Failures and Disappointments

Spread the Truth



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➡ This is about a group that meets online for Bible study and prayer. They’re trying to stay organized and respectful of each other’s time, so they’re using an agenda and rules like raising hands to speak. They also offer personal counseling and prayer through email for those who need it. They’re working on developing leadership within the group and emphasize the importance of not being easily offended during discussions.
➡ This text is about a group of people who are helping each other and others around the world for free. They are growing in their faith together, learning from each other, and holding each other accountable. They are also encouraging each other to post uplifting content and have difficult conversations. Despite potential hard times ahead, they are committed to facing them together.
➡ The speaker is encouraging everyone to set a good example in their actions and words. They’re also discussing the idea of training others to lead similar discussions and share their faith. They emphasize the importance of community and supporting each other, especially during tough times. They share their personal journey of transformation and the challenges they faced, including family issues and their brother’s homosexuality, and how their faith helped them navigate these issues.
➡ The speaker shares his personal journey of overcoming false accusations, finding faith, and the joy of finally owning a mobile home. Despite facing setbacks like being forced to leave their home due to safety issues and dealing with a house infested with spiders, he remains steadfast in his faith. He emphasizes the importance of not giving in to temptations and negative thoughts during tough times, and instead, staying focused on the path of righteousness.
➡ The text talks about enduring through life’s challenges and hardships, keeping faith in God, and not losing hope. It emphasizes the importance of staying strong, even when things seem tough, like when the speaker had to deal with his wife’s surgery and the death of his dog at the same time. The speaker encourages others to keep their faith in God, who will always be there for them, even in their darkest moments. He also encourages prayer and seeking God’s help when feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.
➡ This text talks about a man’s journey to understand his spiritual connection with the Holy Spirit. He learns that his level of obedience to the Holy Spirit’s guidance determines his spiritual growth. He also discovers that being easily offended can block his spiritual progress. The man shares his experiences to inspire others to listen to the Holy Spirit, avoid taking offense, and experience peace.
➡ This text is about a group of people sharing their personal experiences and struggles in their spiritual journey. They discuss the importance of staying strong in their faith, even when faced with difficulties. They also talk about the temptation to return to their old ways, comparing it to the biblical story of the Israelites wanting to go back to Egypt. They encourage each other to keep moving forward and not to dwell on the past.
➡ The speaker is expressing pride and support for Daniela’s decision to spread the gospel. They also discuss the importance of community, prayer, and spiritual discipline in their faith. They share personal struggles and encourage others to stay strong, reminding them that they are not alone and that God is always with them. They emphasize the power of prayer and the impact it can have on people’s lives.
➡ This text is about a supportive community expressing their care for each other, sharing personal stories, and praying together. They discuss their struggles and victories, and encourage each other to stay strong. They also pray for those who are sick or facing difficulties, asking for healing and strength. They express gratitude for small blessings and encourage each other to stay close to God.
➡ This text is about a religious group that meets regularly to support each other, learn about their faith, and hold each other accountable. They have a series called “Freedom in Christ” that helps them overcome personal struggles. They also have a website where people can ask for help if they’re struggling. They’re working on a film and they have regular meetings where they discuss their faith and help each other.


God bless you. Those that are on YouTube, God bless you. Thank you for being here. Yet another Tuesday night live. That’s such a blessing. We’re getting this momentum little by little, right? We started in November and slowly but surely we’re developing a little bit of momentum with us. And with momentum, it’s always a good feeling. It’s always a good feeling. I know that many of you tuning in, you’ve had a rough week.

You’ve had a rough day. You’ve had a rough time. We have Rob, he’s going to be coming in to sing a little bit in a few minutes. You have the Zoom link on the actual YouTube live on the top right? There’s a link on there for Zoom. If you want to join on Zoom, you can do that. If you want to stay on YouTube, you can do that as well.

Make sure that you post prayer request on there because we will be praying for those prayer requests as well as the night continues. So Sister Heidi is going to be keeping track of the prayer request. And at nighttime, around 757 55 around there, we’re going to pray for them. So don’t think that your prayer requests are going unseen. We’re writing each one of them down so that this way you know that we’re there for you.

Okay? So if you’re okay, let’s go ahead and start with prayer while brother Rob gets set up. Hello, Sister Michelle. Thank you for being here. God bless you. God bless you, Shelley. God bless you, Shannon. Everyone’s here. We’re having a good time. All right, let’s go ahead and pray and then we’ll get started in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, we want to thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your dear son, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, thank you for touching our hearts and for allowing us, heavenly Father, to be able to be here. You know, the difficulties that we’ve had all day long, you know, the blessings that we’ve had all day long, you know, the rest of the night, how it’s going to be, you know, it all. And we just want to say thank you. Thank you. Thank you for allowing us an opportunity to come together for another Tuesday night live to have a little bit of fellowship.

Heavenly Father, we pray that in the name of Jesus Christ, that brothers and sisters around the world that are tuning in, that these may simply inspire them to then look for local fellowship around their homes. And if they can’t find one to inspire them so that then they can knock on their neighbor’s door and have Bible studies with them, have bible studies with their families. Heavenly Father, if anything, let these Tuesday night lives be an inspiration for people to say, you know what? If that crazy tally can do this with Chris, Heidi and all of these people, if they can do this, then I can, too.

In the name of Jesus, heavenly Father, start stirring and working in the hearts of people that in the name of Jesus Christ, that you may be able to touch their hearts, their lives, and that they may leave this live stream refreshed and renewed in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen. So we’re going to be going to some worship pretty soon. I know brother Rob is getting set up. You’re getting set up, brother Rob, right? Can you hear me okay or no? You sound a little distant, but you good.

You hear me? Maybe everyone can hear you. I’ll be honest with you. I got some five and below headsets. I got to get another one. So it’s kind of. We’re going to get there. Zoom just likes to reset on me, man. I don’t get it. Every time I go, here’s the thing. God is good. I’m recovering from COVID which it turns out I had when we sang the last time.

So by God’s grace and Will, I was able to get through that day. And right now I haven’t practiced. So there’s some potential that we can have a car crash here. So I know I’m in a gracious place with friends, and I know the subject matter, tally, today is about frustrations and failures. I think. Did I get it right? Yes. Disappointments, failures, and just enduring until the end.

I’m afraid. Yeah, I’m trusting in God now. I’m just afraid. See, I’ll have to deal with disappointments and failures. If you hear. No worries. It’s okay. We’re just fortunate that we have someone that can sing and give us some worship. Well, that’s debatable, tally, but, yeah, I’m fortunate that God has given me breath, and it’s the breath that allows us to be able to sing. So it’s about a joyful noise in the end, and that’s a good thing to remind us.

For those who are shy to sing, and I hope that you will, this is a song. I’m going to share it. Hopefully I’ll be able to. So you can see the words. Some people have issues, I think, with this particular guy’s church, and there’s always those kind of things. But if God could use a donkey, he could use a song written by somebody that may be failing. And I love the theology of the song.

But most particularly, I love the idea of giving it all up to God when you just have no other place to go. And that’s kind of what the song is about. It’s called gratitude. And let’s see how we can do. We’ll get there. There it is. All my words fall short. I’ve got nothing new. How could I express all my gratitude? I could sing these songs as I often do.

Every song must. God, you never do. So I throw up my hands and praise you again and again because all that I have is a hallelujah, hallelujah. And I know it’s not much, but I’ve nothing else before king except for a heart singing ha n’with, my arms stretched wide I will worship you. So I throw my hands praise you again and again because all that I have is ha.

And I know it’s not much, but I’ve nothing else fit for king. All that I have is hallelujah. Hallelujah. Close you come on my son, but don’t you get shy on me. Lift up your son because you got a lion inside of those lungs. Get up and praise the Lord. Come on my soul, don’t you get shy on me. Lift up your song because you got a lion inside of those lungs.

Get up and praise the Lord. Do one more time. Sing it. Come on my soul, come on my soul, don’t you get shy on me. Lift up your soul. You’ve got a lion inside of those lungs. Get up and praise the Lord. So I throw up my hands and praise you again and again because all that I have is a hallelujah, hallelujah. And I know it’s not much, but I’m nothing else fit for king except for heart singing hallelu ha, you worthy is the lamb who was la.

Sing a new song to him who sits on heaven’s mercy. See holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty wasn’t is to come with all creation I sing praise to the king of kings. You are my everything and I will adore you. Close dumbos clothing rainbow of living color, flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder blessing on a strength and glory and power be to you the only wise king.

Yeah. Holy, holy, holy. It’s the Lord God wasn’t there to be all creation. I raised to the king of you are my everything, I will to Jesus, you, name is power, breath and living water. Such a marvelous mystery. Holy, holy, holy. The Lord God Almighty wasn’t his to amen. That gets me to the place. So hopefully that gets us all there as we worship the one true God, the only God.

We worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And we thank you, God, for your presence in this place. We thank you for the words that you’re going to give those who speak. We thank you for the blessings of community together where we all realize that we have a place in your kingdom. Once we have called out on your name, Lord, and believed and entered through the door that is you, Jesus, you’ve promised us rest and perseverance, and you’ve promised us shelter and protection and green grass and calmness in the midst of storms.

But we have the promise of storms. We thank you that whenever we feel like things are too much to bear, that we know in the end that we have a great hope in you and who you are. Take it away, tally. I’m having some lag on my end. Can you guys hear me? Yes. It’s still on Rob’s screen, though. Yeah, let me try and get it off. You’re good, Rob.

Thank you. That was awesome. Glory to Jesus Christ and family. I apologize. I’m having some issues with my Internet, but God is good, so we’ll go through it. If the stream drops, we’ll just open it back up. So that’ll be good to me. It’s not letting me take the screen out. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to pop out, come back in, so take it away, tally, you sure? Yeah.

All right, brother. Cool. Stevon’s here as awesome, awesome. Thank you guys for being here. And for those of you that are on YouTube, keep on posting your prayer request on there. Brother chavis on YouTube. He’s an awesome brother. Going for a hot minute. And a brother mentioned that this is right on time because it’s the one year anniversary of his dad’s death. His mom just came out from surgery for a heart blockage.

So we’re definitely going to pray for your mom tonight, brother. And I know how hard these moments can be for the life, especially when we’re going through difficulty and difficult moments. So definitely I want to share a couple of things with you before we get going on our actual bible study real quick. And as always, a lot of this is going to deal with discussions. We share a lot of things together and we talk a lot of things together.

So I’m going to go ahead and show you an agenda, right? Real quick, just so you can kind of see it. Bear with me 1 second. God is awesome. Thank you for your patience. All right, can you guys see my screen? Hopefully. All right, so typically, these agendas that we have here, they’re just a little bit of framework to kind of help us out. This doesn’t mean that it has to be kept 100% to the perfect t because we want to be able to be in a position that the holy spirit can move.

However, we do want to make sure we stay on track. Last week we had a situation where I had to close the live stream and we still had not prayed for the prayers. Right. So we want to make sure that we can get those. So that involves making sure that we stay on track. Okay. So tonight, for example, to stay on track, when we hit 755, heidi is going to start praying for all the prayer requests.

Because we have a lot of people that prefer to go to YouTube versus zoom, and we want to make sure that they feel that they’re being listened to and heard. And when someone trustes us with a prayer, that’s big. When someone says, hey, pray for me, we don’t want to just say, we want to pray and that’s it. Right. So we’re going to typically start using these agendas so that you can kind of see the framework that we want to be able to have.

We want to be able to have discussions, but at the same time, we want to be able to stay on schedule. Because at the same time, I’m in the position that I got to go to work as well really early sometimes. So when I have to work really early, having an agenda can help us keep on track. But know that if situations happen, emergencies happen, that we have to extend.

We’re going to let the Holy Spirit move. As the Holy Spirit has to move, we have to also be understanding that we have to respect people’s times, right? Because there’s many of you from UK, from Ireland, there’s people, some of you, logging in at two or three in the morning where you’re at. And I don’t want to disrespect that. Okay? So another thing before I get started is some of the framework that what we’re doing here is something different.

Let’s be honest, this is different. Okay. You know that we always encourage you to find local fellowship, and if you cannot, we always encourage you to have Bible studies at home with your family, right? So what we’re doing here is these Tuesday Bible studies are growing, right? So I didn’t expect that. And Norris is something that I was looking for. So as these start growing and as these start moving forward, we have to have some rules of engagement, right? One of them is, and we already do a great job at this.

So me mentioning this is also for me, too. If you notice, I’m the one who usually gets sidetracked. So this is more for me than anybody else, but raising hands. So if you’re in a position that you want to share something, right? Let’s say, for example, Rob is talking, right? And I want to be able to share because I’m eager to be able to say, you know what, what Rob said, I feel that raise your hand.

There’s a hand button on there that’s going to allow us to make sure that we respect each other and we don’t overlap each other because there’s lag on the Internet. Okay? So raising your hand is very crucial, right? When you do raise your hand and you’re going to talk, and I’m guilty of this one myself, let’s make sure that we’re respected of each other’s time. So if you feel like you have to share something, condense it a little bit.

One, 2 minutes, right? 3 minutes around there to make sure that we can be respect so that everyone has a chance to be able to talk. Staying on topic, I’m a notorious bad one on that. I’m one that will say, hey, well, how’s your day going? And then the topic just left the whole scene. So I have to be better at that, right? So I have to get better at that aspect.

Counseling. I want you to know that we have two email addresses that I’m going to be posting on the screen very shortly. If you are watching this on YouTube and you’re in a position that you need some counseling, that you need some individual prayer time, that you need someone to have a zoom with you so that we can hear you out and talk with you, we understand that you’re not going to have as much time as you want to vent what you have in your spirit, in your heart.

We get that. We’re going to put a couple of email addresses on there. Why? To make sure that you know that if you’re watching this on YouTube right now and you’re at a point that you feel that you need something a little bit extra, you need to talk to somebody. We have a couple of email addresses that I’m going to put on the screen right now. Okay. These email addresses are for you to be able to email and request some time so that you can actually book some time and it’s free.

It doesn’t cost you anything. It’s all meant to make sure that we give you that support throughout the week. Heidi and Chris, they meet with a lot of different people to help them out as much as we possibly can. So we have one email address which is on the screen that I’m going to put it on there right now and I’m going to put another one on there for you.

These Email addresses are so that this way, if you feel that you need help, we want to be able to give you that help. It doesn’t mean that we have it all figured out. And if you’re looking at me looking at other screens, it’s because I’m using two computers to make this happen. Because if we use streamyard only, what happens is streamyard only does not let you have all of us in a group as we have right now.

We can only have ten people. Right. So I just put on there on the chat so you can have the actual detailed information. And I’m going to put it on the screen in just 1 second as well. All right, so you have an email address which is on this. No, it’s lagging again. I’m sorry. I’m lagging. I’m probably freezing in your screen. I’m so sorry. Can you all hear me? Again, I’m sorry.

We got bad Internet. But on the screen you’re seeing there the email address. Okay, I’m going to put another email address on there. Chris tfgserve@gmail. com these are two emails. Again, if you’re struggling, if you’re going through a rough time, email any of these two emails. Okay? All right. And just say, I need to talk to somebody. Pray with me. I’m struggling. I’m about to fall into this temptation.

I’m about to fall into this sin. Help me and we will be more than happy to stand in the gap and be able to help you. Okay? All right. Leadership development. That’s something that we want to go into. It’s a lot to talk on. So I may defer that one to Chris in a few minutes so that he can have that, so we can actually get to the Bible study.

And also, as always, remain not easily offended. Okay. Very important, as we get into the aspects of having ministry and we’re trying to work things out, the kinks and wrinkles, it’s important for us to not be easily offended. It’s important that we can go to each other and have conversations that are difficult. If you like chocolate and I like vanilla, I can say, I don’t like chocolate. Let’s talk about it.

And that doesn’t mean that we don’t like each other. It just means that we’re talking about something, right? So we have to remain not easily offended as we continue to move on. And as always, let’s make sure that we continue to set an example. There are people watching this from around the world, right? So let’s set an example. All right. Let’s set an example in holiness. Let’s set an example in sound doctrine.

Let’s set an example of how we behave with each other. Let’s set an example of how we talk to each other. I think that’s important. And that goes for me as well. Brother Chris. I know there’s a few others that we had talked on. Would you mind sharing anything that’s in your heart before we continue? You’re muted, I think. Good. I was just giving you a hard time.

I said, sure, put me on that. I couldn’t find my piece of paper. But I do have, you know, these are things that are just in process, tally and I have it on both of our hearts in a huge way. If we’re doing what the Lord wants us to do, that is preparing all you guys to do the same thing we’re doing, that’s the way the Lord wants us to be.

That’s how he wants to spread the ability for us to disciple more and more people. And you get the multiplying factor going on, and his name can be glorified more and more. So what we want to do, and we do this on our Saturday class, and it’s amazing, I’m telling you, how the Lord is knitting us together. I think we were all in tears at the end of the class on Saturday.

It was pretty amazing. I envision the same kind of thing here as we move forward, and some of you come forward and say, hey, you know what? I’m interested in learning how to run a zoom like this. I’m interested in using the different material that we put together, and I want to participate as part of this, as preparing me. So you may say, you know what? We select a couple of volunteers, and the volunteers would take the sheets that we prepare each week, and they read them, they ask the questions, they get to interact with people and even answer questions to people, and then tally.

And I could just kind of be overseers to guide and direct. Not that we have all the answers, because we certainly don’t, but we rely on the Holy Spirit to move on, both of us. And that way we know it’s a confirmation that we can go forward in. You know, there’s different things that we’re going to probably try a little bit and then one of the things, and maybe we’ll do it coming up here when we have a testimony time or time for people to share, is to enter his courts with Thanksgiving and praise.

So I think of a couple of people just, oh, God, it’s so good. You won’t believe people happen this week. That just sets the tone for us honoring him. And we also get to know each of you more by your testimonies. So I think that’s a really good to be because it’s really important. I felt bad last week that we left the people on YouTube kind of hanging without hearing their prayers being prayed for.

And so I’m so thankful that know has set the stage for us to make sure we get those in because they’re just as important as all of us. We’re all the same. We’re all brothers and sisters and we want us to feel united in so. And maybe when we start transitioning in this, training up some of you to do what tally and I are doing, you can just send us an email and say, hey, I’m interested, and we’ll go about it in a way so that, you know what, down the road three or four times or whatever, you get an opportunity to run these things to get comfortable with it.

Because I believe we’re in a very volatile time and we’re in the day and hour where big box churches may be closed down, they may come in and say, you know what? If you got a 501 and you’re not doing this, this and this, close your doors. So regardless, we want to have these fellowships developed in your home, in your own group of people, and have you feel very comfortable doing it.

These other things on here, we’ll just kind of talk about it. I think getting a protocol where we can try to limit ourselves to the amount of time we talk, be considerate of others, and until we get a framework around, none of us really know. So bear with tally and I as we’re just trying to do it the best we can. We want everyone to feel loved and part of this.

And I think we’re off to a pretty amazing start. And God’s very gracious with us and patient. I think that’s about it. You got anything else to add, brother? No, that’s it. That’s it. Bottom line is we’re trying our best here. We’re trying to do something different, give people a little bit of alternative. Like we always say, we encourage you to try to find the local assembly and if you don’t then with your family, with your wife, with your kids, set the standard because it’s going to be needed.

It’s going to be definitely needed. Step on. We’re going to go to discussion pretty soon. We’re going to go ahead and get right to a little bit of a devotional and then we’ll get to discussion. That way we can hear what you have in your heart. Okay. And also, I see a lot of faces here that is awesome to see here. I want to just say, sarita, thank you for being here.

Tiana, Alex and Paige, God bless you. Praying for your family. Hope you guys are well. I know that December was an interesting one. Shannon, Tim, Christina, Deborah, Shauna, Zane, Crystal, my brother Lou. God bless you, man. Love you. Michelle. So many different Daniela. God bless you, Daniela Mary. So whether you’re on Zoom or you’re on YouTube, just know that we love you very much. Today I’ll briefly get to what I wanted to just bring forward so we can start some conversations, right? And I wanted to talk about facing.

We talk about enduring to the end a lot, right. We talk about making sure that we stay prepared to endure into the end. Right. There’s a lot of things that we’re all hoping for the best, right? But there’s a lot of things that could happen that can put us in a position. Know, discouragement, disappointments. Chavis mentioned this is the anniversary of his father’s passing and his mother just had a heart procedure.

Right. So we’re all going to face moments that are very difficult. Okay. So I want to just talk about a little bit of being able to stay encouraged. I went through a situation just to give you a little personal testimony. When Jesus Christ saved me and he delivered me, right, when he changed my life completely, because that’s exactly what he did. He completely, completely changed my life. When Jesus Christ did that, it was one of the craziest things.

Know, I no longer wanted to do the things that I used to do. I no longer wanted to act the way that I used to act. When my dad sent me from Puerto Rico to here to Florida, he did so because if I would have stayed in Puerto Rico, I would have. Thank. Thanks to my dad for doing that, for making that decision. And once I came here, my attitude adjustment had to change the tally that, you know, now is not the tally that used to be.

So God changed me. God delivered me. I used to be involved in a lot of crazy stuff, and I’m not proud of any of that. So as Jesus Christ saved me and set me free and delivered me. We started getting to a point that I was an evangelist in many churches. I used to preach in churches. I was very evangelistic. I was the guest preacher they would bring in there.

And God then called me to start doing different things and I started doing ministry. I started doing ministry work. And in doing ministry work, it cost me a lot initially, a lot of family loss. Because, number one, sometimes you have to admit, we could be immature when we’re younger in the faith and we don’t handle things the right way. But at the same time, it was situations where we had personal issues.

My brother was involved. My brother was gay, right? So when my mom died, my brother, his boyfriend, they all helped raise me. You know what I mean? So it’s a long story, but let me tell you, I saw some crazy stuff growing up. So as God delivered me and I had my daughter, we had to make a lot of decisions. I told my brother, hey, Billy, listen, I know you’re fruity, right? You’re fruity pebbles, but listen, you got to chill out.

And we used to talk like this and used to joke around like that because that’s how we talked. That’s my brother. I was like, bro, listen, my daughter, she’s going to see this, bro, I can’t have this. You know what I mean? And we’re talking about 20 08, 20 09, 20 10. We’re in 2024 now, so it’s a different tally back then. Long story short, he told a lot of my family that pretty much I hated gay people and a whole bunch of stuff that wasn’t really true.

So that caused a lot of family separation and that was really hard coming up in the faith, that was really difficult. And we eventually got to a point where we were finally able to get settled down and buy a mobile home. Now, for most people, a mobile home doesn’t mean much, but to us, it meant the world because it meant finally I didn’t have to go from studio apartment to studio apartment.

You know what I mean? It meant that my daughter could actually have her home bedroom. It meant that I was finally in a position that in my mind, hey, listen, you know what? As we head into the 2025, 2030, these crazy years that are coming, because if you know me in this channel, I’ve been talking about transhumanism and all of this stuff ever since then, it’ll put us in a position that we’re settled.

And let me see if I can play you a clip of. You could even hear my daughter being so happy because she finally had her own room, you know what I’m saying? And it was pretty cool. Would you guys be okay if I share a little bit of a clip so you guys can check it out? Okay, now I sound like Darth Vader in it because I had a cold, right? But I want to show you this clip so that you can understand.

This is back in 2010 Eleven. And just check it out real quick. Let’s see if you can hear it. If you can’t hear it, then I’ll just post the link and you’ll watch it later on. Bear with me 1 second. Let me see. So the video is called finally us getting settled down. Because up to that point, man, we were from studio apartment to studio apartment and studio apartment.

And I’m skipping on the video just so you can hear my daughter talk. She was so excited. And she’s autistic, so when she gets to rambling, she can go rambling. So she was being preachy too, because she likes that stuff. So check this out. Let me know if you can hear it. If you can’t, we’ll just skip it. All right. I know my dad wanted to see this.

That’s why I’m doing it. She has a little kitty on the window. Hello Kitty. And yeah, she’s happy about that. Other than that, guys just want to praise God because he’s awesome. He’s a miraculous God. He’s a God that never fails. He’s a God of victory. And stay tuned because the rest of this year, we’re going to be bringing the word of God in a way that’s going to be glorifying to him.

He will move for his glory. God is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever willing to move that his people is not willing. In this 2010, we got to preach the word like never before. We got to deliver the gospel in truth. There’s a difference between preaching and instigating. Need to bring the gospel as Jesus Christ brought it. Live the gospel. May God bless you. Peace. So I’m about to show y’all the house, but all right, Natalie, you’re in control now.

Okay? Okay. What I’m gonna tell you, Jesus, I love you. Because, prince, you want us to visit our house. This house is really beautiful. And this house, it means that it’s really cool. We have the umbrella to the no umbrella, but it really dies. But it means that it’s so heavy you even can’t get it. Talk about the house. Talk about Jesus Christ. Talk about the house, about salvation.

Talk about the umbrella, about the house. About how he saved us. How Jesus saved us. Look, Jesus, he always saved us. And the house is really new, and we have umbrellas, too, inside of her house. And then you guys get the point, right? You guys get the point. So she was going on about umbrellas, and she talked about that umbrella for, like, a whole week. She loved that umbrella.

It was an exciting time for us, because for us, like I said, I went from being in Puerto Rico, making 500, 600, $700 a day, doing transactions that weren’t necessarily legal right to Jesus Christ changing us, and then coming here and all of the temptations of man. I don’t need to struggle like this. But God kept on killing that flesh. You know what I’m saying? So finally, after so many years of serving the Lord and all that stuff, we got that mobile home.

So, anyways, disappointment that happened with that. The reason I’m sharing that with you is because sometimes in life, you may think that you reach that point where you made it, and then something happens. You reach that point that you say, finally, I got here. I got it. I did it. And for some people, man, so many people were like, you’re happy about a mobile home? I love it, man.

I was like, man, that’s my mobile home, man. So, long story short, what happened is one day I get home from work, and the house, the house had signed, it ended up being second. We got lag issues. I’m sorry. Lag issues. I’m so sorry. All right, we’re back. So one day. I’m sorry, guys. Hopefully, you guys can hear me. You guys can hear me. We’re good. Okay, so there are signs that says that the house is condemned, and we have 30 days to leave.

Now, at this point in time, I got nothing. You know what I mean? Everything I had, I put it in there. So I walk outside, and we have seven people that are also affected. I had a couple of them that were Mexicans, and I had a couple of poor white people. We were all there, and we were looking at each other like, what are we going to do? How are we going to be condemned? This house looks brand new.

It ended up being that the people that own the mobile home park, they also own the mortgage company that they referred us to, and they were able to finance the houses because they skipped a crucial process, which is certificates of occupancy. So the houses itself failed in all safety measures. They weren’t able to be lived in. They weren’t tied down. It was a lot of issues with it.

So I remember that it was extremely hard, because in moments like this, you even have family of yours that will look down upon your failures. That will look, oh, you see, look at that. It didn’t work out. This and that and the other. You’re going to get to points in your life where you think you have it all figured out. You think you got to those points and then discouragement happens.

Long story short, we went down there to the county. The county referred us to a lawyer. He was Casey Anthony’s lawyer, by the way. That was crazy. It was Casey Anthony. We all remember the Casey Anthony case. He was Casey Anthony’s lawyer and he took the case pro bono, whatever you want to call it. And he said, listen, I can’t get you, we need you. Must be, he’s going to try email.

This is not messing up. So I’ll just finish up so that we can just get going. So we went there. We had to leave, obviously. And then the next house we went to was in Deltona. And that house was full of brown recluse spiders. It was one thing on top of another, on top of another, on top of another. And sometimes when you’re walking with Jesus Christ, you’re going to have the biggest disappointments.

When you think that you’ve arrived. And you can be tempted to be in a position that when this happens, like in acts 739, to whom our fathers would not obey, but trust him from them and in their hearts turn back again into Egypt. Many of these moments that are difficult in life, they come to you and some people will say, he’s living in sin or he’s not doing something right.

But no, in this case, I was trying my best and things were just not working. And I can tell you that as I was going through these disappointments, I had to genuinely guard my heart. I had to genuinely guard my mind because of intrusive thoughts, because of thoughts that will come to your mind to try to get you to look back again to Egypt. When you look at numbers, eleven five, we remember the fish.

We did it in Egypt freely. The cucumbers, the melons, the leeks and the onions and the garlic. You know how many times I would go through these situations and the thought would come into my mind, bro, just go. You can easily get yourself recovered. Just go ahead and start dealing again. Just go ahead and start doing the things that you could do. Just get back on track. You can preach to a couple of people out there.

You know how the devil tries to get you in your thoughts and tries to convince you of the lie. But I kept on pushing in the name of Jesus Christ. And we’re now settled again. We were able to qualify for a program. We got a house. Obviously, this is not going to be paid until, like, I’m 68, 69 years old. But even in moving into this house, as I’m moving into this house, my wife has to have a surgery, an important surgery.

The same day we move in, my dog dies. I have to keep the dog’s death in hiding because my wife’s going to an important surgery that she can’t know, or else she’s going to be. And the reason she didn’t know is because we were moving. So I put the dog and the doggy daycare right for the weekend, and they called me that he died. So trials and tribulations, discouragements are going to come.

And you have to purpose your heart that you’re not going to look back again into Egypt. And you have to purpose your heart that you’re not going to murmur against God, that you’re not going to be complaining too much, that you’re not going to forget your joy of your salvation, that you’re not going to forget the kingdom that you belong to, that you’re not going to forget the fact in psalm 80 411, it says, for the Lord God is a son and a shield.

The Lord will give grace and glory. No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. So that means that when you’re trying your best and you’re trying your hardest, look at Chavez. A year anniversary from his dad passing away and his mom is in the hospital. Think of the mind games that the devil can use to play with you when you’re going through that. But no, we’re not of this world.

We’re from another kingdom. And there’s a difference between happy and having that joy of the Lord. Because through all of those moments, I can tell you that I had the joy of the Lord through all of those moments. But it’s going to be a battle. It’s going to be a battle of the mind. And my brother, my sisters in the Lord, I just want to encourage all of you, okay? I know that all of you have your own personal battles in your house.

You have personal battles with your peers at work. You have personal battles with people that you in your family that you wanted to get saved. You have all sorts of things. Discouragements are going to come, but as they come, you need to filter them through the word of Jesus Christ. And you need to cast down these imaginations. I remember getting that call. My wife. I’m getting my wife ready for surgery, right? I’m moving boxes, right? And I get the call.

Mr. Mercado, I’m sorry. Skylar died right now. Skyler, to us, he was born in our house, so he’s like our family. And I’m looking at her and she’s looking at me, and I have to hide every emotion that you can think of. And I’m here like, all right, cool. All right, no worries. Hang up. Keep on packing, keep on moving. And then I got in my car and I’m driving, and that’s when I broke down crying because I had no other choice to cry before the Lord, right, to go to him.

But I had to be strong for my wife because she’s going to surgery, right? Moments like that, don’t forget that you have a heavenly father that wants to be there in those disappointments, that wants to be there when you’re feeling down, that wants to be there when you’re feeling like everything is breaking apart. You have a heavenly father that wants to be there for you. And sorry to ramble with all the Internet issues that we had here, ramble a little bit too long there, but you understand what I am saying.

The Israelites, they never lacked anything. They never lacked anything. In this walk, you’re going to go through moments that are going to be difficult. You’re going to go through moments that is going to be struggling. But God will withhold no good thing from you. The devil will come at you with all sorts of attacks. But you have to put it in your mind that you will endure unto the end, okay? That you will endure until the end through all of these steps.

I remember when we lived in the house with brown recluse spiders. There was not a single spider in our room, but when you walked out of that, but spiders everywhere. It was like that movie God is good. If you get anything from what I am saying, I know I ramble a lot, is that God has been faithful. And is there anyone in here today or on YouTube? I just want us to pray real quick before we move on because disappointments in life can hit us when we least expect it.

They usually happen when you think you’re at your highest. They usually happen when you think you’re at that point. That, man, I got it all figured out. But if you’re going through something there today, only God knows what it is right there where you’re at. I want us to pray for a moment, okay? I want us to pray for a moment, okay? All right. Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the mercy that you’ve shown me.

Oh, heavenly Father, you know the many times, the immaturities that I’ve shown when I’m going through trials and tribulations. Just like a child throws tantrums. You know the tantrums that we’ve thrown. You’ve known the murmuring that we’ve done. You’ve known the many things that we’ve done. And, Father, there are brothers and sisters in here today that are hurting. There are people in here that are hurting. There are people watching this broadcast that are hurting.

In the name of Jesus Christ, come to the heavenly Father. He wants to heal you. He wants to restore you. Elijah went under that juniper tree. He wanted to end it all. It’s normal to go through moments where you feel so overwhelmed that you cannot no longer push forward. But through those moments, set your heart upon Jesus Christ. He withholds no good thing from us. There are times we knock on a door and the door doesn’t open and we get frustrated.

But a year or two down the line, you realize why he did what he did. Your job is to seek the kingdom of God. Everything else, he’s going to take care of it in due time. Call upon Jesus. Listen, when I talk to the heavenly Father, I just talk like he’s my know. Heavenly Father, thank you. As I heard Natalia’s video of her talking, they’re so happy and going on about an umbrella.

Look at that joy that she had. You want us to be like those children coming to you? Come to him today. He loves you. In Jesus mighty precious name, amen. I love you guys very much. Jesus cares for you guys. Brother Chris, do you have anything that God has in your heart? You’re muted. I’m trying to be a good participant, so I’m keeping it muted all the time.

Yeah, there’s a few things you guys have heard these first couple of things, but I think it’s worth repeating because it took me hearing it several times and then actually doing it, and then seeing the hand of God work in a mighty way. I think for us to have a mindset every day. Lord, how can I love you more today? I want to love you more today. The words of Jesus himself.

Or when the lawyer, tax collector or lawyer. Pharisee. Pharisee, lawyer asks, what’s the greatest commandment? Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. So if Jesus spoke the words that that’s most important, that probably should be one of the most important things we think about. On a regular basis. And I was talking to Tali about this today, and I’ve challenged him with this a few times, but I haven’t actually held his feet to the fire yet to get an answer out of him.

And that’s this. About four years ago, when we were in Africa, the Lord prompted me to ask this question for the first time. On a scale of zero to 100%, that’s an easier scale for people to have in their mind. If Jesus was before you and says, how much do you love me? Reflect on yourself and think what that number is. And here’s the amazing part. If you sincerely want to know what the Holy Spirit says, you ask the Holy Spirit, what is the number? You see, you guys cannot believe the number of stories and changed lives and changing lives that have come from this, because when people do that and they ask the Holy Spirit, what do you see? Sincerely? There’s a connection that’s made, man.

It’s something. And I believe the Lord wants this question to be anointed, not a person or a ministry or someone’s book. He wants the question to be anointed and just to be sincere. Why? He wants this question to spread from believer to believer to believer to believer. And when you do it yourself and you realize, oh, my goodness. And just real quick, I’ve had many people, I’m eight, I’m a nine.

And I said, are you sincere about knowing what the Holy Spirit says? Yeah, I was in a restaurant, and a 76 year old guy, well, I think I’m an eight. And I said, well, do you want to know? And he goes, yeah. And he asked. He goes, I don’t know. I still think I’m an eight. I said, brother, if you’re sincere, the Holy Spirit will tell you that number.

And about five or 6 minutes later, he said, two. And then he put his head down, two. So you’re saying the Holy Spirit just told you. He goes, yeah, and the Lord hardly ever does this, but this particular time he did. He said, ask this question. When the Holy Spirit prompts you, how many times do you do what he prompts? And he said, about 25% of the time.

I said, brother, that’s why you’re two. You want to be eight, nine, or ten. You respond every time to the Holy Spirit and plan on there being some really tough stuff, because there will be. There’ll be things that are meant to break our pride down and meant to get us in a relationship with the Lord. And what it does, it starts this relationship that we just train ourselves to be inquiring of the Holy Spirit.

How was that last conversation I had? What did you want me to say? What didn’t you want me to say? How can I do better next time? I’m telling you, brothers and sisters, be ready to be floored by the things that will happen. It’s absolutely. And you guys have all heard taking thoughts captive. Look at how he’s unfolding that in our know. I know. Tally and I talk about that and all these things I missed my whole life almost.

It’s only been the last three or four years that the Lord’s really having me hone in on these different details. And then, Chris, you do this, you do this, you do this. And when you get to the point where you’re seeing my hand of victory in your life, I want you to talk about it, because everybody else wants to experience this, too. Once they taste it, they’re going to be telling everybody about taking thoughts captive, about loving God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength, about not being offended.

So just this one quick thing here. So my daughter is a lot like me. She’s 22 years old. Most of my life, I got offended. You tell me I should have red carpet and I had blue. You ticked me off. Whatever it was, it took nothing stupid things. And so the Lord broke that out of me. And all glory, honor, and praise to him. Seriously, you guys, all glory, honor, and praise to him.

But my daughter is really. She loves the Lord. That’s the thing, man, to get someone to love the Lord, it really can take a lot of time. Sometimes the Lord works in her heart. Works in their heart and brings them along. She’s got that. But she hits the brake pedal every time she gets offended, because when we get offended, it creates this chain reaction. And so I’ve been talking to this about people, too, and so last week.

This is just such an amazing praise to the Lord. My brother, who’s a missionary, who talks with my daughter and son in law a lot. He’s a lot closer to their age, and he’s actually married them, and so he counsels them and works through things. And I love this guy, but he’s like, dude, I got to tell you, your daughter and son in law, some of the hardest people I’ve ever worked with, well, they’re born in America, and they’re entitled.

So what do you. And. But he told me, he know, when your daughter edits your stuff, she doesn’t just edit it, she reads it, and it hits her in her heart. And so I’m sitting there, like. And the Lord kind of put that on my heart. Years ago, she started editing stuff because she just wouldn’t listen to me. Seemed like whatever I said, she would get offended by it, even though she’d love the Lord.

And so when he said that, I’m thinking now, the Lord has been on my heart for months about being offended. And so I prayed to the Lord, and I said, lord, I’ve got to have concrete proof that I can point to that. No one’s going to say, well, that’s not really what that means, that you would really have to be far out there. I said, lord, I really want it.

And so about a week later, I was looking through scripture, and I was looking at end time stuff. Second Thessalonians chapter two and revelation 13 and Matthew 24. And I got to this verse. Now I’m going to read it in the amplified classic because it gives it a nice punch. And then many will be offended and repelled and will begin to distrust and desert him whom they ought to trust and obey, and will stumble and fall away and betray one another and pursue one another with hatred.

And many false prophets will rise up and deceive and lead many into air. And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity. But he who endures to the end will be saved. So I was like, oh, my goodness, lord, that is amazing. The incredible thing about it, the Lord revealed in my heart as I wrote and laid this out, and the new king James has just got sounds the same way, just not as many words to explain know.

And then many will be offended, will betray one another and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. So, as I was writing about this, the Lord revealed in my heart, offense is the gateway to all this other stuff. Offense is the gateway to all this other stuff.

That’s why that is a favorite tool of the enemy to use against us. Because if he gets us offended, he’s got all these, and we’re just basically a play toy for him at that point. He’ll just push whatever thoughts, push whatever things, and we have to learn how to take control of our thoughts. And when he starts doing that crap to get us offended, no, I’m not listening to that.

You know what the really cool thing is about it at the end of both these passages? But he who doesn’t get offended. Oh, it doesn’t say that. He that endures to the end. Same thing though, right? He that doesn’t get offended will be saved. He who endures to the end. So you know what? All of us, and, man, I had this problem most of my life, decades and decades, the Lord has taken it from me.

And the peace that follows it is an amazing thing. And, you know, I’m so excited about sharing this. I was tormented by this stuff. Tormented by thoughts, tormented by the enemy doing things to me. Tormented and couldn’t have clear thoughts and things. Now I know what the peace that passes, all understanding, truly is. Every one of you could have it. We just have to follow his words. That’s it.

Amen, brother. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. God is good. God is dealing with all of is. God’s a beautiful know. Sister Shelley, you have your hands up. Thank you for being so patient. How’s it going, Sister Shelley? Good. How about good, good. Praise the Lord. Thank you all for dealing with all of the lag issues and everything like that. And it’s been a blessed night so far. So thank you.

What’s up with you? Okay, so I wanted to add something that I think the Lord put on my heart to say in addition to the trials and tribulations like you mentioned, that we’ll go through that are crazy hard. Our faith, it says, will be tried by fire. We’re also going to go through slander, persecution, misunderstandings, dishonor, hated by people. Absolutely hated by people. And our honor is not going to come in this world.

It’s going to come in heaven. This is the scripture I wanted to share. Romans that I think God gave me to share, I think. Okay. Romans two was seven to them, who by patient continuance and well doing, seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life. That’s awesome, sister. Thank you for sharing. And it’s always good to see you, Shelly. Always good to see you. Keep on posting them drawings you make.

They’re a blessing. And keep on doing what you’re doing. All right, Shelly. Maybe you’ll use them one day in your videos. That would be cool. You know what? Go for it. I’m going to tell you what one of my videos is going to be and I’m going to have you draw something. How about that? Yeah. All right. Awesome. All right. We’re going to do it. Yeah. That’s awesome.

I want to just say we have a couple of brothers and sisters that are awesome. Brothers and sisters to me, my brother Lou, I love you, Lou. God bless you. We got drew bloom on there as well. Drew, I’ve been praying for you. Drew. Keep on preaching, okay, man? Keep on preaching. All right? I know you’re trying your hardest, man. All right, Tracy. Be encouraged, all right? Keep on doing what you’re doing, okay? Be encouraged.

All right, Tracy, if you’ve earned anything from us talking today is that we’re all people that are just so broken. And if it wasn’t for the heavenly Father, where would we. Right, Lesteban, what’s going on in your heart? What’s going on? How you guys? Good. Good, man. Just want to say thank you to Brother Chris for sharing his heart. Just want to say. Maybe most of you don’t know, but we communicate throughout the week, at least once a week, and he’ll share something with me.

So, Brother Chris, you are a blessing. You are a living proof that God still wants to pursue me and. And that God still loves me and wants all of me. And I hope and pray that I can be used the same for the Lord to reach someone else. I can’t remember where it’s at, but the verse, we are his workmanship. We are his. So thank you, Brother Chris, for sharing your heart.

Brother Tally, you had said something earlier, is this is disciple making, essentially, is what this is. It’s sharing the gospel, but it’s doing two things. It’s sharing the gospel, and it’s also equipping the saints to reach others. And you had mentioned being in the wilderness and how the children of Israel, which, ironically, I’m trying to read the Bible. I’ve never read the Bible from COVID to cover, and I’m trying to do that now.

And, of course, I’ve already missed a bunch of days, but I just got through parts of the exodus, and I’m now in Leviticus. And you’re right. The children of Israel complain, complain, complain. They wanted to go back to Egypt. They thought life was better, even though they were enslaved and in bondage. And just so the parallels to sin to what they went through is amazing. And, you know, but God had a purpose for them.

And for those who. I don’t know if you know this, brother Tally, but from Egypt to the promised land is an eleven day journey on foot. Eleven days. Yet they were there for 40 years. So it took them 40 years, which should have taken them eleven days. Why did it take them 40 years? Because they still had a lot of Egypt in them, just like I still have a lot of Egypt in me.

And the Lord has got to work that and it’s those hardships that you were talking about, being easily offended, going through struggles you had mentioned going through struggles and trials with your house situation, but you remain faithful. When Caleb and Joshua were on the edge of the. When they sent out the spies and ten of them said, there’s a bunch of giants there. And two of them said, let’s go.

God is with us. It’s the desert, and then it’s what you see in the promised land. Do you see what the Lord promised or do you see the giants? And being offended is still being. And wanting and desiring to go back to Egypt or still having Egypt in you. The Lord’s going to get it out of you one way or the other. He could have abandoned and gave up on the people of Israel, but he had a purpose for them to bring forth the Messiah.

He could have given up and praise the Lord that he didn’t. Amen. Amen. You know, God is offense. Yeah. It’s good to hear your voice. It’s good to hear that you’re doing stronger. You’re doing good. And, you know, I’m really proud of you, Steban, right? I wouldn’t say I’m doing any stronger because like I said, I don’t know if you’re aware of this. I want to say it was Nero.

I could be wrong. But one of the roman emperors, what he would do to people is he would take a living person and make that living person. They would tie a dead body, a dead corpse to that living person. Some people even say that they even sewed the dead body into the skin of the living. And eventually, obviously, when you have a dead body that close to you, you’re going to get sick from all the bacteria and disease, and it’s going to kill the.

So they’re killing two people or killing another person. And somebody said, that’s exactly how it is when you give your life to the Lord. You need to cut away that old dead man, because eventually it’ll kill you. It may take longer, but eventually it will kill you. And that’s what I ask a prayer that I kill that old man. Just like Egypt kill Egypt because it took 40 years.

Because, as you know, not everybody went into the promised land. Moses did not even make it into the promised land. God killed off a lot of those children of Israel. I mean, they literally saw the miracles. And then what did they do? They made a golden calf. Yep. He commissioned Aaron. You guys are going to be my priests and be holy. And what does he do? He kills two of yeah, I just.

I appreciate that, Stefan, a lot, man. Thank you for sharing your heart, brother. Thank you so much. All right, brother. I love you guys. Love you guys very much. I love you a lot, brother. And you know I love you a bunch, man. Thank you for sharing your heart. Thank you. Thank you so much. Sister Daniela, how are you doing? Hi. Good. Can you guys hear? Yeah, yeah.

How you doing? I’m doing well, thank you. I’m new to this community. Well, coming on Zoom, but not new to you. I’ve been watching you for a long time. Glory to Jesus. Yes. It’s definitely been a blessing, but something that you said earlier really resonated. And I wrote this in the Zoom chat, just that this idea of being tempted to look back, and I feel like that’s something that the enemy will constantly come to me with.

Part of my story is I lost my job, and I was a teacher in New York in 2021. And when the mandates came out, I refused, and I felt like God was saying no and he was going to bring me into the next level of things. And so I was terminated. Unlawfully, right, but terminated nonetheless. But God had been faithful through that whole process and had been actually launched me into full time ministry as a result.

So there’s always that balance, right, of ministry and all these things. But there’s always a temptation to look back, right? Like, life could be so much easier if I just go back to teaching and I just go back to doing those things, and I can have my insurance and my pension and all the nice things, but God very clearly told me not to do that. And I think that sometimes when you’re praying for things, especially when you first come to the Lord, it’s like, I’m praying, God, I want to be in ministry.

I want to serve you. I want to serve your people. I want to do these things. But then when things come into our life that allow us to have that opportunity but doesn’t look the way that we’re wanting it to look, maybe we become disappointed and things like that. So I just wanted to share that because what was on my heart was thinking about Lott’s wife. When she looked back, she didn’t resist that temptation, and that was an act of disobedience, and she remained stuck.

And I think that we can remain stuck as well when we do look back and we stay looking back at the past instead of looking forward at what God has for us. So, yeah, just keep me in prayer with that. It’s definitely still a battle, but I know God is faithful and I know that I’m not going to be going back to teaching, but I’m going to keep pressing forward on what God has.

So just wanted to share that with you, man. Thank you for sharing that. I’m proud of you. I know how hard it is to have to not take the jab and go through all those things. You know what I mean? For you and for anybody who’s watching this, if you’re a member of TFG community, the website, and if you need any type of letter or anything like that exemption letter, know that I’m always there to help.

You can let me know. I’ll be there more than happy to do so. And also, another thing that’s encouragement to all of us here. As we’ve been talking about, looking back in deuteronomy 29 five, it says, and I have led you 40 years in the wilderness. Your clothes are not waxing old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxing old upon thy foot. So even when we are sometimes not doing what we got to do, or even when we are doing what we got to know, God is so faithful.

So, Daniela, I’m so proud of you for making the decision that you made. And if you ever need anything in ministry, you know that all you have to do is hit me up. Anything that we could do, we’re there to help. That’s what we love to do. We love to see people out there spreading the gospel. And anything that we could do to help you, Daniela, just got to.

Just post it on there. Let us know. We’ll work with you, and we’ll learn with you, too, because that’s what this is about. I’m proud of you. All right? Be encouraged. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Absolutely. Chris, what do you think? Chris? I forgot one of the best parts of that story. I sent the paperwork to my daughter to edit it. She hasn’t got to it. Just.

And I won’t say one question about it, but I’m just wondering how the Lord will use it as she’s editing it. And it was interesting, you know, brother Martin, Tali, he’s the one that talks with my daughter, and he said that he was on the phone with him, too, and he was so encouraged that my daughter actually said, I know. I have a problem with being offended. And her husband was real nice about, well, honey, we all have struggles, and I know you’re trying to work on it.

And Martin was like, I was so blessed by that, and so, praise the Lord, man. It’s amazing how he does his thing and then the other thing just real quick. And with all these questions know, I just asked the Lord what would be some of the things that you would ask us in our hearts to reveal to you. And so when I read these, they’re not pointed at anybody really.

But you will know when it’s read out, if it’s something that’s supposed to be for you, you will sense it. And so just real quick, these are actually from last week, but since we never read through them, my wife’s got a much nicer voice, so I’ll let her read these real quick. Go ahead, hide. Before I read them, though, I do want to be doing a shout out.

I’m so thankful for those that are on the site and they’re catching these prayers and they’re praying for them. That is really cool. You know what it’s doing? It’s just increasing our love for each other when we take on those burdens with hearts open to love on our brothers and sisters. So thank you for those that are on this chat line that I’m reading with the Bible passages.

It’s moving and it’s nice to see the verses there as well. So high five to all of you. Thank you. Jesus. Are you wholeheartedly committed to endure whatever lesson it is the Lord wants you to learn without complaint? Can you proclaim, the Lord is with you in every situation, no matter what it is? Have you begun to train yourself to ask, what is the lesson you want me to learn? Lord, do you train yourself in all matters of spiritual discipline so you may win the race? Are you interested in helping others win the race with you? Will you put your brother or sister before your needs if they need your help? Have you laid aside every weight and the sins that ensnare you so you can focus on finishing the race? Are you willing to shed your own blood if that’s what it takes to strive against sinning? Do you have a great desire to be partakers of his holiness? And here’s the last one.

Will you do whatever it takes by the Lord’s direction so you may experience the peaceable fruit of righteousness for those that are trained by it? Well, that’s it, brother. That’s a blessing. Good. I know that we’re going to be praying very soon. I see a couple. I see Matthew. How are you doing, Matthew? Just wanted to say hi to you. How are you doing, Matthew? You all right? Yeah, I’m doing good.

Can you hear me? Yeah, man. How are you doing? Well, I’m doing all right. I got a little bit of a struggles going on. I got some family court stuff coming up here again on the 16th, so everybody please pray for me. I don’t know. I’ve been being attacked on all ends lately, and everything that you guys said earlier was spot on. People turning on me. And I’ve noticed times have gotten strange.

I was actually down at the laundry mat today. The whole attitude towards people and just in the air is just off now. I had this guy walk up to me and ask me for my id out of nowhere. He’s like, I’ve seen you here three times. And I was like, well, it’s a laundry mat. I got to change my clothes out and stuff. And it was just really weird.

Like, people around, they were watching, and he was like, well, you could be bought off or paid. It was a very weird situation. Just out of nowhere, people are. I really see, like, people warring him in the spirit or following God. And you know what I mean, that they’re really coming undone these days. It’s showing a lot of it’s breaking out of the seams. And those of us that are following God and trying to be good people and help others and are just really being attacked behind the scenes and turned upon.

The devil’s really hard at work right now. He really is. And trying to attack the individual, to pull at your family, to pull at your finances, pull at your friends. And it’s almost like you can’t trust anybody anymore. It really is. Or don’t want to turn to anybody either, because you just don’t know who’s walking with Christ. I really feel that, and I think that’s showing who’s going to be the beacons throughout all this and who isn’t.

Because the ones that are really going to shine through all of this, I feel you on that. Just to encourage you, brother. Ephesians 612. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. So as you go about every day today, I went through a couple of verbal lashings that were rough in person. And it’s one of those things that we just got to keep remembering. We wrestle not against flesh and blood.

So when flesh and blood gets us upset, we got to remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but entities. And these entities are out there at work, and they’re constantly, constantly setting people in frameworks so that they can do some things that aren’t good, right? But you’re from another kingdom, man. You’re from another kingdom. Matthew. That’s why I called upon you, because I saw you and I just felt like, just asking how you’re doing and letting you know that God loves you, man.

All right? He loves you very much. Okay? And you know that anything we could ever know, we got you. All right. I appreciate. We’re going to be getting started on prayer very soon. We want to pray for all the prayer request, but just again, for those that are here on Zoom, Sister Hope, Sister Michelle. Right. Tiana. Alex and Paige. Alex and Paige. Can you hit me up on the website? I wanted to run something by you that’ll be a blessing.

God has called you guys for something pretty cool, man. And we talked about having some of our discipleship classes and helping people run zooms and helping things like that. And I believe that. Just hit me up, man. I really feel that we need to talk about that, if that’s cool, when you have time. All right, Tiana, before we go to prayer, what’s going on, Tiana? Hey, how are you guys? How are you doing? You can hear me okay? Hear you? Yeah.

Perfect. I just wanted to say I’m so grateful for your ministry. I’ve been listening to you for a very long time. I think in 2010, I wrote to you, I was going through, my goodness. It’s like a job situation. I was in an abusive marriage. My son passed away, like, three years ago. Now. It’s been a lot of things, one after the other. My mom had a stroke.

My dad had open heart surgery. I mean, just boom, boom, boom. But if it wasn’t for the community, the fellowship and I binge watched your videos, I found community and fellowship and that, let me tell you, I went through hell. But staying the course with the Lord, seeking him with everything, was totally worth it. My life has completely changed and I’m still here. It’s by the grace of God.

And he’s given me strength. And this has taught me not to have fear because he fights for us. And literally, when you think things are not possible, he makes the impossible possible. And, yeah, that’s what I felt to share. Now that sometimes you’re doing something nice or good for the Lord, you’re praying in scripture like we’re going to do now, pray for people. But you don’t realize the impact of that prayer.

So keep praying for people, keep reaching out to people, because you’re doing God’s work. And it’s all the glory to him. Just wanted to share that. Hello. Yes. Glory to God, Tiana. That’s all awesome to hear, and I’m sorry of all the stuff you’ve gone through. And at the same time, I’m proud that you’re still here and you’re overcoming. Thank you for trusting in us and even being kind enough to even share that.

Know that we’re always there for you. Tiana, you’re part of our family, so anything that ever. That we could ever be there for you, you know, you can hit us. I met, um. I spoke to Brother Lou. He knows my testimony. I spoke to his wife as well. Yeah, awesome people. And I’m the one who comments about your cooking. You got to do your cooking, because back in the day, you’d always adobe this, adobo that.

I always use adobe oil. I’ll be using adobe for everything. Yeah, I got a doc, I’ll make a cooking channel. I got some ghetto cooking. There you go. You pray over the food and bless it with scripture snacks thrown in there. 100%. Diana, you’re a blessing. And know that. Whatever you need, we got you always. All right, thank you. Thank you. God bless you guys and Heidi and, yeah, there’s definitely a blessing.

I’m on the Saturday group as well. That’s totally beautiful. Yeah, totally. Just so you know that all this work, I’m proud of you. I remember you had your little channel and you were struggling and your Spanish, but it’s amazing. It’s amazing. It’s also. Glory to God. Definitely let you know that. Yeah. God bless you guys. Thank you. God bless you always. All right, buddy. Thank you. God bless.

Awesome. Sister Heidi, do you want to pray? It’s so good to hear from people. What a blessing. All right, we’re going to go ahead and pray. It’s truly an honor to bring this before you, Father God. Souls that are reaching out to the only one that can truly give the answer, that can only give life, eternal life. You are the God of the living, Jesus. Your name is power.

Lord, we praise you when we obey you. We praise you when we are like Jesus as he was. Father God, we have talked about you and your people this evening. And Lord, we bring these names before your throne and we put them at your feet, Lord, those that are seeking to have your truth and healing. Father, when we pray for these unspokens, Lord, you know what it is that are on these individuals hearts and what they request.

So we pray for Kimmy P. Pearl. Birth watch. And bubby loves Jesus, Lord, for the unspokens, for the godson and his mom. Lord God, you know what they’re seeking. And Father, I pray that they draw close to you, Lord God, in their hearts and in their thoughts, Lord, that whatever it is that the enemy is trying to cause as an issue in their life, Lord, that they would just submit to you even more so, Lord, knowing that the enemy is just going to resist and leave.

And so, Father God, we pray for health issues for Daniela’s parents, Lord, that they, Father God, would be on the pathway of healing. That they, Lord Jesus, can be mended, Lord, not only physically, but also spiritually, just drawn ever more so close to you. We do also pray for lG, sick for a long time. Lord, give this one a measure of strength. Lord, this has been a long journey, it sounds like.

And, Lord, we don’t know the struggle that’s there, but you do. I pray that lG’s faith would grow exponentially. That understanding of your word would be ever so mighty in their heart. And, Lord, that even in the times of most of your pain, they just say your name, Jesus, in such a loving way that it brings honor to your kingdom, knowing that you are the true healer. We also pray for Heidi with her thyroid cancer.

Lord, what a busy time to be working during this season when she’s needed so much at work. And, Lord, she needs your strength. She needs your healing. She needs your touch. So she’s coming to you for prayer to her brothers and sisters, wanting to lay it at your feet. Please, Lord God, touch her in a way that she knows even more so than now that you are the king of kings and that she’ll be able to carry out the things that you have placed for her to do as your witness here on earth.

We also, Father God, want to give praises to you. And when we think of the mother returning from the hospital, from Chavez Grenard, Lord, we’re thankful that the mom has been able to return home from the hospital and that there can be healing to take place at home. Sometimes staying at the hospital is really not a fun thing to do. So may the mother be able to be encouraged to be back home in even greater time in being with family.

We have a praise for Leilani. She’s grateful from the praise from last week that there has been peace in the home. Last week we heard that there was disturbance from the enemy. Lord, we give you thanks for that. We thank you that when you can show your power in a mighty way. We’re thankful, Lord, for a praise from Michael Brown, who praised the dad could pay his utility bill.

You know what? He’s in the small things like that, too. So grateful, Lord, to know that this has been taken care of, Lord, and that you’ve paid this in debt for all of us. Thank you, Lord Jesus. We love the fact that you have cleared our account, Lord. And all we need to do is take it and receive it. We give you praise, Lord, for just the simple things.

I think that was mentioned on the prayer line. Thank you Lord, for simple things such as a little umbrella for a little sweetie. Lord, it’s only you that can make those types of things happen and make us realize how mighty you are, Lord God, we also want to bring any missed prayer requests that if I hadn’t said. As I’m looking down, I see prayer for Samuel Farah. In his text.

He says has demons and can they get cast out. I’m challenging all of those that hear my voice, that they take this name, Lord Samuel Farah, and they put it to prayer. They can join me now, but all the more to battle in prayer for this, Lord God, you know what’s taking place. You know if there’s things that Samuel has been involved in that may have opened doors, I pray that there would be discernment.

I pray that Lord God, these things that are from the enemy, that are being a harassment would be gone in Jesus name. And that your light, Lord, would be penetrating in Samuel’s heart. That he would draw closer to you, Lord, anything that he needs to turn away from, he does. And Lord, may he not try to open any doors, Lord, that you’ve closed in his life. So as we as a group will continue to pray for Samuel in regarding to this and that in the areas Samuel, where you need to say no, you say no.

And in the areas where you need to say yes, Samuel, you say yes also. Lord God, I’m thankful for all of those that are attending and that they’ve had hearts opened to receive your truth. Only you, Lord, have brought those here to be part of growing. And if there’s anyone here too. I thought this came through was that want to rededicate your walk with the Lord. Maybe you’ve been slacking and so there’s been no names to this.

Just praying that you would have the strength to just draw closer and get back on that narrow path in a way that can join all those, Lord, that we’re bound for the promised land, that we don’t want to stay in the wilderness. So if you need to do that, we’re praying for you in that area as well. So that we’re not wasting time, Lord, being in an area that is dry and thirsty, but go into the land of milk and honey.

So Father God, we pray for your wisdom to be upon us. We want to be so filled with your holy spirit, Lord Jesus, that if there’s anything that we do that displeases you, we want to know. We want to love you, Father, more than sin. We want to love you, Father, more than stuff, stuff from this world that means nothing, Lord. So we want to have you fully in us so that we have your seal upon us, Lord God, it is with great honor that I was able to say these things in the presence of the souls, the beloved souls listening right now.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your generosity. And thank you for blessing us more than we ask or more than we can imagine. May we be humble as water and always go low, low. And only be lifted when you lift us up and not on our own. Yes. Thank you, Father God. Thank you, Jesus. And we appreciate that holy spirit being in us to help us till we meet you face to face for all eternity.

Amen. Amen. I just want to add real quick to Samuel in particular. I see there’s some people that have said they’re willing to help you on the chat, and we are know, Heidi and I tally. I’m sure that we would be glad to help you. And we have a wonderful series that we’re going through that’s called freedom in Christ. And we went through this with many, many people.

And it is a very good tool to check ourselves and clean house and be on the pathway of holiness and being set free from any strongholds or bondages that we may have willingly created in our life at some point. And it’s very useful. And also, just so you know, if prayer requests keep coming in, Heidi’s going to keep writing them. So. Amen. That is so awesome. That is so awesome.

For those of you all that just want to let y’all know, every Saturday we’re doing discipleship classes. Chris and Heidi are doing a phenomenal job, phenomenal job with those. And just know that you’re more than welcome to always tune into those and Fellowship. And it’s a beautiful, um. Like I said, we’re all just trying and here to do everything we possibly can to make an impact in the name of Jesus Christ.

And please always hold us accountable. We always say that, please hold us accountable. We’re not above reproach. Anytime you think you stand, you usually are at a point that you could fall. So if anything, you see that at any point in time, Chris says we’re misrepresenting scripture, you let us know, and we’ll be more than happy to repent. There’s no shame in that. That’s the craziest part, that a lot of people, especially on YouTube, when you have so many people that will have prophecies, prophecies, prophecies.

Especially in election season, man, you’re going to have a lot of prophecies. And then when they don’t get it, know, no one wants to ever repent. So we have to make sure that our hearts is always at a point that we can say, you know what, I was wrong. I apologize. I repent. Because, hey, we got to endure to the end, guys. We have to endure to the end.

So I do want to say also how proud I am of all of you. Okay? All of you are doing so awesome. We talked earlier today about taking these steps of holding each other accountable. We raise our hands when we want to speak. We limit it to one to 3 minutes. Right? We’ve done a better job at that today. We’re all helping each other. Look at all these faces here.

It’s so beautiful to see all of you. I’m just so proud. I’m so proud because I couldn’t ask for a better brother and sister in the Lord than you guys. I can’t. Also on the thumbnail for these Tuesday night lives, I’m just going to keep it the same thumbnail because I don’t want to do like a situation that I put a thumbnail and you think it’s a video.

And these are two different types of audiences. Hey, Ernest and Amy. There’s the audience that watches the Friday or Saturday uploads and then the ones that participate here, I’m going to keep the same thumbnail every Tuesday. Just so you know that it’s part of the gathering. Okay? We already put the emails on the screen various times. If you need any type of zoom consultation, if you need someone to pray with you, if you need someone to be there for you, email soon.

We’re going to have on our website an area that’s going to say, are you struggling? And if you’re struggling, you click on there. And when you click on there, it’ll automatically allow you to go ahead and submit your request. And we’ll be in contact with you and we’ll pray with you and we’ll do whatever we can possibly do. Alex and Paige, please, Alex, if you can hit me up on the website.

I know I’m saying it again, but I really want to challenge you guys. And you guys have an awesome calling in your life and I want to be able to work with you guys as well. This Saturday is the premiere of our film that we’ve been working for. It’s. It’s awesome and I’m so happy and it’s, you know, it’s know. You know what? That’s, know. Trey Smith, he drove to a museum to film for, um, so many others contributed so many different.

It’s just. I love that. Esteban, did you have your hand up? Oh, he’s not here. Anything you. Oh, Esteban, anything you want to say before we go? Yes. Real quick. Yes. I need your help in the website, the TFG website. I meant to say that to you a couple of weeks ago. Also, number two, as you know, I’m partial to streamyard, so I’m going to keep grinding. I’m going to keep grinding down on you, hopefully to get it expanded.

But I just wanted to say thank you for what you’re doing. And, yeah, it was mainly just about the TFG for some reason, I can’t seem to. Email me at brotherniptali@gmail. com. Email me and go ahead and put your email on there and I’ll go ahead and just make it for you and approve it. Okay. Thank you, brother. And I love you. Appreciate it. Love you, man. Love you, Shannon.

Look at that. Woo. It’s like that meme, the one that goes, can I pet that dog? You ever seen it? I had to pick her up. That’s awesome. Michelle, keep on being encouraged in your job, okay? Keep on being encouraged in your job, all right? Keep your head up. It’s been better the past couple of weeks. So I do thank you guys for prayer. It’s been better. I did have a meeting with my director and my manager, and I definitely prayed up and I was like, lord, actually, it was good timing because I was like, don’t let me be offended.

That was very good timing. And, yeah, just still keep me in prayer because today was very good because I think I struggle with being offended, but I don’t say it. I just kind of bottle in and get all frustrated. So this is definitely good timing. So, yeah, definitely. Thank you guys for your prayers. It’s possibly just been better. So thank you. It’s a blessing. It’s a blessing to see all of you.

Serita, look at, you know, God bless all of you. Just know that I depend on Chris and Heidi a lot to help me out. And also, Amy, look at Amy right there saying, hi. You don’t know how to turn on the highway, flag, whatever, finger. You don’t know how to. That’s fun. You said she was doing it. What’s up? What you got, hey, we just want to apologize for being late.

We had something unexpected to come through so we had to go take care of some business. But we’re here. We’re late. But we’re here. You’re there. You don’t have to apologize. You don’t have to apologize. We want to be here. And it was like we kept saying we had something we had to do, but it just kept prolonging and prolonging and prolonging and prolonging. I was getting frustrated.

But pray for us. We got you, man. I know that we love you a lot. And pray for them for endurance because on our way back from Nashville, we’re going to go see them. So give endurance for that is awesome. That’s a blessing. I can’t wait for that. And I just found out because I was just over there the other day, like right down the road from where y’all going to be at and I saw the street name and I’m like, wait, that’s where they’re going to be at, right down there.

So that’s really right up the road. Really? So that’s going to be a blessing. I’m excited. I’m going to have to bring my show force so we can shout, hey, I’ll bring mine and you can show me how to use it. You probably showed me how to use mine, too. It’s always good to see that you guys are know. That’s what I love about this stuff that we know.

And guys, listen, excuse me. With my job, I have some weird know, so sometimes I have availability in the morning. Others know, just thank you for bearing with me and thank you all for helping me again. Chris and heidi, thank you for the hard work. Thank you for all the hard work. Without the help that all of you are doing, there’s no way I could do that. And I just wanted to say thank you.

I’m going to end the live stream pretty soon, but know that if there’s anything ever y’all need, just email me at brothernipitalia@gmail. com as well. I may respond at two or three, four in the morning, but I’ll respond and we’ll be there for you. Okay. And I already put the emails on there for chris and Heidi, too. And soon we’ll have the are you struggling on our website? And that’s going to be phenomenal because there we’re going to be able to help each other.

And as we train some of you up, then you can also help as well. Isn’t that going to be awesome, that we can help people around the world for free and help each other and hopefully point each other to different people until they find the local fellowship. That’s the key here. But without all of you, and I mean that. All of you, from shannon, to michelle, to rob, to hope, to deborah, to ernest Zane, matthew, serita, lynette, tim, falling world films, brother Lou, Mary christina, all these names that are here, right? Esteban, shayna, tiana, all of you.

And on YouTube, without all of you being patient with me, I couldn’t do know, but you guys are know. So thank you. All right, anything else you want to say, chris, before I shut it down? You’re muted. You’re muted. You’re good. You good. I really appreciate you guys. And heidi and I look forward to this so much. And I do want to give a little bit of a praise report.

Shelly and heidi and I started freedom in Christ today. And we had a wonderful time. Didn’t we, Shelly? So it was awesome. Listen, family, I want to recommend real quick that anybody that really wants to grow in the like, it’s so beautiful what Heidi and Chris are doing, and they’re so amazing. And praise God, it’s really the Lord through us that makes us amazing. Glory be to God.

But seriously, anybody that wants to grow in the Lord, they’re amazing. They’ll send you these books. I had some pride at the beginning. I’m like, well, I know I’ve been listening to sermons for years. I know all this stuff. But no, it’s actually helping me grow, too. And it’s just awesome. So I just want to recommend that anybody, that it’s just a blessing that Heidi and Chris are even available to do this, because most times people are very busy with regular jobs.

To even have you guys, to be able to give up part of your life to serve other people, to serve me, it’s so beautiful and it’s such a blessing, and it’s amazing. Even if you’ve been walking with God for, like, 30 years, whatever, this course can really help you. It’s really great. So happy for you, Shelley. And I’m going to tell you my video I’m going to make so you can draw something.

All right. Hey, that’s what’s up. All right. I’m going to be shutting it down pretty soon. But I also want to say, aside from all the thank yous and everything like that on the website, continue to continue to hold as we continue to grow, keep on making them post edification. If it doesn’t edify, don’t even post it. If you notice, I don’t even post my own videos on there because I don’t even post my own stuff on there.

So anything that’s edifying, post it, edify each other, help each other, keep on praying with each other, keep on encouraging each other and hold each other accountable. Listen, sometimes you got to have them difficult conversations, hold each other accountable and just have a conversation and love on each other because we may be headed to some crazy times, and as we head to those times, we’re going to make it together.

All right. Go ahead, Heidi. Go ahead, Heidi. Heidi has off the wall. So, Michael Brown, I may have met you and I may have been witnessing to you in a store when I was in Tennessee. If that is true, you’ll remember the encounter you had with me. So let me know because you’re on this thing. What is this called on the chat? So we may have met, actually.

So it was at Publix and I’ll leave it at. Yeah, so you confirm that real quick. I want to give a little bit of encouragement to Matthew. When, Matthew, when you said that, it seems like everyone’s turning against you or giving you a hard time or whatever, I went through a very similar thing. And I’m like, lord, poor me, what did I do wrong? And the Lord reminded me, are you the one that prayed to me to die to yourself? Yes, Lord.

Do you think I’m going to wave my hand over you and say, thou art dead to yourself? No, Lord. You’re going to put me in situations where I’m going to have to go through people treating me a different way, and I got to be okay with it. So I don’t know if that’s true or not, but when those kinds of things happen and when you have asked the Lord for something like that, we need to rejoice.

Rejoice in the Lord always, because he’s there answering our prayer. And sometimes it’s a little harder than we wish it was. So just a little encouragement there. That is awesome. God is good. And Heidi Publix has some good chicken. Public got them. And there’s great business opportunities, too. You just never know who the Lord has you talk to in the, you know, different. Always. I always do it this way.

Somebody starts talking to me, I know that Jesus wants me to talk about him to. So that’s awesome. Yeah, public’s got that good chicken. Oh, man, you guys are awesome. You guys are awesome. All right, I’m going to cut the stream, but just know that we’re there for you. And again, thank you, all of you, for being so mature. For being so mature. My main bread and butter in the ministry is focusing on videos and all of that aspect and witnessing to people on that end and without you guys on this end helping me out and being so mature and helping each other out and holding each other accountable.

If we’re going to talk one, two, 3 minutes. If we’re going to do this five or eight, we’re going to pray 7ft to God. We’re eight. If we’re going to a. Love you guys. All right, there we go. We got bad Internet again, so that’s the sign we got to cut it. But I love you guys a lot. All right, bye. .


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