in power. They want to maintain control over people, and they’ll do it in any way that they possibly. And I see these people on the left operating the same exact way. It’s all about money that they make for themselves. It’s all about power. It’s all about maintaining control. And they don’t care who they hurt in the interim. That’s it. I agree. And the thing about Russia is these leftists still blame Russia for Trump’s win first time around.

They are genuinely convinced that Russia cost Hillary Clinton that election. Let me tell you something. I have had meetings with the FBI at length, former top agents from the FBI prior to go over, going over and interviewing Vladimir Putin the first time. And they showed me on this big spreadsheet exactly what Putin did with respect to the 16 election. And there’s no question he interfered to some extent. He didn’t cost Hillary Clinton the election. He scattered some, you know, information like fake news. He amplified certain reports. No one told her not to go to Wisconsin. No one told her to call half the country a basket of deplorables.

Like, as much as the left wants to blame that loss on Putin, who, by the way, has interfered in lots of elections, as have we across the world, it wasn’t Putin’s fault that Hillary lost. It was Hillary’s fault that she lost. They can’t get over it. You know, still again, here we are in 2025, and they’re still with the Russia, Russia, Russia. And it would be great, as Trump says, if we could actually get along with Russia. There are a lot of ways in which we could align with them. And I will tell you now, having been to Moscow, having been to St.

Petersburg, having been to Kaliningrad and met a lot of Russians on the street and spent a fair amount of time with them, the Russian people love us. They love America. They still want the Levi’s jeans. They want anything that looks or smells or feels American. They. They admire us. They want to be more like us. They love Putin because they love a strong man. And I’ll bet you anything they love Trump. But we don’t have a beef with the Russian people. It’s. It’s not like some of these other countries, like, you know, the people in Gaza who are out there openly chanting death to America in their spare time.

It’s not like that at all. So if we could get our leaders to get along, we would have so much opportunity, and it makes so much more sense for us to be aligned with Russia against China than for those two to be aligned together against us. Well, you know, I agree. And I had three Russian partners again back in the day when I was on the street. They’re the best partners I ever had. I mean, we did very well together. They were honest with me. We had. And I really enjoyed their company, and vice versa. And they loved being in America the whole time that they were here.

It was getting their people to come over, their family bringing them over one by one, you know, So I agree with you there. I mean, Russians are great people, you know, they just don’t understand or they don’t care. It’s a combination of both people on the left, and it drives me crazy. Megan, you have a. You seem to be a lot more calmer about it than I am. I can’t deal with it. I look at these people sometimes. And I’m in awe. And even when the media immediately pounced on Trump for what went down in the Oval Office, and I’m saying, what do these people know about foreign affairs or diplomacy or how they probably even never had to balance a checkbook in their life? What do they know about business? They know nothing.

They’ve been career politicians, they have no clue. And yet they come out and they just start knocking people. And, you know, Trump is strong, he can handle it. It isn’t for that. But they don’t realize what they’re doing to the country when they act like this and they take these positions. And I guess, I guess that’s what gets me the most. And, you know, it’s just terrible, terrible thing. I gotta ask you this, though. You were with Putin. What do you think about him? Is he a guy that you can reason with? Yeah, I think Putin is a rational actor.

I know it sounds crazy because he just did kill a lot of people in Ukraine and it seems like a senseless war, but not in his mind. And I do think Putin is a rational actor. And I do, I understand Trump’s point. Trump is very well aware that Putin was the one who invaded Ukraine. He knows that when he says it never should have been started, he’s not saying they were equally responsible. And, you know, Ukraine invaded Russia. He’s talking about the fact that Putin had been jumping up and down about Ukraine possibly joining NATO and cozying up to NATO for many, many years.

And it made very clear there was a red line for him. And we and Ukraine didn’t listen and we didn’t believe him. Right. That he was going to do something about it and he meant it. Now, yes, he’s, he’s gone into Ukraine a few times, he’s gone elsewhere. It’s not like Putin’s a complicated man. What he really wants is to restore Mother Russia to the glory days of the ussr. And he does need to, we do need to keep a watchful, skeptical eye on him. For sure. It’s not like our relationship with the uk so that no one should be, you know, cloudy eyed about that.

But we can work with Putin. I think Putin understands that some sort of positive working relationship with America, which opens the door to a positive working relationship with most of the free world, is a good thing for him. I don’t think he really wants his best friends to be Iran and China. I really don’t. I think he understands that this, you know, there’s sort of a subterranean group of countries that he’s been relegated to dealing with right now. And I think he’d much rather Russia be in the place it was before, where it was getting closer to economic, you know, economically thriving.

They weren’t, they weren’t exactly free the way they are over here, that’s for sure. A lot of crackdowns on the press. Journalists have been killed. I could go down the list, but I’m just saying I don’t think Putin likes being in the basement and subterranean with these other actors only. I think he’d like more access to, you know, possibly trade with the United States, oil sales to the United States and so on. My friends, I got a question for all of you out there. You want to be a guest on my podcast? Well, if you do, I’m looking for the person with the most inspiring story story to bring to my YouTube channel.

And I gotta tell you, life’s thrown me some tough punches. Decades in the mob, betrayal, prison, but I was able to turn it around. Transformation isn’t easy, but for some of us, it’s very real. And I know you’ve got a story to tell, too. So if you want to be on my channel, here’s how to apply. Step one, grab a bottle of Franz east wine, whether alcoholic or non alcoholic, and make it front and center in a picture or a video. Step two, share your journey. The challenge challenges the comebacks on the video or in the description, either place.

Step three, post it on Instagram and tag ranzeeswine and use shareyourstory. Now the winner is going to join me on my YouTube channel for thousands of people to hear. The top five inspirational stories will get shared on Franzi Swine’s social media pages. Now, you’ve got until March 28th to do this, so don’t wait. Let’s toast here. Comeback and share your success success story with the entire world. An offer you shouldn’t refuse. Okay. Yeah. And I hope you’re right, and I think so, too. Just make again, we’re talking about sense. It makes sense. And I don’t see any, any advantage for Russia and America to be at odds.

But, you know, I think that’s Trump’s position and anybody with common sense would understand that. Moving on to the tariffs. Here’s my thing on that. A lot of people, oh, you don’t understand. He’s going to be destroying jobs and, you know, people are going to get hurt. And I said, listen, give the guy a chance. You know, you people have never negotiated anything in your life. You’re not in business. You don’t understand. Trump Throws things out there. He sees what people, you know, how they react to it. Maybe he gets them to come to the table, he gets them to lean a little bit.

Don’t get nervous about this. And today, again, in uproar because of the tariffs, we heard Trudeau, you know, saying that people on both sides of the, you know, border are going to suffer over this. I believe it’s a good thing. I really do. I think it’s about time that America worries about America first. That’s my position. Let me take you back. It’s 18 years. My husband and I just celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary. I’m going to go back 18 years. And I was seeing a therapist because I had gotten a divorce from my first husband and she was like a relationship therapist.

And she was, you know, helping me figure out where the first marriage went wrong and how I could make a better choice second time around if I, if I were so inclined. I started dating Doug. He was unlike any other guy I’d ever dated. He was nice. He was a gentleman. He was treating me well. He wasn’t an asshole. I’m like, oh, I’m not sure I like that. I think most women understand what I’m saying. And my therapist said at the time, you asked the universe to send you something different. It did. Will you listen? And this is kind of how I feel about Donald Trump.

Doug and I got married. Three children later, our marriage is still as strong as ever. I’m delighted and absolutely mad for him. On Donald Trump, we asked the universe to send us something different. We decided the country needed to try to steal a phrase, hope and change, but actual hope and change. This time. Bill Maher said it best when he said, we don’t need a revolution, we needed a colonic. The country needed a bit of a cleansing. And Trump is trying to do something. I realize there are certain industries that may have some short term pain, and even Trump acknowledged that, but he’s trying to do something that will spur a new era of manufacturing in America, which is good for the working class and the so called rich who are the job creators.

This is, this is part of his plan. They said all the same thing, all these same things about his tariffs on China in Trump 1.0. And then they work so well that Joe Biden kept them in place when he took over. Right. And so Trump has just raised those tariffs on China up by another 10%. And he’s put them on our friends. That’s what people are so upset about, our friends, Canada and Mexico. But look, let’s be honest. Our friends have been mooching off of us. Our friends have been taking advantage of us. They’ve been raiding the liquor cabinet.

They’ve been, you know, bringing over their derelict boyfriends who have been causing all sorts of, you know, havoc in our homes. You know, look at what Mexico has done with the border. It’s been absolutely deadly. Forget the illegals, just the fentanyl that they’ve been funneling in through the cartels. And there’s a serious fentanyl coming our way from up north. Our friend in what Michael Knowles calls our evil top hat of Canada, whose values look less aligned with ours some days than those of the evil Russia. They’re letting a 50 year old man swim against 12 year old girls in Canada.

He’s a, he’s an otter, a quote otter, because he identifies as a 12 year old girl. They’re allowing that I don’t understand them at all. So my point is simply Trump is looking for fairness and he’s looking to send a message that will actually get them to behave better when it comes to their friend, the United States. What about their friendship toward us and the obligations they owe? I’m open minded to see where this goes and I fully agree with what you said. If it, if it doesn’t work, he’ll change it. He’s quick to change. He doesn’t have that thing where it’s like, well, I said I would, so I have to just keep doing it.

He, he wants success. He doesn’t want to say no decision ever went sideways. No, I totally agree with that. And you brought up something. I got to, I got to take it a little bit further. You know, you met your husband and I heard what the therapist said to you. I want to ask you this. It’s obvious that men have been feminized over the years and really demonized for acting like men. And I’ve always said this. I said, what people don’t understand. When a man acts like a man, it’s a benefit to a woman. It’s not, it’s not demeaning women, it’s a benefit to women.

So what is your idea of a real man? You married one, obviously. What are those qualities? A strong man who is a protector, who looks out for his lady and his children and takes care of them. My own, you know, ideal guy is the one I married who is also intelligent and very clever. And it’s funny because, Doug, just given the nature of my career and, you know, it’s gone well. I’m the primary Wage earner in my family. But that’s like, I would be if I were married to basically 99% of the men in the country.

Right. It’s not about Doug. Doug had a successful company. Now he’s a successful author. But at home, he’s more of the alpha, and I’m more of the beta. You know, like, he’s the decision maker, and I like that. And he just. He’s not controlling. He’s completely supportive of a strong, independent wife, and he’s loves my job and loves what it brings to my world. But, like, we have certain traditional roles inside the house, which we’re both fine with, and there’s an order to that that I think we both find attractive. And, like, I would never, like, kill the enormous bug in the bathtub.

He’s gotta do it. I don’t take out the trash. He has to do that. I’ll unload the dishwasher every once in a while. I’ll do a trash and he’ll do a dishwasher. But not usually. It’s a. I’m saying these are small things, but there’s a clarity somewhat around, like, the gender roles at home and in all aspects of the home life. And it works. I like being married to somebody who’s an alpha in that way. And it doesn’t mean. This is the point I’ve been trying to make to the Republican Party because I don’t want it to overcorrect for the beta fication that the Democrats have done to their men.

Like, on the right, we don’t have to go so hardcore alpha that we eliminate all of the men who are, yes, strong men at home, but also who are loving and supportive and good dads and great husbands and are okay if they have a woman who wants to work outside of the home. There’s just too many, in my view, of, like, want to overcorrect it back to something that appears more backwards. And that’s no way to recruit young women over to our side. And by the way, women vote more than men, so we do need to get them on our side.

Yes. And as a strong and independent woman, you’re not threatened at all by your husband’s protectiveness and assert. Assertiveness and. And just being, you know, having the role of the man in the house, that doesn’t threaten you at all? No. It’s hot. I love it. I mean, anytime Doug has threatened to beat somebody up on my behalf, he’s gotten lucky that night. It’s. Of course, every woman loves that. And I feel like you’re faking it. If you, if you want, if you say you want something else. And I like, he’s like, he’ll tell me who’s a bad guy.

Like, he’ll watch my show. He’ll listen to, like, some things that happen in my professional life, and he’s quick to say that one’s bad. And I listen to him because I know he’s looking out for me. He’s got very good judgment. It’s another way of being a protector. And even with our kids, he’s more of the disciplinarian and I’m more of the softer touch. And I like that too. You know, all it takes is for Doug to say our child’s name and the kid will stop. Like, they know if he says their name, you know, like, with just the right tone, they need to stop it.

Like, he’s there and they’re in trouble and they don’t want to be in trouble with Doug. I love all that. I don’t want some, like, wussified, soft guy who really just wants to be their friend and like, hang out with them as opposed to, like, raise a man or in my daughter’s case, you know, a strong woman and be okay. Being married to a strong woman. That also takes a very strong man. Very strong man, yes. You know, Doug’s ego is very much intact. Sometimes people will attack him and Doug’s always like, oh, I couldn’t care less.

Like, he, he has the thickest skin of anybody I know. He just doesn’t like it when they come for me, which I like. But for him, God, it’s very tough to get a rise out of him anyway. I love all that. And I don’t think we, as women who are strong and maybe working or whatever have to give up on that. And I don’t think Democrat women need to settle for less in their relationships either. My God, I think they’d be a lot happier. They had strong men at home who had strong opinions and understood very clearly how they wanted things to be, but were open minded.

And I don’t want to say this sounds weird, but I’m kind of looking for their woman in hand from time to time. When they felt strongly about something, you know, they needed to put their foot down. I think most women respond well to that and find it very attractive. And then their sex lives improve and then they’re less bitter and unhappy. The last thing they would do is shave off all the head on all the hair on their heads. They would keep their bodies More fit. The more honestly I had a sex expert on, the more often you have that kind of stimulation in your life, the healthier you are, the happier you are.

I see all these Democrat women going on like some putting on chastity belts after the election. I’m like, oh, sisters, you got it mixed up, the wrong thing to do. So I think it’s all connected. No, I agree, you know, and I say this, and I don’t mean to be demeaning it all, but I have five daughters, so I have a little bit of, you know, background. Background to talk about this. I think a lot of the women that feel this way about guys have just never really had a man in their life, a real man, you know, to treat them properly and to do the things that a man does.

Because, you know, my daughters used to tell me, I mean, they’re all fine now and married and, you know, engaged and all that, but dad, there’s no good men around anymore, you know. And I said, well, keep looking, you’ll find one. Don’t worry about, God’s got a plan for you. And fortunately that happened. But, you know, I had a guy on here the other day and he was very successful guy, 38 years old, he has a big jewelry operation in Manhattan. And I said, why aren’t you married? And he says, michael, you don’t understand the quality of women around.

I’m in New York and I just, you know, I want a woman that I’m going to be with forever. I don’t want her to just look at my money. I want to, you know, I want to. That’s going to be my only marriage. And he was really, you could tell that he was really sincere about it, you know, and it wasn’t that he was down on women. He just wanted to find the right one. So I don’t know. I’m going to be married 40 years. So I got, you know, very blessed in that regard, lucky in that regard.

So I don’t, I don’t have that issue. But I see it like our young people today are lost in this way, I think. Yeah, like I’ve talked to a lot of young conservative women who are very worried because they may not want to be full time stay at home moms and they feel like maybe the party is shifting to where, like that’s the only acceptable option for young Republican men. And they don’t, you know, they don’t want that. Some of these women are gunners, they’ve got exciting careers. So I like, I, I don’t want our young Republican men to get to the point where they think the only thing that will satisfy them or be okay or lead to a good life is somebody who will be at home full time.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Virtually every friend I have is a stay at home mom. There’s zero judgment on my part for that. But I also think that like, so once we’ve gotten to the point where we stopped demonizing, demonizing that choice, we can’t, we can’t forget not to demonize the other choice, which is maybe our young women do want to work and have a family. And if they can find a way, so much the better. And, and men, be chivalrous. I don’t care what the modern standards are. You should open the door for your lady.

You should, when you’re walking near the sidewalk, you should be out near the traffic and she should be on the inside. Right? You should be paying for the meals. You should be. Honestly, I don’t care whether she makes more than you or not. You should pay for the meals. It’s a small thing, it’s not a big expense. It’s just a way of saying, I will take care of you. And then she takes care of you in her in other special soft ways that matter as well. Like we can’t lose these little traditions because I know they’re important and they’re biological.

Like it’s ancestral, it’s evolutionary, that if we, if we don’t feel protected by our men, we won’t be attracted to them like it’s in our DNA after all these years. And if our husbands don’t look at us on the converse side and say, this is a nurturer who will take care of my kids, who can reproduce, who is, you know, young and capable of doing that, and who’s going to take care of me too, in her own way, then, then they won’t find us attractive. So we can’t be all sharp elbows and they certainly can’t be all soft edges.

It just doesn’t work. Well, I gotta tell you, I think this was the most important part of our conversation. I really mean it. I hope men and women are listening to this because you’re so right on. We’re so in alignment with that. But I have to ask you something that’s a little bit personal now, and if you don’t want to, we can cut this out afterwards. But I read somewhere that you have three children and they were all by in vitro. Yeah. Yes. The reason I’m asking my, our oldest daughter now she just got married a year ago, 39, and she’s going through the in vitro process and just found out she had 15 healthy eggs.

And I think I’m trying to get it right. It came down to five really good ones. And so we were at a discussion the other night, and she said, dad, you know, they’re asking me if I want a boy or a girl. And she said, what do you think? I said, just get the strongest one right now. You know, strongest one. Don’t worry about that if we don’t need to know the sex. So talking about that, and then, you know, well, it could work. It may not work, even though it’s good. So all these things, and I want her so badly to have a child.

She wants it so badly. So is it, you know, your experience with it, as. Was it a good one? Did you go through. Yes, it was very positive. I. I was one of the ones. I met Doug when I was 35. We got married at 37, and I had my first child at 38, and then 40 and then 42. So my lateness in coming to the, you know, childbearing thing was just. I just didn’t meet Doug until I’d already been married, and that marriage fell apart anyway. But I do want people to know the eggs, for whatever it’s worth, when I got them Tested at age 38, they were good.

They were still good. It’s not true for everybody. Mine were great. My problem on conceiving a baby was my uterus is small. It’s like a small uterus. I don’t. It’s like a. I don’t know. But anyway, it made it tough to conceive, but fine. And actually carrying a baby and delivering. So I barely remember ivf. It was so easy. It was like, the. The first one is scary because there’s a big old needle that they stick in you. Like the first time, you’re like, oh, honey, we’ve got to ice it. Help me. And, like, they show you.

I gotta, like, mix it. You feel like a chemistry by the end of the cycle, there’s no ice. You can’t you mix it yourself? You’re, like, in the ass while you’re bouncing a baby over here and you’re on the phone, it’s like, it is a nothing. And of course, as soon as you’re pregnant, it’s totally forgotten. No one remembers. Like, they don’t talk about how they conceived it. Unless it, like, comes up like this in conversation, it’s a nothing. Same way they don’t talk about how they birthed the baby. Now these crazy feminist Nazis make it sound like you can’t have anything other than a vaginal birth and be a real mother.

It’s like, well, I see three children here. I think I’m a real mother. What do you care how the baby comes out of me? Like, people shame other women for their choices, and it’s absurd. So the ivf, I loved it. It worked each time we did it. Thank God we weren’t in the position of having extra embryos, which is controversial and very. It’s very hard for parents to deal with what to do with that. We just didn’t have that problem. We had two left, and I put them in with my last child, and I only got one child, so, you know, they don’t always always, like, all take.

But anyway, I highly recommend it. You put both of them in at the same time. Because I know that my daughter was wondering if she should do that or not. And I said, don’t ask me. I don’t know. But you did, and it was okay. Yeah. For me, that was a better choice than. I didn’t want to leave any man behind. You know, Like, I. I didn’t. It’s a very tough thing to have to say, okay, now what would I do with my embryos? You know, like, especially because now you’ve probably met your first couple of children.

Yeah. And you’re not looking at them as embryos. You know, you’re. They look to you like your babies, and you’re. You’re faced with this choice of, like, do I leave them behind or do I come get them? So I was happy that I. I just had the two and I use both of them. But, yeah, I only got pregnant with one baby I didn’t have. You know, they don’t just. Same way as if you conceive naturally. They don’t all implant in the uterine lining and turn into an actual child. So, anyway, I don’t think IVF should be demonized the way it is.

It was a miracle worker for me. My kids are great. I can’t imagine life without them. They’re all thriving and going to be productive members of society and probably conservatives. So I. We did. We did a good job. And it’s like I say to the Catholic Church, because they’re always trying to make me, you know, do penance for everything. I’m like, why don’t you just say thank you made you three extra Catholics. All I want to hear from you guys is thank you. Exactly now, are you okay with me leaving this in? Because if not, I’ll cut it out.

It’s up to you. Yeah, yeah, it’s fine. My daughter’s going to be extremely encouraged when she hears this, so thank you very much for that. You know, I’ll bless her. Thank you. I don’t want to keep you too long, but one last question. You’re. I realized something with this whole Musk and Doge thing. And when I saw all this money through US Aid that was going out for all these DEI initiatives in various parts of the country, parts of the world, I said, I think what’s behind these people? They’re trying to explode the nuclear family and make dei.

That’s it. Forever. Are we off? Okay. Was that okay? I don’t know what that was from somebody. And then we need to wrap up, like, right now, so. Oh, no, you can finish this question. Yeah, okay. So anyway, you know, what’s your outlook on this country? Where do you think we’re going? Are you optimistic? Are you pessimistic, knowing everything that you know, being in the know as you are speaking to all the people? What do you think? What do you think the outlook is? I’m optimistic. I’m more optimistic than I’ve been in a long time. I don’t know how I would have answered that question if Kamala Harris had won, not only because of the devastating policy she would have continued and unleashed, but because of what it would have said to me about where my fellow countrymen are.

I’m so encouraged that they voted for Donald Trump. Even the ones who don’t much like Donald Trump voted for Donald Trump. I mean, he won all of the swing states, every single one of them, all the counties. You know, he says it was a landslide. You know, in the Electoral College, it wasn’t a landslide, but in its own way, it was a landslide. When you, in today’s day and age, when all of the swing states and the key counties, it is a landslide. It’s almost an impossibility by today’s standards, given how polarized we are. So I’m feeling extremely positive.

I think the country has broken free. It’s not gone entirely, but has broken the fever of the woke mind virus, they now realize it was an illness that we were suffering from. And while. Just like when you’re fighting a cancer, you know, it takes a lot, you got to eradicate every cell, you know, the main tumor has been removed. Like, we’re. We’re on the mend when it comes to that. The border the incredible border news and how Trump’s basically shut it down. He has. I mean, there’s really going to be a few who get through. I mean, we’re not superhuman down there, but he’s fixed it.

It’s a miracle. And thankfully, we hope Tom Holman will help fix, remove at least some serious portion of those who sneaked in here illegally. You know, I do hope that we will start turning the corner on the soft on crime DAs. We haven’t yet seen the rash of elections putting tough on crime DAs back in there. And that, that is something we need. And I think Trump will start touting that. And I do think Trump pulling AG Bondi off of the DOJ investigations that were underway against police stations and fire stations around the country for not having enough this kind or that kind or whatever kind, as opposed to just competence.

That’ll help. You know, there won’t be any more federal investigations of things there shouldn’t be federal investigations of like you don’t whatever. Like the harassment of various police departments because they arrest too many people of color or whatever. That’s all nonsense. So I feel optimistic. The one thing I’d really like to see more of is a return by regular folks to the church, to each other, to the bowling lane or whatever the modern day equivalent would be, and less on the phones because I do think the isolation that comes from being non religious, leaning into your technology and just not making the effort to get out there with other real humans, only to experience them on the device is very unhealthy for you personally and for the country.

So maybe now that some of the acute craziness of the Biden era is wearing off, we can get back to those basics. Well, that’s very encouraging coming from you. And I share your optimism. And all I can tell you, Meghan, keep it up. Because we need your bold voice out there, your sense of reason. You’re as honest as can be and we love it. So keep it up, please. We need you. Thank you, Michael. Such a pleasure. I love hearing your voice and your opinion on things. And I’m definitely going to go back and check out the Giuliani episode.

Sounds amazing. You got it. All right, thank you. All right, see you soon. Bye. Bye. All right, my friends. Well, there you have it. I hope you really paid attention to a lot of things that she said. Everything that she said, as a matter of fact, but specifically what she said about Trump at one point in time. She hated Trump. She said it, she got into it during that first presidential campaign, some bad Words went back and forth. But you know what? She didn’t let her hatred interfere with her sense of reason for what’s right and wrong, what’s best for the country, you know, so she stood back and she looked at it like any intelligent person does and says, wait a second.

I may have a personal issue with this person, but his policies are good, his agenda is good. It’s good for America. So I’m going to support him. I put my personal issues aside. If people can do that about everybody, we’d be much better off. You may not like somebody, you may not like his tweets. You may not like what they say or what they look like, how they comb their hair. Doesn’t matter. It’s all about what’s best for the country and the people involved. That’s what it’s all about. So she’s been able to do that. I hope you follow suit.

I loved her definition of manhood. Happily married woman. She told you what she expects from her husband, what she wants from her husband. Very independent. She even said, you know, because of her career, she does bring most of the income into the house. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn’t demean her husband in any way. He does his role, she does hers. You know, equality in that regard is good, but she has certain expectations about a man. Ladies, pay attention. This is from a very successful career woman. Pay attention to what she said. A man, when a man is a man, is not demeaning to a woman.

We both do our parts. We both act a certain way. I love what she said about that. And lastly, personally, I have to really thank her for getting into the in vitro portion, because, you know, that is a personal question. She was very open in answering that. My daughter is going through that now, and I’m so happy it was a success for her. She’s got three beautiful children, and I pray the same for my daughter. So for all of you out there that are thinking about that, what advances we have in medicine, isn’t it amazing? You couldn’t have even thought of this, you know, 40, 50, 60 years ago, but the advances are amazing.

Allows women to have children that wouldn’t be able to do it, you know, under normal circumstances. It’s just amazing. And I think that’s. That’s, you know, a blessing from God. So, Megan, thank you so much for this entire interview. I thought it was one of the best ever. Really appreciate it. There you have it. Megyn Kelly. Go to her website, go to her YouTube channel. You’re going to enjoy it. She never disappoints you. I promise you that. You’re going to love it. So, my friends, how do I always leave you? I almost forgot what I was going to say.

Same way. Never going to change. Be safe. Not going to get into it. Be healthy. RFK is already on the job. He’s doing a good job, from what I understand. We’re going to talk about that at some point in time. Be safe. Be healthy. And yes, people, God bless each and every one of you. Your towns, your communities, your neighborhoods, your loved ones. God bless America. And yes, I’ll see you next time. Take care. Sa.



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