WW3 Next Pandemic | Road To NWO #pandemic #agenda2030

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➡ The League of Nations, formed after World War One, aimed to prevent future wars but failed as World War Two occurred. This led to the creation of the United Nations in 1945, a global organization for peace. However, there are concerns about a potential World War Three due to current global tensions and powerful weaponry. Figures like Donald Trump and Bill Gates have expressed these concerns, with Gates also worrying about another pandemic, criticizing the global response to COVID-19.



World War One conceived the League of Nations. It was an international organization where nations came together as one to establish peace and to vow that a world war would never happen again. Nonetheless, a Second World War erupted. And this further consolidated the nations around the world where we now went from a League of Nations to a United Nations. It’s estimated that on October 24th 1945 this is when the United Nations came into effect. The attempt by men and women of freedom-loving nations to create a plan for world peace. This conference of the United Nations was conceived by the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the leading architects for a world security organization that could put an end to all wars on this earth.

So to this city on the shores of the ocean named for peace came 1,300 representatives of the 46 United Nations, delegates from nations large and small and from many countries devastated by war. They came from near and far, from cultures ancient and modern. Through press and camera men and women soldiers and civilians the world over followed this meeting of the nations praying for its success. The newsreel cameras were the eyes of the world recording this historic endeavor. Many years of planning came into this but typically world wars what they cause and do is for the agenda of the Antichrist to be fulfilled and that is further further further consolidation of different corporations which you like to call countries but at the end of the day these world wars what they do is essentially enact what they desire and it’s the same thing that Nimrod desired in Genesis 11 and we’re now at a day and age where the world of World War 3 is simply thrown out there.

This past week Trump through the word World War 3 various times. We’re very close to World War 3 and people don’t realize that we’re closer than we’ve ever been I think ever since World War 2 but this would be the war of wars because of weaponry this isn’t as I say two army tanks going back and forth shooting at each other the level of power the level of weaponry that there is in the world today is is so bad it’s so dangerous is so bad. Donald Trump has claimed a re-electing President Joe Biden could lead to World War 3.

Bill Gates himself not only did he mention a World War 3 but he said that it’s either a World War 3 or a pandemic. There are some questions that keep even billionaire philanthropists and entrepreneur Bill Gates up at night. Will there be another pandemic? Are global tensions going to reach a boiling point sparking a global war? What would push us to that precipice? While Gates, a father of three, is optimistic about things like AI and eradicating deadly diseases like polio he remains concerned about either a widespread war or another pandemic.

He cited a lot of unrest in the world at the moment which could spark a major war and when speaking to CNBC Gates stated that even if that conflict is avoided there will be another pandemic most likely in the next 25 years. The Microsoft co-founder was unimpressed with the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic and said crucial lessons have been ignored. He was critical of America’s response to the crisis saying quote the country that the world expected to lead and be the model fell short of those expectations. Poor Bill Gates he says he can’t even sleep at night.

The man can’t even sleep at night because he’s thinking either we’re gonna have a huge World War 3 or a pandemic but either way trust in Bill Gates he says he is here for you America he’s here for you world he’s ready and able to help out whether it’s with a World War 3 or a pandemic trust in Microsoft they will lead the way. In Genesis 11 verses 3 on 4 DC then they said to one another come to let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly. They had bricks for stone and they had asphalt for mortar and they said come let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens let us make us a name for ourselves least we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.

When you hear these people and these entities speak of these things know that what they’re speaking is what’s in their heart out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. How many times do presidents have to talk to you about a new world order for you to understand that their agenda is a new world order. Nothing less than a new world order this is the pledge of the world’s most powerful leaders representing 90% of the global economy Thursday’s G20 summit they say has changed the rules of the game and since then we established a liberal world order and that hadn’t happened in a long while a lot of people died but nowhere near the chaos and now is the time when things are shifting we’re gonna there gonna be a new world order out there we’re gonna there gonna be a new world order out there and we’ve got to lead it we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.

First a new world order presidential decrees cascading from President Trump’s pen. It is a big idea a new world order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind peace and security freedom and the rule of law. Well we get to a point like this when these are individuals who are blinded by the devil himself you know Revelation 12 9 and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil in Satan which deceiveth the whole world so Satan is deceiving he’s a deceiver he’s a slander he’s a liar he comes as an angel of light so he will justify the evil deeds and actions that people will do in the name of nationality even in patriotism the things that we would do to make sure that we defend patriotism yet imagine if we had that same zeal towards preaching the gospel and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ it’s a sad state of affairs because the end of any of these individuals that are doing such wicked deeds whether it’s planned and this is all an illusion to distract us all or whether these are lessons that they’re forcefully having you go through just like when you went to school and they had lessons the lesson that you better know your place the lesson that if they can do this to him who are you to do anything against that you see it’s it’s a form of social justice social score of the American style and no different than the social score in China the only thing that over there at least is in black and white over here you never know if a tweet from 10 15 years ago will come and bite you and with artificial intelligence the movie minority report is becoming more and more reality every single day every single day and I have a video coming out on that very very soon so subscribe to the channel you haven’t subscribed yet we have weekly videos and live streams but the end result of any person who allows the devil to deceive them to such an extent that they’re willfully sinning that they’re willfully doing such things that are diabolical you know Revelation 6 15 and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondmen and every freemen hid themselves in dens and in the rocks of the mountains however Google to check how much money is spent in this nation and bunkers the amount of bunkers that we have in this nation and every nation around the world you see the leaders that that they play a part in a lot of these things they understand they understand the judgment is coming they’re prepared they got bunkers upon bunkers they have seed vaults upon seed vaults they’re trying to study how to go to a different planet because they understand that judgment is coming and while judgment is coming you have all sorts of types of different people in the hierarchy of the elite system and within that hierarchy they’re all doing their part to rebuild the tower because there will be another pandemic and there’s so many lessons about how we weren’t prepared how we should have handled things differently and you know when that’s clearly in our mind those investments need to be made you mentioned being ready for the next time and you warned about this last time let’s take a brief look at a 2015 warning you issued if anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus if we start now we can be ready for the next epidemic how ready was the world for this say on a scale one to ten and how about the US the US gets a low score because the understanding of how to get diagnostics up to scale early to stop the exponential spread you know if that had been done well we would have been more like in Australia or South Korea where the death toll is less than a tenth and through many of these predictive films and we’ll leave a couple of videos at the end of this one for you to catch up on many of these things that we’re talking about through many of these propagandas of pandemics future world war threes future alien invasions alien signals from outer space Elon Musk telling you that we have to leave earth before a world war three he’s literally telling you that constantly that a world war three is coming when and if such a thing occurs expect that to be the thing to possibly unite the world as one just as world war one brought the League of Nations world war two brought the United Nations world war three may just unite the world as one and they may need one common opponent for that to happen and with the rise of AI and with how many conversations they’re now having telling you that AI is going to help them find some sort of an alien signal some sort of an alien afterlife some sort of a parallel universe I often think of the words from Ronald Reagan when he said imagine how easy it would be to unite the world against one common opponent in our obsession with antagonisms of the moment we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bound I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world and yet I ask you is not an alien force already among us and if that common opponent is some sort of an entity which they like to call alien but you and I know they’re simply fallen angels and entities if that one common opponent shows up today as Ronald Reagan said himself how easy would it be to not unite everyone as one so I don’t understand why these people just keep on throwing World War three World War three World War three out there but they’re really saying is is that a new world order is coming in all of these nations are trying to see which corporation is going to run it whether it’s a socialist version of it or a capitalist version of it if you know anything about how all of this works the kingdoms of this world are fighting for the kingdoms of this world and if Revelation 13 has anything to do with the mark of the beast and it warns us about anything in regards to financial systems you know darn well that whether they’re capitalist whether they’re socialist whether they’re communists or the libertarians persecution is at the door and I pray that as they continue this slander against humanity and as they continue this stage of fear-mongering preparing people for World War three essentially or a pandemic that we stay focused on our father’s business because just like they’re preparing for a World War three or imminent contact or whatever they want to call it a pandemic we have to stay about the father’s business and preach the gospel and reach people and reach the harvest these distractions are just that distraction but pay attention pay attention and know that the clock is ticking and redeem the time for the days are even Heavenly Father thank you for all that you do for us every single day thank you for your wisdom thank you for your kindness thank you for your love and thank you for your mercy thank you Heavenly Father because in the midst of all of these threats that are out there there’s a lot of fear that can pop up with these threats yet you are able yet you are still God yet you have already overcome and yet you have warned us the beginning the end all of it not for us to fear for us to be ready for us to stay ready and for us to endure until the end not by our power not by our mind but by your Holy Spirit by your power by your presence in Jesus name Amen God bless you thank you for passing by thank you thank you thank you if you think these videos are worth a share or you pressing the thumbs up button please consider doing so also for those that are interested in supporting this ministry thank you for even considering doing that on this screen you’re seeing a video this video that’s gonna pop up is from our daily encouragement channel if you’re looking for some daily one to three minute videos that are just gonna encourage you and get you going in the mornings check out that channel it’s a free channel we also have services on Wednesdays and Saturdays on there as well so subscribe to that channels a secondary channel we have and God bless you all right Jesus has already won no fear



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