As ALIENS Attack PERU (2023) – 7 Ft. PelaCaras Hybrid Creatures ARRIVING! @TimothyAlberino

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– Seven foot entities have been reported allegedly to have landed in a small village in Peru. The lines between what is normal and what is paranormal are being blurred. What we have is a diabolical atmosphere forming all around us. What is coming is going to make many, many fall on their face because of fear.
– In Puerto Rico, 20 years later, mocha’s vampire returned. The apparitions in the early 2000s all the way up until now are complete, in my personal opinion, manipulation of the real thing. These beings have the ability to manifest. And when they manifest, you see chaos.
– In Florida, Oxytech began the process of releasing 140,000 male eggs in six locations along the Keys. These are set to become the first genetically modified salmon approved for human consumption anywhere in the world. Though some environmentalists are crying foul, genetic engineered organisms are not something that we can control.
– Whatever has shown up in the city of Peru, it’s diabolical. Jesus Christ is coming soon. You have to prepare your children in the way that they should go. Whatever the enemy is trying to do, he can be stopped.
– Would you join me in prayer today? Let’s go ahead and pray together. In the name of Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, we pray for the people in that village of Peru and the many people around the world experiencing all sorts of manifestations. Amen.
– My family, thank you for tuning in yet to another video. If you enjoyed this video, can you please press the thumbs up and share the content? We have new videos coming this week and live streams as well, so subscribe.


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Seven-foot entities have been reported to have landed in a small village in Peru. In today’s video, we want to dive into what these entities could be, where they could come from, and where they are headed next. Before we get into the main topic, let’s briefly talk about the Nasca lines, Hitler in Argentina, Operation High Jump, and other aspects. The lines between what is considered normal and paranormal are becoming blurred, as the veil between these worlds becomes thinner. Manifestations are starting to occur, where good is being called bad and bad is being called good. This creates a diabolical atmosphere that we must be prepared for, as many will fall in fear.

Moving on to the question of whether aliens exist, a Harvard science professor named Avi Loeb claims to have found possible evidence of their existence at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. He describes an object that was moving very fast and had material strength tougher than any rocks observed in the past. This object was egg-shaped, about the size of an SUV, and had a silverish gray color. It had no visible control surfaces or propulsion, no writing or symbols, and couldn’t be cut open or penetrated by X-rays. Engineers tried to figure out its activation and power source but failed.

There was an incident on July 15, 2019, where the crew of the USS Omaha detected unknown objects surrounding the ship as it sailed west of San Diego. One of the objects was a self-illuminated sphere at least 6ft in diameter, which flew alongside the ship for an extended period.

References to the spiritual world are also made, where departures from faith and the influence of seducing spirits and doctrines of devils are mentioned. The occult and demonic manifestations are discussed, and it is highlighted that Satan can appear in various forms to deceive humanity. History is questioned, with doubts about the accuracy and manipulation of what we know about it. Films and popular culture are also criticized for trivializing and misrepresenting evil entities.

The topic then shifts to the Chupacabra in Puerto Rico. The speaker, who is from Puerto Rico, talks about how the US government has used the island in various wicked ways, such as testing birth control pills and conducting forced sterilizations on women, particularly those in the projects and indigenous people. These actions were aimed at eradicating the indigenous population and sterilizing women. The speaker provides historical evidence to support these claims.

Furthermore, there are references to land ownership, the displacement of small farmers, and the arrival of corporations that owned more than half of the land by 1930. The excess population was subjected to sterilization laws based on the principles of eugenics. Additionally, it is mentioned that Agent Orange was allegedly used in the jungles of Puerto Rico before being used in Vietnam, and animal experimentation involving monkeys also took place.

It is important to note that the formatting has been adjusted to create natural paragraphs for easy reading, without altering the original text.Rico as well. So when you start hearing that we’re on an island, that they have conducted experiments with human beings, they have conducted a lot of manipulation with human beings, and you start seeing that there’s manipulation with animals as well. Don’t be surprised when you see manifestations of something that appears.

And it was 1975 in Mocha in Puerto Rico, where a rash of animal mutilations, mysterious ones, were just appearing left and right. These weren’t weak animals either. These weren’t simply a chihuahua or a puppy. These were bulls, these were pigs. These were big goats. They were all drained with puncture wounds from their neck all the way to their brain, as if it was a straw sucking everything up. Animals were piling up in the 1970s. This is before the era of Twitter, before the era of Facebook, before the era of everything and anything that you can think of. This was being reported in Puerto Rico in the 1970s. They had no reason to report these things other than to actually report them and get some help. They didn’t know what to call whatever this was.

So some people called it mocha’s vampire. Whatever it was, it was strong enough to take on a bull. And the early renderings of these beings looked just like a gray alien. It’s crazy, because when you look at Alistair Crowley, his visions of his gray alien before gray aliens were a thing, his gray aliens looked similar to the chupacabra in a way. And when you look at the NASCAR lines, look at their version of a gray alien, looks just like a little bit of an e t type of a character as well. I digress. We’re going into places that maybe we need to come back from because I’ll miss my point here.

But in Puerto Rico, 20 years later, mocha’s vampire returned. It was in the 1990s. At this point, whatever this animal or being or entity was, it was targeting the same type of animals again because there were a lot of goats being affected by it. They began to call it the Chupa cabra, the goat sucker, because we’re in a day and age that in the modern day 2000s, people started making light of all of these things. There was a woman who claimed to have the Chupacabra, but many people said that it was simply a raccoon that had mange or a dog that had mange. The apparitions in the early 2000s all the way up until now are complete, in my personal opinion, manipulation of the real thing. Because when you look at the real story in the 1970s and 90s, they were not talking about a dog creature. Now, in the lot of this information came in, and now they went from it being some entity that was literally destroying animals to it simply being a dog.

I want you to understand what we’re dealing with here in Revelation 16, verse 13. And I saw three unclean, spirit like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. We’re dealing with what the Bible speaks of as seducing spirits, unclean spirits. And some people will even say that revelation 1613, it tells you three unclean spirit like frogs, so they look like frogs. And look at these gray aliens. They look like frogs. Some people actually will point to that. And these beings have the ability to manifest. And when they manifest, you see chaos.

But aside from that, I made a video about a week and a half to two weeks ago about nephilim hybrids in our current day and age. So what would be easier for world governments and world entities out here to tell you that they have indeed been manipulating with the DNA sequence of man and creating hybrids? Or to tell you that there’s some UFO species that they’ve never reported and they’ve never been able to tell you about until now, and they can’t hold it back and tell you. When you look at the days of the jab mandates where they were telling you that this virus came out of a meat market, instead of telling you the reality that they now know of that it was a man-made virus, Right.

So there’s a lot of creatures out there in the wild, especially in villages and in islands like Puerto Rico and many other places where they could get away with doing things in the 1950s and 60s that many of these creatures potentially could still be out there in existence. Oh, but the government would never release animals that aren’t legit animals into the wild. Or would they? They do it all the time. They announce it all the time. In Florida, they actually released genetically modified mosquitoes so that they can destroy the population of real mosquitoes. And once that happens, what are we left with? A genetically modified species.

The potential solution starts at Oxytex lab, where tiny eggs are injected with a modified DNA strain, ultimately producing mosquitoes that have what’s called a self limiting gene. Only the male offspring can survive past an early stage. The boys, unlike their female counterparts, do not bite. They run out of females to mate with. And that’s how you bring the population down. This week, Oxytech began the process of releasing 140,000 male eggs in six locations along the Keys. That is part of a live experiment greenlit by the EPA. Though some environmentalists are crying foul, genetic engineered organisms are not something that we can control. Evolution will find its own way. This isn’t disrupting anything within the environment naturally. We haven’t seen that. No. And we are targeting the 80s Egypti. That is invasive.

The company says similar projects in Brazil led to a 94% reduction of the targeted mosquito population. These are a new breed of superfish genetically modified salmon, and they’re about to make history. They’re set to become the first genetically modified animals approved for human consumption anywhere in the world. And that makes their creator, dr. Garth Fletcher, a very proud man. It’s in America that much of the genetic revolution is now taking place, and it’s happening in the most unlikely locations. So how many pigs have you got at the program? We’ve got about 200 pigs on the farm, and of those, about now, 100 of them are clones.

From this isolated farm in rural Virginia, dr. David Ayers is pioneering genetic research he believes will revolutionize food production, medicine, and even warfare. This is one of our cloned babies for our Xenotransplantation products. What a little beauty. This little piggy is a very special little piggy. It’s been genetically engineered to make its organs suitable for transplantation into humans.

In Ephesians 6:12, it tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spirits, against entities, right? And these entities that we wrestle and fight against, they have deceived not only our current day and age humanity, but they’ve deceived other cultures as well. We talked about Peru being a hotbed for UFO infestation, and that is a fact. And when you take a look at the Nascal lines, when you take a look at the underground tunnels, the Chicana tunnels that are under Peru, Argentina, and many of these regions, even leading up into the Amazon forest, allegedly. Some will even tell you that some of these tunnels can even reach places that I know it’s gonna sound far fetched here, but with Operation High Jump and many of the tests that they conducted, there are some that will tell you that some of these tunnels could lead to different parts of the world.

Now, how were they building these subterranean tunnels back then? How did they know of geography in such a way? How did they know of ley lines in such a way? When you start looking at these tunnels and you start seeing the sharpness of the openings and the cuts, this is why many have actually said that Hitler escaped all the way to Argentina, which was near Peru, because of the tunnels, that he enjoyed those particular tunnels from many other ventures that he had. And there were diabolical ventures, by the way.

This is why a lot of the technologies that Hitler Germany had where did many of these engineers go? Where did many of these individuals go in those times? Many of them joined NASA, many of them joined the American World government, teaching them many of the things that they knew. And many of the things that they knew were so advanced that would shock you. This is why I’ve always told you that the technologies that you and I have today, these are the technologies that they allow you to use.Here is the text reformatted into natural paragraphs:

I have.
But many of the things that people are seeing and saying that they’re a UFO, many of those things that they’re saying that are UFO, they’re only UFOs because you haven’t seen the technologies that they have yet. And it’s easier for them to tell you that it’s a UFO than for you to be feeling betrayed. That the world governments that you serve have been betraying you and selling you out the whole time. And there’s a time and a day coming.

Luke 20 111 and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines and pestilences and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from the heavens. Many of these signs are going to be a combination. They’re going to be a combination of the diabolical from the spiritual realm, from dimensions that they tap into because of fallen angels. And diabolical means video evidence, if you will, that old tales of UFOs may not all be conspiracy theories.

In recent years, Congress starting an official U.S. Government Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force recently renamed the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or Arrow. And now in a News Nation exclusive, David Grush, an Air Force veteran, former member of that task force, and veteran of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, is formally blowing the whistle.

What conclusion did you come to at the end of your time on the UAP task force?
The UAP task force was refused access to a broad crash retrieval program.

When you say crash retrieval, what do you mean?
These are retrieving non-human origin, technical know, call it spacecraft, if you will. Non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed. We have spacecraft from another species.

We do?
Yeah. How many?
Quite a number.
You’re kidding.

But there are also going to be a lot of fearful sights in the heavens that are simply technologies that man should not have, that are simply technologies and wisdom that comes from the fallen and they’re aimed at enslaving you.

For you see, Satan understands that his time is short. He understands that his time is short, and he and his fallen angels are at war with humanity. They’re at war with anything and everything having to do with God’s creation. God’s creation is special. God’s creation is unique. And this is why God warned you in the Scriptures of crazy Days that are to come, of crazy moments that are to arrive and warned you not to give in to a spirit, a specific spirit, that is going to cause you to look at these signs with fear, a specific spirit that, when you see many of these appearances, may try to seduce you and tell you that these entities have to do with your know. The Bible calls the spirit of fear. Exactly that a spirit, an Entity.

And I want you to understand that in the name of Jesus Christ, you can cast out fear. In the name of Jesus Christ, you can cast out these seducing spirits in the name of Jesus Christ.

I don’t know what these beings are manifesting themselves to you in your house, in your neighborhood, or in your community. But however, when we submit to God, when we resist the devil, the devil is going to flee in the name of Jesus Christ. And you need to be prepared to speak on this topic, because this topic is going to become more and more prevalent, and there are not many people in the church speaking enough on it. And what you’re going to see is a campaign from these individuals in world media events and world government positions that are going to eventually, slowly, but surely, begin to tell you that these beings are coming from another dimension.

None of that is new. Bible told you about these diabolical dimensions in Ephesians 6:12. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities. And as these principalities, when they appear in your neighborhood in the form of E.T., when they appear in your neighborhood in the form of majestic lights in the heaven, don’t forget that Satan can appear as an angel of light. Don’t forget that Satan is a whore and he sells himself to humanity however they want to see him fit.

But in the name of Jesus Christ, there is one who has already overcome. And I always remind you of this, that his name is Jesus Christ.

Whatever has shown up in the city of Peru, it’s diabolical. And the sad part is that many of these diabolical appearances that happen all around the world as time progresses, you have people that take advantage of it. And when they take advantage of it, now you have fake apparitions, now you have people appearing as aliens with costumes and so forth. And then this dilutes the fact that people understand that, yes, there is something diabolical happening all over the world.

Jesus Christ is coming soon. I don’t know what that soon is. It could be one year, ten years, 20 years, 50 years, whatever it is. My task for you as your brother is to tell you to endure until the end, to stay focused on God’s word, to stay prayed up, to stay vigilant, to stay guarding your family, teaching them the truth, changing the generations that you’re in charge of today, because Jesus could come tomorrow. But what if he doesn’t? What if he comes in a little bit later? You have to prepare your children in the way that they should go.

Many of these apparitions, whether it be Bigfoot, whether it be Nephilims, whether it be hybrids, whatever they may be, one thing for sure, it’s clear. And it’s even been shown in alien abductions, when people are, quote, unquote, being alien abducted, that they can stop them. In Jesus’ mighty name, whatever the enemy is trying to do, he can be stopped. In Jesus’ name. Live for Jesus. Surrender to Jesus, for he cares for you and your family.

Would you join me in prayer today? Let’s go ahead and pray together.

Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for your dear son Jesus Christ, and thank you for giving us salvation. You know their brothers and sisters that are watching this video from around the world, you know their backgrounds, you know their status right now, if they’re warm or hot or lukewarm. You know what they’ve gone through this whole week. You know the difficulties. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for their well-being, I pray for their hearts, I pray for them not to be numb to the things of this world. I pray for their love not to grow cold because of the things that are happening in this world. And I pray that in the name of Jesus Christ, we all remember that we’re not from this world, that we’re from another kingdom, and that we’re here to be able to preach the gospel and be ambassadors of Christ on this earth, to teach people the good news of Jesus Christ and to be ready and prepared to answer all questions with the Scriptures, with the word of God. And teach people and let people know that, yes, there are fearful sights in the heavens that may occur, but there is one who has already overcome them, and his name is Jesus. And that there is no entity, there is no principality, there is no spirit, there’s no haunted house, there’s no diabolical little ET that can withstand the power. In the name of Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, we pray for the people in that village of Peru and the many people around the world experiencing all sorts of manifestations, whether there are appearances of creatures that are mythical or creatures that are hybrid made in labs, or diabolical dimensional type of creatures.

We pray for their hearts not to fear and to succumb and to be seduced by these spirits, but to actually go to your word of God and see what you say about these things. And when they see that, they can learn the truth, that you are the one, that you are the only way, that you are the King of Kings, that you are the first and the last. We love you, Jesus Christ. We thank you for salvation.

In the name of Jesus. If there’s someone going through depression, anxiety, fears, worries, give them a refreshment of their heart and return to them their joy of their salvation, because you are awesome. You are awesome. Heavenly Father. Amen. We love you. Amen. Name of Jesus, God is awesome.

My family, thank you for tuning in yet to another video. If you enjoyed this video, can you please press the thumbs up and share the content? It takes you five or 10 seconds to do so, butIt goes a very, very long way. Thank you for all that you do for tuning in. We have new videos coming this week and live streams as well, so subscribe. If you haven’t yet, subscribed and press that notification button so can be notified.

Have I told you that I love you? Man, have I told you guys enough that I love you? I do. I do appreciate you. Thank you again for tuning in, and as well, thank you for considering supporting this ministry.

Your support goes a very, very long way, and I’m grateful to your support. And I’m going to leave a couple of videos on the screen, check them out. Hopefully you’re blessed by them.

God bless you, and let me know what you think in the comment section of what we talked about today.

God bless.


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