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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ The writer criticizes the Supreme Court for focusing on shutting down apps like TikTok while ignoring other harmful websites like pornography and gambling sites. They also discuss China’s Social Credit System, which tracks and scores citizens’ behavior, and express concern about similar censorship and control in the U.S. The writer urges readers to pray for those affected by these issues, including people who rely on TikTok for income and those suffering from natural disasters.


Is it amazing that the Supreme Court in this country has the power to shut down apps, shut down communication methods, shut down social media websites, yet they don’t target Pornhub, they don’t target pornography websites, they don’t target only fans, they don’t target gambling websites, they don’t target any of these sites that are allowing you to do things in the black market, child trafficking, they don’t target State Farm or any of these agencies that are dropping insurance coverages so that that way they can not pay and help the people that are victims either in Hurricane Helene, Hawaii, California, Florida.

It’s amazing to me how the main focus is TikTok. And you’ll see this is all part of the dog and pony show. TikTok eventually, maybe in a day or two or in a week or two, will be back because this is all part of the message. And what is the message? That they can shut anyone and everyone down. No difference from the social score that you see in China, right? Where if you don’t have the adequate social score in China, you may not even be able to go to certain schools. Everywhere she goes, Ouyang Haoyu is followed.

What she buys, how she behaves, is tracked and scored to show how responsible and trustworthy she is. It’s called the Social Credit System. And in one version now being tested, a person’s reputation is scored on a scale of 350 to 950. And Haoyu with a good score of 752 is okay with it. In fact, most people are. It’s a mechanism like pushes you to become a better citizen. It’s big data meets big brother, expanding how the government monitors, understands, and ultimately controls its 1.4 billion citizens. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence and facial recognition and a web of more than 200 million surveillance cameras.

Are people bothered by privacy concerns? We think it’s a lot of cameras keep the safety. It’s really good. We can accept it. Companies are experimenting with the algorithms to help the government create the new national social credit system. The government also has pilot projects. In one, citizens are required to do hours of unpaid work to get benefits. And scores are docked for things like littering, a messy yard, gossip, even jaywalking. Video of offenders is shown on the local news. And information collectors like Jo Ainee are paid to report on their neighbors. You may not even be able to get in certain transportation methods.

Censorship is a very big clue as towards where a nation is headed. And to live in a land that is the land of the free. And listen, I totally get why some of you don’t like TikTok. I think that a lot of these short videos on Facebook, Reels, Instagram, many of these other websites have contributed towards lowering the attention span of people. And I think that that is contributing towards people being very negligent and lacking discernment. However, this is something you see in a dystopian or wailing type of a world where a president, remember when Donald Trump was completely canceled from everything? He’s back now.

He’s reinstated now. And the same thing has happened to CEOs. The same thing has happened to many people where if you’ve posted something 10, 15 years ago, they’ll come back and haunt you, right? Well, with TikTok as an example, what you’re being told is that if you do not comply, you will be shut down. But what I’m saying is, is that they shut down what’s beneficial for them to shut down. But the websites that truly are making even more of a damage. Like, why don’t they just ban all porn websites? Why don’t you think they do that? Sports gambling websites ban them all.

You see, because the focus is not on the things that really are important. The focus is on sending you a message and TikTok will be back in a few days, or it may even be reinstated very, very soon or in a couple of months. But at the end of the day, the message was sent to so many Americans that we can shut down anything and everything, yet this is the land of the free. And at the same time, even if you don’t like TikTok, pray for the many people that use TikTok to earn an income.

There are people that have cooking shows on there. There are people that have a lot of encouragement on there. There are people that actually do a lot of good work on there as well, that pretty much fed their families. Okay, so not everything is something you can just paint in one bucket and say that it’s evil and bad, right? There’s a lot of families that are gonna suffer the consequences in this upcoming week, and I would suggest that you pray for them, just like you would pray for anyone else that’s going through a job loss.

And I think let’s go ahead and pray right now for all of those people in California, all of those people through Hurricane Helene, all of those people that are just suffering all over the world, but our government wants to focus on drones and TikTok. Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we uplift your awesome name today, and we thank you for your awesomeness. We thank you for being such a good dad. We thank you for always being there for us and caring for us and being there as a father. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray for all of the families that are going through these devastations in California, all of the families that are still trying to even put back the pieces in Hawaii, all of the families in Florida, in the Carolinas, and you know what? We are American-centric because we’re here, but what about the people all over the world that don’t even have the resources that we have? Help them, Heavenly Father, console them, Heavenly Father, in your awesome, beautiful name, and for all of those families that this week that pretty much have their whole income based on an app that they’ve used to either cook or produce some decent content that are now out of a job, we pray for them as well, that you may provide a way in the name of Jesus Christ, and that all of us may realize that when you told us in Revelation 18 to come out from her, my people, that you were warning us that things are coming to this world that we need to get ready for, and these are just the signs, and there’s a lesson to be learned with all of these signs.

Don’t ignore the lesson. In Jesus mighty name, amen. God bless you guys, God bless you guys, God bless you guys. We’re counting down the time before I have to take a breather for a week and a half to two weeks due to a big decision that we’re making as a family, so keep us in prayer. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Thank you for taking the time to be there. Love you guys very, very much, and stay tuned for more videos and updates. God bless. [tr:trw].

5G Danger

Spread the Truth


China's Social Credit System explained gambling site regulations in the US harmful effects of pornography websites impact of Supreme Court decisions on social media natural disaster support and prayer online censorship and personal freedom regulation of TikTok by Supreme Court social media regulation and economic impact TikTok income dependency issues US censorship and control concerns

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