The Election GARBAGE (Chaos AHEAD) #trump #biden #kamalaharris

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➡ As the election season approaches, there’s controversy over offensive comments made at political rallies. Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe made derogatory jokes about Puerto Ricans and African Americans at a Trump rally, while Biden responded by calling Trump supporters “garbage”. The speaker urges voters to participate in the election without bringing religious beliefs into it, as both sides have shown behavior that could be seen as inappropriate or offensive. He also advises against justifying any unbiblical actions for the sake of politics.


We are a week from election season and things are heating up in the nation. You know people asked me as a Puerto Rican are you upset over the comments that Tony Hinchcliffe said at the Trump rally calling Puerto Rico garbage? There’s a lot going on like I don’t know if you guys know this but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now yeah I think it’s called Puerto Rico you know aside from that comment he also spoke about watermelons and black people he mentioned many other jokes about other nationalities as well heck yeah that’s cool black guy with a thing on his head what the hell is that a lampshade look at this guy oh my goodness wow I’m just kidding that’s one of my buddies he had a Halloween party last night we had fun we carved watermelons together it was awesome you know it never ceases to amaze me how the comedy in entertainment films they’re able to say some of the most vulgar oppressive comments but because it’s labeled comedy as soon as you question it immediately people will say you’re woke you are too sensitive you can’t take a joke so from the Trump campaign that’s what we get but what about the Democrats? Biden responds by then calling Trump supporters garbage themselves just the other day a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage well let me tell you something I don’t I don’t know the Puerto Rican that I know or Puerto Rico where I’m in my home state of Delaware they’re good decent honorable people the only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters his demonization is seen as unconscionable and it’s un-American it’s totally contrary to everything we’ve done everything we’ve so if you go to the right you get something that I don’t find biblical you go to the left you find something that’s unbiblical what do you do as you can see I mean if we just go to proverb 1715 he that justifies the wicked and he that condemneth the just even they both are abomination to the what we see here is that now let me give you an example when the guy Tony made the joke the Republican side their response was oh you just can’t take a joke we’re in a woke society no one can take a joke nowadays because they were defending the Trump campaign on it but now that Biden says that they’re garbage oh now that’s where we draw the land that’s what we draw the line guys how dare they call us all garbage see now it’s you who can’t take the joke what I’m saying is is that if you’re a brother or sister in the Lord who plans on participating in the elections just go and vote it’s your right as a citizen do what you got to do just try not to bring Jesus into it because the election is gonna end but guess what the bad example will continue why a bad example because if you’re a Democrat you’re justifying Biden call people garbage if you’re a Republican you’re justifying via a joke Puerto Rico being called garbage black people carving watermelons for Halloween it’s a racist joke so no matter where you turn you have to compromise when you try to Jesus fight all of these things in christianese and all I’m saying for the sake of the gospel okay for the sake of the reputation of Jesus Christ consider these things if someone is in sin and not operating the way that they should operate just call a sin a sin a sin that’s not typically what happens people will say well I have to pick the lesser of two evils well the word of God tells you to abstain from all evil or am I wrong on that that’s why I try to stay away from politics not because I don’t think that one candidate is better than the other if you ask me who would do a better job I believe Trump would do a better job I believe Trump would do a better job with the economy for sure this is why I’m saying that if you’re a person who says is my right to vote just go vote but don’t try to bring prophecies into it don’t try to do all of these things Jesus fly into it because you’re gonna find yourself justifying actions that are unbiblical and then you’re gonna have to answer the questions to people that’ll say well you know this Christian Republican is justifying this justifying that justifying the other we’re just gonna look bad that’s all I am saying right that’s all I am saying so do what you had to do uh but uh I just really get frustrated because in these election seasons we just see the same thing constantly that if the Democrats do something the right is always calling it out if the Republicans do something the left is always calling it out and it becomes like this sports type of a theme where there’s no level consistency and as disciples of Jesus Christ we should have some consistency when calling sin out right we should have some level of consistency when it comes to living a holy life a separate life for God but we live in this world right you pay taxes you drive a car you have to get a tag you live in a world where you vote locally you vote internationally you do all these things right um all I’m saying is is that just say I’m voting for this person because he’s the better candidate and that’s it I respect that more but don’t Christianize it for me and say the Lord told me that Trump is the next coming Cyrus as an example listen dude all I’m saying is is that the same way you don’t like Biden calling them trash you shouldn’t like the Trump campaign approving of that guy calling Puerto Rico trash as an example or making jokes about black people and watermelons and other things right and we’ll say but Trump didn’t know the guy well here’s the thing for you to be allowed to speak in these events you have to be vetted especially after an assassination attempt you have to be vetted you have a teleprompter that knew what he was going to say before he said it it was something that was in bad taste that quite honestly plays into the rhetoric that he is a racist I don’t think Trump is a racist I think he’s just a regular guy who needs Jesus okay but because they play that narrative that he’s a racist and the Republicans are a racist you would think if you have logical sense you would stop calling Puerto Rican trash and black people picking watermelons am I right or am I wrong on that that’s all I’m saying and then on the other side right on the Democratic side Biden calling his followers trash you would think that if you have a problem with an island being called a trash then why are you gonna call all of his supporters that are from different parts of the United States of America some are wealthier some are poor trash that’s wrong and in bad taste too so both of them if this is the only candidates you have that they have given you to choose from because this is a selection they’ve given you the people that you can choose we’re in trouble because I don’t know if you noticed but I uploaded a video a couple days ago on the New World Order and Bricks and the digital dollar and the de-dollarization of the dollar and while we’re being entertained many moves are happening worldwide that have real ramifications okay the United Nations the pact for the future AI governance just don’t compromise your walk with Jesus over an election it’s simply not worth it if you’re gonna vote vote there’s nothing that I can say that’s not a sin all right what I don’t like is when we try to christianize it so that we can feel more comfortable that our candidate is doing something ungodly let’s just call things for what they are let’s just say hey listen I would rather work for this guy than that guy this guy’s a better boss just call it a day but just don’t cry to over spiritualize it because the election is going to be over but it happens every four years the christian church compromises and compromises but Trump had all of these word of faith leaders lay hands on him most of those peoples are wolves and false teachers man all right just wake up folks wherever I go god rules when I walk on white house grounds god walks on white house grounds I had every right and authority to declare the white house as holy ground because I was standing there and where I stand is holy to say no to president Trump would be saying no to god and therefore and I won’t do that we are in a spiritual war right now let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose against the calling of president Trump let it be broken let it be torn down in the name of Jesus nobody tell you what my thoughts are the thoughts of the king of kings the thoughts of the lord of lords I’m downloading heaven strike and strike and strike and strike until you have victory for every enemy that is aligned against you let them be then we would strike the ground for you will give us victory victory and as the election season continues you’re going to see that more and more things are going to be done that are anti-biblical and if you don’t separate the two by just saying you know what it’s my right I’m going to vote to the better candidate don’t bring Jesus into this and then justify all of the bad behaviors that both Kamala and Trump are doing don’t use the bible to cherry pick your way into what you desire to do if you desire to do it do it for the sake of the christian church and the little of the holiness that’s left in America for it don’t continue to tarnish the little that’s left out here in America all of the missionaries that we’ve sent all over the world the world’s on fire for the lord and America is dying here don’t justify bad behavior just because you like a candy date okay that’s all I’m saying let’s pray for this week because it’s going to be an intense week you have Halloween coming up I have a video on that that I’ll put at the end of this video and you have election season next next week as well people are going to start taking things way too personal okay and they forget that when the mark of the beast is here neither republican or democrat is going to help you okay remember that all right this is like the NBA you have the Knicks and Lakers playing at the end of the year but they’re both part of the same league weren’t they at a dinner a couple of weeks back joking around and having fun and laughing at each other Hillary Trump all laughing it’s the illusion of choice carry out your task that you have to carry out in but don’t use the Bible to justify bad behavior don’t not call out one person when you will call out another just try not to taint the name of Jesus Christ this week please because the election is going to pass but the impressions that we’re leaving upon people that’s going to be hard to recover from when we justify an evil act or an evil statement just because hey it’s a joke but you wouldn’t do it for another person just let’s keep things biblical that’s all I’m saying and that applies to me too okay heavenly father help us this week help us have grace with each other this week help us be patient with each other this father I pray for the safety of so many people they’re going out to vote father protect them and guard them as their pride and egos and anger starts to rise up when they see things happening father give us all wisdom so that we can live for you and be good representatives of your kingdom in Jesus mighty name help us heavenly father help us heavenly father help us heavenly father because without you were nothing heavenly father thank you for your mercy and thank you for your grace and thank you for letting us live here in America or wherever nation that anyone who’s watching this is a part of you’ve placed us here for a purpose help us carry out that purpose to preach your gospel and the good news to the world in Jesus name amen god bless you guys let me know your thoughts in the comment section god bless you and your whole family remember guys you can’t take take things too personal all right you can’t take things too personal Jesus is coming soon and this is nothing compared to the things that are coming god is good he’s alive and he is well consider sharing this video leave me a comment on there let me know what you think of it and thank you for supporting this ministry and i have a halloween video up on the screen check it out


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