88 MINUTES coded movie with Orange man facing jail for killing Twins

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➡ A forensic psychiatrist named Dr. Graham believes that John Foster, a convicted serial killer, may have an accomplice who is continuing his violent crimes. This theory could potentially lead to a new trial for Foster. Meanwhile, Dr. Graham receives a threatening phone call, stating he has only 88 minutes to live, and he must figure out who is behind it. The situation becomes more complicated when his attorney is found dead.


Please. Do not forget the punctuations! Tell your love. Do you think it’s an accident? Who would want to kill Princess Di? She’s so young and so beautiful. Kitty, kitty! Dinner time! Kitty, kitty! Dinner’s ready! Kitty! Kitty, dinner’s ready! What is your name? Janey. Kate’s. The deceased was your sister? Her name is Joanie. We’re twins. It is my opinion as a forensic psychiatrist that John Foster is a serial psychopath. If allowed to remain a free man in our society, he will rape and murder again. Will the defendant please rise? We the jury, on this day, November 9th, 19…

Find the defendant John Foster guilty of murder in the first degree. Jack. Yeah, we got another one. Oh, no, the same. Every detail. Right down to the lateral lacerations. I can assume that last night’s crime scene was very much like Foster’s previous crime scenes. They totally match, yeah. This might be far-fetched, but what if the perp worked with Foster? Go with it. Possibly providing him with a stay of execution or even a new trial. Gold star, Jeremy. Big gold star. I mean, that’s exactly what I think is happening here. Thank you. Thank you. Dr. Graham is a world-renowned expert in forensic psychiatry.

What is forensic psychiatry? I mean, isn’t that the same profession that destroyed the McMartin’s lives by conjuring up images of child molestation? But none of the charges were ever proved, and they accused, though innocent or publicly crucified. Yeah. Hello. Hello? You have 88 minutes to live. What? You know how long 88 minutes can be, don’t you? That’s 11.45 a.m. Who’s this? Yeah, I want you to contact our wireless carrier, have them find out who made that last phone call to me. Jack, I could be more helpful. Just do it.

Just do it. I need it, all right? Call me when you get it. John Forrester was an Eagle Scout, which accounts for his facility with ropes. He also- Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! He also worked in a veterinary office where he had experience using the animal tranquilizer halothane, which is what he used to subdue his victims. Halothane? Sorry, I’m late, gang. Thank you, Kim. Aah! Aah! Aah! Who’s a murderer pads Jack? This is not about me, this is about the women. You’re raped and tortured! and murdered women like Joni Cates I had nothing to do with her death and you nothing to do with her death there was an eyewitness her twin sister who identified you she was at the scene and identified and beaten so badly she said she couldn’t be sure but you you Jack there’s smoke we will keep you informed with further developments there’s some oxygen all right we got her sir right Jack who’s got a gun It’s funny, it works in the garage.

Where you going in such a hurry, Jack? Something upstairs you don’t want me to see? I need time. I need ten minutes, okay? Here, let’s sync up now. 1140, meet me at my office at the university. What are you doing? Are you assessing me? Are you looking for a weakness, Dr. Graham? I’m just wondering, what’s next? Yeah. Lydia, did you finish with Graham? She’s downstairs. Graham. Put my attorney on the phone, please. She’s indisposed. Please put my angel attorney on the phone. She’s dead. It’s over, Forster. Except for the clock that goes tick-tock, tick-tock.

You got 12 hours to live. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [tr:trw].


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