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Mankind touches it, and evolution begins. These are diabolical entities. These are 1st Timothy 4-1. This is another gospel. These are seducing spirits. These are doctrines of devils. Ronald Reagan mentioned that how easy it would be to unite the world as one. Ronald Reagan mentioned that he was like, if an alien threat came from out of this world, how easy would it be to unite the world as one? In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bound.
I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? The entities that aim to unite the world as one in our modern day as extraterrestrials are the same entities, fallen angels, and demonic spirits that wanted to unite mankind as one in the Tower of Babel. Same lie, different package. If you look at every world culture, just as you find the worldwide flood story in every culture. You also see events where star gods, right? You see events of architecture that is just out of this world that you find in one part of the world and then another part of the world that it’s almost impossible.
We find feats of technology of the past that it’s almost hard to even understand how they were able to build these pyramids right along the ley lines and right along constellations in different parts of the world. The same extraterrestrials that are in our world in 2025, 2026 on forward. You saw here in 2024 when we had all of these drones activity, strange sounds from the sky, theories of different alien signals coming from out of space, CERN trying to open up portals. You see all of these things, these are the same deceptions, just different packages because we’re in a different culture.
To understand extraterrestrial life is to understand Ephesians 6, 12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood. This is describing to you the fact that we do have an adversary that operates in a different dimension. So these entities exist and operate in a completely different dimension. It says, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. To understand extraterrestrial life, you need to go to the scriptures and understand that before any UFO disclosure out there by any world government, you need to go to the scriptures and understand that before you even look at the Nascar lines, before you even look at the crazy things that happen all over this world that point to some sort of an attack by the fallen ones.
You just need to read Ephesians 6, 12. It’s describing entities from a different dimension. It’s describing strongholds from different dimensions. But boy, do I also want to tell you today, boy, do I also want to tell you today that these extraterrestrials are demonic, you know that already, but that they’re also defeated in Jesus’ mighty name. They’re not defeated in your name. They’re not defeated in my name. This is not something for us to walk around cocky about. But if you’re living for Jesus Christ, if you submit to God, resist the devil, the devil will flee.
That includes alien abductions. The many people that I’ve talked to that have gone through alien abductions and they call upon the name of Jesus and the alien leaves because it’s not an alien, it’s a demon and an entity that must bow to Jesus. The many people that are going through extreme depression even, extreme anxiety even, you may not understand, but that’s the same entity that manifests itself as an alien. It’s just a stronghold in the spiritual realm. Submit to Jesus. Allow Jesus to heal you. Allow Jesus to deliver you. Sleep paralysis is the same.
There is power in the name of Jesus, but these extraterrestrials don’t want you to understand that this is a spiritual thing. They want to tell you that they’re your creator. They want to tell you that they’re here to help you evolve. The reality is that Satan and his fallen angels understand that their time is short on this earth and because they understand that they’re not wasting time and they’re coming to attack, but when they attack their way, don’t take it personal. Don’t go tit for tat. Don’t go on there arguing with the devil.
No, no, no, no, no. You go to the word of God. You get on your knees and you pray. You put on worship music in your house and you seek the kingdom of God as Luke 12 says and seek him every single day because he has already overcome. This quote unquote extraterrestrial life is nothing more than the same deception of old and the sad part is for the elite of this world is that history will once again be repeated. The tower will fall. Jesus will win and Jesus has already overcome. God bless you and your family.
Let’s pray for a moment. Jesus, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for allowing us to live for you. Thank you for a salvation. Thank you for the deliverance of brothers and sisters in the Lord that are listening to this audio. Thank you for helping them overcome their anxiety. Thank you for helping them overcome their anger. Thank you for helping them overcome their unbelief. Father, you know, the brothers and sisters that are watching this video that are just going through it right now. Remind them heavenly father that you are still God. This world may have changed.
Many churches have changed. Many things have changed. But you’re still the same God that delivered Noah, Moses, Isaac, Jacob. You are the king of kings. You are the only way and you are with us today in the name of Jesus Christ. If there’s someone who needs to rededicate their life to Jesus right there right now, call upon him. Jesus is able and he loves you very much. May God bless you and your whole family in Jesus name. Amen. My dear family, would you do me a huge favor? Can you press the thumbs up and leave a comment on this video? And if you have even a few more seconds, share this video.
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