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➡ The article discusses the possibility of extraterrestrial life forms living among us, as suggested by researchers from Harvard and the Montana Technological Institute. They propose that sightings of UFOs could be evidence of aliens living secretly on Earth. The researchers also suggest the existence of a non-human underground civilization, possibly descendants of intelligent dinosaurs. They urge the scientific community to keep an open mind about these claims.


Amazing that the scriptures warn you that the last days would be as the days of Noah. And we’re in a day and age that a UFO disclosure is not needed. Because a UFO disclosure has already happened and it’s already being broadcasted. And most people are asleep. if you believe we have crashed craft stated earlier do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft as I’ve stated publicly already in my news nation interview biologics came with some of these recoveries yeah were they I guess human or non-human biologics non-human and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program I talked to that are currently still on the program the very same educational institutions like Harvard Yale and many others that push the theory of evolution that says that we evolved from something but they’re missing the link are the same ones that are going to point to the fact that they believe that they found that missing link and that missing link is an alien life form now we’re going to talk about extraterrestrial life forms researchers at Harvard speculate that an unidentified technologically advanced population could be secretly living among humans on earth those Harvard researchers joined forces with scientists over at the Montana technological Institute in a new paper the team hypothesized that sightings of UFOs quote could be signs of aliens quote concealed in stealth here on earth or even quote walking among us the researchers urged the scientific community to keep an open mind and be open to their claims the research also shared the possible existence of a non-human underground civilization that may be quote descendants of unknown intelligent dinosaurs and also determined there could be hidden occupants like into angels or fairies that have traveled to earth as the days of Noah the deceptions are rising as the days of Noah we’re witnessing things happen that back in the day they would be called conspiracies but before your very eyes they’re telling you blatantly they’re telling you blatantly that there are other species walking next to you that look like they’re human but they’re DNA modified beings and the topic of Nephilim sometimes is overdone but in this case they blatantly just stated Harvard blatantly stated that Nephilims are among us in society did not bat an eye you believe in part that the movies ET close encounters of the third kind were not entirely just the creative products of some Hollywood director that maybe there’s more to that wanted to explain they were carefully guided by representatives from MJ 12 who is this organization that is in charge of the cover-up in order to get us ready for the release of the information that there are indeed aliens and in both those movies they used small little creatures and in order to get us ready for this release of information to prepare us that the idea the benevolent aliens from outer space are going to help us unfortunately they’re not still they’re not so benevolent so they made a probably one of the most disastrous mistakes when ET was put out at that time was before we discovered what I call the double cross or the Grand Deception and they were trying to get us used to the benevolent little creatures and but that isn’t the case the article state aliens may be living among us disguised as humans aliens may already live on earth says Harvard Harvard scholars published novel alien scientific paper crypto terrestrials walk the earth already a UFO disclosure it’s simply not needed the people have been prepared little do people know that Satan comes as an angel of light second Corinthians 11 14 tells us and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light and these beings that are popping up or that will continue to pop up they’re not some sort of supernatural being that created us they’re not that missing link that scientists and evolution have been looking for their diabolical entities described in Ephesians 6 12 because we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against entities in fact some will point out to the fact in Revelation 16 13 when it says and I saw three unclean spirit like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet some I’ve actually heard say that what do frogs look like and when you look at it they look like little gray aliens in fact when you take a look at other world cultures and you start taking a look at what they encountered their versions of fallen angels their account of the Genesis 6 account their account of what happened to them even in the Americas all of these entities have huge eyes just like the gray aliens even in the Nazca lines you see the same thing it’s the same trend that’s all I’m telling you and when you’re seeing the same trend and that even a guy who is not even worth mentioning mr.

Crowley Alistair Crowley where he had lamb his alien right or whether you look at ET looking like a gray alien why don’t you take a couple of minutes now you’ve done as much research on on UFOs as just about anyone I’d imagine and if you haven’t done it you know people who have where did it all start and how have we put this picture together of where they came from and why they’re here well the whole thing started in July 2nd 1947 that was the first crash first crash of an alien alien spaceship July 6 is when they recovered it and sent it to Wright Patterson Air Force Base July 7th is when they held the press conference and told the people it was a weather balloon which the press bought the climb sinker September of that year president Truman established MJ 12 and the purpose of that was to study the saucers and cover up the existence of UFOs and you say we recovered alien bodies from that incident for from that particular crash yes and what they do with them they autopsied him dr.

Detlef bronc was the chief surgeon so to speak he was the one that named him EBE stands for extraterrestrial biological entities where you see so many stories of these entities there’s one thing that the news media never tells you as they’re pretty much having their UFO disclosure is that there are reports countless of reports in fact when I’ve spoken to Joseph Jordan reports of the fact that all of these entities whether they look like gray aliens or they look like ET that they can be stopped in the name of Jesus one abduction experience we had both of us and both of us remember this too I was laying in the bed my husband and I and I was laying on my right side and all I could see when I opened my eyes all I could see was this red light above the window and I could see my husband’s shoulder but I was like paralyzed his skin looked like elephant skin we had the big baldest head with a big wraparound eye as an honest researcher I realized that I couldn’t just count these people out because there’s the stuff that they had was so bizarre most of the research is in the realm has said it wasn’t possible to stop an experience knowing that I called some of the leading researchers in the country so I said guys I’ve got a very unusual case here this man will use the name Bill enduring his experience in fear he calls out Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus please by calling out he abruptly stops his abduction experience these entities can be stopped in the name and authority of Jesus Christ once down in cocoa this was after I accepted Jesus Christ they tried to come and I kept saying no no you’re not doing this and I took on the empowerment of Jesus Christ and I stopped that for we wrestle not against flesh and blood these are spiritual entities taking on the empowerment of Jesus Christ put the stop to a lot of things and he’s helped me a great deal thank you little do you know why they can be stopped in the name of Jesus because they’re entities and they are defeated and because these entities simply like to operate with the spirit of fear this is why the scriptures tell us in Luke 21 11 and great earthquake shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven what are those fearful sights asteroids so many things could happen but what if some of these fearful sights are entities appearing all over the earth proclaiming to come to earth to bring peace proclaiming to come to earth to bring us a utopia proclaiming to come to earth to tell you that they they love Jesus that they sent Jesus proclaiming to tell you that Jesus was an ascended master proclaiming to tell you that all religions are the same proclaiming to tell you the same stories that were said even in the Tower of Babel so that we could all unite as one walk as one and come together in rebellion against the Most High perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bound I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world last week a passenger named Michelle Reyes joined me exclusively on the show to share a clip of video that she took from her window seat on approach to LaGuardia back in March it’s some kind of flying cylinder some have called it a tic-tac but it zipped faster window almost too fast to see with the naked eye experts who have looked at her footage determined this was not faked and Michelle told us she was not the only person on board who saw this thing and Michelle did you say that was there was someone else maybe on that flight who you later were able to determine saw this as well yes I had posted the video on to my social media and one of the other moms on the plate she said that she had noticed it when she was in the air too so I wasn’t the only one who saw it so it’s kind of you know a little more like nerve-wracking that someone else also saw what I saw my family the Tower of Babel failed Genesis 6 and the fallen angels failed all attempts that people have to rebel against God will fail Jesus has already won so Tally what if Harvard is right what if Nefilim’s are walking among us how can I defeat that thing just because Harvard announced it doesn’t make it a reality that’s the first part but the second thing is is that they’ve been telling you about the signer babies they’ve been telling you about DNA modification they’ve been telling you about genetically modified foods they’ve been telling you about genetically modified human beings for a while now but when you look at Goliath Goliath how many toes the Goliath how tall was Goliath he wasn’t a normal human being he was a Nefilim yet God raised up David he put him through so many tests with the bear and the lion and eventually came the battle with the Nefilim and via the power and might of God David was victorious with the power and might of God you and I will also be victorious with the power and might of God we will walk in his obedience in his statutes and his commandments and we will live for God more than ever because all of these things are distractions so that we can stop preaching the gospel and have a defeated mentality there is no entity known the film nothing that can withstand the power of God dear Heavenly Father remind us and encourage us to have the same attitudes in Romans 8 38 through 39 for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present or things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature think about that nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord I don’t care if the Nefilim rises up and knocks at your door there is no entity that can separate you from the love that is found in the Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus may us as ambassadors of Christ refuse to be distracted refuse to be refused to allow the iniquities of this world to allow our hearts to grow cold may we take the way of escape when temptation knocks and may we live for the Heavenly Father every day because what Harvard is announcing because what CNN is disclosing because what Fox News is stating was already told to us in the scriptures and hallelujah that we have an awesome God that told you before any of them that the last days would be as the days of Noah so as the days of Noah arise Heavenly Father may we in the name of Jesus be grateful for your awesome sovereignty may we be grateful for your awesome protection and may we now more than ever realize that the harvest is plenty may we get out there and work harder may we get out there and work harder than ever for Jesus not tomorrow today in the name of Jesus amen thank you for watching this video would you take a few seconds you have no idea how helpful this is is a non monetized channel you press the thumbs up and you share the video it’s super helpful not only to this channel but other channels that are not monetized as well so thank you for doing that it helps with the algorithm in addition thanks for anyone who has ever considered supporting this ministry that goes a very very long way may God bless you on this channel we have a variety of videos during the weekend during the week on Monday so if you haven’t subscribed yet consider subscribing and I’ll see you in a couple of days with another video Jesus has already won okay Jesus has already won


Spread the Truth


evidence of aliens living on Earth extraterrestrial life forms among us extraterrestrial life forms research Harvard researchers UFO sightings intelligent dinosaurs descendants hypothesis intelligent dinosaurs descendants on Earth Montana Technological Institute UFO study non-human underground civilization theory open-minded scientific research scientific community open mind UFO sightings as alien evidence UFO sightings research underground civilization existence

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