Sky Watch
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Hey, what’s up, guys? Hope everybody’s doing well and having a great day. In this video, we’re going to north and South Carolina. You’re going to see unusual objects in the day and evening sky. We’re also going down to Australia. We’re going to Texas. We’re going to take a look at the moon. I received a video from Australia dated October 20 eigth of 2023. And the moon almost looks like it’s tilted in this video out of Australia.
We’ll come back and take a look at that video footage here in just a moment. But I wanted to start out here in South Carolina. Rock Hill, South Carolina. This video footage was submitted by Terry Humphries from just a few days ago of some sort of a mysterious object in the evening sky. And as you can see in the video, it’s right before dark when Terry looked up and noticed this in the evening sky at probably 1000ft in the sky, 800, 900ft at the least.
And it just looked out of place. Wasn’t an airplane, wasn’t a helicopter. Doesn’t appear to be a Chinese lantern. Chinese lanterns are always influenced by the wind. And you’ll know, if you see a Chinese lantern in the sky, they’re usually orange, and they’ll usually drift in an upward motion, and then they’ll fizzle out because they’re literally a floating flame. This is not a floating flame. It appears to have multiple colors.
At times. It’s primarily white and looks to be pretty good size. If it’s at 1000ft in the sky, that’s probably somewhere in the neighborhood of five to 7ft wide, whatever it may be. And again, it’s not an airplane or a helicopter. It wasn’t making any sound. It just looked totally out of place. It was just kind of sitting there, moving very slowly from left to right through the evening sky.
And right here is a still image of this object, whatever it may have been, spotted in the sky above Rock Hill, South Carolina. Thank you, Terry. Really appreciate that. Going from South Carolina to North Carolina. This video footage was submitted by Leslie goes back to October 20 eigth of 2023, just a few days ago when she looked up and saw all of this activity in the sky above North Carolina.
Not sure of the exact location, but I know it was around 72 hours ago, October 20 eigth, when she looked up and saw the sky just absolutely loaded with white and black objects that were kind of swirling around, falling from an unknown origin. Check that out. Looks like it’s snowing here in North Carolina. But these would be some very large snowflakes. And not only that, they’re not completely white, as you can see here.
One side of these things is black or dark gray. And there are a variety of shapes, I noticed. Some are bigger, some are smaller, and they’re just kind of falling through the sky. Look at that. The sky was just loaded with hundreds and hundreds of these things. That’s what compelled her to take the video in the first place. Again, don’t know where they came from. Not sure where they’re going, if anywhere.
They’re just kind of falling through the sky. And they weren’t making any noise. Didn’t appear to have any type of propulsion system. These appear to be influenced by the wind, whatever they may be. And here you can see both sides of that object right there. One side’s black and one side is white. That particular one right there that went moving through the sky almost looked like it was going in an upward motion.
But for whatever reasons, the sky was just loaded with these objects on October 20 eigth. And this hawk right here went up to check out the situation. Almost looked like popcorn going through the sky above North Carolina on October 20, eigth of 2023. And it was literally everywhere in the sky above Leslie in North Carolina just a few days ago. Thank you, Leslie. Really appreciate that. And I’d also like to give a big shout out to the newest Blue Star members, those being Lori, Steck, Ackerman, Seven, Seven, Seven, and Tammy.
Mant. Thank you, guys. Really appreciate that. If you guys would be interested in becoming Blue Star members, you can find the link to do so down below in the description box. And you can also find a link pinned down below in the comment section of this video. Thank you, guys. Really do appreciate that. I’m going to take you guys now down to Australia. This is the recent full moon from October 20, eigth of 2023.
Video footage sent in by Steve Hammer. I put this in fast forward, and that’s all I’ve done. Notice the large crater and its location just above the equator here. Check that out. You don’t normally see that that the crater is normally down here at the bottom of the moon. And again, I haven’t done anything to this video except put it in fast forward. The video was about two minutes long, so I put it in fast forward.
But notice the location of the crater in this video. As you can see in this photo right here of the Moon from Texas. The crater is down in the southern hemisphere towards the bottom of the Moon, but it showed up above the equator in this video sent in by Steve Hammer from October 20, eigth of 2023. This is the most recent full moon. And coming up right here is a photo of the recent full moon sent in by Michelle.
And you can see the craters down here in the southern hemisphere towards the bottom of the Moon, not up above the equator like we’re seeing right there. And again, I haven’t done anything to this video except put it in fast forward. And here’s a few examples of the crater at the bottom of the moon. Videos and photos taken just a few months ago. This year. Byron, illinois. Melody, this is the supermoon from, I believe, back in August.
And you can see the crater down in the southern hemisphere at the bottom of the moon at the 06:00 position, same location. Damn it, I’m mad. Supermoon, August 30 of 2023. Right there is the crater down at the 06:00 position deep in the southern hemisphere of the moon. And here’s another example. Video footage by Russ out of Richmond, Kentucky. Recent supermoon, I believe. This is also August of 2023.
And you can see that the crater down at the bottom of the moon, deep in the southern hemisphere at the 06:00 position right there. Video footage, once again by Russ out of Kentucky. Video footage here sent in by Leo out of Utah, recent supermoon from just a few weeks ago. And there’s the crater down at the bottom of the moon at the 06:00 position, not above the equator like the video we just saw out of Australia right there.
And again, I didn’t do anything to this video except put it in fast forward. This is from October 20, eigth out of Victoria, Australia. Once again, video of the recent full moon sent in by Steve Hammer. Thank you, Steve. Really appreciate that. Thanks for the photos and videos, guys. Keep them coming. If you guys have any photos you’d like to share, you can send those to reports at mrmbb three Three.
If you guys have any videos you’d like to share that are too large to attach to the email, come over here to the homepage of the website. You can always find link down below in the description box. Look for this red banner that says have a large video. It’s a dropbox drag and drop your video into the dropbox. Please include your first name, date and location and I’ll take it from there.
Thanks for watching. Have a super day and be safe out there’s. The ram, Sam. .