TRUMP: The Last Election 2024

Spread the Truth




➡ Natalie and Trey Smith, long-time friends and collaborators, discuss a range of topics including their experiences with spiritual warfare, censorship of Christian content, and the importance of maintaining freedom in the United States. They also touch on the upcoming elections and the potential impact on the nation’s future. They highlight the importance of faith and the power of invoking the name of Jesus during spiritual attacks, such as sleep paralysis.
➡ The speaker discusses his belief in spiritual warfare and demonic entities, drawing parallels with his personal experiences and observations. He talks about his past relationship with a woman who exhibited strange behaviors, which he now interprets as signs of spiritual attack. He also shares his experience with a man named Henry Schaefer who performed a spiritual deliverance on him, which led to a profound personal revelation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and combating these spiritual attacks, suggesting that they are more common and influential than most people realize.
➡ The text discusses the criticisms of Stephen Hawking’s beliefs, particularly his atheism and his stance on Israel. It also delves into the importance of faith, the power of Jesus Christ, and the spiritual warfare believers are engaged in. The text further discusses the political tension and the concept of a New World Order, emphasizing the need for unity and support within the Christian community. Lastly, it encourages support for those who work tirelessly to spread the message of faith.
➡ This text discusses the challenges faced by voters in disaster-stricken areas, particularly in the wake of Hurricane Helene. It highlights the difficulties of voting without electricity, cell service, or access to water, and with roads being impassable. The text also discusses the importance of truth in journalism and the dangers of suppressing free speech. It ends by emphasizing the importance of making informed decisions, particularly in the context of elections.
➡ This text discusses the belief that God’s will is not always done, especially in times of tragedy. It suggests that God’s will is fulfilled when people take action and fight for what’s right. The text also discusses the importance of recognizing problems and taking control, using the year 2020 as a symbolic starting point. It touches on various topics including leadership, financial systems, prophecies, and the importance of voting and freedom of speech.
➡ The text discusses the importance of faith and trust in God, regardless of political outcomes or worldly events. It emphasizes that God is in control and that people should not fear, even in times of uncertainty or difficulty. The text also uses the story of Moses leading the Hebrews out of Egypt as an example of faith and trust in God, despite challenges and opposition.
➡ The text discusses a conversation about election fraud, focusing on a case in Florida where a postal worker was caught discarding over a thousand pieces of mail, including an absentee ballot and political items. The speakers also discuss their differing viewpoints and the importance of respectful dialogue, emphasizing their shared faith in Jesus Christ. They express concern about the complexity of the election process and potential manipulation, and stress the importance of individual decision-making as disciples of Jesus Christ.
➡ The text discusses the importance of faith and submission to Jesus Christ in times of fear and uncertainty. It emphasizes that regardless of the challenges we face, such as political unrest, health crises, or personal struggles, our focus should be on our relationship with God. The authors encourage dialogue and understanding, reminding us that our actions should honor God. They also warn against knee-jerk reactions to events, urging us to avoid situations that could lead to harm or conflict.
➡ The speaker encourages listeners to remain calm in the face of challenges and to seek guidance from God. They emphasize the importance of not giving up, even when feeling worn out or defeated. They also stress the power of faith and the importance of maintaining a relationship with God, who can provide peace and clarity in difficult times. Lastly, they offer support to those struggling, reminding them that they are not alone and that help is available.
➡ The speaker encourages listeners to pause and reflect before making decisions, as this can lead to better outcomes. They also express hope for future travels and experiences, and gratitude for their audience. They end by promoting their free resources and urging listeners to focus on Jesus Christ, be a positive influence, and share their content if they found it valuable.


God bless everybody. This is your brother Natalie, and I’m here with my brother Trey Smith is something that we. This is a long time coming. I’ve known my brother Trey Smith for a very, very, very long time. He’s been super instrumental in my walk. I remember, you know, when our channel was just getting started, man, we’re talking about eight, nine years ago, easy. And. Yeah, yeah. And even though our, our, our channel, the outreach wasn’t what most would consider big whatever, even though that means absolutely nothing towards the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Because the important part is to reach one person regardless.

Trey Smith reached out, provided a lot of tips, always has been a good friend, has shared a lot of the content, sent people over for the glory of Jesus Christ, and it’s an honor to have him on here. We’re headed towards a week of elections. We’re headed towards a week. If you’re watching the rebroadcast, you’re probably seeing the results already of the elections. So we want this to be an uplifting broadcast. But we’re going to be talking about a lot of different topics from entities to, you know, sleep paralysis, the hurricanes, the elections, the future of this nation and what lies ahead.

Right, Trey? Yeah. Tally? Yes. I have known you for a lot of years. We. So back on the back of your screen there, you’ve got plans of the fallen. And when you and I even first started talking, it was about biblical documentaries. It was about the nephilim and some of the most incredible videos, Tally, that are out there. I have the. Censorship is off the hook. And there’s been many times over the years you’ve called with apps to get around censorship for just sharing. There’s no. I was on yesterday with a friend named Brian Fleming who was pulled from YouTube just for making Christian videos.

Another man pulled from Facebook for sharing Bible scriptures. This. It’s a demonic thing that’s going. This is more than a physical battle. There’s a demonic thing that’s been happening in the nation or you wouldn’t censor those things. And if the words in your particular videos, Tally, were not powerful, they wouldn’t be concerned about them. And you’ve had. And you’ve not only had to make good videos over the years, I’ve watched your videos, Tally, to get great encouragement. You’ll have words of scriptures. You’ve got this incredible radio voice that comes out that’s soothing with the scriptures and the algorithms and the people behind whatever or the demons behind them since that.

And they don’t want those words. And that’s why when I’ve talked to you over the years, there’s been a fight. And I, yes, it’s very much Tally, an honor to be on here with you today. And you’re cutting, you’re cutting off a little bit. You’re back on. You’re back on. Keep on going. You’re back on. I saw that happen with the microphone and it’s almost a demonic thing. But we’re just going to keep going with it today. Keep going, Keep going. Yeah. This is an election that a lot of people have a lot of concern about.

And my opinion on this, just to share with you, Talia, and you may know a lot about this as well. So in the course of doing some of these films, I’ve been to a number of different countries. I love that some of them are Islamic countries and but even countries that have Christianity within them, people do not have the freedoms they have here in the United States. And for example, South Africa currently has a communist government and it only takes one election to do that. And there can be a lot of arguments that sound really good, but if you have one election where you lose your freedoms, I can’t think of one example where you get those, where you get those back in less than one generation, you may never get them back.

But it’s an honor to be on with you and to look and to do this show with you. Tally, I’m very, I am very thankful to do this with you this morning. Oh, it’s an honor here, too, man. It’s an honor. And for those that are watching, if we have any type of glitches, errors, we’ve been working on this this morning, and for some reason, even on my end, everything is just messing up. I don’t know if it’s the system or entities, whatever it could be, but God is good and, you know, it’s. I’m truly, truly grateful, brother, that you’re here.

Trey, question for you, man. Yes. You know, I was looking at, and I want to start with a clip with, with Tucker Carlson, and we’re going to get into many other aspects. Tucker Carlson is someone who slowly but surely has been at least trying to speak out. And it seems as if the more he’s trying to follow Jesus Christ, the more attacks he’s either going to in his personal life, and this is particularly true in the fact that he’s experienced sleep, sleep paralysis, but to the point where they’re actually scratching different things like that. I’m going to play a little bit of a clip, bro, because you Know, I think sometimes we forget Ephesians 6:12, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, the entities that are out there.

And. And they attack us in many forms with our thought life, in our spiritual life, with depression, with anxiety. But sleep paralysis, it’s. It’s a real thing out there. And to see him come out in the open and pretty much put out his whole reputation out there to talk about this, it’s. It’s pretty interesting. Can I play a clip real quick? It’ll be just a few seconds. All right. Check this out, Trey. Yes. Yes. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. The presence of evil is kickstarting people to wonder about the good. That’s what happened to me.

That’s what happened to you? Oh, yeah. I had a direct experience with it. In the milieu of journalism, or just. Nope. In my bed at night, and I got attacked while I was asleep with my wife and four dogs in the bed and mauled. Physically mauled. In a spiritual attack by a demon. Yeah, by a demon or by something unseen. That left. Is that right? Claw marks on my sides, on my. So it left physical marks. Oh, they’re still there. Yeah. Yeah. A year and a half ago. Was your wife terrified? I know you were. I wasn’t.

I was totally confused. I woke up and I couldn’t breathe, and I thought I was going to suffocate, and I walked around outside, and then I walked in, and my wife and dogs had not woken up, and they’re very light sleepers. And then I had these terrible pains on my rib cage and on my shoulder, and I was just in my boxer shorts, and I went and flipped on the light in the bathroom, and I had four claw marks on either side underneath my arms and on my left shoulder. And they’re bleeding. Wait, they were bleeding? They’re bleeding? Yeah, they’re actual claw marks.

And I sleep on my side, so I wasn’t clawing myself. I don’t have long nails, and they didn’t fit my hands anyway. But, yeah, that happened. So I don’t. I’m not from a world where things like that happen. I never heard of anything like that happening before. I had no idea what that was. I knew it was spiritual immediately. You did? Okay, that was going to be my question. Yeah. Well, I don’t understand. To this day, I’m not going to put it. You didn’t. You didn’t try to refute the spiritual part in your own mind? It went.

You went right into the. Well, it didn’t make Any sense. And it doesn’t now. All right, Trey, so in that little video clip right there, I’ll tell you, from my experience, I’ve experienced sleep paralysis before. I’ve had moments where I’m resting in bed and entities have attacked. And I’m trying to yell at the name of Jesus, but it’s almost like it’s something you can’t say it, but then you break through it and you say in the name of Jesus and it’s gone. Talk to me a little bit about that. So, Tally, I think that most everyone that’s watching this show here has things that things that they have had happen.

And oftentimes so you notice the first thing that that man says in that question back to Tucker Carlson is you didn’t write it off in your mind, because we do that, that there are these things that happen. There’s a sense of something that’s in the corner of the room or that bedroom when you were growing up as a kid that you felt uncomfortable with or something in the closet. I would, I would tell you just very openly that I don’t think that those senses, the Lord gave you an internal radar for things that are around you that are in a spiritual sense.

Even dogs and animals and things like this may bark at an area and you don’t know why they’re barking at the area, but they sense something that’s there. I. The sleep paralysis is. Yes, told. I saw the audio cut out there for a second. We have been told for many years. We’ve been told for many, many years by what we’re learning are Satanists that are running things. They believe in all of the biblical stories. It’s always the priests of baal. So these stories are not new. And we’re now in hours of history where we’re coming to learn that a lot of our educational system that was teaching hardcore atheism was being run by people that don’t believe those things.

Now, when I was, when I was younger and growing up, there were times that we played with things we very much shouldn’t have. And there was a girl that I dated many, many years ago that the moment that I heard the Tucker Carlson clips of thing of scratches appearing, I thought she had something mentally wrong with her tally because that’s how we’re all so indoctrinated to it must be anything other than what’s being stated. I thought she was scratching herself. And on one occasion there were scratches that appeared on her in front of me. And this really affected me deeply.

And there were Other things that happened surrounding this woman that were. That were not. That were not. That were not normal. Fast forwarding. I’m glad that Tucker Carlson is talking about these kind of things and entering them in, because these are normally the things that people do not talk about. And they’re the things, Tally, that you and I have talked about for many, many years and have screened to people, even through censorship and shadow banning and all the rest of it, that these things are real because there’s a spirit behind it that does not. That that is the target over.

Over which it does not want you to know that it’s real. That there’s something behind there that is blasting thoughts to the head. So when you have thoughts and you say, why did I just have that. That thought? That’s not. It’s okay, it’s okay. Keep going. They used to call alcohol spirits. They still do call it spirits. That he becomes a different person when he drinks. He becomes a different person when he ingests this. They’ve learned that parasites that are in your body so little tiny things that you can’t see without a microscope can tell your mind, for example, that you want sugar or that you want whatever it wants that it wants to ingest.

Parasites are very relatable to exactly what the demonic entities or realms are. And it’s something that is crying out for you to ingest or consume things that allow it to have more control that other person comes out. Now, there was a man named Henry Schaefer that I was. And this has been almost probably about the time that I met you, Tally, that I, I would go to these different conventions and events that were about these things like the nephilim and the demons. And by the way, I wish people would come back and do these again. And I think after this election step, there are going to be some great days of doing biblical topics.

Right now people are stating what’s going to happen with the nation. I’ve got a little Trump bobble here and these kind of things. But you have a spiritual attack in your country and you’ve had. And by the way, that’s not new, Tally. We’re just beginning to see it now. And that’s really what it is. Something that was already going on for a long time, but people were being told it’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not real. Which, by the way, is what those demons are doing about that demonic realm. But I was with this man, Henry Schaefer, at one of these events.

He invited Me to his hotel room to have pizza with his wife and other things. And he says, you know, a lot of people don’t believe this exists, but I would like to do a deliverance on you. And he said. And he was talking to me even about this girl that I dated. He said, you may have attachments in there that you. That you don’t know about. You may have soul ties. You have. And I said, sure, let’s. Let’s go ahead and let’s do it. Of course, Kelly, I believed in all of these things because you’ve read them.

But, you know, I mean, it’s not really happening to me, or that’s not, you know, or. Or if it is. So we sat down and he said, you have a there. He said, I’d like to call up loneliness. And he said, trey, I want you just to get aside. And he said, in the name of Jesus, I would like. If loneliness is in there, in the name of Jesus, I want you to come up. I want you to come up. Loneliness, fear, anxiety, stress. And I felt this thing, Ellie, come up through my eyes, and right when it did it, and I had never.

And it felt like in it, and it felt like a snake. And this is why. Because I had a lot of trouble with relationships, Kelly. And a lot of people struggle with this. They’re always in the wrong one, or this one or that one or this. They have a lot of. This was a big thing for with me that I had really wanted someone to. And I didn’t know. And I had all of these feelings inside. And I felt this when this man named Henry Schaeffer, very humble man, not someone that goes out and doesn’t really market this kind of a thing in an open sense.

And it takes hours to go through. But when I felt this come up the first time and I felt this thing through my eyes. Now, someone watching something like that, you may say, well, he’s just making it up or whatever. But when you feel it yourself, I remember Henry looking, and he said, you may have thought these things were real, but you know it now, don’t you? Imagine going swimming in a lake and you’re in the lake. You’re in the water. The water is warm, you feel fine. You’re swimming around. Then as you’re coming out of the lake, you’re noticing that you have leeches on you and you want them off.

You’ve got these things attached, and you immediately see you couldn’t see them before, and you felt good in the water. You don’t notice they’re there, but as you’re coming out, you’re finding. And they’re kind of dug in, so a little bit of skin comes out with them and it’s uncomfortable. But no matter what, you want them off. And if you don’t take them off properly, you’re going to leave tentacles inside you. So if you just rip them off, so you have to take them off in a special way. And this man was using the name of the name of Jesus.

And when they came, and I can tell you that there was a feeling almost like my head went up a little bit later that day because it was a feeling of clarity. Because when you have all so many of these thoughts and feelings that people have, particularly if they’re overburdening, let’s say that you feel like you’re under constant stress or you feel like things are going wrong, or you feel just angry over little things. And by the way, this happens to everyone. You are in a spiritual war and these things are getting in your way. That’s why it’s telling you to put on the full armor of God.

The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience. Against such there is. And the list goes on. Against such there is no law is because that anything other than these is actually something that’s not your birthright. It’s attack. It’s something attacking you. So if you have a stress and attention and other things that are even in your entire nation, then there’s something going on. See, those are your internal radars that are going off. And you don’t have to know exactly why. You don’t have to know exactly what the demon looks like. It doesn’t have to make its way all the way to claw you.

The fact that it’s getting in your way tells you two things. One, that it’s trying to stop you from something, which means that. One, that it’s trying to stop you from something, which means that you’re valuable. But number two, that you are that there is a real war and that it exists and this and this stuff, and I have no idea how exactly that it works, Tally. But there’s some kind of a pecking order to these things. So you’ve got some stuff that can. That is just moving on your head. You’ve got other stuff that can literally move things around and you get really spooked out.

And you probably have things that can step right out of thin air. And I have no idea what the pecking order differences are between why these different things can do what, but they operate on authorities. And if you remember what they would say, all of these claimed science people whose science message for years tally has always come to the boiler point of that there is no God. They even wheeled this poor guy in a wheelchair around named Stephen Hawking. God bless his heart. But that was his every message, was there is no God. And when they would do a documentary and you couldn’t talk against him because he’s a handicapped man in a wheelchair, they all see people are waking up to these tricks.

This guy got nearly everything wrong. You would, you would start a horror movie by being in a spaceship. And one guy looks over at the other and says, who designed the software for this? Stephen Hawking’s your Eyes Go Big. And that’s where the movie starts. That can be the start of a horror film. This guy said that they would never find the God particle, which you could call anything, the God particle. But he went out and placed bet. But he used the name of it, Right? So. So he places bets with other professors against the God particle.

Then he, then he, he wants to boycott Israel. Turns out the software that’s keeping him alive and running a chair that supports him is developed and made in Israel. So he’s going to boycott Israel. I would have loved to see the look on the professors in the universe in the university on the day that he did that, he wanted to boycott Israel. And here, the chair that he’s using, all the software that he needs comes from Israel. Then he states. What did he state next? I, I can’t remember the entire list of them. But they would always spin on those science things into his one eye when he was telling you.

And that was the message, right? There is no God. There is no God. There is no God. There is no God. See, something wants you to hear that message. And the second message they always had was that it doesn’t. See, it doesn’t. It doesn’t work on authorities. It works on science. No, science is a product of how God does things. Science, a scientist figuring out how DNA works does not make him equal with creating it. And that DNA and everything we do here works on authorities. And that’s why. And those demons do not want you to know that.

Because that’s why alien experiences go away in the name of Jesus. And that’s why the thing scratching you in the middle of the night, whether it’s Tucker Carlson or anything else, is going to react to the name of Jesus. It can’t stand it. Amen. And it works on authority. Yeah. You know, there’s power in the name of Jesus Christ. And you mentioned a couple of times there, the thought. The thought, the imaginate. You know, the devil loves to attack our thought, life and spirit of fear, the entities. You know, in Ephesians 6:12, it tells us, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

And a lot of these entities, they operate. I mean, a stronghold. I mean, you ever. You ever held someone’s hand and their grip is so strong, you’re like, wow, this person’s strong. A stronghold like what you mentioned, like a parasite. It just keeps on growing, growing and growing and growing until it takes you captive. For those of us. For those of you that are watching this, we also have a devotional book that just. It’s. We have month one out there. I’m going to show it on the screen real quick. Y’all can feel free to check it out.

It’s called Contemplating. Okay. And it’s about contemplating for Jesus Christ. Okay. Making sure that you’re doing all you possibly can to spend some time with Jesus Christ. There’s various devotionals on there. It’s free. It doesn’t cost you anything. On the description tab of this video, you can go there, you can download it, you can see it on your phone. It’s free. And every day, you can read through these contemplations of you just spending some time with the Lord. And we also have another book called Caught Thought. It doesn’t cost you anything as well, but these are just opportunities that we have as brothers and sisters in the Lord to continue to be in one accord with the Lord because.

Because what? Like Trey just mentioned, and like Tucker Carlson just mentioned, the entities that we face are real, but the power in Jesus Christ is also very, very, very, very real. And we’re in a spiritual warfare right now, Trey. Where I’m seeing people, Trey. That they’re. Especially this particular week, man. And whether they’re watching it before the election or after, Trey. That they feel the tension. You can cut it with a knife. You feel the tension at work. You feel the tension with your neighbors. You feel the tension at the supermarket. You can go down the aisle at the supermarket and look at your fellow brother or sister or person who’s walking by, and you don’t even have to talk.

You can both say what you feel, that there’s something happening, whether you’re living in America or you’re living in. In Afghanistan. It’s the darkness is. Is getting to A point where people need to hold on to Jesus now more than ever. Speaking of politics, Trey, and speaking of the things that are happening, you’ve heard of the BRICS nations, right? Yes, I have. Okay, I’m gonna play you a one minute clip so that you can see how the wet the powers on that end and the powers on this end, they’re at a war for a New World Order.

This week, Russian president Vladimir Putin scored a big win despite Western efforts to isolate him. He just wrapped up a BRICS summit. Russia hosted leaders from 36 countries in the city of Kazan. And Putin took this opportunity to make an appeal. He asked BRICS nations to ditch the Western banking order. The dollar was used as a weapon. It is true and we see that. I think it is a great mistake by those who do it. Putin says the west weaponizes the dollar and he has a point. But what’s the solution? Well, he says the BRICS should have their own payment system, an alternative to the Western system which is called swift.

And just by saying New World Order automatically this video is going to be flagged which talks about the censorship which we mentioned earlier. But it’s important to talk about it, how there are evil forces at work controlled by these entities, just like in the Tower of Babel that are trying to unite the world as one. And while we’re distracted sometimes, look at what they’re planning against this nation. Tally, I so, so in this, in this net, in, in, in this nation, one of the things that’s the probably the largest, it’s larger than these bricks, it’s larger than, than the election.

So the church will survive, the church will survive without the United States, but the United States will not survive without the church. And one of the things that I’ve noticed here in the last while Tally, this applies to you. So Tally put up some books there and notice he’s offered the books for free. Some of the most incredible and encouraging videos that I have watched are from Talley. And one of the things I physically witnessed is that some of the people that do the most, that absolutely do the most and just pour their heart into giving to the Lord are the, they’re the most humble and they’re the most quiet about stating I would ask you to, if you’re encouraged by Tally’s videos to go to, to find whatever link that he has and consider if the Lord puts it on your heart supporting him because the people that put in the most work and he’s got in this video that we’re going to do things On Hurricane Helene, I’ve been out there with Hurricane Helene.

People, people out there that are literally out there for 12 hours a day helping are doing it out of their own back pockets while they work full time jobs. While a lot of the people that are the media people that come in, they get a few clips. This thing with the audio is a little demonic, but we’re going to fight through it and we’re going to do it good. We’re going to keep going. And I would tell you this, that one of the things that I’m praying for with America, there’s going to be breakthroughs. A lot of this stuff that’s coming against you.

It’s, here’s the shortened summary of it of all the, the long, the overview answer of all the clips that Tally is about to play, including, including Hurricane Helene and all of it that the Lord is in charge. He’s not done with America. He’s not done with you watching the video. He’s not done with Tally producing stuff that’s going to encourage you to the hilt. And one of the things we’ve done wrong in this, in this nation, just in my personal view is the ones that have got out there on the bullhorn the loudest and they’re not always bad people.

Some of them are really great people, but they’re the ones that will take all the glory and reward while the people that are putting in all of the hardest of the work are often they, they can’t even afford to do it. And I would ask for people as part of this awakening because the Lord’s going to shake you. He’s going to use those Brics nations. He’s going to use this election. Boy, it’s going to get even hairier after the election passes. You’re going to be sitting there biting your teeth, all of you. For I, in my view this is going to go on for a minute.

That’s not only in the prophecies, but that’s what you can see with your eyes, that spiritual radar that you have within you. Every one of you sitting there knows and has known for many, many years that there are things off and people have ignored it. And the people that have been squeaking about it and squealing and trying to yell about it. And many of them so humble that they just, it looks a little wrong. Like Tally, like Robert and Jamie Hagee out there with these like lists of people that have been out there just literally pulling water and they, and, and they, and it’s, it’s time to begin seeing Those people, your witness, you are witnessing with the Hurricane Helene and all of that, that your government agencies, no matter what you believe, and we even have to be careful what we say about all that because they’ll go censor if we talk about there being more bodies.

Well, huge swaths of the southeastern US Are still reeling from the destruction and flooding brought on by Hurricane Helene, even as another major hurricane Milton barrels toward the Florida coast. And in some of the hardest hit areas in Georgia and North Carolina, voting plans have been severely disrupted. Just 29 days away from the presidential election. Let’s get straight to our investigative reporter, Olivia Rubin for more. So, Olivia, what are the biggest obstacles right now that’s being posed to voters in certain places? Yeah, well, it is a huge obstacle, Kira, and a number of elections officials that I have spoken to are extremely concerned about this.

So just to sort of set the scene for you a little bit to think about the voters. You have a group of people that are in a disaster zone, many of them who don’t have electricity, who don’t have cell phone service, who have no access to water, roads, impassable usps, which is, you know, plays a huge part in the election. Unable to reach some areas, many voters also displaced entirely, potentially living in different counties from where they are supposed to vote. So think about those people or more problems or what they’re doing while they’re giving 750 checks.

I. I didn’t want to stop your clip there, but I would ask. Oh, no, no, no. This is perfect. This is. This is. Brother, this is just like we’re having a regular conversation like we always have. This is perfect. And. And glory to Jesus Christ in all things. And thank you for saying what you’ve said. I. I truly believe, you know, that. Yeah. You know, I truly believe, Brother Trey, that like you mentioned, God is awesome and that we’re in times that now more important than ever. Every decision that we make, everything we say, everything we act upon, let’s ask ourselves, how does this glorify the Heavenly Father? Because the devil, the devil wants to attack and attack and attack and attack and get us to react in a way that’s ungodly.

But if we ask ourselves, how does all of this glorify the Heavenly Father? We’re going to make decisions that will shine, that’ll glorify Jesus Christ and all of the. The books that are available for free, the content that’s. That’s the work of many people in the body of Jesus Christ behind the scenes that are pouring hours upon hours writing Drafting, checking grammar, even on this channel, Brother Trey. All of the viewers that watch this channel, Brother Trey. Oh, man. Brother, they correct me. They keep me in check. They’re like, tally, you’re slipping. Tally, you’re looking sad.

Tally, you’re sounding tired. All of them. It’s a collective effort of all of us working together for the glory of Jesus Christ. And I just wanted to say thank you to all of you that take the time not only to support this channel, but any other channel out there. Because we’re in times that encouragement sometimes is needed. Right. And we want to encourage you. You encourage us, and we’re all in this together. And, you know, I just wanted to say that, Trey, that I appreciate you saying those words, man. Glory to Jesus on everything. And, you know, you talked about Hurricane Helene, man.

So when I was in North Carolina, yeah, a few. A few. Maybe a week or so back, and I was putting together. I was putting together a video on Trump and a lot of encouraging things. There’s something very dark going on there. There have been people being threatened. These are calls that I take in groups that I’m in, of people that are telling me stuff that I tend to trust what they’re stating. So there’ll be a man that I talked to later today. They’ve been doing forensic work out there. They’re finding a lot of bodies and a lot of death.

And the news, meanwhile, wants to tell you that there’s far less death. I can’t tell you exactly why that would be, but there’s something wrong. Journalism is to tell you the truth in every aspect of your world. They’re telling you a lie in favor of something else. It’s been rumored there are lithium. There’s lithium deposits that are major under some of that land. These are not exactly wealthy people that lived out in those mountains. They’re people that can disappear. And how many were there? The 200 or the 2,000 or the 20,000? We just don’t know. Look back at the time of the.

Of Napoleon, when it was reported. When it was reported that Napoleon had won. Won at Waterloo. Reported that Napoleon had won at Waterloo when in fact, he had lost. And this changed fortunes for the Rothschild family and others, as it’s reported. This idea of deceiving other people just for a monetary gain and to create terror for other people is the origin of the. The love of money is the root of all evil. And all of those decisions were not made in the interest of anyone’s life, but they were made to steal from other people by Telling a lie and also to commit murder.

When Jesus talked about the devil, there are a lot of horrible things that Jesus could have said about the devil, but he said he was a liar and a murderer. And the two things that you’re watching in your world. So that would be murder if there was aid these hurricanes. But it’s also murder when we’re lying and we’re covering things up that injure people. There are levels to murder and these are all things lies which we see regularly. And then if the lies don’t work, they come and we watch many people who are good people who speak out, they just disappear off the planet.

Or if we want minerals that underground. And this doesn’t just happen in North Carolina. It’s been happening in countries all over the world that are countries where people do not have the ability to speak because they do not have freedom of speech. So you will never hear of the atrocities that have happened, most of them in history, but many of them happening right now, today just to take things away from people and murder anyone that gets in the way. That, my friends, is spirit and it is coming here. And I tell you again that if you lose your right to speak out, whether you, my father used to tell me you learn the most from the people that you disagree with, that you’re able to debate with in those nations.

They are not able to debate with each other. They keep their heads down, they keep their stature low and they hope for the best. That’s where you’re headed. And when that happens, it happens fast and normally it happens with the onsets of confusion and turmoil in the country, then the degrading rapidly of the financial system. This way you can’t afford to do anything about it. Then the control of the propaganda outlets. And then after that you find yourself in a position and usually a Red Stag type event where the people that could stand up, there’ll be executions.

And this causes fear on the rest of the people. I don’t want to put fear in you, but I want to tell you that you are always on the edge. See all of these compromises where we were looking the other way for our mortgage payments and our car notes, and yet all of these people that were fighting and they had less and less and less to fight with. The reason that God is doing this shaking in America is to wake you up. You’re going to make a choice here. And the choice is not about Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.

The choice is do you want the freedom to have the opportunity to even debate about stuff or do you want to relinquish that? That’s what you’re deciding. And people will state that God’s will is always done. I hear this a lot by Christians. God’s will is not always done. God’s will is not done when a child is raped. God’s will is not done when a pregnant mother is murdered. God’s will is not done when a drunk driver smashes in and kills a family. God’s will is very rarely done. God’s will is done when the people of God make steps forward.

That doesn’t mean they’re perfect. That doesn’t mean. But when the people of God say, you know what? We’re going to fight, you’re good. You’re good people. When the people of God say, we’re going to fight some here, we’re going to fight some here, we’re going to take some more ground here, we’re going to take a little more ground over here. No, we’re going to take a little over here. And pretty soon you’ve got control of the wheel. You’ve got control of the wheel. But to do that, you’ve got to be able to see the problem. Problem.

So a lot of this awakening began in the year of 2020. That’s the year that’s symbolic of. And God loves all these plays like numbers and words and letters and symbols. That’s what the Hebrew language is. Every letter is also a symbol. So 2020. And you have this man that’s been put in leadership. Some people like him, some people don’t. You don’t always have to like the people that you, you work with that you’re around. But you put them. There are people that I really, I just, you know, I’m not the most thrilled with working with them, but if they’re good at what they.

They do and they’re placed there for that hour. So I have a Trump shoe behind me. You got a jumpsuit, a real one. I had to get the knockoff from China because they. They were sold. But I. But I wanted to. But I wanted to show you just a couple. So. So some of this revolves probably around your financial systems. Just. Just like it’s alleged in the hurricane Helene. The footage of which Tally has on the back screen has to do with. It’s alleged the taking of property for financial gain. For. We’re going to see some more lithium mines, some more property from.

From you guys. In the end of it. This has to do with who has controlled of your financial systems, in my opinion. And Some of these prophecies. And the Lord has put a man in place that’s got a lot of experience with that. He’s got funny colored hair. He’s got. But it says his name is attached. The word gold. Tally is also. Ali is also wanting to talk about the, the bricks nations. These nations are openly stating to you that they want to destroy your dollar. They have come together and they view the United States and its supremacy as an issue for them.

Russia certainly does. They do not want someone who can say, we’re going to sanction you about anything. They do not want that. And to be very frank with you, I don’t blame them. But that’s part of what has given you your security in this nation. If you lose your dollar, you’re going to go look at Venezuela, look at what happened in South Africa when the dollar goes. This has a real impact on you. South Africa, for example, the dollar was one to one similar thing in Venezuela. And this can happen literally overnight where those dollars become like confederate money.

And I promise you there’s. And I, I have no idea if you’re going to feel that or not, but there’s an old saying that you prepare for the worst and you hope for the best. So when it says in a prophecy that you’re going to come on some dark shaking times, you know, there are levels to how dark and shaking the times are. I, I would, as someone that’s paid attention to these for nearly a decade. Yeah. This election time, I would go vote. I would go vote for your freedom. No matter about this vicar and that vicar and the other vicar.

You’re back. You’re. You’re, you’re voting in this election because without the ability to have freedom of speech, you certainly can’t go minister the Bible very well. But what, what I would also have. You’re cutting off a little bit, bro. There you go. It’s good. It’s good. Keep on going. I would ask you to spend time with your families following voting or at the time of voting as best you can, and to have some things prepared for a shaking time. Just like those people in Hurricane Helene and all of the, all of the allegations about there may be weather manipulation.

That’s not a conspiracy. They’ve told you that. Saudi Arabia the other day apologized for flooding entire areas with their weather control systems, which more facilitated than. More sophisticated than a United States war room. So it’s not a conspiracy. They came and they apologized. We’re sorry. We flooded an entire area. We’ll try not to do that. Again, notice they flooded an entire area out there in North Carolina. You have entire areas that are flooded. So whether they did that one or not, they can do it. I have a message from you, from someone. All right. It’s a breaking news.

A little bit of a breaking news here. Just check it out. One second. Okay. Talio. Tali. I see you brought Trey Smith on the podcast. Listen, Trey, we will win big. Bigger than ever before. You hear me? I love you, Trey Smith. No one knows Trey Smith better than I do. No one does. I know he doesn’t like Kamala. Anyways. Continue the broadcast. Jesus, Lord. And Tally, listen, I know you better than anybody. No one knows you better. You don’t admit it, but deep down, you really like me. Admit it. Let’s win big. Bigger than ever.

Pray for us all. We need the prayers, right, Kamala? I know Kamala agrees with that. Listen, Tally and Trey, I know I get a bad rap, but I need prayers, too. I need Jesus like anyone else does. Make sure to keep us all in prayers. Donald needs Jesus. I need Jesus. And regardless of who wins, Jesus is still Lord. You are correct. Abortion is very evil. Abortion should be banned. That. We got that exclusive. We got that exclusive for you, Trey. You know what I’m saying? And you know, you and I have. We. We talk on the phone.

That’s absolutely stunning, Tally. Someone who made. Yeah. Oh, right. AI made that. I was just messing around last night. I was like, let me find. Let me find some light heartedness in all of this stuff. You know, that was so. That. Tally, that was so awesome. I did not expect that. And with all the heaviness that there is on the dish. And guys, if you notice. If you notice that you and Trey and I are going from subject to subject. That’s how it is when we talk on the phone. So we will go from one to the.

That’s how it is when we talk on the phone. So let’s say, for example. And we’re going to segue into the Helene thing for a moment, but let’s say, for example. And this is just me playing the other side of it, because you know how I stand on many things. Let’s say, for example, prophecies are wrong. And let’s say, for example, I know. I know a missionary, right? And he is. I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you what, Trey, this brother, his name is Brother Martin. And this guy, man, he won’t dare come on YouTube. He won’t dare come on YouTube.

He won’t Dare show his face. He won’t dare do any of that. But I’ve in talking with him every week, right. Trey, he goes to, he risks his life daily to, to preach the gospel. And what he’s noticed is, is the more persecution he’s going through, the more strength he has. And like, for example, when he goes out there to preach the gospel. Yeah. To many of these nations where he has to literally say goodbye to his family. Trey, he has to listen. I love you, son. I love you, daughter, wifey. I love you. If I don’t come back, you keep on preaching the gospel.

And I, I, I literally live streaming, seeing the videos, him in dumpsters. I mean, we’ll talk about garbage, we talk about dumpsters. Preaching the gospel, risking his life, saving people, standing in the gap. To even be beaten up, to defend a person who’s not even a Christian. But he does it to let them know that that’s the love of Jesus living in him. What if this is just a what if because, you know, we have always different viewpoints. What if prophecies are wrong? What if like you had mentioned earlier, that’s where you. Yeah. And let’s say, for example, all of the things that could happen so such as such a censorship, such as attacking us, the collapse of the dollar.

What if all of these things at the end of the day will push the church in America to finally wake up out of that lukewarmness and, and snap out of it and be like, you know what? Our dependency has far too long been on a nation. Our dependency has to be on God. And what if all of these things, especially this week, what if it all doesn’t go talk to the person that has everything riding on this election, the farmer. Right. That is like, I can’t continue if this happens. Talk to them real quick. From your perspective, what do you do if King Kong wins the election? Forget Kamala and Trump.

Let’s say the, the plans are, are ruined and Godzilla shows up and wins it. What, what would you say to those people to encourage them? That’s actually the best. Okay, so Telly, that’s actually the best of, that’s actually the best of the questions because the Stella Emanuel, she’s one of the doctors that, that went out there. She lost her license and I’m not sure if she lost the license, but a lot of troubles fighting during the COVID And she said, you know, in the, she said, you know, we’re told in the Bible not that God gave the world to that God, that God gave the world to the sons of Men.

Not that. Not that God gave the world to Christians. So if the sons of men call on demons and demons will rule the land, if the sons of men call on God, then God will rule the land. And Donald Trump, I want to be very clear about, this is not a, this is not an idol or someone to be worshiped. So in the prophets prophecies, this is another man, that someone that the Lord is using. Now, in when David, there were times where David, he would go in before the priest and he would ask the Lord and he would ask the Lord what would happen if I do, if I do the battle this way, the priest would go in and they would go before the Lord and they would come in, they’d give David, they’d give David an answer and then David would maybe not like the answer.

And he would come in and he would, well, what if I do this? If I do this? So in the, in the, if, if you were to have an instance and you stand there and you say, how could this, how could this happen? Well, in darkness, faith grows. In despair, faith grows. And a lot of these dark things that, that Cali just mentioned, I, I believe or I believe that you’re about to. I believe. So where Talley is going with that, he started with that by stating, I’ve got a missionary friend out there and when things are at their roughest, he’s at his strongest.

He is the most calibrated and precise, which is what God wants from his. It’s okay, it’s okay. The audio is working. What I, what I am properly, you’re about to go through some heavy parts that are gonna, that are going to take you, that are going to shake you, but the Lord is, the Lord is God. At the end of the day, whether you have a deliverance that comes at the end of all, at the end of all of this, you’re going to come upon this book in the Bible called Revelation. And in that book you’re going to have, you are going to have some shaking and some bad days.

You’re going to have some shaking and some bad days. And in fact, one of the highest honors in this place, if, if our, if our leader, who is Jesus Christ, the one that our savior is, Jesus Christ, was willing to go and offer himself up as a living sacrifice. Are we better than the one that we that we serve? Are any of us better than the one that we serve? So I am praying as all of you are and hoping as all of you are, that there that we’re listening to a message of Hope here we have to ask the Lord for that, just as all the people in the past did.

We have to cry for our nation and the Lord has to approve that. This place works on authorities. This place works on authorities. We have to go before him and ask him for that. But if for whatever cause God decides against that, then we have to, then we have to be which happened to Israel many, many times in the Bible. It happened numerous times to them in the Bible. That favor was given to other nations as a punishment for Israel’s sins. I would ask you, I would ask you to have no fear no matter what happens.

To have if the world is burning on the right and the left, which it could look that way on the shortly coming horizon. So in these things, these things, if I’m reading them properly, you’re not coming on a thing where on November 5th you’re going to cast a vote and a bunch of you are going to go out and vote, you’re going to swamp it, you get your freedoms back and everything’s cool and good and you’re going to go on. Yeah, because. And here’s why. Because everything is not cool and good. To what Tally was stating is my missionary friend or Tally’s missionary friend that he’s mentioning there is, that is best when it’s looking the darkest because suddenly everything becomes focused.

And I’m finding this amongst people that I’m out there getting together with. But the trouble is there’s a whole world of people out there that if they could just get Donald Trump to go in and he’d go in there and sort the economy and stuff out that just, wow, just go on with our day. That’s not what the Lord wants. Okay. Yeah. So, and he’s just one guy. You can probably fix some of your, your financial things and I think when you come up on your big financial problem and they’re going to crash it, if these prophecies be correct, then that would mean that you’ve got a guy that the Lord put in there that can probably fix it for you with, by the way, the help of the Lord.

The Lord wants him to receive the glory in the end of this. So if he, this is the time to begin asking him to, to, for him to save us. Not Donald Trump, not anybody else. Because when Moses was out there, so Moses was out there and they’re coming out of the, they’re coming out of the Red Sea and there’s a canyon on both sides as you’re taking that path that leads to where I believe the Crossing section was. It’s eerie. It looks, it looks more stunning when you’re out there. Any Exodus movie you’ve ever seen, because there’s actually canyon walls they’ve got to walk through.

And canyon walls, if you’ve ever been through one, they echo. You might even stand when you’re in a canyon and yell your voice just to hear it echo. What do you think an Egyptian army coming through that canyon at you sounds like? And it exit. Exits out. And it’s stunning. And the, and the canyon walls go nearly to the water on both sides. So if you’ve got a bunch of people and now you’re facing a body of water which by the way is eight miles across at that exact spot. God loves these numbers. Eight is a number of new beginnings.

And Moses is standing out there and, and what happens to Moses in that part of the story? Because God has been pretty Johnny on the spot with all of these plagues, all of this Moses will go before the Lord. The plague will get undone to such a degree that at the end of it, the slaves notice this, that the slaves marched out. So in these stories, and it’s not just because God wants to make you rich or prosper you any of these things. It’s symbolic to him and he’s a father. He’ll give you things that you don’t deserve.

The Hebrews, trust me, did not. Repeatedly they run back every time they get something good. They will run back to the priests of BAAL just a few passages later. But while Moses was standing there and those waters are there, the Hebrews were divided amongst each other. And God commonly does this. Where you could clearly see it was for Moses and who was against Moses and who was for God and against God. In that instance, are they trusting God? And some of them wanted to go back to the slavery. They started stating, you know, at least in Egypt we get our, you know, we work today, right? Slavery is comfortable to a lot of people.

Freedom is scary and it costs something. And they could hear Pharaoh’s army coming and they were taking stones, about half of them to come over and stone. We’re taking stones that they were going to come over and they were going to stone Moses and they were going to take the body of Moses to Pharaoh and say, look, he, he’s the one that did this to us. Take us back there and we’ll, we’ll get our, we’ll take our, here’s your gold back and stuff Pharaoh. We’ll take our half potato for the day. I wanted to highlight something Trey, between me and you is.

The cool part about all this, is that Trey and I may have different viewpoints, but look at how we’re able to talk to each other, you know, and that’s the beautiful part about it. I wanted to highlight that real quick because. Because, you know, I think in the body of Jesus Christ, sometimes we, we want to beat each other up real quick when things, you know what I’m saying? And I hope you guys are getting the friendship that we have here. How we’re just talking like we normally would talk, you know, and we’re just having a, A regular chit chat that’s just being, being, being recorded here.

Trey. Talking about the elections. Right. And all of the things that you just mentioned. Yes. Yeah. You know, there’s, There’s a lot of election fraud. There’s a lot of election temperance that happens not just in the United States, but it happens in every, Every nation tries to. You know, and my viewpoint on this is, is different, of course, because. And you know how I am. I’m, I’m. I’m different. So. And glory to Jesus Christ, you know, we all have different perspectives. But not only do you have to get past the, the fact that the popular vote doesn’t elect, then you got to go through the electoral college.

But on top of that, there’s so many safety gears in place to make sure that whoever is elected or selected gets there. But check this out, man. In Florida, this just happened this past week where a postal worker was caught on film. Because now everyone has ring cameras. Ring cameras are everywhere. Look at this for a moment. Check this out, Trey. Okay? A mailman in Orlando, Florida has been arrested in a case of more than a thousand pieces of mail found dumped in the woods. Among the over 1000 pieces of mail the postal worker is accused of discarding, there was an absentee ballot and what officials are calling 400 political items found in the stash.

Otis McCoy was arrested Friday. The investigation into McCoy began when a co worker noticed he returned from his route much earlier than expected, despite leaving with a large quantity of deliveries. After reviewing GPS data from McCoy’s postal vehicle, his manager discovered that he had deviated from his assigned route and stopped in a wooded area. A U.S. postal Service inspector found the discarded mail and was able to obtain surveillance footage that allegedly shows McCoy actively throwing the mail to the trees and bushes. The local county election supervisor saying it is extremely concerning to see vote by mail ballots discarded on the ground.

We are, however, grateful for the prompt action taken by the United States Postal Service we are fully committed to ensuring that every impacted Orange county voter receives their vote by mail ballot in time so that every voice can be heard in this historic election. Now, now, Trey, when we see things like this, right, we see. And this is just my viewpoint on it. I look at, I look at. So this way, you can let me know what you think after we talk on this. Like I look at Revelation 18:4, right, where, like you mentioned, at some point in time we’re all going to have to take a stand, where it says, and I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.

I think that at some point in time or another, we’re going to come across a decision point far beyond the elections, where we’re going to have to make decisions as disciples of Jesus Christ, regardless if it involves currency, regardless if it involves a prophecy, regardless if it involves our freedoms, regardless if it involves anything that a day is going to come on this earth. Like, we talked about the plans of the fallen and we talked about Tucker Carlson, where the only thing that could save him was the name of Jesus. Or you talked about your friends that you mentioned as well, the many people that you see that are out there, frontline workers that no one even has heard about, but they’re actually out there.

They’re like, for example, devotionals that I mentioned earlier. I have the honor, yeah, I have the honor of saying, hey, this is a free devotional book, but I’m not the one writing it. There are people out there that glory to Jesus Christ are being touched. There’s a lot of people that don’t ever even want to be mentioned that are out there that are just working hard for Jesus Christ. And we’re going to come to a point either in this nation or in any other nation, where a decision point is going to come. Look at this example here.

You have the, the election process. So even if Trump got the popular vote, if he doesn’t have the, the Electoral College, right? And then you have the gerrymandering which determines the Electoral College votes. You have certain. You even have people. And this is just me outside person perspective, because from my point, Godzilla can win the election and I’m cool. You know what I mean? The reason we’re here to having this discussion is because you guys know my point of view. But Trey has a different point of view, and he and I can come together and show you that we can talk about these things and, and be at Peace.

Because at the end of the day, we know that Jesus Christ is Lord and we want to give you a message of hope. Right? But even as an outside perspective spectator, I’ve seen cases where they’re even shifting people from state to like, I’ve seen news clips where they’re shifting people from state to state to tip the balance on the Electoral College. I’ve seen cases where, you know, they’d be, the ballots are going missing. I’ve seen cases where they’ll tell you they need weeks to count votes. I’m from Puerto Rico, bro. They know who wins the same day.

How can third world nations know who the votes count for? But in the land of the free, the American dream, they need time. And then on top of that, then the electoral College, the real voters have to go out there and cast their vote. Why so many safeguards, man? Like, like, have you seen this before, living in this country, that you see mailmen throwing ballots out there? Like, have you seen this always? So if we so tally. Okay. One of the things, I think it goes back a lot further than this, I think so one of the things that you covered a lot is in the medical.

So things that we trusted in a lot of ways. So for example, in those nations, in those nations, like, like what you just mentioned. So I’m in Puerto Rico, people, you’re probably going to find that people there in Puerto Rico, that they’re a lot more direct about things in many ways that they’re a lot more savvy and street smart to things in other ways that here in America people have taken for granted. They’re probably a lot more skeptical of when the government tells you to do something. They’re coming at you a different way in Puerto Rico than they would be here in the United States.

Because one of the things in the United States is we’ve been very trusting. And I believe that the Lord even in many of your videos and the ones that they’ve come at you pretty hard on, if I, if I understand Kelly, are ones about the medical establishment and corruption. So all of these places where we, it’s a doctor and lab code. How can we not trust that? And many of them are very honest people. It might be the literature that they got and the education that they got that structured for it to be a certain way.

And now you’re moving into another we call golden cow is a common word that we use in things. The our elections, when we thought that these were safe and secure. How about the weather? Can that be manipulated? Really tell you one thing on the news media and lie to you to make a fortune off of it and throw you and your family and your finances and all that aside and the answer to all those questions that people, because you say, you said, well, surely they wouldn’t do those things, but not only will they, but I think that’s what an awakening is and no matter what.

So let’s go there for a second. Kelly. No matter what happens in an election, an awakening is a time period where you become calibrated to the Lord. So again, the church would survive without America, but America would not survive without the church. And the most. In one. There are two things that are the most important about what’s, what’s happening here. One is that I think it’s going to shake a. A lot of people to come to the Lord which, which means that I very much agree with you, Tally, that I think we’ve got hours coming up where it’s going to be far more than a few mailman throwing ballots in boxes.

Because just like in these other nations, once you have a system in place where you have even at its nicest, where the, the financial system drops and you get any kind of a dictatorship or authoritarian structure in place, you’re going to have, look, the mo. The most vicious, the most aggressive are going to be the leadership and the most violent. That’s just the way it is. And you’re not going to speak against it no matter what. I. Kelly, I think we’re meant to. I. In my personal view, I think that all of these things, from the medicine to the election, to a whole list of other things, to the foods that we eat, the water that we drink, the things that we’re advised to do and meant by the Lord to witness the compromise in all of these areas and how far we’ve gone and that the purpose of that is a coming back to the Lord.

Will we come back to the Lord in time enough or will we come back to the Lord in time enough to have a restoration in our country? I sure hope so. But if we don’t, then the plan and the mission, just like that. That missionary friend that you have in the field is the same thing that we go out there and every day we wake up. Paul said, I die daily. I die daily. And we ask the Lord, we say, lord, we would like to. We would, we would just like to make it into your kingdom at the end of this.

But I do believe there are a lot of people with a lot of fear out there. And I would ask people, no matter A lot of fear, Trey. A lot of fear. You know? And you know what you’re doing right now, what you’re saying right now? We, we have on this video, guys, and you’re watching it from that end, not from this end. You’ve noticed that what we’ve done is pretty much give opinions, right? You have the opinion from, from Trey, opinion review point where go out there and vote. You have mine where I’m telling you I can.

Godzilla could win and I don’t care. But if you notice, all of our conversations are pointing back to the fact that regardless of whatever happens, you need to be in full submission to Jesus Christ today. Because at the end of the day, we’re here talking about something that could happen in a couple of days. But what if Jesus in your life or in my life, what if today is our last moment? What if this is the last conversation Trey and I have and Jesus comes and knocks on our door? That’s not a sad moment. If Jesus comes for us, we’re going to be in his kingdom.

But we need to be prepared because my dear family, I am telling you guys, the mental warfare Trey mentioned about many videos. I remember when the, the pandemic happened. Now I can say the word pandemic. Now I can say the word jab or. But back then our channel, this channel that you’re on, got suspended multiple times. And yes, I can’t even express to you the amount of nurses and doctors who as a ministry, glory to Jesus Christ, we had to write letters for, to exempt them or else they would lose their careers. And it’s like people who have gone out to.

They’ve gotten student loans, they’ve studied their whole life, they’ve saved people in the nursing room and, and, and cared for. The least of those are told, if you don’t take this, you’re fired. And yeah, you know, you understanding all of these things, you can see why people are at a point that they are like, I just, I, I’m at a tipping point. The weather manipulation. Trey remembers this. There was a point in time on YouTube where if you even mentioned harp, if you even mentioned weather manipulation, it was called conspiracy. Now Dubai is openly teaching people how to do it.

They’ve built a, a mega center in the desert. Okay, we, we are in times. My dear family. We’ve talked about a lot of different things, Trey and I. Some you may agree, some don’t. As you can see, we can still dialogue and talk through them. But the one thing family, that there is no compromise on is that there’s only one master. There’s only one way. His name is Jesus Christ. And we’re headed at a time and at a moment, my dear family, where this particular week, exactly this particular week, your thought process is going to go bananas.

People are going to be arguing with each other. Brothers and sisters will tear a brother up because of Trump or because of Kamala. You have brothers and sisters that will come at each other and. And instead of just saying, let’s talk about it, let’s have a conversation. Jesus is still Lord. Jesus is still the only way. He’s the king of kings. But we, we have to, my dear family, now more than ever, submit ourselves to Jesus Christ. And I want to say one more thing, Trey, before I go back to you, and that is that as a nation, as a people, imagine if we were as passionate on election season as we are on taking the way of escape.

And this is what I mean when I say the way of escape, my dear family. In First Corinthians 10:13, it tells us, there hath no temptation taking you such as is common to man. But God is faithful. Trey is a testament of God being faithful in his life. He talked about earlier about the deliverance that God gave him from entities. Tucker Carlson’s an example of someone who’s crying out to the faithful one God. And look what it says. Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation, also make a way of escape.

See, here’s the thing, family. Today abortion could be banned a hundred percent. In the days of Moloch, they didn’t have abortion, but they still gave their babies up to Moloch. It’s a issue of the heart of this nation. The American church has turned itself into such a spectacle that like Trey earlier, Trey was kind enough to try to make some appeal to ask you guys to either subscribe or support. That was kind enough of him. I didn’t ask him to do that. But you know what? He has to do that sometimes. Or I have to do that and say, hey, go shows, trade some support is because people don’t trust what people call the American church anymore, because you can’t tell the difference.

The American church has become so powerless because we have no standard for the gospel anymore. We have no standard for preaching the word of God. And this particular week, my dear family, if anything that you’ve noticed, Trey has not interrupted me. I have not interrupted other than the audio issues that we’ve had with each other because we’re having some audio difficulties. There is love amongst each other. We believe Jesus is the only way. And we want you to go off this week and please, please, please, please, please. If what you’re going to say does not honor the Heavenly Father, if what you’re going to act on does not honor the Heavenly Father, think twice about it.

Think twice about it because we’re going to be, people are going to be looking at us as an example and we have a duty on that, don’t you think? Trey, what do you think on that? Trey, what do you think on what would you tell a person this week that they’re on their last nerve? They’re like, trey, I’m done, I am done. I’m cooked. What are you gonna, what do you, what would you tell that person, Trey? I, I, you know, it’s almost prophetic, the, the image that you have on the back screen because I can’t, you know, I, so I, I, I feel like that those moments are going to come this week and I would, I, I, I, I would, I would ask this that people that there an actual demonic design.

Phrase it however you want. I think that in this, not just this coming week, but probably these coming months but whatever point it is to, to drive people so Tally has these city streets and things burning behind him. There was a, there were, there are a lot of prayers going forth against the blood of martyrs in the streets. Do not let the enemy decide where you’re to come to. Don’t, don’t be lured into positions where you could literally be hurt or killed or just. I, I would add I, I, I and, and I, and I, and I, and I would ask for, for anyone to just hear this.

If there’s a knee jerk reaction about anything this happens that happens, it looks this way, something big happens, power goes out, markets for whatever it is. Don’t take, don’t be lured into the opportunity to become martyrs. I, I, because it’s, it’s, that’s not a, as a knee jerk thing. As a knee jerk thing. And I, I just pray over this name. I, I do, I think we’re in a very volatile situation and I love Tally very, very much and I am love you too, man. Shows. We’re going to do some shows like this more often than I hope to.

Telly has done incredible shows for literally years. And if I had a closing thing for people to state, I would go ahead and ask you to go vote but I would, I would ask you also that if there are things that occur that are by the way, designed to get you Shaken, where you say, you know what? I’ve had it. You throw something down and you’re going to go out there. I would ask you just to take on a deep breath from that and to get out of it and just say, lord, what should I do? Don’t be lured into a ground where something is stayed and step on in.

And I just feel very strongly to tell you that in my spirit that there is enemies that have plans for you on all sides. And those enemies aren’t the people, they’re the demons behind them, but that you are in a set of situations where with every decision you make, and we need to do this all the time, but I think the Lord is showing that to us, that you need to take. Taking a deep breath from it. Say, wait a second. What do I. What. How do I recalibrate and do whatever. How do I recalibrate and do whatever the Lord would have me do, no matter what it looks like in any situation? And I.

And I just. I thank you for taking time with me this morning to do this. Oh, man. It’s an honor. It’s an honor. Trey, listen, you. You and I, we’ve known each other for a long time. We agree on so much. We may disagree on certain things, but none of it. You and I have never have had a situation where we can’t. These are like our conversations, how they always end. We always end. Jesus is our Lord and our Master. He is the only way. We cannot compromise. We’re all going to have different opinions on this world.

But, family, listen. There are lessons that we all need to learn in all of this. Even this morning. This is a lesson for Trey and I. We. We got here, on here, we didn’t expect audio issues. We didn’t expect technical stuff. We did. We. We pushed through it. And it’s come. It’s come the right way every single day. Take your thoughts captive. Okay, you’re going to have thoughts of depression, right? I’ve struggled with that. I’m number one guilty on that. Where you know, how many. Trey, just being honest with you, I’ve talked to a lot of brothers and sisters, and I know this is off topic, but lately I’m having a lot of brothers and sisters in the Lord that are in ministry, that are feeling worn out, that are feeding, that are feeling beat up, that are feeling exhausted, that are feeling like.

Like, what’s the point, Right? Why even keep pushing forward, right? Why even go an extra. But those are thoughts of destruction that aren’t from the Heavenly Father. The thoughts of The Heavenly Father are described in Jeremiah 29:11, where it clearly tells you. For I know the thoughts I think towards you, set the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you unexpected. And I am be. Trey, I’ve known you for a long time, and I want to tell you that I’ve seen your. Your growth in the Lord, in your relationship with the Lord as every year continues to pass.

And I’m sure you’ve seen the same in me. And by all means, we’re probably still as babes in the Lord as we are, and God is still going to take us to another level in five or six years. May we continue to continue to continue to submit our lives to the Lord, to remain agile, to correction, to remain agile, to people telling us, hey, you got to improve on this. You got to get better. May the Holy Spirit allow you and I, Trey, and every person watching this to remember that regardless of what happens this week in the kingdom, that we belong to the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

He’s translated us from the kingdoms are darkness of this world. Our king is still president. He was. He is. He will forever be. And he loves you. Today. Give your life to him. Today, you’re struggling with anxiety. Give your life to him. Today, you’re struggling with depression. Give your life to him. Today, be as passionate as you are to stand up with a sign to say, do this, do that, vote for this, be as passionate for that. To saving at least one person for the gospel, because I am telling you guys, there’s nothing more freeing and more beautiful than knowing him, than knowing his salvation.

I am so glad God saved you. Trey, do you have any final words for brothers and sisters? Let them know what God has saved you from. Pretend there’s someone out there, Trey, right now that is at their point, that they’re like, tally. And we talk to people all the time and family, by all means. I’m gonna put the contact information on this video below brotherniptalia if you need to talk to somebody on Zoom that we can help you, it’s free. None of this is costing you anything. If you’re at your wit end. He’s able. Trey, talk to that person.

Give me some closing remarks here. That person who’s about to give up, about to quit, what would you say to that person? Well, I just. I just. I just asked for the Lord to. I just asked the Lord to move on the hearts of every single person that is watching this. This video, and these are things that there are actual spirits that attack and that’s, and that’s what it is. When you see all of the things, when you see all these things that come in and they can seem really large. Things can seem really large when you’re in the middle of them.

And it does this, it does this to every single one of us. That’s what a spiritual warfare is. But oftentimes you just step a little back, just taking it, taking a deep breath, and begin to speak the name of Jesus. There’s a big fight against that name because there’s power in that name. And you’ll notice a lot of times if you just take a step back and just say, lord Jesus, just give me some clarity in this moment. It’s kind of like opening up a window in a stuffy room and suddenly a little light comes in and it becomes better.

And oftentimes they look at things a different way. I. I drove a long ways yesterday in the wrong way from a lot of body, from where I was going. And I used to. Something like that used to make me. If I was a kid growing up, I would have cussed about it. I would have blamed people. I would have. But yesterday I thought, you know, I wonder if an accident would have happened had I gone the other way. But the Lord has been doing things, when you really think about it and you begin to notice it in your life, not just periodically, but every day, all the time.

He’s wanting to go through you and he’s wanting to walk with. With you. And the experiences that you’ll remember most in this life, like the days you’re going to come up on and many of the days you’ve lived through, the ones you’ll remember most are, are the times where you drove the wrong way, you drove a long way in the wrong direction, and you came back and you saw all these. You’re not going to remember all the times where things went, apple pie and spice or nothing happened. What you’ll remember most are the times where something else.

And those are the ones that you’ll learn something from. And you were meant to learn something from those, in those moments, and so praise God for it. And whatever is happening and going on, even if it seems really bad, and a lot of times when you’re, let’s say it was you were having relationship problems or this or that, the Lord is doing something there, no matter what it. It is that’s important and it’s specific to you, that this is a personal thing that the Lord is doing with you. And it’s happening every single day. The purpose of this entire place, in this whole life was for you to either get a relationship with the Lord or, or not.

And. And I, I just asked that what. In every way the Lord just begin. Begin to take you and show you who he is. And, and I thank you, Tally, for this, this interview today. And I would very much. I want to not. Please. If there, if there was one person out there that was listening and you were. When in the coming weeks or actually in the entirety of things that you thought to throw something. Because those are the decisions that are made that end you up in a car accident, that end you up in situations that will literally destroy you.

One second can change your life. One second. You know how many churches I’ve been to where someone’s in a wheelchair or whatever and they. And it, you know, after that fact, you’ve got plenty of time then. But I. If there are moments that there’s something that comes upon you, which is easy to do, and an emotional stir, just like the, the drinks that used to be called spirits because another person takes over, emotions can do this as well. They’re the conduit for some. The conduit for something else to come alive and to be able to take over and to be able to move forward and do its thing.

Right. And it’ll leave the moment you’re in a jail cell, trust me, you’ll feel real sad or the moment you’re in a hospital or whatever that you’ll feel real bad because that thing is done partying with your body. Yeah. Yeah. And I would just ask you to take a step back. Oh yeah. It will have left at that moment. Moment. There’s no, no more fun to have. I would ask you just to take a step back, taking a deep breath and say, lord, what should I actually do before. If you just take that one, you’ll, you’ll.

You will be shocked at what a 1 second pause in thinking. Should I do this? And how many different decisions you would make. Wait a second. Should I jump on this? That one second pause that can be life changing. Just that one little thing right there. Here. But I pray that the Lord just have his hand on all of you and on Tally today. I pray that some of our best days ahead, including for Tally and for us and for us to be able. I pray that one of these times we’ll be able to go with Tally, maybe even to Israel and go see some of these things that we’ve gotten to talk about for years.

Because those are. Those are fun things. And I. And I really pray for that. Sorry, my so. And I pray for that, all of you, for. I think all of you for watching this, whatever time that you’re watching it at. Amen. Amen. And, guys, we’re gonna end with a. Yeah, no, for sure. We’re gonna end the broadcast now. There’s a lot of gratitude that we can express to all of you. Thank you for taking the time. If you can consider sharing this broadcast with a friend and their family member. If you enjoyed the content clicked on this channel.

Feel free to subscribe if you feel like doing so. There’s weekly videos. There’s a lot of content. Glory to Jesus Christ. And as we mentioned, we have Devotionals, a booklet for free. You can go to the description tab of this video and get it. We have a book on Cop Top, Taking Thoughts Captive. It’s free again. Free downloads that could help you throughout the week. But most importantly, focus on Jesus Christ. Okay? Be a light into the world this week, and God bless you all. Thank you, Trey. Thank you for everything, and we love you guys.

All right, later.


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