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Pay attention on this one because this is just something that I’ve been thinking about. What do we want? Basic income! With the basic income, I felt a sense of security because I didn’t have to worry about not going hungry and I didn’t have to worry about being kicked out of my apartment. I think timing another march long enough before the election to possibly influence the platforms of the parties, this actually really matters. It would be great if everybody got a check for $5,000 a month and took care of all their money. You know, one of the things that these nations are very good at doing is at creating problems and then either blaming each other, blaming a nationality, blaming something except themselves.
In other words, they create a problem and then they blame everyone else except take accountability themselves and repent for the problem. It’s a very narcissistic way of running things, but that is what every nation does. You know, none of these things should surprise any of us. You know, Matthew 24, 7 speaks, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. So many different things that we haven’t even got to yet, really. When things really start to heat up and we start seeing, as the scripture tells us, fearful sights in the heavens.
When they begin to pull all their cards, you need to be right with Jesus Christ so that this way, the spirit of fear can’t take over your life and your home and your household. But hear me out for just a moment. During the last 60 to 100 years easily, the United States of America has purchased access to many different nations. And this has come in the form of $45 million payments, billion dollar payments, war support, military support, missiles, tanks, jets, you name it. We’ve become everyone’s best friend in this world. And people may think, oh, that means the United States is so nice and kind.
But the reality is, is that we have over 128 bases across 49 countries, from Africa, to Denmark, to Europe, to Egypt, to Spain, we own Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, Korea. Do you think the United States would allow any of those nations to have a military base in the United States? The answer is no. And that’s why we don’t have one in China, because they wouldn’t allow us to have one either. So through many years, the United States of America has been subsidizing these access points for a moment that we may see in our lifetime that many call World War Three.
We don’t know, I don’t know, you don’t know. But the United States of America has well positioned itself. And it’s not just America, China has done the same with the One Road, One Build initiative. China has positioned itself accordingly, as well. So for many of these nations, after they have settled down in any of these other nations and have military presence there that trumps anything that their nationality and country has, what really can they do at this point, when we begin to tariff the daylights out of each other? Can they really tell America, you need to leave? Can they really tell China, you need to leave? Can they really tell any of these nations they can’t because the military presence that’s been established there by America, China, Russia, or any other nation is too great.
So 10, 20, 30, 40, this is just me speculating here. But for all of these years, we’ve been subsidizing our access space. But something is shifting, not only in the United States of America, but across the world, something is shifting where they’re all at a breaking point. So now they’re all withdrawing aid from each other. They’re all now tariffing each other. They’re all pretty much saying it is what it is. And you watch at some point in time, talks of peace may come about again, new trade agreements may come again. But all of these trade agreements are at a fraction of what they were paying before for that same access.
Second Korean things that haven’t 14 warns us and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Satan comes as an angel of light. We really need to pay attention as what is that’s what is happening to these nations, because humanity is next just as they have leased lands that now they’re just fully in possession of. And you can do nothing about it. Just as they have made treaties that they then revoke. And because their presence is so big in many of these nations, they can do nothing about it.
In fact, look at our own nation right now. Where are many of the native Indians located at? They’ve made treaties upon treaties upon treaties, and many of them are in separated lands that really what can they do now about it? Nothing. They have to accept what’s given. And that’s it. These are life lessons for you to understand that these kingdoms of this world, we don’t belong to them. You don’t belong to them. I don’t belong to them. This is not about black, white, Puerto Rican, purple, yellow, orange. This is this is about the fact that the one that’s controlling all of these nations is the father of all lives, Satan, Satan.
And Satan is doing everything he can to do the very same thing except the next tariff that will happen in our lifetime will be on humanity. Okay, so imagine this, you get a check from the government every month, even if you have a job, no questions asked. Sound a little too good to be true? Well, some people believe giving everyone a basic income is the way of the future. Let’s see if this is better. Actually, yeah, that’s way better. This is the lens I want. Jesse Gollum is chasing her dream of being a professional photographer.
I’m gonna put you just kind of in front of the bed here. The reason I’m talking to her is she used to get a basic income. You might not know this, but there was a large scale basic income pilot project in Ontario. Back then Jesse worked four jobs just to pay her bills. Oh, I think this is the money shot. I was constantly exhausted, you know, having to switch from one job to another to another to another and feeling like you’re working forever and why is my bank account still empty. But then Jesse qualified for the pilot and got the basic income.
About $1,200 a month. 4,000 other people in Ontario got it too. It was a huge, huge relief and it gave me the room to be able to dream. Now I’m like, I’m out of just barely surviving. I’m actually thriving. I’m actually doing well. Okay, so maybe you’re rolling your eyes thinking what kind of fantasy is this? What if I told you that support for basic income comes even from places like Silicon Valley? All right, guys. Good to see you. Let’s do a quick check in. I’m feeling, uh, feeling great. Excited about, about today. Meet Floyd Marinescu, a Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur who now lives in Ontario.
You could call Floyd Canada’s basic income superhero. Maybe you’re wondering, a wealthy tech guy supports this. Tell me why you care about basic income. We all want to live in a society where we believe things are getting better. And I think this policy is absolutely essential to eliminate the need for people to go to food banks, to let people who found themselves, their jobs no longer relevant, they’ve been automated away. Like one of the problems with our existing social assistance system is like you have to lose it all. Like before you get help, like that’s crazy.
People like selling their houses, it’s like, you know, having to like, like lose, lose everything. It doesn’t need to be that way. Hundreds of green eagles are taking advantage of the holiday to avail of the installation of radio frequency identification or RFID stickers as tollways go cashless starting December 1st. Some motorists lined up early Monday morning to avail of the RFID installation here at the Illinois Aquino International Airport Terminal 3. Some vehicle owners say this is their second attempt to get their RFID stickers installed. But despite the hassle, they support the move to go cashless.
Listen to this. Instead of carrying your wallet in your back pocket or your purse, a tech company wants you to keep it under your skin. All right, so let’s explain here. WalletMore is selling microchips implanted in your hand as an alternate payment. Could this be the future? Maybe. Once you set up your card info in the company’s app, look at this, it says payments could be as easy as swiping your hand over a card reader. Silicon Valley has its eyes set on replacing your wallet and phone with biometric technology. Removing the last physical barrier, phones, watches, credit cards between our bodies and purchases is the final frontier in payments.
And it’s a huge prize for the investors who capture that market. As the economy continues to either tumble or become more digitized, when you bring Elon into the White House, what you’re bringing is a transhumanist into the White House. And by no means, whenever he stands there and says, I’m just tech support. We are living in a land that knows everything we do, from where we drive, to where we go, to where we position, to where you liked for breakfast. I don’t believe that the United States government is lacking tech support. Don’t be so gullible.
What’s happening next is a new reserve of digital cryptocurrencies. You’re going to see a move into that sphere into this world. And as finances become more digitized, as the economy begins to more become automated, and the internet of things begins to rise, you’ll see job losses like you haven’t seen before. You’re going to see more government control like you’ve never seen it before. And in order to pacify the people because of this takeover, they’re going to give you subsidies. They’re going to give you stimuluses. They’re going to give you universal basic health care.
This will pacify the people probably for a couple of years and people will be pacified and calm and happy, very similar to these nations when the United States government went and started building their bases. No, you can’t come in here. No, you can’t come in here. Millions of dollars pour in. Okay, maybe you can come in here. More millions of dollars come in. All right, you can live here. More millions of dollars come in. And now we say to these nations, deuces, it’s over. And what are you going to do about it? The same thing may happen to humanity will be subsidized to death.
And then one day it’ll come out. And then one day an announcement will be made. Think about it. It’s not that far off from what I’m telling you. For many years, we’ve been subsidizing the United States people and we’ve done everything we can to support the people. The people needed the help. We did the right thing to help the people. But we’re at a point that we need to keep track of this spending. We’re at a point that the healthcare system and this new system is failing because we’re not keeping right account of it.
In order to do so, we’re rolling out bleepity, bleepity, bleep, something to track you, something to keep track of healthcare, something to keep track of finances. They’ll begin to tighten it and tighten and tighten it. And because humanity is at a point that they can’t eat, feed, talk, walk, live without the government subsidy. Just like many of these nations around the world that are being told that they’re being terraced by China, they’re being terraced by America. What are you going to do about it? That’s how I see these things. I see these things a little bit differently.
I don’t try to take sides and I don’t cheer for any politician because all of them are of the kingdom of this world. Even some that may have good intentions. They’re all operating under the spirit of Antichrist. I think we’re going to see some things at some point in time in the future where these nations are going to start just going completely bananas. All the cards are going to be pulled out. And when this starts to happen, all I’m saying, my brother and my sister in the Lord is don’t place your trust in government.
Don’t cheer for the downfall of a nation or the rise of another nation. Don’t feel, don’t, don’t cheer when your enemy stumbles. Don’t do that. Pray for all of these people, all of these nations, all of these leaders. Keep your heart pure and clean with Jesus Christ and make your dependence be upon him and him alone. Some people have to take some needs when they need to take them. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but what I am saying is that if you can avoid at any means necessary from being subsidized as a ministry even, as a ministry even, I highly encourage you to consider doing so.
Because the reality is that this world that we live in doesn’t have your best interest at heart. This is why God tells us, do not have the spirit of fear. Do not have the spirit of fear. You’re not from this world. We’re from another kingdom. And I have news flashes for you. I’m going to fast forward to the end of this story book. Jesus has already won all that we’re doing right now. You and I is talking things through as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Me giving you my opinion, you give me your opinion.
But at the end of the day, what matters is, is that you place your trust in Jesus and not in man. I may fail you. Your daddy may fail you. A ministry may fail you, but Jesus will never fail you. He’s already won. Would you mind praying for a second right there where you’re at? Let’s do it. Heavenly Father, thank you for what you do for us every day. Thank you for salvation. Thank you because when we’re anxious, you’re there for us. When we’re struggling with a bill, you’re there for us. When we don’t know what to do in our marriages, you’re there for us.
When our children are driving us bananas, you’re there for us. When we’re at a point that we don’t know what decision to make, you always find a way to be there for us in Jesus’ mighty name. Today, we submit to you all of our life. We submit to you all of our tears. We submit to you all of those tears that we’re pouring out at nighttime. We pour them out on you, Heavenly Father, to help us, to give us peace, to take these thoughts captive by the word of Jesus Christ in Jesus’ mighty name.
Amen. So God bless you and could you do me one huge favor? This is a non-monetized channel. So for these videos to gain awareness, right, you pressing the thumbs up and leaving a comment, any comment goes a long way. And then if you have a few seconds, share it with a friend and their family member. And not just for this channel, but for any other channel that’s not monetized out there, consider doing so because it definitely does help. God bless you guys. And for those that want to consider supporting this ministry, thank you for considering doing so.
That was a very long way. Keep us in prayer here in Puerto Rico. Keep my dad in prayer. The doctors have said that he has days to live, but he is saved. He’s been saved for 30 something years. So we’re just making sure that he, these last few moments, he goes as peaceful as he can. Right. So God is awesome. Love you guys. Keep us in a lot of your prayers. Okay. This has been a lot that we’ve been going through for a couple of weeks. We love you. We care for you. And Jesus is Lord.