The Dark Magic Behind Beetlejuice 2 (Warning To Parents)

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➡ The 1988 film Beetlejuice, which humorously portrays witchcraft and the occult, has a sequel that parents are taking their children to see. The movie’s character, Beetlejuice, is linked to the star Beetlejuice in the Orion constellation, which has historical and mythical connections to the biblical character Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. The film uses the number three repeatedly, a common theme in witchcraft, and subtly introduces children to the occult. The writer warns parents about the film’s content, suggesting it’s part of a larger trend of Hollywood and the entertainment industry normalizing witchcraft and demonic themes.


In 1988 a film called Beetlejuice was released in the theaters. It became a cult classic. It introduced people to witchcraft in the occult. With Beetlejuice you can hire him as a demon and he’ll go torment people on your behalf. With Beetlejuice you see levitation, you see possession, and you see hauntings via comedy. It allowed people to embrace witchcraft in a way that it wasn’t really embraced before and people were calling on a sequel for many many years. That sequel is now here and parents are now going to be taking their children to go see this film.

However, I wanted to caution parents out there on various aspects of Beetlejuice. In the film Beetlejuice they actually in many instances show you the origin of Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice is a star in the heavens and it’s captured humanity’s attention for centuries. It’s the right shoulder in the constellation Orion. Some will tell you that Beetlejuice is one of the brightest stars in the sky. In 2019 a famous star named Beetlejuice mysteriously started dimming. Beetlejuice is a red supergiant star on its deathbed in the constellation of Orion. Beetlejuice is a semi-variable star. It naturally brightens and darkens over roughly 400 days.

However, something unexpected happened in the last month of 2019 when an image of the star from December 2019 was compared to an earlier picture taken in January of the same year. It showed that its surface was significantly darker. In fact, when you look at Nimrod in the Bible, Nimrod is a character that you hear about in Genesis 11 as an example. Nimrod was known as the mighty hunter. Orion was known as the hunter. According to Persian astrology the constellation of the giant Orion was named on behalf of Nimrod and some have identified Nimrod with the Greek Orion.

When you talked about Orion you talked about Nimrod. When you’re talking about Beetlejuice you’re talking about Orion which they felt it was talking about Nimrod. It’s just amazing to me because at the Tower of Babel when the languages were disrupted and people were spread across all the world. Many of these individuals that were dispersed all over the world took with them a lot of diabolical knowledge and wisdom as well. This is why you see many of the same stories all over the world. We’re talking about the same flood myths as well.

All of them tied back to the days of Genesis 6 and 7 and the great flood. It’s amazing to me how many of these people in Hollywood have these ties that go all the way to the Tower of Babel. How many of you know that Satan comes as an angel of light? If a film was going to be made about a character called Nimrod and his rebellion against God and his ties to witchcraft most people wouldn’t go see it but you bring to them a character called Beetlejuice and you bring a little bit of comedy to it and you start hearing words like summoning.

In this film they’re always talking about spells and always talking about summoning a demon and they have to mention the name of Beetlejuice three separate times. There’s a constant effort to talk about the number three when it comes to this actual film. If she wants to summon Beetlejuice she has to repeat the name three times Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and if she wants to return home from that other dimension which they call Hades hell the afterlife whatever they want to call it she has to then do another spell and say home home home and when she calls upon that three times then at that point in time she’s bringing forth an enchantment and then she can return back home.

You know Ephesians 6 12 tells us we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against entities against rulers of the darkness of this world and it is it is absolutely insane to me the amount of witchcraft that is allowed now as entertainment to children you know in witchcraft there’s a saying about the power of three will set us free and you see that you see that type of thought process in this film if they have to draw a door on the wall they have to knock on it three times they have to say it chant three times this theme of three you see it in the genies when they tell you to call upon a genie and you have what three wishes bloody mary bloody mary is a myth right where people used to call upon bloody mary three times and she would appear witchcraft is promoted in crafty ways and what it does for children is it slowly introduces them to the occult and i don’t know about you but as a parent i have a problem with that and you should as well because we should not give place to the devil to attack our families and via comedy the diabolical things that are happening in beetle juice are just staggering hollywood and the new world order elites the fallen angels that ruled this world would say and they know what they’re doing they know very well what they’re doing the scripture warns us that the last days will be as the days of anoa depending on your view point in the days of anoa if you are a sethite believer that you believe in the sethite view then this may not apply to you i believe more in the fallen angels view but that’s not a divisive point but because of my belief in regards to that as soon as i start hearing demons wanting to marry women and even throw around jokes about procreating with them i immediately start paying attention and saying to myself i can’t believe that people are accepting this and in the film beetle juice he clearly wants to marry her he clearly wants to do things with her in fact in one of the scenes on the trailer for the remake of the film there’s a part where he drafts a contract he takes a pen he stabs her in the hand and with the blood he fills out the contract with her signature which points to blood rituals blood oaths blood contracts and more not only that but it also paints this picture that it’s so super cool to make a deal with the demon beetle juice is clearly called a demon he lies he cheats he steals he’s a con man he’s a trickster and does the scripture not tell you that satan is the father of all lives and that he lies that he cheats that he steals yet films like this making light of evil are making hundreds of millions and millions of dollars and via comedy our children are being taught things that are diabolical in a cult they’re also making a light thing of the afterlife when the scriptures clearly tell you that man is appointed to die once and then face judgment and if you don’t have eternal life in christ you’re headed towards everlasting punishment and that everlasting punishment is never clearly depicted in any of these films there’s always some sort of a joke it’s always some sort of a hey let’s make a deal with the human being it’s always some sort of tapping into the occult for some sort of a benefit to human beings you know with beetle juice you can hire him and he’ll haunt your home with beetle juice you can hire him as a demon and he’ll go torment people on your behalf with beetle juice you see levitation you see possession and you see on things satan knows what he’s doing for grown folks he had the exorcist where you saw levitation you saw all sorts of wickedness in the movie the deliverance with which we just covered on this channel a couple of days ago in that film that’s targeting urban america is it’s the exorcist film for urban america and in beetle juice what you have is the same message the same diabolical message but it’s aimed at children in a pg or pg 13 format satan comes as an angel of light why cover this topic tally because we’re headed towards a season in halloween where many parents don’t understand this but these little compromises you’re going to regret them as your children get older the word of god tells us to train our children in the way that they should go and i think it’s very beneficial to talk with your children on the history of many of these aspects you see beetle juice is not just some character created by hollywood when you start diving deep you start realizing that a lot of these witchcraft and films that a lot of these characters as you can see they have ties to the tower of babel and to the rebellion that occurred back then you should educate your children you should prepare your children in the way that they should go because we’re headed in a time and in a season where the good is going to be called bad the bad is going to be called good and videos like this are going to be shunned by many people and we’re going to be called legalistic we’re going to be called oh you you’re debbie downer you may want to call it that but i like to call it being cautious and protective and being a good steward of my home and what infiltrates my house because via comedy what they’re doing to this generation you and i may not see the effects of it until two or three generations down the line so beware of the wiles of satan beware of the attacks of satan and beware of what you allow your children to place before their very eyes because you will regret it i would like to pray with you right now heavenly father i want to thank you for these brothers and sisters that are watching this video and for the many parents that are taking up their time to watch this heavenly father allow them to be convicted and allow them to understand that the devil will not be showing up at their door with a pitchfork and two horns and dressed like the devil the devil will come in the form of good family entertainment the devil will come in the form of a little bit of compromise we’re in the modern times they’ll tell you we’re in 2024 they’ll tell you come on tally you’re being legalistic i am free i have the grace of god heavenly father may we understand that when you give us instructions in your scriptures to stay away from witchcraft to stay away from witch doctor to stay away from familiar spirits to stay away from entities is because you understand the evil that lies within it you’re not telling us these things so that we can say oh i’m just so bored no no no listen you can tackle these events and actually make a good historical night so that you can study and say you know what wow this film came in the form of entertainment but man was it a message of satan so that he can infiltrate our home and attack our family heavenly father allow us to understand that the world changes every day but you do not change your standard does not change your way of being does not change your holiness does not change heavenly father allow us to raise our children in the way that they should go allow us to educate them and love on them and protect them and watch over them and let them know that hey listen there is a standard and this world will call that standard bad evil not good and yet they will call the evil good and promote the evil as entertainment to our children in jesus mighty name convict our hearts and help us make the right decision in jesus name amen thank you my family thank you for taking this message if you feel that this message deserves a share or a thumbs up go ahead and do that share it to your friend and her family member let’s talk about it in the comment section share your experiences in the comment section let this be a moment of dialogue we need dialogue with each other okay and understand that we love you very much in this ministry and we care for you and we want to be there for you and your whole family okay also thank you for supporting this ministry this ministry is very grateful for your support for being there god bless you and your family and we made a live stream a couple of days ago it was on the deliverance movie uh we wanted to make it a little bit different as a live stream so that we can interact back and forth and talk through the many events that people call hound things and the many events that people call possession uh dealing with it with the scriptures and god bless you and your whole family and thank you for passing by go ahead and press the subscribe button we have various weekly content on this channel and i look forward to hearing from you in the comment section let me know what you think of beetle juice and please tell me how you handle halloween as a parent let’s talk about it tell me in the comment section below


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