The Pope: A Real-Life Wizard of Oz!!?? (2025 Deception)

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➡ The Vatican Church and the Pope have been compared to the Wizard of Oz, creating an illusion of power and mystery. Recently, a door that had been sealed for over 20 years was opened, which was described as tapping into a new dimension of love. However, the author criticizes this event, suggesting it’s all a show and questioning the presence of advanced camera equipment in a supposedly untouched room. The author also warns against involvement in fraternities and lodges, comparing their beliefs to those of the Vatican Church.



The Vatican Church, the Pope, and their deceptions. It’s all an illusion. It’s all smokes and mirrors. You know, the Pope is very similar to the Wizard of Oz. In the Wizard of Oz, you have a wizard. And he’s making it look like he’s super powerful, like he’s mighty, like he can do all things. But at the end of the film, you realize that it’s all an illusion. Who is really the one that’s pulling the strings? Who is really the one behind the curtain? Recently, the Pope indicated that they were going to open up a special door.

A door that hasn’t been opened in over 20 plus years, they were even calling it, by their own admission, a different dimension. That they were going to tap into a different dimension of love. There is a special and spiritual dimension at St. Peter. They even had clips of them actually pulling out the key because this was a special key. No, no, it wasn’t just any key to open this door. To make sure that no one would go in this room, they sealed the keys on a wall with concrete. As the arch priest of the Basilica and other priests prayed, workers broke into the wall that has sealed the door shut since the Jubilee of Mercy ended in late 2016.

The workers removed a metal box tied with a ribbon and sealed with wax that contains the handles and the key to the holy door, as well as Vatican metals, documents about the last holy year, and four gold-covered bricks. Isn’t it amazing that they operate like their father the devil? Isn’t it amazing that the Vatican Church, the one that proclaims to be the Vicar of Christ on Earth, and that alone is a bold abomination of a statement. If they would create this stage for people to say, whoa, they’re about to open a door that no one has gone in.

But then this happens. Look at the creepiness of this footage, and then we’re going to analyze it. This is how the Jubilee of 2025 was inaugurated, with Pope Francis opening the holy door in a wheelchair. 2nd Corinthians tells us, 1114, and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Isn’t it amazing how, in a room that has not been opened, that they had the keys sealed on concrete in a wall, that there were 4K cameras, that there were drones flying all around waiting for the Pope to open up the door on the other side.

A room that no one has gone into, it’s a new dimension, it’s a new portal, it’s something unique and special, had camera crews waiting for the last 20 years with the most sophisticated 4K cameras to record the event. Folks, there’s only one mediator, 1 Timothy 2.5, but there’s one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ is God. He is the only way, 1 Timothy 3.16. The Vicar of Christ on Earth, what an abomination of a sting by the Vatican Church, but it’s just like the Wizard of Oz. I’ll have to give the matter a little thought.

Go away and come back tomorrow. Tomorrow? Oh, but I want to go home now. You’ve had plenty of time already. Yeah. Do not arouse the wrath of the great and powerful Oz. I said, come back tomorrow. If you are really great and powerful, you keep your promises. Do you presume to criticize the great Oz? You ungrateful creatures think yourselves lucky that I’m giving you audience tomorrow instead of 20 years from now. Oh, the great Oz has spoken. Oh, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. The great Oz has spoken. Who are you? Oh, I am the great and powerful Wizard of Oz.

You are? I don’t believe you. No, I’m afraid it’s true. There’s no other wizard except me. You humbug. They use their power. They use their fame. It’s all an illusion, but they control nations. It’s all an illusion, but they control fraternities all around the United States. This is why no one should be a part of any fraternity involved in Freemasons, pastors that are involved in lodges. May the Lord rebuke the Freemason lodges out there. But isn’t it crazy how the Freemason lodge? Isn’t it crazy how many of these fraternities they all proclaim the same thing as the Vatican Church? What? That all religions point to the same great grand architect of the universe.

As 2 Timothy 3, 4 and 7 says, traitors, heaty, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. And they play all of this music in the background. Oh, like, you know, like all dramatic and stuff like that. Having a form of godliness, but the lying, the power thereof from such turn away. Just more deceptions from the church that is deceiving the whole world. And I use that form church so loosely because they’re not part of the biblical church. But they call themselves the mother church on earth. And they will unite the world against God in rebellion.

And they will use faith and even keywords from scriptures that make you think that they are the real thing, but they’re not the real thing. This is why when you need a mediator in the scriptures, you turn to Jesus. But in the Catholic Church, you have to go to a confessional booth. In the scriptures, when Elijah was under that juniper tree and he was like, man, I’m depressed. I’m anxious. I’m distraught. Did he pull out a prayer bead and start counting prayer beads like the Buddhists? Did he pull out, did Elijah pull out some prayer beads and start counting prayer beads like Wiccans and witches do? Prayer beads praying to the Rosary with beads is not exclusive to the Catholic Church or Mother Mary, however they want to call it.

It’s deceptions from the devil to give you a form of godliness, to give you rituals to think that you’re going to be heard by your much chanting, but you won’t be heard. Because it’s all an illusion and smokes and mirrors because they want you to go to them for redemption. And God wants you to go through him for redemption because he is the only way, he is the only gate, and him is only found salvation. And the scriptures point you to God. The Vatican Church points you to man. It’s all smokes and mirrors. It’s all an illusion.

It’s all a deception. May the Lord rebuke all of these deceptions because the devil may use this to build up an inner faith religion that uses the key term Jesus, even uses the key term Christianity to unite everyone as one. Creo en el amor. Creo en el amor. Creo en el amor. Creo en el amor. Confió en bós para difundir mi petition des temes que el diálogos y hicero entre hombres y mujerez de diverza religiones con jueve frutos te paz y horticia. Confió entoración. Let’s be Bereans. Let’s stay scriptural because the devil is out there like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Heavenly Father, if today there’s someone like in the days of Elijah that is finding themselves exhausted, distraught, Elijah even said, take away my life at one point. This is the same man who had victory with the prophets of Baal. But we all go through these moments where we have moments of success and victory. Yet like Elijah, we have moments where we cry and cry and cry in our destruction. The recipe then was not to turn to a pastor, a minister, a leader, a preacher, a ministry. The recipe was to turn to God. God was able to restore Elijah.

God fed Elijah. God restored Elijah. God took care of Elijah. God helped him and he will help you. If you’re struggling right now, you don’t have to call on man. You call on Jesus. He will restore your marriage. He will restore your children. He will restore your finances as he sees fit because just because he closed the door or two, that doesn’t mean that he wasn’t trying to bless you. It may mean that he was trying to protect you. Trust in God whether you have Roman noodles or steak. Trust in God whether things are going well or not.

Sometimes a closed door is God protecting you from something. Trust in God. Believe in him because he cares for you. In Jesus’ name, amen. God is awesome. God loves you. I love you. I care for you. And I’m just a brother from here on the internet, okay? Put your trust in God. Man will fail you. Ministries will fail you. But Jesus will never fail you, okay? If you enjoyed this video, can you press the thumbs up button? It takes a few seconds. Just move your mouse. Because that’s going to help us. We’re a non-monetized channel.

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