THE Serpent Speaks BRAINWASHED Bewitched! (2023-2024)

Spread the Truth


Discerning Truth in the Age of Digital Deception

In an era where digital information flows faster than one can process, the challenges of biased narratives and skewed representations have intensified. Beyond the realms of societal and political arenas, there lies a pressing spiritual dimension to this pervasive challenge.

  • Digital Temptations: As technology evolves, so do its challenges. The ancient warning of the ‘serpent still speaking’ seems to have found a modern platform – the vast expanse of the digital realm. Misinformation here not only spreads but thrives, leading many towards potential spiritual desolation.
  • The Pitfalls of Modern Religious Discourses: The digital age, with its plethora of sources, has seen a surge in varied interpretations of religious teachings. Without proper discernment, it becomes alarmingly easy for believers to be ensnared by these deceptive renditions. The antidote? A return to the source – the scriptures. Every spiritual insight or teaching should stand the test of alignment with original scriptural truths, fortifying one against wayward doctrines.
  • Tally’s Testament of Humility: Tally’s reflections provide an enlightening perspective. By placing himself on an equal footing with his peers and showcasing genuine gratitude for the accountability mechanisms within his community, he exemplifies the essence of humility. His stance serves as a beacon, urging all to prioritize spiritual truth and community bonds.
  • A Timeless Beacon – Jesus: Amidst the cacophony of digital voices, one clarion call remains unwavering – the call to steadfastly follow Jesus. In embracing His teachings, believers can adeptly navigate the murky waters of digital misinformation and religious ambiguities.

To sum it up, the need to be discerning information connoisseurs has never been more pressing. Be it media content or spiritual teachings; a judicious mind coupled with a heart deeply rooted in unwavering spiritual tenets is the compass that will guide us right.


That serpent. It’s still speaking, but many, many lack the discernment to see it happening. We are in a generation where the amount, amount of programming, brainwashing and deception that is occurring among the masses is astronomical. If you turn on your modern day television sets, you can see the programming at work as one to either inform, educate, program, deceive, regardless of what you call it, they’re operating as one to destroy your soul.

Biased and false news has become all too common on social media. More alarmingly, some media simply are true without checking facts first. Unfortunately, some members to push their own personal bias and agenda control exactly what people think. And this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. In the days of Genesis, Genesis three as an example, we all know the story in the book of Genesis of that serpent that was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord had made. How many of you today, as you’re watching this, understand that the serpent is still speaking? It’s just that the serpent is using different mediums of technology, different mediums of information, different mediums of knowledge to entrap you.

And it is with that knowledge that gnosis that the devil can grab you, entice you, deceive you and lead you into damnation. In a day and age where UFO disclosures upon UFO disclosures upon UFO disclosures are happening, you have world entities providing you a glimpse of knowledge. But once you bite into that glimpse of knowledge, you realize that that knowledge is full of poison because they will lead you into deception and into worshipping the fallen.

How many of you know that the serpent is still speaking? And today I want to talk about one of the ways that he is speaking to your life. And it’s in the place that you would think that you would find the most wholesome wisdom, knowledge, information that could save you, your family and your generations to come as we head into that portion of the video. As you know, this channel is not a monetized channel.

We make videos for the glory of Jesus Christ. Would you consider today pressing that thumbs up button and sharing this content if it’s edifying to you? You know, I am not worried about world governments revealing et. I am not worried about what’s happening in Area 51. I am not worried about the chupacabra. I’m not worried about the peru aliens on this channel. We talk about a lot of different world topics, but we bring it back to the Bible for the glory of Jesus Christ.

And we precisely talk on a lot of these topics because it is my desire that if you are interested in those topics that you’re able to find some Bible based content that we can talk it through with the Scriptures. However, I am alarmed at the amount of deception that is out there. And it’s not coming from NASA. It is not coming from the Vatican. It’s not coming from the Illuminati.

It’s not coming from any of these tools and devices. It’s coming from the very people that you consider disciples of Jesus Christ and call themselves Christians. Two Peter 218 says the following and I urge you today to listen to this, because if there was a topic that you should listen to, it’s this today. For many of you are being deceived even as you’re watching this video. There are many of you who will want to believe the lies that you’ve believed.

For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lust of the flesh, through much wettenness those that were clean, escape from them who live in error. There are individuals who will tell you knowledge, lust of the flesh. One of the things that the devil understands that you crave and you desire is lust of the flesh. And that involves knowledge. Gnosis. In Genesis 29, we see and out of the ground made the Lord God grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

God furthermore, gives him an instruction in Genesis 217 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. For in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. The devil understands how much humanity craves knowledge in the scientific realm. A lot of these individuals that are scientists, they go into that field because they crave knowledge. Many of these individuals who are working on quantum computing, who are working on portals to try to access different dimensions, they’re doing so because they want knowledge to the point that they’re willing to allow artificial intelligence, machine learning, AI, all of these technologies to control their lives because of their quest for knowledge.

One could understand the world seeking after that diabolical knowledge, because the world will be the world. But when it comes to the church of Jesus Christ, I expect a higher standard of living. Because the word of God warns you of a day that individuals that will look like disciples of Christ are going to rise up with knowledge. They’re going to rise up with prophecies, they’re going to rise up with mysterious teachings, mysterious teachings that you could only find on YouTube in 2023.

They’re that mysterious folks. They’re so mysterious that when you ask them, can you show me the Bible? Can you show me the book, the chapter, the verse that supports that prophecy, that supports that teaching, that supports that doctrine? It’s so mysterious that they get defensive that they cannot actually answer the question. And that they resort to manipulation. Two. Timothy. Four. Three. It says for the time will come that they will not endure sound doctrine.

God tells us to endure until the end. And part of that endurance is enduring sound doctrine. Because in the day and age that you and I live in, especially in these times, we’re going to be overloaded with knowledge. Fallen angels understand how to captivate humanity and it’s through knowledge. And this is why the word of God tells you to cast down all of these imaginations to the word of God.

This is why the word of God tells you to take all of these things and to test them to the word of God and let God be true and every man be a liar. Every man includes you and me. As much as you love brother Tally, I am nothing more but just a brother who’s trying to do my best here for you. Your job is to take everything that I say and run it through the filter of the scriptures and the Holy Spirit of God.

And as much as you love me, you have to let God be true and every man be a liar. But the problem is that we’re in a day and age that the church is falling for deceptions because we are not enduring sound doctrine. Much less are we enduring but then much less are we enduring sound doctrine. But after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itchy ears.

One could expect NASA. One could expect the CIA to run MKUltra experiments. One could expect Operation High Jump in Antarctica. One could expect alien abductions from the world. One can expect all sorts of crazy things because that’s the world. And even those things you have to bring them and test them to the word of God to see what the word of God says. But in the church, we have allowed wolves to become a stable point in the church.

And yes, wolves can expose wolves. That’s the funniest part. When I see wolves exposing other wolves and I’m thinking to myself, both of them are wolves. Do you know what happens to a sheep farm when you allow just one wolf to come in? Just one wolf? Just one. But the church, because they’re lusting after knowledge of their own flesh, they’re willing to compromise sound doctrine. And these individuals that will come to you will come to you in the form of claiming to be prophets.

I have this end time revelation. Trust me, bro. Source. Trust me, bro. Not the Bible. That’s not the source. When you ask him, what’s your source? Trust me Bro, that’s my source. The devil knows how to manipulate the word of God to convince you of certain things as well. Okay, in Genesis chapter three, he was able to convince Eve of a deception. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be open and ye shall be as God’s knowing good and evil and knowledge gnosis end time, prophecies end time, this end time that they’re going to be enticing to your soul, they’re going to be enticing to what the lust wants.

Because in verse six and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat. And that’s the scary dangerous part, that it’s not just you consuming this in a day and age when anyone can pick up a camera and talk.

You’re taking of that knowledge that you think it’s so deep, but it’s so deep that you’re drowning in deception. And then you’re taking that knowledge as Eve did and you’re handing it out to others. And then when someone says can we sit down for 30 minutes so that we can break it down with the word of God? Because you love the lust of the flesh more than sound doctrine.

You get upset, you get angry, you get frustrated. But why should it be so? Should it not be that we desire to be like the Bereans in Acts 1711? These were more noble than those in thessalonica in that they received the word of God with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily. Whether those things were so, people often wonder why do you talk about all these topics that you talk about? Tally it’s because I like to talk about different things and bring him right back to the word of God and let you know that these things are deceptions.

Because you see there’s a lot of people that can talk about aliens, but then they guide you in thanosicism there’s a lot of people that can talk about all sorts of the current day world events that we’re seeing. And trust me, we’re about to see the floodgates open on Satanic deception that is going to come out. But your job as my brother and my sister in the Lord is number one to let God be true and every man be a liar.

You have to search the scriptures to see if what they’re saying is so and if it’s not, then it’s not. And if it is, then it is. But we cannot compromise sound doctrine because the devil, the devil is out here masquerading as anti establishment, end time channel ministries that are here to tell you the truth, when in reality they’re teaching you deceptions. And the only way that you’re going to be able to know if it’s a deception is by simply asking the question could you please show me the book, the chapter, the verse? It’s a simple question.

And if they cannot at that point in time, it is your choice to as Eve fall for the knowledge because it is enticing to the flesh. Or as the bereans say, hey, I love you. I love you, preacher. I love you, teacher. You know what? I’ve loved your content for a long time, but I got to search your scriptures daily. I got to see if what you’re telling me it’s biblical.

I got to see if what you’re telling me is biblical. All because God has given you a revelation, all because God has given you some knowledge, all because God has given you this private interpretation. Where in the scriptures is it? Show me. Show me. Where is it? In the Scriptures, it shouldn’t be so difficult to defend in a day and age where we have the Bible that we can open up left and right at any point in time.

It should be as simple as a dialogue and a conversation. I care for you guys a lot. You guys are awesome, awesome people. And if only you guys knew how people really were behind the scenes. Only you knew some of the biggest channels that you can think of, how they are behind the scenes when you approach them and ask them for a simple request to talk about what they’re preaching and teaching.

If only you knew how they really behaved behind the scenes. Shame. Such a shame. But the people are the ones responsible, because in the Old Testament, you saw examples of them saying to tell us the smooth things. They didn’t want to be told the right things. They wanted to be told the easy thing. Listen, my family, if there’s one thing that the scriptures has proven to you, it is its accuracy, okay? When you look at the Book of Daniel and the mathematical equations within it, when you look at the fact that the Scriptures, how it’s composed, it’s its perfection from A to Z, it’s just amazing and magnificent.

And you want to have people in the modern day 2000s tell you that they have a new revelation, a new thing. This is a new thing. All I’m asking of you as your brother, make sure that that new thing aligns with the word of God and not with your itchy ears and not with your lust of your flesh. Is that a fair thing for me to ask? I want us to pray for everybody, for all of us, because pride can get all of us.

Pride can kill, man. He can make you think that you’re the only one preaching the truth. He can make you think that you’re the only one preaching sound doctrine. Even you’re the only one prophesying the word of God. Listen, man, the devil is a liar and a deceiver. There is only one who you should seek and follow, and his name is Jesus Christ. His name is Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for your dear son Jesus Christ. And we want to thank you for convicting our hearts today. Heavenly Father, you’ve called us to endure unto the end to endure sound doctrine. You called us to live in a generation full of so much knowledge. Allow us to take all of this knowledge to you. You’re our Heavenly Father, you are our guardian, you’re our protector.

You’ve given us Your Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. Allow us to use the tools that You’ve given us via Your power, via Your Holy Spirit, so that we can filter us, so that we can filter out all of these deceptions. Because the biggest tool that the devil is going to use against the church is people that look just like you, talk just like you, and sound just like you, and are anti all of the things that you’re anti.

But that’s how the devil gets you. 80 90% truth and then 1015 five 1% Poison this is why we must not follow the lust of the flesh, and this is why we must endure sound doctrine, not shun it away. Heavenly Father if there’s any brothers or sisters in the Lord that are watching this today and are going through temptations, that are going through anxiety even about the end of days, because they’ve listened to teachers and preachers and individuals that are scaring them to death.

Remind them that you have not given us the spirit of fear and that your scriptures are warning us of the things to come, not so that we can be afraid. Heavenly Father, remind us that Your Word of God is reminding us of the things that are to come so that we can be prepared and so that we can endure, so that when the things come to pass, we can say, oh, I saw that coming.

Because the word of God do me restore unto us the joy of Your salvation. There are many brothers and sisters watching this that have all the knowledge in the world. They can tell you about everything that you can think of on planet Earth in terms of gnosis, but they have no joy. But they have no joy of your salvation. They’ve increased in knowledge and decreased in relationship with you.

We’ve all been there, we’ve all been at those places. Let us repent and turn to the Heavenly Father today. He desires to have a relationship with all of us today. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. Heavenly Father, we thank you again for all these brothers that are watching this content, all these brothers that are passing by every week, all these sisters, thank you for them all. And if you’ve made it through the video, let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

Let me know your experiences in the comment section. As I’ve mentioned to you, we’ve all fallen victim to this at some point in time or another. The key is to repent, adjust and endure sound doctrine. The key is to let God be true and every man be a liar, as the serpent is still speaking and manipulating scriptures. Your job from here on out, my brother, my sister in the Lord is to be a Berean.

All right? I love you with all my heart. If you haven’t thumbed up the video yet, would you consider doing that? That would go a really long way. Thank you for doing that. And take a few seconds to share this video, because there could be a person that’s searching for the truth. And in their pursuit for the truth, they may have just stumbled across a wolf that’s exposing wolves.

I love you guys. Thank you for passing by. Thank you for considering supporting this broadcast. And visit our website, Tfgministries. com. We’re going to have something pretty cool coming in the next few weeks. We’re really excited about it. And thank you. Thank you for holding me accountable. Thank you for holding me accountable. Again, I say it again, thank you for holding me accountable. I am no better than any of you, just your brother Tally.

Let Jesus be the one that you always, always follows. God bless. .


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