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Hold on one second. I want to make sure I’m on the right wi fi here. Oh, you know what? I’m gonna. Gosh, people, I have to switch over. I’m sorry. To make sure we have a good connection all the way through. So hang in there a minute. If we jump off, I’m coming right back on, but let’s see what happen. All right, I’m gonna have to jump off and come right back on again. Okay, I think I’m back, everybody. Sorry for that, but I’m a little. Like I said, I’m recovering from a late night engagement party last night.
Anyway, my daughter, they got engaged about two months ago, and I made two stipulations. The guy, I liked the guy a lot. He was a former major league baseball player. He never made it all the way up. He was a pitcher. He was five years in the minor leagues with the San Francisco Giants. Really great guy. Strong, Christian. And him and my daughter fell in love rather quickly. And so when he asked me to marry her, I said two things, two stipulations. Number one, you guys only know each other four or five months. I said, I know my daughter seems to be, you know, in love with you, and obviously you’re in love with her.
I said, but two things. Number one, you got to attend pre marriage classes over at our church at Harvest. And number two, you can’t get married for at least a year. At least a year. So you got to get to know each other really well, and that’s without a doubt. So they’ve agreed to that. So it’s so far, so good. And, you know, we’ll see what happens. But it looks like they’re happy. And for those of you that know a little bit about my daughter, you know, she went through a tragedy a couple of years back when her first love, I would say that she had planned to be engaged with, you know, he took an Adderall and unfortunately passed away.
It was laced with fentanyl. So she had a very traumatic two and a half years, I would say. And we prayed for her and, you know, we really supported her in every way. And I think God answered her prayer with this guy. So that’s how we feel. So last night we celebrated about two months ago, she said, dad, we really like to have a party. And I said, great, you know, we can throw a party for some friends at the house. And yesterday we wound up in this beautiful hotel in Newport beach and we had a party for her and about a hundred of her closest friends and some of our relatives because they plan on getting married in Italy next year.
So a lot of people can’t make that trip. So anyway, it was really nice. You know, it’s always nice when you have a family event and people were dancing and just having a good time and, you know, it’s always nice. Listen, we’re all about family here. We really are. So it was really a nice night last night and everybody’s recovering and here I am on the podcast early this morning, I should say, on the live and so that we had a great night and hopefully many of you are going to enjoy a nice weekend. Man, it’s the middle of March already.
I don’t know about any of you, but the time is really flying by already this year. You know, it’s funny, I remember when I was a kid and you’re in school, you know, the time seems to drag by, but when you get older, you just look back and you say, wow, it’s already this time of year and this year has passed already. And I guess it’s an all product of getting older in life that, you know, you’re holding on to the time instead of wanting it to move by so quickly. But all is good, no complaints, very blessed.
And we just keep moving forward. So I want to mention a couple of things. You know, I had a really great talk with Lara Trump. I think it’s gonna, you know, be up on YouTube and rumble next week. And people, I want you to understand something. I didn’t really get into politics with her. To me, it was a lot of personal stuff. I wanted to ask her, you know, how does it feel, you know, being married into the Trump family? She’s Donald Trump’s daughter in law, married to Eric Trump. And you know, how did you and Eric start dating? And you know, how is it to you’re a career woman and you’re balancing, you know, a home life with your children and just a lot of questions like that and you know, what do you think? What’s your definition of a real man? What’s your expectations of a man? You know, when I see, you know, strong women, independent women, I love to ask them questions like that, you know, because, you know, look, the role of manhood has been dumbed down in the past several years.
So when you get the opportunity to speak to a woman that’s successful, that’s, you know, independent, has strong views on things, you like to ask them those questions. I asked Megyn Kelly the same question. She, she was terrific. And by the way, I think many of you enjoyed her interview. She was really great. I like Megan a lot. And you know, that brings me to the first discussion of this morning and the way we’re going to do this. I’m going to speak for about a half an hour, a couple of issues that just have gone on this past week.
That’s what this live is really about. And then I’ll go into a Q and A or talk about a response to some of the comments that we see. So that’s how this will go this morning. We’ll do it for about an hour and then let everybody get on with their weekend. But that brings me to something that I think I owe many of you. I have a lot of loyal supporters that I really appreciate and I thank you all very much for that. But I’ve been getting a lot of comments, you know, some positive, mostly positive, some negative.
And I want to respond to something and that’s about Andrew and Tristan Tate. I posted a photo of them on my X account and I think on Instagram also because I was with them this past week and as some of you don’t know their history, I’m sure most people do at one point in time, I think two or three years ago, Andrew Tate was the most googled guy on social media. You know, he was number one. You know, he’s a controversial figure, there’s no doubt about that. And so whenever I post a photo of them or I have anything to say about them, I get a lot of comments back and forth.
And now, like I said, I have a lot of supporters. So today so many of them are positive and then we get some that are really mean spirited and negative. And I get it. I understand. You know, like I said, Andrew is a lightning rod for comments on both sides. So I get it. But I want to get into a little bit and explain my relationship with them. And I also want to tell you this. I don’t put my support behind anyone that easily. I do my homework I do my research. And before I come out supporting somebody, I at least made that decision based upon my research and what I think to be true.
So. And that’s the same with Andrew and Tristan. I met them about two years ago. I went to Romania with my wife and daughter. I interviewed both of them on my YouTube channel. They got several million views. Listen, I’m a. I’m a. I hate to use the word into influencer, but I am a content provider on social media, so you look for high profile guests. And I wanted to sit down with them and they agreed. And so I went to Romania and we spent a couple of days together. And again, I was with my wife and daughter.
And I really want, aside from the interview, I wanted to get to know these two boys because there was a lot of controversy. And I call them boys. I could old enough to be their father. They’re in their late 30s. And so we really had some in depth conversations. And since then I’ve met them on several occasions. And they were able to leave Romania, you know, they have a case pending there and come to the United States. They went into Miami. They contacted me that they were coming over. I also know their lawyer really well. As a matter of fact, I had him on my YouTube channel.
His name is Joe McBride. Very nice guy. He represented some of the people that were given pardons by Donald Trump for the January 6th deal. And he also represents the tape boys here. So I know them all and I’ve gone into their history and I’ve spent time with them and I’ve seen their lady friends and I’ve had in depth conversations with them and I’ve looked into their case in Romania and I’ve spoke to some of the alleged victims that were not really victims, but were intimidated by law enforcement to testify against them, and they refused. So I’ve gone on and on and on.
And I can honestly say I think I know them better than most people and certainly better than people that are commenting on social media based upon, you know, photos or things they might have seen or comments that Andrew and Tristan might have made and on and on and on. I know them well. My wife, who I think is a very good judge of character, probably better than myself, she’s a little bit more perceptive. I tend to give people a little more leeway. But she’s tough because she’s protective. That’s her instinct. She protects her children, she protects her husband.
She has looked into it and there’s some things that Andrew says that she rolls her eyes and she Goes, come on, why are you saying these things? But then she also knows him, and that’s not the Andrew that she knows. So is a lot of this an act? Yes, that Andrew does, for those of you that are aware of him. Yes. So I want to clarify that I like these two boys. I’m very supportive of them. I believe that they have some regrets for some things that they did 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 years ago. But you don’t understand their upbringing, what they went through and so on and so forth.
And I’m not going to get into all of that right now. But I want you to know, and I want you to know this. I’m not in business with them. We don’t have any other dealings together. I am going to visit again with them. We’re going to Dubai together over the summer. Most likely. Now that they’re able to travel, I do believe their case in Romania is going to go away. There was a severe lack of evidence there. The courts have said that. And people, what you see on social media is not evidence. Remember this, Remember the Diddy tape where it was exposed that he was in a hotel room in Century City, California, and he was kicking and basically beating up on his then girlfriend that was caught on video? The video that you see with Andrew.
These are staged videos and they’re taken out of context. They’re staged. They’re not, you know, he wasn’t caught doing something to a woman. These are staged videos. And these were meant to promote what he was doing at the time. Doesn’t do that. Now. He does say some things that I understand are offensive to women, but he believes in a certain way he’s not abusive to women. I’m telling you that right now. What he might have done 10 years ago, I’m telling you this, it doesn’t rise to the level of criminality. And why am I saying that? Because I spoke to some of the women that were involved in this, you know, and, and I don’t want to get into all what’s consensual and not.
And telling you that I have made my decision to support these guys based upon my research and the fact that I really like them. And I’m telling you that right now. And I don’t back down because people have different comments or people that think they’re in the know because they’ve seen something. People that say, you know what? I’ve seen court documents. People want to tell you something. I went to trial five times, five times. And if you would have saw the accusations that the government put forward, you would have said, wow, that’s these guys. This guy is guilty.
Well, I went to trial five times and not one time did it end up in a conviction. Each time I beat the case, and not because I had the best lawyers in the world, because there was a lack of evidence. The allegations they can make are one thing, but the evidence to support that allegation is entirely different. And that’s what’s happening with the Tates. You see a lot of stuff on social media. You can look at court documents that make these guys out to be the worst guys in the world, but where’s the evidence to support that? Evidence, not allegations that are put in by government lawyers that put in there.
They’re trying to make these guys look bad. And I’ll tell you this, another thing, if it wasn’t for the U2 movement, that was at its height when they went after these guys, and it started in the United Kingdom, didn’t start here in the United States and it didn’t start in Romania. It started in the United Kingdom. Pressure was put on the Romanian government to indict these boys. Pressure was put on from the United Kingdom. It was also put on from the United States during the Biden administration because they’re anti woke. They were Trump supporters, they’re anti everything that the woke category agrees with.
So am I 100%. I’m 100%. Anything that’s woke. I’m telling you that I could be a target also. Except that I’m not as outspoken at them, and I want to tell you this, their views on women. Let me ask you if you think this is misogynistic. My wife and have been married, and I have been married for 40 years. My wife is very independent. My wife has never had to work other than work for me, which she does. All the video work that you see my wife does, she’s very accomplished. She’s great in photography. She loves that.
It’s kind of a passion for her. When she says to me, you know, maybe I can go out and do some other things and work. I said, no, I don’t want you to do that. Why? I said, very simple. I don’t want any other guy telling my wife what to do. That’s just me. I’m old school. This is my wife. I treasure her. I’ve been a jerk sometimes with her. She supported me through eight years in prison. She’s raised my children. She’s not only my other half, she’s my better half. She’s better than me in a Lot of different ways.
There’s no question about it. I feel as a man, I have to support my wife. I have to protect my wife. I have to provide for my wife, and I want her to be mine. Now, if she insisted that she would go out to work, I wouldn’t stop her. I wouldn’t say no way. I wouldn’t lock the doors and not let her go. But I would be upset. I wouldn’t want that. I don’t want anybody else telling my wife what to do, and I don’t tell her what to do. My wife, she’s her own person. Now, obviously, we mutually agree on some things and we’re quite opposite on other things.
But I’m old school that way. I don’t let my wife put gas in the car. Most of the time, I feel that’s my job. I go and I gas up her car. I wash the car. I do all those things. My wife does her thing. And I want to tell you something. My money is half hers. I tell her we’re partners. You carry your end, I carry mine. We just have different roles. But I am old school in that regard. Is that misogynistic? No, I don’t believe so. But some people would say, yeah. What do you mean you don’t want your wife to work? What do you mean? You know that’s wrong? What do you think you’re better? You know, some people come up with silly things.
No, that’s just how I am. That’s called old school. That’s how we were brought up. And if my wife were to make money, I wouldn’t take it from her. Now, if she wanted to buy things around the house and all that, okay, fine. But I’m paying the bills, I’m paying the rent, I’m paying the mortgage, I’m paying the car payment. That’s me. I’m doing it. You want to spend your money and buy furniture now, that’s up to you. Whatever you want to do. But the household things that I am committed as a man to do, that’s what I’m going to do.
Just how I am now, you can call it whatever. That’s just how I am. So maybe Andrew takes that to another degree because he’s out there and he’s got a business and all this kind of stuff. But he’s not abusing women. I’m telling you that right now. Whatever you see staged on social media, that’s one thing. And the words that come out of his mouth, they are offensive to women at times. There’s no question about it. That’s just the way he thinks. But he’s not abusing them, and I’m telling you that for a fact. And you’re going to see there’s a lot of allegations out there.
And, you know, they talk about him and his onlyfans, Dio, and you know what? Most of the women on Onlyfans, they have management people, people that are managing them. They’re not doing this on their own. Most all of them up there. And that’s what Andrew and Tristan did at one time in their life, way back when, when they were younger, when they were in their early and mid-20s. They’re older now. They don’t do that. They don’t go back that way. I’ve met the women that they’re around. They love them, they take care of them, they cherish them.
They’re very good to them. They have different opinions than a lot of guys do. I mean, then a lot of other women and maybe guys do, I don’t know. But that’s just the way it is. So, you know, there are a lot of people that are speaking out against them. You know, I had Megyn Kelly on. Megyn Kelly said some things about the guys that were not complimentary at all. That’s her opinion. She’s entitled to it. You know, Tomi Lahren, I had her on, had a wonderful conversation with her and Megan, too. I have a lot of respect for both of these women.
Tremendous respect. They have different feelings about Andrew and Tristan. They don’t know them like I do, but that’s okay. You know what? They’re offended by some of the things Andrew and Tristan say. That’s fine. They have their opinion. They have a right to that. And I understand it, because like I said, some of what he says is inflammatory. And some of the things you’ve seen him do in the past. Staged. They’re staged inflammatory. And let me tell you something, they’re saying they’re having a bad influence with young men. I don’t know of any incident anywhere. And believe me, it would have been reported that any man who follows these two have abused a woman.
A woman. I have not heard of that ever happening. And in their social media platforms, they’re not doing that. They’re educating men. They really are. They’re giving them resources. They’re telling them how to properly care for themselves, what it means to be a man. They’re doing all of that. There’s no misogyny on their social media platforms that I’m aware of. You know, and that’s the truth. So, you know, look, I just wanted to explain myself to the people that support me. I don’t have to explain myself to the world. But look, I always say this. I owe a lot to you people.
You built this social media platform by following me, and I appreciate it very much. And my head is not in the clouds that, hey, I think I’m so wonderful that, you know, know I’m not one of these celebrities that think the world owes them a living, you know, because they know how to act or whatever, or they know how to entertain. They wouldn’t be anything if people didn’t buy tickets to entertain them. And, yes, they’re entertaining you, but that’s their job, and they’re getting paid a lot of money to do. So. So don’t feel bad for these people, all right? And it’s your support that’s given them the luxury of that kind of payment, you know, for the work that they do, which is out of whack with just about every other, you know, work, working job in the world.
You know, these people get paid a lot of money, you know, so don’t feel bad for them. But I wanted to explain that, and we’ll go into the comments and we’ll talk about that if you want to. The other things that I want to talk about before we get to the comments, I don’t want to be redundant with all of the, you know, political stuff. I mean, look, I have to say this, people, I really think these people on the left have lost their minds. I really mean it. They are so out of touch with what the American people want.
Forget Trump for a minute. They’re out of touch with what normal working class, you know, family American people want. They really are. You know, most of us out there, we’re not for dei. We are for the best people that are qualified to do the job. That’s the people that we should hire, you know, and for those that might be in a minority that for some reason haven’t had the ability to become as qualified as maybe a white person or somebody else, well, then let’s start there. Let’s make sure that everybody has opportunity, you know, to earn.
To earn the right to have those jobs. Not that they’re just installed there because they’re a different race or creed or color. No, that’s not it. Because then you’re offending people by not putting the most qualified people in the job. But let’s make sure everyone from children on up have the same opportunity, okay? To earn the same degrees and have the same careers as anybody else. That’s where you start. You don’t just install people because of their color or because of their nationality. You don’t do that because they’re not the best qualified people. And then you’re discriminating against people that have worked hard to get into a position to be the best qualified.
I hope that makes sense to you. So, no normal people, we’re not for all this DEI stuff. We’re not. And we’re certainly not for DEI being pushed all around the world on taxpayer dollars. We’re not. So these people that support that on the left, they lost their mind. They’re out of touch. We’re not for open borders where people can just come across and come into our neighborhoods. And we have to support them and we have to worry about them because they haven’t been vetted. That’s not what America is all about. And that’s not being fair to everybody.
We have to be fair first to American citizens. Should there be a plausible and reasonable immigration policy? Of course. But that’s up to Congress, both Democrats and Republicans that haven’t done their job. They haven’t done it. So don’t get mad at Donald Trump and our Border Patrol now for doing the job that should have been done all along. It’s reasonable and that’s what most Americans want. These people with sanctuary cities, they’re going against the will of the people. That’s the bottom line. These protesters, I look at them, I say, these people, what is wrong with them? There’s something mentally and emotionally wrong with them.
They’re so out of touch. And I hate to say this, but just look at them. Who has got the time to engage in the kind of nonsense that these people are engaging in? Don’t they have jobs? Don’t they have families? Don’t they have other things they need to do? Don’t they know how to intelligently go out, you know, and do something? And I want to mention this for those of you who have emailed me@wethepeopleichaelfrancis.com I hope you’ve done that. For those of you who have done that, we are preparing the letter that you’re going to be sending to your Congress people.
So, you know, we’re just, we’re not rushing it. We’re doing it. And we’re putting a lot of data together that you can attach to the letter. So that is coming and it’ll happen by the end of this month, I assure you of that. So those of you that have gone onto the email. My team there, please post the we the people email so people know how to do that so they can be on our list. We have several hundred on the list already. We want it to grow to several thousand also. For those of you that are not in my community, please come in and take a look.
I think you’re going to enjoy it. We want to make this not only a national community, but a global community. We are bringing community back. We are bringing sense of family back. Go to michaelfrancis.com family We’ve had several hundred people join in the past week and a half. It’s growing. People are loving it. I’m telling you, this is the place for you to be. We have many resources in there that are going to help you in your business, going to help you in your personal life. We have events, we have Q&As, we have entertaining things going on.
But best of all, we’re creating a community where like minded people are engaging with one another. And this is going to be a strong and powerful force and we ask that all of you come aboard. It’s not a lot of money, people. All we try to do is cover our expenses. I’ve had many personal phone calls with people that wanted to speak to me personally. We have more coming up. Like I said, we’re doing Q and A’s, we’re doing zoom calls with people and it’s becoming a wonderful, wonderful platform. I have a great team that’s really engaged in it and we all want to make this work.
And so far we’re very blessed with the results. Michaelfrancis.com family let’s talk about Doge for a minute. The horrible things that are happening to Elon Musk. You know, it’s amazing. Both Donald Trump and Elon Musk were the darlings of the liberal class. Darlings from Whoopi Goldberg to Oprah Winfrey to you name it, they loved Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Now that Donald Trump and Elon Musk are working for the people of this country trying to uncover the fraud, the waste, the abuse of taxpayer money, the people, well, those same people now hate Donald Trump, hate Elon Musk to a point where it’s insanity.
It’s a syndrome. It’s not only, you know, Trump derangement syndrome. Now it’s Musk derangement syndrome. Now they’re burning Teslas, they’re burning Tesla stations. I believe these people are paid. I believe they’re put up to it by Soros money. And all these people that just hate Donald Trump, you know, I saw something about Nancy Pelosi all of a sudden, remember, they’re fighting no government shutdown. You know, the Republicans are taking away your democracy. They’re Hitlers, they’re Nazis, they’re this. Now they want a government shutdown because Trump is fighting not to have it because it’s a look at politics.
It’s so ridiculous. They don’t care about the people. Whatever side you’re on, that’s it. Whatever fits your agenda. To hell with the people. It’s disgusting. It really is. It’s such a turn off. You know, I look at these people, I look at my wife and I say, some of them, these people are in control of our lives. They couldn’t run a candy store in my local neighborhood growing up. They couldn’t do it now. They couldn’t hold a candle to some of the business people I know, some of the career people I know, some of the blue collar workers.
I know they couldn’t hold a candle. How did these people ever get in office? What snow job did they put on all of us with their BS campaign promises that they never live up to? Just look at them and listen to what comes out of their mouths. It’s embarrassing that these people actually represent us, the AOCs, you know, to some degree, the Bernie Sanders, the nonsense that comes out, they just spew garbage. They don’t even know what they’re talking about. Megyn Kelly said it, but they don’t even know what they’re mad about. They just have to be opposed.
They don’t even know why. They just hate somebody so badly and they never are even thinking of the American people, they really are. It’s disgusting to me. It’s disappointing. It’s not what America is all about. People. It really is. What are we going to do about it? Exactly what we did on November 5th. We’re going to pay these people no mind. We’re going to vote them out of office and we’re going to continue to support Donald Trump and Elon Musk, cover all of this abuse and government waste and put that money back in the hands of the taxpayers.
You know, Donald Trump is saying that he wants to give a $5,000 check to every American when he uncovers all of this abuse and saves all of this wasted taxpayer money. People, we should all, everybody should be outraged, outraged at the kind of wasteful money we’re seeing. And let me tell you something. Remember I spent 20 years on the street. These people are getting kickbacks they’re taking care of their own, their families and this and that. Believe me, they’re stealing your money. And the fact that anybody would be opposed to what Elon Musk and Donald Trump is doing, doing, it’s ridiculous.
It’s not a threat to democracy. It’s saving our democracy here. You know, they’re just, they just don’t want to be uncovered and exposed. I want to go back to the Tates one minute. If these people on the left, I have to say this because it just went into my head and I don’t want to forget. It would be up in arms as badly about the Epstein files as they are about the Tates. Okay? That would be something that you should be aggravated about. Why are we not seeing the Epstein files? Do you know why? Because there are people that engaged with Jeffrey Epstein that are a million times worse than the Tates.
And they’re high powered people. And they are absolutely doing everything in their power not to expose those files and see what’s happening. Let me tell you something about Bill Clinton, who I liked as a president. I thought he was a good president. I thought he was diplomatic. I really did. He was a good politician. I liked him as president. But Bill Clinton being on that plane and going to that island 27 times, if you believe that he didn’t engage in business and that funny business, let me put it that way nicely with Epstein. Well, you believe in Santa Claus and there’s a bridge in Brooklyn.
I want to send you the likes of Clinton and so many others, high powered people. Nobody’s screaming and hollering on the left about that. None of you that are abusive and hating the Tates are jumping up and down about that. Why not? These are people in power that had power over your lives. Why don’t you want to see what they were engaging in with Epstein? Why are you not screaming at the top of your lungs? Why are you not going and writing your congresspeople? Why not? Because you’re a bunch of hypocrites. Many of you. Many of you.
And I’m not talking about the Megyn Kelly’s and the Tommy Lahrens who are asking for those Epstein files. They’re very vocal about it. They want it. But the rest of you out there who just want to knock the tapes for the sake of knocking them, okay? Or because of their, you know, unflattering language. And I agree to that. Do the same for the Epstein files. Let’s see who’s on them and why they’re not being exposed. Let’s See? And who knows? I heard already 2000 documents were already either redacted or destroyed already. We understand that. And I’m sure the Biden administration did their best to cover up their cronies and their friends and all of that crap, you know, guaranteed, because these people are so underhanded.
There’s such a bunch of hypocrites, you know. So, look, I think I’m going to go to questions right now because there really wasn’t much more to report. You know, it’s the same stuff, you know, we’re working on. I think Donald Trump is working hard to get an agreement, a peace agreement, a peace accord between Ukraine and Russia. You know, I’ll say this again. You know, the people on the left who are knocking Donald Trump and given this Russian collusion garbage again, they’re just stupid. They’re idiots. You know, he wants to bring Russia to the table. He wants to bring Putin to the table.
And the way to do that is not by calling him names and making an enemy out of him. I’ve told you that, you know, smart people understand the best way to defeat your enemies is to make them your friends. And that’s what Trump is doing. He’s a negotiator. He wants to bring him to the table. He wants to end the violence. He wants to end the war. The war is to nobody’s at advantage. It’s not to Ukraine’s advantage, it’s not to Russia’s advantage. It’s not to Europe’s advantage. It’s not to our advantage. It’s to no one’s advantage.
And it certainly is an advantage to the thousands of people that are getting killed on a daily basis. So he wants to stop the war. The left, they’re warmongers. They want to continue. Believe me, they do. You know, this, this Elizabeth Warren, what a idiot she is. I have to say it. She’s an idiot. You know, these people are. There’s something wrong with them. They’re psychotic. We have to get rid of these people, get them out of office, let them go and stay home. And the millions of dollars they earned, you know, being politicians, let them keep it and let them just leave us alone and put good, responsible people in there.
That’s all I ask for, people. That’s all I want. Let me get to the comments. I think there are quite a few here today. Let me see what we have. Give me a minute. Oh, boy. Just give me a minute, people. I will get it in a second. Keep your comments coming, everyone. Let me see if we have quite a few. All right, here we go. The Tate Torpedoes. Okay, Connor Craft, listen, you can you. You have a right to your opinion, and I know your opinion is based upon what you see on social media, but I hope you at least respect and regard what I had to say.
And if you don’t, you don’t. You have your right to your opinion. I get it. Michael, thanks for your podcast. Your father was a good guy. Take care. God bless. And that’s from High Ridge Handyman. Thank you very much, my friend. Joey FM Bones, you’re getting cooked in the comments, but don’t send no heavies after me. No, I won’t send any. And listen, you could say what you want, people. You have your opinion. You’re entitled to that, but I also have mine. And I hope you respected the fact that I know these people a little better than you do, but that’s okay.
Will we ever see you on Joe Rogan, Michael? I don’t know. You know, that’s up to Joe. You know, we don’t. We don’t make those decisions. Obviously, Joe does. I’d love to be on his show, but that’s up to him. You know, he once made a comment that he wouldn’t have me on because he didn’t want me to know where he lives or where he’s located. And I don’t know if that was a joke or what, but obviously he doesn’t have to worry about anything there. Stacey Stover absolutely must start talking about the midterms. We need a larger majority in both the House and the Senate or our president will be unable to accomplish promises made.
I agree with you, and I think the Republican machine is working on that already. And I think a lot is going to depend on how Trump performs over the next four years. And if he performs, he’s appealing to the American people. His popularity is pretty good at this point. Let’s see if everything that he’s doing, his tariffs and everything else, if they work and they put money back in our pocket and they restore the border, he’s already done that. We’ve already seen how Biden lied. He couldn’t shut down the border because he needed Congress to do it, was an absolute lie.
Either that or he had dementia and didn’t know what he was talking about. But Trump was able to shut it down in just four weeks. So, you know, just more deception that he’s uncovering from the prior administration. But I agree with you. You know, let’s. Let’s work hard on that. Big man Michael, did you know or do you still know anyone from the Milwaukee Balustrari family? Yes, I did know, and no, I don’t know anybody at this point. But there were some good people there. Will we ever see you on Joe Rogan? Okay, Matthew Wallace. It’s so much for peace.
Then you wouldn’t need your money back. I don’t know what you mean by that, but I just read. Read your comment. Frederick, respectfully disagree with you on the tape. Brothers, I just cannot make myself believe their side with honesty. Well, I guess I understand, but like I said, I hope you respect the fact that I know them a little better, and I’ve done my homework and my research on them, and this is the conclusion that I’ve reached. And let’s see what happens in the case in Romania. You know, I asked somebody there, you know, I said, listen, five times.
I went to trial five times. There was no guilty verdict. It was either dismissed or not guilty. And I said, in your opinion, would that mean that I’m not guilty? And he said, no. So I don’t know what you got to do to convince people, you know, if there’s not enough evidence to back up, you know exactly what you’re being charged with, well, then you’re not guilty. That’s what our legal system says. So. But some people are not satisfied with that. Obviously, your audience doesn’t like Tate. That doesn’t mean we don’t care about the same corruption.
However, I can only speak for myself. Well, again, I understand that, like I said, some of the things that Andrew says have been inflammatory. I understand that. And people are entitled to their opinion. And I don’t go against you for that. I’m not mad at you for that. I don’t call you names for that, unlike the liberals and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and all those people that, you know, disagreed with, those that didn’t vote their way, they called them deplorable. They called them garbage. You have a right to your opinion, and I understand why you formed that opinion, and I hope you respect mine also.
And we just go on. We have different opinions. That’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with that. Sam Lambrinos, God bless Michael and your family. Thanks for the stories I share with from Greece. Listen, my friend, my wife, on her bucket list, one Greece is one place we haven’t been. I’m probably going to take her there this summer. I hear just wonderful things about your country, and I appreciate you following me from there. And hopefully, maybe we’ll bunk into each other if we get there this summer. Okay. Once again, we have somebody who’s made a donation. Very, very thankful for that.
So we’re going to answer his question. Lapco92. Thank you very much, sir. Appreciate that. I believe it’s a sir. Ben Dizoni, you’ve caused me to revisit my faith. I think we need it more than ever. And you’re an inspiration. You may not have always been a good man, but always an honorable one. Much respect. Be well. Well, thank you very much, sir. You know what? I appreciate those comments more than ever. More than anything I should say. When I have been responsible in a way, just by my testimony. What God has done in my life, not what I’ve done myself, but what God has done.
If that has had an influence on anyone to make a change in their life, if they were going in the wrong direction. I love to hear that. It’s what keeps me going. It’s why I’ve been sharing my testimony now for almost 30 years, or just about 30 years, because of people like you. And I appreciate that very much. And thank you again for your generosity. Most appreciated, my friend. Equinox83. It was obvious wouldn’t be divided. Okay, I’m not sure. Maybe that was on the Tates. Porsche. Really respect you, Michael. Thank you very much, Porsche. I appreciate that.
Hurricane alive. All I know, I would never want to be Tate friends or have anything to do with them. Well, that’s okay. You know, again, you form your opinion by whatever means you form it, and I respect it. We just have a difference of opinion. You know, there was a time in America when people can have a difference of opinion and be best of friends and go on and golf together and do everything together. Today it’s become like you can’t have a difference of opinion. That makes somebody your enemy. I don’t know how the world survives like that.
You know, we can have a difference of opinion and still be friends. We can have different likes and dislikes and. And still be friends. As long as they’re not dramatic and hurtful, you know? But, hey, I respect your opinion. That’s okay. I miss New York so bad. This is from Vin. Nothing was worse than Texas. Yes, it was peaceful, but the people were so lifeless. It’s like Texan pride is sheer insecurity. I don’t feel the same. I happen to love the people of Texas. I’ve spent a lot of time in Texas, have many friends there. But I can also understand it’s a dramatic change from New York.
That’s for sure. You know, it’s just. It’s probably more the lifestyle and the slower pace that’s getting to you. It takes a while to adjust, no doubt about it. But Texas people are wonderful, you know, and I hope. I hope you have a change of opinion at some point. Okay, let’s go to. It’s Jacob official. Thank you very much, sir, for your generous donation. God bless you, Michael. People need to understand Andrew’s distasteful comments doesn’t prove him to be criminal. Keep it up, Michael. Sir. You know, Jacob, thank you very much for that. You know, some things, people understand that everything that is immoral is not illegal.
Because if things that were immoral are always illegal, we’d be in a communist country. People would be dying for being gay. People would be dying for being lbgtq. You get killed for that. Now, it might be considered immoral, but it’s not illegal here in America. Some things that you see on social media may be immoral and may be distasteful, but does it rise to the level of criminality? And that’s the real question here. And the answer in the Tate’s case, I believe after my research and my knowledge and my knowing these boys and my experience. Experience, no.
Unquestionably, no. Do we know that government overreaches? Of course we do. We’ve seen it for four years. I’ve seen it all my life. Of course we do. Do we know if you get on the wrong side of law enforcement and government that they target you? Absolutely. Let me tell you something. You know what happened in the Tate’s case? The same thing that happened in my case. Okay? An organized crime case, they don’t go after a crime that’s been committed and investigate to see who committed the crime. When it comes to organized crime, and when it came to the Tates, they go after the individual and see if they can attach a crime to them.
It works in the reverse. You first become a target and then they look for the crime. It’s exactly what happened in Romania. They target these boys and say, okay, let’s see what they did wrong. And then they start investigating and then they start questioning people. And then you start trying to find out, did the Tates ever do this? Did they do that? Didn’t happen. They tried to find the crime to attach to you. They did it to me 100%. They did it to a lot of people that I know. That’s what happened here. But again, Stan, you’re feeling the way you’re feeling.
But Jacob, That’s a very, very wise assessment that you’ve made. And it’s very true. Okay, Re. No. Two sides to every story, but only one absolute truth. That’s correct. Tate beats women on camera and you defend him. People, like I said, these are staged demonstrations. They’re staged meaning that the woman that was involved in this has agreed to this. Do I like it? No. Do I think it was distasteful? Yes. Did it happen many years ago? Yes. When these guys were younger. How many mistakes have we made in our youth? How many mistakes? You know, how many mistakes I made in my early 20s, I joined the mob.
I became a criminal in my early, early 20s, I did a lot of distasteful things. Not in that category, but in a different category. And then you get older and you’re wiser and you realize you did the wrong things and you try to make a change in your life. Now, in Andrew’s case, okay, but he’s still saying things that are, you know, that are distasteful. Okay. Is that an act? I’ve seen the way he treats his women. I’ve seen the case. I understand. Remember, things you see on social media that weren’t caught by a hidden camera, like in the Diddy case, are staged.
Meaning there is, you know, agreements of both parties. Do you understand that? Still may not be something to our liking. But is it criminal? The answer in the Tate’s case, no. An emphatic no. So understand that the Tate situation is a lot like Trevor Bauer. That guy is being blackballed by woke mlb. I hope the Yankees pick him up. We need pitchers. I think the guy deserves a second chance. Yes. I believe MLB is being, you know, politically correct in this case. Not saying, you know, that it wasn’t distasteful. Again, but anything that is distasteful doesn’t mean that it’s illegal.
You know how many people would be in jail or be dead if immoral things were illegal? Also, all of you gay people out there, all of you in a gay marriage, you’d be dead or you’d be locked up in another country if they made it illegal. Understand this. To some, it might be immoral. To some, but it’s not illegal. Understand that. Meshuggahna. Tate loves Hamas. I don’t know if he loves Hamas and I certainly don’t agree with that. I don’t love Hamas. Again, that doesn’t make it illegal. All these protesters that are protesting, they’re anti Israel.
As long as they don’t protest illegally, they have a Right. To feel the way they feel, whether we like it or not. Just the way it is. Elizabeth Garcia. That’s my wife’s maiden name. Elizabeth. You might be related. She’s got so many relatives. You are just an amazing messenger for our Lord Jesus Christ. I just love you for that. Thank you very much. And you know, I want to tell you another thing. I have very deep conversations with Andrew and Tristan, and I am a Christian, and I don’t shy away from people. Jesus didn’t shy away from the prostitute at the well.
Jesus didn’t shy away from the most hated people in the land, taxpayers. He befriended them. He tried to witness to them. He did witness to them. Not that he tried. He did witness to them. I’m a Christian. We don’t turn our backs and turn away from people. We look for the good in them. And then we try to relate to that and we try to have a good impact on them. So all you Christians out there that knocked me for what I’m doing, read your Bible, okay? Would Jesus do the same? He may rebuke them, but he’s not going to turn away from them.
He’s not going to say, you can’t earn grace, you can’t earn my mercy. No, he’s not going to do that. And he’s not going to walk away from them. He’ll walk away from the hypocrites and the Pharisees and those people that pretend to be good people and yet are not. One thing Andrew and Tristan are. They’re honest as hell. They’re honest. They’re honest to a. To a fault. I can tell you that. They don’t hold back. They’re men in that regard. So understand that for you Christians that want to knock me, do your homework, read your Bible and ask, what would Jesus do? He might rebuke them, okay, for some of the things they say and some of the behavior that they’re in.
But he wouldn’t deny them the kingdom of heaven. He would have them repent. And I try to see the good in people, not the evil in people. And like I said, even about Biden, who. I have very strong negative feelings, you know what I want for him? I want him to repent. Admit what you’ve done wrong, admit it to God, not to me, and you’ll find your place in the kingdom also. That’s what we want. So don’t rebuke me for being a good Christian and not turning away from people. I don’t engage in bad behavior, but I’m not going to turn away from people that do because I’m better than them.
No, I’m not. I’m going to try to change them. I’m going to try to have a powerful influence on them. And that’s what the people in the church should do. I know a lot of conservative Christians. We’re speaking out against Tate’s. Why? Why are you not trying to talk to them? Trying to have an influence on them? I’ve got no business with them. And if I do in the future, who knows? We have no aspirations of that. Come on, man. John R. Were the Canal Boys of force in Manhattan in the 80s? They weren’t a force, but they certainly existed and they made their presence known.
I can say that we will find out. Tates have holdings in the baby lotion stock market. I don’t know what that’s all about. Sorry. Michael, did you ever consider that maybe the reason to coming after him is because they are guilty? Reason to coming after him is who? Yeah. And did you ever think that maybe they’re not guilty? I’ve told you, I’ve done my research. This is not a maybe. This is not possibly. This is not. You know, I understand both sides and I look into it and listen, I have no problem selling somebody. Hey, you know what? I don’t like your behavior.
And I think you’re guilty. You shouldn’t have done that. I’ve done the. I’ve done the research. I’ve spoken to some of the women who they tried to have intimidate against the Tates. And they wouldn’t do it. So come on, you know. But yes, and remember this. You’re innocent until proven guilty. Allegations are not evidence. They’re not evidence. And I know that better than most. I watched my father do 40 years for a crime he didn’t commit. Crime he didn’t commit. And I’ll take that to my grave. Ben Desley. She was underage in that video. How could she consent to getting whipped with a belt? No, she wasn’t.
She was not. And the truth is going to come out. I’ll leave it at that. Jimmy Kiss. Andrew Coned you. Mike. Again, that was a staged video. Do you not understand that, Andrew? You can accuse him of anything. He’s not stupid. He is not stupid. He would not video himself committing a criminal act for the whole world to see. I’m telling you that even when he was younger, he’s not stupid. You can’t accuse him of being. He’s a very, very, very bright and sharp person. And so is Tristan Trust me. Okay? The delusion, Alice in Wonderland.
And I always say to people, if they have another opinion, we agree that we disagree. Absolutely. We agree to disagree. There’s nothing wrong with that. Terry Lee, 68. The Tates engage in shock, tainment. It works. People watch and judge their on screen antics as a representation of who they are off screen. Absolutely not. One woman has come forward stating they were mistreated. That’s true. And you’re going to see the women that have made these statements. It’s all going to come out, people. I’m not at liberty to divulge everything, but it’s going to come out. And let me tell you something, Ron DeSantis in Florida.
How do you open an investigation on people that haven’t been in your state for five years? They haven’t been in your state for five years. What’s the investigation on? In most cases, other than murder, the statute of limitations is five years. You just bowed to the pressure, the media pressure, the woke pressure, Which I’m surprised, DeSantis, because you’re not woke. Come on, do your homework before you do this. They haven’t been in your state. How the heck do you open up an investigation, a criminal investigation? On what basis? And somebody on, you know, uncensored, I forget the woman’s name said, well, they opened up an investigation.
There must be a basis. No, that’s not true. You don’t even know your law. That’s not true. Once again, target the individual. Bow to media pressure and let’s go see if we can find a crime. Let’s go knock on enough doors, issue enough subpoenas, you know, threaten enough people to see if we can find a crime attached to these guys. I’ve been through it. I know it. That’s what law enforcement on certain occasions does live with it. Because it happens, Vita, in D.C. that’s what’s happening to the Palestinian college protester. He broke no laws, but they arrested first, then look for reasons to charge him.
Possibly very possible, I can tell you that I was the youth gone wild. The Matrix tried to take him out. That’s true. It was the Matrix. And I agree with that with Andrew, sorry to say. What are you so persistent in defending the Tates, Michael? Greg Mitchell, because they’re my friends. I opened up with that, Greg. I looked into it and I like the boys. What more do I need to say? And listen, I’m 74 years old. I don’t put my support behind people, you know, just for the sake of it. I believe in them. End of story.
And I’ve done my work and I’ve had my wife and daughter in their presence. And would I trust them? Yes, I would. Absolutely. So if you think that I don’t know what I’m doing, well, then you have your right to say that. But I’m going to support them until they give me reason. And unless they give me reason. And I don’t believe that’s going to happen, not one bit. My support goes for them and I like them. They’re friends. What could I say? Taste test titan. I do have to say this sometimes. I do believe that these social media celebrities, whatever you want to call them, deliberately put on a show that’s not who they are.
Absolutely, 100%. And in the case of the Tates, I can tell you that for sure. No question. It is shock, tainment. There’s no question. Whoever said that you were right on O.J. is not guilty. No, I believe O.J. is guilty. You didn’t see me putting my support behind him. And I knew OJ My girls danced with his girls in dance school. We knew them. I believe O.J. was guilty. I said it all along. And I knew O.J. and I knew his agents. They were my agents, I’m telling you. But I’m not going to support somebody like that.
Sorry. You know how easy it is to scare victims to come forward? Very easy. Very easy. Government is very intimidating and they do threaten you, trust me. Will you visit the TBK flowers? Will you visit the UK again? I’d love to meet you, sir. If you came to Newcastle, I would visit. I love the UK and I love the people. I don’t like what’s going on there, you know, politically and socially, but I love the people. And yes, I’ll visit the uk. My sister in law is there right now. My nephew is working with Manchester right now.
He’s a great soccer player, so they may draft him. We’ll see what happens. Okay. Marco Rios, do you think you will have a sit down with Mundo Mendoza and Renee Boxer Enriquez, former Mexican mafia made man, to discuss the similarities and or differences between Italian mob and Mexican mafia? It’s possible I haven’t reached out for them, but hey, I’m open to that, without a doubt. If that’s what my viewers would like to see, I’d love to give it to them. Sandman got better. Let’s be honest, 99.9% here don’t know what the Tate brothers know and what the courts know.
Thank you so much for that. Sandman got Better. That’s a very, very, you know, great, great perspective. You’re absolutely right. They see what they see on social media and they think that’s what it’s all about. They don’t know these boys. They don’t know the, you know, the details of the case or the charges against them. They don’t know really what’s going on. And thank you for making that observation, because you’re right on Bodie Peel. And you agree with their business and the effect it has on susceptible men. Well, what do you mean, susceptible men? What do you mean by that? I don’t agree with things that Andrew says.
I think in some ways, you know, it’s. I don’t want to say it’s harmful to men, but I’m going to tell you this. Give me an incident where a man has abused a woman as a result of what Andrew and Tristan talked to them about. We haven’t heard of that. And trust me, trust me, the government would be all over that. The woke would be all over that if it’s happened. But it’s not happened, you know, so. And go into the war room. It’s a very positive place for young men. They’re teaching them the right things.
Go into the war room. There’s thousands of men that are in there learning the right things. There are married women. There are even women in the war room. You know, go see it. They’re not teaching them how to abuse women. That’s garbage. It’s nonsense. Luca. Tony, the majority of people aren’t a good judge of true character. Michael knows character by now and from the life he lived. Thank you, Luca. Look, I’m not an expert. I’m not saying that I’m not holding myself to be above and beyond anyone else. But in the case of the Tates, yes, I know a lot more than anyone on social media knows.
So my observations should carry some weight. And that’s up to you. Alexi Mason. I saw in my morning. But the thing that bothers me is I don’t recall eating any corn. What do you think, Michael? Is it a conspiracy? Conspiracy theory? Also, I saw corn in my morning. Oh, I’m not familiar with that, so I can’t respond to that. I’m sorry. Sorry, I can’t help you there, Tracy. Ben. Are they saying something bad about corn now? I don’t know about that. But every day you wake up and you see something different about food. I don’t know.
I don’t know what’s going on there. Hold on one second. People just One second. Okay. Chronicles of the Collapse. Tracy Bennett. Are you trying to associate my calling out Tate for being a woman hater with watching msm? Hilarious. Cook. Well, I don’t know. That’s a conversation between two people. I’m not sure. Gilbert Rodriguez, would you consider in fellowship, throwing the pearls to swine, considering that only God is good? I’ll answer that another time. But I stand by what I said about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He would not turn away from people. He would not deny the kingdom to those people who he believes are entitled to.
Well, not entitled. Who are given the grace and the gift of mercy. Jesus did not turn his back prostitutes on tax collectors, on unsavory people. As a matter of fact, he called them to his service. And I believe there is a lot that Andrew and Tristan Tate could have a benefit to this country, to this world in many, many ways. And I’m staying with them for that reason. And I think they have been a benefit in many ways already. And a lot of young men who will support that have benefit from what they’ve had to say.
Some of the things I don’t have to go back and forth again. Yes. Might be distasteful to some. And I get it, okay? We’ve been through that. I get it. But you know my position. I think I’ve made it very clear. Greg Mitchell. Michael. I’ve never had a problem with the Tates. But what about the 15 year old girl he groomed and sexualized? She admitted to her age at the time in many videos. What if that was one of our daughters? Greg, I’m not going to go back and forth with this. I gave you my position on that.
And let me tell you something, Greg, I’m asking you and everybody else, did you do some distasteful things, okay, when you were young? Okay, don’t answer that. Look in the mirror and ask yourself. Things happen when we’re younger. We made a lot of mistakes. I’ve made a lot of mistakes. All right? That doesn’t mean you carry forth. That doesn’t mean you’re doing the same things. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have regrets for the things that you’ve done before. And this 15 year old girl. I’m not going to get into specifics of the case. I’m going to tell you it’s not what it appears to be on social media.
You can either take my word for that or not. It’s not what it appears to be on social media. There’s another side to that story, this was staged. Remember that? And you’re going to find out in the end that it wasn’t what it appears to be. But if you’re making your judging, your opinion based upon that. Let me ask you a question. Are you just as outraged? Are you just as outraged? Okay. And I mean this. With the people in the Epstein case that we don’t even know about yet, that were that we’re engaging in pedophilia, that we’re engaging in human trafficking, in women trafficking.
How do you feel about them? Why aren’t you jumping and screaming and asking for that? Why aren’t you demanding, okay, that those Epstein files be released? I guarantee what they did was a thousand times more distasteful than anything the Tates have done. You know, you can’t be selective, you know, be across the board on all of this stuff. I’m telling you that you’re going to find out that things that were staged are not what they appear to be on social media. I’m not at liberty to divulge more than that. But it’s going to come out. It’s going to come out.
It’s going to come out in Romania and other places. I can tell you that. I’m convinced of that. And if it doesn’t, you can say, Michael, you were wrong. And I’ll admit it. I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. I don’t have that kind of ego, admit when I’m wrong. A lot of times I made a lot of mistakes in my life. But what? Something that was done, that was staged several years ago is not what it appears to all of you to be. And don’t hang your hat on that. Great. I’m telling me that.
And no, of course, I would not want that to be one of my daughters. But do I trust my daughters around Andrew and Tristan? Yes. And I don’t trust them because I’m a former mafia guy. I’m not a mafia guy anymore. Would I stand for anybody abusing my daughters? Absolutely not. I would be the mafia guy again if that happened. Or my wife or any woman that was close to me. No, I wouldn’t stand for it. I wouldn’t stand for a woman. Okay. But do I trust my women around those boys? 100%. Need I say anything more? Okay, I think you got my point.
Greg. Jeffrey Townsend. And I’m going to wrap this up in five minutes, people. Thank you very much for your generous donation. A shout out to Canada. An election call coming in the next week. I want to make this clear. We in America love our Canadian neighbors. Give Donald Trump a chance. That’s all I can tell you. Give Donald Trump a chance. I do have to say this for all my people and friends here in Europe and the United States. I’m going to be totally selfish for a moment. The European nation is threatening to put a 25% or 50% tariff on all American whiskey imported into Europe.
Okay, 50%. Trump has said in retaliation that he will put a 200% tariff on any wine and other spirits coming in from Europe into the United States. That means French wine, Italian wine, Portuguese wine, and all of that for selfish reasons, people. And don’t get mad at me. I have to say I hope Europe imposes the tariff and I hope Trump does it, too. Because my excellent wine comes from Armenia. Armenia is not part of the European nation. And everybody’s going to want to taste my Armenian wine because. Because it’s going to be the best price and a great wine here in the United States.
So if that happens, for whatever time it happens, I don’t want to deny anybody their wine. But you’re going to love my Armenian wine and you’re going to love the price. So if that happens, Armenian wine, my Armenian wine, Franzi’s wine, is going to go off the shelves in record numbers. It’s already doing that now. By the way, you want to taste my wine? Franzeswine.com Go to Costco. Go to all of the Kroger stores in several states, save one of our best clients. We love those people there. You know, we’re in so many places right now.
We’re having a great year. Franzeswine.com Try it, people. You’re going to love it. And the price, you can’t beat it. Trust me on that. Jeffrey, thank you very much. We love our people in Canada. Remember that. It’s all going to come to a good conclusion. I promise you that. This is what people in business and this is negotiation. Trust me, America first. It’s all going to come out great. I promise you that. Okay, I got time for three more questions. Okay. Mike, you consider doing more horror movies like Mausoleum? No, I will not. I’m not in the movie business anymore.
Although they are doing something on my life. When that happens, I will let you all know. Let me see, what else. Amen. Gilbert Rodriguez, however, genuinely asking, shouldn’t the benefits that should be coming out of that be the purpose of the gospel? Jesus rebuked. And also it is commanded to be holy, for I am holy. Respectfully, how many of us Are holy people. I’m not holy. I do my best to follow what my Lord wants me to do. But by no means I’m holy. And nobody else out there is holy. Not even the best of the best.
Are we holy? There was only one person holy, and that was Jesus Christ. That was it. Everybody else was human, and we all had our imperfections. But, yes, we rebuke bad behavior. I agree with you. And we let people know that. But it doesn’t mean that they’re not entitled to the kingdom of heaven like every one of us. We don’t deserve it. We didn’t earn it. It’s a gift from Jesus that is given to all of us that repent of our sins and accept him as our Savior. That’s what we as Christians believe. So we have no right to rebuke anyone.
The kingdom of heaven. That’s up to God and God alone. Remember that, people. So whether it be the Tates or Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi or all the people that I’ve expressed distaste for, they are entitled, okay, to the same grace and mercy that all of us are. We don’t deserve it. We can’t earn it. But we’re entitled to it according to our God. Says, I give you this gift of grace and mercy to all of you. All you have to do is accept it the right way. Repent of your sins and accept Jesus as your savior.
And the kingdom will open to you. None of us have a right to rebuke anybody of the grace and mercy of our God. Remember that, people. And that includes the Tates And I. I put other people that, you know, I don’t care for. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff. A whole bunch of them. I don’t. I don’t regard those people. I don’t hold them in high regard because I don’t. I don’t believe they’re good people. But do I rebuke them the right okay to accept grace and mercy? Of course not. I have no right to do that.
And if they do, I’m happy. I’m happy. That’s what I want for them. Because if they do that, there’ll be better people. And the United States and the people of this country will benefit. All right, last one. Chronicles of the collapse. You keep your commandments to yourself and your husband. But I don’t know what. What makes you think you can talk the word amongst men of you know the Bible like you say you do. Last my. I don’t know what you’re saying pro truth 144. You’re not clear in that. I think it’s a rebuke. But that’s okay.
If you disagree with me, that’s fine. The good Lord is the only judge. You’re correct on that. Thank you very much, Adam Schiff. That’s a good idea. What is the Bible study? Okay, I’m going to answer this less donated person. Guitar J. I think. Hey, your content is very interesting. What do you think of non mafia people wearing clothes like the mob? Hey, I think we dress pretty good. That’s okay. Nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, we’re having a line of clothing coming out soon. It’s not really mafia. It’s clothing that I like and hopefully you’re going to want that.
I think it’s really cool and I think going to enjoy it. Anyway, people, I got to wrap it up. That’s it for today, my friends. Thank you again for coming on. How do I always leave you the same way? Know that I appreciate you very much. I appreciate your support. I really mean that. I hope you understand my position on the Tates. And people remember what I say. There was a time in this country, there was a time in the world when we can respectfully disagree with one another. We can have different opinions and we can go out and be friends.
We can play golf together. We can go and enjoy a film together, have dinner, have lunch and have meaningful conversation. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean that you have to be enemies. Unless it’s something that’s so vital and so critical and so important that you just can’t live with that person. And it shouldn’t be over a Donald Trump or over the Tates or over anyone else. Okay? That doesn’t mean that we’re bad people on either side if we have a disagreement. So please understand that. And please, for all of you out there, for all of you Christians out there, remember, it’s not your job to judge and it’s not your job to deny anybody the kingdom of heaven.
Everybody, according to our God, is given the gift of grace and mercy. They accept that gift and they do what they have to do. And that is repent of their sins and. And accept Jesus as their savior. Well, then the kingdom of heaven is open to them. And that goes for every one of us. Because not one of us is without sin. Not one of us is perfect. And in God’s eyes, sin is sin across the board. And I know that’s a hard concept for people to understand, but read your Bible. That’s the truth. Sin is.
Sin is sin, period. Okay. How do I always leave you, my friend? Same way. Be safe. Our country’s becoming a lot safer. Just watch what Donald Trump is doing. Be safe, be healthy. RFK the job going to make us healthy again. Don’t smoke, don’t drink. Try to maintain your weight and do the right thing for yourself. You’re going to be a lot healthier. And yes, God bless each and every one of you. God bless your families, your communities, your neighborhoods. And yes, God bless America. And I leave you with this. Michaelfranciese.com family. You want to be part of the family? Maybe I can change your perspective on some things.
We’re not out to do that, but I think that this community will give you a sense of family and community again. And I think you’re going to really enjoy it. So join. Okay. I think you’re going to love it. Michaelfranzies.com family franzeswine.com engage with us. You’re going to love it. Yes. I’ll see you next time. Take care.