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Easter Good Friday Jesus | Living For CHRIST in the Last Days!

By: Nephtali1981
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➡ This is a summary of a live online gathering where the host encourages participants to focus on the positive things Jesus has done in their lives, despite any challenges they may be facing. The host emphasizes the power of speaking Jesus’ name in times of difficulty and encourages everyone to keep their thoughts aligned with Jesus. The host also warns about the deceptions of the world and urges participants to compare everything with the scriptures. The gathering includes a worship song and ends with a prayer session for any requests from the participants.
➡ This text is about the importance of staying focused on Jesus Christ and his teachings, despite distractions and disagreements that may arise. It emphasizes that Jesus is our savior and we should not let other things overshadow this fact. The text also encourages us to repent for our sins and to strive to do better each day, reminding us that Jesus understands our struggles. Lastly, it urges us to keep our faith strong and not let anything replace the importance of Jesus in our lives.
➡ This text is a long prayer asking for help and blessings for various people facing different challenges. It emphasizes the importance of love, respect, and commitment in marriage, and asks for strength and recovery for those dealing with health issues. The prayer also asks for guidance for those exploring their faith for the first time, and for strength and wisdom for those spreading the gospel. It ends with a call for everyone to show kindness, love, joy, peace, and gentleness to others.
➡ The speaker is expressing gratitude and love towards his community, particularly Shannon, Harold, and Mad Guns. He acknowledges some misunderstandings and encourages open communication to resolve them. He also mentions the positive discussions, testimonies, and verses shared during their gathering. Lastly, he hints at exciting plans for May and encourages everyone to stay excited and connected.
➡ The speaker is expressing gratitude and love for their community, mentioning that they feel blessed. They encourage everyone to reach out to them or Heidi for support. They also mention a growing women’s group and a men’s group, as well as a discipleship class. The speaker is excited about upcoming events in May and encourages everyone to pursue their callings and ministries.
➡ This text is about the importance of self-reflection and honesty in our struggles, especially in difficult times. It emphasizes the need for prayer and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit to improve ourselves. It also discusses the dangers of pride and discord, and the importance of love and unity. Lastly, it encourages us to appreciate the small blessings in life and to use our time wisely to grow closer to God.
➡ The speaker shares their personal journey of faith, expressing how they’ve learned to appreciate the love and support of their loved ones, especially their daughter Zoe. They talk about their struggles and how they’ve been humbled by their experiences. They also discuss their plans to travel to Peru to spread their faith. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not judging others based on their religious practices, and shares their realization that their previous beliefs were causing them to unknowingly look down on others. They conclude by expressing their gratitude for the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of honoring the Sabbath and the struggle of doing so without becoming prideful or losing sight of the main purpose – to honor God. He shares a personal story about his daughter’s mental health issues and how it made him realize that his knowledge and pride did nothing to help the situation. He emphasizes the need for humility, grace, and repentance, and the danger of becoming too caught up in theological studies and debates. He ends by expressing his appreciation for the testimonies of others and his hope to continue growing in his faith.
➡ A nurse shares her experience of helping a scared, possibly dying patient find comfort through prayer. She believes she witnessed spiritual warfare, as the patient saw an “ugly spirit” when his heart rate dropped. This was a first for her in her 18 years of nursing. The conversation then shifts to other people sharing their experiences of finding strength and comfort in their faith during difficult times.
➡ This text is about appreciating the small things in life and recognizing the wonders around us. It emphasizes the importance of a personal relationship with God, beyond just attending church services. The speaker encourages us to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to ask Him how we can honor Him more in our daily lives. The text also highlights the importance of supporting and praying for each other, especially those who are going through tough times.
➡ The speaker is planning to start editing classes in May to teach basics of adding text, audio, and video. They also discuss their work in nursing homes and the challenges they face as a Christian in a non-Christian environment. They emphasize the importance of spreading the gospel and building relationships, even in difficult circumstances. They also mention a potential bill in Canada that could limit their ability to share their faith, and ask for prayers regarding this issue.
➡ The speaker is sharing his experiences working with convicts and criminals, and how his faith in God helps him navigate this challenging environment. He talks about the struggle of maintaining humility and not falling into pride, especially in a job where he’s often dealing with tough situations. He also mentions how he’s learning to balance tough love with compassion in his interactions with these individuals. Lastly, he emphasizes the importance of staying true to his faith, even when it might make him less popular among his peers.
➡ The speaker is expressing the importance of their fellowship and the need for guidance and support in their spiritual journey. They discuss the dangers of pride and the importance of self-evaluation and humility. They also emphasize the power of prayer and the need for faith, especially in difficult times. They end by praying for various individuals and their specific needs, demonstrating the supportive and caring nature of their community.


God bless. God bless everybody on YouTube. We’re here on Zoom as well. I’m going to show the family that’s on Zoom the YouTube chat on the top, right? It says zoom on there for you to be able to join. If you want to join us, you can feel free to do so. I know some of you prefer to do it on YouTube. That’s perfectly fine as well. Where on YouTube you can simply listen to the stream and chat on there.

Either way, it’s a blessing that you’re here and we’re super excited that you are here. Okay, so thanks for making it to another Wednesday live gathering chat and let’s see what God has for us today. It’s truly a blessing to be here with all of you. And I’m going to start off with a worship song while we get settled, okay? And as you’re listening to the song, the song is talking about speaking Jesus, right? And you know, we’ve all been through a rough week.

We’ve all been through a rough day or month. Whatever you’re going through, remember that Jesus Christ is able and to. That’s what we’re going to talk about today. About what Jesus Christ has done for us, right? How Jesus Christ has changed our life. How Jesus Christ has done so much for our lives. And sometimes we just take some things for granted, right? And sometimes it’s good to check the temperature, right? Check the room temperature in our lives and make sure that we’re not allowing the issues of this world to distract us and to put us in a position that we forget what he’s done for us because he’s done some awesome things for us.

I don’t know about you, but you know, some awesome things from my life, you know? And the enemy has a way of being able to make you focus on the tiny little things that aren’t going well, right? Because he has that. He has that unique ability, right? But you forget all of the blessings that he’s done for your life on a daily basis, right? So today, if you can start opening up your hearts to Jesus Christ of what he can do, what he has already done, and just glorify him regardless of what you’re going through, give him the glory and the honor, because he is that awesome.

He’s an awesome God. All right, I’m going to play a worship song while we get settled down, and I’m just going to be texting with a few people, getting them in the chat room as well. Bear with me 1 second. Let me know if you can see the screen. Can you see that? Hopefully you can. All right, I’m going to play love this song by the name is he your name is light break every stronghold shine through the shadows, burn like a fire I just want to speak the name of Jesus over fear and all anxiety to every soul how captive by depression I speak Jesus, your name is power your name is healing your name is light every song through the shadow every day your name is healing yes it, your name is I know you can break every stroke, every stronghold shine through the shadow burn like.

Shout Jesus from the mountains and Jesus in the streets Jesus in the darkness over every enemy Jesus for my family I speak the holy name Jesus, oh, shout Jesus from the mountain and Jesus in the street Jesus in the darkness over every day Jesus, your name is power your name is here your name, the light is alive would you break every soul yes, God your life the Holy Ghost fire.

The Holy Ghost fire. Your name is healing oh, your name is break every stroke I just want to speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mile cause I know there is peace within your presence I speak to the sun, the name that causes darkness to flee and deep is it gonna tremble in the name of Jesus broken hearts are mended prodigals return at the name of Jesus shout Jesus from the mountains and Jesus in the streets Jesus in the darkness over every enemy Jesus for my family I speak the holy name Jesus shout Jesus shout Jesus from the mountain and Jesus in the street Jesus in the darkness I speak the name Jesus for my family name Jesus name shout Jesus from the mountain Jesus is over Jesus in the dark over every end Jesus sometimes in our day to day interactions, in our day to day life that we go through, right, we, we, man, you know, we can become desensitized to the things of this world, you know? But something awesome happens when you and I take the time to speak the name of Jesus Christ, whether it be to our children, you know, like when Sister Tracy is talking to her daughter Zoe, speaking the name of Jesus, right? Or whether it be to your coworkers, when Michelle is talking to her coworkers, finding a way to speak the name of Jesus with her attitude, with her actions, right? Or our sister Deborah, who’s undergone so much trials in the last few years, speaking the name of Jesus in her household, right? Or our brother Chris, who just had a journey, a journey of many hours driving, tired, probably hurting, hip, hurting, back, hurting.

You never know because I can’t even drive 30 minutes and I’m not tired, right? Speaking the name of Jesus and all of the moments of darkness that come in our life, you know, there’s something awesome in that, there’s something special in that. There’s something great about that that we can call upon the most high on any moment in time. You know, when Sarita’s lonely, she can call upon him and he’s there, you know? And Christina’s at a point where she doesn’t have the words to express herself.

Jesus is there, right? When brother Ivan is at a point that he doesn’t know what to do, Jesus is there. Right? And for many of you that are on YouTube that are watching this, you know, in your home, you know, in your family, um, that there are many of you, that the only thing you can do is just call upon Jesus. I’ve actually had moments in my life where I was out of words because of the trauma or out of words because of the circumstance, but the only thing I could do was just say Jesus.

But you know what? You don’t even have to say because he knows what you’re going to say before you say it, you know? But isn’t it awesome how you can just be like, yeah, I don’t know. I’m gonna do, but he knows what you’re gonna say before you say so. But just in that attitude that we have of just going to him, don’t ever, don’t ever let that become a common thing in your life.

Don’t ever let it be one of those things for it to be a common thing in your life. Sophia, God bless you and your family. God bless you. Thank you for being here tonight. I want to share something real quick, and then we’ll get to some discussions. But as we do, sister Shannon is going to be documenting all the prayer requests on YouTube. So please post them away there and we’re going to be praying for them.

Okay. If you’re watching the replay and you still have a prayer request, post it on the chat. On the replay. We’re going to go through the chat throughout the week. I know I go through the chat and we all go through the chat and we check and we pray for each other. You know, let’s take this to be an opportunity for us to uplift each other every day.

Okay, so I’m going to share my screen real quick, and I’ll make it quick for you so we can get some discussion. But, you know, one of the things that I wanted to talk on, hopefully, can you guys see my screen? Can you guys see my screen? Okay, cool. All right, so one of the things that the enemy is very, very good at is that. And we have to use discernment and we have to use wisdom, and we have to be very, very, on a daily basis when you get up in the morning, right, be very, very focused on making sure that your thought life aligns with Jesus Christ, that you filter your thought life, because this world is full with so much deceptions.

When you look at many of these podcasts, whether it be with Joe Rogan, Cat Williams, many other podcasts, where they’re trying to tell you mysteries and truths, and everyone has a mystery or in a truth, and, or they’ll talk about the Anunnaki as an example, or they’ll talk about, you know, mother and son worship that you see, many other religions have adopted. Or you see Good Friday, for example, where we talk about the resurrection of Jesus Christ replaced by an Easter bunny.

Or you see the many things that happen, right, that happen all around the world. You have to make a conscious decision to make sure that you watch out and you compare everything to the scriptures, right? And then you make it a purposeful thing for you to be able to just live in one accord with Jesus Christ every single day, you know, because the deceptions of the enemy are out there, you know, like in Exodus 711, then Pharaoh also called the wise men and sorcerers, now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.

So even when you think of many moves that happen, even within congregations, sometimes, that we may think are moves of God, right, you have to use a lot of discernment, because the devil is trying to do everything and anything he possibly can to try to discourage people from seeking Jesus and from surrendering their full life to Jesus. So if you look at, like, I just showed you this picture, throughout so many different cultures, you see the attack on Jesus Christ, you know, throughout so many different cultures, you see the attack on the deity of Jesus Christ.

This is not just a new thing. What you see now, it’s nothing new under the sun. Because ultimately the devil, what he wants to do is to get us to either bicker and fight and argue over certain things or to overshadow the fact that he is risen. Because when I think of a moment such as Good Friday as an example, right, and I’m talking about Passover, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that’s a big deal.

It’s a big deal that he has risen, you know, it’s a big deal that we have a messiah, that when you are tempted, than when I am tempted, that we can go to him and he understands, because we have a. He understands. It’s important that we realize that, because otherwise we can find ourselves in two sides of the spectrums. And I see it every good Friday weekend, and you’re going to see it this weekend as well, where you’re going to see about a bunch of this.

You can see a lot of this, okay? And neither side at times ends up glorifying God because you have on one side, the side of I honor it the right way or the other side. No, I’m doing it the right way. And then by the time the weekend’s done, no one’s talked about the fact that he is risen, that there is one who conquered death, there’s one who resurrected.

There’s one who is the only way that Jesus Christ is our living king, our messiah, our savior, right? But that is exactly what the enemy loves. He loves discord. Right? He loves for us to move away from the main point, right. That Jesus Christ is risen. And he doesn’t mind you battling about this, right? And there’s a time and a place, because I talk about these topics. There’s a time and a place to talk about topics.

But what I’m saying is don’t forget the main thing, the song that we played earlier, right? Jesus, right? I speak Jesus, right. Why do you speak Jesus? Because he’s our Passover lamb. All right. You know Exodus 1213, and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you.

When I smite the land of Egypt, right. When I see the blood, the blood of Jesus representing Jesus Christ, he wasn’t looking to see. Hey, when I see if you a pentecostal. When I see if you a baptist, you know, if I see that you speak enough hebrew words, now you in, hey, if I see that you speak in tongues or you don’t speak in tongues, and you can add the list of the.

Of the things that happen that sometimes we destroy each other over. Right? But all he was looking for was for the blood, the blood of Jesus Christ. God is so simple. There’s simplicity in Jesus Christ. How many of you know that Jesus Christ is the gate right in the tabernacle. How beautiful. The tabernacle. In the tabernacle. In Exodus 20 716. And for the gate of the court shall be an hanging of 20 cubits.

Instructions there on the gate. But then you see in the New Testament that Jesus is the door. Then you see in the New Testament that Jesus is the way, the simplicity in Jesus Christ. He is the way. He is the gate. Isaiah 59. Two. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear. And then you see in mark 1537 to 38, and Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost.

And the veil of the temple was rent in Twain from top to bottom. That’s big. That’s huge. That is bigger than any conspiracy that you can uncover on YouTube. Because he has made provisions, he has made a way. He has become our gate. He has become the sacrifice. The tabernacle. Study the tabernacle. It’s beautiful, right? He cleanses us. He is our light. He is our daily bread. He tore the veil.

He now dwells in us. Because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. First corinthians 619. What know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and you’re not of your own. So as we go on in our life on a daily basis, my family in Christ, make sure that we keep the main thing.

The main thing. Make sure that you don’t lose the basics, the fundamentals, because many in the pursuit of knowledge. I know I have. I’m speaking. I’m the first one to tell you I repent of doing that at times. In the pursuit of knowledge, man, I would be this person. Let me go back to this page. I would be that person. I would be that person right there. You know? And sometimes we have to know when we have to, when we have to repent and we have to go back to the main thing.

Don’t forget to focus on the main thing. That main thing is that there is one who has saved you. And his name is Jesus. He is the I am. He’s the way, he’s the truth. He’s the life. He doesn’t need to be replaced by an Easter bunny. He doesn’t need to be replaced by any of these traditions. He knows. He doesn’t even need to be replaced by you arguing with the person who’s doing it that way.

He needs to be replaced by the fact that we, now more than ever, I am urging you, body in Jesus Christ, that if we do one thing today, and I’m going to ask that we pray in just a moment, but if we do one thing today, is that in honor of that great. I am in honor of the one that’s made provision so that we can be saved.

Right? Because we were in bondage, that in honor of him, that we do something pretty awesome today. Just for a few minutes as we get to talking, okay? You’re seeing on the screen a person with a chain on their foot and the weight of that sin. You don’t have to raise your hands because we’re in a room. We’re not in person. Right. But only you know what weight you’re carrying right now.

You know, maybe it’s not sin. Maybe it’s anxiety and depression. Maybe it’s unforgiveness. Maybe it’s rage. It’s no fun to carry on with that. It’s no fun. And sometimes we can look squeaky clean. We talked last week about the sinusotomy and homosexuality, right. And we were talking about Chris witnessing to that person. And we even mentioned at one point in time how there are some sins that are visible in the exterior, but in the interior, we don’t see it in some people, and they look squeaky clean on the exterior.

But, boy, if we were to pick up their phone. Boy, if you were to go to that browsing history. Boy, if we were to listen to that Spotify. Boy, if we were to see what they’re watching, what they’re indulging in. Listen, I’m the first one to tell you I’m guilty. I’ve been there. I’ve been that person. There’s no shame in us repenting, right? But as we’re headed and we’re in the season of Passover and we’re talking about the fact that there’s one who has saved us.

There is one who, on a daily basis, convicts our hearts. There’s one that every single day that you get up, you know what you have to do better. You know, I don’t. I can get up here and preach for an hour as an example, you know, before I even started talking, Holy Spirit told you what you got to do better. And I’m wondering if today, as we’re talking here for a moment, you know, revelation 13.

I mean, 315, where it says, I know that works, that neither are neither cold or hot. I would thou were cold or hot. Right. What’s. What’s your temperature? I’m gonna stop sharing for a moment. What’s your temperature like today? If we. If we were. If you were gonna gauge your temperature for Jesus Christ, right? You don’t have to answer that. This is not about me acting like I’m the super hot one.

No, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is, is that there is nothing more beautiful than you having a moment where you say to each other, hey, man, I’m struggling with this, right? Hey, man, I checked my temperature this morning, and this one little event, it made me go from hot to right. There’s nothing wrong with. Nothing wrong with that, especially as we’re in the season of Passover.

We’re in the season of the Easter bunny egg. We’re in the season of so much turmoil. Have you. If you even look at and take a glance at this world, the world is in turmoil. It’s an utter turmoil. People, you interact with people on a daily basis. Look at their eyes. People are lost. That illusion of the american dream, the illusion of the nine to five, the illusion of the things of this world, they’re no longer that illusions.

God is no longer feeling anyone, right? But there is one who has called you for such a time as this, wherever you’re at and wherever you’re located. And we want to make sure that you’re leaving these live streams inspired to. To go and preach the gospel, right? For you to take what you’re learning here, little tidbits that you’re learning here and that I’m learning with you. We’re learning with each other and go out there and do something with it.

But it starts with us making sure that we are living what we are preaching, that we are living what we are saying. And it involves a quick temperature check, right? So I want us to. To pray for a moment, if you’re okay with that. Want us just to pray for a moment. Um, Sister Sarita, would you be okay praying? Okay, so, as we’re going to pray for a moment, this is the one thing I’m going to ask of you guys.

Just ask the holy spirit what’s my temperature like? And have a moment with him. Just a moment. I promise you, I do this all the time. There’s some mornings that I get up and I’m like, oh, it’s already noon, and I’m already going. I’m like. I’ve been guarding my tongue. I’ve been watching myself as much as I can all day, you know? But you have to check that temperature.

So ask the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, reveal to me, in the name of Jesus Christ, what is my temperature like today? Reveal to me, in the name of Jesus Christ, where do I stand? What do I have to improve? Because there’s nothing better than the heavenly Father convicting you, right? So that this way you can improve and this way you can do better. All right. Sisterita, can you lead us in prayer? Our precious heavenly Father, we just thank you and praise you for.

Oh, you. We love you so much. And we praise you and we thank you for who you are and for what you have done for us. We thank you that you came, you died, and you rose again, that we could have life eternal with you. Father, we just are so thankful that we can come together and worship you together. We thank you that you care about all of us.

You care about our every need. You care about our emotions, our feelings. You even are concerned about us when we fall into temptation. But yet your mercy and your grace and your loving kindnesses are forever everlasting. And you tell us in your word that all we have to do is cry out to you for help and you’ll be right there to help us. We just thank you and praise you.

We just come into your courts with thanksgiving and praise. We exalt you. We lift you up. We praise your name. You are mighty. You are powerful and you are strong. You are the mighty deliverer. And just as you delivered your people out of Egypt and saved them by the blood that was shed by those animals, you are here today for the past 2000 years saving people by the blood that you shed at Calvary.

And we are just so thankful. You are so deserving of our praise. The name of Jesus Christ is powerful. We are just so thankful. Hallelujah. We worship you. Hallelujah. Thank you for what you are showing us, what you are teaching us. Thank you for the message that tally is bringing to us. Thank you that there is hope. We have hope in you. We honor you and we bless your name.

In Yeshua Hamashiach’s name, Jesus Christ’s name. Amen. Amen. God is awesome. God is so awesome. And, you know, we talk a lot about the aspects of growing closer and closer and closer in our relationship with Jesus, but it’s. But it’s because it’s going to be needed in these times more than ever. Right, Chris? What do you think, brother? Well, brother, you shared a lot of wisdom. And my hope is that it’s imprinted on all of our hearts.

Discord is a very, very, very bad thing. It’s one of the abominations that the Lord talks about spreading discord amongst the brethren, as is pride. So those two encapsulate the other five abominations. And we need to be extremely diligent in not allowing that to happen. It has absolutely consumed this country and many other countries to a large degree, because we have not figured out underneath the lordship of Jesus Christ, we’re all body parts.

We’re all the same, should be treated all the same, should interact all the same. But we get this pride going in us. And, you know, this is probably going to cause some people to be a bit irritated, but the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking in whom he may devour. What do you think? He’s trying to smell pride. When he smells pride, he’s on the attack. He’ll go.

And instead of a pastor saying, all glory to Jesus Christ for this message, when somebody comes up to him and says, great job, pastor. You did really good. And maybe for the first month or two, or year or two, I’ll praise the Lord. I’ll praise the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Holy Spirit. He starts receiving it. All of us are vulnerable. The Lord’s take, I was. I did that crap.

I hate myself for that, but I’m so thankful that he’s made me see the truth. And now I can walk a different path. But we all have to be on guard to that all the time. That’s why you see people that seemingly start out okay, then they start diverging just a little bit. Then they start diverging a lot, and then the pride gets so visible, and then you cannot deny.

So I just want to say that. And then, you know, brother Tali and I, we’ve been strengthened in the areas of discord, of different situations that we’ve had to work through. And it’s causing zero discord between us. In fact, it’s making us stronger, because we understand who the enemy is. It’s not any of us. We don’t fight against flesh and blood. We fight against principalities and powers. And if we make a commitment in our heart, we’re only going to fight against principalities and powers.

He’ll give us the opportunity. But if we’re getting in arguments with one another and we’re saying things about this person or that person or whatever, that is, like a big suction that takes our ability to be used for the kingdom. He’s love. He’s love. We can’t be demonstrating anything but love. And, you know, when I, a couple of my brothers that are on tonight that we have conversations on a regular basis, well, I get so enthusiastic about some of these things.

30 years was in the trash dumpster that I waste not having learning opportunities. Wow. So everything now, every. Every day forward, we have to think about, are what we’re seeing in the world going to lead to something? A whole lot bigger. I don’t know, but I’m paying attention. And so we have to think to ourselves. There’s a finite number of days either before the apocalypse begins to unfold or our last breath is taken.

So our commitment in our heart must be. Lord, I want to get as many approved lessons with a passing grade from you in my life every day. And when we have that attitude, when we are seeking for that, we get to be in awe and wonder of the creator of all things. So do we really want to waste time? I wasted so much time. So if sometimes some of you feel like smacking me, that’s okay.

But know that the enthusiasm in my heart is because we only have so much time. So that’s all I have for the moment, brother. No, I get that, bro. And I love you, man. You know, the. On the wonder that you mentioned, you know, I often tell people to look at the, you know, we’re always in this. Traditionally, in many of the congregations that I used to go to, it’s always about the big harvest, the big blessing, the big this, but.

And sometimes the awe and the wonder. You find it in the tiny little details, you know, in the tiny ones. You don’t find it in the eye. You know, you find it in the little bit of. Tracy, can you share an eye and a wonder in your life? When you get up in the mornings and you see Zoe, like, how does that, what does that do for you in terms of an awe and a wonder? When I see Zoe, just knowing that she still loves me despite those worst parts of myself like you were talking about, you know, I come on here like you do and I shine a light of Christ because it’s what he puts in my heart.

But that doesn’t mean that the struggle isn’t real. And when I look at her and she still loves me, even though I’ve been such a turd at times, you know, it gives me such awe. And when she stands up for me, when she says that she sees Christ in me, when I remember naphtali when she was like seven years old, we were having some weird discussion because I’m like that.

I like to have weird discussions with my daughter, but we’re having some discussion about, like, what would you say to your friends about me if I was no longer here? And she looked at me kind of with confusion and I was like, uh oh, maybe that was, like, too much of a question for a seven year old. And she goes, I tell them that you love Jesus. I was like, you see that in me? She’s like, yeah.

That’s all I see. It’s like, oh, my gosh. Just the fact that, you know, your loved ones can see Christ in you. There’s nothing more beautiful. There’s nothing more beautiful. And can I share a little praise report here and awe and wonder? Okay. A dear brother, you know, I’ve been. I’ve been talking about going to Peru because the Lord’s put it on my heart. And to anyone out there who’s from Peru, email me.

Because when we get there, and I praise the Lord that we’re going to get there, I want to baptize people, I want to meet with people and just shine the light of Christ. I was thinking, there’s no way I had put this out there. And I’m like, you know, things were pretty impossible. I was in a valley, no doubt about it, and Zoe saw me in this valley, God forgive me.

And today we received a blessing, a huge blessing that is an answer to prayer. And it is a catalyst that’s going to make that happen. It’s a desire of my heart. You know, I have the desire to go. I don’t know, I’m like a Paul. I want to go everywhere and share Jesus. And today that became more of a reality. It’s an answered prayer. And I had that conversation, too.

If I’m going too long, you just cut me off, brother. But I had a conversation with my sister today about the very thing you were talking about, about the. I call it a pharisee spirit. Oh, my gosh. I had that pharisee spirit on me. And I still know people who have that pharisee spirit on them. It’s one thing to observe the commandments of the Lord. It’s one thing to observe the feasts of the Lord.

It’s one thing to celebrate these days. And these times, it’s a totally different thing to snub your nose down on a brother or sister who professes and loves Jesus Christ, who chooses not to do that. Not because they’re out there sinning, God forbid, like Paul said, but they’ve made a decision that it’s all about Jesus for them. That the old covenant is dead, that Jesus Christ is the new covenant.

He’s the life, like you’re saying what his, his word says. He’s the way, the truth and the life. Right. He is. He’s it. But these people, and I was there. I didn’t overtly act like a turd towards others. I wasn’t, you know, like walking around going, Hugh, our scum. I wasn’t like that. I didn’t even have that mentality. I had love in my heart. I was. I really believed that being under the old law was the right way to go.

I really believed that doing these things in a way that was covenantal, like the old covenant, was the right way to go. I believed it with all my heart. And I thought the only way to go to heaven was to do those things. So much so that this secret, hidden pride snuck its way in the door and made me begin to condemn others in secret in my heart.

And this was a self examination thing. Only within the last two weeks, brother, two weeks, that God convicted my heart and said, who are you? Who are you? They love Jesus. Do you love Jesus? Have you checked yourself? Have you looked in the mirror? Have you seen that you’re snubbing your nose? Even though I didn’t even realize I was doing it. But I had this condemnation, and I had to talk to my sister today and repent and ask her to forgive me because she.

And she told me, she said, I never saw. I never. She said, I never said anything to you, and you never overtly came out and, like, put me down for not doing these things, not, you know, keeping the Sabbath, not doing all the other, you know, feasts of the Lord. She’s like, you never put me down for it. But I always felt like you thought less of me.

And you know what? That hindered our relationship for the last three years. And I didn’t even realize it was doing it. And I told her that I was really sorry. And it was never my intention to thumb my nose down at her. It was always from a genuineness of heart. I want to please Jesus. I thought that this way was more pleasing to him. Of course I’m going to run after it.

We need to make sure that we’re checking ourselves with Jesus every day to make sure that the way that we think is most pleasing to him actually is biblical. Is it in scripture? What does the word of God say? Is this me bringing in the old covenant and keeping myself under the law? The curse of the law. And that’s exactly what it was. I put myself under the curse of the law.

And by doing that, I invited that prideful, arrogant, hypocritical Pharisee spirit into my heart. God forgive me. I don’t know anything more than any of you here tonight. What I know is that Jesus Christ, he did pay it all. He did suffer all, all things for every one of us. One time finished work on the cross. He is the covering he’s the sacrifice. He’s the sacrificial lamb, like you said.

So he’s our passover so that we can never keep the law, y’all. We can never keep the law. And even when they were given the ten commandments from Mount Sinai, they still had to bring sacrifices, didn’t they? Even the commandments alone wasn’t enough. According to the word of God, they still did the sacrifices, the levitical system, all that, right offerings and oblations and whole burnt offerings. It was always going to be Jesus Christ coming in the flesh, dying on a cross for us.

Because God knew it was never going to be enough. We could never enter into covenant with him. And he made it simple. He gave Israel ten commandments, said, just do these ten things. And they couldn’t do that. So he sent Jesus. That’s why it’s all about Jesus. And that’s why it’s only Jesus who gets us into heaven. Even if we keep the commandments perfectly, we still have nothing without him.

So it’s just been. It’s been a humbling last couple of weeks, to say the least. And. But what a blessing. And, you know, and Zoe, I’m just going to say this. My daughter got to feel the freedom of that repentance. She got to feel the freedom. Whoo. Of no longer being under the curse of a law, which I put her under unknowingly, not intentionally. I thought it was pleasing to God.

Right? God forgive me. And what’s beautiful is that he does. And what’s beautiful is that he knows. And thank God. He knows our hearts better than us. Thank God. So I love y’all. And I love you, brother Naphtali. Thank you for. Thank you for doing this. Like, bringing this together with all of us here, because it’s awesome. Hey, glory to Jesus. I’m sorry. I’m so happy to hear, you know, your testimony.

And it’s all about those awe and wonder moments, you know, like when we get that conviction from the Holy Spirit and he guides us. And I’ve also. I like how you say, being a turd. You know, I remember one time I went through this stage of many years ago where, and like you said, this is all done in innocence. Sometimes it’s not done in. Ivan talked about that last week, about how much he knew you don’t.

You know, like, I remember, and this was many, many years ago, I was trying to honor the Sabbath and I was trying to go exactly by the book versus just saying, hey, I’m trying. You know, like, it wasn’t enough just for me to say I’m trying to honor the Sabbath. You know, there’s nothing wrong with you saying I want to honor the Sabbath, but for me, it was like, I want to honor it by.

And sometimes I would even go to social media and be like, oh, I’m honoring the Sabbath and showing off about it, too, you know. And then I was like, oh, you know, when it actually hit me, I was like, man, you know, like, you know, it wasn’t good enough for me just to say, hey, listen, I’m honoring the Sabbath because I feel a personal conviction from God and it wasn’t good enough for me, you know? And when you realize that it goes from trying to do something that honors God to taking it to an extent where now you’re just completely lost and you even know what you’re doing, it’s.

It’s really. It takes. That’s why I was. I wanted to just say that. That we can’t forget the main, main thing, you know, the main thing is what he’s done for us, you know? And that’s good to hear that, Sister Tracy, you know, man, that’s awesome. I’m hoping you’re well and praying for Peru and praying for all of that, you know. Ivan, you have your hand up. Tell me, brother.

Yeah, man, I’m over here laughing, bro, because it all resonates with me. It all resonates with me. Everything you say in, man. And Tracy, I thank you so much for that testimony because that I totally vibe with that. Just as brother Tally alluded to last week, I brought that up as far as my pride. And first off, I would say, I don’t know if you all could see this, probably not that well.

But this is my wonder moment right now. This is my baby girl. The one I told y’all is, you know, have been dealing with all that mental health issues and, you know, she’s going to be graduating this year. And I got that picture of her yesterday. She sent it to me. It’s her holding a basketball and a cap and gown and all that, you know, all of that, all that knowledge.

Like, I’m the type of person that I like. When things fit, they have to fit, you know, because as opposed to not leaning on my understanding, I tended to lean on my understanding a lot. And, you know, that’s exactly where that pride crept in. That is exactly where it crept in. You know, I’m, you know, I imagine I’ve got compassion within me. So when I see a two year old struggling to get a wooden peg, a square peg inside of a round hole.

I could be patient with that. If I see a five year old, I could be patient with that if I see a twelve year old, I start to scratch my head. If I see a 21 year old, I really start to wonder, something’s wrong here. But if I know that there’s no cognitive issues, I tend to go a little crazy, you know? And so I think that for myself, you know, in particular, when it came to trying to keep things like Shabbat, trying to keep the law, as Sister Tracy had alluded to, you know, I was guilty of all that, and I got so bitter.

Don’t get me wrong, the name Easter still irks me. I’m not gonna lie. Even. Even seeing it, big banners on a church, it’s like, where is my savior’s name? You know? But that’s, you know what I’m saying? But, like, ultimately, I got to a point where I was so bitter towards my brothers and sisters and, yeah, you have sort of this superiority complex over them. And then when baby girl got sick, all that knowledge did nothing for me.

All of it did nothing for me. And I remember, you know, it was sort of this, for lack of a better term, I’m going to call it hopeful arrogance in that I was like, oh, you want to put my daughter on this medicine? You want to do this? You know what? Let me show you what my God’s going to do. I’m going to be like, elijah, I’m a car down fire.

You can nah, man, nah. And I’ll never, ever forget, you know, in the midst of, you know, some of the most trying seasons that we went through with all of that, you know, asking him once, like, what are you. What are you trying to show me here? What are you trying to teach me? And, you know, he. Again, you know, I say that I feel God speak to me.

I feel the holy spirit speak to me when I. When I have those moments and said, you know, it never was your story to tell, son. You know, you’re just, you’re just a role in this man. And, you know, but at the end of it all, I got you. So I also had to repent. I had to, you know, make that repentance to my kids as well to my wife, you know, because, you know, in the midst of really drowning myself in theological studies and ancient, you know, ancient texts and things like that, the apocrypha, you know, meeting people of different beliefs and things like that, trying to make it all converge, you know, I met dudes that were hebrew roots, sacred name.

Uh, you know, and I remember upsetting one in particular, and I said, you know, bro, I don’t really see the problem with calling somebody Jesus or with calling the savior Jesus or if they want to call him Yeshua, or if they want to call him Yahushua, said, but the one thing that I don’t see from you is the grace that he. That he gives, and I don’t see that humility from you.

And, you know, that was. That ended up turning into a pretty spirited, you know, debate at that point. But, you know, yeah, man, I mean, I just. I really appreciate all of y’all’s testimony because it. I was there. I was that guy. I was totally that guy. And like I said, I still, you know, will find myself combating that pride here and there, you know, when I drive by the churches and see that big name on it, you know, just like, let me just get some of my spray cans and go put Jesus on it.

But, you know, I’m gonna be respectful and not do anything like that. But, yeah, man, I love y’all. I appreciate, you know, again, this is just my second time, you know, getting to know y’all. But, you know, I’m certainly looking, looking forward to connect with y’all more in hopes that, you know, that the Holy Spirit will continue to kind of chisel away at that prideful man that I became.

That’s awesome. So your daughter, man, I saw the picture. I wonder. We talked about that. And, you know, the beautiful thing about what we’re doing here, Ivan, Tracy, all of us in here, is that we’re kind of being logging specters, if you notice. I don’t think any of us will agree that we would drive by our church and we see the Easter bunny egg and Easter and that we like that.

You know, I don’t think any of us, you know, but what we’re doing here, we’re just going an extra step and saying, you know what? I get that. But, man, God’s got to work something out in me a little bit yet more. And I think that’s a good thing. I think that’s a really, really good thing, because, like, in my case, I benefited. My health benefited from me taking off Saturdays and just resting with the Lord.

But there was a difference between taking off Saturdays and resting with the Lord and me taking off a Saturday. And by the time nighttime came, I was so stressed because I was trying to honor everything. I was like, you know, I can’t cook. I can’t do this. Oh, do I have to go to Jerusalem three times a year? And it became. By the time. By the time it was done, the day was done, I was having a panic attack, you know, it wasn’t any more rest, you know? So what we’re saying is that make sure the main thing stays the main thing, because if not, you’ll miss those.

Those. Those moments when God can. Can truly work in our lives. Sister Deborah, can you share an I and wonder moment, something that God has been doing in your life? I. Just to let you guys know, I know Sister Deborah because her daughter was a missionary, and she always followed the channel. And that’s how I met Sister Deborah. Sister Deborah, anything you can share in regards to that? Well, it doesn’t really go with.

With what you’ve said, but I did recently have a situation at work. By the way, my name is Deborah, and I’m a nurse, by the way. So there was this gentleman that he was in his nineties, and he. His heart was stopping, pretty much. Yeah, he was. It was stopping. So he went flatlined. That just means his heart stopped. But anyway, it came back, and he was not my patient, but the other nurses was in there.

So I just went back there to help because it was a, you know, kind of a rapid response kind of deal. But anyway, so I went in there, and he was. You could tell the fear on his face. And then he kept on saying, um, get away from me. Get away from me. And. And I knew what was going on. So the other nurse, I kind of watched for just a few seconds and just kind of watched the nurses to see what they would do.

And one nurse asked him, says, well, do you go to church? And. And then I just stepped over there, and I looked at him, and I said, you look at me. I said. I said, are you a Christian? And he said, yes, I am. And I said, do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? And he said, yes, I do. I said, you pray to him and that ugly spirit that’s in the room will go away.

And he started praying, our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. And he just kept on doing that over and over again. So that was a blessing to me that I was able to redirect him. Cause he, you know, every time he would, like, his heart would go down to, like, in the thirties, he would see that. See that ugly spirit in there. And I said.

And I would. I would redirect him and tell him, say, I just say, start praying. Start praying to Jesus. Start praying to Jesus. So he. The last thing that I heard him say, he said, father, forgive me for my sins. And so I don’t know if he came to the Lord or what he was, but, you know, he was 90 years old, but I think he was the catholic background.

I’m not for sure, but he did say Mary one time, and I said, pray to Jesus. I said, pray to Jesus. I kept on saying that. So you just. Like I said, I don’t know, but they put him to sleep because they had to do some procedures on him. So. But anyway, that happened to me, and that was a blessing to me that I could have, maybe even through Jesus pulled him out of the fire.

So that was a blessing to me that I was obedient enough to help out with him because I could see the fear in his eyes. So I praise the Lord for that opportunity for myself. That’s deep. That’s. Yeah, it is. As a nurse, do you often, in terms of spiritual warfare, when you’re in there, do you experience a lot of moments where you can. You can see spiritual warfare a lot more closer because you’re in there, and it’s life and death situations.

That is the first time that I’ve ever experienced a person saying, you know, they’re so vulgar or they’re ugly. Why they have to be so vulgar? That’s what he kept on saying. So I knew that, you know, that it was Satan. I knew that Satan was there. And that’s. In my 18 years of nursing, that’s the first time I’ve ever witnessed that. You know, there’s been. Been many opportunities for me to witness to patients and stuff like that, but, um.

But lots of times when they, you know, they are going, you know, on to glory, they. They’re, you know, sedated or whatever, so. But, yeah, it. But as far as having that. That spirit that. That I felt in that room, I’ve never had that to happen before. Gotcha. You know, like, when I hear stuff like this, you know, and all of you, every single one of you, on a daily basis, you have a story or on a monthly basis, whenever.

However you want to do it, you know, when I. When I think of how strong Sarita has been with all she’s gone through, when I think of how strong you’ve been, Deborah, with what you’ve gone through and many other stories that are in here, imagine if God wouldn’t have taken you through these battles and gotten you to this point, and you wouldn’t have listened to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

You. You wouldn’t you would have never been there, Sister Deborah, to be able to witness to that, man, you know, think of the many times that the devil tried to take you out so that you wouldn’t make it to that moment. Because these are the little things that nothing, none of nothing in this world happens just for happening. And there’s been times that I’ve been going, I’m like, I’m gonna go this way on the road.

And then all of a sudden, I’m, let me go this way. By the time I come back, there’s a car accident. It. You know, so there’s so many different things. And in the awe and in the wonders that we’re talking about here, where it’s nothing more beautiful than to take the time just to say, man, thank you, Jesus, for carrying me through this battle. Because if you wouldn’t have carried me through this, I wouldn’t have been there to be able to be able to do this.

Sister Serita, you’ve been through a lot. You’ve been through a lot in your life. You know, what is it like for you to have to take some time to sometimes just reflect on the eye and the wonder that he’s doing for you? Because when I talk to you, the one thing about you that I noticed, Sister Sarita, is that, yes, you mentioned what you’re going through, but you’re a warrior, and you say, but, God, you know, or, hey, I’m going through that.

But you’re always trying to find a way to battle to through it. Can you share something and a wonder? An awe and a wonder is just. I don’t know. He’s become an awe and a wonder to me in this past year, since my husband’s passed away. And I’ve had to be all by myself in so many ways. I’ve had situations happen where all I could do was cry out to the Lord and ask him for help.

As a matter of fact, what I can say to you is, the day that he died, I was at work. I got a phone call at work. First time ever in my entire life, an emergency phone call. And when I walked to the break room, where I had to punch out, I just felt this overwhelming, agitated, scary feeling like I’d never felt before. And I literally put my hand on the machine that we, you know, are where you punch in and out.

Because I had to steady myself, and I just cried out to God, and I said, I don’t know what’s going on, but, Lord, you say that all I have to do is cry out to you for help. And I just said, I need your help. I need your help right now because I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t know what’s wrong with my husband. I mean, it sounded really serious.

And they can’t tell you things like that over the phone. Immediately, this warm, peaceful feeling from the top of my head all the way down through my body just happened. And even though I didn’t find out until probably after, you know, like 45 minutes to an hour later, when I did find out, here I am at my house, all two cop cars, an ambulance, all these other cars everywhere.

The lights are going on, the ambulance. And I’m being told, not even being told by the cop that my husband had died. But he, you know, I had to say to the cop, I had to say, did my husband pass away? And as soon as I said that, he grabbed my arms and sat me down on the back of the ambulance, and I couldn’t contain myself. I had to stand back up, and I got my hands raised to God, and I’m saying, hallelujah.

The dead in Christ shall rise. Hallelujah. And I was having my own little, like, time with God. I mean, who does that? They’re as hard and as sad as it was that I’ve lost my husband right there, the word of God says we’re to rejoice in those who pass away, because those who are in Christ Jesus, precious in the sight of our savior is the death of his saints.

And my husband, he was a saint. He was saved. And I was rejoicing and having my own little worship right there for a few minutes. And I was just odd. Just from that moment on, yes, I’ve had my times of sorrow, my times of grief, my times of being very lonely. But, you know, God is so good. He’s just so wonderful, and he’s there for you. All you have to do is cry out to him and he will be right there for you.

I can’t hear you. No, that’s awesome. It’s just. I’m speechless because, you know, and I had a. I had something that I wanted to show you guys, but I’m going to move that over to next week because I think the conversation today is very edifying. Right? Look at what happens when we take a moment to be like our own log inspectors, right? And then all of a sudden, God begins to break down little things.

And then we start looking at all the little on wonders that he’s doing in us. You know, I give you guys all the props in the world, you know? You guys are brave, you know? And what makes me so happy to be along with all of you, Serita, Deborah, all of you that have gone through so many different things. Tracy, Shannon, Ivan. Ivan showing his daughter’s picture, right? It’s.

It’s just a beautiful, beautiful thing. Never lose those moments of awe and of. Of wonder, you know? Because if the moment you. You forget those little things, it’s just. There’s nothing more special than you just saying, man, you know what? God’s pretty cool, man. Can you believe this little thing? You know, that little thing, man, because that lets you know, if he’s that involved in the tiniest little aspects of life, then how much more will he not be in the bigger ones? If he’s that interested in making sure that Michelle is okay, that he gives her a little bit of encouragement on break, right? On break time.

Or that he goes and he lets Ivan experience this victory with his daughter, how many tears he’s probably had to flow, right? Right. Don’t. Don’t ever. Don’t ever miss those awe and those wonders. You know? Me and my daughter talk about that all the time. We share the most craziest conversations that we have, talking about the little, tiniest little things, man. But we rejoice in that stuff, man.

God has a sense of humor, man. Sometimes we just be laughing. I’m like, man, you got you crazy. That’s awesome, you know? And what it does, it just develops a relationship with him that goes above the four walls of a church, a relationship that goes far more than just today’s services. From ten to ten, 32 songs, offering plate and a preaching. And then get out in time because the new ones come.

You know it. You know, yes, there’s a structure that has to happen, but what I’m saying is, it goes above. It goes beyond all of this. And now it’s a relationship. Wow. You know? Like, that’s awesome. Right, Chris? You know, I can guarantee this to everybody listening. If you make loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength your primary choice every morning, you’ll never hear from him, away from me.

You that practice iniquity. You know why? When we sincerely dedicate ourselves to do that, all of the other things become immensely easier. Our ability to overcome sin and to walk as he walked and do the things that he wants it to do, it’s all based on how much we love him. I just want to tell you a couple kind of funny things. I’m always asking the Lord about that, and where am I knucklehead how he needs to correct me and those kinds of things.

So one day I was just kind of meditating. Like, lord, how can I show you a higher level of respect? And because I’m troubled by the way I used to pray in the way I remember, like, so who was in charge? Was it you or was it God? I was like, oh, Lord, forgive me for that. And so kind of meditating before him, he goes, well, and I believe by faith.

I didn’t hear a voice, but I felt like this is what he was saying. You could start by capitalizing my name in the text messages you send back and forth. I’m like, what? And by the way, when you’re talking about me and you’re saying you and your. And you say thank you, you’re thanking me, is it that much more effort to make that a capital? I’m like, oh, my goodness, Lord, it’s that simple.

And don’t take that for yourselves. Go to the Holy Spirit, say, what is it that I can do in my life that will bring you more honor? And he’ll show each one of us different things. But, you know, it’s amazing. The love that he has for us and the patience he has for us is unending, you know, and when you were talking earlier, tally, about us not being offended and those kinds of things, you know, I thought of Matthew 24 ten, where Jesus tells us what happens if we get offended.

So we should avoid being offended like the plague. We don’t want nothing to do with that. Because even though it doesn’t say it there, if you read what the outcome would be, I don’t think I’m stretching much at all to say we’re basically putting a target on ourselves, and the enemy is going to want us to hate one another, turn our backs on one another, step away from the Lord.

Those all sound like enemy tactics. So, basically, when we get offended, that’s what we’re. That’s what we’re ending up doing. But, you know, I want to share this with you guys, too. So you’ve heard me say this. Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. A few days ago, I felt in my spirit, by faith, the Lord’s like, you say that like it’s one word. Heart, mind, soul and strength.

I want you to say heart. Think about it. What is it in the heart? Mind. Think about it. What is it in your mind? Soul. Think about it. And strength. Oh, my goodness. What a revelation. In the mere fact he cared enough about me to give me a little tip, how I can understand him more clearly and understand myself more clearly. Such a simple little thing. And so I’ve done this with a few other people now, and we make this into a several minute conversation.

And it’s amazing when we go one by one, what does that mean to you? How is it being manifested in your life? You know, he. He makes it real easy for us. We’re just a bunch of knuckleheads, you know, we want to resist him and we don’t need to. I did most of my life. I was the biggest failure. But, you know, God is really good. But there’s one other thing I was going to share, and I don’t remember what it was, but I’m sure that it revolved around loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

And I do want to say real quick, because I forget Shannon, Tony and Mary that are usually on. I see Mary’s on, but they are on a mission from God. And I don’t want to divulge any more details right now. Maybe they will later and just pray that, that God’s will will be done in this situation. It’s very, very important. And then tally, you know, brother Martin, he called me from the airport in New Zealand today, and he’s going to Philippines to do a bunch of reach outs and stuff.

And he said, brother, it’s just like something is in my back. There’s this hard thing and it’s really bothering me. And so we prayed and, and this man, he’s a missionary that just has, doesn’t have a stop button. He’s just go, go, go. And so if you could just add those two to the prayer list, that’d be wonderful. Of course, brother Chris. I missed the second name. Martin.

Martin. Thank you, Shannon. Can you add also someone who is very special to me? She’s an awesome sister and she’s in this room. Her name is Candace. You may not hear her talk much ever, but she is a soldier for Jesus Christ. She’s a person who anything and everything she does all day is to try to serve the Lord. And she’s going through a lot of issues in terms of.

She has a lot of issues in terms of her back, her hips, a lot of different aspects of life. Like Chris just mentioned about the Martin’s going through, right. And all of us are going through his situations, but she’s a warrior, man. She’s a warrior who gets up and puts many brothers to shame with how hard she works. She has a work ethic like, like none other. So I just wanted to pray for Candace and for her to know as she’s listening to this, that, sister, everything’s going to be all right.

God’s got your back. And thank you for always just being a, a positive influence. All right? Just want you to know that, all right, that, uh, God understands. I mean, in all of these conversations we’ve had today from Deborah with that man. And what are the coincidence that she was with him with only a few minutes that he was here? You know what I like? What are the coincidence that that was happening, right? You know, Sarita, God comforted her before she got the bad news, right, according to this world.

But in her mind, it wasn’t bad news, it was great news because he. Cuz we’re here but a short time, you know, we’re here but a short time, you know, I always use the example of like my phone right now it has about 80% battery left. I can recharge this, you know, but in terms of our life, you know, make sure that you take every day and just ask the Lord God, what can I do for you today? How can I serve you today? What can I modify today? How can I adjust my attitude today? How can I do and then go out there and work.

And if you need anything soon, probably starting in the month of May, I may have editing classes that I want to start so that if you want to learn how to edit, we can come on Zoom and I can just teach you basics, basics of how to add text, how to add audio, how to add video, just. And I can find some free programs out there that I can teach you how to use so that you can get out there and going.

Sister Tracy is a great editor as well. We can both come on here, give you some ideas, give you some tips and this will be, you know, we got to help each other out so we can keep on spreading the gospel. So there’s a lot of things that, um, that we can do. Ask God, what can you do? And he’s not going to be delayed. He’s not going to delay telling you what it is.

He’s going to tell you. So you know, you know what it is and God knows what it is. Um, uh, before I go, I see Sister Michelle. How are you doing? Can you share an eye and a wonderful, I’m trying to think. I mean, God is good at the end of the day. I mean, how’s work going? How’s work going for you? How’s work going for you? It’s okay.

I mean, it’s all right. I mean, it’s busy. There’s a lot of training stuff we have to do. Some of the training I don’t necessarily agree with, but I do have a job, so thank God for the job. But I think at the same time, it does put me in a position where, you know, there’s not a lot of christians where I work. And it does get me out to, like, I work for nursing, like, or for the government, but we oversee nursing long term care homes or nursing homes.

So it does put me in a position where, yes, I’m doing training. No one get too much into training, but it does put me in a position where I can get out to some of the long term care homes. And I guess being a light and it’s pretty dark there, I’m gonna say it’s pretty dark. I was actually, I saw one of my friends today. She’s in, she’s a.

I’m also an RN by background, so. But I do education. I saw one of my friends, she’s a nurse manager in one of the homes, and I know God. She put me, or God put us into each other’s lives. She’s not a, she’s like a. I don’t know. Or orthodox, I guess. She’s orthodox. I don’t know all that. But again, I saw her today, and I was, and we’ve been friends.

We’re actually neighbors. We live in the same neighborhood. But every time I see, like, when I do see her, I’m like, I’m gonna pray for you. She’s like, I know you’re always praying. She goes, she goes, one day she saw me. She’s like, we should help. Just pray. Because I know you’re one, the praying woman. And I guess it’s just those little things in life where I can.

Where she knows. I don’t believe I actually invited her my old church. I invited her a couple times, and I know she’s like, oh, just pray. And I’m like, I will pray. She’s not looking well. She’s kind of sick. And I was like, I was like, you know, I got you. You know, I’m gonna pray for you. She’s like, I know. She goes, I know you’re praying. You’re always praying.

I’m so thankful for that friendship. So I guess it’s just those little moments where I guess God puts, puts me in places where, you know, I may not be, you know, all of a sudden, just, like, saying this, this and this, but then God puts me in these moments where. Or these relationships or friendships where then I can start to build and be like, yeah, you know, I’m a believer.

I’m a believer. Let me pray for you. So it’s those little things there and there. So I guess it’s those little awe moments where I’m able to build some friendships here and there with people and, yeah, so I guess definitely just pray because definitely the next few months, we’ll be busy. We’re doing some training, and again, I’ll be in the home, so I’ll definitely be able to. There’s going to be a lot of people from the LGBTq whatever community there and.

Right. So I guess that puts me in a position where spread the gospel, show light, be light in their life. Right. I don’t know how I’m going to do that, but I know God will somehow work it in some way or another, so definitely will need prayers for that. But I know I’m definitely able to build relationships. God, I guess giving me that, that’s God. Sometimes I’m like, I don’t want to talk to this person, but God’s like, nope, you’re gonna talk to this person.

Okay, fine. Let me talk to them and see how it goes. So I guess those are my, ah, moments, I guess. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. And, you know, sometimes we feel like we’re in positions that we’re in workplaces. I know sometimes depending on where I have to work, right. Different regions or different areas, you may feel alone, but that’s, you know, Jesus is with you, you know, Michelle, and I’m so proud of you.

So proud of you. Keep going. Keep doing what you’re doing. And it’s always good to see that you’re here as well. And, you know, if you ever need anything, we got your back, all right? Definitely. If there’s any Canadians, we have to pray for Canada because apparently there’s a bill that maybe suppress our rights to share our faith. So from what I’ve heard. So I don’t know if this bill is going to go through, but I’ve heard rumblings about it.

So definitely pray for. Definitely got to pray for that in Jesus name. Wow. Yeah. So that’s crazy. You know, it’s so awesome to hear from you, Sister Michelle, and know that we’ll be praying for Canada and for you. And we’re proud of you, you know? Keep going. All right. Thank you. You’re a blessing. You’re a blessing. Sister Tracy, you had your hand up for a moment. What’s up? Real quick, I just wanted to go back to Sister Candace and, you know, without her, we may not have connected.

And that was. I’m. I know it’s the Lord’s timing and all things, but he certainly used you. Sister Candace, I know you’re not going to probably come on screen, but you’re like, Zoe, you’re here, but you’re not here here. Anyway, I just. I love you, and I think all of us absolutely have that. I don’t know, we have those struggles in the wrestlings, and I do have a Bible study this Friday night, Naphtali and I talk about Gideon.

I just. I have to tell Sister Candace that this story is for such a time as this. Like, there is such hope from the story of Gideon, you know, and just a brief overview. He. God took 135,000, I think it was, of the enemy troops. And with Gideon, he sent, like, 90% of them home. And he used 300 men to conquer this huge army. 300. And of those 300, only 100 were actually surrounding them on the hill.

And I just. Look, God went to the enemy’s camp. He gave the enemy a dream about Gideon and an interpreter of the dream and allowed Gideon to overhear it so that he could be strengthened. If God’s going to do that for Gideon, I guarantee he’s doing it for each one of his children. He’s going to give you encouragement and strength, every one of us. So, anyway, I love y’all.

That is awesome. That is awesome. And I want to put. I’m going to put in the link on the chat for the Bible study. That will be. When is going to be Friday, right? 838 30. Your time. Yes. Yeah. Awesome. I’m going to put the link on there. Those that want to participate, definitely go. It’s a blessing. And this is what we. This is. This is what we encourage, family.

We encourage for you to do the same, you know? And that’s why, you know, coming in May, you know, hopefully we can start doing some editing classes, giving you the tools that you need, training up people, developing you. You know, it’s a blessing to see. To see the body of Christ at work, you know? And like you said, also sister encouraging. Sister Candace. Sister Candace. We love you, sis.

All right? And we know how. We know how hard everything can be, all right? And we know you needed a little bit of encouragement and just wanted to send it your way, all right? Because you’re always encouraging people behind the scenes as well. So we’re going to be going to prayer pretty soon with sister Shannon, but I see a name here, angel forgiven Boricua, angel. Forgiven, Boricua. Bodequa, you gotta be puerto rican.

So just wanted to see if you want to come on the mic and just say hi. That’s cool. You good? I know you probably weren’t expecting that. How you doing, angel? For doing. Yeah, God bless everybody. I’m actually in the van here with the kids, so they might be a little bit rowdy. Wanted to say, um, good, you know, good to see y’all. Uh, just want to say God bless everybody.

Um, and it’s really encouraging to see everybody just, you know, just seeking the Lord and coming together. Um, hopefully another. Another time I get to speak, but, yeah, I just want to say love everybody, hope everyone is great and praying for everybody always. Thanks. That’s awesome. Say hi to the kids. Hello, kids. God bless you and thank you for. How you doing? How you doing, kids? Awesome. Awesome.

Your dad’s. Hey, your dad loves you, all right? So keep on being obedient. All right? God bless you. God bless you. Jesus loves you, all right? Awesome. God bless you, angel. God bless you. A blessing, a blessing. And also a brother. Roger, you’re here, man. We talked a little bit this morning. How you holding up, man? Hey, Tally, how’s it going, man? Good, man. How you holding up? Doing all right.

Doing all right. Had a really good day today. Yeah, we covered a lot on that phone call this morning, so you kind of know my situation, so it’s a little bit different than everybody else’s path. Gentleman that was speaking earlier, you know, I can really attest to his zeal, right? Like, he has a lot of zeal for. For Christ and for God and for me, you know, with the kind of work that I do and the kind of people that I’m around kind of feels like I’m sometimes down in the trenches, you know? And what happens is it becomes so normal to me and mundane that I find myself really just.

It’s taken on a lot of that I. That identity from the world, right? So brother Chris has actually helped me a lot, really just dig deep into world all this is rooted in. And so you hear him saying a lot of the same stuff, right? He talks about pride and how we have to attack that, right? And really, you know, because then he definitely works his way into my life through pride, you know, especially, you know, this, too, because we.

We kind of could connected on loose speech, right? And boxing video, the one that you made the other day, which was beautiful, man. Great job on that video, by the way. I have to just remind you again and I know you don’t want to hear it, but I’m going to say it. You know, putting yourself out there like that, you know, I never realized over the years that you had gotten that big at one point, you know, and you kept it so low key.

And I just have nothing but respect for that approach. You know what I mean? I have a lot of respect for people because, again, the type of work and the type of background I come from, right? How do people act? Right? Everything’s all, you know, it’s all peacock, right? It’s all, you know, being a rooster, right? The biggest man, biggest chest, right? And so a lot of people, especially the ones that I deal with, still kind of adhere to that way of thinking.

And they’ve done it for so long that it makes you wonder, like, are they even, is there. Is there hope? Is there salvation because of things that they’ve done for so long? And the Lord reminds me, he goes, yes. And this is what was actually revealed to me more recently. I think Brother Chris is going to get a kick out of this. My ministry work is to work with these criminals, with these convicts, you know what I mean? For some reason, they’re just receptive to my approach, you know what I mean? It’s just that healthy boundary between, you know, showing the right amount of love, tough love, and still being able to let them know that if those boundaries are crossed, you know, that they will have to probably pay dearly for it.

Because, again, I do deal with violent people. And what I notice is a lot of them are cowards, really, like, deep down inside their cowards, right? And so they pray on the weak, and I’m talking about the ones that are, you know, violent, sociopathic. They’re out there, you know what I mean? And they’re. We can’t have them in society because they run amok, you know? And what’s messed up is they get mixed in there with the guys that are in there for just drug offenses, you know, people dealing with their trauma, people dealing with their PTSD, right? So, anyway, long story short, as I’ve cleaned up my life more and more and really turned away from my sin and with that genuine repentance, you know, the Lord’s been really, really graceful of me.

And again, brother Chris can attest to this because we talk quite a bit now. He’s starting to reveal to me. Yes, yes, yes. Keep doing this. Keep doing what you’re doing. Right? You’re riding the bike now. Okay? Now let me show you what I had in store for you. Now that you know how to ride the bike, you know, so as long as I’m able to kind of walk in that.

That path and, you know, hold on to his righteous right hand, you know, he’s going to carry me through this. So again, as I told you earlier, man, on the outside, I have all the components, man, you know, like, we’re fighters right? Now I got all the cool stuff, all the. All the guns and the lights and the sirens and all that, right? And I deal with these bad guys, right, these hardcore criminals, right? In reality, they’re just people, you know, I mean, these are people that, you know, just like me, came from the same background that I did, you know, a rough upbringing, a lot of trauma, right? And so because I can connect with that.

So the area for pride that I’m getting, and this is, you know, what I have to focus on that area of pride comes from. Look at you, man. Look at you, right? Like, you got it all, man. You got it all locked down, like. No, no, not at all. And so that’s the thing is, you know, the Lord is always going to keep me humble in some way, shape or form.

And because of the way that I’m carrying myself now at work, you know, now I’m noticing that, you know, I’m not as cool, I’m not as popular. But then the next day, I’m cool and I’m popular, you know, and it’s like, make up your mind. But that’s. That’s the people of the world, right? So again, I’m not saying this to boast or anything. I’m just saying it because it’s.

It’s just the environment that I work in, you know, I mean, it’s not a humble environment. So we deal with convicts, right? And we deal with, you know, cops with, you know, that type a personality. You know what I mean? They really do believe that they’re the heroes. And a lot of times there are a lot of these dudes that can back it up. They really are the real deal, but all it does is feed their pride and feed their pride, and there’s no glory to God.

And so when they go in, they. They do these swat raids, or they go in and, you know, do tactical operations, right? Like, yeah, you are the hero. You are the cool guy, right? But they take it all in, right? Like that. That’s my glory. And I go, oh, now I see what you’re revealing to me. Now I see why. And so the thing is, is I can keep up and I can do the same stuff as those people do, but I don’t get the same love, right? So basically, I’m being told, choose a side.

Choose the world. We’ll give you all that. You know, you’ll be the cool guy, right? You’ll be in the in crowd, right? Or not. And you be the weird guy that, you know, shoots guns and then, you know, can do all the same stuff and nobody really talks to afterwards, right. So, again, it’s a little bit of a different approach to where other people are at. But, you know, I’ve had my fair share of struggles in life, too, and the Lord’s, you know, I would say more often, as a stubborn child of God, he’s actually saved me way more than he’s disciplined me.

So that’s one thing that I want to say, because I am telling you guys honestly right now, I am the stubborn brother that is me. I’m the knucklehead brother. Like, oh, my gosh, what is he doing? Right? But, you know, I always come back and I try to bring the life, you know, I try to bring good times. I try to bring, you know, joy, right? So people enjoy that company, but at the same time, you know, I have to figure out where the.

Where the Lord wants me, you know, and. And this is why I need this fellowship, brother. You gotta understand, I need this. This is not a. This is not like I’m here at 430 and I’m gonna make it happen. Like, that’s how important it is, right? Because the videos you brought out over these years, I told you it got serious. I thought it was supposed to be just conspiracy theories, fun.

Genesis six, you know, revelation 13, you know, late night stuff, and then it turned out to be real, man. And so now people are looking. So when you mentioned Kat Williams and Joe Rogan and everybody’s going woke and everyone’s figuring out, you know, what’s going on, that’s not an accident. This revelation is happening, and those people in the middle are going to be looking for answers, and guess what’s going to happen? The enemy is going to be right there going, hey, come this way.

You know, come to this theology, come to this approach, right? So, yes, sir. Yes, sir. I need this fellowship. I need this. So please, we need, brother, we need you here. And we love you, man. And all of us, we need. We need Jesus to keep on pruning us, man. You know, when you talked about pride and look at. The reason we talk about it so much is because look at Satan.

He knows his time is short, yet he’s still so prideful that he pulls no punches. He keeps. He keeps on. He keeps it. Look at all the attacks from the guard in Genesis six, tower of Babel. You keep on going and going and going like, that’s how pride. That’s how bad pride can do a sin. Right, Chris? That’s a fact. And he’s relentless. And, you know, pride, it’s like a slithering, sneaky smoke that’ll find the least little crack and entry point, and then it’s slowly added more, added more, added more.

You know, a lot of the things that have been talked about tonight, I’ve lived them firsthand from the wrong side, you know? And I’m so thankful to the almighty Lord and savior that we serve, because his ways are far, far, far beyond your ways. And it’s interesting, tally, that you say something about log inspector and the plank in our eye. Think about this for a minute. Let’s just say it’s a two by four, eight foot long.

How many specs would there be in a two by four? Eight foot long. That’s how many more. Much more. We should evaluate ourselves before the Lord, before we look for that spec. So, what, 10,000? A thousand? I don’t know. A whole lot. So. But, yeah, God is really faithful to us, and, you know, he wants us to become all that we can become. We just have to get ourselves out of the way, man.

And, you know, I have found that asking the Holy Spirit, what is the lesson? What is the lesson? Always asking that eventually, as long as we respond, when we hear or understand what the lesson is supposed to be, and try with everything within us to be pleasing to him, how we respond. Eventually, that voice where we’re straining to hear becomes closer and closer and closer. And then it’s just part of who you are, and you can actually go through some really crappy situations and have peace.

I don’t know how he does it because I experienced most of my life with not having that. But I can say now, glory to his name. It is possible. It’s a beautiful thing. I love the Lord. Oh, one more thing I want to do, but it’s already 08:02. So this afternoon, I was knowing what you were going to focus on tonight, talia. I was like, lord, how do you want me to.

What scripture do you want me to bring to this? And right away, I thought Ephesians two. I was like, what? Well, then I started reading through Ephesians chapter two, and I read through it a few different versions, and then I put it in the amplified classic, and read through it like, oh, my goodness, look at our lord and savior, how he’s described what he has done, how he’s united the Gentiles and Jews together.

All in Ephesians chapter two, a little bit of chapter one, like the last two verses of chapter one, like 22, 23, and then chapter two. Read through that and just envision in your mind, how are you, my beloved savior, being revealed here. It was amazing when I just kind of surrendered, like, you know, a lot more than I do if you say Ephesians chapter two. And so I’ve read through that four or five times.

We think about it and read through it some more and read through different versions. So it’s. It’s pretty incredible. It’s awesome, man. What a blessing today, Brother Chris. What a blessing today. All of you, we’ve had, we have some awesome convos. We’ve shared a lot of awe and wander moments. We’ve been log inspectors. We’ve tested ourselves as much as we can, and we got to continue doing so.

And now we’re going to go ahead and head into some prayer. We’re going to pray for all the prayer requests that have been placed in the chat, and that’s a very important piece of all of this. So, Sister Shannon, would you mind taking it away? Thank you, Tali. It’s a real blessing to be able to do this week. This week. It’s new for me to do this. It’s putting me in a place that I’m not real comfortable talking in front of people, but the spirit’s doing it for my growth.

And I love you all so much. I can’t think of any greater honor than bringing these prayers to our lord and savior. So I’m going to do my best to cover everything. And I know that you’ve all joined me in prayer and confirmation as we do these. So, heavenly Father, we come to you in the name of your precious and perfect son, Jesus Christ. We thank you so much for this time together.

We thank you so much that we were able to sit together and be edified together and examine our logs and how glorious it is that we see those logs and we learn from those logs and we say, hey to our brothers and sisters. I know what this is. And in love, help each other remove those logs. You work so beautifully in the body, and it’s so perfect. And we thank you, Lord God, for that.

And right now, we ask that you cleanse our hearts and our minds and forgive us for our sins. Forgive us for things that we know and don’t know and help us examine ourselves. The most important thing as we go before you, as we bring our prayers, but we bring our prayer requests, unwavering undoubting of your goodness. And so as I go over them, Lord God, please help me in the spirit.

Pray for them as you would want me to pray for them. Lord God, I pray for Eric the overcomer to put God first. What a glorious prayer that is. We want always God to be first in our lives because once God is first, everything else falls into place. Lord God Cheryl and Nancy are battling health issues and we want to pray for them. We want to lift them up for healing.

We have a lot of prayer requests for coming to salvation. Sherry Walters son Wayne, we want to pray for salvation for him. There’s also, I’m sorry, there was a lot of people prayers. LJ Juarez is going through a spiritual battle and is battling depression. Lord God, we know what it’s like to, to have the enemy attack us, and we know what it’s like to not be able to focus on you.

Lord God so we pray for LJ and we pray that you give them the clarity and that we use the, the weapons that you give us. In ephesians most of all, we hold up that shield of faith. Lord God, you cover us, your mighty wings. You hold up that sword and it is able to separate truth from error and keep us in your word. Thank you, Lord, for that.

As we pray for LJ. Lord God Jacqueline’s dad is going into elder care facility and he needs to see Jesus and the goodness of Jesus and also has a praise report that the Drake story hour was canceled. Thank you, Jacqueline, for bringing us this prayer request for your dad. Let him have nurses and people that will surround him and bring him the goodness of the Lord. Let him see Jesus and everything.

And Lord God, we know that no person is beyond your reach and that you are going to be faithful to help us see him. Deidre Perry’s husband wants a divorce so he will stop hurting and making bad decisions that affect me. Pray for healing in our marriage. Also, she is living in her car and she needs help with the horn. Lord God Deidre, God bless her and her marriage.

Lord God, you don’t want anybody to separate, ever. You are a believer in marriage and when you join a flesh, you honor that you do not believe in separation. So we’re going to spread togetherness. We’re going to speak commitment. We’re going to speak promise. Everything that you believe in marriage and that covenant. We speak over them and everybody that is struggling that right now, Lord God, we pray for them in the spirit.

We lift them up to you in prayer, all the ones that are spoken and unspoken. Lord God, there’s a lot of, a lot of issues with witchcraft and attacks on marriage. And Lord God, there’s nothing more important to you than the family union. And that we look at ourselves in our marriage. And if there’s something that maybe we’re doing in our marriage, we look at ourselves first before we look at our spouses, making sure that we’re honoring our spouse, making sure that we’re respecting our spouse, making sure that we ourselves are doing the commitment that we need to do.

And Lord God, we know that you will strengthen it because you love marriage. And we thank you for that. And thank you for giving us that. Lord God, we’re going to pray for Heidi right now because her mom is going to double die. Press surgery in the morning. Lord God, please let her get through that surgery safely. Strengthen her and help her in a recovery. You are the great physician, Lord God, guide those doctors hands.

Lord God, do everything that you do to get Linda through that. She’s a great believer and we are so proud of our sister for being so strong. And then her stepdad also Wes is going to be starting radiation therapy next week. There’s many challenges ahead. So Lord God, we ask that you surround them with your strength and your holy spirit and your power and give them the strength to endure through that.

Thank you, Lord. Lord God, we pray for Ivan and his daughter for her mental health issues. Lord God and you know, has been so wonderful and such a wonderful brother to us, Lord God, and so edifying and we pray so strongly for her daughter and whatever issues she’s are going through that you give us the wisdom and the strength through to get through that. Lord God, we know that when we speak in tongues or gifts of prophecy or even the faith, he moved mountains.

It means nothing. The only thing that matters is love. So we prick these prayers and love to you, Lord God. Google users praying for them and their family. I don’t know what they are needing prayers for Lord God, but you do. And Lord God, we pray for Google user and their family and what their time and need and whatever they may need. Myra Sunchat is going to church for the first time tonight.

We pray that he receives salvation and that he receives good guidance and that he receives everything he needs to know who you are, God. Thank you so much. Janice’s Volcourt’s five children are all in sage, so we want to pray for them. Please praise the Lord. She was able to send a toddler Bible to her granddaughter, but we want to make sure that we’re praying for them. And some of them are even claiming to be atheists.

Lord God, I know that we are your testimony. We are your light of this world. We are going to show others who you are, Jesus. And through our acts, through our character, through our patience, through our love, we are going to show them who Jesus is. And through your holy spirit, you will convict them and you will grow those seeds that we plant. So, Lord God, let us be a testimony to all our neighbors and our friends and our family that are unsaved because every one of us out there knows somebody that’s unsaved and we want to snatch them out of the fire, Lord God, we want them to know who you are and know your goodness and have eternal life.

So we pray for all those that are unsaved, Lord God, that you will bring messengers because we know you blessed. You are so pleased with those people that bring the gospel of peace, Lord God. And we pray for those people in the body because they are such a blessing to us. We thank you, Lord, for those people. Lord God, I pray for Martin right now in the missionary in the Philippines who’s having back and health issues.

Lord God, what a great worker you have. What an amazing worker. And I look forward to meeting him one day. Lord God, thank you for him. And we’re praying for his healing today. Let all his soreness be gone, whatever has been back, whatever’s ailing him. Lord God, you know, we pray that you touch him and you heal him completely. And we know that just the faith of a mustard seed can, can move a mountain.

And we know that you are the great physician to Lord God. Please, please touch him and heal him today. And we also pray for our dear brother and sister Tony and Mary as they are on a mission for God. And that we pray that your will be done. Whatever secret mission that is. We look forward to hearing about it, we look forward to celebrating it, and we look forward to giving you all the praise.

Lord God, thank you so much, Lord God, I pray for Candice tonight. What a sweet sister. What a beautiful sister. I always am so overjoyed to hear her just joy in her heart. She is such a beautiful reflection of who you are, God. And we thank you for having her. Give her extra strength, give her extra courage, give her extra, whatever she needs. But most of all, Lord God, give her a healing touch tonight.

Lord God, take away that pain. Let her feel your presence fully in you as you. As you heal her body. But that’s your will. Lord God, we pray for everything that that you desire for her. Lord God, that’s such a wonderful blessing and so many people sharing their prayer requests. I don’t want to miss anything. Lord God, we pray for Belle that’s driving right now to Kentucky to visit her daughter and been on the road since 04:00 a.

m. Please get them there safely and have a wonderful visit with our daughter. Just like Heidi and Chris are traveling right now. We pray for our dear brothers and sisters to have a wonderful visit with their kids and grandkids and that they drive safely and have a safe trip and a wonderful blessing for them as well. Lord God, we pray for Michelle right now as she works to spread the gospel and show light to her workplace and the LGBTQ community.

Help her find the words and the courage and opportunities to share the Holy Spirit calls us to do. We’re going to pray for Canada right now as it looks to suppress our faith. Lord God, we know that the beast system is rising. Lord God, we know that our time is short here on earth, so we want to take every moment to spread your love and your word and your blessing.

Every moment we have is an opportunity to share your love with others. So we want to use that when we can. And so we thank you, Lord, for those opportunities. We want to praise your name, Yahuwah. Thank you, Lord God, for everything you give us back. In black wants to celebrate Jesus as the Passover lamb. Praise God. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being a Passover lamb for us.

Amen. Amen. My brother, Lord Roger, we thank you for putting down that pride and keep working on it and putting on that yoke of God because that is light and the burden is light and easy and keep persevering and keep keeping moving forward in your walk with Jesus Christ. And we are so happy and edified that you are here with us. So we thank you, Lord God, for bringing them here with us.

Lord God, please help us all. Just hold our tongue and put aside our pride. Lord God, help us to not focus on our own selves in ways that are selfish and opinionated and hurts others. But let us instead think of others more highly than ourselves. Lord God, let us put others first. Lord God, let us show an agape love that only you know how to do. And as we continue to grow and we continue to work our sanctification in our lives, Lord God, we want to be able to produce fruit for you and this fruit will feed other people.

That is what it’s for. Let our kindness be shown to others. Let our love be shown to others. Let our joy be shown to others. Let our peace and gentleness be shown to others. Lord God, this is the testimony of who you are. Lord God. And your blood is what made this all possible. Lord God, please forgive me if I’ve forgotten any prayers, but you know who they are, and we are going to continue to pray for them as we always do.

You know how much we love our brothers and our sisters. We thank you, Lord God, for this time. It’s in your precious son, Yeshua Hashima. Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen. And, Father, we have a praise. Look what you’ve done to our sister Shannon. Someone that didn’t even want to show her face. Now you have indwelled her with your presence. You are rising her up to be a servant, to serve you in a mighty way.

Let this build your faith, sister. This is a glorious thing. And I’m not saying it to puff your head up. I’m saying it to give all honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. God is awesome. That’s a victory. That’s a victory. You know, that’s awesome. So I’m so happy. That’s a blessing. You did a phenomenal job. Glory, Jesus. Huge blessing. Well, we’ve been here praying and thanking the Lord and everything, and it’s such a huge blessing on our chat.

We’re having a little bit of an issue, and I just wanted to bring peace on that aspect there. Brother mad guns and, Harold, if you can both just reach out to me, brotherniptalia. com, so we could just have a conversation offline, because I think that. I think the world of both of you. I love you both so much. And my brother, mad guns, he’s been with me throughout many, many years.

He’s always here, you know, whether I don’t even have to announce it, I have a live stream. He just shows up to protect and defend and watch over while I’m here. And he deals with a lot of the brunt of what sometimes happens, right? And as he’s doing so, sometimes, you know, things could happen. And, brother Harold, please take no disrespect. All right, brother Harold, no disrespect at all tonight.

You. You always post verses, and I’m always grateful for that. You know, I’m always. I should have probably express that in a different way as we give instructions to our moderators. But, brother Harold, I’m nothing but grateful to you, man. I’m nothing to forgetful to you, Harold. So as we’ve talked today on the topic of, we’ve talked about not being easily offended, all of us, right? And pride and how he can come and destroy us, right? And all of that stuff, I think that we can all come together and solve that.

So if you can both hit me up, trust me, we can have an awesome conversation. We can have an awesome conversation offline. There’s nothing but blessings when it comes to these type of situations. I personally love them. You know, I mean, maybe because that’s what I do on a daily basis in my, in my job, which I, you know, bring people that are, you know. But, um, we can, we can figure this out.

All right? Mad guns and Harold, I love you guys a lot. I’m expecting y’all. Hit me up, both of y’all, because we can have an awesome conversation on three way solve it. Because I know that both of y’all meant well. And I, and I’m saying that because I know that. And I know I don’t want no one to walk out of here and be, be hurt in the chat or be, you know, lose a night of sleep because of that.

Okay? There’s a lot of awesome discussions that we had today, if you, don’t you notice, we had a lot awesome, a lot of awesome verses posted, a lot of awesome conversations happened. A lot of awesome testimonies happened. You know, we’ve heard from so many miracles, from Deborah witnessing to someone that’s about to go. And then God was using her to Ivan, to Sarita, all of us, Sister Shannon.

So, you know, we’ve had a lot of positives, right? So we, so just want to make sure that when we leave the chat, we don’t let any of this ruin your nightmare. Guns or Harold, you know, this is what, this is what the body of Christ, what we do. We come together. If something not working, we talk it through, we figure it out and we improve. Right? That’s all it is.

That’s, that’s all it is there. You know, do you remember the first times we did live streams on here? The technical issues, the, the craziness that would happen. The, the, uh, the, the, the time that someone came in here and started posting crazy stuff. You know, that’s what this is about. So a lot of love for you guys. Please reach out to me, because for me, there’s nothing more great than to see two awesome people that God wants to use.

And once we just have a conversation. I think we’re going to see something epic. I mean, if Shannon is not a testimony to that, that look at how she’s come out of her, you know, how God is working. I don’t know what else is. So just want to make sure I bring, you know, I know this has nothing to do with the zoom, but just looking at the chat, I want to make sure I brought peace to that aspect of it, because everyone’s just trying to do their part and do the best you can, you know what I’m saying? And then, and I can not be nothing more than appreciative to that, you know, so let me.

Sure I clarified that. Anything else I missed, Chris, I just want to say real quick, guys, we got to keep this in mind. Whenever we are learning revelation of God’s word and how it can apply to our lives, do you think the enemy is going to let that go without trying to run interference? Keep track after you’ve learned something more in the scripture, learn something more and conversations and, you know, seeds are being planted.

How the enemy comes at you. He’s on it, man. So we have to be ready for that. And realize, even my wife and I had an experience a few days ago, and, you know, when we realize, we’re like, you know, when we are in the midst of a lesson from the Lord, the enemy’s going to come and give us every reason not to listen. And then he’s going to give us every chance to fail at actually trying to do it.

Like taking thoughts captive. Don’t be offended. Oh, my goodness. When we get a sincere heart about wanting to do that, you better believe we’re going to be tested. So when that testing happens, we should rejoice. We should be like, God, you’re so good. You want to make sure this lesson has sunk down inside of me, and you’re giving me the opportunity to test it right now. And we start flipping that all around the way we’re supposed to go through it, not the way the beast system tells us to go through it.

We go through it as kingdom thinkers. It changes everything. Praise the lord. Amen, brother. Amen. So we’re going to be closing this stream down pretty soon, but just want to let you guys know that coming in May, we’re going to have some awesome, cool stuff coming, God willing. We talked about some educational tools, okay? Some training that we can provide, video editing training, set you up with what you need.

It’s going to be some cool stuff. So I want you to be excited for what’s coming in May. Glory to Jesus Christ. And I just. I’m just leaving this live stream today. Just really edified and thankful that all is that. Just seeing the growth, you know? And know that if you guys ever need anything, please reach out to me. And again, as I’m leaving, I know this has you probably, if I wouldn’t mention it, you wouldn’t even know it.

But for Harold and for mad guns and for Catherine, for everyone in the chat, just want you guys to know that I love you guys very, very much. Reach out to me, to brother Niftalia, calm as I’m here and I’m running a zoom. I’m running on that, I’m running Facebook. I’m all over the place. So sometimes things could be missed out. But no disrespect meant. And hopefully everyone can, can understand that.

All right, Harold, I truly love you, brother. Thank you for taking the time to post all those verses. Catherine, I love you as well, you know. And mad guns, I love you as well. Little misunderstandings that are tiny can sometimes blow up if we don’t take the time to just say, hey, listen, calm down, everybody. We all mean well. No one meant to do. No one can, Eric.

No one meant it. Pause. You know why? Because if not. If not, we won’t be able to make it. We won’t be able to make it. If I’m. If I’m not transparent in that, and maybe it’s because I’ve been in a position that I’ve had videos made about me. Had one guy made a video one time, he put my face in a punching bag. He was going like this, beating it up and going, come on.

I was like, oh, my God. I was dying laughing, you know? So maybe because I’m numb to it, okay, but family, listen, we can all. We’ve talked about the whole. All, we all, we all, we’ve talked about the whole livestream is this topic. And I’m so grateful that I have people like all of you here, that we all help each other out like mad guns, like Katherine, like Harold.

I’m mentioning these names because I love you guys, all right? And you guys do a good work in the chat. We can, you know, we’ll figure whatever we got to figure out. I love you guys very much. And anyone else has anything they want to, want to share tonight before we go, because, honestly, I’m leaving here super, super blessed and super edified. You know, it’s a blessing to see that God is pruning us all little by little.

I just want to say real quick, any of you can reach out to Heidi or I will try to do the best before the Lord to be involved with as many lives as we can. I’m not going to stay on tonight because I want to go over and see if I can see the little grandkids in bed, at least before they have to kick me out of the house.

So love you all. Reach out to us at any time and we will talk to you later. Hi, brother Chris. And to all of you, there’s emails on the screen. There’s a woman’s group we have. It’s actually growing a lot. We’re having a lot of ladies come, and that’s a blessing. There’s topics that brother Tally can’t talk about. I would give you the most horrible advice because I’m a guy, so you asked me a question.

Us guys, our emotions are different, so I’ll be like, get over it. And a guy will be like, you know what? Yeah, I may get over it, but to a sister, be like, how dare he say something? You know what I mean? So it’s good that we have. So we have brothers, we have sisters, we have a men’s group as well, right? And we have a discipleship class on Saturdays.

And coming in May, we’re gonna have a lot of cool stuff that’s coming down the way. I’m super excited, and it’s just a blessing for me to see that all of us are trying to do something. You know what I mean? You have a calling, you have a ministry. Whatever God’s put in your heart. Say, tally, I need some help with this. And. And you know what I’ll do? I’ll get whatever we can do to help it.

We’ll help it. All right, so love you guys. I’m going to shut the stream down and the zoom, but so grateful. So grateful. We had a good, good night. Sarita, what’s up, Sarita, you’re waving. Oh, I think you say something. That’s cool. That’s cool. I will love you guys a lot. And, you know, I am just grateful. I know I say that a lot, but I’m really, really grateful.

All right, guys. Love you guys. God bless. Bye. .


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comparing life with scriptures expressing gratitude in focusing on Jesus' teachings guidance for new believers importance of love and respect in marriage live worship and prayer sessions long prayers for help and blessings maintaining strong faith in Jesus Nephtali1981 online Christian gathering experiences power of speaking Jesus' name repentance and daily improvement spreading the gospel wisdom staying focused on Jesus Christ

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