Inside Out 2 – DISNEY Demons In PLAIN SIGHT! #entities #demons

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➡ The text discusses the influence of films and media on our perception of aliens and mental health, suggesting that movies like E.T. and Inside Out were designed to prepare us for the idea of extraterrestrial beings and mental health issues. It criticizes the mental health industry for medicating children instead of teaching them to manage their emotions and thoughts. The text also highlights a rise in children’s mental health issues and emergency room visits, attributing it partly to the pandemic. It concludes by encouraging people to filter their thoughts through religious teachings to distinguish between divine and harmful influences.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of confronting and dealing with our thoughts and traumas, rather than avoiding them or masking them with medication. He shares his personal experience of raising an autistic daughter and how they chose to help her manage her thoughts and emotions without relying on drugs. He encourages listeners to turn to faith and prayer for strength and guidance, and offers a free resource for those struggling with intrusive thoughts. The speaker also asks for support in sharing his message and maintaining his non-monetized ministry.


As we talk about Inside Out 2 and the entities within the film Inside Out 2, it’s important for us to remember the programming that has happened throughout many generations. You believe in part that the movies E.T., Close Encounters of the Third Kind, were not entirely just the creative products of some Hollywood director, that maybe there’s more to that. Why don’t you explain? They were carefully guided by representatives from MJ-12, who is this organization that is in charge of the cover-up, in order to get us ready for the release of the information that there are indeed aliens.

And in both those movies, they used small little creatures in order to get us ready for this release of information. To prepare us that the idea of benevolent aliens from outer space are going to help us out. Unfortunately, they’re not so benevolent. When we look at the film industry, and a lot of these programs that we see on television or programs that we see on apps like Netflix and others, they serve a purpose. You know, when you actually think of the word program, what is that? It’s programming someone, preparing someone. And you look at a lot of these films from back in the 80s and 90s that included E.T.

Marvin the Martian, Monsters vs. Aliens, Alf, E.T., Men in Black, all of these films that painted a depiction of entities in such a harmful way. Children’s cartoons have been packed with aliens for a long time. But then you have 2024, the year of disclosure, where entities are now a common thing and no one even bats an eye, where Harvard can tell you that there are entities walking among us and no one even cares. How did we get to that stage? The film Inside Out is a different shift for Disney as it’s one of their first films where they’re not packing it with a lot of different types of left versus right type of agendas.

However, within the message itself, there’s a lot of powerful imagery on there involving anxiety, depression, and all of the many aspects that impacts our children. This is why it’s important to talk about this because the scriptures tell us that we are going to face a battle. Okay, in 2 Corinthians 10, 5, it tells us casting down imaginations. Okay, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and bring it into captivity, every thought to the obedience of Christ. So we’re in a pandemic in our day and age where our children, just like in the film Inside Out, our children are dealing with entities.

These aren’t imaginary friends. These aren’t simply little thoughts that you get because you’re on puberty. Our children are literally battling entities. Ephesians 6, 12. The mental health industry for children is a diabolical one because you stick a child in a classroom for eight hours out of the day and he gets hyper. Of course, he’s going to get hyper. That kid is not meant to be in a classroom for eight hours in a day. And all of a sudden, he’s labeled as ADHD. All of a sudden, he’s labeled as something and now he’s on medications. And what happens is that kid never learns to deal with those actual emotions.

That kid never learns to be able to take their thoughts captive. Now let’s switch gears here and go to a growing crisis, straining emergency room doctors, children visiting ERs for issues related to their mental health has skyrocketed with research showing visits increasing in kids ages 5 to 11 by 24 percent and rising 31 percent in ages 12 to 17. This was back between 2019 and 2020. Well, now this surge has emergency room doctors pleading for more support and calling for resources to help tackle the growing number of children with mental health concerns.

And in films like Inside Out, they describe a child that has different types of thoughts in their minds, but these aren’t just thoughts because each one of these emotions has a personality attached to them. It’s almost like these children in this film have entities in their minds. And depending on what entity is in control at that point in time, they easily can control the human like a puppet. So if joy is in the house, they’ll be joyful. If sadness is in the house, they’ll be sad. These emotions and these entities can control the individual and that’s not biblical.

It’s increasing in volume. I was talking with a psychiatrist at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego yesterday. She said that a few years ago about 30 kids per month would come in with these kinds of issues. Now it’s 30 a day. So although this started before the pandemic, the pandemic has absolutely contributed. There’s a particular scene in the film that’s actually pretty powerful when anxiety actually takes over and it causes a panic attack. And joy comes to anxiety and that joy tells anxiety to stop. As this clip is actually airing, you can actually feel the tension of the anxiety.

They did a pretty decent job at showing what anxiety looks like. But the problem with this film is that it’s not telling you what these entities that you’re hearing from are. Ephesians 6, 12 tells you that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Okay, and we’re in a society where the demonic realm has been openly accepted. We’re in a society where your child is going to bed with a tablet or a phone and they have access to content that back in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, you had to go purchase in a magazine and you know what I’m talking about.

Or you had to go rent a particular film at a video store, but now they have access to it right there and then. We’re in a society that our children are being medicated to death. We’re in a society that we’re just telling children to go based on. We’re in a society that we’re telling children to live their life all based on a feeling. But what if the entities that were inside the brain of that child and inside out are not just feelings? If you notice, they all had a personality. If you notice, they all had a name attached to them.

If you notice, they were easily able to control the child. You know, 1st Timothy 4, 1 tells us, Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. How many of you know that the devil will not not cut your door or your child’s door? With a pitchfork and two horns and the version of the American devil, you’re not going to find that. Satan comes as an angel of light. About 42% of high schoolers say they constantly feel sad or hopeless.

That’s up more than 50% from 1999. 41% of undergrads reported overall depression and 14% reported suicidal ideation in the past year. And as an angel of light via the mental health industry, and many films even like Inside Out, regardless if they had good imagery and some examples, what they’re doing is, is they’re telling you to embrace these entities. That all of these entities make up who you are. And instead of teaching our children to take their thoughts captive, we’re teaching them via many of these films and the mental health industry to tolerate these thoughts.

And here’s the problem. When you have a child that’s going through anxiety in their teens and you want to help them so you give them a medication, you’re not teaching them to take those thoughts captive. When they’re 25 or 30, that medication is no longer going to be able to control their emotions that they’ve never dealt with. Their temptations that they’ve never dealt with. The sins that they’ve never dealt with. Because that word sin, we don’t want to talk about it anymore in the modern day church. So then when they get to their mid-20s and 30s, now they’re on a stronger medication.

And they get to their 45, 50, their even stronger medication. Do you know why? Because these imaginations and these entities, they’re only going to go stronger and stronger and stronger. The more you tolerate them and tolerate them and tolerate them. But God tells you in his word, before the mental health industry existed, God told you in this word about the fiery darts of Satan. God told you in his word about these imaginations. Think about it, you’re an adult and you’re watching this. What about your thought life? Do you ever go through those moments of what-ifs and you have sleepless nights and you’re thinking about the what-if of the what-if of the what-if of the what-if and you have restless nights and you’re worried about things that never come to happen? Do you think it’s the Holy Spirit sending you your thoughts? Do you think it’s the Heavenly Father sending you those thoughts? It’s not.

These are entities seducing spirits and diabolical beings that operate as angels of light. But there’s good news for you. There’s great news for future generations and your family. And that is that you can take these thoughts and you can filter them through the word of God and then you’re going to be able to see what comes from God versus what comes from the devil. And then you bring it into captivity. What that means is, is no different from when a burglar breaks into a bank. What do you do? You grab it, you bring it into captivity and you take him to trial.

Okay? So when you have an imagination, you grab it, put cuffs on it, you take it to trial, how do you take it to trial? To the word of God. It sounds simple, right? That’s because it is simple. The problem is, is that when we’re tempted, you don’t choose the way of escape. And you know the ones that are paying the price? Our children. Our children should not be tolerating entities that disrupt their life at such an early age. Yet you and I went through puberty. You and I went through those moments.

But we didn’t go through what these kids are going through. These kids are being taught sexual content from kindergarten. These kids have to get up early in the morning and see their parents for 30, 40 minutes and then dropped off at school. Their parents have to go work all the way to 6 o’clock at night, pick them up, see them for maybe 1 or 2 hours a day. It’s the American dream! Or is it more like the American nightmare? Listen, as a father of an autistic daughter, I can tell you that one of the most important things that I’ve been able to do is to teach her and help her.

And myself as well, because I am growing in this every day. I am not perfect. It’s been able to teach her how to take thoughts captive. My daughter is now 20 years old. Imagine if I would have listened to the doctors when she was 4, 5, 6 years old and wanted to put her on Prozac. I wanted to give her a little dose of Xanax and many other things that they recommended throughout the time. But even back then, the Lord was like, listen Tally, your wife stays home, let her take care of the kid you go out there and you work 2 or 3 jobs, whatever you need to do to sustain the family.

And that’s the way that God helped me and my family. My wife stayed home. She dealt with the brunt of the autism aspect of it. But as time progressed and she was 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, we did not masquerade her emotions and the thoughts. And no, we dealt with them because we understood that one day she’ll be a grown woman. And that Prozac is just going to mask the behavior. And that Xanax is just going to sedate that sin. But we had to deal with it and deal with it and deal with it.

And for the glory of Jesus Christ, we’re seeing their fruits now that she’s 20. And the same goes for you. I want us to pray for a moment. You’re an adult at this point. Okay? Yeah, I want you to think of your own life and my own life. We all go through this, man. I’m just a Puerto Rican guy here on YouTube talking to you about this topic. We all go through these moments where we’ve coped and we’ve found ways to sedate our own lives from facing that trauma, from facing that childhood trauma, that abuse, from facing the trauma and dealing with narcissistic individuals, from facing so many different things that scarred us.

And because of that, we’re finding ourselves at a point that we don’t even recognize ourselves in the mirror. Today would be a great day for you and I, as we’re going to come in prayer in just a moment to just submit ourselves to Jesus Christ right there where you’re at and to cast down all of these thoughts that are just not letting you live. It’s not a life. Listen, you’ve tried doing it your way. Haven’t you? Has it worked? No. Let’s try it Jesus’ way. Not tomorrow, but let’s try it Jesus’ way right now.

Right there where you’re at. Go ahead and pray with me, okay? Heavenly Father, we thank you for this opportunity to just come together. You know the thoughts that are going through our children. You know the thoughts that are going through our own minds. You know that we have so many unresolved traumas in our life that we haven’t taken to you to heal. We’ve found ways to medicate ourselves to not deal with the deeper inner wounds that only you know are there. We’ve placed bandages on wounds that really needed just straight up stitches and healing.

These bandages aren’t holding on anymore. Society is off track right now. We’re losing ourselves, Heavenly Father. We’re exhausted. The American dream lied to us. And we’re finding ourselves that we don’t know what to do. Heavenly Father, help us navigate through these waters so that we can change our children’s lives, so that we can start over even at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, that we can start over today in the name of Jesus. Right there where you’re at, cry out to Him in the name of Jesus, for He loves you. I know life has been hard, and I am so proud of you that you’ve come this far, but I’ll be even more proud of you right now if you today decide that this is that last day, that this is that last moment, that you will allow these entities to control you.

In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen. I love you, and I am so grateful for you. Listen, if you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts as an adult or you need help with it for your family, we have a booklet that’s free. It doesn’t cost you anything. It’s a free download. It’s on the description part of this video. It’s called Caught Thought. It’s a great resource, and above all, it’s free. Check it out. I think it can help you and your family. Listen, as a parent of an autistic child, I know the sacrifices that you have to make to protect your children, but it’s worth it because you’re affecting their generation and their future babies as well.

So don’t stop working hard for your family, okay? You hang in there, all right? Hang in there, and if you need something, put it on the comments section or email me at brotherniptali at, and I’ll be there for you as well, or visit our community online, It’s free as well. This is a non-monetized channel, so what that means is that you’re not part of AdSense. These videos are not made for money or anything like that, and I don’t say that so that I can be glorified.

No, glory to Jesus. But what we could use your help with is for you to press the thumbs up or share these videos because that helps with the algorithm, not only for this channel, but for any channel that you watch that’s non-monetized. By all means, there are a lot of them. They could use your help, and we could use your help too, okay? So press the share button and just share it and thumbs up. We would appreciate that. And also, consider supporting this ministry. We would appreciate that as well.

Thank you for being there, and you have a blessed last week, okay? And remember that there is hope, and that hope is only found in Jesus. And He cares for you, and He loves you, all right?


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