MrMBB333 Something REALLY bizarre happened just HOURS after the eclipse!

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➡ The video discussed recent astronomical occurrences such as the solar eclipse, sightings of Venus during the day, a blazing meteor captured in Idaho, and an M class solar flare. It also included featured photos, updates on seismic activities at Yellowstone supervolcano and Schumann Resonance, and images of the eclipse shadows observed through tree branches.


Hey, what’s up guys? Hope everybody’s doing well and having a great day. In this video, I have multiple really cool photos and videos to share with you guys from the recent eclipse that occurred about 48 hours ago. But it’s something that occurred after the eclipse that I want to share with you guys that is truly bizarre and I don’t think is a coincidence. Also have a blazing meteor that was picked up by Jordan Ragsdale out of Idaho from a couple of weeks ago.

I’m going to share with you guys video footage from Idaho. But first over here at the homepage of the website, today’s feature photo was sent in by Darren Rager out of Fort Collins, Colorado, of a towering, very photogenic double decker rainbow. Once again out of Fort Collins. And checking in on the goes X ray flux over here at the Space Weather Prediction Center. Right now in the middle of an M class solar flare.

Looking at the Schumann Resonance. Seeing a little bit of activity in the last 12 hours. Hopping over to the Yellowstone supervolcano caldera. Looking at the Seismographs that monitor the mighty supervolcano. That red vertical line is an earthquake, but that’s an earthquake from Alaska. The 6. 4 that occurred about 12 hours ago. It was picked up on the Seismographs over here at the Yellowstone supervolcano. Other than that, pretty quiet at the supervolcano caldera.

Want to take you guys now to Idaho where on October 7 at 09:41 P. m. , jordan Ragsdale filmed this incredible meteor soaring through the sky above Idaho. That was video footage of the incredible meteor. And this is a still image of the meteor once again spotted above Idaho by Jordan Ragsdale. Going from meteors to eclipses. Here we go. Something very strange occurred after the eclipse on October 14 of 2023.

I’ve got some incredible photos and videos to share with you guys. This first one’s out of Utah by Devin during the October 14 eclipse. This is the first of two coming up here in about six months. What he also noticed during the eclipse was Venus visible in the daytime sky. I don’t know if anybody else saw Venus during the eclipse, but Venus right now is currently in front of the sun.

Right there is a sky map of Venus. And that’s where it was during the eclipse. And Devin happened to see Venus. That’s Venus. That’s always in some sort of phase mode in the sky during the recent eclipse of October 14 of 2023. Have more photos and videos to share with you guys around. RA out of Encino, California, also saw the eclipse. Manteca, California leonard Smith photo from Manteca here’s another photo by Leonard of the recent eclipse where they had about a 75% eclipse in California.

We had 80 to 85 over here in Arizona. And these next photos were sent in by Paul Hartman out of Livermore, California. Received several photos out of California of the recent eclipse from the morning of October 14 and going from California over to Loveland, Colorado. These are shadows of the eclipse. And the sunlight was going through tree branches or something like that, creating multiple eclipses on the ground.

That was observed by Chris Syracuse out of Loveland, Colorado. You can see the sunlight that was going through the tree branches and leaves and things like that was creating multiple eclipses, dozens and dozens of eclipses on the side of his shed here in his backyard. Really cool. I’ve actually seen that myself from light going through a palm tree during an eclipse, and it did create multiple eclipses just like that.

And here’s another example of the same phenomenon sent in by Kristen VonWald of eclipse shadows on the ground. Evelyn, North Carolina another incredible photo of the eclipse they saw about a 45% eclipse. Next photo was sent in by Nacadia, not a Los Angeles, California. You can see the eclipse in the reflection right there. Showed up actually quite well in the reflection. The sunlight was almost too overpowering for the recording device, but not for the reflection that’s in every photo you take of the direct sunlight.

Here’s another example of the eclipse showing up in the reflection by Shannon Burbank out of Saginaw, Texas. And right there’s, the eclipse. And these next photos sent in by Tobias Mott of the eclipse behind a thin layer of clouds, creating an almost perfect environment to view the eclipse. And here’s some incredible photos of the eclipse taken on October 14 of 2023, where they saw about a 35% eclipse.

Another example of the eclipse behind clouds. Chico, California mr. Random more excellent photos of the eclipse. And right there you can clearly see the eclipse behind that thin layer of clouds. And here’s yet another example of the eclipse showing up in the reflection by Carrie out of Arizona, going from photos to video footage going to Roswell, New Mexico. Video footage sent in by Jamie and Jen from, obviously, the morning of October 14.

They saw a total eclipse in Roswell, New Mexico. And the total eclipse, as you can see right here, showed up many times in the reflection. That is a full ring of fire visible from Roswell, New Mexico. And you can see the ring of fire up here in the direct sunlight. It showed up just a little bit. You can see it on the outer edge of the sun. But you can also see many examples of the eclipse and the reflections showing up in the video that gave a really cool perspective of the ring of fire visible from Roswell, New Mexico.

Super cool video footage here. I modified a segment of the video that they sent in, trying to tone down some of the light so you could see the ring of fire a little clearer. Here’s a still image of the ring of fire once again visible from Roswell by Jamie and Jen going from Roswell to Temescal Valley, California. Video footage by Timothy T. That is a super cool perspective of the eclipse from California.

Saw many photos and videos out of California of the recent eclipse going from California to Pacola, Oklahoma. Video footage sent in by Angela from October 14 of 2023. Excellent video of the eclipse once again behind a thin layer of clouds and going from Oklahoma to Santiago, Chile. Video footage by Marjorie, who also witnessed the eclipse from Santiago, Chile. And you can see it right there. It was a partial eclipse down here at about the 04:00 position.

See it right there, visible from Santiago, Chile. So here’s something interesting that happened on the same day as the eclipse, and it happened about 4 hours following the eclipse. This segment has narration that you’re definitely going to want to hear. Something super bizarre occurred following the eclipse. And here’s the video footage to prove it. Sent in by Julie Watson. All right, I am not believing what I’m hearing.

We are close to, I’m assuming, electric lines. They are electric lines. Transmission line. I hope the buzzing picks up. My goodness. Oh, my goodness. Did you hear that? I’m going to play it again right now. I’m going to turn up the volume just a little bit more. It’s not going to be super loud, but loud enough to hear that static that they heard coming from these transmission lines following the eclipse on October 14.

Check this out. All right. I am not believing what I’m hearing. We are close to, I’m assuming, electric lines. They are electric lines. Transmission lines. I hope the buzzing picks up. My goodness. Oh, my goodness. That is truly incredible. Power line. That is truly incredible. That is truly incredible. These transmissions. That is truly incredible. These transmission lines were putting off some sort of loud static that you could hear standing on the ground.

Incredible observation and video footage sent in by Julie Watson following the October 14 eclipse. Thanks for the photos and videos, guys. Really appreciate that. Keep them coming. If you guys have any photos you’d like to share, you can send those to reports at mrmbb three three. Thanks for watching. Have a super day and be safe out there’s. .


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