➡ This text encourages people to turn to Jesus Christ, who is described as a safe haven or ‘arc’, in times of fear and uncertainty. It emphasizes the importance of faith, resisting evil, and submitting to God. The author also thanks viewers for their support and asks for continued prayers during a personal transition, hinting at upcoming changes to their ministry.
And the UFO in question, if you look closely on your screen, that little red dot that floats in and out of the video. That was the one that was in our altitude that would come up to us and sit for about three to five seconds and then it would go back out over the ocean, over the horizon. And then what we started seeing all around the world was fog everywhere. Marco Island, we’ve been in and out of the fog throughout the day right now, seeing a nice respite. Of course, so many folks taking advantage of that enjoying that time on the beach.
Let’s head a little bit farther up toward the north. I want to show you this, our live look from our Margaritaville tower camera. And as we overlook Fort Myers Beach, it’s impossible to even see the remnants of the pier there. Just really goes to show that fog is dense on a sterile island, a sterile boulevard crossing over the Matanzas Pass. Big impact, trickle down impact on flights both in and out of San Diego throughout the day. There have been hundreds of delays, dozens of cancellations. What about the film The Mist, which in 2007, and this is based on books written in the 90s, I believe, and correct me if I’m wrong, about mist and fog coming to earth and all of a sudden destruction soon following right after.
In the storm, big insurance day. Sorry to hear that. What’s going on? It’s death. Something in the mist. Shut the doors. Shut the door. The only way we’re going to help ourselves is to seek rescue. Tie this around your waist. I have four. Let us know you got at least 300 feet. There’s nothing out there. Nothing in the mist. What if you’re wrong? Man, I guess that job would be on me. It is time to take sides. Read the good book. It calls for blood. Guys, I hear something. Are those books? Not like any I’ve ever seen.
The entire front of the store is blank glass. One thing for sure is in many of these films, they love to predict and program, and it’s not because the writers that are writing these books and these materials are doing so because the world elite government is just coming together to get them to do so. No. But many of these films and horror films and horror books and genres, they’re led by fallen angels. So as they’re led by fallen angels, fallen angels can tell them what to do creatively. And then you see many of these things come to pass, like in the film Star Trek and many others.
Before you saw an iPad, before you saw Bluetooth, before you saw Skype, before you saw Wi-Fi, where did you see it first, right? So these are some of the things that we see and we recognize that are operating through the darkness of this world. Before these California fires took place 11 days ago, this was the scene in parts of California. Delays and cancellations continue across the country this morning amid the busy holiday travel crunch. You’re looking live at LAX this morning, which is being impacted not only by the fog that still seems to be fairly dense at this hour, but also delays in other parts of the country caused by severe weather.
Thousands of flights have been delayed in the past three days. At LAX, flight delays have jumped this morning from 60 to 126. We have two more cancellations to report, raising the total to eight canceled flights. Around the world, the same thing. In the United States of America, many reported fogs that tasted even differently. Fogs that when you would walk through them, you can see the residue on your vehicles. All right, so it’s crazy foggy right now. But that’s not the weird part. Okay, like number one, it’s weird because as it gets later in the day, fog should lighten, dissipate, and it’s really not.
But the weirdest part is the taste and smell. It smells like after you set off a bunch of fireworks. And like the taste of the air is, I mean, the only word I can think of is toxic. It’s super weird. And so I’m going for my walk. And it’s kind of worrying me a little bit. Let me know if you guys are experiencing something like that. That’s weird. Yeah, I mean, it smells not right. And I’ve, you know, I mean, I’m 41. I’ve been through fog. This is something different. I don’t know if you guys are experiencing something like that.
And then right after you have this Arctic wind calamity of weather events, fires all over the place. What is it that is happening on the land? Is this something we can naturally explain? Or is this something that is prophetic? Or is this something that is judgment? How do we balance these things out? One thing for sure that we know is that earth is groaning. And earth is saying a message. And earth is experiencing devastation like we’ve never seen before. And creatures that God has created, you’re seeing the extinction of those creations.
And you’re seeing them drop new hybrid beings in the environment to make up for it. At some point in time, earth is going to groan to such an extent that it’s going to get out of control. Are we seeing that right now? Look 2111, it tells us in great earthquakes shall be in diverse places. I am telling you the little tremors and earthquakes that we’ve seen around the world pale in comparison to what we will see in famines and pestilences. The jab event that happened in 2020 will pale in comparison to what we will see.
The famines that we see right now will pale in comparison to what we will witness. But also the UAPs and the drones and the UFOs and the phenomenons that they can’t explain pale in comparison to the fearful sights that we will see in the heavens. And great signs shall there be from heavens. Notice that it says it, it’s fearful sights because these things will cause many to panic and fear. Which is why we have to talk about these things so that you can start taking thoughts captive. Prepare your mind, prepare your spirit, prepare your soul so that when these events begin to occur you can be at peace knowing that the one that you serve warned you of these things.
Because God does not function with fear mongering. God does not operate with the spirit of fear. God did not give us the spirit of fear. Because he did not give us the spirit of fear. Anything that operates with fear is not of God. Alien abductions operate at night time, operate with fear, not of God. UAPs, UFO phenomenons that operate mysteriously appear mysteriously. People when they come out of these events come out traumatized, not of God. God’s fog should bring forth a beautiful mist that refreshes the soul. Man-made fog and chemtrails leave you with breathing problems, leave you with manipulated weather events, leave you with cloud seeding, leave you with cloud seeding that destroys God’s natural creation.
A hellscape to rival anything Hollywood could produce. Wildfires bigger and wilder than any in living memory. Los Angeles is under siege. Look how close the freaking fire is but they haven’t told us to evacuate. 51-year-old Nadia Pavia live streamed the fire that may have claimed her Pasadena home. I’m from Victoria, Australia and I just don’t think that I want to take that risk because I know what happened in that fire I think it was 2009. At 10.30pm she decided it was time to grab the cat and head to a hotel. I’m in tears right now I’m just watching the fires getting closer and closer to where I live I don’t know if the house is on fire and it’s just like imagine suburbs in Melbourne like Tourette being on fire and then say Glenroy being on fire and they’re all on fire at the same time you know it’s it’s people we’re all shell shocked it’s it’s just I just couldn’t believe what place is so close that we’re just being burnt down.
Anything that you exploit it’s bound to break down these clouds were not meant to be abused and when you abuse these clouds you have drought but then they manipulate the clouds again to make it do more and perform more and perform more and eventually we’re gonna go through moments that it’s gonna say you know and when that moment hits just like in the arc when it was time and it was enough they went into the arc and the Lord himself shut the door we’re in a time that people waste their day and waste their time and they don’t understand that there is only one way Jesus is that way they don’t understand that the scripture provides a recipe submit to God resist the devil the devil will flee people want the devil will flee but they won’t submit to God and they much less will resist the devil and this is how we end up with the lukewarm church that we have right now in America and what happens in America spreads all around the world and you’re seeing that in all different cultures as well the arc is set the time is coming when is it I don’t know you don’t know we don’t know but you have an opportunity to get into the arc today you have an opportunity right now as we’re gonna pray to get into that arc which is Jesus Christ come into the arc come into the arc freely he won’t force you he won’t manipulate but he wants you to come in freely take of the rivers of life freely whosoever will that means you that means me take of this river of life freely because the devil and his minions and his attacks will distract you will cause fear will cause all sorts of craziness but when you’re a citizen of the kingdom of above the kingdom of heaven at that point in time my friends oh no fearful sight can destroy you no manipulated weather event can attack you no pestilence can hurt you because we now live by faith not by sight heavily father thank you for your dear son thank you for salvation and thank you for helping us you know the many brothers and the many sisters that are watching this video that are simply going through it in a way that most cannot imagine you know the brothers and the sisters that are going through it right now with anxiety with depression with sleep paralysis others that are having panic attacks others that are simply fearful of what it’s coming you don’t need to fear if god warned you that there should be fearful sights in the heavens just so that you can prepare and not be afraid if god warned you to cast down all your imaginations to him if god warned us to take all of our anxieties to him if god tells us to live by faith not by sight is because he wants us to be ready because as a loving dad he loves you and as a loving dad he will not forsake you and as a loving dad he’s giving you the comforter and as a loving dad he will be there for your marriage he will be there for your children he will be there for your workplace he will be there for your finances as he sees fit we cannot lean on our own understanding let us lean on his and let us turn to him as children today in jesus name amen and family thank you for watching this video thank you for taking the time what a blessing um in the coming weeks you’re going to see a little bit of a shift on the channel i may be absent for a couple of weeks i’m going through a very personal issue and i’ll explain to you later on as a moment of transition as a family if you would like to support that know that below the video there’s a description tab and there you can support this ministry if you feel led to do so you know that i rarely call on that in any way but some shifts are coming some decisions have to be made for the better good of the future of the ministry and the family so it’s going to be good things not bad things but any help would be appreciated and i’ll explain to you later on where uh whatever is going to happen in a couple of weeks um just know that uh we’re in times where uh i could truly appreciate your prayers and uh i could truly appreciate uh you just praying and god knows why you’re praying okay god knows why you’re doing i love you guys very much consider sharing this video as well with a friend and their family member leave me a comment on the video let me know what you think about all these things and um love you very much in jesus mighty awesome name