➡ During the holiday season, if you’re feeling lonely or abandoned, remember that you can find comfort and acceptance in Jesus. He can fill the roles of family members or friends that you may be missing. Expressing gratitude for His salvation and sharing this message with others can be a source of strength. Your support for this ministry is greatly appreciated.
So the way I think about it is that the shadows of these parallel worlds overlap with ours. And if we’re smart enough, we can dive into them and grab their resources and pull them back into ours to make an effect in our world. Now this may sound very odd to you and bizarre and in fact I am using language that a normal theoretical physicist probably wouldn’t use but this is what I’m telling you is absolutely correct and in line with the way that these things actually work. These are their words. These are the people that run the educational systems of this world.
It’s amazing. They’ve gone from telling you the theory of evolution that we evolved either from a soup or from a monkey to now telling you that there are parallel universes that we can tap into. Another gospel is being preached. And as they’re preaching this other gospel from what people consider to be the mother of all churches, the Vatican, he is also now claiming that on the 24th he’s about to open five certain doors. On tomorrow night the Vatican is more than the traditional Christmas Eve mass with the Holy Father. It will also feature an opening act.
EWTN Vatican journalist Magdalena Valinski-Reedy tells us more about the Holy Door. This moment will remind us strongly of Pope Francis’s words. This will be a year of grace and forgiveness for calling the words of the prophet Isaiah. That moment will make Christmas Eve in St. Peter’s Basilica even more special. Pope Francis will open the Holy Door at the Vatican integrating that Jubilee of Hope. It only occurs every 25 years to mark the start of an ordinary whole year. The last time it happened was in 2000 with Pope St. John Paul II.
There is a special and spiritual dimension at St. Peter’s. There is a special and spiritual dimension at St. Peter’s. There is a special and spiritual dimension at St. Peter’s. In preparation for the opening on Christmas Eve of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica, a brief ritual and prayer service were held late December 2nd. As the arch priest of the Basilica and other priests prayed, workers broke into the wall that has sealed the door shut since the Jubilee of Mercy ended in late 2016. The workers removed a metal box tied with a ribbon and sealed with wax that contains the handles and the key to the Holy Door.
And some of them have even called them portals. It’s a ritual that they’ve done before, but it’s amazing how this conversation of parallel universes. To explain this further is Vatican correspondent Julian Paparella. He joins us now from the Vatican. Thanks for being here. Thank you very much, Mandalina. Okay, so for those who don’t know, tell us more about the significance of the Jubilee. Jubilees in the Catholic Church have existed for a long time, since the year 1300. So they’ve been something that have happened every 25 years, as you mentioned, in the life of the church.
The last one was back in 2000, and now here we are in 2025. So it’s really a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Catholics in particular. And this time, Pope Francis really wants to emphasize that dimension of hope, that dimension of hope, that dimension, that dimension. There is a special and spiritual dimension at St. Peter’s. There is a special and spiritual dimension at St. Peter’s. So the way I think about it is that the shadows of these parallel worlds overlap with ours. And if we’re smart enough, we can dive into them and grab their resources and pull them back into ours.
This conversations of other dimensions, these conversations of other entities and interdimensional beings existing, it’s now coming to the forefront now more than ever. Yet it’s another gospel. It’s a scientific type of a gospel, but it’s another gospel because it has a different way of salvation. It has a different creator than the one that created you. It also has different doctrines. It’s a gospel that says that all religions lead to the same way, lies from the pits of hell. Another gospel is being preached. And what do we do with this other gospel that is rising in the land? Galatians 1.8 gives us a clue, but though we are an angel from heaven, it even goes as far as to explain to you that it could be a human preaching a different gospel or it could be an angel, a fallen angel.
Preach any of the gospel unto you that which we have preached unto you. Let him be a curse. Fallen angel technology is here and AI is creating other AI that’s creating other AI and you now have Willow. And Willow is a quantum AI chip that taps into parallel universes and also solves equations in five minutes that will normally take one subtillion years. Google says it has cracked a key challenge in quantum computing with a new chip capable of almost unfathomable speeds. The tech giant says it can perform a standard test in under five minutes, one that would take one of today’s fastest supercomputers 10 septillion years.
That’s vastly longer than the universe has existed. Google says the results lend credence to theories that quantum computing taps into a multiverse of parallel universes. Dubbed Willow, the new chip has 105 so-called qubits, the building blocks of quantum machines. What has man aligned with that is allowing humanity to come together as one as in the days of the Tower of Babel? What has humanity aligned itself with? Well I believe these are the same ones described in Genesis 6, the fallen angels. I believe these are the same ones spoken up in Ephesians 6 12.
I believe these are the strongholds demonic principalities that are coming to deceive humanity once again in a package that he manually likes in 2025. We see movies as well promoting this portal multiverse theory. You’re hearing it from the Vatican, you’re hearing it in cartoons, you’re hearing it from movies, you’re hearing it from scientists, you’re hearing it from some of the most popular podcasters like Joe Rogan and others that promote for you to take some ayahuasca and tap into other entities out there in different realms. Another gospel. And how can another gospel be accepted because Satan comes as an angel of light.
This is why you and I, as brothers and sisters in the Lord as we end 2024, we must remain vigilant. We must remain with our eyesight open. We must remain in the word of God. We must remain continuously casting down these imaginations and these deceptions from the devil. For in 2025 and above you’re going to continue to hear these theories promoted by the quote unquote church in the Vatican, promoted by the quote unquote educational standards of this earth and educational systems and promoted by some of the most popular people on this earth and as that continues to gain momentum they will apply peer pressure upon you, they will apply their social score upon you, they will apply their financial systems upon you.
And what do we do at that point? The answer still is the same. Let them be accursed. Better is little with the Lord. Better is little with the Lord than the kingdoms of this world that will give you the things that appease the flesh but you know you know very well that there’s destruction that lieth at the door. Satan has no shame. Just as in the garden he sold that tree to Eve and he was like look at it. It’s good to the eye. It’s pleasing to make one wise. He will come at you and your family too.
Will you today pray with me so that you and I can be strengthened so that the brothers and sisters that are watching this can be encouraged and strengthened as well so that when these deceptions come knocking at our door we can be wise and we can say no in the name of Jesus Christ let all that false gospel be accursed. God warned me that fallen angels would bring another gospel. God warned me that wolves in sheep’s clothing would come bring another gospel and God told me to make sure that I reject all of those things and I keep my eyesight on him.
Heavenly Father thank you for your warnings. Thank you for constantly telling us to come out of her in Revelation 18.4. You tell us to come out of her my people. You warn us of the plagues that are coming to Babylon. You and God. It has a lot of knowledge and technology that will make us wise. So many things according to this world but we are not of this world. In the name of Jesus touch our hearts Heavenly Father so during this holiday season if we are feeling lonely, if we are feeling abandoned by our family, if we are feeling anxious and destroyed that in the name of Jesus we can find refuge in you right now because you can heal our unforgiveness.
You can take away our pride. You can help us feel accepted in your kingdom. You can be that dad that we no longer have. You can be that mom that we no longer have. You can be that brother that we no longer have. You can be that awesome mighty counselor when we need a counselor and you can be a best friend when we need a best friend. You are the only way you are the king of kings and without you there is none. Thank you for your salvation Lord Jesus. Thank you for everything in Jesus name Amen.
May God bless you and your whole family. If you can take a few seconds to press a thumbs up share this video it goes a very long way family because it just spreads the word and awareness so thank you for taking the time for considering doing that. Also for those that are considering partnering with this ministry your help is greatly appreciated so thanks for considering doing that as well. God bless you. God bless your family and thank you very much for all that you do. God bless. [tr:trw].