Hurricane Idahia Largest in 125 YRS Wait Untill You SEE Whats NEXT! (2023)

Spread the Truth



➡ The text reflects on the severity of Hurricane Idahia as a significant major category four hurricane to hit parts of Florida and Georgia, drawing parallels with the spiritual storms of crises, hardships, and struggles people face in their lives. These difficulties can leave individuals spiritually numb and caught off guard, likened to the biblical narrative of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13, warning against spiritual unpreparedness. The writer urges viewers to share the video for it operates in a challenging algorithmic environment of YouTube and its non-monetized nature.
➡ The text encourages believers to remember that spiritual nourishment from God is always freely available, and highlights the importance of sincere repentance, graciousness, and love towards others. The speaker calls for religious leaders to reflect their teachings in their personal lives and warns against becoming numb to acts of kindness, stressing that preparations in the spiritual realm are more important than physical preparations. He also shows appreciation for the support he receives and encourages continued sharing of his teachings.


Hurricane Idahia Off the charts.

Hurricane Idahia is reported to be the biggest hurricane to hit this portion of Florida on up into Georgia in the last 125 years.

Hurricane Idahia Is Reported To Be The Biggest Hurricane To Hit This Portion Of Florida On Up Into Georgia In The Last 125 Years.

Hurricane Idahia is a Cat four or cat five. So we’ll continue to watch that.

Let’s check in right now with the storm team, meteorologists Jamie and Allison, of course, watching. We just came through kind of the tornado phase. Now we’re watching the Hurricane Idahia move toward the Big Bend area.

Yeah, it’s still a tornado phase, Ryan. It looks like Good is Gold out to like mid morning potechi. While the watch will may expire, but they may expand that depending on these rain bands.

So we’ve got a category four hurricane now, Hurricane Idahia a major hurricane. And as you think of the families that are arriving home to see that anything that they have has been destroyed, flooded, total catastrophe. And then as you take a glance in other portions of this world, the families in Maui at all of their hard work, all of what they’ve prepared for their whole lives to leave as an inheritance destroyed.

Pummeled creation is groaning, typically as a storm is arriving and as Earth is groaning. And as these storms in the physical are brewing, there are spiritual storms brewing up as well. Earth is becoming a place that if you’re not cautious, it will make you numb and it will make your heart cold and it will make you sleep and it will make you slumber.

For as we walk in this world, whether you’re asleep or you’re awake, there are physical and there are spiritual storms, both combining to such a point that you can see it in people’s faces. The large vast of humanity is done, is exhausted.

And I do not want you, my brother, my sister and the Lord to tune into this channel every single week, to just be another statistic, to just be just another person who claims to be a Christian, a disciple of Christ. Yet deep within you are asleep, you are slumbering, and all of these events are making you numb.

As we proceed, if you can be so kind to press the thumbs up and share this video when it’s done, I would greatly appreciate that. As a channel that is non monetized and it goes through craziness with the algorithm here on YouTube, you make a difference by taking the time to do that, and I greatly appreciate that. Okay? So if you can do so, thank you very much.

In Matthew 25, one through 13, an event happened then that is pretty similar to me as in the days of Noah. In the days of Noah, we know what Noah was battling up against. He was facing fallen angels. He was facing diabolical entities, and he faced them up until a point when the ark’s door was closed shut.

But I want you to understand that Noah had to have the integrity, the honor, the wisdom to follow instructions. We’re in a day where the scripture tells you that the last days will be as the days of Noah. And all you have to do is turn on the TV, even for an hour, and you’ll see hybrids promoted left and right in films and cartoons and news articles.

All you have to do is turn on the television set and you see conversations of UFOs, conversations of the supernatural Peru attacked by this. It’s a common theme now that there is something from another dimension that is brewing, and that’s the spiritual storm. But then you start turning on weather channels and you start seeing the physical aspects that are being felt.

You have marine temperatures that are so hot that God bless his marine life. Because when you think of the extreme temperatures all over the waters around Australia, when you think of the fact that this storm, all it had to do was hit the Gulf of Mexico, an area that already is contaminated from the BP oil spill. And just because it’s been 13 years, that doesn’t take the fact that that has caused destruction. Those temperatures were over 100 degrees. This was prime, prime for whatever hit it to become a cat three, cat four. And then you start looking all over the world.

And yes, I am repetitive when I talk about these events because a lot of people are asleep and they’re not paying attention because the bridegroom has tarried. They have fallen asleep. Matthew 25 113 there shall then shall the kingdo…

What will you do when the door is shut? What will you do when that door is shut? And because you were sleeping and because we were slumbering and because we were just not paying attention, not allowing ourselves to be full of the Holy Spirit, that door is shut.

Look at what happened afterward. Came also the other virgin, saying, lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, verily, I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

We’re in a day and age that on YouTube, everyone has a day. Everyone has an hour. Prophets rise up. Prophets go down. They all claim to know something, and they all fail at it. And you’ll know if they’re biblical or not, if they come true or not, of course. And YouTube’s prophecy rate is abysmal.

But imagine the days of Noah when they saw that Noah was building an ark. They understood what Noah was doing. Look at all that Noah had to endure while building the ark. Do you think it was easy for Noah do you think it was easy for Noah in the physical realm to prepare for what he understood was a physical and spiritual storm that was brewing?

The fallen angels, the nephilims, the mocking, the making fun of the cold hearted people, the sarcasm. Yet he prepared. He was obedient. He followed instructions. And then the day came when the door was shut.

I want us to pray. But before we pray, my family, I live in Florida, and when hurricanes come, one of the first things we do is we start preparing for them, especially this storm, Hurricane Idahia. This storm (Hurricane Idahia) caught just about everyone in Florida in a bad spot because we have to pay rent, more mortgage at the end of the month, right? And then you have back to school, which just started. So a lot of parents had to buy a lot of that stuff. And the storm is coming exactly at the end of the month. This wasn’t easy for a lot of people in Florida.

This is why you saw so many of us, so many people getting prepared at the last moment. Going to the gas station and finding no oil, no gas, going to the store and finding no water because the storm is here. And then comes the day of the storm. That door is shut, and you can already tell that the atmosphere is changing. You can already tell. You can already tell something has arrived and the winds begin to blow.

And your daughter begins to ask, daddy, is everything going to be okay? Are we good? Are we all right? Then the storm comes. Some families are more ready than other. Some are more prepared than other. My family, in the spiritual sense, we have no excuse.

You see, in the physical, I’ve just mentioned to you a few excuses as to why we’re not ready. Sometimes we may not be ready because we have to work and we couldn’t go to the store and buy stuff. We may not be ready because of financial reasons in the physical. But in the spiritual sense, there is a God that has made provision for me andFor you, that provision is free and available 24/7. I could understand if you had to go to Lowe’s and Home Depot or wait for payday to stock up for a hurricane, but in the spiritual sense, the oil is there. There is no excuse for those foolish virgins not to have oil with them, just as there is no excuse today for a believer, a ministry, or a person who claims to know the Most High, who claims to know Jesus Christ, who claims to walk with him, to have no oil.

Revelation 20:21-27 tells us to come, inviting us to take the water of life freely. God does not care about your skin color, nationality, or how you say his name. He wants you to come to him today freely and be filled with his Holy Spirit, who will guide you and teach you all things for free. Unlike some ministries that hide things behind memberships, paywalls, or other tools, God’s gift, anointing, truth, and preaching are all free.

Though you may not be prepared for physical devastation due to the economic craziness of this world, there is no excuse for you to be unprepared in the spiritual realm. I don’t want us to be caught in a position where the door is shut and I didn’t warn you. Let’s pray together, remembering that I am no better than you and that we all fall short. Repenting when God convicts us is not shameful; it is sad when a person grows numb to loving others, being a peacemaker, living holy, and showing grace and gentleness.

We should treat the whole world with love and courtesy, preaching the gospel to all nations, and pastor our homes with the same gentleness we show the world. The door is going to be shut, and I don’t want us to be unprepared. Let’s rely on Jesus for our salvation, as there is only one mediator between God and man. While the world may have gatekeepers who want you to go to them for the truth, we are called to point to Jesus, who freely gives his oil.

Even if Jesus tarries, even if it seems like he is taking a little longer to come back, that doesn’t mean he isn’t listening, comforting us, or still working through his Holy Spirit. Let’s not become numb to the things of this world because we are not of this world. This world will hate you, and even your family and friends may come against you, but operate in love and the peace of Jesus. Preach the gospel to all creatures because Jesus paid the price on the cross for all of us and offers salvation for free.

Let’s not take advantage of Jesus’ grace and become numb. When the door closes, we will have no excuse. In the physical realm, there may be reasons not to be ready for a storm like Hurricane Idahia, but spiritually we are to be on fire and ready to go. I love you all and thank you for watching. Pray for families around the world who are going through difficult times and support each other. Jesus loves you, and if you know someone who needs encouragement, please share this video with them. Be blessed and encouraged.


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