➡ This text warns about a scam where thieves steal your home title, take out loans against your house, and potentially sell it, leaving you to deal with the consequences. It promotes a service called Home Title Lock that monitors your title 24/7 and alerts you to any changes. The text also discusses the need for unity in the country, arguing that most Americans agree on key issues like immigration, taxes, and national security. It criticizes politicians for causing division and calls for accountability for those who have abused their power, specifically mentioning the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
➡ The text discusses the author’s dissatisfaction with political figures, accusing them of dishonesty and misuse of power. It also mentions concerns about border security and illegal immigration. The author emphasizes the importance of accountability in leadership and urges people to stay vigilant. Lastly, the author shares personal struggles and encourages those facing difficulties to remain hopeful.
➡ The speaker is inviting everyone, regardless of their faith, to join his Bible study for encouragement and support. He emphasizes that even in tough times, there’s always a way to turn things around with determination, inner strength, and the support of caring people. He also encourages unity and sticking together for the common good. Lastly, he advises against excessive drinking on New Year’s Eve, suggesting that fun should come before alcohol, not the other way around.
➡ The speaker is expressing gratitude for the growth of their social media platform, reaching 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube and 2 million followers across all platforms. They also mention the expansion of their wine business, now distributed in eight states and soon to be in twelve, including Walmart and Costco. The speaker appreciates the support and positive comments from followers, and highlights some notable interviews conducted over the past year.
➡ The speaker discusses their interview process, highlighting their most viewed interviews and upcoming guests. They also mention their upcoming project, Slicer’s Pizza, and answer various questions from the audience. The speaker encourages quitting smoking for health reasons and shares their experiences and memories from their past life in the mob. They also express their Christian faith and the impact of their testimony on others.
➡ The text is a conversation where the speaker discusses various topics including their desire to relearn Italian, their plans to host a Bible study, upcoming speaking engagements, and their transformative experience in prison with a Bible. They also answer questions about their past and give advice on reading the Bible for beginners.
➡ The speaker discusses his faith, encouraging others not to judge God by the imperfect actions of his followers. He also shares his dislike for drugs and racism, and his belief that everyone should be united despite their differences. He mentions his interactions with various people, including his father, and expresses regret for not discussing his faith with him more.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including his father’s faith, his appreciation for his YouTube followers, his experiences with death, and his wine business. He also talks about his friends, Andrew Tate and his brother, and defends them against criticism. He mentions his ongoing Bible study sessions and plans to expand his wine business globally. Lastly, he hints at a movie project in the works, but doesn’t provide specific details.
➡ The speaker is working on a script for a movie, hoping to start filming by summer and release it in 2026. They also enjoy reviewing films, including ones outside of the mob genre, and invite suggestions for reviews. They express admiration for Sylvester Stallone and his handling of the election. The speaker also encourages people to delegate tasks to others and not micromanage, and wishes everyone a happy new year. They mention a Bible study and a review of the Penguin series on YouTube, and invite people to join their online community.
I’m really thankful. I mean, you know, God willing, I’ll be around a few more years to enjoy some more, you know, good times. I hope and get through the struggles and the challenges that we all have to deal with, but very blessed and I’m kind of glad, you know, in one way, I’m glad the year is over because I’m excited as to what’s going to happen in 2025. You know, I think we’re due for a reset worldwide. It seems that people are uplifted, that there’s a good feeling, and I hope that holds true throughout the year.
We never know, you know, from one day to the next. You know, the Bible tells us that, you know, just be thankful for the day that you’re living right now, because we never know what’s going to happen, you know, on the next day. But it’s good to have a good outlook in life, you know, My good friend Patrick David, many of you know who he is. His new slogan is the future is bright. He’s got shirts and hats and everything else. My partner Sam, in the wine business has been saying that for years. He’s a young man that always has a very positive outlook.
It’s nice to be associated, involved with him. You know, it’s time to. Whatever happened this past year, you know, I know some of us had challenges. Maybe we lost loved ones, you know, and it was a tough year for some of us, and hopefully it’s. It was a good year for others. But we can’t look back. We got to look forward, you know, we got to make things work for us. My other good friend, Mike Tyson, has a slogan that I love. He said, turn your adversity in life into your advantage in life. And I think that’s what we should all look forward to in the coming year, no matter what challenges and trials we’ve gone through.
You know, maybe it’s a sickness. Like I said, a loss, you know, a business problem. You know, who knows? We all have issues. We don’t live in heaven. We live in an imperfect world, and we have to deal with the challenges as they come. But we should also be grateful for our blessings. I mean, every one of you that are listening to this right now, you’re here to listen to it. And so you’ve overcome some things in your life. And let’s look forward to a great 2025. And what I want to do today, I want to review, you know, some things that happened during the year.
And, you know, people, I’ve said a lot. You’ve heard me on my podcasts. I’ve been pretty outspoken with my, you know, political ideology. You know, where I stand on that. I don’t pull any punches. I don’t hold anything back. But I don’t do it just to do it. I don’t like to rag on people. I don’t like to denounce people. I really don’t. But the reason I have done it in the past is to make people aware. You know, everybody doesn’t have the advantage or the luxury even of being able to be so focused on what’s happening in the world, so focused on what’s happening in our news.
Some of us just have to work, work hard. You know, there are many of you out there that are struggling, you know, just to put food on the table, pay the rent, pay your gas bill. And it’s difficult to focus on what’s going on in the political world. So, you know, I’ve tried to make people aware of that so that we don’t fall into traps, make the same mistakes, put the wrong people in the wrong positions anymore. We don’t want to do that. And so when I’m doing that, it’s really just to make people aware. It’s not to bring people down.
It’s not to be ragging on people all the time. I don’t enjoy that. I don’t like it. But I feel that I have a voice. You have all given me a platform by, you know, know, supporting me with your, you know, subscriptions and my followers and everything else. I have quite a few. So you’ve given me this platform, and hopefully you want to hear my perspective on things. And again, it’s not to rag on people. I keep using that word. It’s just to make you aware you’ve given me this platform. I think that’s what you want to hear.
And by the way, I just want to Bring this up. I’m going to be doing on Thursday. I believe they’re going to release a video on the Penguin. I don’t know if you’ve seen that series. It’s. It’s a brilliant series. Very, very different. For those of you who haven’t seen it, I recommend that you watch it. It’s pretty dark. I have to say that it’s not a Marvel comic series at all with superheroes and all that. It’s really a crime drama. So if you’re into that, There is mob families in there. You know, they always try to throw us in there.
It’s about the fictional city of Gotham, and it’s a continuation of the Batman saga, I would say. But it’s a series. But Batman doesn’t appear. He hasn’t appeared yet. And neither of any of the other superheroes. I think Catwoman had a short, short cameo in it for the moment. She may be returning, who knows? But it’s really a brilliant series, and I recommend, if you’re into that stuff, you should watch it. And I’ve done my review on it. You’ll see it Thursday, and hopefully you’ll enjoy that. And one other thing before we get into today’s topics.
You know, I interviewed a friend of mine, well, not really a friend, an associate of mine, a couple of months ago, and he was a guy that went to prison for stealing titles of other people’s homes. He went to prison for stealing these titles. And you can look it up. I forget his name right now. I think his name is Matt something. But it was very, very interesting. He has a big podcast also that you can watch. I think he’s got a half a million subs. So it’s pretty big. But it was really kind of frightening, some of the things that he revealed that he went to prison for.
And that’s basically the stealing the title of other people’s homes. And, you know, I’ve recently aligned myself with a company called Title Home Title Lock. And I think it’s very necessary for all of you homeowners to understand what it is they do and to protect yourselves, because this is a very, very real problem. It’s a cyber threat. And, you know, us homeowners now, we have about $32 trillion in equity. That’s people that own their homes. This is the equity that they have in their homes. Value above cost, value above mortgage. It’s equity. Right? And there are people that are out there, criminals today.
They’re very, very savvy. And, you know, they learned a lot of things online. And they know how to steal your equity in your home. And there’s really very little you can do about it. There’s a nightmare that will follow that. And it’s criminals that are targeting the equity through a scam called, and I’m reading this, house stealing. And that was identified by the FBI. It’s now a crime that the FBI has identified. Now, when I say house stealing, they don’t care about the physical house. They’re not coming to your house, they’re not going to burglarize you.
They don’t want your furniture, they don’t want anything. They’re not going to hold you at gunpoint. You know, they are going to steal the equity in your house. How are they going to do that? I’m going to read to you how it works because I want to get it right. The scammers file a one page document at the county clerk’s office. One page. And they can transfer your home’s title into their name. You say, michael, how can they do that? They can. It’s a one page document. And if it’s notarized properly, the county clerk has to accept it.
They have to. They can’t investigate it, they can’t call people on it. They have to accept that document if it’s transferred properly and it’s notarized. And that enables them to take loans on your property or even sell your home. Could you imagine that taking loans out? All of a sudden they’re going to come, the loan documents are going to come to your house. You’re going to have, you’re going to see them eventually, but at that point in time, they’ve already gotten the money. You know, you’re going to have to pay this off. And even worse, they can actually sell your house.
That’s right. Because the title is now in their name. They can sell your house. You don’t know any of this. You’re not looking up your title, you’re not doing any of this stuff. Who would do it out of the clear blue? Oh, let me just see what my title looks like. You’re not going to do that. It’s very scary. So the victims typically discover the scam only when they receive foreclosure or collection notices because the loan hasn’t been paid. They might pay it, you know, one or two months so that they distance themselves for you, the people that stole your title.
And then they stop paying it. And all of a sudden all these notices, collection notices start coming to your house. It’s too late. At that point, you’re in trouble. You’re going to either have to pay that loan off or you’re going to lose your house. The banks don’t care. Hey, that’s not my problem. You should have protected your house. We don’t want to hear about it. We want our money. Banks are not, you know, they’re not in the business to be good Samaritans. They’re in the business to make money and collect money. You’re in trouble or even worse, Even worse.
You’re, you know, somebody sells your house and then you got to deal with the new owners. I mean, it’s tough, man. It’s something you don’t ever want to fall into. So here’s the deal. Home title lock offers triple lock protection. What does that mean? It’s 24, 7 title monitoring alerts for any charges, any changes in your. They watch your title and they’re monitoring it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As soon as they see a change, if they see a change, boom, you’re alerted. You know about it immediately before anything can happen, before they can go and take a loan, before they can try to sell it.
You know about it. That’s when you can stop it. Right? So what do you got to do? Protect your equity by checking your home’s title today. And you can receive a free title history report and a 30 day trial of triple lock protection by using hometitlelock.com and use my promo code code. I made a deal with them, MF30. So go to hometitlelock.com, put in the promo code MF30. You protect yourself. It’s an offer you shouldn’t refuse. Significantly and very important. My friends do that. So let’s get back to what we’re talking about today. You know, again, I think I want to kind of change my tone a little bit.
And let me be clear that for 2025. I think what this country desperately needs is unity. We need to unify. And you know what? I don’t believe there is a real major difference between the ideology of mainstream citizens, whether you be Democrat or Republican. I don’t think there’s that much of a difference. I don’t think Democratic families want to see gender affirming surgery. I’m just going to go down the list. I don’t think they want to see that in minors. And if it’s even considered, the parents want their say in it. They want their say. They want to be able to talk to their children.
They want to Be able to discourage them or encourage them. I don’t think anybody’s against that. Whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, it doesn’t matter. You’re not against that. You’re not against people coming over the border, taking your jobs. You’re not against you stopping. Let me clarify that. You are against people coming over the border, you know, taking jobs that could have been yours, ranch, sacking some of the cities in the way that they’re doing. I’m not going to review it all. You know that. You don’t want the Trent Diagua, you know, gangs coming over here from Venezuela and wreaking havoc in certain cities like they are in Colorado and New York and 16 cities and states throughout the country.
You don’t want that. You don’t want illegal migrants going to the subway and burning people alive. You don’t want your taxpayer dollars paying for migrants, giving them $10,000 credit cards that they can use on your dime. You don’t want any of that. I think all Americans agree on that. Now, yes, we all are humane and we do want to help people and legitimate migrants that are seeking asylum. Our doors should be open in a structured way. We should give them a pathway to come here and seek asylum. I agree with that. But we don’t want criminals, we don’t want drugs, we don’t want human trafficking.
We all agree on that. So that’s unity. That’s what people want. And you showed it in the last election. Just look at the map and look at the red. And that’s the reason why Trump got in office. You don’t want higher taxes. We’re taxed on everything. The government should be able to tell us, hey, we’re taxing you, but this is where we’re spending the money. It’s for your benefit, okay? It’s for the good of our country. It’s for the protection of our country. We should have a say in that. Because if we see a pet project that some congressman comes up with that we don’t like, we should be able to say, hey, we don’t want our taxpayer money going for that.
We don’t want that. And you have at that point the ability to write your congressman and say, we object to that. Why do I have to work so hard to put food on the table and give money to something that I have no, agree. I don’t agree with at all. I don’t want to spend my money, taxpayer money, to have inmates get, get gender transition surgery. I don’t want that. We should have a say in that, that’s what all people, that’s unity. I don’t think there’s much of a disagreement on that. I think we all want to see the war in Ukraine over.
We don’t want to see innocent people dying. I think we all want to see peace in the Middle East. I think we all want to see that we’re protected from our enemies like China, possibly Russia and Iran. We want to see that. So we’re all in agreement on that. We’re not that far apart. What divides this country is the people at the top, the name calling that they do with each other. You know, the abusive language that they, the lies that they spread about one another, that’s what causes the division on the bottom. But when you, when you.
For the people. But when you think about it, we all want the same things. We really do. So I think it’s time now, starting tomorrow. Tomorrow Mars January 1st, where we start to talk about unifying our country. Now I want to be clear on this also. I do believe, I do believe that those people in office that abused our country, abused our people, that in my view have blood on their hands. I think they should be held accountable. Why? Because we have to set a precedent in this country. We can’t allow our politicians to come into office and abuse us.
We can’t allow it anymore. And if they violate the law, they should be held accountable to it. And I really mean that because it affects every single one of us. So I am hopeful, I am telling you this right now. I don’t know if you agree with me or not, but I’m putting it out there. I am hopeful that the Department of Justice, whoever is Bondi, is going to be in control if she gets put in there. I hope she investigates those people that put us through such trauma. What do I mean by that? We know the whole COVID 19 thing now was a scam.
In many, many ways it was a scam. We know it started from the Wuhan lab. We know that there was a huge cover up. We know that Fauci lied to us. We know that Biden was given wrong, improper information. We know that. And he should be held accountable because people died as a result. Businesses went under. This world was held captive, the country was held captive for well over a year and a half. We were giving, given false information and they shouldn’t be allowed to do that because they enriched themselves in the process. Fauci became a media star and became extremely wealthy and at the expense of others, at the death of others.
He’s got blood on his hands. He should be investigated. And if it is, turns out the way we know it will, he should be held accountable. Joe Biden, I’m sorry, what he has done in this country is terrible, okay? What he has allowed over the southern border, terrible. He’s got blood on his hands. No question about it. He should be held accountable. Afghanistan, Listen, it was a presidential decision that he made that was horrible. I don’t think we can hold him accountable for that because he did it as commander in chief. This is maybe what he did for whatever reasons he did, but people died as a result, okay? I don’t know if we can hold him accountable to that because that’s part of his job as president.
That’s the decision he made. It was a bad one. We know that, okay? But that just adds to some of the things that this man’s done. He’s lied to us for four years. We now know beyond any shadow of a doubt that he lied to us about participating with his son’s business partners. We have photos of them together. We’ve seen that. We have a laptop. We have emails, we have texts. We have eyewitnesses. We have whistleblowers. We have everything. He should be held accountable for this. And if we can’t do anything about it, it should be put out there so that everybody knows now we’re on our God.
Don’t ever try this again. Don’t ever try this again because we got you. We know what’s going on. Nancy Pelosi, why is she worth 4 to $500 million? Why? What does she do? She makes a salary of $200,000 a year. Why is she so wealthy? We know why. Insider trading. All the gifts that she’s got, all the deals that she made with lobbyists. We understand why. Okay? Should they be allowed to do that while you’re out there struggling to put bread on the table and they’re using your taxpayer money to enrich themselves? Because you put them in office, they get all the perks.
You gave them the ability to go out and steal, be held accountable so nobody does it again. No, that’s the reason. So accountability. Yes, absolutely. Because that will help unify this country so we don’t have to go through that agonizing or deal again. And it was agonizing over the past four years. We really don’t. So, Trump, it’s on you, brother. You came in, you said you’re going to make changes. You’re going to do all of this for the benefit of the American People, we’re going to hold your feet to the fire, Mr. Trump. President Trump. We really are, and I certainly will.
And for those of you that think I won’t watch, I have nothing to gain. I want to be truthful and honest with all of you. And if I see that there’s some hanky panky going on, you’re going to hear it from me. I don’t think so. I believe in Trump’s desire to make this country great again. You know, I just saw a thing with Don Lemon. You know, this guy should be thrown off the air. The. Does he have freedom of speech? Of course he can, but should he get paid money, you know, to blast people? He’s calling out all the MAGA people, called them stupid.
You know, that’s the greater population of this country. He’s calling them stupid. I don’t know who the hell he thinks he is. And I hope nobody supports that kind of language. I really don’t. Or that kind of derision. I don’t know why he thinks he’s better than anybody else. He. He hates Donald Trump. We understand that. And in doing so, he probably hates America also. You know, but, you know, I just brought that up because of that. And, you know, I read something horrible today, people, and again, you know, I bring this to your attention. I read this this morning that Trent D.
Agua, they’ve already made a show of force coming over the border because they know when Trump comes in, it’s all going to stop. And they actually killed one border patrol agent. They knifed him, and now they’re planning, from what I heard tomorrow. Okay. To do it again. To just force themselves over the border, you know, in a big crowd. And they’re supposedly getting together with some of the cartel leaders in Mexico to just ram the border and get in and then disperse themselves throughout the country because they know their opportunity to do that is going to be over shortly.
I mean, it’s terrible. Why did we allow this? You know, Mayorkas, this guy should be held accountable for what he did. He lied to us, remember, for three and a half years. He said the border was secure. He’s an absolute liar. And people died as a result of that. This country was ransacked as a result of that. He should be held accountable, you know, Garland, Department of Justice. He should be held accountable for everything that he did, you know, for saying that parents were domestic terrorists because they want to know what’s going on in the classrooms, you know, all the stuff that he did, you know, allowing, you know, allowing all These bogus claims to go forward with Donald Trump, an ex president.
He’s a bad guy. He’s a bad guy, you know, so listen, let’s put this all behind us. Let’s see what Trump does with it. And like I said, accountability, I think most of you will agree with me, is very important when it’s on the grand stage, when it impacts people in the way that it has in a devastating way for many. So let’s do that. And people, I got to tell you, because of this, you know, surge at the border of Trent Diagua, hopefully our border patrol agents will be ready for it tomorrow. Because I heard every morning at 3am a whistleblower from inside the organization has said they’re storming every morning at 3:00 in the morning, and they’ve been doing that.
Texas has been ransacked. So hopefully they’re going to be prepared tomorrow. But please, watch your backs, people. You don’t know where these people are. Watch your backs. And they’re unscrupulous. They’re ruthless. They’re worse than the mob. They can’t even be compared to the mob. They have no value of human, excuse me, of human life. They don’t care. You got to watch your backs, people. Ladies, like I say, in parking lots and things like that, be careful. Because these people, they’re on a different wavelength. They’re in a different universe than you and I, and we can’t have that now.
You know, there’s been some great, you know, accomplishments in 2024 that I was going to go into and I was going to talk about. But, you know, sometimes I lay out an agenda and then I think about it and say, you know what? You know, what’s past is past. I think all in all, 2024 was a rough year for some, good year for others. Like I said, we did have some major accomplishments. Accomplishments. I’m not going to read them all off. I was going to do that, drive my team crazy because they prepare them for me.
And then I just changed the whole, the whole address to all of you. But I really, I really want to talk about encouragement this morning. You know, for those of you that had a rough year, I have to tell you this, people, I’ve been there. I’ve done that. I’ve been at a time in my life so low that honestly, I just wanted to lay my head on a hot. And this is when I was in lockdown and believed I was never getting out of prison. I was going to lose my wife, lose my kids, lose My freedom, lose everything that was dear to me.
I just wanted to close my eyes and not wake up. I really meant it. It was too painful to think of what my future would be like living in a 6 by 8 cell for the rest of my life. You know, it was very bad. And I’ve been through a lot of stuff in my life. You know, we had a little bit of a rough childhood, not a bad one. I don’t want to say that, you know, we got through it. My, my brothers and sisters might have told you different. My sister that died of an overdose of drugs because of the turbulence in my household.
My younger sister that died, that wasn’t, you know, mentally stable. She died early, 41 years old. My brother, who turned to drugs for 25 years, went through a lot of misery. And I’m going to be sitting down with my brother in the next couple of weeks because he wants to do it. You know, he wants to talk about what he did, he wants to talk about why he did what he did. He doesn’t want to justify anything. I’ve had conversations with my brother, but, you know, the point being that we’ve gone through a lot of challenges.
I have personally, both as a child and later on. And let me counter that I’ve been extremely blessed. Extremely blessed because I have my freedom, I have my family. I’m 73. I’ve lived, you know, longer than I expected to, so. But I understand when people are going through troubles and when you just want to just pack it in and say, you know what? It’s never going to get better. It’s just not, you know, And I can tell you people that’s that’s the wrong attitude to have. Now some of you may say, michael, come on, I’m a paraplegic.
I’m sitting in a wheelchair. I’ll never have some of the, you know, enjoyment that other people have. I can’t live a normal life. And I understand that. And I can’t relate to that, quite honestly, because fortunately, I’ve had my health up until this point and I haven’t had those kind of restrictions. So. I understand. But even if you’re in that situation, you have to look at the bright side of things. I’m not going to get into the religious aspect, my faith aspect of that. I will do that on Thursday when I have my Bible study. For all those of you that want to jump in with me, I don’t care what faith you are, it doesn’t matter.
I’m not hitting you over the head with The Bible. I’m not trying to turn you into a Christian. I’m using some of the ideology that strengthened me, that encouraged me, that got me through some rough, rough, rough times and challenges and continue to do that. I want to encourage you and I will do that because there is a good biblical foundation to that. And you know, there are times when I look at things outside of the Bible, as long as they don’t conflict with the Bible that give me good advice and good encouragement, you know, there’s nothing wrong with that.
So for those of you that may not be of my faith, it’s okay. Because like I said, encouragement is encouragement in the right way properly. And I think there’s a lot of that. I know there’s a lot of that in Scripture. So if you want to jump onto my Bible study and be encouraged, you want to talk about overcoming challenges, how you can get to the next level in your life, how it means something, Then tune in. Michaelfrancis.com Bible study. Now, why do we want Bible slash Bible study? Because you have to put your email in.
I want to know, you know, who’s part of my Bible study. That’s it. I’m not selling you anything. I’m not asking you to do anything. It doesn’t cost a penny. But I want to know who you are because I may communicate with you beyond that, I really might. And you might be able to communicate with me. So just give us your email address again, that’s michaelfrancise.combiblestudy and jump in this Thursday we’ll post it. I think it’s either going to be at 5 or 6 o’clock. I’m not exactly sure, but it’ll be Thursday. Anybody can come on.
And if you’re in my membership platform, you know, you get a little special privilege for that. But we’ll talk about that at another time. So, you know, people, look, if you’ve had a rough year this year, it’s time to turn it around. It really is 20, 25. You have to have a positive outlook for things that are going to happen. Oh, but Michael, I’m losing my house. But it’s been so bad. And you know what? There’s always a way, even in losing your house. It’s not the worst thing in the world. It’s hard, it’s traumatic, it’s terrible, terrible.
You lost a loved one. It’s hard to get over. But you still have a life that you have to live going forward. How do you do this? You got to have the determination you got to have the inner strength. You got to have support by being with people that really do care about you. You say, well, Michael, I don’t have that now. Well, you can have that. Don’t think you can’t. You can have that. Your situation can change. I’m telling you that it can. You may feel right now you’re the loneliest person in the world. Well, you know what? There are a lot of people feeling the same way, and there is a way out for that.
And that’s what I want to show you. That’s what I want to talk about. I’m going to continue to talk about that throughout 2025, to try to bring people and bring this country together, because together we’re strong. Look what you did in this election, the numbers, okay? You still have a voice, people, and you have a very strong voice. And it’s in unity. When we stick together, when we stick together for the common good, the common good, we have power. We really do. And this country has given us that. Our Founding Fathers have given us that.
So unity is important. And for you personally, it’s the same thing. If you’re not involved with a group of people now, that can be an encouraging group for you, then you should be. And you can have access to that. There’s no question. All right? If you’re down in the dumps and you think it’s over, there’s nothing I can do. I have a drug problem. I have an alcohol problem. I can’t get out of it. Well, yes, you can. And there are places that you can go, and there are people that really do care. There are people that I have found.
There are a lot of caring people in this world that give of themselves to help others. There really are. And you know what? If I wanted to spend this whole video, this whole time talking to you about that, I can give you hundreds of people that have done such great things throughout the year. It’s not all gloom and doom. That’s what we hear on the news, because that’s what sells. Good stuff rarely sells. It’s all the gloom and doom and controversy and anger. That’s what sells. So that’s what they want to promote. It’s not all that way, people.
There are good people out there that want to help you. I really mean that. So you know what I’m going to do now? I want to go to some questions and I want to see. Do me a favor, people, if you got something on your mind, let’s have some good comments that maybe that I can address so that we go into the New Year in a positive way. Let’s try to do that. You know, let’s not complain about everything that went wrong in the past. But let’s. If you have an issue that maybe I can address right now, let’s talk about.
Let’s do that. I think that’s important. I really do. All right, let me see. I got to get to the questions. Let me see how I can do that. What’s the plans for New Year’s Eve? You know, for me? We’re going to go to dinner. Vlad, send me the. Oh, okay, I got it. We’re going to go to dinner and you know, with probably with all the family and a couple of close friends. My friend Tony from Pizza Slices Pizza is going to be with us and his lovely fiance. And we’re going to just have a good time at dinner.
We’re going to do that late at about 8:30 and then we’re going to come back to the house. We were going to go, go to this hotel which is in Fashion island across the street from me, a beautiful hotel and they have a New Year’s Eve festivities. But my little grandson, Jet, many of you know, is such a. He’s like a wind up doll, you know, you put him down and he just gone. And my son said, dad, how am I going to control this kid? I got him. I’m going to be running all over the hotel.
And I get it. So I said, you know what, son? My wife said the same thing. Let’s just go back to the house afterwards, bring in the new year at 12 o’clock, celebrate, have a glass of Francis wine. Of course. Okay. And just give everybody hugs and well wishes for the New Year. Because you know what I’ve learned too, that New Year’s Eve is amateur night. It’s amateur night. You know, people go out, they get drunk, they get stupid, they think they need that, you know, in order to bring in the New Year. You know, can I tell you, some people, you know, what the difference with my generation was? At least I believe that’s what I remember.
We used to go out, have fun and then have a drink. You know, we didn’t get plastered. We didn’t get, you know, crazy and obnoxious and all that stuff. We go out, have fun, have a drink. Today, the way I see it, people have to go out, have a drink and then have fun. It’s like the drink that makes you have fun, man. That’s not the way it’s supposed to be. That’s reverse order. All right? Do it the right way. Have fun. Have a drink. You know, it’s nice. You know, a glass of wine with friends.
Friends is great. You know, Or a cocktail here and there, it’s okay. But don’t go out and get drunk and think you have to have fun because that’s when the stuff starts. And people, let me tell all you young people that might be listening, I’ve learned something. My lifestyle used to be I was in a club six nights a week. Six nights a week I was out. And I have tell you this, and I’ve seen it, witnessed it many times, been involved in it. Nothing good happens after midnight in these clubs. Nothing. That’s when all the crazy people, all the drunkness comes out.
All the half assed wise guys, all the wannabe tough guys, that’s when they come out. And that’s when things go awry. Nothing good happens. Especially New Year’s Eve amateur night. For those of you that are watching the ball drop in New York, you know, a million people are gonna be there. I grew up in New York, Michael. Have you ever been there? Not a chance. Who wants to be around all of that crazy stuff? No. People getting silly and stuff? No, I don’t deal with that. I got my family, my friends and people I love. We want to bring in the new year together so that we hopefully will be there throughout the year.
And that’s it. So hopefully many of you are doing the same. If you’re going out, just behave yourself. Don’t do anything silly. You don’t need that. All right, so let’s go here. Let me open it up for some comments that I can address. I’m going to put this right here, right in front of me. Okay? So let me start at the top. We have a lot. And for those of you on Rumble, I really apologize. We haven’t figured out how to get the questions from rumble and YouTube at the same time. I apologize for that. My team is working on it.
They don’t make it easy, but we’re trying. Okay, let’s get the likes in, folks. 670 people plus tuned in. That was earlier. I think we have a lot more now. Thank you very much. I do have to go over the one thing. You know what? Let me hesitate. I don’t want to dismiss what my team has done. Totally. I have to do something. And this is, this is going to be a thank you for all of us. All right? A real thank you for all of us. Hold on a minute. Let me tell you what that is.
One second, let me read these stats off. I never do this, but I’m going to read them off now because this is thanks to all of you. All right? Okay. This is what’s developed on social media for me in the past year. And again, when I say this, it’s a thank you to all of you that have supported me, because without you, unlike celebrities who think they’re God, I know I wouldn’t have a platform. So I’m glad that you tune in to what I do. I’m glad you, like many of you to what I do. We’ve had our best year since the first year that we’ve started.
When we first got off the ground, we built quickly. It was during COVID and it was just crazy. And then we kind of leveled out and it’s always been good. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve always had a lot of support, but this year was even more tremendous and I thank you. Let me tell you our media growth. We reached 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube. That’s a milestone. People, I don’t know if you know this, but the percentage of people over a million subscribers on YouTube, it’s 0.023%. There’s only 36,000 people that have reached a million subscribers out of over a billion users on YouTube.
That’s pretty good. And we’re approaching the 2 million sub mark. We’ll probably hit it this year again, if you continue to support me. If you don’t, well, we won’t hit it. It’s really up to you. Across all of our social media platforms, we’ve got over 2 million followers. 2 million followers. So, people, that’s why I talk to you, because you have given me a voice, you’ve given me a platform. You said to me, michael, we like to hear what you have to say. And there’s some people that disagree with me, which is fine. It’s good to have opposing opinions on things.
It’s great. There’s nothing wrong with civil disagreements. Because you know what? You might disagree with me with something. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you open my eyes. Maybe you enlighten me to something I don’t know. And in the same token, maybe I’m doing that to you. Hopefully I am. So there’s nothing wrong with disagreements. I don’t mind disagreeable comments. I don’t like disrespectful ones. And I don’t like to see people fighting with one another online. You know, normally I’ll just block somebody like that. If you’re bad mouthing somebody else, we don’t need that, we don’t tolerate that.
But disagreement’s great. But the comments have been so wonderful and you know, all the, all the well wishes that I’ve gotten from me and my family over this holiday season, it’s been overwhelming and I really appreciate that. So over 2 million followers. Business expansion. Franz east wine. We’re now distributed in eight states. Eight. And we’re soon to be in 12. And we have all the big suppliers that have jumped on with us. We’re going to be in Walmart as of April 1st with our non alcoholic wine. They’ve given us eight states in Walmart alone and almost 400 stores.
That’s a great, great start for us. You’re going to love the alcoholic wine. We’re in Costco and we’re going to be expanding, we pray, nationwide. They’ve given us a number of stores and states. We’re in Total Wines, if you’re familiar with that. We’re in Save Mart, which the people in Save Mart I love. They’ve been so supportive. They love our product. They have 200 plus stores. They’ve been great, great people to work with. You know, Frank and all of his associates. I love you guys and thank you so much for all the support you’ve given us.
We’re in Albertsons, we’re in Kroger. We’re going into Texas now. We’re expanding. We’re in Louisiana. We’re everywhere. Not everywhere, but we’re getting everywhere. And again, that’s thanks to all of you for enjoying the wine. So we had a real year of growth in 2024, only our second year in operation. So we look forward to a blessed 2025. Again, thanks to all of you on social media. We have had some great, Andrew, great interviews. Andrew and Tristan Tate, for those of you that hate haters remember something, the Supreme Court in Romania now refused to take the case to trial because they said there’s not enough evidence.
They threw it back at the prosecutors. They said, you need to get some evidence or this is being dismissed. And I told you, yes, they made some distasteful remarks on social media. Yes, they say things that maybe, you know, bother people a lot. I understand. I don’t like everything they say either, you know, but I love these two guys. They’re good guys. I’ve sat down with them. I’ve had heart to heart talks with them. You don’t know what they grew up with. Very, very difficult. If you heard some of the Things that they’ve had to face in their life.
Okay? You’d say, you know what? These young men achieved a lot. And they’re not human trafficking or any of that stuff. It’s not true. And they become friends of mine. I hope they beat their case. I’ve invited them to my place here in California. They’re good men and they want young men to be men. And they’re giving them the right way to do that. Okay. And that’s why they’re popular. And yes, they’re friends. I don’t shy away from my friends. You know, someone said, oh, Sammy Gabonna, why are you friends with him? Because he’s my friend now.
I know that he did some things, so did I, in my past. So what? I’m not looking back. I’m looking forward, you know, And I know some people don’t like that. But listen, you know, who am I to judge people? There’s certain people that I won’t come in contact with. Sandy’s not one of them. I happen to know a little bit more about things than you do. All right, so let’s leave it at that. Great interview, Big Homie. You all love Big Homie, okay? Enjoyed him very much. And he and I become friends. We’re trying to do something together to help at risk youth in the city of Chicago and hopefully that’ll spread nationwide.
You know, pray for us that we can put that together. It’s in the talking stage now, but we’ll see what we can do. George Christie, former Hells Angels Great interview. He’s terrific. We’re going to see him again after the holiday. Probably going to do some something more with him. Suge Knight from a prison cell. I might be going in to sit with him. I think I’m going to get permission. I want to hear more from Suge Knight. You know, he had eye opening stuff about Diddy. Do we believe it? It’s up to you. I’m relating what he said.
He’s certainly a guy in the know. He certainly knew Diddy. You know, we know all about that. Great interview. David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam went into prison, sat with him. He’s now a devout Christian. Do I believe it? Yes. Is he sincere? Yes. Is he ever coming out of prison? No. Does he know that? Yes. Does he want to come out? Everybody wants to come out, but he knows he’s not coming. Not a charade, it’s not an act. He is a devout Christian, trust me on that. Drea dimattia di Matteo, you loved her, just a couple of weeks ago, you really supported her.
She was terrific. We become friends now, her, my wife and myself, you know, just a wonderful woman, great actress, and hopefully we’ll have her on again. And of course, Greg Kading, he was the investigator, one of the investigators on a Diddy case. And he shed light on that, on that whole thing with Diddy also. We talked about Diddy. We’re going to be talking more about Diddy. I’ll be interviewing some more people that got involved with him, you know, and listen, when I interview people, I’m not there to put them on the spot. I let them talk, and then it’s up to you to decide.
I’ll ask them questions, and if I, you know, something sounds a little fishy to me, I’ll delve into it a bit, but, you know, they’re there for you and to give them something. Now, the two biggest interviews that I had, okay, that got the most views, and we have about 50 videos that have crossed the million mark. Many that have crossed the 2 million mark. The biggest, Andrew Tate, 6 million views to date. And that, you know, that keeps going every day. And Big homie, four and a half million views to date. You know, they were big.
And then Suge came after that, I think my good friend Donnie Brasco, you know who that is, you know his real name, right? Okay. Joe Pistone. He did well. We had a lot of people that did well. And again, that’s thanks to you. So I’m trying to bring you guests that you want to hear from Gene Simmons we brought in recently. I have a good lineup of guests coming up on YouTube at Rumble, so stay tuned for that. But that’s what we accomplished. Thank you so much. And I think next year you’re going to be hearing more about slices pizza.
We’re building a kitchen now. We’re on our way there, and we got some great things happening. And I hope everybody gets to enjoy Slicer’s Pizza, because it’s really good, people, I’m telling you that. Okay, let’s go back to some of the questions. We got about 20 minutes left. Let me see where we are. Okay. All right. And this is. Wow. We got a lot in the chat and people there. Again, we don’t solicit donations here. I don’t do that. But thank you. For those that feel in your heart that you want to give to us, we appreciate it very much.
And because of that, we do go to the questions first. It’s only respectful, the right thing to do, because, you know, These people are contributing. But you don’t have to do that. I’m not telling you. Hey, you know, put money and we don’t ask the question. No, but we get to them first. And that’s the way it goes. Okay, Here we got one from Mike Verze. Thank you very much. Very generous of you. I appreciate it. Michael, did you ever hear of my grandfather, Vito Verizi? I don’t think so, Mikey. You know, I’m not. I don’t think so.
But you know what? I got to go back in the Rolodex of my mind. If you give me some more information. Where did he come from? Was he out of New York? You know, who was he involved with? If he was one of those, you know, one of us at one time, let me know. But again, thank you very much for that. I appreciate it. Okay, we have Bobby Bacalha. Thank you very much. Bobby. Happy New Year. Mike, what’s your knowledge of the Decavacante family of New Jersey? God bless. I knew them quite well. I knew some of their players quite well.
They were a legitimate family. Obviously some good people there, you know, they were real family. You know, they were out of Jersey, as you know. But I got along with. With a number of them, did business with some of them. One of them in particular was a good friend of mine, John Riggy. I think John Riggy, he’s passed away now. He was the boss of that family at one point in time. But a really good person. But thank you very much for that. Okay, let’s go. Libel. Nicodermo, Scarfo. Bring it on. But expect 10 times over.
I’m not sure what that means. Bong. James Bond. God bless. From West Kentucky. All have a safe and responsible evening. Happy New Year’s to all of you who celebrate. Yes, thank you very much for those well wishes. We always appreciate that. Anthony says, what’s my thoughts on quitting smoking? You know, I just read something. I don’t know how true it is because we. I have so much out there. I never smoked in my life. I smoke cigars every once in a while. I smoke seven when my seven children were born. I’m not really into it, but if I go to a cigar lounge with somebody, they give me one, I’ll light it up.
I have some in my house. People have sent them to me, but I don’t think I’ve smoked one in my house. But I’m totally against smoking. I think it’s bad for your health. As a matter of fact, I read something again Just today that for every cigarette you light up, you take 19 minutes off of your life. Who wants to do that? I mean, there’s no, there’s no benefit to smoking. There certainly is no benefit other than making the tobacco companies wealthy. So if you can quit, quit if you can. I remember when my mother was a chain smoker and I went to buy her cigarettes.
It was 25 cents a pack. 25 cents a pack. Now how much is it for a carton? It’s ridiculous, you know, So I can’t see spending that kind of money. So please, if you can quit, quit. If you need help to do it, do it. And vaping is not good either. It’s not good. Trust me. We can get into that another time. I used to smoke when I was a teenager. I think a lot of people did. They experimented with. Hopefully you’re not doing anymore. Do you think wood burning pizza ovens are the best? Pineapple free zone? They seem to be, you know, I mean, the pizza coming out of wood burning ovens is really good.
So, I mean, I enjoy it. Slices is not out of a wood burning oven. And I’m sure you’re going to like it, but we’re focusing on frozen pizza, you know, and I think you’re going to really, you’re going to get it. It’s going to be in major markets. You’re going to try it and you’re going to tell me, michael, this is the best frozen pizza I ever ate. I’ll bet you on that. Remember, I’m telling you that. Okay, Michael, what is your best and worst memory, the that you can remember from beginning with your former family? Oh, gosh.
My best memory, when you say former family, I assume it’s the mob life. My best memories are with my crew that I loved. I love many of the guys. Many. They’re all gone now. They’re all passed away. But I love those guys. I love their families and I love the good times we had on holidays and boat trips that we make and just getting down with the guys. And I love them. I have a lot of good memories there. Worst memories of people that I love that are no longer there. You know, one in particular that was murdered.
You know, just some horrific things that I witnessed during my time in that life. More than one, unfortunately. And, you know, just not good memories. Okay. And that’s a good question. I appreciate that. Okay, Juan Manuel. Thank you, sir. Happy New Year, Michael. Your testimony made me a believer in Jesus Christ in November 2022. Greetings from Brazil. Praise God for that, that’s so encouraging. Hearing on the last day of this new year, that’s what keeps me motivated. The fact that, you know, people are being led to the Lord through my testimony. And that’s the ability that the Lord gave me.
It’s the story that the Lord gave me, and I have an obligation to share it. That’s what I’ve been doing for over 25 years now. So, Juan, thank you very much for sharing. And, you know, I’ll see you in heaven, brother, if I don’t see you before that. And that’s because you believe in Jesus Christ. You’ve repented your sins and you’ve accepted him as your savior. God bless you. Okay, go. Nope. Okay, here we go. Rasta bastar. Michael, God bless and happy holidays. Thank you very much, sir. Francisco Horner. Great live yesterday. Xavier, to bed. Patrick and Sammy not friends anymore.
Well, yeah. What can I tell you? You know, relationships change in life. Looking forward. David says, looking forward to your online Bible study. So am I. My friends, I love to share my faith when I can. And for those of you that are accepting of it, fine. I’m not doing it here because for those that are not of my faith, I’m not here to force it on you. But the Bible study is the right place to learn about God’s word and scripture and how it can be an encouragement to you. Looking forward to online Bible study.
Sameer, did you see what Sammy said about Patrick? I did not. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that there was a feud between them. Maybe because Patrick had John Gotti Jr. On. And of course, we know there’s no love lost between Sammy and John. Maybe Sammy resented that. I don’t know. But I haven’t seen. This is the first I’m hearing of it. So, Michael, do you speak Italian? And that’s Nicodemo scarfo. I know it’s not really Nicodemo, but I understand more than I speak. I used to speak it more because when I lived with my dad and my grandparents, they spoke Italian to me.
For the last 35 years, nobody has really spoken Italian to me. So you forget. I feel bad. I think I want to take an online course and because I go to Italy quite a bit and I want to brush up on it that might be. I haven’t made it yet because I only make resolutions that I know I’m going to keep. So hopefully I’ll make that and be able to keep it and I’ll learn some Italian this year. Will I get notification for Bible Study. I think it’ll be posted. I will say it on X, I’ll say it on Instagram.
I think it’ll be posted in our membership platform and wherever we can post it Thursday. I’ll mention maybe we’ll try to post it in our YouTube video on Thursday so that people can see it. But right now it’s Thursday at. It’s probably going to be 6pm Pacific Time. I think it says 5. It’s probably going to be 6. We’ll correct that. Michaelfrancis.com BibleStudy Alexis, bring your wine and pizza. Torino, Nevada, the biggest little square in the world. We will be definitely bringing it there. I think we’re in Reno. I think we’re in a couple of stores if Save Mart is there.
And I will be in reno on the 29th of the month. I’m speaking at a corporate event. So I’m going to be up in Reno speaking for a day or so. I’m going to bring my wife, my daughter is going to come and her new boyfriend soon to be something more. I think we’ll see. Okay. Debbie Carroll. I missed that. Michael, did you eat at Don Pepe’s like me? Yes, I did. And I think it’s a great, great restaurant. Yes, I enjoyed it very much. Happy New Year from the sane people of the uk. That’s Groucho Marx and Ma George.
Well, thank you very much. I love the uk, love the city of London, love all of it. I’ve been all over the uk. People are wonderful for me to me and I appreciate it very much. Okay, G.B. funny gang. He’s get a scan from Sammy and press accept and it prints out a horse’s head. That’s Sammy. You know, he’s a character. What could I tell you? Michael, did you know John DeFronzo out of Chicago? Name sounds familiar. You know, I met a few guys out of Chicago. I wasn’t familiar with all of them. Obviously that was a fairly big crew, but name sounds familiar, but I don’t know if I met him.
Moorjeboy. I always love to share your testimony with friends. Well, thank you, Moshe boy. I appreciate that very much. Michael, Happy New year’s wishes for 2025 from the UK. Love your work. Please keep it up in the New Year. That’s from Mike Shivers. I will keep it up as long as God allows me to. And thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you for your support. Register for the Bible study. Vlad has it in there right now. If you go to Vlad Vikopen. Oh, come On Vlad, I’m not pronouncing your name right, but you can register right now for the Bible study.
Please do that if you’re interested. So you don’t forget. He’s got the link up there. It’s michaelfrancis.com Bible study. You register only by putting your email address in. It’s all we want. We don’t want money, we don’t want anything. We just want to know who’s attending. That’s it. Because my obligation is to spread the word. And, you know, hopefully we can stay in touch with you after that. Might even have a gift for some of you at some point. So if you want to jump in, jump in. Michaelfrancise.com BibleStudy okay, Greg. Mr. Glenn, did you ever think about chatting with Ted Nugent? I think he’s on my list.
We have a list of people that we’re going to be meeting with. We’re going to be stepping up the interviews, probably doing at least one a week. You know, fortunately, because of all of you, when we crashed, we passed that million plateau. A lot of people want to be on my platform. We’re fairly selective. We don’t want to bring just anybody on. We want to make sure that it’s an interesting interview and that, you know, there’s, there’s, it’s effective in their communication. So we do screen people. We get asked a lot to have people on. I get asked a lot to be on other platforms.
We take some, we don’t take others. But we’re going to step it up this year because we have a lot of people inquiring about being on the platform and a lot of names that you’re going to know and appreciate. Appreciate and interviews that I think you’re going to enjoy. Okay. Alexia Monte, we’re in Reno. I don’t have that in front of me, but maybe I can post it. For those of you this might be a private event. I’m not sure. I look at my calendar and look all this up. I have a lot of speaking engagements this year across the country, across the world.
For those of you living in Australia, I will be there in April. I have four dates. As of now. I think they’re adding some more. Two in Sydney, two in Melbourne, and that’s on the seventh and the ninth and a couple of days in between or around that I don’t know. But for those of you that are interested, please let me know and I’ll give you the information. Come and see me. I’ll be speaking like I Said a couple of times. So that’ll be great. I’d love to meet you. I love both of those cities. Love Australia.
Okay, let’s keep going. Michael, can we hear the story of the prison guard that slipped the Bible under your cell door again, please? Maybe shorten the story to fitness stream time frame, you know, long story, short people and you know, maybe we can talk about. Look, my Testimony is on YouTube in different places you can see it. But there was on the worst night of my life to that point when I thought I’d never come out of prison alive. And they locked me down. And a lot of stuff happened to me throughout that day. I was laying on the cot ready to give up.
Said, you know what? I wasn’t suicidal. I wasn’t that brave. But I honestly, I just wanted to close my eyes and not wake up. It was just too painful to think of my future living in a 6 by 8 cell for the rest of my life away from all the people I love. And it was a prison guard that walked by my cell, looked in on me and said, francis, are you okay? You don’t look good. And I chased him. I said, get away from me, man. I don’t want to see you tonight. I don’t see any of you guys.
And that guard came back and pushed a Bible through the slot in the door. And that was life changing for me. Not at that moment, but throughout the three years, almost three years I spent in solitary. And it gave me a new outlook on life, gave me a new outlook on Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus Christ, gave me a new outlook on Scripture, gave me a new outlook in my feelings for God. And that’s what propelled me. I got out of prison in 1995, and for the past almost 30 years, that’s what propelled me to do everything that I’ve done and what I continue to do turned it around, turned it all around.
And God gave me the motivation and the strength and the courage, and he put the right people in my path. Remember what I said earlier about having the right people? God put them in my path. I didn’t go out and seek them. He put them in my path. And when you’re sincere in wanting to transform your life, the people will come along. Trust me on that. That’s the abridged version, people. You’ll hear more in the Bible studies. Okay, I’m starting the Bible. Do you recommend just starting at the beginning and reading it like a regular book or start somewhere specific in the book? I encourage you to start with the New Testament.
If You’re a new believer, a new beginner. Start with the New Testament. The Old Testament is a history lesson. God’s presence is felt powerfully, but our faith is about Jesus Christ. So I want you to start with the New Testament. And I’m not supposed to be saying this. My team’s going to get mad at me. But look for people that enter into the Bible study and stick with it. I have a special gift for all of you at some point because it’s going to help you in your walk tremendously. Trust me on that. Start with the New Testament.
Get to know Jesus Christ. Get to know the 12 people that he influenced so powerfully, how he transformed their lives, how they became lions, people that were scared, people that were taxpayers, people that were the scum of the earth, as you want to call them. A taxpayer was the scum of the earth back then. How he transformed them and made them lions and just so powerful in their faith. That’s what Jesus does. So please start with that. We’ll get into it more in a Bible study. Promise you. Michael here. Jackpot Dave. Official page. Michael, I hear what you’re saying.
100%. You, I think, is an amazing, motivated speaker I’ve ever seen. My issue is that I want to go to church and really want to believe and grow my faith. There’s nothing stopping you, brother. Thanks for those kind words. I appreciate that because I speak from my heart out of what I honestly and truly believe and what I’ve experienced, what God has done for me. But you know what? You can. You know, you got to get into the right church. I know there’s times with misleading people in church people. Remember this. Remember what Michael Francis is telling you now.
It’s the message I gave to Andrew Tate, who was a Christian and then became a Muslim. Not knocking the Muslims. That’s where he stands right now. But he told me he did that because he didn’t like the way Christians behaved in the Western world. In the United States, Muslims are more disciplined in their faith. I understood that. But I said to him, and I say this to all of you, ever, ever judge a perfect God by his imperfect people. Because we will be imperfect Christians. We will sin no matter how strongly we believe. Many of us can be weak at times.
True Christians will not live in a pattern of sin anymore because God will absolve them of that. You won’t have that feeling to live in a pattern of sin anymore. But don’t judge a perfect God by his imperfect people. Don’t do that. That’s Why? I encourage you to read your Bible and obviously get around, right? Christians who are really true to their faith. Listen, there’s corruption in Christianity like there is in every other faith and like there is in every other organization in the world. From the government to corporate America to nonprofit foundations to the police department to the FBI.
There’s corruption everywhere. And it doesn’t end in Christianity. There are corrupt people in our faith also. But you don’t judge a perfect God by his imperfect people. Remember that as you begin your walk. Remember that not judging the people. You’re forming a relationship with our Savior. Wendy, have you been to John Gotti’s grave? No, I have not. People I know who have gone all say there is an evil, ominous feeling there. I don’t know about that. I would hope not, but no, I haven’t been there and I hope not. That’s not nice. You don’t wish that on anybody.
Nick, smell. What about Skinny Joe Merlino as a guest? Not gonna happen. Not gonna happen, people. You know the history there. It’s not gonna happen. I’ll leave it at that. Hey, Michael, great show, man. Love all your content. I think your dad knew my uncle Joe D’Amalo from the Bronx of East Tremont Avenue, Demolo’s Cleaners, and my grandfather. Very possible. Paul. You know, my dad knew a lot of people. Very possible. I don’t know if I ever came across him. I don’t know what age he was, but it’s very possible. Michael, you need to get on the Joe Rogan podcast.
Hey, if Joe calls me, I’ll go. You know, he chooses guests. We don’t force ourselves on him. I’d love to be on him. I think he’s. He’s the greatest personality on YouTube, obviously, or on his platform. So we’ll see what happens. Joseph Capabianko. I hope you’re my cousin. My cousin Joey, my mother’s brother’s son. Love you, Joey. Happy New Year, brother. And thank you for listening. And I hope we can get together in the new year. Maybe next time I’m in Florida. I’ll be in Florida in mid February. I have a speaking engagement there. Going to spend a few days.
Maybe we connect, brother. Love to. Just to give you a hug. And you know, it’s sad that we don’t get together more often, but that’s what happens when you live thousands of miles apart. You know how it goes, brother. But I love you. You know that. Coming to New York? Yes, I’ll be in New York a few times. Just spoke to Chaz, the other day, we have some things planned. So I’ll be in New York a couple of times throughout the year. I’ll be in Brooklyn also. I’ll be all over the country and all over the world this coming year.
God willing. You always say God willing. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring. But God willing, he’ll give me that blessing now. I’m looking forward to the Nugent interview. Well, stay tuned. You know, like I said, we got a lot of people lined up. Melbourne, Australia. Yes, we will be there. Okay, what’s your take on the Mexican Mafia, Nuestra Family, Black Guerrilla Family, and how Aryan Brotherhood, from an Italian Mafia perspective, what’s the respect like between them? Listen, I’m not into. I don’t want to badmouth these gangs. I think we all know who they are and what they stand for.
We don’t want them affecting innocent people. I don’t like the drug business at all. I hate it. I can’t stand anything to do with drugs. I lost too many people as a result of drugs. I hate it. I don’t want people pushing drugs, doing drugs, distributing drugs, making drugs, doing anything about it. So that’s my feeling there. Whoever it is, whether it be the Mexican Mafia, if they’re into it, or anybody else, I don’t. I don’t. Aryan Brotherhood. Listen, we have enough bias in this world against people. We shouldn’t have it anymore. I’m not a racist.
I never have been. I don’t want to be. I don’t like racism. We all have to be one. We can have our differences. You know, it’s like I told some of my black friends in prison who said, you know, all you Italians hang out with one another. I said, hey, we hang out with one another because we’re comfortable with one another. We eat the same food, we talk the same language. We have the same customs. It’s not because we don’t like being with somebody else. It’s just that in prison you tend to stay with who you’re comfortable with.
But we’re not racist, and you shouldn’t be either. And then I proved it to them, you know, so, you know, look, there’s a difference between racism and hanging out with people that you’re comfortable with. You know, I’m not a racist. I don’t like any bias because of somebody’s ethnic background. I think it’s terrible, and we shouldn’t have it. We shouldn’t have it here in the United States. This is not a racist country. And anybody that’s selling racist like Al Sharpton, who’s a race baiter, should be ashamed of himself, because that’s exactly what he is. And I know him personally.
Believe me, I speak from experience. He’s a race baiter, and he should be ashamed of himself. Instead of bringing people together, he should stop the divisiveness. That’s for you, Al. Greg Mitchell, my old friend Greg. Thank you very much, Greg. Michael, I know you’re a huge Pats fan. Ha ha. I know you said you talk with Bill Belichick. Did you know or speak with Tom Brady? I did speak with Tom Brady. When I addressed the Patriot team, Tom was sitting in the front row and asked very intelligent questions. We got to meet, shake hands. I didn’t take photos.
I don’t do that when I’m in there. But I like Tom, you know, for the limited time I spent with him. Bill, I love Bill. I’ve been with him a few times, and he’s just a great guy. I really like him very much. I wish him all the luck with his college team, and I hope he does well. He’s a great coach, and he’s a good human being. He’s very funny, and I enjoy the time I spent with him. So I’m not a Pat fan right now, though I was when Bill was there and Brady and all that.
But right now, am I going back to the Jets? Oh, my God. How can anybody go to the Jets? They just can’t get it right. I don’t know what it is with them anyway. I don’t want to get into that. Okay, we got five more minutes. Five more minutes. Michael, did you have the chance? This is from Manuel. Thank you very much, Juan. I appreciate this. Michael, did you have the chance to talk to your dad about Jesus and how difficult was it to talk to him about your new faith? I did have the chance to talk to him.
Not enough. One of my regrets was I was not responsible in that regard. I didn’t talk to my dad enough. I feel bad about it. It’s one of the regrets that I have. I did send a chaplain in to see him in prison, and during that prison visit, the chaplain told me my father accepted Christ. I believe that I didn’t see a lot of evidence of that with my dad, and I say that lovingly, but it’s one of my regrets. I think I could have done better. And I just pray that despite that, despite my failing in that regard, that my dad is in heaven.
I really mean that for accepting Christ. Wendy L. Ancient history. Okay. Stumbling across your YouTube channel is the best thing to happen to me in 2024. Wow. Thank the Lord for you, Michael. 20. That’s really sweet of you. Thank you very much for that. That and I hope I can continue to be some enlightenment and encouragement and maybe entertainment for some of you out there. It’s, it’s a little bit of both. But Wendy, that’s very kind of you and I take these things to heart. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I really do. And, and may God bless you in 2024 and may you have a wonderful new year coming up and.
Well, may God bless you in 2025 and thank you for the nice things you said about me in 2024. God bless you. Okay, Michael, let me see. We hear your words on experiencing death. I was physically holding on to my dad when he passed and had been with or near others at that time. And you’re right, it’s something that stays with you. That’s from Robert Bolling. It’s terrible. You know, witnessing death is just terrible. And unfortunately I had that experience more than once in my life. I’ve lost a lot of people that were dear to me and it’s terrible and it does stay with you.
And even that we have to try to move on from. But it’s hard, people. It really is. Megan Pierce, is your wines still be sold in Chicago areas and what stores? Yes, I can’t find it. I ordered online. It’s absolutely in Chicago at. Oh, what’s the name of that with an M? Not Moneros. Oh, gosh. You know the store I’m talking about and I’m drawing a blank right now, but yeah, it’s in Chicago in several stores. Is it Moneros? What’s the store called? Vlad, help me out. What’s the name of the store in Chicago? It’s a chain and it’s Kroger owns it.
It’s a Kroger food chain. Is it Moneros? Hopefully somebody will pop the name up. Any of you in Chicago that know what I’m talking about begins with an M. It’s a chain there. Please let me know so I can read it all. Mariano’s. Thank you, Vlad. Love you, Vlad. Mariano’s, you can get it in Mariano’s. They’re doing well with it. So I’m sure there’s one near you if you’re in Chicago. So please go and get it. And thank you for asking. We could also ship to you in Chicago. Okay. Stacy Lewis. I seen Andrew Tate. Still went to a Catholic mass though.
Well, his brother’s Christian. I’m talking to him about my faith whenever I have the opportunity to. And you know what? There is a passage in the Bible. I forget the verse and chapter, but Jesus was asked, what is your mission here on earth? He was asked, what is your mission here on earth? His response was very telling. He said, not to lose one soul for my Father. What does that mean for me? It means to me that anybody who knows Jesus, who has knowledge of Jesus, Jesus is not going to lose them. The wonderful thing about Christianity that some people have a problem with, but I think wonderful.
I think everybody deserves a second chance, a third chance in life. That at the few seconds of your life, if you truly give your life to Christ, your sins are forgiven. Thief on the cross is the indication of that nothing happened in the Bible by accident or by chance. Jesus made it known at that point in time when he turned to that thief and said, today you’ll be with me in paradise. Because the thief on the cross looked in our Lord’s heart and saw something there. Said today would you remember me in your kingdom? And Jesus said, today you’ll be with me in paradise.
But he knew that man was sincere. You can’t pull a scam on Jesus. No, but he knows when we’re sincere. That’s the beautiful thing about our faith. So he’s not lose one soul. Barry Hughes, back to front. Read it twice that way. I’m now reading the Latter Day Saints version. Okay. I don’t know about that. Can’t comment on it. But if it conflicts with Holy Scripture, be very careful. Be very careful. There is no deviation of the written word. No other publication. It’s only publications that support our written word. Remember that. Stacy Lewis, Andrew Tate lighting up candles.
Andrew’s got a good heart. I’m telling you. He’s a good human being. Don’t think differently. Why would I say that? We’re not in business together. He’s not giving me anything. I’m not giving him anything. We’re friends. We’ve talked to each other. We’ve got personally involved. We spend time with one another. He’s a good human being. Don’t let all this other BS get into your head and do it in the same way. So maybe they, you know, look, sometimes you put on a. You know, a different front on social media. But I don’t know what these two boys, these young men, went through in their life.
You don’t know. You know. And remember what I’m telling you. The Supreme Court, the biggest court, the appeal Court threw the case back at the prosecutor and said, this is garbage. Basically, you got no evidence. You know what they put these young men through for the last couple of years. It’s a shame because of this woke garbage. That’s what it’s all about. Because they’re telling men to be men so that men can protect their women, so that men can fight for their women, so that men can earn a good living, so that can defend the people that they need to defend.
That’s it. Period. He didn’t say women are inferior creatures. He didn’t say that. Come on, you know, stop listening to all this social media dei, you know, New age bs because that’s all it is. And I’m sorry, I get upset because I don’t like to see people get labeled the wrong way. And it’s the same with the people in the UK that talked about him and taking his money and all that. Should be ashamed of themselves. Come on. He’s helped a lot of young men. The both of those boys have. I don’t want to rant anymore about it, but I don’t like when people bad mouth my friends unnecessarily and wrongly.
Okay, is the Bible study an ongoing thing or just one night? No, the Bible study is ongoing. We do it every week. I try to do it twice a month on the first week of the month and the last week of the month and then in between we have Nathan, we have Caleb, we have Gary. All devout Christians, probably better than me, but they lead it. So you’re going to have continuous Bible study once a week? Hopefully, as long as we can. And we have no desire to stop. That’s what we’re doing. Let me see. Okay, we got two more minutes.
When is your palm wine coming in the uk? Our pomegranate wine? Oh, that’s a good question. It should. Oh, wait a minute. You mean online in general? When is it coming into the uk? We’re working on it. People, I don’t want to give you a time frame, but we are working on it. We had a distributor there that we were going to go with and then last minute decided not to. I don’t think it was a good fit, but we’re looking and I’m sure we’ll find somebody and we’ll be in the uk. We’re going into Australia and we have a distributor there now.
We’re very happy with when I go there in April, we’re going to launch the wine in Australia. So we’re coming to the uk. We want to Be a global brand. People in Poland and India are looking at us now and, you know, we’re only going into our third year of operations, so we’re on the fast track, trust me. And again, thanks to people liking the wine. Michael, when is your movie coming out? Keladi, I’m going to give you some inside information. And remember this. Remember what I tell you about this business. It’s very volatile. You never know until the cameras start rolling what’s going to happen.
Okay? But I’m with a very good team now, and the writer, who I have a lot of respect for and I think he’s doing a wonderful job, told me that he’s handing the script to the production company. And the person in charge, who I happen to like very much, I’m not going to give you his name tomorrow. So they’re going to get the first look, excuse me, of the script. And once the production company gives the feedback to them, then they’re going to give it to me and. And some changes are made, then they’re going to give it to me.
Timeframe on this. I think we’re going to have a working script by the end of January. And if all goes well from that point, what do they do? They start casting, looking for cast. Michael, Sonny, Camille, all that. So I think that the goal is to have cameras rolling by the summer. What does that mean? That means you’ll see a movie in 2026. All of that has to go right. I know this industry very well. I believe in the team that I’ve got. We’ll see what happens, people. But what I’m reading so far in the script I really like.
So let’s hope it works. I missed some paid questions. Sorry. Aneurysm. Fun. Thank you very much. This is one of them. I appreciate it. Have you ever seen or would you ever consider reviewing the film Lincoln? I would love to hear your take on that film, especially since you’re so outspoken about. About the way things are working today. Not only have I seen it, I’ve probably seen it five times. I thought it was absolutely brilliant. I loved the movie. If you want me to do a review on it in the comments, please tell me. I would love to.
I know that. I know that movie inside out and I don’t even have to look at it again. I thought it was brilliant. The performances were great. I loved the dialogue. I loved everything about it. I thought it was. Was absolutely brilliant. If you people. If you want me to review films outside of mob genre films, which there aren’t Many left. I can’t do that outside of crime dramas like the Penguin, which you’ll see on Thursday. I did a review on that. Love that series. Please let me know, you know, and name the movies. Name the movies and I’ll gladly do it.
I enjoy doing that. And then we can. We can have some fun with it. So let me know. But I love that movie. And you’re some great, great, you know, suggestion. And. Yeah, I’ll do it. Okay, last one. This is going to be the last one, my friends, because we got to go. It’s New Year’s Eve. We got to get ready for a couple of things. Okay. Who is your first option to play yourself in the movie? I’m not going to say. I can tell you this. They are looking at a list. Actors that everyone knows, and none of them are on the list that badmouth all these people that voted for Trump.
None of them. Not that I have any disdain for them. I just think that they were, you know, misled in what they’ve done and they don’t realize it. They’re silly and they’re regretting it now. But none of them are on that list. But they are great actors. I just want to mention this, and I have no reason to mention this. I don’t know this person or anything else, but I want to tip my hat to Sly Stallone. You know, I love the way he carries himself. You know, I think he just handled the whole election thing very smartly.
He didn’t get baited into any traps. He was. I just like the way Stallone handles himself, you know, as opposed to some of the others. And I’m not going to name them, you know, who they are, you know, and I support him in. What’s the name of the series? King of. What’s the name? King of. I mean, Tulsa King, rather. I love the series. I think he’s doing a great job. And I just like Sly a lot now. I have nothing to gain by saying this. I’m not looking for anything from Sly, but I just. He stands out because so many others did the wrong thing.
And I watched him in some of his interviews. I’m a. I’m a fan of his. I like him a lot. And I just think he carried himself very well. So that’s all I want to say. As opposed to some of the others who really should have thought before they opened their mouths. All right, people, well, listen, that’s it for today. I got to run. I want to wish you all a very healthy, happy, blessed New Year’s let this year end nicely for all of you. Go out with a positive outlook for 2025. Going to be jumping on that Bible study again Thursday afternoon, either 5 or 6 o’clock.
I think my team put it out at 5. I might have to change it to 6 because I have something. I don’t know if I’m going to be done in time, but we’ll see. But just look for the alerts. I’ll say it on X, I’ll say it on Instagram. Hopefully we can post something on YouTube again. We’ll let everybody know what time. You’ll see it on Rumble and everything else but michaelfrancis.combiblestudy look for that on Thursday. Also go to YouTube and look at my review on the Penguin series. I think you’re going to enjoy that. Okay.
Vlad just told me he’s so on top of things. I have a great team. People remember this. You’re as good as the people that you have around you. And that’s why I do what I do best and I delegate the rest to people that are better than me. And Vlad is one of them. And my partner Sam is great in what he does. And Max and all the great team that I have, you know, they’re terrific. And Caleb and Nathan and Gary and all the people that are working for me. My daughter, she’s doing a great job now with the wine.
Her boyfriend Tyler, doing a great job. You know, everybody. I’m so lucky to have people around me that just support me in the way they do it. For all you people that want to micromanage, remember what I said, do what you do best. Delegate the rest and learn how to motivate those people to get the best out of them. That’s how you be successful in life. Not by micromanaging. Trust me. It’s exhausting to micromanaging and you can’t do everything better than other people can. Trust me. So how do I leave you, my friends? Same way. Be safe.
Be healthy. Please be safe tonight. Don’t do anything stupid. Watch people on the road. Watch for drunken drivers. Be very careful, you know, don’t celebrate to the point where it gets silly. Leave all the old stuff behind. You have a great outlook for 2025. We’re going to do it together. For those of you that want to be a part of my community, michaelfelfrancis.com family go in and join. 10 bucks a month, that’s it. And it’s power packed with stuff for you that’s going to help you. We have courses in there. We do Zoom calls. Yesterday we had a great Q and a with 100 people that tuned in.
Ask me all the questions that you want. We answered them for well over an hour. Enjoy all of that. We’re going to have live events. We’re going to have web webinars. We’re doing that now. Zoom. You’re going to get a lot of me, trust me. We’re creating a community out of this platform where people are getting together. And truthfully, you’re going to love it. There’s no question about it. We’re going to build this. We’re going to make this the best platform anywhere on social media. And so I encourage you, michaelfrancis.com family, jump in there. You’re going to love it.
And there’ll be a lot of perks. God bless you. Happy New Year. See you on Thursday. Take care.