Angel FEATHERS Miracle No EVIL Oils WHAT!!!?? – Tuesday Night Live 6:30 PM

Spread the Truth



➡ The text discusses a virtual gathering where the speaker encourages participation from an international audience through platforms like Zoom and YouTube, stressing the importance of mutual respect, time management and structured discussions. He begins by sharing a prayer and welcoming participants from various parts of the world. Later, he criticizes individuals who claim supernatural occurrences during prayer, warning against false beliefs.
➡ The speaker warns about false prophets and tricksters in the religious sector, critiquing examples of individuals who claim to perform miracles for personal gain. The speaker insinuates that discernment and grounding in the Holy Spirit will help people resist deceptive practices and remain true to their faith.
➡ The speaker motivates a community group, focusing on the power of prayer and constantly seeking understanding and lessons from situations one encounters. He emphasizes the importance of serving and growing into God’s likeness, thanking God for unity and reminding everyone to be fearless and trust in God’s plan. He expresses gratitude for the group, invites members for devotionals, and encourages the continuation of supporting and challenging each other. He concludes with a communal prayer for global issues, individual struggles, and a call to assertively confront fears and worries remembering the love and assistance of the heavenly Father.
➡ The speaker shares a prayer session and spiritual encouragement for the live chat group, discussions about the need to support and uplift each other and the importance of seeking their personal church community while utilizing their online group as well. The live chat ends with the individuals expressing gratitude and accountability to each other and a plan for another meeting next week.
➡ While not denying spiritual gifts or God’s power, the author warns against being seduced by misleading spiritual figures and their gimmicks, instead advocates for being rooted in Jesus Christ’s words and scrutinizing anything that deviates from the Bible. The year 2023 should witness more discerning followers, not easily swayed by false doctrines but holding true to the real Biblical word of Jesus Christ.
➡ This conversation reflects discourse about the role and perception of “church catchers,” the belief in the power of God and miracles, as well as concerns about modern religious practices and dynamics. Along with this spiritual discussion, there’s an exposition on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, bringing to light personal connections, associated political issues, and the speaker’s reflection about spreading Christian teachings.
➡ The speaker stresses the importance of focusing on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and loving one another rather than getting distracted by the many international issues. This doesn’t suggest ignorance towards societal injustices, rather it emphasizes that their primary responsibility is towards spreading love through the teaching of Jesus Christ.
➡ There was a group discussion concerning God, spirituality, prayer, scriptures, and the Christian life. Key takeaways included Sister Shelley emphasizing the importance of finding quiet time to commune with God, using the metaphor of a “hamster wheel” to symbolize constant distractions. Also stressed was focusing on Jesus Christ, despite distractions, being busy, or witnessing false signs and wonders; and the significance of group prayer led by Brother Ernest. Brother Chris offers a reminder about the dangers of distraction, the need to renew minds, and the importance of peace in God’s presence.
➡ The text discusses various methods individuals use to renew their mind and deepen their relationship with God. The approaches include turning directly to prayer, studying the Word of God, staying close to God and actively fighting temptation. Other tactics include keeping environments free from negativity, practicing obedience and making a habit to emulate Christ’s behavior. The group emphasizes the importance of engaging the Holy Spirit and acknowledging sins for correction, thus adopting the objective of mind renewal.
➡ The speaker shares a personal anecdote about overcoming a disagreement with a Christian peer by adopting Christ-like humility instead of causing conflict. Through this experience, they suggest the idea of focusing discussions on what God has shown us about one’s love for Him. They stress the importance of the Holy Spirit’s guidance and encourage everyone to ask the Holy Spirit daily to show them how to renew their spirits. Finally, they encourage everyone to take these interactions from this setting and adapt them to their local communities to foster honest, impactful dialogues about the word of God.
➡ The text highlights a spiritual conversation aimed to inspire and develop individuals in their faith, encouraging them to study God’s word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide their growth. It includes live worship and prayers and reveals plans for future devotionals led by various brothers and sisters of the community, with an underlying goal of motivating change and personal development in faith driven by the influence of Jesus Christ.
➡ The speaker is expressing his feelings of love and gratitude toward God, the “King of Glory,” and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with Him. He also shares personal anecdotes to inspire people who may feel alone, reminding them that they are not alone and God is always there to support them. The discussion then shifts to the act of prayer for various members of their community who have asked for prayers for health, financial stability, and guidance. The speaker ends with a loving reminder of God’s omnipresent existence in everyone’s life and the happiness it brings.


If you can hear our audio, well, that would be really appreciated. As we get going right there in your home, remember that these opportunities that we come together on Tuesday to worship the Lord, we shouldn’t take these things for granted. There are people in many parts the world that don’t have the ability to come together. There are many people that are still looking for that local assembly. Right? And this is no way of replacing for that.

I encourage you to try to find the local assembly. But while we’re here today, in the name of Jesus Christ, let us do all we possibly can to exhort each other, comfort each other, correct each other, disciple each other, and make sure that we are doing the right thing for Jesus Christ. We also want to welcome those that are on Zoom and also those that are on YouTube.

So on YouTube, we already have my brother DS Jackson on there. He’s a big inspiration as to why we started this whole thing. Brother DS Jackson is doing an amazing job with his congregation online and he’s been nothing but an awesome brother. Brother, we’re on Zoom as well. So if you go to the website, I’ll just shoot you the link on Facebook. All right. We’ll just try not to make it public because then we get some crazy stuff happening, like last time.

Roxanne, thank you for being here. Those that are joining on YouTube, welcome. If you want to join the Zoom room, you’ll have to visit tftministries. com and register to get the link for that. Okay, so one of the things that I want to get started with is I want to get started with prayer. Let’s go ahead and pray, if that’s okay. Let’s go ahead and pray and we’ll put some more worship music afterwards and we’ll get going.

But let’s go ahead and pray. I don’t know what circumstances you’ve come today to this live stream with. I don’t know what your day is like. I don’t know what your week has been like. In my case. I literally just stumbled across into this room a few minutes ago. I drank a little bit of diet iced tea and ready to go, right? Some of you are in different parts of the world.

You’re in Canada, right? Some of you are in Canada like Michelle, right? Some of you are in South America, other parts of the world, UK, you name it, wherever you’re from, I want you to know that right there at your home, in your car, wherever you’re at, that Jesus loves you, that he cares for you, and that he wants to do an awesome thing in your life today and every single day.

I pray that the Holy Spirit of God can allow us the opportunity for us to be able to be open, to be convicted, that the Holy Spirit of God can give us a conviction that only he can give to correct us, to disciple us, to bring us closer to the father. In the name of Jesus Christ, heavenly Father, if there is anyone in this room today that is undergoing any spirit of heaviness, any depression, any anxiety, whether it be on YouTube or Zoom or wherever they’re watching this, even if it’s a restream, that they’re seeing it later on in the name of Jesus Christ, that you may comfort them and remind them that you’re an awesome God, that you’re still that same God that delivered Moses, that same God that delivered Noah, that same God that even when Adam and Eve stumbled and fell, bigfall.

Wow, you were still there. Because you’re an awesome messiah. And you’re there for us, asking us to come closer to you and repent and turn to you every single day. Yet you knock at our door and constantly, constantly, constantly, we reject that knock. May that stop today. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Heavenly family. God bless. You mean there’s people waiting in the room? I’m going to let them in.

In the zoo there. We have people on YouTube just letting y’all know on Zoom from New York City. We have brothers from Kenya as well. That’s a blessing. We have people from Alabama. That’s also a awesome. Kelly will definitely play that song as well. We have California in the house as well. So God is awesome. God is awesome. And I am so blessed that we have an opportunity to be here.

My dear family and the Lord, I want to share with you a quick agenda, real quick, just so that you can understand that as these Bible studies keep on growing, we’re going to be in a position that we may see that. What do you think? We may need a little bit more like a more organized format, right? Bear with me 1 second. Can you see the screen? Okay, cool.

If you all can see the screen, that’s awesome. Okay, so this is just briefly. This format is just to keep me on track. Why we have to respect each other’s time. In respecting each other’s time, we have to have a little bit of structure, right? So that structure allows us to be in a point that. Okay, there’s brothers and sisters tuning in from all parts of the world, right? We have to be respectful to all of them and make sure that we’re not just wasting time.

Right. So this is going to keep us on track. An example is 630 to 640 is just an intro. If Rob is here, he can sing. That’ll be a blessing. If he’s not here, we’ll play some songs, we’ll worship, we’ll pray together. Right. 640 to 07:00 I’ll bring a message. Seven to 720. We’ll start some zoom and open dialogues as well. And that’s going to be an awesome blessing.

720 to 730, we’ll have some prayer. 730 to 750. Brother Heidi, brother Chris and sister Heidi is going to be bringing a word as well and so forth as you can see it on the screen. The point this is to have a little bit of structure. In no way are we in a position that we’re going to say that that can’t be flexible. Of course it’s going to be flexible.

We want the Holy Spirit to be allowed to move. But while we allow that to happen, we also want to have a little bit of structure to be respectful of your time. So once we start the discussion aspect and we have an opportunity to talk to each other, let’s keep that to maybe a minute, two minutes, three minutes top so that this way we can allow everyone to also participate and keep it to the topic at hand to make sure that we can be edified.

We have to be respectful of each other’s time. That goes for me personally, that admonition, that correction is for me because personally I get on here and I start talking, if Dewey and I start talking, if Steban and I start talking, me and Mario start talking, it’s a wrap. At that point, if I start talking to Candice or Shelly, I may not even come back. So I have to get myself at a point where I have to have a little bit of structure.

All right, so with that said, I’m going to start sharing on the screen. I was trying to figure out how I can share what I wanted to discuss today. And by the way, those that are on YouTube, if you see me going this and that, it’s because I’m controlling two different screens to make sure that we can let those that are on YouTube know that you’re definitely valued, you’re appreciated.

I thank you for being here and thank you for taking of your time. Okay. Appreciate it very much. If you can share this video and this live stream and thumb it up, that’ll be phenomenal. All right, so on the screen, I’m going to share a tab. It’s going to have the content of what I want to talk on today. Let me know if you can see that on the screen.

Yes. Perfect. All right. Awesome. Okay, so good day, family. My name is Apostle Peter Jones. Thank you for watching this video. This guy’s the name Peter Jones. Okay? Now, this individual, he claims, according to this guy, that he gathers feathers from angels. All right? Now, there’s something wrong in today’s secret place. And what are the benefits of being in a secret place? Because when you’re in the secret place, you will be taken into the realm of the supernatural, where things like angel feathers, gold dust, oil will start manifesting themselves during prayer time.

When you’re in the secret place. So spend time in the secret place, and things like this, they will manifest themselves to you. All right, so this guy right here, he claims to have a feather from an angel. Now, if you look at this feather, I’ll be honest with you. One of my dad’s roosters probably. His feathers probably look better than that. That is not no feather from no angel.

Okay? The problem is that two corinthians eleven three says, but I fear least by any means, as the serpent beguiled through his utility. So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. There is simplicity in Jesus Christ. How many of you understand that today? That there is simplicity in Jesus Christ? That there’s a lot of people that will try to do everything they possibly can to put you in a position that you’re falling for deceptions and you’re falling for things that are just absolutely bananas and make absolutely no sense.

Absolutely no sense. Like, for example, in this case, I just want to put it back on the screen so you can see that little chicken thingy. He claims that that comes from an angel. He claims that that comes from an. As he and brother mad guns forever on YouTube. Thank you for handling the chat, brother. I appreciate that. All right. I appreciate you very much, my brother. Thanks for always being there and hope that the family’s well, man.

So in this case, you have this guy saying that this is a feather from angel. Okay? That is absolutely bananas, Travis. God bless you, brother. Thank you for being here, man, on YouTube. All right. But it gets even more sillier than that. I want you to check this other guy out real quick. I would love to be there in your home when you go to the mailbox and you open up that letter from me and you take out the green prosperity prayer handkerchief.

I would love to be there. Well, I will not be there physically, but, you know, I’m sending my anointing to you. I’m sending my blessing to you through the mail. There you go. So that guy, those clips that I’m showing you were from the maybe 1015 years ago, these were deceptions that were happening. You would turn on TBN, you would see all of these ads, you would turn on the television set and you would see all of these people selling you hankies, okay? And they would tell you that the hankies are free.

But in reality, once you subscribe to their mailing list, you’re going to start getting a lot of spam and a lot of propaganda. Here’s the thing. The devil knows what entices you. The devil knows what entices you. And what I’ve shown you right now, a lot of it, let’s be honest, is very silly and obvious to spot. Okay, two, Peter, two, three. Into covetousness shall they with feign words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnations lumbereth not.

Okay, but what you saw 1015 years ago in that actual video clip, you’re actually also seeing it here. Now there’s a guy named Prophet VC ministries on Facebook. And this guy is having constant revival services. And in his revival services he claims that if you take him a bottle of water he can do something miraculous to it. And all of a sudden you sow your miraculous seed and boom, there you then.

The problem with this stuff is that people fall for these deceptions constantly. The same with Pastor Danny Davis. Pastor Danny Davis claims that if you call him, he’ll give you a bottle called no evil miracle oil. Okay? And people fall for this stuff. The crazy part about it all is that if they’re falling for these simple things that are obvious gimmicks, this is obvious gimmicks. This is not something that is hard to spot.

Imagine when things get really dark in this world. Two timothy 4324, where it says, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itchy ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. Okay, so a lot of people, they fall for these deceptions is because their own lust is driving them to that.

And a lot of people may even use Bible verses to justify the diabolical things that they’re doing in today’s church. This is why you have to have that unique ability to be able to have discernment and break things through the scriptures to make sure that what someone is saying aligns with the word because what you just saw right here with that chicken little egg thing here that he has on the screen, that’s obvious.

The prosperity hanky, that’s obvious. This guy telling you to bring a bottle of Desani water and he’ll miraculously do something to it, that’s obvious. But a day is going to come where there will be some signs and wonders that are pretty diabolical. And when many of these diabolical things start popping up left and right, you better be grounded in the holy spirit of God, and you better be in a position that you’re able to actually compare things to the word of God and be strong enough to say, no.

That’s a deception. But I’m constantly bombarded with brothers and sisters in the lord, that some of them are actually going to these places. Some come home with these no evil miracle oil vows and anoint their houses, not even knowing that these people, a lot of them, are nothing more than charlatans. But I come from Puerto Rico, and let me tell you, in Puerto Rico, Santeria is a real thing.

And with that santeria that happens in Puerto Rico, they have an ability to be able to do certain things. They’ll throw in a little bit of Jesus on there, but when they throw in that little bit of Jesus on there, people fall for it. And then at that point in time, what you have is total chaos. I want you to check this out. This was in Puerto Rico.

This is something that at that point in time when this was happening, it was in Telemundo as well, in Puerto Rico and in Bostro, the newspapers in Puerto Rico, because in this particular church, there were things happening that were just absolutely abnormal. Check this out. Break of signs and wonders, including oil being poured out, gemstones appearing. In fact, he has received over 1200 gemstones already, different colors. Some of them are diamonds, some rubies, emeralds.

There’s silver and gold dust that’s fallen, and all different colors of dust, diamond dust and emeralds and sapphires and onyx stone. In fact, I’ve got onyx, little pieces of onyx stone right now, right on my hands here, because we just dunked them into this whole barrel of oil that the Lord gave. I want you to understand something very important. I paused it real quick. But there’s a lot of these people that a lot of them, 98% of them, probably are very much fake.

When you see a prosperity gospel teacher telling you to sow a miraculous seed, that they have a supernatural diamond from heaven, yet they’re asking you for money. I mean, logic would tell you that they would just, hey, if they can just pop out gems everywhere, they would just pop them up left and right and just go pawn them. If they have this miraculous gold dust that just appears out of anywhere, right? Why did they have to ask you to sow a miraculous, supernatural $9 miraculous seed so that God can multiply it? There’s a lot of people that are just absolutely going to the dollar tree store, getting some glitter, buying some goja oil from the dollar tree, and then just doing all sorts of fake stuff.

But you keep on messing with many of these things. You’re eventually going to encounter a witch in a church. You’re eventually going to encounter someone who’s going to do something so diabolical that you’re going to say, whoa. But the problem is, if the church is willing to believe many of these simple things here, like the little oil, will start manifesting themselves during prayer in the secret place. If people are willing to believe the little prayer hanky from this guy, that’ll give you prosperity.

Well, if that’s the case, why doesn’t he just tell him to make his own 100 of them and keep them himself so he doesn’t have to milk the church for money? But these people, if you fall for these things, what will you do when you start seeing some crazy stuff? Because I’ve seen stuff in some of these latino churches that just absolutely makes your hair stand up. I’ve seen some stuff that, you know, something.

Sapphires and onyx Stone. In fact, I’ve got onyx, little pieces of onyx stone right now, right on my hands here, because we just dunked them into this whole barrel of oil that the Lord gave to Pastor Dennis in his church. It kept pouring out, pouring out. They collected it in a big barrel of oil, and in it, it’s filled with little onyx stones, which is one of the stones of the twelve tribes of Israel.

And he was telling us that as people take the oil out to take samples of it, and it has this incredible fragrance to it that it just keeps filling up. So however much goes out, comes back in. I’m going to stop sharing, so I can just talk to you on the screen real quick. All right, so hopefully, at least you understand where my heart is on this. I’m very concerned, and we’re going to talk about this in a moment.

We’ll go to the discussion portion of this dialogue here that we’re having. Listen, man. In Exodus 711. Okay, then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers. Now the magicians of Egypt. They also did in like manner with their enchantments. I am not saying that the gifts of the spirit are not real. I’m not saying that God cannot heal. And I’m not saying that the moves of God are not for today.

What I am saying is that you better be grounded in the word of Jesus Christ, and you better be in a position that you tame those itchy ears and those lusts of the flesh, and you cast down all of these thoughts and imaginations because there are seducing spirits that, sure, many of them. You’re going to be dealing with a lot of clowns in the church. They have all sorts of gimmicks.

But you’re going to, at some point in time stumble across something that when it happens, you’re going to say there’s something crazy here occurring. And for many, many people, they’re so in love with a particular type of a move or a fire or whatever they want to call it, that what they end up is in diabolical doctrines of devils. There’s a reason why the Bereans in acts 1711, these were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word of God with readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily.

Whether those things were so in Matthew four four. But he answered and said, it is written right. He decided to go to the scriptures to make sure as he was in a position that he can give us an example so that we can have victory. But we’re in a day and age where we want to base everything on our feelings and our emotions and our thoughts, and we’re not operating in the way that God has called us to operate in today.

In 2023, there’s no excuse why in 2023 we’re still falling for the same gimmicks that they did in 20 00 20 05 20 10. I thought the last time I would see many of these gimmicks were on TBN. I thought the last time I would see some of these gimmicks was on any of those aspects. But no, we’re seeing that again. And the problem is that people love all of these gimmicks, but they don’t love the true biblical word of Jesus Christ.

And that’s the sad part, because Matthew 24 24 says, for there shall arise false Christ and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. So if people are falling for this now in the western church, imagine when they start seeing some crazy stuff popping up on the skies. Imagine when they start seeing crazy stuff going in certain congregations.

That’s why I’m warning you, my brother, my sister in the Lord, to be very careful. Be very careful. First Timothy, four one. Now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith. Okay. Giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. How many people do I not know, me myself, that I started YouTube with in 2008. One of them actually got to the point that he felt that the Holy Spirit was telling him that he’s an archangel and man was this man not used by God in a powerful way.

What happened? He said, tally, I know what you’re saying based on the scriptures, but I just feel it. He’s an archangel. How can you tell him he’s not an archangel? You can’t tell him he’s not an archangel because he’s so convinced that he is an archangel. Same thing in our day and age. Everyone wants to be an apostle. Everyone wants to be a this. Everyone wants to be of that.

If you’re truly a biblical apostle, you don’t even have to tell me. I should be able to tell by your fruit if you’re a prophet. I should be able to see by your fruits that you’re a prophet. But we’re in a day and age in the western church that we have gotten and we’ve fallen astray in a very bad way, and we have to do better. Two Thessalonians, two three says, let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there come in a fallen away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

We are in a day and age, my dear family, in the lord, that you’re going to deal with the charlatans, you’re going to deal with the clowns in the church, you’re going to deal with the manipulators that know that you love prosperity as an example. So they’re going to talk to you about prosperity. What you love, the devil knows what you love. This is why I’m telling you always, when I’m even covering topics like fallen angels and I’m covering topics about different things in transhumanism, many other things that I enjoy reading and learning about, I’m always varying the content as much as I possibly can, and I’m always making sure that I don’t make any of that stuff an idol because the devil knows what to do, how to do, how to manipulate you and you have to be cautious.

And notice when I’m talking, I’m saying we, us, we need to do better. We need to do better. So as we go into the discussion part now if possible, I see a Stefan already has his hands up. That’s awesome. Let’s have a conversation real quick. Let’s all limit it to one, two minutes if possible, so that we can give each other time. And there’s a lot of people on Zoom, so that’s a blessing.

That’s a blessing for sure. And there’s a lot of people on YouTube as well, so that’s also a blessing. So thanks to everyone for being here. Brother Stevan. How you doing, brother? Hey, how you doing, brother tally, how’s it going? Going, man. How you doing? Is it cold where you at? Or. No, no, it’s not cold here. Well, actually it is pretty cold for Tennessee. Ernest is in.

Yeah, you need to link up with. Yes, yes, I’ll put my information in the private chat. Just wanted to again say hi to everyone and sorry I missed the Zoom last week. I’ve been speaking with Brother Chris and he knows I’m partial to streamyard. I hope that you do decide to drop Zoom and go to streamyard. That’s just my personal preference and bias, so you don’t have to worry about any nonsense or anything like that.

But God is faithful. What I wanted to ask and talk to you about know, I think we’re all aware of the charlatans and the special oil. Brother Neftali, I learned a comment, not a comment, but you had a saying in one of your videos a few years ago where you were talking about people like Benny Hinn and all of that, and how they just were whooshing people and waving his jacket and people falling down.

And you made the comment. Notice how everyone’s falling down but the cameramen and the people holding the collection plates. Do you remember that? Yeah, for sure. And I’m not going to lie, I’ve used that a couple of times myself. And what I wanted to say is, to me, it’s not just the oil. And you also did another one too. God can’t heal Covid and then all of that.

But it’s not just them. I think it’s just people who think they believe in God and really don’t. I think they’re actually more dangerous than these snake oil salesmen selling holy water. And what I mean by that is the 7th day Adventists, the Jehovah’s Witness, the Catholics. I don’t know if you were aware but just this week, Pope John said that the Catholic Church is now going to recognize, not Pope John, but Pope whatever his name is, that they’re going to recognize same sex marriage.

And a couple of weeks ago, he allowed a bunch of transgendered cross dressing men to come in and he basically validated them. So I just don’t think it’s these guys selling all that water and angel feathers and all of that. I personally believe it’s those who think they’re following Christ. I have a Jehovah’s Witness at my job and, man, good guy, but he doesn’t even believe in hellfire.

So yeah, I agree with you in that regards today we’re just covering this topic briefly, but I think in terms of what’s more dangerous in the church, I find that part of the, and the pope is absolutely bananas and occult. I saw that too, esteban. That was crazy, man. I think that I’ve seen people, esteban, where they will tell you 99% truth, man, but they have that 1% on there that those are very dangerous people, people that come to you with 98, 99%, but as they’re coming to you with that information of 98, 99%, is that one, 2% that really will get you, man.

So absolutely, man. That’s why we try to bury the topics and cover all of them today. We just wanted to talk about this a little bit, only because it’s something that’s coming across that I honestly cannot believe that this is still happening in today’s church. I still can’t believe that this is something that’s continuously happening. But if this is happening, imagine how many people that will give you 98, 99%, but then have that 1% of deception on there that really can destroy lives, man, can destroy congregations.

Yeah, absolutely, Esteban, on that, man. And I definitely think that you and Ernest should link up. If you’re both in Tennessee, that would be a blessing to. And yeah, in terms of church catchers, esteban, listen, man, I believe, listen, I believe the power of God is real, man, and I believe that God moves and all of that stuff. I also think that if many congregations did away with church catchers, you probably wouldn’t see that many people falling back.

And that’s just my opinion. And those who would fall will probably, if they felt the holy spirit of God would fall on their knees and would just fall down in reverence and honor to know. Amen. And that’s just my personal opinion. And that’s as a church catcher, because I was a church catcher for many years, I was a church catcher. I was a good church catcher, too, man.

I had my gimmick. I didn’t know there was such a thing. Yeah, I didn’t know there was such a thing. I was a church catcher. So I would grab the person, WHOOP. And then put the blankie on them. Some people were a little heavyweight. So I would signal, give me some help, because this person is going to fall hard. So I’ll be like, okay, come on. So a lot of the people, Steban, just to give you the other perspective of it, a lot of people are very well intended.

A lot of people really are there because they’re hungry for the word of Jesus Christ. And some of them don’t know any better. I mean, I’ve even mentioned it in the video, in videos that I’ve made Esteban, where I myself have fallen back because, out of ignorance, because the guy was just, bro. All right, let’s go. You know what I mean? Because I did not know what. I was a babe in the faith and I meant well.

You know what I mean? I’ve also seen people that God touches them and they fall on their knees. And it’s genuine that God is moving. So just because the pharaoh has his magicians and his deceptions, let’s also be sensitive to the fact that the holy spirit of God is still moving today, that there is healings, that there is miracles, that God does move because I’ve seen the miraculous as well.

But it’s always good to caution a person that when you see that everyone’s falling, but the cameraman is always, he’s on point, capturing every shot. He never falls. You know what I mean? What I’m saying is that I’ve seen people in a church just have a total reverence to God and be more moved and be more edified sitting down. I’ve seen the power of God move in churches where everyone’s just sitting there like, man.

Everyone’s feeling that conviction from the Holy Spirit. So while we’re talking about the crazy stuff, let’s also remember that if Satan’s counterfeiting something, quite often is because the moves of God, he wants people not to believe that they’re real. But I’ve seen healings, I’ve seen miracles, but it’s not like many of these people would make it out to be. And I apologize, Dewey. See, this is why I need an agenda, because I go on a topic and I mess up.

Stefan, I’m going to go with Dewey, but I love you, brother. I love you, too, brother. Thank you. Thank you, brother. Thank you for being here again as well. Brother Dewey. Sorry. Can you hear me? Yeah. Oh, sorry. Never mind. It was an interesting conversation. I was going to say I want to bring up the situation in Israel and Gaza and the situation. I know I have a few friends from Palestine there and I thought there’s a lot of misinformation.

It’s a heavy topic. But I was going to say there’s a lot of information that was going on there that it’s not a good situation. That’s all. I’m not sure where I was going to go with this, but what’s your opinion on the matter? Yeah, man. And I appreciate you doing being here. I appreciate you being here, bro. So just so I can kind of understand you want to know what I think of what’s happening there is that a lot of christians are backing this movement very hard, especially the ones in America.

I’m not american. I’m in the UK currently, but you’re in the UK. Okay. Yeah. London at the moment. Okay, got it. But I see a lot of, especially Americans really backing this silence movement hard. Even if you say, well, look at where the Muslims are. The situation that they find themselves is very unjust, period. They didn’t bring about this. A lot of Zionists moved in after World War II.

They started taking it. It was very bloody. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians left, were forced to leave to Jordan. Most of them now live illiterately in ghetto concentration camp style. There’s a lot of Christians as well, pastors there that have been killed. It’s a very negative and heavy situation. I have a few friends there. That’s why I bring it up. And it’s been something that’s been really weighing heavily on my mind.

And unfortunately, I see a lot of churches, not so much in the UK, but in America, a lot of evangelicals, the Hagee guy, that guy and his blood moons and stuff like that really reckoned them hard for Zionism. And it’s very unjust what’s happening to the Palestinians that are being just slaughtered. I mean, half of them are children, less than 15 years old, half of the population. Okay.

It’s a very ugly situation. And obviously you have a heart for the fact that there are people that you know that are Muslims as well, right? Yeah, many of them, but also like 31 quarter of the population is christian. They just literally were israeli IDF soldiers were using snipers on, like a church. It was a catholic church. Pope had a commented as very terrorism. But you have IDF people were taking refuge in this catholic church, and they were just shot out with snipers, all of them.

Family, women and children, many people. God has to take back Jerusalem, build a third temple and all this, but it’s basically an ethnic cleansing. I get what you’re saying, man, and I appreciate you sharing your heart. And it’s a beautiful thing that you care and that you love people and that you’re worried about them. Oh, yeah. It’s basically a lot of the. Sorry. I was going to say, I’m sorry to cut you, but a lot of the Christian Zionism basically stems from this dispensationalist theology.

People try to research why they support Israel like that. They say they have to be a literal third temple. All the Jews have to go back there. This is what a lot of these people really preach. That’s the ideology. Yeah, well, I mean, that’s a whole nother video, and that’s hard to answer that in just that. I would have to go into a video for that to be able to give you facts and history and stuff like that.

But this is where I would break it down. Right. Is remember earlier today where I said that there’s simplicity in Christ, right? There’s simplicity in Jesus Christ. We have to be. And, brother, this is a hard situation because I am Puerto rican. My mother is Taino Indian, so my mother is a Taino Indian, so it’s easy for me as a latino person, as a Puerto Rican whose family is Taino Indian, for me to fall into the situation of the colonizers.

Columbus came and he did this because it’s reality. I’ve seen it. But I’ve given my life to Jesus Christ now. So that doesn’t mean that I ignore reality that has happened in this world, because that’s how we relate to people. That’s how we can talk to people, by understanding, hey, listen. Oh, man, I totally get your pain. My family’s gone through it. But once I translate into a different kingdom, do we.

I’m now a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. I live on this earth. I still feel pain from the things on this earth. Absolutely. Do I feel sadness for what happened to the Taino people? Absolutely. But a lot of the Taino people, not all of them were worshiping Yahweh, right? They were doing a lot of. But this is the thing you can’t justify, like saying, well, you can’t justify what happened.

In fact, this is the whole purpose for what happened. To begin with, the justification was from the catholic church. It’s called the doctrine discovery that if they’re not Christians. You could just kill them and steal them. That’s what the Catholic Church originally. I get that. I didn’t say that at I’m saying it’s obvious that this is a topic that’s really in your heart. Question for you, your brothers and sisters, that the people that you love that are Muslim, have you preached to them a gospel of Jesus Christ for them to turn to Jesus Christ and repent and turn to Jesus? Well yeah.

The closest was this guy wasn’t he was already, he was on the fence. This was back in 2017 18. The thing is, there’s a lot of Christians there, irrespective of the situation, at least one third of the population that have been also mistreated horribly. But the thing is they like to frame it as Muslims. If they know a lot of Christians in the US have no sympathy for what happens for the Muslims, they don’t care because they’re Muslims.

They don’t care. In some cases they buy into this like oh, terrorism. That ignoring what’s happening that Israelis are doing. And look, this is not a christian phases jewish thing. International law is very clear what happened to Israel. Basically it’s a full on concentration camp. If this was reversed, if there was 2 million people being treated in the same condition that the Jews are treating the Palestinians and in the west there will be an uproar.

You wouldn’t believe the outrage. The US will be dropping bombs left and right in that country. I totally get them. And if I may interject really briefly, brother, imagine if we cared about spreading the gospel as much as we care about the international issues that are happening around the world. That’s the question that I ask myself all the time. Do we? And I’m telling you because I’m a person who at one point in time or another was even tempted by becoming a Hebrew Israelite many, many years ago, 15 years ago.

Why? Because the whole map of everything that’s going on and all the information. But imagine, I want you to understand that our job here Dewey, is not to fight politics. Our job here Dewey, is not for me to see who’s right. I know that there’s a lot of wrong happening in Palestine. I’ve made videos on and there’s a lot of wrong happening in Israel. There’s a lot of videos on that.

But my concern, Dewey, and this is my concern with everyone that I recommend, is whenever you’re that passionate about a topic involving the kingdoms of this world at that point in time, we have to think, am I focused on the kingdom and the goal of the kingdom that I belong to, because I love Palestinians, man, and I love people that are in Israel, too. But if anyone denies the son, they don’t have the father.

And I’m more concerned where we’re going to end up when Jesus Christ returns. I’m more concerned where we’re going to end up if today he returns. So I totally get what you’re saying, brother, but all I am saying is imagine if we had that same passion for the rights of Taino Indians, for the rights of Hebrew Israelites, for the rights of Palestinians, for the rights of all of this, if we had that same passion towards spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Because I guarantee you that if I had that same passion towards the Taino community, I would be over there preaching to them and telling them, and most of them probably wouldn’t even talk to me anymore. You know what I mean? So I get what you’re saying, dewey. You have a good heart, brother, and I totally respect that, man. But what I’m saying is we have to also make sure that we keep the focus on what the focus should be, and that is spreading the gospel, brother.

We live in this world. We’re going to encounter crazy things in this world. Absolutely, man. But while we’re encountering the things in this world, we cannot get sidetracked, bro, because I know you love your friends. You love your friends, man. And I wish you were near me so I can hug you and be like, man, I wish I had a friend like Dewey. Dewey wouldn’t let no one jump me after school.

You’ll be like, you’re that friend that will show up at 330 to fight Whitney. So I get that. Dewey, just make sure that while you’re being used in your community, man, that you’re able to take that, bro. And now that same zeal you have, bro. Bro, God’s going to use you with that same zeal because you’re educated on the history. So now when a Muslim comes, you can say, yeah, I know all of this.

I know all these facts. But you know what? There is one who has come, and his name is Jesus Christ, and he wants to deliver. He wants to save you. He wants to set you free. And I know that there’s a lot of injustice in this world. None of it is Jesus didn’t cause any of it, okay? And then go to Genesis and educate them and teach them the word of God.

You can use this as a tool to reach them, Dewey, because I know you have a good heart, man. I don’t want you to think that I’m discounting what you’re saying, but I’m just reminding you my best answer is, Dewey, because you asked for it, is we have to go back to what matters, which is spreading the gospel and loving each other and loving Jesus Christ with all of our hearts and minds and souls because our time is short, dude.

Our time is short. I hear absolutely what you’re saying. Look, my comment, people always say, look, you’re of a different kingdom and all that, but the way I look at it is that you have to apply the principles in the teaching of Jesus in the here and now. You can’t, just like you’re already in the war. So you have to apply. You are difficult, but you have to apply the rule, the same principles that you are taught.

And that’s part of. I’ve been through that stage, Dewey. I’ve been through, you know, I’ve been through it. So I’m not discounting what you’re saying. I’m not going to be one of those people that’s going to come and say, dewey, you’re absolutely crazy. I’ve been through that stage. The thing is this, is that we’re in this world, but we’re not of this world. Yeah, that’s what I’m trying to say.

Right. So how I would handle it when I’m talking to a Taino person? Because in Puerto Rico, there’s Taino people that don’t want nothing to do with no white person, don’t want nothing to do with no colonizer, don’t want nothing to do with nobody. Okay. Is acknowledging. Hey, I get what you’re saying. I understand what you’re saying. But while I’m understanding what you’re saying, do you understand who is running this world right now? Do you understand that? That’s why Jesus Christ came? So it’s not a problem, Dewey, with acknowledging what they’re saying.

But a lot of these distractions are being brought forth so that this way, it distracts us from what we’re called to do, which is preaching the gospel. So acknowledge, recognize, study history. It’s a good way to relate to people. But after you do, don’t forget, Dewey, that you’re a beautiful, beautiful guy, bro, that God has called right there where you’re at, bro, in the UK. And you’re taking time to join this at, what, 1234 in the morning? I don’t even know what time is in the UK.

Midnight. Right. So right there, man, my encouragement to you do as we end, because we got to move on to the next part of everything. Sure. Doing. Listen, man. Brother Niftalia@gmail. com. That’s my email directly. I would love to have a one on one conversation with you, bro, because this is too much to unpack in a few minutes. And even though I have an agenda, I feel led to at least have that conversation with you.

Because at the end of the day, man, I get where your heart is coming. Dewey. But, man, I can’t even imagine the evangelist that you’re going to be to preach the gospel to all of those people with all of what you already know. You know what I’m saying? So please email me at brother natalia@gmail. com. Dewey, we’ll have a one on one conversation. That way we can continue with everything and know that I am not coming from an aspect of.

No, I get it. I get it. But I’m also at a point, bro, that just like you have, my phone right now has 50% battery left. I can recharge this phone, Dewey. We can’t recharge our lives, okay? Each one of you in here has God knows when you’re here and when you’re going to go, okay? And I’m 42, so if the lifespan is 80 something, my battery is 50%.

I don’t have time to argue about Taino rights. I have time to preach the gospel. That’s why I worked all day, came here, logged in, and did you to. I understand your perspective. Just understand my perspective. And I want to talk to you, bro. So please hit me up at brother naptalia@gmail. com. All right, bro. Yeah, definitely. Awesome. Thank you, Dewey. Charge your mind before it runs out.

Hey, man, I love you, Dewey. You have a good heart, man. You have a good heart. And we’re going to have some good conversations. All right, man? Yeah, definitely, definitely. I just didn’t want to discount anything that you said because I know that you love that stuff. All right, family, we’re going to move on to my brother, Chris and Heidi. But before we do, brother Ernest, are you available so that you can lead us in prayer? You there, my brother? Yeah, I’ll mute my.

Awesome. Awesome. And before I go to you, brother, out of respect to sister Shelley, I did not see her hand up. Shelley. She’s an amazing sister, and I don’t want to skip over her because she waited. It was my fault, guys. It’s my fault. I had an agenda, and I messed up the agenda. I apologize. All right, Sister Shelley, how are you doing? Hey, brother. I just put my hand up not too long ago.

That’s probably why you missed. Okay. I wanted to share some scriptures that I think God gave me and just a message that I think he gave me and that we have to be still and know he’s God. He was starting to show it to me. What the devil does is he has us on a hamster wheel, whether that be. I mean, ministry is great, but we have to also get that one on one with him.

We have to seek his face sometimes. What the devil. The scripture says, don’t be ignorant of his devices. And what he does is put people on a hamster wheel where it’s always go, go. But sometimes we have to put people on the burner, water is fine. And really make sure that we focus on seeking him, that there’s like healing that God wants to bring to our soul in that being still and knowing he’s God.

And then there’s some scriptures, I’m going to reference them if anybody wants to write them down. But I know that we have to get through this quickly. So I’m going to just give you the reference and what it’s about, it backs up what I’m saying. Because, see, when Satan has us on a hamster wheel and we’re always go, go, going, there’s no time for that. Communion with. Well, he does communion with us even when we’re doing stuff.

But there’s some deeper work that he can do in our soul. Sometimes fear tries to creep in or doubt or anxieties that are coming from roots of things like unforgiveness, or there’s just a bunch of yucky stuff in this hole that Satan tries to put in there. But if you’re constantly on a hamster wheel, you don’t know that it’s there. So we have to be still and really get in that quietness of really seeking him.

And then I’m going to go quickly. I know. Okay. There’s a scripture in John 1010. It says, the thief comes to kill still and destroy. Psalm 46 ten talks about being still and knowing he’s God. Psalm 44, it says, stand in awe and commune with your heart on your bed. And it talks about being still. I’m not quoting the scripture exactly word for word how it is just kind of giving you that you can go look them up if you want to.

And Luke 1038 through 42 is about Mary and Martha. Mary was at Jesus’s feet and being still and really communicating with him, just being connected with him. And Martha was busy about stuff. And we need to be like Mary and then acts 1727. It talks about seeking the Lord and feeling happily after him. He isn’t far. And, yeah, I just wanted to share that. Thank you, Shelley. Thank you, Shelley.

It’s always good to hear from you, and it’s always good to see that you’re passing by every week. And I agree with you in terms of the hamster wheel. There are times that I found myself where I’ve been busy, busy, busy, busy, busy. But I’ve learned one thing, and I still have to remind myself, is just because you’re busy, that doesn’t mean that you’re doing anything. You can be busy, busy, busy all day, distracted, but you’re not really accomplishing anything.

So it’s always good to make sure that whatever we’re doing, we’re focusing on Jesus Christ. And as I pass it to my brother Ernest and then brother Chris and so forth, I want to end the discussion we were having with just sharing. Once again, is that whenever you see Satan counterfing a move of God, it’s typically because he wants you to not believe that God can do things today.

But the God that we serve is the same God. The same God. So if you’re at your home and you’re seeing a lot of craziness and scam artists and false signs, lying signs and wonders, don’t discount the fact that God can still heal you, that God can still deliver you, that God can still do amazing things. Just make sure that whatever you do, that you stay true to Jesus Christ and following his awesome commandments and his word.

Okay? Brother Ernest, would you mind leading us in prayer so that our brother Chris and Heidi can share a word? Yes. Thank you, Father. For this day, we want to lay before you all the ways heavy on our heart and reveal even the sin that we are not aware of. We lay them at your feet and we pray for your forgiveness, Father. We pray that you just open our ears and open our hearts.

Give us your heart so we can correct and just heal with the words that you want to hear. Let us listen to the ones that’s going through something today, Lord, let us be able to comfort them. We welcome your Holy Spirit into our midst right now via Zoom meeting. And we want you to just guide and direct this meeting the way that it’s here going, the way that you want it to go, Father, just be here with us and anoint our ears so we can listen to the crying out of the hearts of the ones that need you, Father, and help us be able to speak those words.

To those so they can run to you with open arms. Father. And just, we love you tonight we just welcome your presence upon us and we just want to say thank you and for, thank you for everybody that’s here and given here and just gathered in your name to hollow your name. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. You can go ahead, brother Chris, and thank you for your patience.

And I love you all. I just want to say real quick, Shelly, thank you for sharing. We have to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit puts something on our hearts, we want to make sure as a body, we know how to be of one accord. And we will see right before our own eyes as we are obedient to the Lord and loving and caring for one another.

And none of us has it in our hearts to be the main point of attention. We can actually experience what the Lord intended for us to experience, and that is Lord Jesus. He’s the head, we are the body. And he’s going to use us in different ways. He’s going to bring different messages through us at different times. And it’s really a beautiful thing when you can see the Lord work through a multiple of people, but yet there’s a concise message that comes from it.

And I just love those things. We have a home church group on Thursday nights, and it’s such a blessing when we see that happen. And it’s quite amazing when you think about renewing our minds and think about the battle that we’re against with the enemy. And certainly the Shelly the hamster wheel thing is a real good fit because you think about what the enemy does. Steal, kill, destroy, distract.

Might as well add that word in there because he’s doing all he can to distract us all the time. And because we have essentially lost the ability to push the pause button on our thought stream. We live from one two minute or ten second clip on TikTok, or whatever it may be, to the next one, to the next one. And so we’re being programmed constantly not to have focus.

We’re being programmed not to be able to set calmly and just be in the presence of the Lord. So that programming is constantly going on and the Lord wants us to be at rest. And his peace that passes all understanding is to be able not to have ten different things going on at once and not feel uneasy. How many of you have felt uneasy when there’s either not a video playing, not music playing, that conversation going on? How many of us? I know I’ve had a real hard time learning how the Lord has shown me now, but being at peace in his presence, that we can actually experience that peace that passes all understanding.

There’s nothing like it. And for me, guys, the Lord has put it on my heart. I asked several months ago because I have a real desire, because it breaks my heart when I think of the Bible verse that says, you did this in my name. You did that in my name, and I did not know you. Now, obviously, that scripture goes on to talk about they were living in sin, they were lawless, they were practicing iniquities.

And so we definitely don’t want to be in that category. But I would be interested real quick. And these can just be one, two, three word responses. How do you renew your mind? What is a tactic that you use that you feel like renews your mind? Want anybody to answer that, brother? Yes. Whoever will. How I renew my mind and just cast down all imaginations and just focus on him.

Try to focus on the Lord and just let you all just control my mind and don’t think the way I thought before. Don’t react the way I thought before. Just like pretty much being reborn and just thinking new than the way I used to think. That’s how I just keep him in the forefront of my mind and just let him guide it. That’s what I do. For me, I would say it’s the word of God.

Sometimes I’ve been in a bad place and just I’m not right and I don’t know what’s wrong, but I will listen to the word and all of a sudden, bam, bam. Break it. It breaks. It’s the truth. It sets you free. Amen. Amen. Tim, what do you have, brother? I can’t hear you. I think you’re. Can you hear me now? Yes. Okay. Just stepped away from the kids.

Real quick, quick response to your question. Like other people are saying, when I’m feeling tempted, when I’m feeling like I’m succumbing to vain imaginations and all the distractions that this world presents to us, I also find that just taking it directly to prayer, just immediately talking to God, it renews my mind automatically. And when it comes to fighting against temptation, it’s almost impossible. When you’re in communication with God through the Holy Spirit, when you’re reading the word of God, you feel really silly directly afterwards turning back to your sinful, fleshly, worldly ways.

I think that’s why it’s so important for us just to stay in the word. And the closer that we are with God, the deeper the conviction, I think, that we’re going to feel regarding any type of thought or imagination that is not aligned with God. So just to pray without ceasing, just to be in that nonstop communication, I think is the only way to renew our mind. I got to get back to the kids, though.

Thank you, Patrick. Initially I would say spending time in the word of God and or good sound theology books. I think you and I touched on that before the meeting in our private conversation. I also think that it involves before we became christians, we developed sinful habits over time because of our sinful nature. When you get born again, it’s a process of putting off the old man and putting on the new man.

And it talks about that in Ephesians chapter four into Ephesians chapter five. Like for example, put away lying and tell truth to your neighbor, or stop stealing and work with your hands and give to those who are in need and things like that. There’s very practical things. We have to put off the old habits that we acquired in our times past and put on godly habits, and they are habits.

We can continue to practice obedience and it can be something that becomes a habit. The idea and the concept of putting off the old man and putting on the new man. And it is a process. And sometimes we’re not always going to be perfect at it or we’re going to fall down and things like that, but it’s something, it’s an ongoing process that we do or listening to the Bible on CD or whatever you do.

Yeah. Volley was saying that she spends a lot of time listening to some of the old hymns and stuff and singing, know, praising and worship and that kind of thing. That’s her addition to what I said. That’s what I would go with. Thank you. I appreciate it. Victoria, what would you like to. So for starters, I keep my environment, what’s around me, free from unclean things as much as possible, such as music and things on technology.

And I surround myself around the word of God and constantly seek his face and listen to his voice and be obedient to what tells me and ask for renewing of my mind and to be washed in his holy blood and asking for the same mind that was in Christ Jesus. Awesome. Thank you. We certainly want the same mind that’s in and you know, we really need to every know for a while and he still does.

The Lord is like, Chris, I want you to be a log inspector every day. Always be looking for that log in your eye. So if I’m always looking for the log in my eye, I have very little chance to look for something in somebody else’s eye. But we always want to be examining ourselves for sure, because that’s part of renewing our mind and seeing where we are spending our time and our thoughts and how we can fill the gaps that could be leading us astray.

We’ve talked about these verses many, many times, but they’re super powerful and effective. If we think about Galatians 522, the fruit of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithless, gentle self control. And we think, okay, that’s one of the boundaries that I’m going to use in controlling my thoughts. Because ultimately, renewing our mind is an objective lesson in controlling our thoughts, right? Because if we’re thinking about the right kinds of things, we are taking on the likeness of Christ, we’re taking on the fruit of the spirit, which is Jesus, right? This is his behavior, this is how he acted.

And we’re supposed to emulate that in our lives. And then we think about Philippians four, I like six, seven and eight, but eight is where it talks about. Think about these things, whatever’s here, praiseworthy, noble of a good report. But if you think about just those two scriptures and say, okay, I’m going to renew my mind, but what am I going to do? More than that is I’m not going to allow other thoughts to come in and distract the seeds of righteousness that’s already planted inside of me.

Because anything that the Lord can know, the Holy Spirit is going to bring it to our memory. The scriptures that we’ve read about, that we’ve studied, that we’ve spent time in, and so we can count on him. And how many times have we had conversations with different people and a scripture will come up and it’ll be exactly what the Holy Spirit wants to be said at that. And one of the things that I think I missed most of my life and consequently cost me a lot in my becoming Christ like and becoming more useful for the kingdom is not engaging the Holy Spirit in all things.

Because think about it, we have the supernatural presence of the creator of the universe that wants to hang out and guide us. I mean, that’s just an amazing know. And I think about all the years I led my life and I never even asked this supernatural presence a question. How stupid. Now I make it a habit that many times a day, and even tonight when we get done talking and during this talk, Lord, is there something you want me to say? Is there something I shouldn’t have said, and particularly when I mess up or I say something that could cause offense for somebody, I want to know right away, and I want to take care of business.

Paul said that he had a clear conscience. It wasn’t that he was perfect. It wasn’t that he never sinned or anything, but he always took care of business, and we should try to emulate that ourselves. So I just want to encourage everyone in the area of enlisting this supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit, because I tell you, guys, I live most of my life, I’ve said this many times myself, and I’ve heard many people say it.

I’ve heard many people say it from the pulpit. So I’m guilty. We’re going to sin in thought word. Indeed. Every, you know, I started questioning the Lord about that, and the Holy Spirit in my heart says, chris, show me where that scripture is. I don’t think I remember that. And I think the whole object lesson in that was that is a lie from hell. There would not be verses that Jesus said in revelation 321, be an overcomer.

As I have overcome what he overcome, he overcame sin. And I’m not saying that we can be perfect, because this is where we fall short. Jesus is so bright and so perfect and so awesome, and it’s going to take a lifetime of things being revealed inside of us, and then probably three more after that before our light could even approach that of Jesus’s. So we have a lot of unconscious sin that we’re not mature enough yet to receive from the Lord that correction, but the willful stuff, he wants us to do business.

So it was very interesting. It’s those kinds of things that the Holy Spirit will give us to be more like him and to renew our mind. I had another experience where I was in this Bible study group, and there was somebody that was very sure of themselves, and there was discussion between him and I that didn’t go real smoothly. And I ended up apologizing this guy, and he had said things to other people, and I wanted to kind of just show the conversation between us that what was said wasn’t really what was true, because I had all the text, and the Lord Jesus is like, yeah, you could do that if you want to.

It’s right in front of you. You did not say what he said. You said and all that. But then the Lord, and this was so awesome. He’s like, or you could do it the way I would do it. So I’m like, okay, lord, how would you do it? Well, this man is in charge of 20 people in this Bible study, why would you want to shine a bad light on him whatsoever when I can work with this man and continue to grow him? And so through that, it was really incredible because I could have had a hissy fit, which I have in the past.

So I know how to do that and argued with God and did what I wanted to do. But I says, you know what, Lord? I want to do it the way you would do it. And so I’m just saying these things because if we’re really thinking about renewing our minds and being christlike, there is this awesome reservoir of knowledge and insight and supernatural energy that’s willing to reveal things to us and show things to, you know, we have to put the commitment in our heart.

And tally and I were talking about this. Wouldn’t it be incredible if every argument that christians got into with each other, they say, hold on, we made an agreement. We only can talk about one thing. And that one thing is, what has God been showing you how to love him better? Can you imagine if we all focused on that, asking each other, what has God shown you how to love him better? And I think there’s so many things that come from the awareness that our lives each day are focused on loving him better.

It’s an amazing thing that happens, and I think where I failed so many areas, but one of the areas is I quenched and grieved the Holy Spirit. And so it took a while for me to even understand what the Holy Spirit’s voice was and to have sincerity. But I just want to encourage everyone with this, that if you get into a habit of asking the Holy Spirit daily, he will show you how to renew yourself.

He will start giving you insights into things. Sometimes he’ll show me something, I’ll be like, lord, I don’t see it. He’s pointing something out in my heart, and it’s like, you’re going to have to get the magnifying glass out. The cool thing about it, he will. And he’ll look a little closer. Look a little closer. And sure enough, Lord, right there it. You know, I think that if we start exercising our relationship with the Holy Spirit and just really make a commitment in our hearts every day, Lord, I want to love you better, because this is what I’ve realized so much about this is that my ability to overcome sin is directly coupled to the amount that I love the Lord directly, as I love him more, as I cherish him more, as I’m just like, oh, Lord, you’re so awesome.

And sins come up and temptations. I’m like, get away from stupid, you know, and it just keeps getting stronger. And you know what? If God can do it for a knucklehead like me, I just want to encourage all of you that he will do the very same thing. Victoria, did you want to comment again? I wanted to say praise God. Hallelujah. When you said the love him better.

Praise God. Yeah. Every, like, first. Yeah. That’s the answer to. Yeah. Well, the two greatest commandments, to love God with all your heart. The two greatest commandments, to love God and to love your neighbor is yourself and the Holy Spirit. One. Go ahead and talk. No, go ahead. I’m sorry. That was great. The Holy Spirit is super important to be able to listen well, to be listening to the Holy Spirit and to be obedient to the truth of the Holy Spirit and to carry out.

That’s how I healed from a lot. I have a really traumatic background and have had. Anyway, I don’t want to go into too much about it, but the Holy Spirit listening to God’s voice, being obedient, coupled with. Anyway, Holy Spirit is telling me to not talk to. Sorry. Thank you for sharing that. And I loving that smile that you’re sporting tonight, girl. I love seeing smiles. Well, we just have a couple of minutes left here.

Is there any comments? Just real quick, I’ll just run through a couple of these. Romans twelve, one corinthians 620, romans eight. There’s a lot of. I don’t know if you guys use this, this is kind of cheating. But I go to open Bible and they have, like, a topical search, and I just put in there renewing your mind, and it comes up all kinds of verses, and it’s just good for us to read through those.

And it’s amazing how the Lord has changed the way I listen with not even really knowing when it happened, and he gets 100% of the credit. But it’s interesting because now when I read verses and listen, I listen as it’s a checklist. As a doer, I’m not listening as a hearer. When I was listening as a hearer, probably my pride was hoping to find something that I could impress somebody else with or that I could draw attention to myself or that I had the wrong motive in my heart for it.

But now that I listen as a doer, it’s like, lord, how can I be more pleasing to you? And so my way of listening is something pointed out to me that I can do better to love him more. Because, lord, I’m all about loving you better. So I just want to encourage you, if you haven’t experienced that before, maybe all of you do. Ask the Lord to show you how to be a listener that’s a doer instead of a listener that’s a hearer.

Any other comments from my part? Just thank you, brother. Thank you, brother, for always sharing your heart and being such a great help to you and Heidi as well. Thank you, Sister Heidi. Thank you. Sorry she’s not here. She’s on grandmother duty. Hey, she on grandmother. Tell her I said hello. She is a beautiful person. And you as well, brother. I love you very much. And thank you for always sharing your heart.

Love your passion for the Lord, man. And this is what this is about. And for those watching on YouTube, I know that these types of content may not be the content that gets the quote unquote views or whatnot, whatever, but this is why we’re not monetized channels. As a person who’s been on YouTube for 15 years, as an example, I know the content that would spike up and would do this and that because you’ve been there and done that.

But the aim with all of this is to come together, even if it’s just a few of us, right, either on YouTube or Zoom. And if you want to join the zoom, just visit tfgministries. com, register in the community. By registering the community, you can have access to the link. We have to hide it there only because that’s the only way to be able to keep everything secure.

Right. But just know that these are meant to inspire you. These are meant to inspire you so that this way you and your home can then tomorrow have these conversations with your family or your neighbors, with your friends. Right. This way you can now go out there and do the same similar thing, because it’s a beautiful thing for us to come together and find a way to have honest dialogue, to have conversations.

Brother Chris and I were talking this week about how many times that I’ve jumped a gun on something because of zeal that I’ve had and bypassed the Holy Spirit. If I would have just waited one more hour to witness to that person. We sometimes get too far ahead and we don’t have that conversation. Like earlier today with Dewey. I could have just jumped the gun and just assumed that.

But Dewey has a good heart, so I give him a little bit of time so I can listen to him. Right. And now we’re going to talk privately. Right. Never underestimate the ability of you taking what you’re seeing here, which is simple, right? Taking this to your local community, knock on your neighbor’s door and just say, hey, you want to have some coffee and some donuts? We can talk about the word of God.

And then you just have some conversations, you know what I mean? Have a good conversation. Like, Brother Chris, he can just ask a question, like, what has the Holy Spirit been teaching you? You know, how convicting sometimes that is because nine times out of ten times, we haven’t spent time with the Holy Spirit for him to tell us anything, you know what I mean? So by having this little conversation, we just hope that these can inspire you and motivate you.

That’s all. Before we go live, we always say the same thing. If we can reach one person for Jesus, that’s the goal of know just one person for Jesus Christ. We’re also going to be doing something a little bit different next week. I’ve already challenged Brother Ernest to come up with a devotional. Okay, so we want to start developing brothers and sisters so that you can pick a right, see what the Holy Spirit reveals to you, right? Study it with the word of God and bring something together so that this way you can get developed because you and your community, Michelle, right there in Canada, God’s going to use her in a powerful way.

Doing where he at in the UK. Right, Brother Patrick and Sister Valley. Right. Sister Sarita, who’s back here again. Right. Everyone who’s in here, God’s going to use you. So we want to make sure that you get developed. So next week we have Brother Ernest, if anyone else wants to know, we have one more slot. So that this way you can have a whole week so you can get developed and get ready and bring us something that God has led you to do.

Okay? So if you guys are okay with. Brother Rob is going to be singing us an awesome song. I’m sorry to put you on the spot, Rob. This man was stuck in traffic. Poor guy. You know what I’m saying? He was stuck in traffic, but he’s here, and I love him very much. And again, what an awesome way to come together. I love you guys a lot. I know I say that a lot, but really, really grateful for you guys for allowing all of this to happen and coming together as one and as Brother Rob is going to be worshiping.

You’ve heard different things today. You’ve heard me talk about all of these crazy things that are happening, because that’s just how I am. You know how I am. But we’ve narrowed it down and we brought it back to the basics, the meat and potatoes here of so many different things that we can fine tune in our own lives as we were led into worship right there in your home.

Ask the Holy Spirit. What could I do better? Ask the Holy Spirit. John 1426 tells you about the Holy Spirit, right? But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance. So as you’re worshiping right there, allow that holy spirit to say, hey, Tally, this past week you snapped off a couple of times.

You shouldn’t have done it, right? Allow that holy spirit to tell you and convict you right there. So we don’t leave this live stream, just like another one. If you’re at home on YouTube, you don’t just leave this live stream, just like another live. The holy. If you ask the Holy Spirit, he will reveal to you what you need to fine tune, just like in a guitar, so that you can slowly but surely get to a point that, man, when people see you, they’re like, who is this person? They don’t talk like they used to.

They don’t act like they used to. They don’t walk like they used to. They’re a different person. That’s because of Jesus Christ in you. All right. All right. Go ahead. Brother Rob. Thank you, Tally, for giving me some time to grab the guitar. I appreciate that. And if you’d like, I have this holy stapler here that if you touch your screen, you’re going to get. Good word today.

Great word, Chris. Great word, Tally. Yeah, I’m a jokester, but God, he revealed himself to me after 37 years. It took a while and still have to tell a lot of you that testimony, but he didn’t take away my sense of humor for sure. So I have to mind myself because that’s a lot of years and decades in the world. But Jesus has a great sense of humor, too.

I love how he calls the one who’s going to deny him three times Peter. He calls him Sephis, the rock. Yeah, well, he’s not much of a rock, was he? And so neither we. Bottom line here. My thoughts, before I get into worship is that if we talk to each other, know this was with Brother Tali, and brother, I forget what his name was. But you were talking about Gaza, brother.

It started with a D. Talia remembers. Everyone remembers that conversation. If we each talk to each other long enough, we’re going to find differences. We’re going to find something that is a point of contention for us. Theologically, something or other. But that simple gospel that Brother Tali was talking about, that simplicity is, it starts with Christ crucified, Christ resurrected. And when we have that as our foundation, and we together try and sharpen iron and understand the gospel, and there wouldn’t be 35,000 plus denominations of Christianity, unfortunately, if we didn’t have a lot of self, if we didn’t fall out of that basic foundation.

So where I want us to go as we pray and as we think about Jesus and who he is and what he did for us, is to think about the spirit that he had as he looked upon all of us, really, who put him on the cross. Tally, I’m sharing, hopefully the screen. You can see the lyrics here. That’s good. Okay, good. So we thank you, Jesus, for the spirit that you’ve given us.

But it’s still something that I personally can never quite understand. 100%, Lord, of how you looked upon us, all the people who put you on that cross, all the people with every act of disobedience that we perform before now in the future, every act of disobedience, you still look upon us and you say, Father, forgive them. They know not what they do. That heart, that spirit that you call us to think of, too.

And the only way that we can in the flesh is to be able to, as Brother Chris said today, is to be the plank inspector, but not the plank inspector to others, but the plank inspector to ourselves, to focus on that plank in our eyes. So, Lord, we ask you to forgive us for those things that move us so far away from you. We ask you to help to convict us of those things that so disappoint you, so that we can get even closer to you.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen. You looked out from the cross with love beyond compare, upon the throngs of those who sinned, put you there manifest in flesh the word who bled and died. The thief comes to distress, but the word still brings us life, and life in full. Perfect beauty, though not guilty, suffer for sin. He was breathing faithly, but speaking plainly that the thief, he shall not win, since, Jesus, you rose from dead, who homies to relieve and stead, forgiveness reign for all those who believe the empty grave.

Perfect beauty, though not guilty, suffered for our sin. He was breathing faintly, but speaking plainly that the thief, he shall not win. Perfect Jesus, God, who frees us, washed us pure from stain. You face death so boldly as we coldly watched your body drain. Still, Jesus, you rose from the dead hook. O amen. That is so beautiful. Brother, is that one of the songs that God led you to write this year? Yeah, he did.

He gave that to me for a good. Got a. I can’t unshare my screen, though. I’ll fix that for you. Stop participant sharing. But I’m happy to play another one if you like. So there you go. Yeah. Play another song, man. Play another song. Just letting you know, Rob, I put on there for those on YouTube. If you’re watching on YouTube and you have any prayer requests, please post them on there.

Post them on there. Know that we would love to hear your prayer request. We want to pray for you, all of you. Just because you’re on YouTube and we’re on Zoom, that doesn’t mean that it’s any different. So post your prayer request right there on the YouTube. Chat and on Zoom, same thing. Because we want to pray. We want to pray with each other and uplift each other.

Okay? Righteous availeth much. So, yeah, we’d love to be able to pray for you. That’s why we’re here. And we’re here to look for people who are lost. Even so, if you’re watching and you don’t know Jesus and you’re coming in here, we knew a lot of those people two weeks ago. Didn’t we, Tally, who popped in here and crashed it? They need Jesus, too, and we need to have that.

Father, forgive them. They know not what they do. This song is a song called King of Glory, the one that I thought Tali wanted. It’s not. It’s a really nice song. It’s by a band called third day and the king of glory his name is Jesus who is this king of glory that pursues me with his love and haunts me? Windy cheering of his softly spoken words my conscience a reminder of forgiveness that I need who is this king of glory who offers it to me? Who is this king of angels? O blessed prince of peace revealing things of heaven and all its mysteries my spirit’s ever longing for his grace in which to stay where’s his king glory son of God and son of man his name is Jesus precious Jesus Lord Almighty king of my king of glory who is this king of glory with strength and majesty and wisdom beyond measure oh, the gracious king of kings Lord of earth and heaven the creator of all things he is this king of glory he’s everything to me sing.

His name is Jesus his name is Jesus precious Jesus Lord Almighty king of my heart king of glory Lord Almighty Lord Almighty king of my heart king of glory amen I think I forgot the lyrics on that. Didn’t I, Tally? Sorry, brother. You did good, man. I appreciate it, man. And family again. These gatherings are to hopefully inspire some of you to know that here on Zoom, on the website, we have over 20 people that are from different time zones around the world and we’re just coming together, doing our best to gather and encourage each other.

And on YouTube, all of you that are on YouTube, thank you for taking the time. Once this live stream ends, don’t allow this just to end right there in your home every morning. If you’re living by yourself, put on some praise and worship. Let this encourage you just to keep on building that relationship, that relationship with Jesus Christ. Because you may feel like you’re alone in this world, but you’re not.

God is with Tarita right there. God is with Michelle right there. Sometimes we may feel that we’re alone because these thoughts and these imaginations that come our way. Brother Tim, thank you so much from falling world film. Thank you for being here. We do have some prayer requests. Family on YouTube. On YouTube, Sister Nancy west is praying for her health, for her to continue, for her to be able to keep going.

She has a lot of responsibilities on her shoulders and just pray for her strength. We have a brother that’s also praying for his hypertension. His name is Mr. CG 15. Pray that God will heal me from hypertension and bless me financially to be able to provide for my family. Today is his son’s birthday and holidays are next week and everything, like, so he’s going through a lot. When you really look at all of what we’re going through, family, just looking at all the prayer requests that are coming in on YouTube and here on the chat as well.

Family, I want you to know that my daughter, right, she’s super cool, man. My daughter’s super cool, let me tell you. She’s so careful about asking for anything, you know what I’m saying? She’s so careful to ask for anything at all. So if she asks for a dollar or $2 or $3 and she’s very cautious, not because I’m going to say, oh, why’d you ask for it? But because she’s just like that.

She knows that we do our best with what we got, right? But it’s so beautiful to me because there’s sometimes that she’ll text me at three in the morning, I’m sleeping in my room, of course. And she’ll be like, can we talk? Hey, it’s five in the morning. Hey, bro, I’m bored. Can we talk? I can’t sleep anymore. Let’s talk about the lord or, hey, dad, can I borrow a dollar as an example? She’s never going to pay me back, you know what I mean? But if that’s us, or brother Chris with his daughter and all of you with your baby, if that’s us with our earthly mindset, imagine our heavenly father.

You know what I mean? Imagine our heavenly father. So our heavenly father, he knows that you’re his baby. So when you’re alone, sister Michelle, and you’re going through something at work or you’re going through something in your day, he knows that you’re going through something and he wants you to call upon know. Mario Meza, who’s watching is Linda Tivania. Right. Sister Shelley. Christina Candice. Sister Candice. God knows what you’re going know the Menta family, right? Esteban Grantos Keon.

God knows what you’re going through. Every single one of you on YouTube, he knows what you’re going through. He’s your daddy. And just like, it just gives me joy. She sent me a message a few minutes ago. Hey, dad, how you doing? You all right? Everything’s going good. It gives me such a know because that’s my know. So don’t forget that you have a heavenly father, that it gives him such a joy when Victoria calls upon him in her most difficult know, that it gives him such a joy when Brother Chris is asking God to keep on convicting him of something, not joy.

Brother Chris in his land, he has a cross that he put on there many, many years ago. To some people it’s just a cross, but to his heavenly daddy, no, that’s something super awesome. Just remember that, remember that relationship with your heavenly father because that matters above anything that we can tell you today. That relationship, because when you get close to God, like brother Chris and Sister Torah were talking about earlier where when you love him so much, man, it’s just one of those things that sin can come knocking, but it’s, you know, keep on building that relationship.

All right. Brother Chris, would you mind praying for the prayer requested here? We also have another one, which is someone’s asking that God may draw his mother and his son to the cross to be saved. Okay. If you can, please lift that person up, the person with hypertension. Either way, God knows what all the prayers are just brothers and sisters in the Lord that are on YouTube watching.

Know that we’re praying for you right now in Jesus name, for Joseph, for Joeta, and for those in the chat, for Sister Candice as well. If you can uplift her. What a strong woman for the Lord. If you can pray for her in Jesus mighty name. I know I’m rambling a lot, guys, but it’s just the love of the father that he has for us. Don’t go to bed not understanding it.

The love of the Father that he has. When he sees you wake up in the morning and just say, thank you, Jesus. He’s up there looking at you all zombie looking, but you just woke up and you’re just thanking him. When you see Patrick and volley there in their living room here joining. He loves that stuff, man. So just know that we’re going to lead in prayer now, but build that relationship with the father.

Absolutely mad guns for us to pray also for Iceland as well and all of the many things that are happening all around the world. All right, Brother Chris, if you can just. God knows what to pray for, but I just want to make sure that everyone knows that we understand what you’re going through and we want to make sure you know that we’re here for you, okay? This is what this is about.

You and your home, us here all around the world, worshiping Jesus. Thank you, Brother Chris. Father, it is an honor to know that our words are coming before your throne. And Lord Jesus, we know that all honor, glory and praise to you. To you, Lord Jesus, you’re the one that made that possible. We know that they are not falling on ears of wood or stone or something made of idol.

An idol. Lord, we know you are the real true living God. We know, Lord Jesus, when you said I am the way, the truth, the truth, the truth. You establish truth. We are living in a world that is full of lies. And we are so thankful when we think of you. You are the establisher of truth. Thank you so much, Father. We are all blessed by the patience that you show us and the long suffering that you continue to give to us and the desire that you have for us to draw closer and closer and closer.

It’s a beautiful thing. It’s a wonderful thing and we are so thankful for it. And Lord, you know all of these prayers that have been voiced tonight on YouTube and on the zoom here, Lord, and we know that hypertension and for blessings to have discernment and understanding and for financial needs that exist, Lord, and there’s just a multitude of things that your children need, Lord. And you know what? Every one of them are.

And Lord, we can count on you. And we just want to be, Lord. In the awe and wonder moments of your ways, your will and your ways. Lord, let us marvel at you. Let us marvel at you each day, Lord. We look forward to drawing closer to you, and we thank you for being mindful of all the things that we are mindful of. Lord and so I just bring all my brothers and sisters before you.

As you know, before we even asked what these prayer request requests are. Lord, and you know as I speak these words, which ones have been voiced here. Lord, and we’re trusting that you will show what you need to show us and how these situations can be resolved. Lord, may we always have this question on our hearts. What is the lesson you want us to learn in this situation? Lord, we want to know these are very valuable, valuable lessons.

No matter how difficult a situation is or how joyful it is, Lord, there’s always lessons to be learned. Help us to open up ourselves to that understanding. Lord, I know there’s many lessons I’ve left on the table and I don’t want to leave anymore. So help us to have an understanding what we can learn in each and everything and continue to grow us that we can be mighty servants for you.

Lord. We want our hearts to be converted more and more to your likeness each day. We want our youthfulness to increase for the kingdom. Lord, we want to be able to be servants that can go out for the harvest. Lord, you said the harvest is plentiful, but the labors are. If you help make all of us better harvesters, Lord, we love you, Lord, we love you. We love you.

Draw us closer, we pray, Lord. Draw us closer. May our love be so intense for you, Lord. And then even more after that. We love you, Lord. We thank you for hearing these prayers. We thank you, holy spirit, for being with us tonight. And we thank you for everyone that’s participating and your power and might shower down upon all of them with the peace of your presence. Lord.

Thank you, Jesus. We’ll pray in your name. And thank you, Father, for hearing these prayers. Amen. Amen. Amen. God is awesome. Family. God is awesome. It’s a blessing that we had another successful Tuesday. For me, it’s always successful when we can come together and feel the unity in the body of Jesus Christ and sound doctrine. That’s always a blessing. For those of you that are watching this on the Internet, on YouTube and you want to access the zoom link, I apologize that I can’t just publicly put it out there, but a couple of weeks ago we had some craziness happen.

So if you want to access it, just visit tfgministries. com on the community tab. That’s where you’ll see the zoom link there. But even if you’re on YouTube, we love you. And same thing with this, this is just allowing us an opportunity to have dialogue back and forth. I want to do something different with a live stream versus just having a live stream where I’m just talking. I don’t want to see your mentality type of thing.

Not that that’s what it is, but I wanted to just change things a little bit and have a dialogue and community so we can discuss things with each other. So again, brother, mad guns forever. Thank you for holding it down in the comment section and for being so kind to always do what you’re doing. You know what mean? Very, very grateful to all of you. Next week, brother Ernest is going to bring a devotional.

He’s ready to go. So that’s going to be a blessing. Does anyone else want to bring a devotional? Anyone else want to have take a stab at five minutes, see what God gives you this week. I don’t want to assign nobody, you know what I mean? But this is about helping everybody grow. I got something I wanted to share real quick. Yeah. Okay. You know the scripture that says we’re fearfully and wonderfully made? Yeah.

Do you know why we’re fearfully? Us? Tell us. Because when you know who you are in Christ, the devil fears you. There you go. Amen. Good to hear you, Shelly. Is it good to hear you. My sister’s name is Shelly. You know that, right? Well, you don’t know that, but I’m telling you, that’s why when I see you pass by, it always gives me a smile to know that Sister Shelly’s here.

You’re kind. Thank you. Hey, your family, Shelly. So remember always, we’re very honored to have you here. And all of you that are passing by, taking the time. It’s such a blessing. You know what I mean? It’s such a blessing and absolutely mad guns. We’re going to finish off from prayer once again in a moment and pray for additional prayer requests as well. Mr. Patrick, how you doing, sir? I’m doing all right.

You asked. I would volunteer if you want me to do it this week. If you want me to do another time, you just tell me. Hey, so we got Ernest and we got Patrick. So next week, Ernest and Patrick, right? Y’all both get ready. See what God puts. Ask. Ask the, you know. He’ll lead you on a right. Go to the scriptures. All right. Iron sharpens iron, right? And next week, five minutes.

Hey, get you ready. Get you prepared, in the name of Jesus Christ. This is what this is about. Encouraging each other to challenge each other as well, because this is a challenge for me. I don’t like being on camera at all, not even in the tiniest little bit, but I’m trying. So we’re all going to give it our best shot. Anyone else has anything in their heart to share? Before we close with a prayer, I just want to say something real quick.

It’s a great thing that Shelley shared with us right there, because tally and my desire is for each one of us to have a fearlessness against Satan that will cause him and his minions to flee. And so I think know that’s something we all want to work towards. So praise the Lord. Thank you, Shelley. Thank you, brother. Anyone else has. Victoria, how you doing? You have anything to share? Yeah, I just wanted to add that fear is to be reserved to fear the Lord.

The scripture says. Yeah. So with me, if I ever find myself leaning towards any type of fear that is not fear of the Lord, I instantly check myself and I say, no, fear is reserved unto the Lord. Amen. Amen. That’s awesome. Casting down all them fears, man. Fears are spirit, and we all go through those intimidations. Like, some of the prayer requests that were coming in were people that are literally going through financial stresses that may not even allow you to sleep sometimes at night.

And fear can creep in. It’s a spirit. It’s an entity all to itself in the workplace. How many times does that not happen when you have a peer that may be a little bit. You know what I mean? Or someone may be acting intimidation, fear, all of those things. Take them to the word of God. And that’s awesome. I’m so grateful to you all. Thank you for helping me grow as we’re doing this.

And I don’t mean grow in terms of the channel growing, I mean as a person and as an individual, as a brother in Christ, because without you all, there’s no way we could do this. I’m not a person who’s going to be on camera by myself every single. So I’m really, really grateful. Let’s go ahead and pray for each other in Jesus mighty name. And there’s a lot of circumstances happening all around the world, right? We’ve heard of a lot of issues happening, whether it be in Palestine, in Israel, in Iceland.

We pray for Iceland in the name of Jesus. We pray for all of the things happening all over the world. We’ve heard of a lot of circumstances we’ve heard of, brothers and sisters that, man, if we knew what they’re really going through, we would truly, truly, truly, man, just hearing the testimonies of people in my inbox that come every single day, the things that they’re going through, the pains, the body pains, the aches, the anxiety, the intrusive thoughts, the sleep paralysis.

Right. The types of thoughts that just do not let you just rest. And you solve one problem and you’re thinking of 20 more of so many things that are coming up our way. But in the name of Jesus Christ, may we remember that we have a heavenly father that loves you very much and that he has given you the Holy Spirit to convict you and to guide you into all truth.

And that when all of these thoughts and these things exalt themselves and all of these fears and worries that are natural fears, as a father, I sometimes question how I may do certain things. These are natural fears that come on. But even as those natural thoughts that come to us, may we always take them to our heavenly Father, remembering that he loves us and that if we take it to him and we have a few minutes of just every morning to just say, heavenly Father, today I don’t feel well, but I need to provide for my family.

Can you help me go to work today? Trust me, as a heavenly Father, he will listen. Okay. Don’t give up hope. Don’t give up hope. Jesus is with you and he loves you and he cares for you. In Jesus’mighty name. As you leave this live chat that we did his life gathering, whatever you want to call it, in the name of Jesus Christ, just leave encouraged, knowing that the Holy Spirit, he’s going to teach you and guide you this whole week.

Patrick and Ernest, they’re going to come next week with some awesome devotionals, right? You’re going to go to work tomorrow, you’re going to turn that frown upside down and you’re going to witness to people and you’re going to reach people in ways that you probably never thought were possible. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. I love you guys very much, all right? And if there’s anything that I can.

Oh, dude. Can you guys also pray as you’re praying for Brother Eric? His ankle got jacked up and he’s a sole provider in his know, he details cars, so you can pray for his know he could use that. Okay. I know he didn’t ask for it, but I know his ankle is jacked up and I don’t want to at know, make sure we pray for him and that’s it.

Sister Serita, how are you doing? Tell me, Sister Sarita, how are we going to leave without you saying something? Well, actually, what you just prayed. I have to testify. My wrists and my arms have been very sore, and I work at a grocery store, so it’s a constant lift pinch, all this kind of stuff, like carpal tunnel. And I did, I had to pray this morning that the Lord would help me to be able to do my five hour shift.

And he did. He really gave me the strength. I was in pain for a few of the hours of my five hour shift, but by the end, I’m feeling much better and he got me through it. He’ll continue. So I just praise his name. That is awesome. That is. Know, I know that I’m doing a little better health wise now, Mr. Rita, but there were times when my wife had to put my socks on every morning to go to work and I would have to walk in the treadmill just to warm up, to be able to not show up, because sometimes you don’t want to show up to work hobbling everywhere, because then the boss may not give you the task that you’re supposed to be able to do.

So you want to show up at work and just be walking up tight and whatever. But, man, it’s so hard because we want to make sure that we provide for our families. Don’t think that the heavenly Father doesn’t know that. Sarita, we’re praying for you. We’re uplifting you, anything that happens. And you got a family here, okay? So you’re not alone, all right? And I hope you know that.

Another thing before I leave is also encouraging you. I know that many of us in the online world are here. We haven’t found the local church yet. Don’t stop looking, okay? Don’t stop looking. Okay? Maybe God can find someone, all right? Or your neighbors or your friends. Until then, fine, visit here. But I just don’t want you to stop looking because God has something special for you right there where you live.

You know what I mean? And maybe it’s for you to go and evangelize and street preach and talk to people. So just leave this live stream encouraged. Remember tfgministries. com, it’s a free registration there. The community on there. We can pray for you every single day. We can pray for each other, uplift each other, and most importantly, gather up every Tuesday. So anyone has anything else to share before we go? Brother Chris? Anything? Ernest? Go ahead, Ernest.

It was for Brother Rob, because he had the holy stapler up there who all lay eyes on that holy stapler that they’re going to be charged with charging just three easy payments of 99 95. Four. I was thinking the same. Four easy. There it is. Just easy payments of 99 95. You can make them out to him or myself. There it is right there. Like you said, the Lord do have a sense of humor, and I say that a lot because, for one, he created me, and he had me born on April 1.

There you go. Yeah, I just wanted to put that out there. I love you, Ernest. I can’t wait for next week. Ernest can’t wait. That means I got to be here now, especially because he’s nervous. We’re an easy audience, brother man. You guys are great. Next week? Lord willing. Yes. And remember, until then, anything that we can be there for you, just know that. Hey, you know what, man? We got to help each other out, man.

I leave you with this. Use the same grace that God uses on you. How about that? This week? Try that, all right? It’ll change your life. It’ll change your life. Use the same grace that God demonstrates on you. And if God is always smacking you around, then go smack people. But he won’t do that. The Holy Spirit will convict you, gently correct you, guide you into all truth.

Have that same patience, and go build a relationship with a person that you probably never thought could happen. Ask the Holy Spirit, God, touch that person’s heart. I want to witness to that person touch that person’s heart and make that opening. And I’m telling you, you’d be shocked. You’re going to be shocked, because God will pave the way for an awesome conversation when you least expect it. And maybe it’s your child, maybe it’s your wife, maybe it’s your mom.

Maybe it’s someone who you haven’t had a conversation in a long time. Hey, I’m telling you, ask the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit. You know, that person that I haven’t talked to in forever because they get on my nerves. Give me the ability to reach out to that person and give me the patience for me not to be able to. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Let me settle down a little bit.

Let me just reach out. Trust me. I’m telling you, you’ll be shocked. All right, all right, I’m out. Anything else anyone want to share? I want to say just one thing. Tally. Yeah, share, brother. Go ahead. I’m sure that we’re all united on this thought, how much we appreciate you and we appreciate that God has anointed you in a way to communicate with people and uplift people, even if it might be a little bit of a sticky situation.

So I’m very thankful that you’re doing this and that the Lord’s anointed you in the way that he has. So God bless Jesus Christ, and I love you guys a lot, man. You guys bear with me, man, because I’d be going on rambles and tangents. So I appreciate you all very much. And then you guys got to join the zoom. You got to go to the website and go there.

It’s a lot of steps, and you still took. Hey, I’m grateful. And remember you all before I leave. Hold me accountable. Hold me accountable. Hold me accountable. And what I mean by that is, if I ever stray away, you know what? Ernest knows where I am in Florida. He’ll come beat me up. All right? And brother Chris, too. Do not think that I am above any of you.

I’m not above reproach. Jesus first. The scriptures seek Jesus Christ. We’re just here to help each other out. But at no point in time, do not tolerate anything that’s not sound from this channel, all right? No matter how great the intentions are, reach out to me, brother Niftalia@gmail. com. They’re like, tally, you’re going you bananas, and I’ll talk to you. And I’m not going to get defensive. On the contrary, I’ll be very grateful because that’s how we edify each other.

Love you, brother Chris. Love you all. I’m out. I got to go get some ice cream with my daughter. I told her I would get her some ice cream. So we’re going to go to a place called rodeo whip. It’s not expensive and it’s cheap, but it got some good ice cream. And so that’s what I’m going to do now. Love you guys a lot. All right. And thank you for all that you do.

Love you guys. God bless you all. All right. You guys are awesome. God is awesome, man. .


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