Presidential election: Home Stretch. More pressure

Spread the Truth




➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the upcoming weekend, daylight saving time, and their partnership with Walmart for their wine brand. They express their support for Trump, believing he genuinely cares for the U.S. and has been through many challenges. They also mention their plans for election night coverage and criticize Biden and Harris for their records and divisive actions. The speaker ends by expressing disappointment in Biden’s recent comments about Trump supporters.
➡ The author criticizes the Democratic Party, accusing them of lying and manipulating the public. They express concern over immigration policies, crime rates, and the alleged favoritism towards billionaires. The author also criticizes Mark Cuban’s comments about Trump and women, and calls for investigations into Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden for alleged corruption. They end by expressing hope for a potential Trump presidency to rectify these issues.
➡ The speaker is calling for politicians who misuse their positions for personal gain to be held accountable, even if they don’t end up in jail. They argue that politicians are public servants, not meant to become wealthy at the expense of the public. They also express support for Donald Trump, criticizing Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and accusing the Democratic party of lying to the public. The speaker believes that justice should be served to prevent further abuse of power.
➡ The text criticizes the handling of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, accusing various individuals and groups of lying and election interference. It also criticizes the Biden administration, accusing it of corruption, incompetence, and engaging in fascist behaviors. The text further criticizes the Democrats for wanting to change long-standing institutions like the Supreme Court and the Electoral College. Lastly, it criticizes Dr. Fauci for his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, accusing him of lying and causing harm.
➡ The speaker is expressing concern about the current administration’s handling of immigration, suggesting it’s causing harm to American citizens and the economy. They also discuss a new platform called Kalshi, which allows legal betting on various events, including elections, and believe it’s a more accurate predictor of outcomes than traditional polls. The speaker encourages listeners to try it out, emphasizing its fun and engaging nature. Lastly, they reiterate their stance on immigration, advocating for legal and lawful entry into the country.
➡ The speaker criticizes Kamala Harris and her policies, particularly her support for gender-affirming surgery for inmates and minors, which he believes taxpayers should not fund. He also expresses concern about potential election fraud and encourages Republicans to challenge any suspicious election results. The speaker further promotes a community platform he’s involved in, which offers resources and networking opportunities. He ends by expressing his fear for the future if current policies continue, suggesting they could lead to global conflict.
➡ The speaker thanks participants of a recent Bible study and encourages others to join the next one. He criticizes politicians Harris and Biden, accusing them of hypocrisy and dishonesty. He also expresses his support for Trump and hopes for his victory in the upcoming election. Finally, he invites listeners to join him on a YouTube platform for election discussion and ends with a prayer for everyone’s safety and well-being.


Good morning, everyone. Okay, good morning. We got about 30 people in. Let’s wait. Oh, chats are coming quick today. Who is this? Aneurysm? Fun. Hello everyone. Good morning. Hope everybody’s doing well, getting ready for the weekend tonight. Don’t forget, we turn the clocks back. I mean they normally happen automatically now with our new, you know, cell phones and everything else that we tell time on, but we turn the clocks back. I’m happy for that. I don’t like waking up and I get up early and right here out in California, it doesn’t get light until 7 o’clock and that’s too late.

I like to see the sunshine early in the morning. I’d rather it be, you know, dark earlier at night. So I’m happy that we’re turning the clocks back now. Good morning, Michael. Hope all is well with you and your family. It’s overcast and beautiful here in Arkansas this morning. Wow, Arkansas. What a great time I had down there visiting the Walmart town, I guess we’d call it. I forget the name of the town, but it’s where Walmart is set up and Walmart’s presence is everywhere in the town. And I’m very happy to report with Franzis wine that they’re taking us now in eight states.

Really excited about that. Want to be partners with Walmart with our wine. They’re taking our non alcoholic wine and also two varieties of our alcoholic wines. So pretty exciting to be involved with Walmart. We met all the people there, such nice people, so very excited about it, people. So stock up for the holidays on Franz east wine. If you can’t get it at a store near you, go to franz we’re going to be running some holiday specials. Should be fun. And who else do we have? Aneurysm. Last time you said you believe that Trump was anointed.

The Bible says that rain is a sign of God’s care for the land. For the land. And dressing from the Lord. And it can. Okay, I don’t like what’s wrong with these glasses, man. I can’t see too well. But anyway, yeah, I do think Trump has been anointed. I absolutely do feel that the guy’s been through everything and he’s still standing. It’s just amazing that the guy is still standing and has the energy. It shows me one thing, you know, here’s a billionaire who doesn’t need any of this, could live the rest of his life, you know, carefree and just enjoy his life with his beautiful family.

He has A great family, but I believe he really cares about the United States. He’s gone through everything, every challenge, almost gotten killed twice, and he still wants to, you know, help this country get back on its feet. So I believe he loves America. I really do. If you look back in his history, he’s always been a strong supporter of America. He’s always been concerned about, you know, China and other countries taking advantage of us. And he wants to do something about it. So let’s hope, you know, we get a good result on Tuesday. Excuse me.

Good morning. Hi. From Chicago. Great to hear from Chicago. I’m going to be interviewing somebody later on today from Chicago. I’m not going to reveal his name at the moment, but you’ll see a video on him certainly within the next week or so. Jacksonville, Florida, I am going to be for everybody. I’m going to be in Fort Lauderdale starting Monday on election night. I’ll be with Patrick Bed. David I’m sure many of you know who he is. He’s going to be streaming all night. There’ll be a number of us that are going to be talking about the election with Patrick.

Sammy Gravano, Sammy the Bull is going to be down there also. For those of you that know him and follow him, should be some fireworks between the two of us. And I’m only kidding. Sammy and I have friends now, but it’ll be interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing him and I believe Candace Owens will be there and a few others. So some political figures will be there. I don’t know who they are at this point, but it should be a good event. And we’re going to be doing the election coverage the entire night. Also Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning from my hotel room in South Florida.

I will be doing a live on election day and then the day after the election, but I’ll be doing that on YouTube. So I know some of you don’t like YouTube, but if you want to do a, you want to see a live with me and let you know my perspective on what’s going on that day, please tune in. And we’ll be doing that in the morning probably, probably really early in the morning for people out on the west coast, but we’re going to do it at around 10 o’clock on the East Coast. So that will be Tuesday and Wednesday morning, the 5th and the 6th.

Okay. I don’t know what’s wrong with these classes this morning. I’m not seeing this really clearly. He also spent decades saying he didn’t want to be president. And only stepped in because he thought he could help. Yeah, that’s true. I know for a fact that he never thought of becoming president until he saw this country going in what he felt was really the wrong direction. And I think he proved it, you know, in 2016 when he got on board. I think he proved that he cared and he put the country on the right track. I keep saying this, people.

You know, to quote Bill Parcell’s legendary football coach, legendary Giants coach. He said straight out, we are what our record says we are. That goes for Joe Biden. That goes for Kamala Harris. That goes for Donald Trump. We have two records to compare for. Forget all the rhetoric, forget all the nonsense. We have two records to compare, and they speak for themselves. And there’s no comparison with respect to their records. Biden, Harris, destructive. And Trump absolutely made America better again. There’s no question about it. He also spent decades. Okay, we got a lot of people. We got about 300 people on board so far.

Thank you for tuning in. I know it’s early for many of you on the west coast, on the East Coast, a little bit later. I have a packed day today. I have to do two interviews with people. I have a meeting at 10 o’clock. I have another meeting at 3 o’clock with a friend of mine from Australia. Got a lot going on, you know, to cover before I leave on Monday. And that’s about it. So let’s get into it. You know, we’re in the final stretch, people, of what I feel is the most important election of certainly of my lifetime.

I’m 73 years old, and I think of every one of your lifetimes, you may not realize it, but this is critical. There was never an election where there was such a definitive line drawn in the sand about two ideologies, two policies, two agendas, two ways to govern. And you have the progressive left on one side and you have the right, the conservative right on the other side. And again, we have records of both of these candidates to compare. And we’re in the final stretch now. And as far as I’m concerned, I put it right out there.

You know, I’m not shy. I don’t hold back. I believe Trump is the candidate, without a doubt, that’s going to save America from this disaster that we’ve had in the past three and a half years, almost four years now. Biden right now has become a nonentity. He’s a joke. All he knows how to do is let the true feelings come out like he did the other Day when he called all Trump supporters garbage. I know they tried to clean it up. The Democrats, all they ever do is lie. The White House tried to clean it up.

Says that’s not what he said. You know, they tried to clean it up the same way they tried to clean up Hillary Clinton when she called all of Trump supporters a bucket of deplorables. This is what they think of us. This is Joe Biden who claimed he was going to be the most inclusive president in our lifetime. Remember, he campaigned on that. Everybody was tired of all of the Trump drama that was caused by the Democrats attacking him all the time, but they were all tired of it. So they went with the Biden lie that he’s going to be the most inclusive president.

And Kamala Harris said the same thing in her acceptance speech when she became president. Biden gave a speech. She gave a speech and was all about being inclusive. And what did they do? They lied. They weren’t inclusive at all. They turned off half of the country. They’ve caused more divisiveness than even Obama did. Okay, they lied as usual. And Joe Biden has the nerve, the gallery, to call people his constituency. Because when you’re president, everybody is your constituency. Every citizen in the United States is your constituency. And he called half of them, maybe more than half, we hope, Garbage.

Half of us, I should say. Garbage. Garbage. Those were his words. And of course, the media that always has his back tried to clean it up. Well, he didn’t really say that. He was talking about the comedian. Our ears don’t lie. Our eyes don’t lie. We saw it. We heard it. The White House lied. Of course, his press secretary lied like she always does about him, to cover him up. But that’s what they really think of us. And how do I know that? It’s obvious. Look at their agenda. Look at how they allowed all of these immigrants to come over the border and wreak havoc.

You know, in Long island last week, an illegal migrant raped a five year old girl. Let me say it again. An illegal migrant raped a five year old girl just last week. How many is that now? How many murders do we have from illegal migrants that Joe Biden allowed to come over the border? And Kamala Harris, don’t let me forget her. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. How much fentanyl do we have coming over the border? That Harris, the border czar, even though she, she says that’s not true, she was the border czar. She was looking into the root causes of why these people were coming across our border, when all she had to do was not look past the White House, who signed the executive order to allow them all to come in.

Mayorkas, the liar, who all said, remember, we had a secure border as migrants were killing people and abusing us here. They claimed we had a secure border. They lied. Like the Democrats do all the time, like they’re doing now consistently, every day on the campaign tour. They’re lying. And what about Mark Cuban, that bastion of integrity? Billionaire bastion of integrity. Right. Remember? Oh, that’s. That’s one of the billionaires that Biden Harris claimed that they’re going to tax. Not the middle class, but the billionaires. Yeah, right. Who are you talking to? You’re not going to tax the billionaires that are supporting you.

You’re in their pocket. You know that. Stop lying to us. The 85,000 IRS agents that you engage, they’re to come after the middle class, not to come after the 1 percenters, the billionaires, many of whom who support your campaign. Many of you, many of them who you’re in their pockets for. We know that. So stop lying. What did Mark Cuban say? He had the nerve to say that Trump has no intelligent women around him. He demeaned his wife. He demeaned all the intelligent women that support him, that Trump has in his, you know, in his campaign and in his employ in the White House.

So we’re garbage. And all women around Trump are dumb. And now, of course, Cuban tried to walk back that, Walk that back, but we saw it and we heard it. This is the Democratic Party. All they know how to do is taunt people and be negative and lie and make up stories. They’ve done it consistently over the years, remember this, for generations now, every Republican president, every Republican nominee, I should say, is a fascist and a racist. Every single one. They pull that out of the playbook all the time. And praise God, thank God, our black brothers and sisters, our Latino brothers and sisters are getting wise to it because they.

All they do is abuse them, make them out to be suckers, pull out the race card, and then when they get in office, they do nothing for them. Obama did nothing for the black on black killings in his hometown, Chicago. He did nothing throughout his presidency. He didn’t do anything to stop it. Okay? And I have to say this, too, Donald Trump, if you get in office, you got to help Chicago. That’s a beautiful, wonderful city. And you got to help Chicago the same way you got to help all these other cities that are going to hell because of this migrant situation, because of the Soft on crime situation because of the defund the police situation, all the policies that the progressives put in.

You have to undo it all, Donald. You have to, you have a tough job for four years. You have to make this country right. And I’m going to tell you this. If you do become president on election day, if we have a president on election day now with all the write ins and everything that all of a sudden became the norm, if we do have it on Wednesday, I’m going to give you my wish list of what you need to do as president, what you need to accomplish. You’re a doer, you’ll get it done. Okay? But I’m going to give you our wish list and I think I represent, you know, just about every middle class, low class, whatever in the country.

So I’m going to give you that. But let’s get back. I have an article that I want to read. Harris, remember it was all about joy. The beginning of her campaign, the campaign that she started, that she never got one vote for that she was installed after they stabbed Biden in the back and dismissed him because of his debate performance. All of a sudden in one night he became demented. In one night, the three and a half years that he said was sharp as attack. Pelosi said it. Harris, are you the last person in the room? He was brilliant.

He was in such command of everything. Well, in one night they blew that up. They blew up three and a half years of their lies about him. It’s almost funny if it wasn’t so serious and didn’t have such an impact on the lives of all of us and it didn’t have such an impact on the chaos that’s been caused around the world because of Biden, Harris policies, it would be laughable. It really would be. It would be laughable. But it’s not because it’s serious. It’s very, very serious and we need to put an end to this now.

But all the joy, remember she was so joyful and we’re going to spread goodwill and cheer. We’re going to go in a different direction from the direction that we’ve been in for three and a half years that she caused. Of course, everything was joyous and happy. Well, she changed all of that because she’s slipping in the polls. She’s destroying her own campaign because she’s incompetent and practically illiterate. I hate to say, but if you can’t answer sentences, questions properly and put sentences together properly and can come up with continuous word salads you know, you’re incompetent, but you’re also somewhat illiterate.

I mean, she’s not a kid. She should have command of her language at least. And she doesn’t. She doesn’t. She doesn’t know what she’s saying half the time because she doesn’t know how to answer a question because she doesn’t have the answers. And that’s. That’s borderline illiterate when it comes to policy. I’m sorry, that’s just the way it is. I tell it like it is, okay? But, you know, now it’s all gone. Now Trump is a fascist. You know, America is in trouble. Democracy. Trump is going to go on a revenge tour. And all of this, you know, now it’s all coming out.

And let me tell you this, people, I want to say this. If Donald Trump becomes elected, this isn’t about revenge. It’s about justice. You know, attacking the political enemies. That’s what the Democrats do. They’ve done that to Trump ever since he became president. With the impeachments, with the Russia, Russia, Russia garbage, with all of that stuff, with the indictments afterwards, with the civil cases. They’re the ones that seek revenge. They’re the ones that tried to keep Trump out of the race because they were afraid of him, so they went after him politically and legally and everything else.

They’re the ones. And yet they want to accuse Trump based upon zero evidence that that’s what he’s going to do. But you know what I believe? I believe Trump needs to hold people accountable. What do I mean by that? I believe there should be an investigation into Nancy Pelosi. How did she become so wealthy? How did she become the greatest stock trader in the world? How? Tell me how she’s done that. We know how. It’s insider trading. She should have an investigation into her. She should be held accountable. Because every time a bill was put in front of Congress to stop politicians and their families from getting information, she killed it.

She made her husband and herself wealthy based upon insider trading, something you and I go to prison for. We should have an investigation. I don’t want her to go to jail, but she needs to be held accountable. Sanction her. Do whatever it is that you have to do, because we need to set precedent. I also believe this. I’m sorry, but I believe it. The information that the GOP has uncovered about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and the influence peddling while he was vice president, I think that information should be handed over to the Justice Department. And the Justice Department should conduct their own investigation.

And if, in fact. If, in fact it comes up the way we all believe it will, that he did peddle his vice presidency, okay, for what, $27 million that we know of, that went into his bogus accounts that he had through his bogus corporations, the shell corporations. He should be held accountable. Indict him for it. I don’t want him to go to jail. Indict him. You know, I don’t care if he ever goes to trial. But he should be indicted for it because we have to put a stop to these politicians abusing us. They are public servants.

We put them in office. Not to become wealthy, not to get all these perks and everything. They’re no better than any one of us. We need to put a stop to it. So, yes, Donald, it’s not called revenge like they want to put it. They’re afraid of that because they know what they’ve done to you. But justice should be served. These politicians need to be put on notice that they can’t get away with this garbage abusing us anymore. So let’s set precedent. Let’s show them if you engage in that kind of conduct, you’re going down. Put a stop to it, Donald, you’re not worried about it.

You’ve been through the trenches with them. Every possible thing they can throw at you, they’ve thrown at you. Let’s start it, and let’s show these politicians that they can’t get away with it anymore. So, Donald, I’m all for you seeking justice for the American people against people in office that abuse their position. I’m all for it. I 100% agree with it. Like I said, I don’t want to see them go to jail. They’re too darn old, you know, whatever. But. But Pelosi can’t get away with all of this and all of these others. Mitch McConnell might be some.

I’m not only saying this for Democrats, even though they’re more abusive of this, and I think you know that. And I’m speaking to Trump now like I’m speaking all of you. Okay? But they need to be held accountable. And please, people, if you agree with me, put it in the chat. I want to see it. I don’t want to be the Lone Ranger on this because I’m not a guy that seeks revenge. But justice, because they can’t be allowed to do this anymore. They just can’t. They can’t run rampant. We put them in office, you know, for our benefit, to create policies for Our benefit not to become wealthy.

Nancy Pelosi is worth hundreds of millions of dollars on a. On a congresswoman’s salary. How did that happen? They make suckers out of us. And I don’t want it. I don’t want it anymore. I went to jail for stealing tax money, and rightfully so. I deserved it. They are no better than me or you or anybody else. If they steal and they abuse their office, they need to pay for it. And with Joe Biden, as far as I’m concerned, he committed treason. When you’re peddling your office of the vice presidency to gain money, that’s treason. He’s selling out his office.

He deserves to be held accountable for that. And the American people need to know that. The Justice Department is working for all of us, not on the behalf of any particular party or any particular candidate or any particular public official. So that’s my position on that. I want to read something now about Kamala Harris. Mirror, Mirror. This is an article that I read today that was. That’s just so perfect. Mirror, Mirror debunking Harris Farce, Farcical fascist charge versus Trump. In the last two weeks, Vice President Kamala Harris has been trying to revive her stagnant campaign, and it is stagnant.

All of the polls, all of the legitimate polls are showing that Donald Trump is in the lead. If there’s no hanky panky. Let me use a nice crazy phrase, at the voting booths or in the voting process, Trump is going to win, there’s no question, because people are too smart to put Kamala Harris in office. She’s incompetent. She can’t deal with foreign leaders. She can’t deal with domestic issues. She’s incompetent. And her record proves she’s incompetent. And she’s a liar and she’s a hypocrite. And we don’t want that person in office. We don’t. And she can’t be voted in, so people are wise to that.

She claims Trump is planning to put his enemies in encampments. Well, the last person that did that was a Democrat. It was Roosevelt that did that. Franklin D. Roosevelt put the Asians in encampment in internment camps. A Republican never did that. The same way the cages that children were allegedly in at the borders that the mainstream media tried to say Trump did. Obama did that. Obama. It was the left that did that, not the right. But they lie to you. And then after they lie and they’re caught, they don’t even take it back. They just Keep the lie out there and hope that’s what you’re going to remember.

She’s been trying to revive her stagnant campaign by smearing Trump as being Hitlerian and a fascist. You know what? How dare they? How dare they compare Trump to Hitler. Do you realize that Hitler murdered 6 million Jews? Where do they get the nerve of the gall. Where? Where is any evidence whatsoever that Trump is anywhere near a demon like Hitler? Tell me where. The nerve of these people that every Jewish person out there should be insulted by that and they should absolutely not vote for her for that reason alone. Aside from her and Biden’s policy now with Israel, aside from that, just to make that comparison to anybody calling them Hitler who murdered 6 million Jews.

She is a disgrace. And any politician that would label another politician as Hitler is a disgrace, an absolute disgrace. Kamala Harris, you’re a disgrace. You should be ashamed of yourself. You just smear the lives of 6 million Jews that were thrown into ovens and gas chambers. You should be ashamed of yourself. There is nobody like Hitler in the United States. No one. Not even you. Even you. You’re not like Hitler. It’s a shame that you would say something like that. Yet in modern era, it was not Trump who put large numbers of U.S. residents and citizens into relocation camps.

It was liberal Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt who sent Japanese American citizens and residents into them. It was the left that did this the same way. It was the left in the Civil War that didn’t want to free the slaves. They’ve been able to throw this smokescreen over the Republicans when it was the left that committed these atrocities, not the right. Get it straight, people. They’re liars that continuously lie to you in order to get your vote and then they abandon you. That’s what they do. If Harris refers to Trump’s supposed fascist policies during his prior four year tenure, there’s no such evidence.

He has a four year record. Where is fascism in that four year record? Ask yourself that. You’ve seen it. You have a record. Look it up. Remember, do whatever. There is no record of that whatsoever. Why are they accusing him of that now? Because they’re afraid that maybe he will seek justice against those that really did act like fascists. And that’s the Democratic Progressive Party, the left. Nonetheless, the once joyful. Remember this? Harris is ending her campaign by trafficking in lies and smears reminiscent of the Joe McCarthy era. Remember communism? Everybody was a communist. Recall that fascists hijack law enforcement and the military to suspend constitutional rights and punish enemies.

That’s what fascists do. Let me say this again. Recall that fascists hijack law enforcement. Who is that reminiscent of? And the military to suspend constitutional rights and punish their enemies. Well, who’s been punishing their enemies? Has it been the Republicans? No. Donald Trump is enemy number one. Look what they’ve done to him. All of these nonsense cases that are falling apart, that it never has happened in history that a former president has been indicted. So serious, so not seriously, because they’re nonsense indictments, but so viciously is the word that I’m using. So viciously. They did it.

Republicans didn’t do that. Donald Trump, when. When Joe Biden, by his own special counsel was said to have committed the crime with his conf. With his classified documents. He was guilty of that. He was guilty. Trump said, I don’t want him to go to jail. He didn’t push it. He’s guilty. The only reason he wasn’t charged is because he’s incapable of standing trial, according to his own special counsel in his own Department of Justice. And they want to call Trump. Trump. Nobody’s proved anything against Trump. But his own special counsel said he is guilty. The same special counsel that Donald Trump engaged to go into that whole Russiagate nonsense, prove that he was innocent.

And remember, that was through Donald Trump’s presidency. It was his special counsel that found him innocent after the investigation. And it was Donald Trump’s special counsel. I mean, it was Joe Biden’s special counsel that found him guilty of having classified documents. That’s a felony. They don’t want to talk about that. Instead, in 2016, a corrupt FBI went after Trump himself during the Obama administration with the bogus Steele dossier. Remember? Was all a lie. All a lie. All they do is lie, people. The FBI in 2016 hired the faker steal. In 2020, fused with social media to suppress accurate news reporting of the embarrassing Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

We got to go into that. How did they lie about that? It was Russian disinformation. One year after the FBI authenticated it. It was Russian disinformation or what did Biden do? Lied. Russian disinformation. He lied. He prompted 51 ex CIA or intelligence agents to lie about it. They knowingly and willingly lied. And that was election interference because it was in the last debate. And people said had they had known about that and that he was influence peddling for his vice presidency, it probably would have had a different result. They would have voted differently. They out and out lied.

The FBI went to social media. Russian disinformation. Don’t put anything out about the laptop. They lie, lie, lie, lie. That’s all they do is lie. How could you trust them again? Harris lied, lied, lie. How can you trust them again? A number of former FBI directors, intelligence officials, John Brennan, that he’s disgusting. James Clapper, another one. A hypocrite, phony, fraud of a liar. James Comey, another one. We had experience with him back in New York. Liar. Andrew McCabe, another one. Liar. Who openly sought to destroy Trump. Had a long history of either lying or feigning amnesia under oath.

They lied, they lie under oath and they get away with it. Two tier system of justice. It has to stop. That’s why Donald Trump has to hold these people accountable. He must. Or this will continue and the government will be more corrupt. More corrupt. And that’s going to be to our detriment because they’ll come after us also. Trust me, they’ll come after us. That’s fascism. The left is committing fascism or engaging in fascism. Embracing fascism, not the right. There’s no evidence of Trump or the right whatsoever engaging in fascism. But Trump’s own Justice Department selected an independent special counsel to investigate the invented Russian collusion accusations against him.

They wasted $35 million on a bogus investigation. Adam Schiff is running for Senate. That’s his reward for lying about Trump and disrupting the whole presidency and his governing this country with a lie. And now he’s running for Senate against Steve Garvey. People in California, please vote for Garvey. A decent man, a great Dodger. They just won the World Series. Beat my Yankees. My Yankees didn’t deserve to win. I’m sorry. They played sloppy. They should be as they should be embarrassed the way they played. And I love the Yankees. I’m a die hard Yankee fan. They didn’t deserve it.

The Dodgers were a better team and I’m sorry, but that’s just the way it is. But Steve Garvey, please vote for Garvey. He’s a good person. He’s got, he’s got ethics, he’s got integrity. And Adam Schiff has none from Congress. He wants to run for Senate. He doesn’t belong. He doesn’t deserve your vote in any way, shape or form. He’s a liar, a phony, a hypocrite. He hasn’t apologized to the American people. He still holds true that Trump is involved with Putin. He’s just a liar, an awful person. Get rid of him. Get him out of office.

Let him go home. In vast contrast, the Biden Justice Department Coordinated. Listen to this. With Georgia prosecutors Fannie Willis, Nathan Wade, special counsel Jack Smith, Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg, and New York Attorney General Letitia James to prosecute Trump, bankrupt him and keep him off the campaign trail. Remember the White House counsel, they were engaged with all of these people that went after Trump in Georgia, in New York, everywhere. Jack Smith, all of them. That’s fascism. Going after your political enemies, that’s fascism. Everything they’re accusing Trump of doing, they themselves are doing. Fascists use their governments to destroy their enemies.

Where’s the evidence? It’s all on the Democrats side. All on it. How can you put Harris back in office to continue this type of corrupt conduct? They’re throwing America down the tubes. Do you not understand that? And we didn’t even get to their foreign policy yet. That’s been so chaotic, so destructive hazards on the verge of World War 3 built up the terrorist nation Iran, where Trump had them bankrupt so they couldn’t sponsor terrorist groups. He built them up, gave them money, gave them $6 billion for hostages. They just built them up. This is a totally incompetent, corrupt administration.

Corrupt progressive party. Corrupt to the core. In another first, the Senate tried Trump as a private citizen. Never heard of that. Never heard of that. A self styled, anonymous federal official bragged openly of deliberately and likely unlawfully leading a bureaucratic cabal to sabotage Trump’s lawful executive orders. They did it right out in the open. This needs to be stopped. Trump needs to hold them accountable. Get your Justice Department, put a special unit in there if you have to. It’s just like the police. The police have internal affairs division, don’t they? They hold the police accountable. We need the same internal affairs in the Justice Department to hold politicians accountable.

And it needs to be independent. Trump, stay out of it. Point them and stay out of it. And everybody else should let them do their work. Let them go after these corrupt politicians so that they don’t destroy our lives any further, because that’s what they’re doing while they enrich themselves. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, in collusion with other bureaucrats, deliberately leaked a classified presidential phone call in an effort to ensure that Trump was impeached. That phone call to what, Ukraine? That was so bogus. Where you got Biden putting his son in there in Ukraine, remember? Putting him on the board of Burisma and then going after the prosecutor, remember, that was impeachable.

But the media let it slide. The corrupt mainstream media, who’s owned by the Democrats and the progressives, let it slide. And they go after Trump, for a perfectly legitimate phone call. Cup of coffee, Donald. You need to go after these people. When I say go after, hold them accountable. Put a separate unit into the Justice Department. In the same way the police have internal affairs, we should have an internal affairs unit going after corrupt politicians. Independent. Let them do it. Fascists seek to change existing laws, to destroy opponents and illegally consolidate power. Currently, it’s only the Democrats who seek to pack the court.

The Democrats, all of a sudden, after 200 plus years, they don’t like what the Supreme Court is doing. Let me tell you something. It’s the right, the privilege, the duty of a president to appoint Supreme Court justices when there’s one needed. All of a sudden, that’s no good anymore because they don’t like Trump’s appointees. So now they want to pack the court and put their own people in there. It’s not. The president doesn’t have that right anymore, according to them, because they don’t agree with the decisions. So who’s becoming fascists? It’s the left. It’s the left.

It’s Harris. She’s supportive of packing the Supreme Court. Destroy the Electoral College. She said we need reform. She wants to destroy the Electoral College because she doesn’t like the fact that Republicans are winning. She doesn’t want to give representative people the right to express themselves. She wants New York and California, the two biggest states with the two biggest Electoral College, okay? She wants them to control everything so that every state turns blue and we get the popular vote and that’s it. This is what she wants to do. She’s the fascist. Everything they accuse Donald Trump of is exactly what they’re engaging in themselves.

People, open your eyes. Currently, it’s the Democrats and the Senate filibuster. They want to stop the filibuster. All of these things that have been an institution since our founding fathers created our Constitution. They want to radically change it all. And they call Trump the fascist. They want it all their way, forever. They never want to cede power. Why should they? When Nancy Pelosi becomes, you know, a half a billionaire, why would she want to get out of power? Biden Harris. Harris is power hungry. She wants that office so bad. She’s power hungry. She doesn’t care that she’s incompetent.

She doesn’t care that she’s a puppet on a string. She doesn’t care. She just wants to be the first woman president. She wants the power and the rest of the American citizens be damned. In key states, they radically changed voting laws as a result roughly 70% of voters in 2020 did not cast their ballots in person on election day. Of course we know the big Covid lie. How they lied to us. How? Fauci. Fauci needs to be held accountable. Fauci caused death. Fauci lied to us. Fouthy became wealthy. Fouti became a celebrity. He lied to us.

He gave us false information about masks. He gave us false information about, you know, locking people down. He gave us false information about the vaccine. He caused people to lose their jobs. He caused loved ones not to be able to be with their loved ones when they were dying. And when they died, he did all of this and the administration backed him up. Biden and Harris. Excuse me. Fauci needs to be held accountable. He should not be able to get away with this. Donald, you must set a precedent that people that lie and cause us harm on a political level need to be held accountable or this corruption will continue and get worse.

I am all for you seeking justice. It’s not revenge. They’re afraid of it. They call it revenge because they’re all guilty. They’re all guilty. If there was a way, and I don’t think there is, that Biden and Harris could be held accountable for allowing these illegal migrants to come in and commit murder and take over apartment complexes and cause us additional tax money and cause American citizens to lose their jobs, to wreak havocans in the town. I wish there was a way to hold them accountable for that. Because in some ways, it’s criminal to allow this drugs to come over the border.

I told you my position, Donald. If I were you, I’d line up the National Guard across the border and I would tell people, you come in with fentanyl, you’re going to get shot. That’s it. We’re going to shoot you. Don’t bring that garbage into this country and have American young people mostly killed, murdered, poisoned with fentanyl. It’s poisoned many times because they lace it in another drug and people are unsuspecting of that. They take it and they die. Line them up across the border. You come in with that stuff, you’re going to get shot. I’m sorry.

We got to get strong on this. American citizens are dying. How do you allow. I don’t know how. Biden and Harris. What kind of conscience do they have to continue to allow this to happen? People getting murdered, apartment complexes getting taken over, people getting robbed, getting burglarized, drugs coming into the country, and they allow it to happen. They sneak these people across the border at night. These are horrible human beings. I’m sorry. You have a family. Think of it. If somebody was doing that to your family. Horrible human beings. I got to stop for a second.

I want to talk to you about something. Actually want to read an article. I think it’s a great article. If you remember, last week I talked to you about Kalshi Kalsi, that platform now where you can put money down on so many different things. Well, it just so happens that an article was written about it and explains everything. I’m going to read it really quickly. Cauce Daring bet on election betting is paying off to the tune of $100 million listen to this. 220 something New Yorkers have added an entirely new dimension to the 2024 presidential legal betting.

The new platform, Kalsi offers the first legal election betting in the US in over a century. It was illegal before they did the right thing. They put the time and effort in to get this legalized. So it’s legal betting now on the election. Its founders believe it will give voters more transparency and make them feel more involved in the process. And I agree with it. I’ve engaged in it. I think it’s fun and I think you’re going to get a better understanding of who’s going to win the election, who’s going to lose by going to Kalshi.

Listen to this. The new portfolio. It’s actually the best mechanism to get more truth about who’s actually going to win, said Tarek Mansour, who founded Kalsi with Luana Lopez, who’s also 28. They’re both 28 years old. We’re letting the market speak instead of pundits, pollsters, people, political figures, people with biases or conflicts of interest, people that had incentives or not. In other words, you and I, by placing our bet on a certain candidate and we can actually foresee the outcome better than the polls who are biased at times. You can’t believe the polls. We know that.

Listen. Over the past few weeks, the innovative company has exploded in popularity. Kalshi, you see the graphic up there? Users have put down more than $100 million on Kelsey’s election bet and the site has been name checked by JD Vance, Elon Musk and comedian Theo Vaughan. Quote Kelsey is a place where I look, Vaughn recently said in a podcast. It’s a good tracker. It’s actually people putting their money down. So what it is, you can bet on a particular candidate to win. It pays back $1. Let’s say you have Trump at a 63% chance of winning the election where you put down 63 cents.

If he wins, you get back a dollar. So you get back that much. You’ve earned on that, right? At the same token, if Kamala Harris has, let’s say, a 35% chance of losing, and you bet on Kamala Harris, well, and she loses, you get back a dollar. So you’ve won that much money. Now you can bet, you can bet it, or take as many platforms as you want. So you can bet a dollar, you can bet $10, you can bet $100, you can bet 1,000, you bet $10,000. So your chances of winning or they keep increasing.

So it’s really a cool platform. The platform is run like a futures exchange. Remember that, where a marketplace facilitates trades about what could happen. Conventional exchanges, such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, process bets about oil or cattle prices. Kelsey does the same thing. It’s the same thing as the exchange in Chicago, except it does it for current events. So it’s not only the election that you can put money down on. You could put money down on several different things. Someone who believes in the likelihood of an event like Trump winning will place a bet and Cauce matches them with someone willing to take the other side of the bet.

So let’s say if Trump has a 70% chance of winning, they’ll match you with somebody that says, what’s her name? Harris has a 30% chance of losing. So now if you win, if you bet on Trump, okay, you’ll get back a dollar, which you win $0.30. If you bet on Harris losing, you’ll get back a dollar, meaning you’ll win $0.70. So you can go either way. It’s fun. The site is also currently taking bets. Listen to this. On everything from how many rocket launches SpaceX will make this year to what score Gladiator 2, the new movie coming out, will receive on Rotten Tomatoes.

So you can bet on the weather, you can bet on SpaceX, you can bet on movies, you can bet on so many different things, all current events. So it’s like a futures market. You’re betting on what you think is going to happen. It’s your opinion, your choice. And you know what? I believe it’s more accurate, okay, than the polls, because the polls, they put their finger on the scales for bias. They’re trying to make you stay home or go out or whatever. I don’t trust the polls at all. But something like this, the will of the people from all over the country that are feeling a certain way, that’s what you should use.

So go to Kalshi, okay and place your bets on it. It’s inner circle. If you go there now, for every hundred dollars that you put down, they’re going to add another $20. So you put $100 on deposit, they’ll put 20. When you use, you know, this special code, inner circle. It’s great. Go and do it and do it now because the election is, it’s Tuesday. Get your money in now. You know, don’t blow it. Look like anything else, you be responsible with it. But hey, it’s fun and I think we, we in our hearts are better picker of what’s going to happen here than the poll.

So go and do it now. In a circle, put up 100 bucks. Okay? Bet your bet on everything but bet on the election. For sure. They’ll add another $20. So doing it with me, you get another 20% on it. Okay? Do it today. Let’s get back to, you know, this is, I tell you, when I think of this people, it just, I’m telling you, it’s so disheartening to understand what’s going on here today. It really is. Back to, back to Harris. Oh, they’ve been protecting sanctuary cities and people. This is the major cause of all the grief that’s going on in these cities.

One thing Trump says he’s going to do, he’s going to rescind all sanctuary cities. No more. When a migrant has to be deported, he’s going to allow ICE to take that migrant and deport him. People don’t belong in this country unless they come in legally and lawfully. I’m sorry, like every other person that came here, we invite immigrants to come. We are a nation, we’re a Christian nation. Whether people want to say it or not, there are mostly Christians in this country. We invite immigrants to come. We invite migrants to come, but they have to do it legally.

They can’t take advantage of the system. They can’t take advantage of American citizens whose taxpayer dollars are paying for these people. Because remember this Biden and Harris and the progressives, they’re not humanitarian. They’re just looking to pad the voter bloc so that every state turns blue. They know that migrants now who are coming in under the Biden Harris administration, if they get them to vote, which is what they’re trying to do, they’re going to vote Democrat and they will never cede power again. They’re not humanitarian. They don’t care what havoc these migrants are wreaking. They don’t care how your taxpayer dollars are being spent when you’re starving.

Some of you, when you’re working two jobs to try to make ends meet because of their ridiculous inflationary policies. They don’t care about any of that. This is not a humanitarian deal at all. They’re lying again. These are fraudulent, hypocritic people. Harris cannot be made president, people. She can’t. She will destroy this country, destroy this nation. I’m going to go to some comments. Okay. Oakland Junkie, you’re so loyal. I appreciate you being in here. I really do, all the time. Thank you so much. If the election is legitimate, Trump will utterly smash Kamala. The problem is that a party will spy on, lie on, impeach, falsely charge, arrest and try to assassinate their opponent.

Well, we’ve seen it happen, Oklahoma. We’ve seen it happen. You know, you’re not making this up. They have a record of doing this. They’re destructive people. They’re bad people in some ways. They’re demonic as far as I’m concerned. And let me tell you another thing which really disgusts me. And she can’t go back on this. Harris is all for gender affirming surgery for inmates. She is for it. She said it. Her own words. You can look it up on video. Why should taxpayers pay for inmates, people that committed crimes, to have gender affirming surgery while they’re inmates? Taxpayers pay for this.

Why should that be allowed? I don’t understand it. Why? If they want gender affirming surgery when they get out of prison, let them do it. These are prisoners. They’re being held accountable for their actions. Why should they get that? If they’re sick and they’re dying or they’re sick and they need health care, I agree with that. I’m humanitarian. I was a prisoner. I understand that. They deserve health care when they’re sick. Gender affirming surgery is not sickness. Their health is not in jeopardy. They’re choosing to be another gender. Why should that be allowed? She’s all for it.

Taxpayers are paying for that. She’s all for pornographic material in public schools because she’s for gender affirming surgery and minors the way Biden is. Biden said it’s outrageous to block gender affirming surgery in minors. He’s also for parents not knowing about it, not having to give their approval. And Harris is also. You’re going to put somebody like that back in office? Really? Is that your values? And let me tell you Something Christians out there. There’s no way. There’s no way you can vote for Harris. Absolutely not. We don’t vote for perfection. We’re not saying Trump is perfect.

Jesus never said anybody on earth was perfect. He used the most imperfect people, but at least they aligned with his ideals. They were followers of Jesus Christ. He made them followers. Trump is coming in that direction. If he’s not. I believe that Trump has been anointed. I said that I do believe that. Can’t vote for Harris. She’s for gender affirming surgery. She’s for abortion in the ninth month. That. Yes, she is. That’s totally, totally contradictory to what scripture teaches us. How could you vote for her? Because you don’t like Trump. You may not like him personally, but look at his policies.

It’s more in line with our Christian values. You can’t vote for Kamala Harris. I’m sorry. And call yourself a Christian because Kamala Harris is continuing a sinful behavior. She’s continuing policies that are in a pattern of sin. You can’t vote for her. I’m sorry. And if you do, it’s hypocrisy and you’re going against your Christian principles. You can’t vote for her. You may want to abstain, but in my view, if you can vote as a Christian and you abstain because you don’t like Donald Trump, who is promoting Christian values, when you may be committing the sin of omission because you can do something to prevent sinful behavior, but you chose not to because you don’t like somebody.

I’m sorry. The sin of omission is just as serious at times as a sin of commission. Think about it, you know, ponder on that. Pray about it. Pray about it. If you disagree with me, tell me in the comments. Let’s have a debate about it. I don’t mind, you know, speaking my mind. People, they’re getting caught. They’re changing rules and laws in our faces. She can never be allowed to assume office, period. I’m willing to fight and to die for my grandchildren. Joseph Cataldo, you know, you’re a friend and I agree. Thank you for standing up and putting that comment up there.

Yeah. We have to fight for our children and grandchildren because it’s future generations that are going to suffer more than we’re suffering now. If these policies continue, if this agenda continues, we might be in World War Three. You know, if the Biden, Harris and the Harris debacle and the progressives stay, remain in office, we may be in World War Three. In the next couple of years, our grandchildren and children are going to suffer or we might be, you know, the lesser. The lesser of the strength of countries out there. And I really mean it. China’s building up their military.

You know, they want to outdo us. They want us to be in fear of them. I’m not saying that is the case right now, but they’re building up their military, you know, and we need a strong military. It’s always peace through strength. Ronald Reagan said it. And we don’t have strength in the White House. That’s why we have these wars and all this chaos within our borders and outside of our borders. All of us Republicans need to contact our senators and congressmen and tell them not to certify the election if obvious anomalies occur again like they did in 2020, until it has been thoroughly invested.

You know what, Oakland junkie, I agree with you. If we suspect that there is any hanky panky and we see it happening already, they’re already trying to do it. If we see it happening, we should petition them. We really should. But unfortunately. Who’s the vice president? Harris. She’s going to certify if she wins. There’s no question about it. Look, I don’t want to see a civil unrest in this country, but people are angry. And if there’s any suspicion that this election is rigged again, who knows what’s going to happen. People are angry, and rightfully so, because they’re worried about their future.

Now, I’m not promoting that anyway, Don’t. Don’t get me wrong, but man, you know, we can’t see this happen again. Recovery. I’m enjoying the Franz E’s family community. Oh, wow. Glad to hear that. The Franzis family community. It’s so cool to connect with everyone. It’s so cool. It’s only 10 bucks, Mike. It’s great you connect to your, to your fans. Well, you know, I like to call followers. I don’t. I don’t want to call you fans. I like to call you follow. And I appreciate that. But recovery will thank you for mentioning that. If you’re not a member already, I encourage you to go to family become a member of our community, of our family.

We have a community of like minded people. It’s building. We haven’t did an official launch of this. It’s been basically a soft launch because we’re continuing to put it together. The platform is in great shape right now. Just yesterday I had a zoom call with some of our, you know, More, how should I say, more involved people. And we did a Q and A with them. We earlier did a zoom call, did a Q and A with the whole platform. Anybody that wanted to jump in and get involved. We discussed a lot of things. We’ve created courses on leadership, on negotiation, on business.

We’re doing Bible studies, we’re getting involved. We’re going to have in person events that we’re planning that are going to be very, very cool people. A community of like minded people that get together, share their values, benefit from one another. You know, look, people are going to bond together, they’re going to possibly do business with one another, they’re going to associate with one another and we’re going to keep putting more and more assets in there, assets that are going to be helping you. We’re going to have people in business, people in all walks of life come in and speak with you and give you the advantage of their or the benefit, I should say, of their experience and their wisdom.

It’s going to be a great platform. And yeah, he revealed it. It’s 10 bucks a month and basically it pays our expenses. 10 bucks a month. Now we don’t want this to be out of anybody’s reach. And at any time that you want to withdraw, you don’t make a year’s commitment or anything like that, you say, hey, this is not for me, I’m out. But I guarantee we’re not going to have many dropouts because people are loving it and we’re hoping that we get thousands of people in this. We hope that it becomes a worldwide movement.

So go to family look at the resources, see if it’s something for you. And we welcome you. We welcome every one of you. All right, we got now about two more minutes because I have an appointment at 10am that I have to keep and take me a minute to get there. So let me see. Go through a couple more comments. Mr. David. In Jesus name, Amen. Yes, we do everything in Jesus name. And thank you for those who participated in our Bible study last Wednesday. We’ll be having another one this Wednesday. In the platform we have something that we have some different things that you’re going to really enjoy there.

I really mean that. So jump in there, take a look. If you think it’s for you, jump on board. And if you don’t like us saying you’re not making a lifelong commitment, anytime you want to jump out, you can. But I guarantee you’re going to benefit from it. No doubt. Michael already Joined the family happy, happily, and haven’t missed any sit downs. Joseph, thank you very much again. It has been a great blessing to myself. I’m glad to hear that. Thank you very much. If you have suggestions about the platform, anything they may want us to add, let us know.

We want to hear from everybody. Michael, how can a woman actress who plays a role protecting women come out supporting Quack Quack Harris? Olivia, you know what? These, these. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, is now voting for Harris. Why? Why? He doesn’t like Donald Trump. Is he envious of him? Like Mark Cuban is obviously envious of him. You know, Cuban’s envious of Musk. You can see it. He’s envious of Donald Trump. You can see it. Ridiculous statement like Donald Trump has no intelligent women around him. What a shame. As bad as Biden saying, you know, that Trump supporters are garbage.

Millions and millions of Americans, his constituents. He was going to be so unifying. And look what he says, calls us garbage and calls women around Trump unintelligent. What a joke these people are. They should be ashamed of themselves. Who the hell do they think they are? Who the hell does Biden think he is? That thief, that treasonous, incompetent thief that he is. And yeah, I’ll say it. Why? Because he has a record of being that. He has a record of being that. Just like you can call me a former mobster, a former criminal, a former inmate.

Yeah, because I have a record. That’s what I was at one point in time. So, yeah, you can label me that back then. I get it. You can call me a thief because I robbed the government at one time. Yeah, you can call me that. It’s true. That’s my record. Fortunately, I have 30 years beyond that. I have another record. So you can call me that also. So I can call Biden what I’m calling him. I can call Harris what I’m calling her. Because she has a record. She has a record of lying. She has a record of hypocrisy.

She has the hypocrisy. She wants to support women’s rights to have abortion, but yet she don’t care. She could care less that transsexual men, or whatever the hell they’re called, transsexual women are competing against women in sports. She doesn’t care about that. She doesn’t care one bit. She doesn’t care that Mark Cuban is calling women, you know, unintelligent that are surrounding Trump. She’s a hypocrite. She’s using the Abortion issue. That’s all she’s doing to get votes. She don’t care about these women. If she did, she’d be standing up strong against transsexual men in women’s sports. She’d be standing up strong against transsexual men being in a woman’s locker room.

She doesn’t care about it. She’s a hypocrite and a phony and she’s untrustworthy and she doesn’t deserve our vote. She’s chaotic. She’ll cause American to go deeper into the rabbit hole. She’s not a good person. I’m sorry. Her record shows her not to be a good person. We’re going on a record without making these things up. Biden not a good person. He has a record to show it. He’s a thieving politician. He’s a treasonous politician. He has a record to show it. He lied about the laptop. He’s lied about the border. He said the border was secure until it became a voting issue for him, a polling issue.

He lied. He lies continuously about the American people. He lied about not engaging his Justice Department to go after Trump. He lied. His Justice Department and the White House were involved with all of the prosecutorial districts that went after Trump. He lied. He has a record of lying. He lied about not being involved with his son Hunter in business. He lied about not meeting with any of Hunter’s business associates. He’s a liar. He has a record of lying. So I can call him that. And Harris has a record of lying. She’s reversing all of her policies to try to get your vote.

She’s lying. She has a record of it. So we can call her that. Sorry. It’s her character, her behavior. I’m enjoying the Francis family. It’s so cool. Okay, we got that. Yes. And I’m very involved in that, people. So, you know, you come in, you want some more of me, you go into family. I’m very involved in it. You know, I’m answering questions as best I could. We have a. We have a board there where people can ask me questions. So we’re doing that. You’re going to have a good time in there. You’re going to benefit from it.

No doubt. All right, people, I got to wrap it up. Listen, you know, I want to tell you this. Let’s pray. Let’s pray that November 5th works out right. Please, if you want to follow me on the 5th, go to Patrick Bed, David’s platform on YouTube. We’ll be talking all night about the election. Sammy the Bull will be there, Candace Owens and up of other people. I will be giving you a blow by blow that morning. Tuesday morning at 10:00 Eastern Time, I’ll be on YouTube live giving my perspective. I’ll do the same on Wednesday after.

Hopefully we have the result and it doesn’t take two weeks to find out. All of a sudden. We used to get it in one night. Now it’s taken forever. But hopefully we know who our president is and we know it’s Donald Trump. On Wednesday, we’ll be talking about that. So, people, that’s it. My friends, how do I always leave you? Same way. It’s never going to change. But let’s pray, let’s pray. Let’s pray that Trump wins this election. Be safe, be healthy. God bless each and every one of you. God bless your families. God bless your loved ones, your wives, your husbands, your children.

God bless your communities, God bless your neighborhoods. And yes, we say this in unison. God bless America. See you all next time. Take care.


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