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Demon Slayers Busine$$ Of SLAIN In The Spirit

By: Nephtali1981
Spread the Truth

5G Danger
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➡ The speaker criticizes modern American churches for their theatrical practices, such as pastors forcefully laying hands on people and people falling back dramatically. He argues that these actions can lead to disbelief in spiritual gifts and are wrongly labeled as revival. He also warns against people who misuse religious practices for personal gain, like a woman claiming to bake anointed cakes. The speaker urges caution and discernment in religious matters to avoid falling prey to such manipulations.


On the heels of Lockheed media and Signarelli joining forces on April 23. Miracle at the movies. Come on now, guys. Miracle at the movies. Because the modern day revival in the american church can only be found behind the paywall. And that’s what’s sad, that when you try to describe to me, to tell me that there’s an end times revival and the only way I can see it and experience it is with a movie ticket, that’s when things change. That’s the status of the modern day church in America, and we’ll deal with that as this video goes along.

But I was looking at a couple of things that honestly caused me to be extremely sad and frustrated, because it’s the same things that I grew up in. In the church. Here on the screen, you’re seeing a pastor. He’s a well known latin american pastor, and he loves to lay hands on people. The problem is, is that he does this Heimlich maneuver type of a thing, like the Vulcan death grip, and he puts it on your forehead, and he does it with such force that when you put your hands on someone and you do it in a way that you shouldn’t do it, I’m telling you, that’s annoying.

I remember. I remember plenty of times, and God forgive me, because the way I acted back then, I was not that graceful when it happened, happened to me. In this particular clip, you’re seeing that he tries to lay hand on the woman. The woman’s clearly not having it, so he continues to force it. And then he starts messing up her hair, like, you know, like messing with her head and pointing at her and annoying her. And you can tell she’s frustrated. She’s about to lay her paws on him, you know, and what’s crazy is that this is.

I can’t believe this is happening in 2024, I can’t believe this is happening in 2024. Which you now see and hear. They heard them speak in tongues, but what did they see? For them to think they was drunk, they must have thought they was drunk. They were acting like drunks. Drunk again. Boy, I remember, and I’ve shared a lot of these stories, but my pastor used to bring a lot of guests, guest preachers, and I don’t know where he was pulling these people from. I am telling you, he must have put an ad on Craigslist or something because he was bringing in people that I was like, bro, what is going on here? Anyway, there’s one guy, he pointed at me.

He said, you come here. And I was like, oh, here we go again. Let’s see what’s gonna happen now. And I’m like, I’m good, bro. I’m good. Not for real. I’m good. And then my pastor’s looking at me like, bro, come on, man. You know, you got. You know, you got to do the thing. I’m still in my immature days in the faith. We’re talking, like, 2007, 2008 around there. So I go up, and he starts putting the Vulcan death grip on me, and he puts that. He puts that thing on my head, bro. And I’m telling you one thing, when you’re trying to force.

Push me back, I can’t do that. I can’t do that. And he was pushing. He was pushing. I just kept on looking at him, you know, like, bro, it’s not gonna happen. It’s not gonna happen. So then he goes on down the line to the next person. Boom. That person just, WHOOP. Falls back like, you know, they’re an olympic diver, you know? And here’s the problem that I have with this stuff. It causes people to stop believing in the gifts of the spirit, you know? And the craziest part is that people call this revival. You want to see a true revival? Take away all them church catchers at church.

I can tell you one thing. If you take away church catchers in the church, the people that have the little blanket and catch people, take them away from the church, and you’ll see what happens. No one’s going to fall back, because if they fall back, you gonna crack your head open on the concrete. John 543. I am. Come in my father’s name, and ye receive me not. If another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. We’re in a day and age in our church that all sorts of craziness is just being tolerated. And there’s simply no excuse in 2024 for us to be able to fall prey to the same things that were happening back in the day.

It’s like they’re all making a resurgence, and you need to be careful, because there’s a lot of witches in the church. There’s a lot of people that, just like the pharaoh had his magicians in Exodus 711. And then the pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers, now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like, manner with their enchantments. You’re gonna stumble across moments. I’ve been in congregations, and let me tell you this, man. I used to be a church catcher. Around 2006, 2007, I was a church catcher. So my role in the church was to catch people.

And I would catch you. I would lay you down, put a little blankie on you. What that was. That was what I did, man. Step one, identify the target. Now, a sure sign to know when someone is gonna fall is if they’re swaying. And I even have a little. A little catchphrase for you guys, okay? If they sway, don’t stay. Get over there. Now, step two, assume the stance. The position of your stance should directly correlate with the weight of the person that you are going to catch. If you’re standing like this, you can maybe catch the youth pastor, but you’re not going to have a chance at catching the first lady.

Is that clear? Now, if you were to catch someone who’s maybe eaten the fat of the land blessed and highly favored of the Lord, you’re going to have to stand like this, all right? And if you have to catch the pastor, God help you. If you have to help the catch pastor, you’re gonna have to stand like this. At least. Step number four, put them to bed. When they fall, they fall down hard, which is why it’s your job to make sure that they are laid down like a newborn baby. They should be so comfortable, they feel like they’re falling into a pit of 10 million cotton balls.

Do you understand? Sir, yes, sir. What is our number one priority? Do not get true, sir. And I’m telling you, a large majority of the people would just fall back and it was dead weight. You know, some people, I’ll be winking at the other church characters, I’d be like, bro, I’m gonna need a couple of you, man. Cause this ain’t gonna be easy. This person’s gonna fall back like a ton of bricks. So we would have two or three church catchers. Now hear me out here for a moment. One time, this guest preacher came to town, and that person, it was obvious that there was some diabolical stuff happening, man.

There’s some crazy diabolical stuff happening. This person would be able to move their fingers and do all sorts of stuff. And I’m telling you that there were people dropping on the floor like flies, man. It was the craziest thing ever. The scriptures were not opened once. The word of God was not preached once the entire time. It was all exalting the gifts that the person so called have. So you need to be careful because there’s a lot of witches that actually go to churches and they have a field day with people. Look at this lady here.

She claims to have an anointed cake. She goes to the grocery store, she buys some Betty Crocker, some eggs, some milk, bakes a cake, and she claims to pray over it, lays some anointing oil over it. And if you eat of that cake, you’re going to experience the quote unquote anointing. And then she begins to feed people the cake, and they begin to experience all sorts of supernatural things. He loves you so much. So we’re gonna bless this cake. The cake is gonna become something different. For each one of you. It’s gonna become something different. Now, I want you to start getting in your mind right now what you need God to do in your life.

Do not let this be a waste of the supernatural anointing. I’m prophesying over this cake today. Hallelujah. In the name of the Father, Son and Jesus name. In the mighty name of Jesus. Hallelujah, in the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus. Let this cake. Let each one of these cakes. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. Let each one of these cakes become different. Jesus, become different. They come different. Hosaya, set me free. Did the scriptures not warn us in one Timothy four one. Now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

Absolutely. Seducing spirits, doctrines of devils. 100%. This lady also claims to have an anointed pillow. Where she takes a pillow, prays over it, puts a little bit of that goya oil on it, and all of a sudden you’re gonna have angelic dreams. But you know what? It’s not free. It’s dollar 75 a pop. I prophesy that this year, even in this hour, as you rest your head to sleep upon your anointed pillow in the name of Jesus Christ, as you let rest your head upon the pillow to sleep, that dreams and visions shall come to you.

Not only shall they come to you, but with the dreams that heaven will open and you will have angelic visitation from the I receive in Jesus name. I receive it in Jesus name. And the sad part is, is that this is endorsed by the church. This is what church has been reduced to in America and all over the world. The church has been reduced to miracle at the movies with Greg Locke and Signorelli, the church has been reduced to it being nothing more than a corporation. The church has been reduced to this. And the sad part is, is that this has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Yet it’s accepted yet it’s promoted. The church has become a major business. It’s becoming a major spectacle in the show. And a large majority of what people call revival is nothing more than false fire. And that is surely sad to say. I don’t say any of these things because I’m happy to say them or because it gives me joy to say them. I say all of these things with sadness. And I say all of these things because we can all do better. I can do better. You can do better. We can do way better than this.

Satan has been hard at work creating his own brand of churchianity out here. My brothers and my sisters. All I’m asking of all of you is acts. 1711. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica. In that they received the word of God with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily where those things were. So listen, when I was back in my days in church, being a church catcher as an example, I had the best of intentions. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was doing the right thing. All right.

As you mature little by little and trust me, I have a lot more maturing to do in life, you get to realize and you get to be convicted. And God begins to change you. And God begins to instruct you that the things that you’re doing you shouldn’t do any longer. As you continue in this walk with Jesus Christ, you’re going to see the things that you once thought were biblical. And you’re going to realize that when you compare them to the scriptures, you just simply don’t find them there. The reason these things frustrate me is because it causes unbelief in a lot of people.

You know, the amount of people that go into a church and the person. Because even with well intentioned, they’ll lay hand on a person and they’ll say, thus says the Lord. And they’ll prophesy on a person laying hands on a person. And then the person five, six, seven years passed down the line. And now unbelief begins to build in that person. Because someone said that they spoke on behalf of the Lord. And this happens a lot of many church services. When the person says, the Lord said this, the Lord said that. But did the Lord really speak if it didn’t come to pass? What I’m asking of you, my brother and my sister in the Lord is to be a berean act.

1711. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word of God with all readiness of mind. And searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so that you become a berean and that you become a person, that as you’re testing the many things that are happening out there in this world, that you also become your own log inspector, that you also inspect your own walk, that you also prune yourself and make sure that you are a person that’s living for the Lord as well. Because I’ll tell you this, the seducing spirits that are out there, the entities that are out there, Ephesians 612 warns us of them.

They aim at desensitizing us to sin. May the Lord rebuke the many ministries that are using the gifts of the spirit as a tool to manipulate people for money. May the Lord rebuke the many people and the many ministries out there that in the effort to make an extra nickel and extra dime, they will milk anything and everything they possibly can. It’s sad. It’s sad for me to see someone say that there’s a true revival, but you can only see that true revival when you purchase movie tickets. Um, maybe I’m old fashioned, maybe I’m crazy. You let me know in the comment section.

However, I believe that God called us to a higher standard and I firmly believe in the gift of the spirit. I believe that God heals. I believe that God delivers. I believe that God is a miraculous God. But I also believe that I should be able to go to the scriptures and compare what you’re doing to the script. And when I don’t see what you’re doing to in any of the examples in the scriptures, in any of the early church writings, when I don’t see what you’re doing there, I have to at the very least make sure that aside from being a log inspector and inspecting myself as I’m inspecting all things, that I allow the heavenly Father, Father to win in his scriptures, to win in his holy Spirit, who teaches us all things that I allow him to win in my life.

Because the devil aims at destroying us as a church and he does so with the very people that rise up to claim to be prophets, teachers, ministers, apostles, you name it. Don’t lose faith. Don’t lose faith. God is real. God still delivers. God is still an awesome God. But as you doing what you’re doing for the Lord, make sure that you stay biblical, that we stay in sound doctrine, and that we stay like the Bereans. Because God is worth it and because God is good. He is awesome. Let’s pray for a moment. Heavenly Father, we want to thank you because in the midst of all of these wolves, in the midst of all of these false teachings, in the midst of all of this chaos, you’re still raising up a church.

In the midst of all of this discouragement, in the myths of all of this entertainment disguised as revival, you are still the same God that delivered Noah, Moses, Daniel, David, Elijah. You’re the same God and you’re with us today, Father. If there is a brother, if there is a sister watching this, that is discouraged. If there is a brother, if there is a sister watching this, they’re having issues in their home, issues with their families, issues with their children, issues with intrusive thoughts. Issues with intrusive thoughts that they may be able to cast down all imaginations and take into the word of God.

In the name of Jesus. Because you are a real healer, you are a real miracle worker. You are an awesome God. And here in our homes, we can call upon you and you will heal and you will deliver and you will do so in a way that it glorifies, terrifies you, because you’re that awesome. You’re an awesome God. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Family, thank you for passing by. Thank you for taking a few seconds. Would you mind doing a favor though? This is a non monetized channel and the only way these videos can get some traction is if you press a thumbs up button.

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5G Danger

Spread the Truth
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anointed cakes controversy avoiding religious manipulations caution in religious matters disbelief in spiritual gifts discernment in religious practices misuse of religious practices modern American church criticism pastors forcefully laying hands personal gain in religion theatrical practices in churches wrongly labeled revival

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