Ru$lan KDs Hu$tle Greedy Tactics!

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➡ The Blessed God’s Summit, a Christian event, has sparked controversy due to certain practices such as charging $75 for a meet-and-greet with Ruslan, and requiring children to pay for tickets. Critics argue that these practices, along with others, are turning Christianity into a profit-driven business rather than a ministry. The author suggests that local congregations should be the place for religious education, rather than costly seminaries. They warn against the dangers of “American Christianity,” which they believe has strayed from its roots and become more about manipulation and profit than genuine faith.
➡ The text criticizes the commercialization of Christianity, particularly in America, where the gospel and religious teachings are often sold for profit. It argues that this approach is contrary to the principles of Christianity, which emphasize freely sharing the gospel. The author encourages those in ministry to trust in God’s provision rather than exploiting their faith for financial gain. They also call for a return to cheerful giving and genuine faith, rather than expecting material returns for religious donations.
➡ We should all support and care for one another, and keep each other in our prayers. Stay tuned for upcoming videos, including one about the darker aspects of ministries.


The Blessed God’s Summit is taking place 27th, 28th, and 29th, and there’s been a lot of reactions about this event. There have been brothers and sisters who have spoken against it, others who are saying they see no problem with it. But there have been a few reasons why people are concerned about the conference, and it’s not about the conference itself. There are hundreds of conferences happening every year in America that are Christian, but it’s about a couple of factors that are happening within it, such as Ruslan charging $75 as an add-on to meet him, such as children, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-year-olds having to pay tickets to be able to participate as well if their parents already buy tickets.

There have been many things done that are rubbing people the wrong way, and I will be honest with you, just looking at the menu and the a la carte of the menu, I can see. So let’s talk about that, but at the end of the day, let’s make something very clear. Ruslan has never hidden his intentions. He’s always told you he’s a for-profit business. He’s always told you that you are the customer, and he’s always told you what he’s after and what he’s doing. He may claim to be a Christian, but what he’s running here is not a ministry.

Even though he mixes both of them together, he’s running a business. And the business that he is running happens to have customers, and the customers are Christians. He kind of sums up American Christianity and what it has become. In John 2, 14-16, when Jesus went into the tables, Jesus went in on them and started overturning the tables. He drove them all out of the temple, and with the sheep and the oxen poured out the changer’s money and overturned the tables. And he said to those who sold those, take these things away. Do not make my father’s house a house of merchandise.

Now, Ruslan is not selling doves and oxen and any of these things, and many ministries aren’t doing those things, but what we’ve turned Christianity into is into a money-making machine. And for many people, this is a career path now. This is a business. I want you to think of simple things such as seminary. I know a lot of great brothers who have gone to seminary. They’re super awesome. Very educated, very smart. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t go to one, but shouldn’t people just be able to go to local congregations to get educated on the Word of God? Somehow, someone found a way to make it profitable, to make it an educational center where you even need scholarships to learn the Word of God, right? Now, am I saying that it’s wrong for you to go to one? I know many great brothers and sisters have gone to one, and it’s, hey, good for them.

But what I’m saying is that shouldn’t the local congregation be the place where people can go and learn, or did God intend for people to get into a student loan debt to learn the gospel? Why am I using that as an example? Because American Christianity, we have strayed away in a very big way. And notice that I’m saying we. Why we? Because I don’t know if you remember, back in the day, I grew up in a church where when they needed to build the building, they would be honest about it and say, hey, guys, we’re selling hot dogs and chips and some cheap Coca-Cola.

Usually, it would be that cheap Coca-Cola from Winn-Dixie, that instead of it being called Coca-Cola, it would be called Choc-Cola. You know what I mean? Or Chosta. You know what I’m talking about, man. And people would help out and stuff like that. But as time has progressed, American Christianity has turned more wayward and we’ve gone away from being cheerful givers to being manipulated givers. This is why you see in pulpits that they’ll tell you that if you sow a miracle seed, God will do this for you. Do this and God in exchange will do that. Give this and in exchange, you’ll get a shirt.

Do this and in exchange, you’ll get a music CD. Do this and you’ll get something. Somehow someone crept in unaware. This is a Bible verse that talks about men creeping in unaware. And with a form of godliness, they’ve manipulated the church into an extent that it’s unsustainable. And it’s given a bad example to younger Christians out there that are trying to start a ministry. They think that that’s the only way to do it and it’s really not. Take it from me as your brother in Christ and I am in no way saying that I’ve figured it out and others haven’t.

No. Listen, because of doing ministry the way I do ministry, I’m sure that we’ve struggled a lot as a family. So I’m not saying that this is the way and what other people are doing is wrong. I’m just telling you that just as there are people running their ministry as a business, there are a lot of great ministries out there, great brothers and sisters. Some of them that are bigger ministries, like off the curb ministries, right? He doesn’t monetize his channel, right? And God has blessed them. Others that are quote unquote smaller channels, which really is also a word that we’ve made up.

If a ministry has reached even one person, that’s huge. In heaven, when one person repents, there’s rejoicing in heaven. And it’s not even your ministry or my ministry. These are God’s ministry. So because these aren’t our ministries, we’re going to give an account to the audience that God has given each one of us. I will have to give an account for this channel one day because it is in my ministry. You will have to give one on yours because it isn’t your ministry. This is why we must be careful not to go with the way that is called American Christianity, because we’ll end up in a situation that you’re going to find yourself in a very big hole.

You may be financially successful, but you’ll be in a hole. You’ll be in a hole and take it from someone who’s been here since 2008. It’s now 2025. OK, that there is a way to do things without having to be in a position that you’re compromising a lot of ethical issues. Here we have this conference. What are some of the things that I see are some ethical issues within it. Well, I don’t like the philosophy that he’s using to sell a lot of the points that he’s trying to say. He made a video defending himself against the accusations.

And in the video, he uses a lot of philosophy to justify a lot of the decisions that he’s doing. And with vain philosophy, many will make merchandise of you, according to the scriptures. An example of that is the tickets for children. If your child is three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten years old and you’re going to go to a Christian conference and your dad already bought a ticket, you’re going to have to pay for a ticket too. Why? Because their logic is if you go to a restaurant, if you get on an airplane, if you go anywhere, your kids will pay.

So therefore, you will also pay at the conference. A kid’s ticket is in the same way that if you go to a restaurant, a kid has to pay for their food. Generally speaking, there are some restaurants that feed kids for free. In the same way where you get on an airplane and you have a kid that’s over two, they have to buy a ticket. Again, logical points if you were a person that’s running a secular business, but your business is based on Christians that you’re tailoring your product to. But we’re using worldly logic to justify doing things to people that are supposed to be people that are living by the book.

Then we go on to the $75 add-on because according to Ruslan, he’s going to be moving around, he’s going to be talking to a lot of different people and people are going to get to see him because he’s going to be walking around the building. And I’m entertaining people who are here within the speakers and making sure they’re accommodated and I’m overseeing the entire event. I can’t also be accessible the entire day for everyone. That’s impossible for me to do that. So we said, hey, folks who want time to come hang out and to get a picture, talk with me and some of the other speakers, they can do that.

But he’s going to be so busy, guys. So this is why they have that add-on tier. If you want to meet him, you will pay $75. But hey, you’re going to at least get some snacks because according to the menu, you’re going to get some snacks. So you may just get some peanuts. You may just get a little bit of Coca-Cola, some Hawaiian punch, and you’ll get to meet Ruslan for $75. And children’s tickets aside, VIP tickets aside, regular tickets aside, add-ons to meet him aside, there’s still a cost for you to stream it of $50.

Streaming, while it’s not necessarily always free because you do have to pay for software and programs to be able to offset the cost of streaming, charging for a live stream. I just think to myself, this is where we’ve gotten to as a church in America. This is the example that people see, that you got to pay $50 to hear people talk about the gospel, worship, education, all based on the gospel that they got free. It was freely given to them, but we’re not freely given it to the external world. And I think that we’ll give an account for that someday.

If a grown adult wants to pay $4.99 for a VIP ticket for the price of their ticket, and then the other section is $2.99. So there’s going to be two tiers of Christians there too. That’s another thing. Maybe you could have considered just to say it’s one priced ticket. Kids come for free. You can meet me for free. We can talk. You see what I’m saying? I think the way you’ve gone about it is so worldly that it’s almost like you’re running a concert or a secular company, which leads me to the other point. Not just talking about Ruslan and many of other things that are happening in the churches.

With many of these people, they claim to be Christian businessmen. Would they be able to have the success that they have doing what they’re doing in the secular world? You see, a plumber who’s a Christian, his product isn’t Jesus. His product is that he fixes plumbing. A gardener that’s a Christian, his product isn’t Jesus. He just happens to be a Christian gardener, right? But his way of earning a living, his way of doing the things that he’s doing, is a profession. For many of these people that come to Christianity, and that’s another thing, the Christian music industry, would they be able to be successful if they sold their music in the hood? Odds are, no.

But they add a little bit of Jesus, keep the same booty shaking beat, they’ll go to a church, they’ll sell it. If they didn’t have that keyword Jesus, God bless you, faith, prayer, they wouldn’t have a business. They use Jesus as a means for their business success. They make merchandise of you with the name of Jesus. And this is not just a Ruslan thing. Like I mentioned earlier, people should be able to go to a local congregation and learn the word of God. We’ve turned it into a business and now you have seminaries. People should be able to worship Jesus Christ and even be supported by the local church to make albums.

But no, the local church has also failed in that as well. So what do we have? We have the music industry. At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves, is any of this in the book? And it’s not. It’s not in the book. But are you saying that if you preach the gospel, you shouldn’t be supported by people? No, there’s clearly examples of that. Luke 10, 7, right? A laborer is worthy of his hire. 1 Corinthians 9, 14, right? If you preach the gospel, you should live off the gospel. The difference is, is that when you’re called for this life to preach the gospel, as many of you and I am called, all of us are called to preach the gospel.

And God has given you a ministry to operate, which is His. You should operate that ministry with fear and trembling. And you should trust the fact that He’s given you such a ministry. You go out there, you preach the gospel. And you trust that God is going to supply your needs. You leave an option for people to support. You can put it on your website. You can put it on your channel for people to support. You don’t try to manipulate people. You don’t try to do anything that you know can compromise God’s ministry, God’s integrity, and God’s way of doing things.

Be encouraged. If you are a ministry that you call yourself, quote unquote, a small ministry, there’s no such thing. If you reach even one person, there’s rejoicing in heaven that one person turns to Jesus. You simply make sure that you operate whatever God has given you, as if it belongs to Him because it does. You’re just the operator of the ministry, okay? You know how sometimes God provides for your ministry? Take this from someone who’s been here on YouTube since 2008, through overtime at work, through working two or three jobs. Other times, it’s through brothers and sisters who sacrifice to help you.

There’s nothing wrong with people helping you. Nothing. We’re meant to help each other out. Ministry work takes a lot of time, and we have families too. I have a special needs daughter. I have a wife. I have needs. This takes time to do ministry work. But the brothers and sisters in the Lord, they view the content. Trust that God can touch them in a way that you couldn’t even imagine to be able to help you achieve what God has put in your heart that He wants you to achieve. And then when it does come to pass, you can truly say, glory to Jesus on what He has done.

But when we get too far ahead of ourselves and we think that we have to help God to achieve something, we find ourselves in positions that we find ourselves in positions as in the American church. Where to learn the gospel, you have to pay for it in many cases, in seminary. And like I said, I have no problems with people. What do you think? But you know that it shouldn’t be this way. Something went wrong. According to many Christians, when Trump won the elections, we were going to have four years of new grace in America, a new revival in America.

It’s March 22nd as I’m recording this, and I’m waiting for that revival. I pray that by the end of the year, we can see that revival happening in America. Because Jesus is indeed coming soon. I’m going to be having a more detailed video coming in the next two to three weeks. It’s going to be called The Dark Side of Ministries. I want to talk about different aspects such as buying and selling books, buying and selling CDs. What is it like to run a ministry that’s not monetized? I’ve been doing this since 2008. What are the good? What are the bad? Dealing with questions such as health insurance.

Dealing with questions such as, well, if something happens to you, what have you left for your wife? Different things that are questions that people have doing ministry work because you’re sacrificing a lot to do ministry work and just say, well, let’s see if God will touch someone to help. And American Christianity has been geared more towards, I’ll give you a shirt if you give me money. I’ll give you a CD if you give me money. I’ll give you a special anointing if you give me money. I’ll give you a holy bottle of oil if you give me money.

Or in the pulpits when they tell you, so miracle seed and God will give you something back. American Christianity has been so convinced that you have to get something back when you give. That cheerful giving is not there right now. And as a church, we’re responsible for that too, because that’s changed the way things are. So that’s causing a lot of people to even grow desperate. Because if you think that because you run a ministry, you’re going to make bank, you’re crazy. You’re wrong. It doesn’t happen. And we’ll go into detail on that in the next two to three weeks.

So subscribe for that. Thank you for tuning in. And let’s go ahead and pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you for your dear son, Jesus Christ. And we thank you for salvation and we thank you for your grace. Heavenly Father, if you’ve given any of us a ministry for us to run and operate, may we remember that it is yours. And we will give an account for every single person that we’ve touched and talked to using your name. May we learn to take that seriously. Heavenly Father, I pray that brothers and sisters notice me using the constant word we.

Because we are all responsible for what is called American Christianity in 2025. We repent, Lord, and we thank you for your grace on helping us live a better life for you, Lord. May we learn to get this right before it’s too late. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen. God bless you guys very, very, very much. Love you guys very, very much. Thanks for taking the time. Just letting you know, my dad, he’s in his last few days. He could go at any point in time, but he knows the Lord Jesus Christ. So all is going to go well there.

Thank you for your prayers for our family here in Puerto Rico. Keep my mother in your prayers as well. She’s going for cancer surgery, eight tumors being removed this upcoming week as well. So we all need your prayers, but I’m sure you need prayers as well. So post your prayer requests in the comment sections below. We’re all in the body of Jesus Christ and we all need to help each other. Pray for each other, love on each other, care for each other. In Jesus’ mighty name, thanks for taking the time. I’m going to leave two videos on the screen, and stay tuned for the dark side of ministries coming in a couple of weeks.


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