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I Never KNEW You in the Last Days

By: Nephtali1981
Spread the Truth

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➡ The speaker is hosting a religious gathering online, where they discuss the importance of maintaining a strong connection with God and not just going through the motions of faith. They encourage listeners to actively seek out local religious communities and to always put God first in their lives. They also emphasize the importance of spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ and warn against losing the initial love and passion for God. The speaker also apologizes for not being able to respond to all messages due to a busy schedule, but assures listeners that they are valued and not taken for granted.
➡ This text is about the importance of having a deep, personal relationship with God. It emphasizes that we should listen to God’s guidance in our lives, even when it’s tough, and not let pride get in the way. It also encourages us to reflect on how we show love to God and how He shows love to us, which might be different but is always for our good. Lastly, it reminds us to keep our faith simple and focused on God’s love and guidance.
➡ This text is a prayer session where people are praying for various individuals and their struggles. They pray for healing, strength, and faith for those dealing with illnesses, family problems, and personal challenges. They also pray for teenagers to resist peer pressure and for marriages to stay strong. The text ends with gratitude for the prayer session and anticipation for the next one.
➡ Sister C thanks Harold and Nancy for their contributions to their group chat, especially for sharing Bible verses and prayers. She also appreciates Mad guns and Chris, and announces she’ll be offline until the weekend video meeting. She ends by expressing her love and blessings for everyone in the group.
➡ This text is about a religious gathering where people share their experiences and encourage each other to stay strong in their faith. They talk about the importance of remembering their love for God, even when life gets tough. They also discuss the idea of taking control of their thoughts, especially when they’re negative or filled with fear, and using their faith to help them through difficult times. The overall message is to stay faithful, keep praying, and remember that they’re not alone in their struggles.
➡ This text talks about the power of faith and the importance of staying strong in your beliefs. It emphasizes that even when things get tough, you should keep going because God is always with you. It also discusses the idea of “taking your thoughts captive,” which means comparing your thoughts to what the Bible says and choosing to believe in God’s word over your fears or anxieties. Lastly, it encourages everyone to resist negative thoughts and focus on the positive, because in the end, those who stay true to their faith will be victorious.
➡ The text is about a person sharing their personal journey of faith and transformation. They share a poem they wrote when they first found faith, expressing their feelings of love, forgiveness, and connection with God. They also discuss the importance of community, prayer, and supporting each other in their faith journey. The text ends with a reference to a Bible verse about selflessness and faith.
➡ The text talks about the importance of obeying God’s call, even when it’s tough. It emphasizes that God doesn’t ask us to do things we can’t handle, and that following Him is a personal choice that can lead to great rewards. It also highlights the importance of listening for God’s voice in quiet moments, rather than expecting grand signs.
➡ This text is about the importance of listening to God’s guidance and being obedient to Him. It emphasizes that even when we’re nervous or scared, we should trust in God and surrender ourselves to Him. The text also encourages us to read the Bible daily and to stay strong in our faith, even when we face distractions or challenges. Lastly, it reminds us that God is merciful and loving, and that we should repent for our sins and let go of things that harm us.
➡ This text is about a group of people sharing their faith and experiences with each other. They ask for forgiveness from God, express their love for Him, and thank Him for His blessings. They also encourage each other, share personal stories, and discuss their spiritual journeys. They emphasize the importance of loving God wholeheartedly and examining one’s faith regularly.
➡ In a virtual meeting, the speaker encourages everyone to make decisions that honor God, even if it’s difficult. They also discuss the importance of supporting each other, holding each other accountable, and maintaining sound doctrine. The speaker then invites various participants to share their stories or devotionals in the next meeting, highlighting the sense of community within the group. The meeting ends with participants sharing personal updates and expressing gratitude for the support they receive from the group.
➡ The speaker is expressing gratitude to a group of people for their support and dedication. They apologize for not being able to respond to everyone’s messages, specifically mentioning a person named Michael Perner who runs a small ministry in New Mexico. The speaker also encourages everyone to stay strong in their faith and mentions a prayer session where they pray for various individuals and their needs, including those struggling with health issues, seeking wisdom, and those needing forgiveness.


God bless. God bless YouTube. God bless everybody. Hope everyone’s doing awesome today. It’s a huge blessing to be here on Wednesday. We’ve shifted it from Tuesdays to Wednesdays temporarily. I appreciate everyone’s flexibility with me on that. Hopefully y’all can hear me. Can y’all hear me well or no? Yes, you can hear me well. Ok, let me see if YouTube can hear me. YouTube, can you hear me? You can hear me, right? Some people are saying audio issues.

All right, it should be good. All right, cool. Awesome. Awesome. So we’re going to have an awesome night. We have our sister Tracy here with us today. She’s going to be giving a small devotional as well, Sister Michelle as well, Sister Shannon as well. So it’s a blessed day because we get to come together. And as always, we’re always motivating you to be able to find the local fellowship, if you can find one.

This is in no way trying to say for you to just make this your own place. You can find something local. That’s awesome. Make sure that you compare everything to the word of God. When you find something, though, make sure that you allow God to be first and foremost, number one in your life. Okay? Because there’s a lot of crazy doctrines out there and a lot of different churches that may not be edifying for you, but that doesn’t mean that you should stop looking.

Okay? And if anything, this should also motivate you for you to have home church with your family, with your neighbors, with your kids. There’s nothing more beautiful than a family that loves the Lord and seeks the Lord. Okay? So I want to encourage you on that. All right? So it’s a huge blessing to be here with you. I’m going to put on a quick worship song just until the zoom room and the live stream starts getting more participants to come in, and then we’re going to get started.

All right? And as always, thank you for being here. Okay, bear with me 1 second. This song, it’s by Jason Bellard, and it’s a pretty good song because it’s talking about something that it’s very important and it’s preaching the gospel. Right? Preach to me. Right. It’s nothing too complicated. Right? But how difficult sometimes is it for us to be able to just do something as simple as preaching the gospel? But today we want to challenge you to do exactly that.

Okay? Preach the truth of Jesus Christ wherever you go. All right? So hopefully the song blesses you while the room gets a little bit more packed and we’ll get going. Okay. God bless every single one of you I am the lost one we can condemned the one that God wants you to talk to but you scared you to Finn and I am the outcast rejected inside who I’m looking for answers but I’m blinded by pride to come out and preach preach unto me tell me the secret to eternity be bold and speak and reach out to me no, I can’t save myself but I want to be free and there’s something inside you I need well, there’s something deep down inside you I need and I’m locked in a closet darkened alone and I need you to love me but you cast the first stone why am the lost one we can condemn the one that God wants you to talk to but you’re scared you to why don’t you come out and preach preach unto me tell me the secret to eternity be bold and speak reach out to me no, I can’t save myself but I want to be free and there’s something inside you I need will there’s something deep down inside you I need yes, there’s something in your heart I know I need and I can see in your eyes I know I need it to come out and preach preach unto me tell me the secret to eternity be bold and speak reach out to me I can’t save myself but I want to be free and there’s something inside you I need there’s something deep down inside you I need come out and preach.

An amazing story about that gentleman is after he wrote that song, he had a couple of years where he fell into a lot of aspects of the world, and he’s now back serving the Lord. So that’s a huge blessing. But it goes to show you, and to keep us all humble, right? That when you think you stand, you better remember that you stand because of Jesus Christ. That when you think you got it all figured out, you better remember that any of it is because of Jesus Christ.

Whenever you find yourself exalting yourself, that’s when you need to really be really cautious. And today we have a lot of sisters that are going to be doing devotionals. I’m so proud of these. These weekly gatherings are more to make sure that we can help develop each other. Even I’m developing myself as I’m doing this. Brother Chris himself, Sister Heidi herself, we’re all trying our very best to make sure that we can help each other.

So I just wanted to share a couple of things before we get started. All right, first of all, before I start going with the scriptures is apologies. This week, the last week and a half has been really difficult for me. Really difficult for me. I am going nonstop seven days a week. I am doing everything I can. So if I, at any point in time, you’ve texted me, you’ve called me, you’ve reached out, and I haven’t been able to reach back out.

Please know that it hasn’t been on purpose. Just want to make sure you know that because I don’t take any of you for granted. You guys are awesome. Awesome. And I don’t take any of you for granted. All right, I’m going to be posting some emails on the screen because we do have brother Chris and sister Heidi who can always step in and help, and they are already stepping in and helping.

And we just want to know that you’re not alone. Okay. But at the same time, just want you to know I am not taking you for granted. I am not a person who ever likes to not give you a reply. Your reply is coming. It just may take a couple of more days. Okay. But know that I would never disrespect any of you, that you’re taking your time to write me.

You’re taking your time to tell me that you’re going through something. Hey, I value that. It means the world to me. So don’t think that I’ve ignored you. It’s been one of those weeks, okay? But let’s go ahead and get right to the word of God. Okay? Today we want to talk about a topic that brother Chris and I talk about this every day, just about. And it’s about us ensuring that we don’t lose that first love.

That first love is so special. We can see an example of that in the book of Revelation. As an example, revelation two, two through five, right, where it says, I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear with them which are evil and thou hast tried them, which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars. Right? This would apply to many of us that are even on YouTube, that we’ve been hurt by local congregations.

We’ve been able to expose the works of darkness. We’ve been able to discern false prophets and false teachers, right? But even though they did all of those things, they forgot about something and has borne and has patience, and for my name’s sake, has labored and has not fainted. So these were people that they were doing what they had to do. The problem is that sometimes, as Joe just put on there in the comments we forget to love our Lord with all of our heart, and look at what happened.

Nevertheless, I have someone against thee because thou hast left thy first love. And, boy, is it a sad situation when you go through your life and you lose that first love. Right? And look at this warning here. Remember therefore where thou art fallen and repent and do the first works, or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Brothers, my sisters in the Lord, we’ll start this conversation really briefly here, because I want to get Chris’s thoughts on this before we get onto the devotionals. But have you ever been at a point where this world has tried to wear you out so much that you’re going on autopilot? Autopilot. Christianity. You’re doing all of the things that you think you got to do. You’re saying the right hallelujahs.

You’re saying the right amens. But something’s happened. Something’s happened. See, only you can answer that question. I can’t answer it for you. Right? Because in the exterior, we’ll do the right things. We’ll preach the right sermons, we’ll say the right things. We’ll hand out the Bibles. We’ll hand out the Bible tracks. But it’s a condition of the heart, and only you and Jesus Christ can answer that question.

Only you and Jesus Christ can probe deep into that heart. The thumbnail of this video talked about Matthew 721 through 23, where there were many who said, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy names right. And in thy names cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works, and then I will profess unto them, I never knew you.

Right. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Okay. It’s very important to go back to that first love and allow the Holy Spirit to take you in the journey that he wants to take you. Sometimes we want to take charge in that journey. But if you really love the Lord with all of your heart, you’ll find that he’ll give you that conviction, and you’ll find that you’ll be making decisions that you would have never made in the flesh, you would have never made with just your regular mindset.

And when you allow him to take over your life fully, you’ll no longer use anything as a scapegoat for your sins. You’ll now simply come boldly before God and just say, God, you know what? I repent. Go back to those first works. Go back to that first love. Go back to Jesus Christ. Brother Chris, what are your thoughts on this as we’re talking about this as we get going? Well, brother, you know the story with me.

The Lord has put this on my heart for a long time, and I really believe that revival would come to any land if everyone would focus on their relationship with God, if they would say, okay, every morning when I get up, Father, how can I love you more today? And then listen to what he’s telling you when he shows you an opportunity to go, do that, help this person do this, do that.

We obey. It’s our neglect of responding to the Holy Spirit that causes our hearing to go deaf. And eventually we’ll quench and grieve the Holy Spirit, and we certainly don’t want to do know. It’s amazing. I was meditating about this this afternoon a bit, and I’m not putting this out there for us to discuss right now, but maybe later on, after everyone else shares. If there’s times is think in your mind how God demonstrates love to us and how we demonstrate love to him, and what the differences are and what the expectations are and so on.

We think, maybe incorrectly, that it’s all the same. It’s not. The Lord will look at the things that he did to the Israelites to get them to turn back to him. Some of it was not very fun stuff. And think about, is it the one guy that was it, Paul, that said, I’m going to turn you over to the torturers, even unto death, if that’s what it takes to get you straightened out, to save your soul.

So we need to understand God’s way of doing things. And there’s many, many times we go through really crappy stuff, and we should be thanking him every day because we don’t see and understand the outcome he does. And so for us to think of a timeless being and how we communicate with a timeless being and how we interact with a timeless being, it’s way beyond my capabilities and probably most of ours.

But it deserves some, at least awareness, because there’s a big difference how he does things, how we do things, how we experience his love. A lot of times we would not choose that way. And I was thinking about this this afternoon, and I haven’t come to any conclusion on it. But wouldn’t you imagine a loving father if he knew you needed these foundational blocks in your life, and he looks at how old you are, what lies ahead of you and says, you know what? If we go down this really rough rocky road, where I need to get them, is going to happen sooner.

So that means they can learn more lessons. That means they can be prepared to do more things. That means they can bring more glory to my name. Now, like I said, that just came to you this afternoon. Is that true? For sure? I can’t say. But I know that our Lord loves us. And I know that a loving father doesn’t give his son a rock when he wants bread, is not going to give him a serpent when he wants a fish.

I think that applies to a whole bunch of stuff. You think about all of the false people studying Jesus returning this day, that day. This is the mark. That’s the mark. In my lifetime. I don’t know how many different choices has there been? A lot. The reality of it is, this is why our relationship with our father is so important. If we actually know our father and we love our father, do you think he’s going to trick us into something? Do you think he’s going to sneak something in and that’s going to end up being the marker? It’s going to end up being whatever it is.

He’s a loving father. He’s not going to do that. He’s going to be with us. He’s going to answer us when all these monumental things start to happen. He’s going to say, son, daughter, I love you. And here’s a warning. What you’re seeing today is what’s going to happen. You know what gets so many people mess up and me for many years? Pride. That rotten, stinking pride. That’s why we have to be so on guard to it.

And for me, I like things simple. God puts it on my heart. Love me with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. And I was just pondering that the other day. What is all of my heart? What is all of my mind? What is all of my strength? Just think about those things in the presence of the Lord and you will be blown away. It’s way more than what we think.

So just a little bit of encouragement that we need to be where we feel like we could go up to God and he would say, jump up on my lap, child. That’s the kind of relationship we need to have. And we can get there. He’s waiting. He wants us to be there. He wants us to be in his arms. He wants us to count on him and trust him, and he’ll never leave us or forsake us.

It’s an awesome thing. All right, brother. No, that’s awesome. Amen on that, bro. I think it’s just we complicate things sometimes. Instead of going to the heavenly Father and reading his scriptures and comparing things to the word of God and allowing God to betray every man, to be a liar, we try to go too deep. And it becomes so deep and so deep that you find yourself so lost, full of what you may call knowledge.

But you’ve lost that first love of Jesus, man. You’ve lost that first love. And I think we’ve all been there at that point. And it feels horrible. It’s a horrible feeling to be that way. I mean, I was just thinking as you were talking about, like, in judges 1620, and she said, the philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep and said, I will go out as the other times before and shake myself, right? And he whiff not that the Lord was departed from him.

It’s a sad state of affairs when we think we can live however we want to live, right? And then with that arrogance of, I’ll just brush myself up. Listen, we got to get back to the basics here, family. And there’s nothing more beautiful than being in the presence of our father. There’s nothing more beautiful than being in his presence. And it gives me a lot of joy to be here with you guys today.

And we hope that, as we keep on talking about this topic, that if the Holy Spirit is convicting you in your home, that you can. Right there with your family, with your husband, with your kids, right, that you can listen to the Holy Spirit, okay? Because he wants to do something awesome in your life today. All right? So what I want us to do, if you guys are okay, let’s go ahead and just pray for a moment, just a minute or two, and then we’re going to go to the devotionals, all right? And we’re going to keep on going.

All right? If you guys are okay with that, let’s go ahead and pray. All right? Heavenly Father, we want to thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your dear son, Jesus Christ. We want to thank you for your mercy. And we want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to fellowship, to have a few minutes a week just to come together, see each other, encourage each other to live a holier life for you, encourage each other so that we can remember who you are in our life.

Father, only you know the challenges that brothers and sisters have coming to this chat room with today. Only you know the troubles and the trials and tribulations that they’re facing. And because you know this, we ask you in the name of Jesus Christ to start softening up the hearts of our brothers and sisters around the world, softening up the hearts of the children that are listening to this all across the world that are facing temptations.

God is awesome. I don’t know what you’ve gone through, my dear family and the Lord. I know it’s been a rough week. I feel in the physical sometimes like I’m running on fumes. In the spirit, I’m good, I’m ready to go. But in the physical, it’s like, oh, man. But it’s when I feel that weak that I know that I can rely on my heavenly Father, who is strong.

And that’s when you see his glory just moving in ways that will just remind you that the glory belongs to him. That if you can stand today, it’s because of him. That if you can preach today, it’s because of him. Don’t forget that. Don’t forget that first love. Don’t forget that first love. Don’t forget to pray like you used to pray. Don’t forget to seek him like you used to seek him.

Let’s not use our current day blessings as an excuse for us to not spend time with our heavenly Father. We fall in love with the blessings and we forget the blesser, the one who gave the blessings. Let us remain faithful to this calling. Let us remain faithful to that first love. Because he’s building you up. These little things are just raising your level little by little, getting you ready for something that’s coming.

I don’t know what it is, but I want you to be ready. And you can only be ready by loving the heavenly Father with all of your heart. And if we truly do that, and when we make our decisions, we ask that question, will this decision honor the heavenly Father? Will this decision demonstrate that I love the heavenly Father with all of my heart? And you’ll find, like I’ve found in my life, that he begins to filter your mind and renew your mind and say, wow, I made a lot of decisions that, quite honestly, they may have been logical decisions to this world, but they were illogical decisions to the father.

And what I am challenging you all today is to go back to that first love so that we can remember that we’re ambassadors of Christ on this earth and that we can remember in the name of Jesus Christ that we’re not alone, that he’s already overcome. And that when you choose him, when you choose life, there is victory. Be encouraged. Okay. In Jesus mighty name, amen. Love you guys very much.

We’re going to get started. The name of Jesus Christ. Sister Michelle, you think? You ready? I think. Awesome. Awesome. So for those that are tuning into the broadcast for the first time, if you’ve come throughout the weeks, this probably makes more sense. But if you come for the first time, our main goal with a lot of these gatherings is to help develop our brothers and sisters in the Lord so that this way, wherever they’re at, they can continue to get developed and be able to spread the word of God.

And it’s just a beautiful thing to see. So our sister Michelle, she’s been a part of these gatherings for a while now, and we wanted to have her just come with a little devotional and it’s a blessing to see you, sister. And we thank you for taking up your time. And I’ll go ahead and shut up. All right, go ahead and do your thing for the glory of Jesus Christ.

All right, so just want to say praise the Lord and hello, brothers and sisters. Just bear with me because I have a bit of a cold this week, so just bear with me. So little devotion. So what’s really been on my mind or kind of year, because the year really started out kind of rough, kind of got a bit rougher, and it’s now starting to kind of pan out, smooth out a little bit.

But I find especially joining this ministry, it’s really been an encouragement for me. And also it’s really gotten me to the point where I really have been starting to look at my thought life way more than I ever have. So I just wanted to talk. It’s going to be short and sweet, just talking about taking our thoughts captive, because that’s really been kind of where I’ve been the last.

Because this year was like, past couple of years, no problem. This year was like every area of my life has totally been affected. And when I was going through all these things, because I’m a thinker, my brain can literally go into so many different tangents and go different ways. And it’s good to be a thinker with the job that I have, but when I’m trying to just deal with stuff again, it can go into ways where I can be led down certain paths.

So I’m just going to read from two Corinthians ten, which I’m sure a lot of us are aware of. But again, it’s something that I’ve really been trying to renew and meditate on lately. Two Corinthians ten, so three to five. So for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty. Through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself, the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

So it’s been a daily battle. So again, my thoughts have really been all over the place, but I’ve been finding lately, just through this journey and being in community, that it’s really helping me grow in my faith and grow my belief. What do I really believe about the Lord, the Bible, myself, in this walk with the Lord? Who am I? Where am I going? So it’s really been strengthening to really look at those thoughts.

And I know I’ve grappled with fear. I’ve grappled with anxiety, you name it. So I know, even with fear, I know fear has stopped me from whether being a witness at work or sometimes just dealing with other things, those fears have really stopped me. So again, it’s really trying to grapple with those fears and with those thoughts. So I’ve really been thinking, how do I take those thoughts captive when you’re a busy mind like myself? And again, I know it’s not easy.

I’ve dealt with anxiety. I’ve dealt with a lot of. Couple of things as well. But as I’ve been really meditating and really trying to renew, I’m just like, really. I’ve been really taking that thought. Like, let’s just say, for example, clients think last week, we were talking last week in woman’s study about sometimes I have fear of talking to somebody about the Lord at work just because the job that I have when someone thinks I’m weird, I work for the government, all sorts of things, right? But I think I don’t want to miss those opportunities.

But what’s preventing me is the fear, the fear of this or fear of that. And again, I can apply it to different things in my life. So really just getting into those thoughts and what is that thought? So I know for me, and again, I just hope I can just encourage anybody today that I know. Just being encouraged and getting into community. I find I’m not alone in community, especially this community, because I’m like, it must just be me just struggling along with my thoughts.

But no, it’s something that we all struggle with, even for baby Christian, mature Christian. It’s something we’ve all struggled, and we keep the battle. It’s a battle. We’re warring with the principalities. So again, it’s really just encouraging being encouraged. Sorry. And confessing so in some moments, I’ve literally just had to just stop and just say, okay, Lord, and just know scripture. I know scripture. And really just confessing scripture, whether out loud in the moment and praying and really choosing, and I mean, not just okay, I’m going to say scripture, really choosing and choosing to believe that, you know what? You know what? I was not given a spirit of fear or I am not alone or whatever it is.

And really, again, for me, it is a daily battle, especially someone who struggles with anxiety and depression. It’s putting on the armor of God and really like worrying it out. Especially my sword, using that sword of the spirit and really like fleeing. What is it? Starting from the fiery dart. So again, for me, those thoughts, and I find within the past couple of weeks when I’ve really been focusing and focusing on really taking those thought captives and renewing my mind.

I’m not saying that every situation has been like, yes, everything’s wonderful, but I feel more closer to God, or I’m walking closer with God and knowing that God has got this and I don’t have to war or not war, but work so hard in that in my own flesh where I’m like, God has got this. So, brothers, sisters, it’s not easy. I know it’s really hard, especially, like in the days and age that we’re in, where we’re bombarded with so many thoughts, the phone agendas, billboards, whatever the case may be.

I know it’s very hard, but I know all things are possible. We have a loving lord and kind of fitting into what we’re just talking about. We have a loving Lord and God has really brought me through those times where my brain and my mind was just full of thoughts that were not good. Where again, as I’m just walking with him and just daily confessing and praying that it is possible and where those feelings are not so as intense.

Because I know that it’s more of my knowing that, knowing that God is there and God is with me and the battle is God, not mine. And I know who’s going to win at the end. So I know I probably said this when we first started, when I first became a Christian, long, long time ago, I remember there was a song and I’m not going to sing it, but it’s keep on keeping on.

So it’s really just keep on keeping on because we know who wins the battle at the end of the day. So I’m just going to share one more scripture because this has really been part of the thought process for me is in Philippians eight four eight. So finally, brethren, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are good, of good, report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.

So just keep on keeping on. Brothers and sisters, we know who wins at the end of the day. That’s wonderful. Praise the Lord. We all have as Christians collectively, or at least a lot of us. I know I did absolutely failed at taking thoughts captive almost my entire life, but, oh, my goodness, is there power and strength and freedom and peace and so much stuff involved in that? And I just encourage everybody try it.

And the enemy is going to fight hard until you get those first few victories. And then he’s going to start like, being a little puppy back in a way, because he knows that you’re on the pathway of claiming victory in your life. In the name of Jesus, amen. Amen. That’s so awesome. I’m so proud of you, Michelle. And amen. Brother Chris, someone asked on there, take your thoughts.

Okay. I’ve heard the phrase take your thoughts captive many times. What does that actually mean? Comparing the thoughts to what the word of God says. Right. So for you, Michelle, what has it meant for you in your life, taking those thoughts captive? So let’s just say I have. For me, again, for me, I know when I was dealing with anxiety, it’s knowing. Comparing. It is literally, for me, comparing it to the word of God.

Like, I was not given that spirit of fear, right? Or it’s that anxiety. Or if I felt lonely, it’s like going to the word of God and really believing the word of God, too, believing that, you know what? I’m not alone. And sometimes it is kind of that I need to just meditate and go over it and look back in my life where I had fear, and it’s like, well, no, the Lord was here with me when I had this mean.

That’s just right. So that is awesome. What do you think, Chris, on that one? The person who asked the same thing. Right? Because we’ve talked about this a lot. We have. Praise the Lord. It’s interesting that you chose Philippians four eight, the way the Lord kind of put it in my mind, because I like things simple. I like to point it out in the word so that I can have peace, knowing I’m not following somebody’s latest crazy idea.

No, show me in the word. And the Lord’s like, it’s really simple with our thoughts. If you just do two things. You have a thought stream as a believer, you have free will to interrupt that thought stream. Just push the pause button and say, hold on. That’s not something I want to think about. That’s not something I’m going to let irritate me. And what I’ve discovered for me.

One side of my thought stream is Galatians 522, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithless gentleness and self control. The other side of my thought stream is think on these Philippians four eight, think on these things. Whatever is pure, whatever is noble, whatever is praise with it, think about it. If we say, okay, God, these are my filter material for what gets into the thought stream. If anything tries to violate those two scriptures to get into your thought stream, you’re like, no, get out of here.

I’m not listening to you. And by the way, enemy, I’ve already surrendered to God and I’m resisting you. So go and be that straight up about it. Because we know in our hearts when we actually have that confidence through him, not through us, but through his word, we have that authority. And oh my goodness, you talk about a revival or the rising up of the end time. Believers in the power of Jesus Christ.

A lot of it is going to be based on taking your thoughts captive because we’re going to be seeing some pretty ferocious things. And you think about what it says in revelation that people will die because their hearts give away. They’re so afraid of what they’re seeing. We want to take care of that right now, get our ability to navigate through the thought stream with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and then we can walk mightily with the Lord.

So I’m excited. That was great. That was awesome. And Sister Heidi, I know that you’re super excited. These are sisters that you’ve know working with and I’m so proud of you. Sister Heidi, thanks for all your hard know what do you sis? Oh, I am grateful to be here tonight and see all of the faces for sure. It’s not fun to go down the path of listening to the father of lies because he’s out to kill, steal and destroy.

And it seems like when we’re trying to get closer to the Lord or trying to walk away from sin or rededicate our life to Christ, it’s like the enemy wants to put that in us all the more, to try to reel us back in with falsehoods like, oh, God won’t forgive you for that. Or oh, you’ve tried this christian thing before and it didn’t work or maybe whatever lie he can come up with, it seems to really try to yank at us.

And I just want to just say, submit, submit, submit, submit to God. It sounds like, oh, a dreadful thing. People think that’s kind of for wimpy people. But I’ll tell you, it’s the strong people that submit to God. It’s the wise people that submit to God. And it is a battle, but it’s the best battle to be in, because we are promised by God’s word that when we submit to him, when we agree with his will, and not just be a hearer of it, but be a doer of it.

Not to just cave in, but actually be a doer of it and resist those. Get on the frequency of God’s word, change the channel of those lies. When those defeating thoughts come in, start praising the Lord. Make up a song, sing a song, praise him through Bible verses that you can think of. And just like, no, I’m not going to have those garbage thoughts anymore. That’s resisting the enemy.

So we’re submitting to God. We resist the enemy, and God’s most wonderful word says he’s going to flee. And so we try to stay on that track, try to encourage each other to be on that track. And the enemy may try to roll around again and try to play dirty. That’s how he rolls. Tries to make us think we can get away with sin. And then if we’ve fallen into sin, then he tries to put the guilt on us when we’ve done the sin that God won’t forgive.

Yeah, it is wisdom to know to just hang out with Jesus as much as possible. Let him be your best friend, be known by him, and let the enemy be your enemy, like the word says. So, thank you very much, Michelle. I enjoyed hearing that. And I enjoy getting to know you even more when opportunity presents itself. And I’m looking forward to hearing from our others that will be speaking tonight.

So thank you. Real quick. I thought this would be a good time to say this. I’m sorry, I can’t remember who said it. I was watching christian videos and stuff this morning and this was said, and I thought, man, that’s good. And so I sent a text to Heidi with this. Much better to stay ready for what’s coming than having to get ready. It’s a fact right there.

It’s a facts of awesome. That’s awesome. It’s awesome to see how God is joining us all in one accord. And I’m so proud of everyone here. Now we’re going to go to Sister Shannon. You ready, Sister Shannon? I guess I’m going to have to be, aren’t I? I’m so proud of you, budy. All right. You’re going to do awesome. All right. I’m so blessed that you asked me to do this.

It was that act of obedience to be able to get out of my comfort zone and speak. And of course, me in the flesh did like pages and pages of this is what I’m going to do. And the Lord goes, no, you’re not going to do. I lost you there for a moment. You went on mute for a moment. No, you’re good. So I decided I’m going to share a poem that I wrote, and this was the night I was saved.

And it kind of, I guess, goes along with your first love here, so the Lord knows what he’s doing. I’ve never actually shared this one with anybody, so I hope you can hear me okay. And I hope I don’t get too emotional. Thanks. Today we sat close, my new friend and I, both wondering, talking, trying to decide how to explain what God meant to us. Not quite sure whom we can trust.

He lingered and whispered, I know he’s inside. Both you and I and all of mankind. I nodded and smiled. I knew he was right. I knew the answer was close to our sight. We sat there in silence as time continued to pass. So close to the answer we wanted to grasp. I took a deep breath, close to despair. So close, the answer now gone in thin air. I looked all around the room.

I looked all around. And then up in the room, there sat a man on a cross, my head filled with doom. But eyes were not sad, and said quite another. They were full of compassion he felt for his brother. I turned to my friend, now understanding it’s not about color, creed, or demanding. The Lord came to us in body and flesh to show us the way that most of us miss.

He came here and died not just for believers, but for all of the fallen, lost and true seekers. Open your mind and open your heart. Look for forgiveness at the very start. Forgiveness for yourself. You may not feel earned and seek it with sorrow, regret, and what’s learned. Feel your heart grow, now complete and whole. His death on the cross, he died for your soul, no longer filled with sadness or dread.

I looked at my friends with tears and I said, christ still loves me for all that I’ve done, despite what I’ve said or the people I’ve shunned. It’s never too late to always remember. Christ is with you. If you only surrender give up the vices, the hate and the pride give up the anger, resentment inside suddenly my heart lifts and I finally know together in life I’ll continue to grow in spirit and body I finally feel free from demons and monsters feeding off me with God in my spirit and Christ, my heart, I’m never alone, we’re never apart.

That is awesome. That is awesome, Shannon. Wow. So you wrote that when you first got saved? Yeah, I did. It was actually kind of cool because I had kind of that dark night of sorrow where you kind of released everything to God. And that night I had a dream. And the dream I had a friend sitting with me and that poem came to me. I said, lord, this is so pretty, help me remember it.

And I remembered every word when I woke up. So I wrote it down. That was actually in 2006. What? Yeah. Awesome. That’s awesome. So thank you for listening and sharing. And I just want to encourage everybody. Just seek the Lord with all your heart. It’s a personal relationship and he’s there with you no matter where you are. He’s going to meet you where you’re at and he’s going to give you everything you need.

Just give it. Thank you. And thank you for having me speak. I got to say, sister, what an amazing transformation we’ve seen in you in three or four months. You went from shy, shy, shy to actually sharing one of the most precious things to your heart with us. That’s amazing. Look at God, man. That’s awesome. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Yeah, absolutely. That’s awesome. I’m super proud of, you know, it’s such a blessing.

Know someone put on there that we’re like a little small family and we are. Those of you that are on YouTube, that are on the comments there and those here that are in the zoom, it’s a blessing that we’re able to come in one accord and that we’re able to take care of each other and we’re able to share Bible verses. We’re able to pray for each other.

Talking about prayer, we’re writing down any prayer requests that are placed on the chat. So make sure that if you have a prayer request for a family member, a friend, a neighbor, post it on there because we will be praying for that tonight. As brother Chris said. Sister Shannon, it’s such a blessing to see how God has been moving in your life. Sister Michelle the same know, it just gives me a lot of joy to see that we can come in one accord and help develop each other because you guys are helping me so much, and I’m just super proud.

All right. You’re awesome, budy. You’re doing great. So that’s exciting. I don’t know about you, but I get excited. This is exciting. This is exciting times. Anytime you see a brother or sister in the Lord, rejoicing in the Lord and loving Jesus Christ, you have to be excited. You have to be excited. So now we’re going to go to our sister. My sister’s name is Sister Tracy. She has a YouTube channel called he walks with us everywhere.

And she’s an awesome sister in the Lord and someone who I’ve known aside from the zoom and everything like that. And she’s always trying to do everything she can to send people our way as well so that they can fellowship on here. And I’m super grateful for her friendship. She’s also a really good mom and someone who’s done a know to make decisions for Jesus Christ. And I wanted her to share a little devotional as well.

Sister Tracy, are you there? I think you’re here. You just have to press unmute. I know this is different from Google Meets. We’ve been having some tech issues, but there she is. There she is. You there? I’m there. Can you hear me? We hear you, sister. And just to let you know, sis, you already know everyone because you’ve attended the Tuesday gatherings, but you know the format. And we just want to say thank you for being here.

All right, well, thank you so much for having me, brother Naphtali and all of y’all. Heidi and Chris and Shannon. Oh, my a. Isn’t the Lord awesome how he gives those poems to our hearts when we’re newly born again and it happens like that really quick. I think it’s kind of like he puts a little David in each one of us. So I wanted to talk real quick about what was said about holding your thoughts captive and just share with you kind of thoughts that I had about it, which is we have to fact check ourselves.

You have to fact check yourself. Wait a minute. Hold on. Time out. Is this real or is this baloney? Is there any truth in this? And that’s kind of how I try and steer my thoughts during the day. If I can look at something and I can attain that this is a fact and it’s an actual fact, not in my head a fact, but a fact fact, then I’m allowed to think on certain things.

Oh, God bless you. Sorry. But if it’s something that’s beyond that, then no, I have to just lay it down like what y’all said. But I was stirred in my heart. And you’ll have to excuse me, because I do have notes. Shannon, I feel you. But I was stirred in my heart because brother Naphtali had talked about, do we love God enough to walk away? And so that’s kind of how I centered what I wanted to talk to you all about today in John 330.

It’s very simple. This is a memory verse. John 330 says, he must increase, but I must decrease. And this really speaks to my heart. And it kind of goes hand in hand with what everybody said tonight. God increases, we decrease, we get less and less so that God can be more and more. In the beginning, the word records what the Lord says to Abram. And Abram was told in Genesis twelve one.

And I’m going to scooch over there. Here, I think I wrote it down. So Genesis twelve one, it says, now, the Lord had said unto Abram, get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father’s house unto a land that I will show thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing.

Then down in verse four, we see Abram’s reaction to this call from the Lord. It says, so Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto him, and lot went with him. And Abram was 75 years old when he departed out of Haran. And I just think that every one of us, from the beginning, from Genesis to revelation, the Lord calls us, right? He says, go. He says, come with me and I’ll make you fishers of men.

He says, come with me and I’ll do these amazing things. And the question is, are we obedient? Are we willing to lay down everything? But it begins with a decision. Are we going to please God or are we going to please man? I know for me in my life, I had to make a decision on leaving my dad, my earthy dad, for my father in heaven. And it was a really tough call.

It was the question. He wanted me to go and share the message of repentance with everyone and travel with my daughter. Well, that meant leaving my dad. Ooh, we y’all, you talk about some gut wrenching moments of decision. But ultimately the decision comes to what’s most important. And we go throughout the verses. The Lord says in Luke 18, let’s go to, I’m going to flip to Luke Matthew, mark, Luke John.

So Luke 18. And we’re going to look at verses 29 through 30. But the same day that lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed. And I think I read the wrong verse. I did. No, that’s it. Lot again. He came out the day that it rained.

So if the Lord calls you, if he has a call on our heart to go and do this or to move over this way or to go over that way, and we delay, if we delay what the Lord’s calling us to, the consequences could be severe. And that’s something we see in scripture over and again. So when you get to a point where you’re fully surrendered to the Lord, he came to me because I delayed for like, two and a half, three months.

I’m not going to lie. I delayed. He said, go. I want you to travel with your daughter and share my message of repentance with everyone you meet. Well, I have to do this and I have to do that, and I have to make sure that these pieces are tidied up. And I got to do over here and this. And it was about two and a half months later I heard that whisper in my heart, and it was clear as day.

And I heard the Lord in my heart asking me, why are you delaying? And it wasn’t like a buddy would be like, hey, man, why are you delaying? Why are you putting me off? No, it was God of all creation, right? Our heavenly Father, who gives breath in our bodies. And for an instant, this scripture comes to my heart, that he can smash us down if he so chooses.

And there’s been plenty of times in scripture, and I’m not trying to scare anybody, but God is to be feared, not only revered. And if he convicts you, if he presses our hearts right to go, to leave or to follow him, and we don’t do that, well, then we’re in danger. We’re in danger. And that’s kind of what the Lord was given to my heart. Matthew 1929 is another place.

Matthew 1929, it says, jesus says, and everyone that hath forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for my name’s sake, shall neither, excuse me. Shall receive one hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life. And then you go on to mark 29 through 30. It’s the same thing. Mark 29. Mark. Let’s see, 1029 through 30 says this. And Jesus answered and said, verily I say unto you, there is no man that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for my sake and the gospels.

But he shall receive one hundredfold now in this time, houses and brethren, sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions, and in the world to come, eternal life. The Lord wants us to know that he is not going to call you to something that’s impossible. He’s the God of possible. He’s the God of impossible. He’s going to take all these things that you think you can’t do.

Just like Moses. He couldn’t speak. He stuttered. He’s like me. You want to use me? And the Lord said, absolutely, I’m using you. Go now. But then the Lord gave him Aaron. He allowed Aaron to speak on his behalf. You see, God doesn’t call us to anything that he can’t pull us through or do within us. Right? It’s not impossible. In first or John. Excuse me. The book of John, verses 35 through 37.

The word of the Lord says, and they told what things were done in the way and how he was known of them in breaking of bread. No, that’s Luke. Excuse me, y’all. Forgive me. One page. All right, let’s go to John. How about that? John 135 through 37. And it says again, the next day, after John stood and two of his disciples and looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, behold the lamb of God.

And the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus, right? So even the disciples of John followed Jesus. They went, they listened and they followed him. Jesus went to Galilee. John 143 says, the day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee and Findeth Philip and saith unto him, follow me. And guess what? Philip followed him, right? There wasn’t this big uproar and hoopla of. Well, should I? Well, shouldn’t I? Maybe I should.

Well, I don’t know. Let me go double check with this person or that person. Following Jesus is a personal choice. If you are an underage person right now, if you are 1716 1412, you have a decision to make. And just because the entire classroom or school or family doesn’t agree with Jesus Christ or doesn’t want to follow, if you have that call on your heart to come to Christ, you follow him.

He’ll make everything else fall into place, guaranteed, because he always does. Does it mean it’s going to be perfect? No, but he’ll make sure that it falls into place because it’s a personal decision. And not only did Philip follow him, but he also brought Nathaniel to Christ too, didn’t he? It wasn’t just about following. It was about, let’s bring more fish. Like, let’s go and catch more people and bring them into the kingdom.

Hallelujah. And then there’s a few more verses, y’all. First kings, 19, verses eleven through 15. 1st Kings, 1911 through 15. It says, and he said, go forth and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by. And a great and strong wind rent the mountains and break in pieces the rocks before the Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake.

But the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake, a fire. But the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, a still, small voice. And then let’s read verse 19. So he departed thence and found Elisha, the son of Shafat, who was ploughing with twelve yoke of oxen before him. And he with the 12th and Elijah passed by him and cast his mantle upon him.

You see, the Lord isn’t in the great like to do’s the big productions, the box office, if you will. The Lord is in the silence. And only when we have that silence, in those moments where we get alone with the father, are we going to be able to hear his still, small voice. It’s not going to be the boombox, right? That’ll date me, won’t it? It’s not going to be the big bass kicking or the sound of the crowd.

The Lord oftentimes chose those points in time when people were alone with him to have those moments when an angel appears to people throughout Genesis to revelation or a prophet appears to speak to somebody. More often than not. It’s when they’re alone with the Lord or when they’re alone. I’m reading right now, and I could take up probably, like 20 more minutes, Neptali, so I’ll be good. But I’m reading right now in judges and doing a Bible study coming up.

And what I’m finding is that the Lord like what was said on here by Chris and I think Heidi, too. But the Lord always shows forth his hand, right? He always lets his people know what’s coming. He sends a prophet and then he sends judgment, right? But it’s only our disobedience that keeps us from that still, small voice of God. It’s our lacking surrender to the father that keeps us at a distance from him.

It was the silence when we’re able to hear the Lord. It was silence when he was able to hear Elijah, right? It was in that silence. Not in the thunder, not in the. So, you know, we follow the Lord. We follow that still, small voice. And if we’ll listen and go where he says go and stay where he says stay, he’s going to have his perfect way. If we’re obedient to him.

This is total know. And what does it look like when we do go? Well, when we do go, we got to be, like in Luke, right? Luke says, you put your hand to the plow and you don’t look back. When we do that, when we don’t look back, then we end up finding that we can be more obedient to our father. And I’m not talking about a rigidness in obedience.

I’m talking about our absolute surrender. Our life is now hidden in Christ. It’s not I who live, but Christ who liveth in me. It’s no longer me. If we’re worried about speaking forth the word of God in front of people because we’re nervous or embarrassed or something like that, it’s because God hasn’t had his perfect work in you yet. I still get nervous when I come and do lives on my channel and stuff.

Neptali, I don’t know if you feel this, but I still get, like, shaky before I go on. It’s ridiculous, but I’ll feel, like, this little shaky nervousness. And you know what? That’s okay. That’s normal. But really and truly the Holy Spirit, once he has a hold of you, once you are fully surrendered, like, I’m all in, Lord. And like I told him back in 2018, whenever, wherever, if you really are like that and fully surrendered to him, there is nothing that our God can’t do in you and through you.

And that’s kind of my heart. That’s what I wanted to share. I’ve got way more, but I’m not going to go there. We just don’t be like the Israelites. Don’t walk in disobedience. They didn’t have to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. They didn’t have to. They could have entered that promised land. And I’m telling you all, you can enter that promised land. You don’t have to be like them.

You don’t have to wander around in the dark or unknown or, like, scared. You can actually stand in the promised land that God has for you. There is a place, even in this fallen world, where we could have the peace of God wash over us and guide. So, anyway, thank you guys. Thank you, Neptale, for letting me come on and talk. It’s an honor. It’s a blessing, sister, it’s always good to enjoy.

I enjoy hearing the word of God. It’s a huge blessing. Thank you, my sister. What do you think, Brother Chris? What’s in your heart? I love you and I don’t even know you. You’re my too. Your spirit is so genuine. And there was a couple of things that I think, based on the things you said, there could be somebody here or in YouTube land that is resisting the call of God right now.

And if when you talked, they felt that, please put a prayer request in so we can all pray for you to have the strength to do the father’s will. Amen. And then the other thing I wanted to ask you, how has your consistency with loving the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength been, and can you share with us something that was valuable for you through those times? Absolutely.

And praise God. You’re right. I’ll guarantee you if it’s not tonight, there will be somebody. And I want to just speak it in Jesus name. I’m not a name it, claim it kind of person, but I just believe that there are blessings with our words or there are curses. And right now there’s a blessing out there and somebody, whoever it is, yes, just come back to the Lord.

Come back to Jesus. And yeah, for me, it’s been getting in the word of God and staying in it every day. And I mean it. I mean, like, actually physically open your Bible up, right? Read the words. Read it every day for yourself. And if you can’t read it, which God bless you. If you can’t, I know some people who can’t listen to it. There are tons of free Bible apps.

And being able to hear the word of God, that is what changed my life. It’s the word of God because that is our bread of life. It’s our living waters. It’s a substance. It’s what keeps me going now, doing it day in and day out. If I have missed a day, and God knows I have, if I miss a day, I’m still talking to him. But I notice the difference.

That walk, I’m telling you all, the devil, he is crafty man. He knows our weaknesses, he knows how to get us, and he knows the exact moment in time when we stray away. And I tell people this a lot, Chris, that it is not an all at once. Like, all of a sudden I woke up this morning and decided, I’m not going to be a Christian. Oh, God forbid.

No, it’s a slow, steady fade. And if y’all are slow, steady fading right now. I’ve heard it said that this is not a spectator sport, right? Our faith, this walk with Christ, we’re not spectating, we’re in it. So, I mean, there’s a lot of sportsy people. We’re in it to win it. Okay, well, we can say that we are. We’re in it to win it. And what we’re trying to win is eternal life with Jesus Christ, our Lord, which all we have to do is put our faith and confide.

It’s in him and we’re in. But that means daily, daily we strive, right? And man, when I don’t do that, when I get distracted, when the phone’s going off, when the emails are blowing up, when the this and the that, or just the life distractions, like just come and do this today or do that, y’all, it will batter you down. It’ll batter you down and you’ll start to believe a little bit of the lie of the, right.

And it’s, I don’t know how to explain it, man. It’s like this fellowshipping back and forth with people who love Jesus, who can remind us of the truth. And even when we’re weak, even when we’re having a know, Heidi can look at me and say, hey, Tracy, Jesus loves you. And I can be, you know, because we all have those moments where we’re like, does he I pleasing, I have those moments.

Am I pleasing to him? Is he looking at me saying, well done, thou good and faithful, or have I done something that he’s going to turn his back on me? The devil is. He’s going to find new ways to trick us and convince us that God somehow hates us. Let me tell you what. Even in the Israelites, right, who disobeyed, who were worshipping Baal, he still had such mercy and grace.

Dude, he sent a prophet to warn them and then he sent an angel and he delivered them out of the hands of the Midianites. What, even though they were rebellious, right? Like, not every one of them had repented yet. If God has such mercy and grace and love, I guarantee whatever you’re doing out there, it’s not a license to sin, God forbid, right? But repent of the things that you’re doing that are killing you, that are destroying you.

Think about that. He wants you to repent for killing yourself. Because in essence, that’s what we’re doing when we’re disobedient. We’re killing ourselves in our spirit, in our heart, and we have no way. There’s no way. We can love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength if we don’t learn how to let go of the things that are destroying this vessel that he’s just. I don’t know.

I think I probably went way over what you asked, Chris, but. Yeah, that’s what I think. When we’re talking about the Lord, you never can go way over. Amen. Amen. That’s awesome. Sister Tracy, would you mind leading us in prayers for those that are out there that maybe feel conviction for them to. Sometimes. I find that a lot of people have that, especially whenever you’ve backslidden or you’ve fallen short, just like Adam and Eve, they immediately went and hide.

Some people don’t know how to just to come to the heavenly Father and just say, I’m sorry. And would you mind leading us in a prayer with. Sure, sure, yeah. Heavenly Father, oh, God, you know our hearts and our minds and our thoughts better than any one of us. You see down to the depths of our soul. Lord, you know every wrong that we’ve done. God, there is no hiding from you.

And this day I just ask in Jesus name that anyone out here who’s listening, who feels like they have gone too far, who feels like they have to hide because of shame for the sins they’re committing. Lord, whether it be fornication or adultery or pornography, whether it be drugs and alcohol, whether it be smoking cigarettes, whether it be having false idols or putting somebody in a place of importance over you, God, whether it be idolizing sports or their television show that they’re going to watch tonight with their loved one, God, I just ask that you would bring them to you right now.

Let them know that you are not hateful. You don’t hate them, Lord. Let us know, myself included, lord, that there is room upon the throne of grace even now, that there is mercy available to each and every person who would just come to you. Just say, I am sorry, Father. Forgive me. Forgive me, Lord, for the sins I’ve committed. Forgive me for every wrong road that I’ve taken.

Forgive me for those 23 years that I backslid in my life. Forgive me for not picking up your word or reading your word. Forgive me for not talking to you and having communion with you, Father. God, we just ask right now that you would just place your loving hands upon each one of us. Because there is not one of us right now, myself included, who does not need forgiveness, a healing touch, who does not need for you to wash us in the blood of the lamb.

Even now, God, cleanse us. Cleanse our unrighteousness. Cleanse our impurity. Cleanse our sin, God, and make us whiter than snow. Wash us, o God, in ways that only you can. And may we turn from it. Let this night be the last night that we have ever walked in that way of adultery, or idolizing, or sin, or fornication, or hatred, or emulations, whatever it is, Lord, that we are walking in.

Let tonight be the night that that curse is broken off of us. In Jesus Christ’s name. Bring us to the throne of grace, Lord. Cover us, Lord, in your blood, and let us never return back to the vomit that we came from. We love you, Lord. And we thank you in Jesus Christ’s name for all you do and for all you’ve done and for all that you’re going to do in each one of our lives.

Lord, we bless your holy name and we praise you, Lord. Amen. That is awesome. Glory to Jesus Christ and any of you that is out there that has heard Sister Tracy talking and given an awesome word, and you’ve also heard Sister Michelle, Sister Shannon, right? It’s a joyful thing to see people that were once in the world and now God is using them. And here we are, encouraging each other, being there for each other.

Right? How beautiful is that? That is awesome. That is awesome. I’m going to be posting Sister Tracy’s channel on there. And Shannon, your puppy is awesome. What’s the name of the puppy? Oh, this is Pepper. She’s blind, but she likes to sit on my lap and watch it. I love pepper. Right? That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So I put on there Sister Tracy’s channel. Please check it out. It would be a blessing if you can show her some support.

She’s always taking the time and not because I’ve ever asked, or vice versa, just out of her own love and kindness to send people this way so that people can come to the Tuesday gatherings. And I just wanted to say thank you, sister Tracy, for your kindness and truly appreciate you taking the time. And I love to see what Jesus is doing in people’s lives and to see what he’s doing in your life is praise God.

Say hi to your daughter, too. Okay, I will. Zoe is like, I’m not coming on. Oh, my goodness. I told her she can, but, yeah, tell Zoe she’s awesome and God bless her. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. I love you all. No, it’s a blessing. Are you near Michigan by any chance, or. No. Yeah, we’re at the southern tip of Indiana. So it takes several hours to get up to Michigan, but it’s just to our.

Okay. Awesome. Awesome. Would you mind if I share your contact information with brother Chris and Heidi? No, not at all. I just think you guys will be blessed with each know. I’m not good with maps. I can barely get home if I don’t use GPS. So I don’t know where y’all are located. Y’all must be somewhere around there, but it looks like it’s close, so it’s always a blessing to see that.

So I’ll share y’all’s information so y’all can connect. Okay. Yep. That would be awesome. That’d be anybody. Like, I do have email. Neptali, if somebody wants to email know, like, you sometimes, it might be a little time before I get back to somebody, but certainly this is all about Jesus. This is about pointing to our heavenly father and keeping email. Is it the email that I have for you? It is.

Can I post it? Sure. Okay. Yep. Sure thing. What do you think, brother Chris? She’s close to you, man. She’s close to you and Heidi. Every six weeks, we go to Nashville, Tennessee, to see our grandchildren. And at some point, we’ll get closer to you, I’m sure. There you go. I don’t know what the distance is to 65, but we usually take that pretty much all the way down.

But I just wanted to say something real quick. This is like a family, and I’m sorry to YouTube brothers and sisters out there. I forget about you often because I’m so focused on the people here. So take that as a big, huge invite to jump on here with us, because this is wonderful, what the Lord’s doing, and he’s definitely knitting us together and bringing us to be one accord.

And the Lord Jesus wants one accord for us so much, and we’ve been such big knuckleheads and fighting against it for so long, and he doesn’t want us fighting against it anymore. He just wants us to be his children. So, just an invite to all you youtubers out there, and we hope that we see this screen with 100 next week. Right, tally, I want to hop in and just say, this GPS will fail.

Man’s directions will fail, but the word of God will not fail. And that word of God will get us to our eternal home when we submit lovingly to the creator of heaven and earth. So the word of God is, so to speak, our way to get to our home that our father’s prepared for us. And we’re eager to go. Thank you. This was awesome. I know we don’t have a whole lot of time left, but I think this will be valuable for people.

How long have we been talking about loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength? Probably over a year. You do think. What do you think? Yeah, for sure. A while. So I was a little pushy about asking you the question about asking or telling the Lord, I think I love you 80%. I’m 80% in or whatever. And then asking the Holy Spirit to reveal in your heart what that true was.

I just want to encourage all of you and tally can vouch for this. How much closer do you feel to the Holy Spirit now that you’ve done? No, no. For, you know, especially with, as my sister Michelle mentioned, all of the thoughts and intrusive thoughts that we have on a daily basis, all of the anxieties, all of the worries, right? All of the things that we battle with every day, asking that question, it really clarifies a lot.

It really does. Because every action that you take in ministry, especially in ministry, is very tempting. Ministry has its temptations that you’ll be shocked at the temptations that come across your table. I’ll sponsor this for you. I’ll do this for you. Just do this. And then you got to ask the question, would that honor God? Right? Would that be demonstrating my faith in God? Would that be demonstrating that I love him with all of my heart? Right.

So when you start asking these questions, you start really renewing your mind. You start reading like the scripture says, where it says, examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith, right? Ask yourself these probing questions. They’re going to hurt. Sometimes they’re going to sting because like I said, some of these questions, when you ask them, your flesh wants a certain way to do it, right? Your habits wants another way to do it.

The old man that you used to be wants another way to do it. But when you really start slowing down for a moment and taking a few seconds, you start saying, whoa, these thoughts ain’t even for me. These thoughts, where are they coming from? And then it clears up your mind. It filters everything so much. Well, and then it’s going to be like second nature. It’s going to be one of those things that immediately a thought comes in.

I know where that came from. This came in. I know where that came from. Oh, that. I know where that’s from. And it’s truly going to bless you. So whenever anyone who’s listening to this, and I see awesome faces here, I see Tracy William Dudas. Right. Amy, God bless you. Please tell Ernest that I’m sorry that I haven’t hit him. Been. I’ve been going seven days a week nonstop.

I’ve been trying. But tell him I love him very much. And I love you very you, all of you. Sister Myra, who’s just on camera. Brother Roger. Right. Katharina, steb on kizzy. Dave. Jason. Right. Mary Sandoval. Sister Deborah. Everyone who’s on this zoom, right. Sister Christina. Right. Crystal. Tony Sandoval in his car. And those of you that are on YouTube just always ask that question. This decision that I’m making today, will this honor God? And you’re going to find that most of them, they don’t.

And then the fear is going to come in, because then you got to be like, man. Because now you got to make the decision that honors God. Right? And that’s going to take faith. Right? But I’m telling you, there’s nothing greater than walking in peace with the Lord. There’s nothing know. Thank you, brother. God is good. God is good. So, Sister Amy, what do you think next week you want to bring a little devotional? Sister Amy, what you think? I’ll do? That’s awesome.

Sister Amy. All right, so that’s cool. That’s cool. Sister Deborah, you think you can bring something? What do you think? Sure, I can. Awesome. All right, cool, cool, cool. So that’s a blessing. All right, so that’s two people. All right, Sister Christina, do you think you can bring something next week? She’s laughing already, but it could be a minute. It could be two minutes. It doesn’t have to be anything.

God works it out in a right. All right, there you. She gave the shrugs up, so she’s going to be good to go. All right, so that’s a blessing. So next week, that’s going to be. And remember, throughout the week, if you need any help, we’ll all help each other. Like Sister Tracy said, I freak out. Before I came on this live, I called Chris and I’m like, Chris, I couldn’t do this if you weren’t here because I have this thing.

And it’s not a bad feel, like a fear of the spirit of fear. It’s not that, but I honestly have fear and trembling that I will ever guide any of you the wrong way. So get on this microphone. I am always like, man, let me make sure that we are on Tippy point. And that’s why sometimes you see that some people will ask a question and they’ll be like, tally what color is the sky outside now? It’s blue.

But I’m still going to say, listen, you know what? Let’s talk about it. Me. Let me go to the scriptures. Let me go to the word of God. Let me dedicate time to that, because the last thing that I want to ever do is guide any of you in the wrong way. So I always say this, and I’ll keep on saying it. Let’s make sure we keep each other in sound doctrine, okay? Let’s make sure we hold each other accountable.

Let’s give each other the grace to be able to talk things through. Right? Because the grace is very important. But as we give each other the grace, let’s have grace enough and love for each other enough that if we see that some of us say, tally, you’re slacking today. Tally, why are you being so. Hey, we have to have the opportunity to have these talks, because if not, we will not be able to make it.

All right? And Sister Deborah, I’m excited. Sister Deborah, another thing about her, just wanted to say, you guys may not know Sister Deborah a lot, but she’s a warrior. She’s a know this lady. Her daughter was a missionary, and that’s how we got to know each other, because her daughter used to watch the videos. And her daughter, she preached her heart out, man. She preached her heart out, and she’s now with the Lord, but she was an awesome missionary for Jesus Christ.

So hearing what God is going to put in her heart for next week, that’s going to be awesome. And then you got sister Amy, who, she has all sorts of animals in her house. She got sheep, she got dogs, she got everything. So it’s going to be good to hear her story and then know. So it’s going to be a know. What do you think, Amy? You’re muted, so I want to hear you.

I was just going to say we have goats, not sheep. But he’s wanting sheep. And then we were just gifted four more goats that we got to pick up Friday. We’ll see how that goes. That’s awesome. And he has the dogs, right? What are they called? Sharpapoodle or something? What is it that they’re like Chihuahua and a pit bull or something? What is it? It’s a cheap. Yeah, cheap it.

Yeah. You got to see this dog. So bring a pic next week so we can show the dog. It’s always so good to talk, to. Bring it, bring the pet. And as Chris said, we’re a family. And if you’re on YouTube and you want to partake in this? We pay for 200 people, so if you want to join the zoom, there’s a waiting room. So when you come in, give it a minute or two.

The waiting room is there to make sure that we don’t have anyone that tries to come in and do something. Look at the doggie. What? We got? Peppers. And now we got Amy’s dog. Oh, Tracy. Tracy’s got her pet there, too. Look at what? Oh, look at Myra. Myra got a pet, too. That is awesome. What a blessing. It’s always a blessing to see how the body of Christ comes together.

And little things like this, they mean a know brother. Tony, how you doing, man? You’re in your car. That takes a lot of sacrifice. How you doing, Tony? Don’t drive off the road while you’re trying to. No, Tony, that would be good. What’s going on, Tony? I’m parked. I’m doing well. I’m doing well. Thanks for. Unfortunately, I’m not at home with my wife, and I made a trip down to see a brother here in ohio today.

So I made a commitment to my wife that we would make it to these meetings. And it just worked out that I’ve got to do this today because we’ve got some other upcoming commitments that we’ve made. And he’s got a rather large family, too, so it just worked out. I had to be on the road today. I don’t know if you can still hear me. I just got the low power signal.

Okay, we can hear you. So if I could just a couple of things. I just like praise report for those of you that prayed my retirement is coming up. I pretty much got all cleared from the department. I just have to go finalize one last thing on Friday, and we’re good to go. And so thank you. It’s been a long journey and a huge load off from mine and my family’s shoulders to finally come to this and for safe travels down here today.

But when Michelle was talking about being in the government and having to be careful and choose your words wisely, basically, I can relate with that. Brother Chris gave us some little things to hand out, and that helped to break the ICE a little bit to help witness. And also, I think it also opened up a door. Shortly thereafter, they started a men’s bible study for our coworkers there.

So you never know what father is going to do. You just have to be open. And this goes to who is the last devotional? I’m sorry, I’m drawing a blank now with the name Tracy. Tracy. Okay. Yep. So what she was saying with listening to what the father has to tell you and when it’s heavy on your heart to be obedient, man, I’ll tell you what, if you ask the father what he wants you to do and where he wants you to be, you better listen and you better be obedient, because if you don’t, he’s going to put a weight of bricks on your shoulder or on your chest, and it’s almost like you can’t breathe.

And brother Chris and I have had this conversation before where it’s like, you better be willing, if you’re going to ask those questions, those tough questions, you better be willing to answer. But I’ll tell you what, when you are obedient, then the blessings come tenfold. Just amazing. So I’m just very grateful for this time that I’ve had to share. It made the drive go so much faster. So thank you guys all for sharing your devotionals tonight.

That’s awesome, Tony. I’m so happy for you, brother. It’s always a blessing when things work out. It’s a huge blessing. I’m so proud of you, brother. And thank you for taking the time. And it’s such a joy to see that we’re all working with each other. Listen, I never expected any of this to blossom, how it’s blossoming, never did. I’ve always been making the videos and that takes 20, 30 hours a week doing that aspect of it.

When Brother Chris and I kept on having conversations, we saw something special that could be done. And then talking to his wife, seeing her loving heart for people, talking to brother Martin, which hopefully one day y’all can meet him. Just having all these conversations. I literally cannot do this without all of you. And it’s not just Chris, and it’s not just Heidi. It’s all of know, Michelle, Shannon, Christina, Myra, Tracy, Ernest.

Amy, Tony, Sister Tracy, William, Mary. It literally is going to take all of us to continue to be able to walk in one accord and be able to reach people. And it gives me so much joy to do that. And again, I apologize for those that have written the last week. I have not been able to get back to you, brother. Michael Perner, I know that you wrote.

You have a small ministry over there in New Mexico. I have not forgotten about you, brother. We’ll get something out to you by the end of the week. I just wanted to at least let you know that I did not forget. You’re an awesome brother. And we’ll get the Bibles out there. Okay. And be encouraged as well, all of you. Be encouraged, Sister Tracy. Be encouraged in what God’s called you to know, all of you.

I see Kizzy here before we start praying. Kizzy, are you there? How you doing, Kizzy? You all right? I can say hi to you. I’ll be great. How are you doing? How are you doing? I’m doing well, thank you. And yourself? Can’t complain. God is awesome. Amen. How’s your day going? How’s everything been? Know a long day, but it’s been great. Yeah, that’s awesome. Well, it’s good to see, you know.

And we have a women’s group as well. Heidi, as she’s going to pray, she can share a little bit of that. And also, Chris can share about the men’s group as well, that he started, like I said, all of these things. There’s no way. I mean, that’s why when I say I’m grateful to all of you, listen, I am grateful because I don’t know. I don’t know how all this is happening.

That’s just amazing. It’s Jesus Christ. Because, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know how I am so fortunate to have people that love the Lord so much that they’re willing to hold me accountable and that they’re willing to work with me and that they understand me. You know how weird I am. I’m a weird person. I’m hard to even. So, I am super weird. So the fact that everyone.

Y’all are so kind and patient with me, I love it. All right, I’m going to pass it over to Chris and Heidi, and we’ll pray for the prayer request. Kizzy, good to see you here. And all of you that are here, good to see you here. Next week, let’s keep it moving. Let’s keep it going. All right. Thank you very much. God bless you. All right, Sister Heidi and Chris.

Okay. All right. Well, there may be some that I haven’t written down that just came through. So anybody that has wrote something down as a prayer request that I haven’t gotten, know that I pray with them. When our time is up, we will enter into prayer to talk to our father in heaven. And, Lord, we give you thanks for how you’ve brought each soul here tonight. Lord, we’re grateful that you are the only true living God and only you could have brought each soul here.

I spoke to somebody earlier a few days ago, and they don’t even know how they stumbled upon this group and this family and so we know, Lord, that you are in all things. And that when we put forth a desire to seek after you, Lord, you aid in having yourself to be known. Father, we give you praise for how you teach us, and you’re such a good teacher.

We’re thankful, Lord, that Cheryl Pope has a praise. She said that the prayers from last week made a difference. And so, Lord, we know that to be true. We know that when we come to you in a heart, seeking after you for ourselves, for others, Lord, leaving by faith and putting our love for others ahead of our own selves, Lord, in that type of submission and compassion for others.

So we give you thanks for answered prayers, Lord. They may not have always been answered the way that we may have thought they were, but we’re trusting in you, Lord, that you know what’s best for your children and that you will guide us, Lord, in your ways. And we do ask for wisdom. We ask for guidance and direction. And as Cheryl has requested energy for the procedures that she is having upcoming, she had sounded like believe procedures that didn’t sound so pleasant, Lord.

So we’re asking for continued strength for her as she endures these times. Lord, we’re also thinking of those that are having difficulty reading the word. The enemy is trying to be in there and cause distraction and confusion, perhaps. And, Lord, we’re asking that you help us to understand your word when we read it, so that we can have revelation of how to walk in your ways with a mind that is dedicated to you and where we have renounced the things of this world.

Lord. So as solo board gaming guy put that out there, I believe that’s a very worthy thing to ask you for, to have that wisdom so that we can understand and not only just hear and understand your word, but, Lord, that we have the wisdom to do as your word has said, so that there is a faith that won’t fail us, but where you would walk in your ways, we also are thinking of reaching people, Lord, when you have placed it a prompting in our heart so that we would reach people to witness to them, Lord God, we’re asking that you would guide us to the people that we need to talk to and that you would give us the words in which to say, Lord, for we’re not ashamed of you, Lord, and any fear in which to communicate your good news to others.

Lord, we just want that fear to be gone and know that we can count on you to guide us in that. So thanks, Tracy, for that reminder that we need to obey God’s promptings in our heart, Heather had put forth control in eating and struggling with that. And certainly, yes, father, you can help in that. We know, Lord, that in these areas, no matter how big or how small, Lord, you want to help us.

And so by faith and by placing that out there, heather, we do pray that there can be that control, that self control, Lord, that can come from the holy spirit. May you be guided, heather, in ways of your meals, Lord, in the meals that you would prepare and the things that you would do that would be pleasing and honor to the Lord. And I certainly know that for myself, I’ve had to have self control in that area, and sometimes I’ve done better than others.

So we do ask, Lord, that you guide us for our intake of the food. And may we take in as much of your word, your truth as the word, and man up to eat and grow in that way with you, Lord, as we think of te de sosa, salvation for siblings and parents, that their hearts would be softened, Lord. We pray that for our family members, Lord, each of us could say that perhaps we have friends or families, Lord, that their hearts would be softened so that they would receive your truth, Lord, so that they would have ears to hear your truth, Lord, and unforgiveness, we know that that can be a barrier to having our prayers heard.

So as a reminder from tay in this that we would have anybody that we need to forgive, Lord, anyone that we have not let go and just held on to bitterness, father, we want to just lay it down at your feet right now, that we wouldn’t let this be a barrier between us and you. So may there be the wherewithal with anyone with those convictions, as Tay has mentioned, to be able to forgive people that have done us wrong and let God take control of that and love those people through prayer.

We’re also thankful for those who have served, the veterans that have served for our country as protection, we think, of law enforcement. We give thanks to those that have been in the aid of communities and certainly enforcing the law and helping those that have been in physical pain with physical help. We are grateful for those that have done those difficult jobs, and those jobs continue to be even more difficult as lawlessness and things abound in this fallen world.

We are in prayer for Tracy Silva. She has a son named Sal, so that his eyes could be open to you, Jesus. We certainly agree that we would want that to take place for Sal, so that would not miss out on the goodness of Jesus, not only for what’s just here on earth, but for all eternity. So may cell’s heart. Be open up wide and receive your truth.

Think of Jacqueline with her dad and the family dealing with the dementia issues that are taking place. And I know how difficult that can be firsthand. And so we do ask that the family can help father that is going through this, that they can love him as he’s going through these difficult times, and that there’s extra measure of compassion. And so we do pray for her dad, that he’s able to retain any of your good word that’s been spoken through the word of God to him.

We also pray for Alicia Monroe, for her daughter Sylvia and her husband, for their eyes also to be opened up to the Lord, that they would not refuse the truth, but that they would be drawn to you, Lord, and that they would realize how good you truly are and not listen to any of the lies that the enemy puts forth. When we come to be a believer in you, Lord Jesus, think of Kathy Gortman for her sister, who has multiple myelinoma.

And at this point, there are just no more treatment options. And so we pray for this young woman, this lady that is going through this, Lord. May her faith, if she has. I’m believing she has faith in you. Pray that she has eyes to always want to gaze on you and a heart that is eager to be obedient during this very difficult, challenging time, that Kathy can be a source of encouragement to her and that the gospel could be spoken to her, that they would lean on you during this difficult time and continue to have a greater and greater faith.

And knowing that you, Lord God, are the strength through these difficult times, we ask, Lord, if you’re willing to touch her and heal her. And so it’s with hearts that are concerned for her that she can be patient and continue putting her trust in you. Think of Travis Grenard with a concussion, asking for full healing, Lord, that through this time, Travis can even be focused more so on you and that knowing that you created us from the top of our head to the bottoms of our feet.

And so, Father, as he’s requested, prayer for this full healing. We’re asking you for full healing and prayer for his wife and daughter, who just turned 13 yesterday. You know how difficult teenagers can be. So we pray that this daughter would come to have a great faith in you and be able to not be challenged by the peer pressures that take place with young people that age. So we pray, too, that the marriages of those represented here can be strong and that they can be remembering the vows that were made through richer, through poorer, through troubling times and into good times, that they remain united as one flesh in agreement with you, Lord Jesus, so that they, as a couple, can walk across the pearly gates into eternity as a couple that’s been one flesh serving you wholeheartedly to the best of their ability and be able to bring others to the kingdom, your kingdom of light, for all eternity.

Alex Aziz that has anger and suicidal thoughts have tried to come on in and make a ruckus. So, Lord, we pray against those spirits of that, that trying to influence in such a way. Yeah, the enemy doesn’t like to press in on us while we’re in sin, but when we try to get out, Alex, the enemy likes to just play dirty and do those things. So we’re praying that the word of God, the word that you read daily, as Tracy was mentioning, would give you strength.

And if there’s things that need to be confessed, that need to be just put out there, may that freely flow from you. But may you know, too, that God, Jesus, loves you so very much. And that when we submit in his ways and turn to him and ask him for help, greater is he that’s in us than he that’s in the world. We know that when we resist these thoughts and say, no, I’m not going to take this from you, I resist and renounce any of activity that goes against the Lord.

The enemy will flee. So please be knowing in, excuse me, Alex, that we will continue to pray for you as your name comes through our mind this upcoming week and the days ahead. Pray for family problems with Mike and the strongholds that are in the family. Lord, may your light reveal areas in which this family needs to reject the lies, reject these falsehoods that may be trying to influence this family.

May this family, Lord, be drawn to you, Lord God. May they have a hunger and thirst that is for the truth. May they see through the schemes of the enemy, Lord. And we ask that they just would be drawn to you and that Mike would be able to be strong during this time in faithful prayer. And even asking tonight was a measure of love for his family, to have fellow brothers and sisters pray for his family.

So we do pray in love, that they would come to an understanding of who you are. We also bring before you Mike Bosler. Yes, God is greater than any problem you face. I read that in a quote that you put on the chat line. And so, Mike, as you’re dealing with the cerebral palsy, as you were dealing with trying to find a nurse who’s a believer that can help change this catheter that you need to have changed.

And truly, he is greater than any problem you face. And as you go through this time, Mike, we pray that you continue on even stronger in Christ. And how wonderful that you are able to come here tonight and other nights, that you have been able to be part of this family and grow in your faith in the Lord Jesus. I’m grateful that you have known to tune into this on this frequency.

And anytime you can tune in on God’s word as you’re there alone in your room, that, Mike, you can take those thoughts of depression and worry and turn into saying, Lord, you are greater than this problem I’m facing, and I’m putting my trust in you. Even if a song of praise can come from your heart and out of your mouth through your lips, to just even say the name of Jesus with the power and might that name carries, that it would make the enemy just want to leave.

So we pray that, Mike, you’ll be able to have the strength, the wherewithal to just reject those lies and say, I’m not going to be subject to this anymore. I’m going to take these thoughts captive. We pray for your strength as you’re dealing with this. Lord, I would want a healing touch to be upon Mike as he goes through this. Please bless him with wisdom and discernment as he makes a decision about a nursing home.

Lord, you know his heart, and we ask that it would be strengthened and that he would continue on to fight the good fight until he is carried home to be with you, Lord. God, we do think of tally and how he expressed the busyness of his week and actually the weeks that have preceded this, that the different things have been presented there in his life with his job.

Lord, we give you thanks for him pulling this together and that he would have the strength to be able to carry on as his daily task with the various work issues. As I know that there’s brothers and sisters out there now that have different work issues that they’re dealing with, how things keep coming in pressure with different things. Lord, may we always speak the truth, Lord, may our work always be done unto you, Lord, seeking your praise in it.

And that we don’t just do it as unto men, but we’re doing it as unto you, believing and knowing that you see our heart as we do it. And so we’re thankful for the income that we can get from these times of working. And we know, Lord, that work done for your name, for eternity is the best that we can possibly do. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this gathering.

And we ask blessing on these future requests that I’ll be saying later on. It’s because of you, Lord Jesus, that we can say these things. Amen. Amen. That’s awesome. Glory to Christ. Super, super grateful, Sister Heidi, for the prayers and for keeping track of all of that. It’s important that if someone shares with us a prayer request that they know that we’re definitely praying for you. So hopefully you feel that on your end.

And in life, sometimes we can take 2030 minutes, 40 minutes to watch a TV show or listen to something. But it’s also such a blessing for us to come in one accord and pray with each other. And it’s edifying to see that. So I’m super grateful, Sister Heidi, super grateful to every single one of you. Today, I’m going to be stepping off, but the zoom chat is still going to continue.

Brother Chris and Heidi will keep on running it as well. So if you have anything to share, let them know as well for my very, very grateful to all of you. It’s been another awesome week. And next week we got Amy, Sister Christina and Sister Deborah. So that’s going to be super exciting. All right. And love you guys very much. And also in the chat, just wanted to say thank you, Sister C.

Thank you, Harold. Harold has done a great job at posting a lot of bible verses to keep the chat focused on, you know, if chat gets sidetracked, he’s on there with a Bible verse. And I appreciate that. Harold, Nancy, thank you for also keeping up with prayers. I see you have a list going on yourself. That’s a blessing. So it takes all of us, right? We’re doing a good job.

So glory to Jesus Christ, brother. Mad guns, who is. Who is awesome, brother. Thank you, mad guns. I love you, brother. All right, I’m going to be tuning off. All right, but love you guys and see you on the weekend video. All right, God bless you, YouTube and zoom brother Chris is going to take on. All right, God bless you guys. You guys are awesome. Thank you, brother.



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gratitude for prayer session importance of local religious communities listening to God's guidance maintaining deep personal relationship with God maintaining strong connection with God offline until weekend video meeting online religious gathering prayer session for healing and strength resisting peer pressure sharing Bible verses in group chat sharing faith experiences showing love to God spreading teachings of Jesus Christ taking control

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