The Annunnakis ARRIVAL Alien Raptures!

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➡ The text discusses the concept of predictive programming in media, suggesting films such as Space Odyssey 2001 and Interstellar establish a narrative centralizing extraterrestrial forces as our creators. It criticizes this belief system, arguing it undermines the divinity of biblical figures and warps religious truths. The text also mentions an upcoming documentary exploring similar themes.
➡ The speaker expresses gratitude and joy for the global representation in the gathering of the “body of Christ”. Despite initial audio issues in the video, they invite everyone to join them every Tuesday at 06:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, while expressing sincere appreciation for the support towards their ministry.


The amount of predictive programming that has taken place to prepare humanity for something that I can’t say that it would even shock anyone at this point for the arrival of the Fall. In angels, however, they’re not going to appear as fallen angels. They will appear as something else in Space Odyssey 2001. That film, when it came out, it truly, truly, truly set the standard for a lot of the predictive programming that we see in this day.

It backed up the theory of evolution that states that we evolved from an ape, from a monkey. But it took it a step further. You see, it described an ancient creator, not speaking of the biblical God, however, speaking of the Anunnaki, speaking of alien beings that have sent forth signals, alien beings which have sent forth technologies, alien beings which have provided us monoliths so that we can advance into a new species, which we now see is called the human being.

Fast forward from that film. Even films like Interstellar, where they eventually get to the point that they see the fourth, 5th, 6th, 7th dimension, and as they start encountering different dimensions, they start seeing also signals, monoliths, signs that there are other beings that created us. And they’re not talking about Yahweh. They’re not talking about Jesus. They’re talking about beings that are coming from another place to rescue us, to deliver us from an Earth that’s about to be destroyed.

It’s the same old lie. It’s the same old deception. Yet humanity is prepped and humanity is ready. In Deuteronomy 419 when it clearly tells you not to worship them, it says and least thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven. And when thou seest the sun and the moon and the stars, even all the host of heaven, even all the host of heaven shouldst be driven to worship them and serve them, which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

However, we live in a day and age where you barely will find any atheist out there any longer. What you find is a lot of gnostics. They believe in a creator, but they just will not call him Jesus. They will call it the Anunnaki. They will call it ancient creators. They will call them all sorts of things. But if they would just open their eyes and see that in Two Corinthians 1114, it warns you that Satan comes as an angel of light.

In Genesis 64, we see there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old men of Renault. When the scriptures tell you that these days will be as the days of Noah, when you take a look at what happened in the days of Noah and you start looking at all of the legends all around the world from the legends of Atlantis to the legends of the Greek gods.

When you go to different parts of the world, you see the same entities, the same monoliths, the same structures. For some reason the scriptures is always doubted. And here you have CNN telling you that a mysterious cosmic ray was observed in Utah and it came from beyond our galaxy, beyond our galaxy. And as always they love to call these signals entities, these manifestations. They love to call them after pagan worship idols.

So they called it Amaterasu, which is a goddess of light and the sun. They always find a way to turn it into something of idolatry. This is why the word of God tells you in Romans 125 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. If that Bible verse was true, then that they would worship the creature more than the creator.

Imagine now in our day and age and they’re using artificial intelligence to detect these entities. But these entities aren’t some anunnaki creatures. These entities aren’t some gray alien. These entities are what Ephesians 612 describes as principalities, as diabolical entities that stand in opposition to God’s creation. And he warns you about them so that you can be prepared and pull the full armor of God on. For you see, with artificial general intelligence, they’re claiming that it’s saint.

In fact, their CEO many employees have claimed that he begins to chant feel the AGI. Feel the AGI. Feel the AGI diabolical. They’re worshipping the created thing and it follows the same type of a narrative and story of the ex Google employee. They got fired because he believes that AI is sentient. The reason that the AGI CEO can feel the AGI and be able to actually think that AI AGI is sentient is because there’s diabolical entities that will manifest in anything and everything that you allow it to manifest upon.

This is why when you see paranormal activity, events, haunted houses, events, all of these things, Ouija boards as an example, Satan is a whore and as a whore he will sell himself to in any which form that he can. Which is why, disciples of Jesus Christ, that we must not worship the created thing, that we must not worship these things of this earth because there are fearful sights that are coming in the heaven.

Luke 20 111 tells you, okay, and great earthquakes shall there be in diverse places, and famines and pestilences. What we saw as a pandemic is nothing compared to the plagues and events that are coming to earth. And fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. And they’re laying the foundation and they’re laying the portals all around this world. Already they’re installing these things that appear as portals in different parts of the world so that you can feel like if you go through that stargate, you can travel to another part of Earth.

This is all in preparation. This is all in predictive programming. This is all in preparing these generations to accept something diabolical arriving on this Earth, proclaiming to be your ascended master. Proclaiming to be something but what it is, it’s straight from the father of all lies, Satan himself. You have to understand that there’s nothing new under the sun. All that you’re seeing now, there’s nothing new under the sun.

As the days of Noah, Satan is defeated. As the days of Nimrod, Nimrod’s New World daughter, was defeated. And there is one who has already overcome. And his name is Jesus Christ. And he is the only way and the only one worthy of your worship. We’re working on a documentary called The Real Jurassic Park and it is going to deal with the pre flood world, the post flood world, so many things, and it’s going to be a collaboration amongst different video makers as well.

And it’s going to be 100% for free. I’m going to play. The trailer is only a minute long and then I want you to join me in prayer. Heavenly Father, we want to thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your dear son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for what you do for us every single day. Thank you for delivering us and thank you for salvation. Heavenly Father, we live in a world that’s always trying to make us worship something, whether it be our vanity, whether it be some anunnaki beings, whether it be some great aliens.

We live in a world that’s always trying to distract us and get us to look at other things except look towards you. Heavenly Father, allow us not to be distracted by the things that are happening in this world. Heavenly Father, allow us to be able to let our light shine so before men, so that they may see Your good works, so that you can be glorified. Heavenly Father, allow us, Heavenly Father, to be able to walk in your ways so that this way, when we walk into any room, when we walk into our family’s houses, when we walk into our children’s bedroom, when we walk to talk to our wife, when we walk into the workplace, that we may be able to not be easily offended.

That we may be able to walk in Your holiness and in Your statutes, and we may be able to preach Your gospel because time is short. You are coming soon. You are coming very, very soon. Allow us to be ready. In the name of Jesus, amen. May God bless you. If you’ve enjoyed this content and you made it through the whole video, would you mind pressing that thumbs up and sharing the video? It really goes a long way.

In addition, thank you for considering supporting this channel. This is a non monetized channel. And if you enjoyed that documentary trailer, stay tuned, my family, because it’s gonna be a collaborative event. It’s gonna be pretty awesome. Glory to Jesus Christ. So I’m excited for that. In addition, last Tuesday we had a Zoom Bible study. It was plagued with a ton of technical issues. However, every Tuesday, we’re going to get together and we’re going to interact with each other.

You’ll be able to talk to me, I’ll be able to talk to you. You’ll be able to talk to each other as brothers and sisters from all around the world. There were people from New Zealand, from Australia, from the UK, from South America, from Canada. It’s nothing more beautiful than see the body of Christ coming together. If you want to see an example of it, I’ll put the video on the screen right now.

Remember, the first 20 minutes was plagued with audio issues, but if you skip it to the 20 minutes mark, you’ll be able to see how it was. And hey, if you enjoyed it, every Tuesday, 06:30 p. m. . Eastern Standard Time, join us. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. And thank you for what you do for this ministry. I am truly, truly grateful to you, to your family and all of you.

God bless. .


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