Marcus Rogers: MY TRUMP PROPHESY CAME TRUE @MarcusRogers @Dee1music

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➡ The speaker discusses a man who claims to have a direct line to God, often stating that God has told him something. The speaker questions the validity of these claims and criticizes the man for using religion to manipulate others. The speaker also criticizes the church for being more passionate about politics than preaching the gospel, and questions what the church has done with the past four years of grace under Trump’s presidency. The speaker concludes by expressing concern about the church’s current state and the need for a new beginning.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the idea of keeping personal beliefs private, Elon Musk’s support for AI and transhumanism, and the controversy around public figures discussing religion. It also touches on the political climate, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the development and distribution of vaccines. The author expresses concern about forgetting past events and the potential dangers of the vaccine.
➡ This text discusses the controversy around COVID-19 vaccines, the role of companies like Pfizer and Moderna, and the legal rights of employers to require vaccination. It also delves into the topic of prophecy, particularly in relation to the recent U.S. election, and the author’s skepticism towards those who claim to have received divine messages. The author encourages readers to live in accordance with their beliefs, pray for their leaders, and to spread the gospel, regardless of who is in power.
➡ The speaker encourages Christians to focus on spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ rather than getting caught up in political rallies. They criticize those who misuse Jesus’ name for personal gain or to validate their prophecies. The speaker also calls for self-reflection on whether we have modern idols or distractions that prevent us from truly seeking Jesus. They end with a prayer for guidance and a reminder that Jesus is our king, regardless of political outcomes.


Hey, hey, God bless America. Yeah, God bless America. Hey, God bless America. This is crazy. If I wasn’t watching that, like, actually uploaded, I wouldn’t. I mean, this dude went to Dollar Tree, bought a bunch of balloons, got them heliums, a little blankie on top, produced a beat. You know, he’s jamming to the beat. Hey, it’s a beat, man. Even I’m over here going like, what the Lord is. What? Can you believe it? What? Let’s party. It’s party, guys. It’s party time. Fired up right now, baby. Thank you, Jesus. But the Lord told me clear as day, he said, this is your day of vindication.

And here’s the truth. A lot of you Christians owe me an apology. A lot of you influencers owe me an apology. Of course he’s going to be passionate about it because he feels that he’s been vindicated. And we’ll play his video as we proceed. But he’s not the only one talking about this. There’s many others also, you know, saying that this is a new beginning, a new beginning for America. Never mind that they had four years of a new beginning already with him. We are delivering millions of doses of a safe and effective vaccine. Safe and effective vaccine.

Safe and effective vaccine that will soon end this terrible pandemic and save millions and millions of lives. And the church is as lukewarm as ever, Right? But you know what we need another new beginning. You know, I know they have an agenda 20, 30, and a great reset in the World Economic Forum, but the church needs a new reset, too. So this is a new, new beginning because they already had a new beginning with Trump. And what we ended up was Operation Warp Speed and Social distancing. But you know what we need a new, new, new beginning.

Jesus Christ. Trump won the election. I have a special treat for the American people in honor of this new beginning. Daniel O’Connor is doing our Advent series in the school of Reading. It’s based on his new book, Living in the Divine Will. Now, that’s enough, okay? So just because people come up on videos and they have a little priest thing on there, you can buy that at the Dollar Tree, too. You can go to 5 and below and get your little Halloween costume. And just because you have a little priest thing on there that doesn’t make anything happen is very important here, okay? And everyone’s talking about this new beginning.

We have a new beginning. So I want to just analyze a couple of the things and just share with you my heart on many of these aspects, and I’VE many videos mentioned to you that my biggest issue that I have with all of this is people using the name of Jesus Christ as a tool to convince others or manipulate others to have to participate in something that they don’t feel like they have to do. Wherever I go, God rules. When I walk on White House grounds, God walks on White House grounds. I had every right and authority to declare the White House as holy ground because I was standing there, and where I stand is holy.

To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God, and there. And I won’t do that. To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God, and there, and I won’t do that. Here’s the thing. If the church was this passionate as they are for Trump, as they are for preaching the gospel, imagine where we would be, right? We would be in a very, very much special type, type of a place as an actual nation. Okay? But let’s go ahead and check this video out by Marcus Rogers. Just a little bit of it.

Thank you, Jesus. We already saw the dance. We already saw the dance. Let’s just start from the beginning. All right, here we go. I mean, listen. He’s looking sharp. He’s looking sharp. He’s got the. He’s looking sharp. He pulled out the dap. He got the. He got the nice little, you know, Korbata on. He’s got the little, you know, bow tie on. What’s going on, everybody? Let me know where you’re watching from. I’m watching this from my house, man. I’m watching this from my house. Hallelujah. Dude. Jesus, let’s go. Oh, man, I am fired up right now.

Now, I ain’t gonna lie to you. I cried some tears. I’ve been on and off for the last couple years and definitely the last couple of days now, for all of the people that are going to come on here and start arguing, hold your horses. We’re gonna address it. We’re gonna pull some receipts. Let me tell you something, man. I. I was on my prayer walk the other day, just bawling my eyes out. And as I was walking, I just felt the Father telling me, son, Imma vindicate you. And so for the last couple of years, you know, okay, so he was on a walk, and, you know, never mind.

The elections is about the United States of America. But, you know, in this case, the elections are about vindicating Mark. You know, the Lord talked to him that God’s going to vindicate him through the elections. Okay? And here’s the thing. That I. That I. That concerns me not just with Mark Rogers, but with other people. And some of this is sometimes done with good intentions. Okay? You know, some people have good intentions, right? Others. But he has a habit of continuously telling you that God is telling him something at the very least is a pattern, right? It’s a pattern, right? So God said, tell them they have one year market.

So God. I mean, this guy has a direct landline with the Lord. All right? God told me he is giving Didi aka Puff Daddy. And God is talking to this man 24 7. You know, I mean, he keeps on. And this guy here, Troy Black, God told me this about Mark Rogers. It’s like these people just have a. Forget Verizon and T mobile. These people got a direct landline with the Lord, warning from God. God told me he is going to tear all of this down if you keep on going and you go through the channel.

At the very least, there’s a pattern here where he’s constantly proclaiming that God is telling him something for the nation, for the people, to Puff Daddy, even. I mean, never mind that there’s people dying of world hunger. Puff Daddy is where Jesus draws the line. Puff Daddy’s where Jesus says, you know what? I know that there’s some people in Haiti right now that could use a little bit of food here, but you know what? I’m a prophesy about puff Daddy in 2024. So what I’m saying is that at some point in time, as a church, when are we going to stop this? I don’t mind if you went out and voted.

That’s your business. But why are we bringing all of these prophecies? And. And Jesus told me, and God told me, and God said this and God said that, and you’re endorsing things that you know very well go against scripture, right? Instead of just saying, hey, listen, Tally, it’s my civil duty, civic duty, or whatever you want to call it. I’m an American citizen. I can go vote. I. I don’t. You don’t hear me disagreeing with that. The moment you start calling on angels from Africa like Paula White, strike and strike and strike and strike until you have victory for every enemy that is aligned against you.

Let there be that we would strike the ground. You will give us victory. I hear a sound of abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory. The Lord says it is done. The Lord says it is done. I hear a sound of abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory. Angels are being released right now. Angels are being dispatched right now that they’re coming here. They’re coming here from Africa, from South America. I hear a sound of abundance, of rain. I hear a sound of victory. The Lord says it is done. The Lord says it is done.

The moment you start saying that, if you don’t vote for God, you’re voting for. If you don’t vote for Trump, you’re voting against God. That’s what I have an issue with. Because what happens is the church quickly forgets what’s happened in the many years of past. They quickly forget. And now everyone’s proclaiming a new beginning for America. The church has four more years of grace. What did you do with the last four years of grace when Trump was in office? Church. I’m waiting here. What, what did we do? Is the church more on fire right now, or is the church at a status of a falling away status in America? So if you now have Trump in the office, right, and like I’ve said it before, and I’ve said it in other videos, if you’re telling me which candidate was better, just this is, this is an example of do you want to work at Hobby Lobby or do you want to work at Burger King? Right, right.

You know, you may say, I’d rather work at Hobby Lobby. It pays more, it’s more calmer. I could put vases on the wall. But the moment you start saying, you know, the Lord prophesied to me to be a hobby lobbyist. See, now you’re taking things to an extent that it’s not that deep. And then you have to justify the people, all of these things, because you’re bringing Jesus into something that he has no business in right now. Let me give you an example. Okay. Elon Musk, So what’s the solution? Yeah, so I think the, I think it’s to essentially, I think one of the solutions, the solution that seems maybe the best one is to have an AI layer.

If you think of like you’ve got your limbic system, your cortex, and then a digital layer, a sort of a third layer above the cortex that could work well and symbiotically with you. I mean, just as your cortex works symbiotically with your limbic system, your sort of a third digital layer could work symbiotically with the rest. This is something that’s surgically inserted or bred into the species or what. The fundamental limitation is input output. So we already have, we’re already a cyborg. It’s just that, I mean, you have a digital version of yourself or partial Version of yourself online in the form of your emails and your social media and all the things that you do.

What about Dana White when his fighters try to talk about Jesus Christ? Last question. Of course, you weren’t in Florida. Bit of a controversial moment. Yomaro and I know this is a very positive thing. I’m not trying to rain on that parade, quite frankly. I don’t feel like it was as controversial as some may think. But I just wanted to get your take on what happened. No, it wasn’t controversial at all. But the reality is this, you just won the biggest fight of your career. You know, America doesn’t want to hear your thoughts on Jesus and, you know, keep that stuff at home.

Religion, politics, all that stuff. When you’re out there fighting and you’re being interviewed, they want to hear about the fight. It’s awesome that you love Jesus. Love Jesus all you want, Just don’t have to do it publicly. It’s awesome that you love Jesus. Love Jesus all you want, Just don’t have to do it publicly. It’s awesome that you love Jesus. Love Jesus all you want. I just don’t have to do it publicly. Elon Musk now has a green light on all of the transhumanism he wants to do in this nation for supporting Trump. But he’s a freedom speech fighter, Tally.

Elon Musk endorsed Trump. God is good, really. He’s not a freedom fighter. If he wants to microchip every human being by the year 2030, they plan on having a lot of individuals in America microchipped with neuralink, furthering the agenda of the Antichrist. But you see, because Elon supports Trump now. Elon, because Dana White supports Trump, freedom fighter. And I don’t know about you, but I find a problem with that because the elections are now over. And all of the people you’ve endorsed, all of the people you’ve okayed on both sides, okay, all of the bad behaviors you had Biden calling Trump supporters garbage.

That’s not right. But then you have in Trump’s campaign a joke about Puerto Rico being garbage. That’s not right. But for some reason, we forget that it’s okay. It’s the nation. A new beginning, Tally. It’s a new beginning. Fired up right now, baby. Woo. Thank you, Jesus. We gotta pop balloons from the air. Raise your hands like you just don’t care. How quickly we forget in the church. How quickly we forget in the church. What are some of the things that we quickly forget? We’ll talk about that in a second. But the craziest thing is, is that in this video by Mark Rogers, the title alone is extremely concerning for me.

Well, why is it extremely concerning for you? Because aside from the fact that he has the pattern of constantly, constantly saying that God is talking to him, and, hey, by all means, it could be. It could be that he just has that landline with the lor Lord. But it says, my Trump prophecy came true. No true prophet of God will be boasting about a prophecy of theirs coming true. But that’s the status of the church in America in 2024. But you know what? How quickly we forget. Let’s play some clips of some of the things that we quickly forget.

Glad to see that you’re practicing social distancing. That looks very nice. That’s very good. I want to thank everybody for being here today. This morning, I spoke with the leaders of the G7, G7 nations, and they really had a good meeting. I think it was a very, very productive meeting. I also spoke with our nation’s governors. And this afternoon, we’re announcing new guidelines for every American to follow over the next 15 days as we combat the virus. Each and every one of us has a critical role to play. So who’s the one? Who’s the one who brought social distancing? Who’s the Braun who gave us 15 days to stop the spread in Dr.

Fauci? Was it Biden or was it King Cyrus, the prophecy? Was it. Was it Biden or. Come on, the American people to know that your selfless, inspiring, and valiant efforts are saving countless lives. You are making the difference. The modeling estimates that the peak in death rate is likely to hit in two weeks. So I’ll say it again. The peak, the highest point of death rates, remember, this is likely to hit in two weeks. Nothing would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is won. That would be the greatest loss of all. Therefore, the next two weeks and during this period, it’s very important that everyone strongly follow the guidelines.

Have to follow the guidelines that our great vice president holds up a lot. Guidelines Follow the guidelines. He believes in it so strongly. The better you do, the faster this whole nightmare will end. Therefore, we will be extending our guidelines to April 30th to slow the spread. So we went from 15 days to stop the spread. Y’all remember that? To 30 days to stop the spread. Man, Biden did a bad job on that one. If it was Biden, he would be the Antichrist. If it was Biden who did that. But it wasn’t Biden. It was Trump.

But it doesn’t stop there, because how quickly we forget, right? How quickly we forget. You know, y’all remember the six feet to stop the spread? Y’all remember how many places they had plexiglass when you went to make a payment? You know, really good news. But you know what? Trump now has some good news. Trump has some good news. Let’s hear what the good news is. How quickly we forget. Nation has achieved a medical miracle. Medical miracle. Delivered a safe and effective vaccine in just nine months. This is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history. It will save millions of lives and soon end the pandemic once and for all.

I am thrilled to report that the FDA has authorized the Pfizer vaccine. We’re way ahead on vaccines. You wouldn’t have a vaccine if it weren’t for me. You wouldn’t have a vaccine if it weren’t for me for another four years because FDA would have never been able to do what they did. You know what happened here. Just to make sure you understand this a little bit here. The FDA was willing to be able to speed up the process of the vaccines without additional testings. But they needed immunity. They needed the federal government to enact a certain type of an order to say, no, we need it now, fast, quick.

And since it was election season, he wanted to make sure he got that in before Biden came in. Right? FDA got literally immunity for producing the jab. Right? How quickly we forget. Okay. He calls himself the father of the vaccine. He proclaims that he brought it to the table. A lot of you don’t like the job. You know that. You know the dangers that it has caused. But how quickly we forget what I forced him to do. It weren’t for me for another four years because FDA weren’t for me. You wouldn’t have a vaccine if it weren’t for me.

Vaccine if it weren’t for me. You wouldn’t have. I am thrilled to report that the FDA has authorized the Pfizer vaccine. We’re way ahead on vaccines. You wouldn’t have a vaccine if it weren’t for me. You wouldn’t have a vaccine if it weren’t for me for another four years because FDA would have never been able to do what they did, what I forced them to do. You’re looking at video of Sandra Lindsay, an intensive care nurse receiving the first vaccination at Long Island Jewish Medical center in New York. The US Began vaccinating the population against the coronavirus in December of 2020.

The goal is to get the COVID vaccine to every in the US who wants one. But survey data shows that nearly 40% of the US population doesn’t want it. Widespread mistrust might have something to do with the fact that if anything goes wrong with the vaccine, the drug makers that produce them aren’t responsible. This is a remarkable circumstance. It’s certainly not like anything anybody’s ever seen before. That means that companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity against lawsuits related to injuries resulting from taking the COVID vaccine. Meanwhile, employers are legally allowed to require employees to get immunized against the virus.

Requiring a vaccine is a health and safety work rule, and employers can do that. Ultimately, if we want any chance at returning to life is normal, mass vaccination is going to be critical. So how do you convince the public to take a vaccine made in record time using technology that’s never before been licensed? We are delivering millions of doses of a safe and effective vaccine. Safe and effective vaccine, Safe and effective vaccine that will soon end this terrible pandemic and save millions and millions of lives. First John 4:1 tells us, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they’re of God.

Because many false prophets are gone out into the world. We’re in a day and age that this week alone, you’re going to see a lot of people like Mark Rogers and others come out celebrating that they got one prophecy right out of many, that they’ve actually failed. We need to learn a lesson from other people when they do these things. Okay. You know, Jeremiah 23:26 to 27 tells us, how long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies. Yeah, they’re prophets of deceit of their own heart, which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name for baal.

Okay. And we’re in a day and age where so many people claim that they know some sort of a prophet. They prophesied this, some sort of a prophet that said this and said that and said the other. You know, there are clips here that I’ve found that I’ve heard before because I remember that before the election with Donald Trump, the. The last one that he lost to Biden on that one, Mark declared that God told him that Trump was going to actually win. At that point in time, I just said, I believe from what God showed me, that Trump is going to win.

And I stand on that word right now. Pennsylvania has put Biden over the top for the 270 we have. I just said I believe from what God showed me that Trump is going to win, and I stand on that word right now. Savannah Guthrie in New York, the moment the entire country has been waiting for. After a very close race, NBC News now projects that Joe Biden has won the Keystone State, Pennsylvania. I just said I believe from what God showed me that Trump is going to win. And I stand on that word right now that Trump is going to win.

And I stand on that word right now that Trump is going to win. And I stand on that word right now. In that case, Trump didn’t win. Right? But what a lot of people did when Trump didn’t win, and this is applies to a lot of different prophets of YouTube. You know, YouTube has a lot of profits. Social media is full of prophets. You know, they just said God still came true. He really did win, but they just cheated us out of it. So the prophecy is real. The prophecy happened. It’s just, you know what? They cheated us from actually seeing it happen.

So now that Trump wins, they feel vindicated. So now they can throw parties about it. Okay? And all I’m saying is this, guys, the election is now over. Okay? I’m glad. I’m excited that it’s over. We’re at a point that we really, as a nation, if we really do believe that these are four years that God has given us more in America. If you really believe that, okay, act like it, Church. Because the plans of the fallen angels is to have us, in my opinion, believe that there’s an illusion of you being able to pick these leaders.

It’s all an illusion to make you feel that you’re in control. Very similar to these entities via fallen angels and aliens and CERN and many of other experiments to happen out there. They give scientists and leaders the illusion that they’re the ones building portals. Ephesians 6:12 told you about these dimensions before any portals were built. These entities don’t need portals. In fact, you can look at your thought life on a daily basis. The word of God tells us to take our thoughts captive. Pause for a moment and think of the thoughts that you’ve thought of in the last week.

Let’s pause for a moment. Think of them. Think of those thoughts. Thoughts, some of them destructive, some of them very wicked, some of them very evil. Right? Those are the entities that are masquerading on there as spirits of light, and they send thoughts to you. That sounds so logical and so real, right? This is why you have to cast them down and take them to the word of Jesus Christ so that Jesus Christ can show you the real truth. My family, I pray that if you really do feel that these are four years of grace that God has given America once again and the church in America perfect.

Live like it, act like it, preach like it, preach like it. Go. As far as I understand, the Republicans won the Senate. They won the presidency. They won a lot. They should have no opposition right now in four years. America should be holy at this point, right? Live like it. But you know the problem? The problem is not the president. The problem is not the Senate. The problem is not the House. The problem is not Congress. The problem is the heart of the people. You see, you can make everything legal or illegal in this nation. If our heart as a people and as a church was in the right place, none of that would matter because we would be honoring his commandments.

We wouldn’t just be a hearer, we would be doers. I know many are happy that Trump won. Some are sad the Trump won. Hey, whichever position you land in, all I am saying is, is after you’re done celebrating, going golden corral, eating some of them chicken wings and celebrate it with the family, remember that a day is going to come in Revelation 18, verse 4. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that receive not of her plagues. I pray that the heavenly Father can prepare our minds for us to endure unto the end.

Endure unto the end. And if you believe in a prophecy, let’s say you believe that in the Snapple prophecy, because nowadays everyone has a prophecy. You know what I mean? You believe in a prophecy. If even 1% of that prophecy doesn’t come true, it’s a false prophecy and you’re going to be held accountable for spreading it. Not only that, but this is why I’m skeptical of them. Because you would think that before God prophesying on Puff Daddy to Mark Rogers, he would just tell the church to repent and turn from their wicked ways, right? And many of these pastors in pulpits, you would think that before God tells Paula White to call on angels from Africa, for crying out loud, he would tell her to repent from that prosperity gospel garbage she’s preaching.

So I’m skeptical always of many of these people that say, God told me, God told me, God told me. But none of the things that they’re hearing from God are the priorities that I see in the scriptures. May all of us I included. You included. If these truly are four years that God has given us again. And you know what? Every day is a blessing from God. Live like it. Live like it. Pray for our leaders, pray for Trump, pray for Kamala, pray for everybody. You know, for crying out loud, guys, let’s go out there and let’s do what he commanded us to do and let’s go out there and preach the gospel to all creatures, to all nations.

Another thing that I hear is tally, we need freedom to preach the gospel. You’ve had freedom in Jesus Christ. He liberated you from the kingdoms of darkness. You don’t need a president to give you that permission. There are missionaries all over the world right now dying preaching the gospel, and you in America are telling me that you need a president to give you that permission. You’ve had that permission. We’ve had that permission. We’re in a day and age that the, the modern day church you want, you know, Christian heavy metal, they’ll give you Christian heavy metal.

You want Christian reggaeton to shake your booty? Let’s, let’s work anything their church wants. They’ve made a Baskin Robbins, 31 flavors. For what excuse do we have now? You’ve had the opportunity and now you’re claiming you have another four years to do it. Church, let’s not waste it then. Let’s not waste it then. Let’s move past this election thing. Trump won this one. It’s okay, whatever. Who wins? The president that you serve. The king that you serve. He’s been your king. He’s been your president. He’s Jesus Christ. The only way he was. He is, and he forever will be.

He is the king, the almighty God. And I just wish that the thousands of Christians that would go to rallies to preach the gospel, I desire that they would use that same thing to stand in a corner with a Jesus sign, people to repent. Imagine that the thousands of people that would go to these rallies because America needs to be saved. Imagine if those thousands of people would go either on both parties, Democrats or Republicans, will go out on the street and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. What do you think would be better? I think that would be better, but I know that’s desiring a lot much for what we’re at right now.

Ultimately, though, please, please, please, all YouTube prophets, all YouTube master prophets, YouTube, whatever you want to call yourself, Stop using the name of Jesus in vain. Stop doing that. Stop using the name of Jesus to say my prophecy came true. A true prophet would never do that in Fact the true prophet is known by the accuracy of their prophecies. You know, a biblical teacher is known by his teachings. Not because he’s out there saying, I’m a teacher, I’m a prophet, I’m this, I’m a that apostle, prophet, anointed teacher, you know what I mean? And they start going, you know, come on, guys.

The spectacle in the show will always deceive a person who’s after the spectacle in the show. I pray that you and I today in Jesus mighty name, able to surrender ourselves to him and seek him in spirit and truth. Guys, Jesus is coming very, very soon. And let’s see, we got. Apparently we got four more years, a new beginning in America. Let’s see if this is. Let’s see what happens. God bless all of you. Seek Jesus Christ above all. Let’s pray for a moment. Heavenly Father, thank you for your awesomeness. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to come together here today.

Father, you know that there are people watching this, that they’ve probably endured so much this past week from Republicans and Democrats and so many divisions in churches and in families. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we repent of all of that and we just want to focus on you. And I’m so glad these elections are over and we can just go back to just, you know, going back to what really, really matters. Heavenly Father, there are many ministries, there are many individuals who have compromised so much, justifying behaviors from Democrats and Republicans that we’ve justified behaviors that we wouldn’t justify in the pulpit.

We’ve justified jokes, we’ve justified statements, we’ve justified actions that we wouldn’t justify in the pulpit. And we really have to ask ourselves, why would we do that? Do we have modern day idols? Do we have modern day calves that we worship? Do we have modern day deceptions that have distracted us for a long time? If so, in the name of Jesus, convict our hearts so that we can seek you. So that we can seek you because you are the only way. You are our king. We didn’t need electoral college votes to know that you’re our king.

You’ve liberated us from the kingdoms of darkness and you’ve placed us in the kingdoms of your dear son. And we thank you for that. In Jesus name, amen. God bless you. Love you guys. Thanks for passing by. Leave me a comment, let me know how you feel. Okay. Love you guys very much. And yeah, God bless you. Have a blessed day.


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