Gangs of New Court: Elect a Sheriff Not a President

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➡ A man was pulled over by a police officer who seemed unprofessional and possibly corrupt. The man repeatedly asked for a supervisor and questioned the officer’s instructions. The situation escalated when it was revealed that the officer’s son had previously hit the man’s vehicle. The man eventually complied and showed his license, but criticized the officer’s intimidating uniform and suggested that there might be gangs within the police force.
➡ The text discusses the role and power of a sheriff, emphasizing that they are elected representatives of the people, not employees of the state or county. It highlights that a sheriff has the authority to deny enforcement of laws that infringe on people’s rights. The text also shares the story of Sheriff Brad Rogers from Indiana, who stood up to federal agencies to protect his county’s farmers. Lastly, it encourages sheriffs to stand up for what is right, even when it’s difficult, and to use their power to protect their communities and their citizens’ rights.
➡ This text discusses corruption and misconduct within the police force and the judiciary, focusing on two main cases. The first case involves three Kentucky State Police whistleblowers who had their $900,000 verdict overturned on appeal due to issues with jury instructions. The second case is about Jamie Noll, a former sheriff from Clark County, Indiana, who was charged with multiple felonies including theft, tax evasion, and official misconduct. The text also mentions a child pornography ring involving eight men, two of whom have previous criminal records.
➡ A man named Sean Fiore from Vermont was sentenced to 27 years in prison for serious crimes, including child pornography and a murder-for-hire plot. He was found guilty after investigators discovered over 700 explicit images and videos on his hard drive. Fiore also hired a woman to create child torture videos and to kidnap and potentially kill a man. Upon his release, he will have to follow strict rules, including registering as a sex offender and avoiding contact with anyone under 18.
➡ A former narcotics detective accuses the CIA of long-term involvement in drug operations, citing three specific operations. He questions whether the agency would hide evidence of criminal activity or reveal the truth to the public. Meanwhile, a woman in Arizona is requesting bonds for sheriffs and the governor, intending to file claims against them if they fail to uphold their duties. Lastly, a sheriff refuses to surrender his phone despite a search warrant, raising suspicions of him deleting crucial information.
➡ The text discusses the influence of Freemasonry, a secret society, in various sectors including the police force, entertainment industry, and the military. It suggests that many people in these fields are Freemasons, often identified by symbols like a pentagram badge or a necklace. The text also raises concerns about conflicting loyalties, as Freemasons are required to swear an oath to the society. Lastly, it implies that Freemasonry might be a prerequisite for advancement in certain careers, such as the military.
➡ The text discusses the author’s life as a Freemason and his thoughts on the police force. He believes that the police were created to protect the wealthy and control street life for financial gain. He also suggests that the police force is heavily influenced by Freemasons. The author criticizes the police for their emotional reactions and use of excessive force, and shares a story about a man named Charles Hitchens who profited from crime in the 1740s.
➡ The text discusses the importance of understanding your rights when interacting with the police. It suggests being polite and well-dressed during these interactions, and even mentions that some people have made a career out of suing the police for their mistakes. The text also emphasizes the importance of recording interactions with the police for evidence and understanding the laws that govern these interactions. It ends by encouraging the reader to educate themselves further on these topics through a website called
➡ The text encourages supporting to keep valuable information available for more people. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on local politics, particularly electing trustworthy sheriffs who can help fight corruption. The author also mentions free educational resources on to help understand these concepts. Lastly, it hints at the potential dangers of jail, suggesting the need to assert one’s rights.



Can I help you? Why are you pulling me over? So put your car and drive. It’s in park. Okay. How can I help you? You have no. Yeah, you’re not. You’re not in control of him? Show me your driver’s license. No, sir. Yeah. Why? Yeah, you are gonna show me your driver. Why do I need to show you my license? Make sure you have a valid license. Why am I being pulled over? Sir? Quit interrupting. This is going live right now. Okay. You are being live. Why am I. You’re being reported. Why am I getting pulled over? Your driver’s license to me or put on window.

I’m not talking to you. You don’t need. Passenger. Roll your window down. No. Roll your window down. He doesn’t need to. Sir. I’m not talking to you. He does not need to. Not talking to you. He does not. Please call your supervisor right now. He’s here. Where is he? He’s here. Please identify yourself. Your badge number. He’s here. Where is he? Sir, please, can I talk to you over here? Are you the same guy that showed up to my house where your son hit my vehicle? I don’t. You tell me. I don’t know anything about that.

You don’t? You’re on camera at my house, knocking on the door, saying your son hit my vehicle. Okay. Is that you? What’s your name? You tell me. Identify. Are you Clay? Clay Michael Saunders? I’m Detective. Detective Saunders. That’s correct. Okay. You have a daughter named Kaylee and a son, huh? What’s your son’s name? You don’t have to worry about that. Okay. Please provide your supervisor. No, sir. Call your supervisor. I just told you. Sir, can I please see you over here? Are you the supervisor? Why am I being pulled over? Yeah. You need to relax. You’re being recorded.

Am I being detained? Are you. Am I being detained? You’re being stopped. Why? The lights behind you stop. Why? Because you’re being stopped. Are you a traffic leader? You need to give your idea up. That’s gonna be a different. A different outcome here for. No, it’s not. You need to identify yourself. No, he does not. I’m not talking to you. Yes, you are. No, I’m not. Please provide your supervisor here. Who’s your supervisor? What’s his name? Do I need to call the sheriff’s office right now? You’re doing something illegal. I know what you are. You’re a cricket police officer.

Last week or last year, you were reprimanded. Right or wrong, you had a written. Written reprimand. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Okay. It’s okay. You’re being recorded. How many more times you gonna say that? So are you. Call your supervisor. Am I being detained? Can I go? What was the traffic infraction? What was the traffic infraction you were failing. I was not speeding. You absolutely were. Where’s the radar? Okay, it’s in my car. My car’s not calibrated. Is your car calibrated? Yes, it is. So you’re being stopped right now for that traffic violation. You’re gonna be detained while we conduct this stop.

You understand? Okay. I’ll show you my driver’s license. Thank you. So let’s get into corrupt police and sheriffs in particular. But first, let’s go over this traffic stop. So first this sheriff comes up, all suited up and says, put your car and drive. Does that make any sense to you? Clearly this cop is not professional or he’s on some sort of drugs or something. Why wouldn’t he be on point and clearly asserting right directions? I don’t understand why he’d make the mistake of telling somebody to put a car in drive when he meant park. That’s really weird to me.

He wasn’t on point there. The guy in the car absolutely did exactly what he needed to do. He said no. And then he asked for a supervisor multiple times. Strange part is, the sheriff then says, three times, he’s here, he’s here. But he doesn’t call him over and doesn’t include the supervisor right away, which was really weird, which seems like he was being ego headstrong sheriff. And then we get into the interesting fact that the sheriff’s son hit his vehicle, which may imply some sort of harassment, over and over and over, which would make sense as to why he’s so aggravated as soon as he’s pulled over.

So he did a great job calling for the supervisor and denying all of everything and calling this corrupt cop out. And then at the end, he failed by giving them jurisdiction. Clearly, he didn’t fully know his rights, but he knew enough to cause an issue. Now, let’s go over this police officer’s uniform real quick. So first of all, there are police, specifically sheriff gangs, okay? All over the United States. Now, if you look, he has this knife, which is a magnetic knife, and he’s got a plate vest on. What’s he gonna do? Go and have hand to hand combat with somebody? A knife fight.

Now, getting into his patches. He has the us flag with the Punisher patch. Any police officer with a Punisher patch, clearly is taking their job to a whole nother extreme right. Not only does he have the Punisher patch, but above that, he has the double tap patch, which means don’t just shoot once, shoot twice. Make sure they’re dead. Do you feel safe having someone pulling people over with a skull on top of the american flag and a shoot twice to make sure they’re dead? Patch on their vest. Now, that’s beyond intimidation. It’s beyond professionalism. And this guy is a detective, and obviously he’s got his beard.

Multiple different jurisdictions and offices have different uniform codes, so he can have his beard like that. Clearly, they probably do some undercover work. That’s why they dress like that. DEA agents look just like that. These two, especially with the other patch on the other guy. If you look, there’s a skull with two axes. Right? These things signify camaraderie, morale within law enforcement, and could even signify gangs. Now, what do I mean by gangs? Here’s an example of one investigative journalist who exposed some gangs and had the police office literally threaten her. Check this out. So I have made it my business to investigate the gangs that are proliferating inside the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department.

I found 18 gangs that are currently functioning inside. Inside the sheriff’s department. Police games. Police games. We’ve got the executioners. One the cavemen, the Vikings, tasmanian devils, cowboys, pirates. There’s a ton. Man, that’s gotta be a dangerous, dangerous job for you. They gotta hate you. Oh, 100% they hate me. I mean, matter of fact, just on Monday night, the sheriff of Los Angeles county did an hour long radio show where he just spent an hour bashing me and threatening me. That’s not the first time that happened. He actually threatened to post my home address. Yes. An 18 year old by the name of Andres Guardado was killed by two alleged deputy gang members in the gang called the executioners.

And it came out pretty quickly that the two deputies that shot him were alleged gang members trying to get into the gang. Because that’s how you get in. You get in by killing a civilian. So a cop gets into a gang, a cop gang, allegedly by killing a civilian. That’s correct. People already look at the police as a gang, like, in general. Right. But to know that there’s subsidiaries inside of the police force, what do the actual police say about this? When y’all bring this to the police’s attention and you say, here’s deputy gangs, what? What do they say? Well, the sheriff of Los Angeles county, he said, multiple times that I made this all up just to get rich.

I have not gotten rich off of this. If anything, this has put a target on my back. Now these police are so headstrong. Some of them get so in the moment, so unprofessional, so emotional, that they’ll go into a police car and threaten to kill you when you’re not even doing anything just to assert their dominance over you. Check out this clip of this officer literally telling someone in the back of a cruiser, handcuff that he’s gonna remove the soul from their body. When a female police officer grabs him to remove him off that person, that police officer.

The male then attacks the female officer and all the other officers shut up. And they go right in line. Why? There’s a hierarchy and they don’t care about anything else besides the hierarchy. Just remember, police only listen to police that are higher than them. Right? They don’t listen to anybody else. Not civilians or anybody else. They have this chip on their shoulder and they think they are the law. Check this out. No, he doesn’t want in. A cardinal. Get in the car. All right, I’m getting in. Get your feet in. Hey, hey, hey, look at me.

Look at me. Look at me. You want to play games, you play with the wrong mother. You gonna mace me? Mace me. Look at me. You want to play games? You ever get disrespectful? Do what you gotta do. No. Touch me again. Sir, get the off. See you in about five minutes. Can you stop pulling the handcuffs on my wrist? Don’t listen, you’re not stronger than me. I’m letting you know that. All right, let’s go. We’re going to take a seat. Watch your head getting into the car. Ah. Miss, can you stop pulling the cub? Just get in the car.

So just get in the car. She’s a little break off. All right, just get in the car. Can y’all just tell her to stop? Okay, get in the car. Get in the car. Get in the car. Right, I’m getting in. Get your feet in. Look at it. Look at. Play games. Now what’s the difference between a sheriff and. And police? Check out this interesting video as your most important ally in the securing of your rights. Because your sheriff is not a hireling of the state, not a hireling of your county. Your sheriff is a constitutionally elected representative of the people.

It is his duty by oath to secure your rights. It is not his duty to blindly enforce the law. If there is one office that you can take back control of to secure your rights. It’s this one. Because your sheriff is the highest authority in your county. Your sheriff has an authority to deny enforcement of laws, state or federal or local, that do not secure your rights or work contrary to your rights. This is Sheriff Brad Rogers from Elkhart, Indiana. He stood up to the federal government. He got sick and tired of the federal government, the FDA and the USDA coming in and raiding his amish farmers in the middle of the night, trying to seize their weapons of mass destruction, you know, raw milk and cheese.

He wrote a letter to the FDA and the USDA and told them that if they stepped foot in his county one more time without first coming to him and seeking his permission, that those agencies would have to conveil their agents out of jail because he was going to arrest them for trespassing. And since the day of that letter, they have never had another problem with the USDA or the FDA because the federal government knows the sheriff is the highest authority in the county. That’s why they’re always trying to co opt them. That’s why your sheriff’s departments are always being offered free toys and training and mutual jurisdiction agreements.

And we’ll let you wear our badge if you let us wear yours. It’s bribery, it’s extortion, it’s trickery for the sheriff to relinquish his authority to a lower power. One Indiana sheriff says that President Obama makes good on a promise to issue an executive order requiring law enforcement to register guns. He would ignore it. Wow. That sheriff from Elkhart County, Indiana, Brad Rogers, joins us right now. Sheriff, we know the president has not issued this executive order, but why, in your mind, would you defy a. Should it come down? Well, the rhetoric that’s occurring from anti gun people, including the president, would suggest that something like this could happen.

So, you know, you get rhetoric like the president, just moments after the Oregon shooting, he comes on the air and says he’s politicizing it, and then says that, quite frankly, we should be like other countries like Australia and Great Britain, both of which have banned and confiscated firearms. So you’re on WNiT, politically speaking, and you impromptu ask, by the way, if this comes down and if the president thinks he can do it, it’s going to stop in my county. Now, you’re a law enforcement guy. How do you rationalize, define what would be an executive order? Well, you know, law enforcement officers take an oath of office just like any elected official or any government official.

Article six, section three of the constitution, provides for that oath of office. And it says that I will uphold the constitution. I will defend the constitution to the best of my ability, so help me God. And when there’s laws or orders that violate that constitution, I don’t have to obey them. Sheriff, I know you know, and you do state that you are upset like everybody else about these school shootings. You do want to see something changed. What would you like to see change? What can we do to stop what we all agree has to stop? Well, that’s a great question.

And I think it’s a reasonable conversation. Like the anti gun people say let’s have a reasonable conversation about gun laws. I say let’s have a reasonable conversation about getting rid of gun free zones and that are kill zones. And why wouldn’t we want to protect our greatest treasures, our children? We protect our politicians, we protect our vip’s with armed guards, but yet we won’t protect our children. That doesn’t make sense. Right? And do you think other sheriffs feel the same way you do? Oh, absolutely. They’re maybe not quite as vocal as I am, but there’s quite a few pro second amendment sheriffs and chiefs out there.

In fact, the constitutional sheriffs and Peace Officers association has put together a list of those sheriffs that have vowed not to enforce any anti second amendment laws or orders. So if the executive order comes down, Sheriff Brad Rogers will not be adhering to it and it will be game on. Sheriff, thanks so much. We used to pay attention to local elections because I didn’t think they mattered. Now I pay a lot of attention and I think that the sheriff’s office is probably maybe the most important elected official in communities. What can sheriffs be doing to better their communities? If you were standing in front of all of the country’s sheriffs, what would you tell them? So my message to sheriffs is, don’t be afraid to do what is right.

It’s probably gonna be very hard, but it’s worth it. It’s worth standing in there and fighting for the people. It is one of the most important positions in the government because a sheriff is the last line of defense for freedom. If they ever come to take guns, it’ll be your sheriffs that’ll either allow it or won’t allow it. I use the office of sheriff, the power I do have, without arguing over a bill or law that’s being passed. I have the ability to swear in citizens. As deputy sheriffs. I have no limit on the number. I don’t have a limit to my county borders.

And as I told them in Richmond, and I mean it today just as well. If Congress chooses to go down that road, I will swear in tens of thousands of citizens, deputy sheriffs, provided they have their own weapons and be on call and available to me for service, and they will be allowed to keep those ar 15s, high capacity magazines and whatever else it is, generally speaking, thats being talked about through all the chatter and rhetoric. These people are not going to suddenly, because theyre sworn in as my deputy sheriff, start to run out and commit crime and do bad things with the guns they’ve owned for decades.

They’re citizens that elected me into office to protect them and protect their rights. And that’s one way I can use the power of my office. Check out this interesting video of a fight between sheriff and police. They were about ready to do a raid and they got into an ego battle. And this is the way it is at the top. These people don’t even really know who’s in charge at the tippy tip tip. And that’s the way it really is when you get hired. You really don’t know the hierarchy that goes all the way up to the tip.

Tip top judges, etcetera. A lot of these people are compartmentalized and it just ends up manifesting an ego because they’re so protected and never are taught anything really concrete. Check this out. You’re not going to talk like that, sir. That’s not going to happen. You can get the out of my face. I don’t give who you are. This is my county too. Sheriff, you need to back up out of my face, sir, you have no. Tell me what to do because you do. An 85 and a 55. I was going where we’re going. I didn’t know we had one.

We have armed guy barricaded in the house. Used to be a police officer. Where? Here in Lexington? Yep. We have an armed person, but we don’t know about. I’ll call my chief and let him know. 301, according to Cleveland county sheriff. We have a posse situation at that location. Tom. Captain Hogg. Yeah, we’ve realized that. I’d like to know what’s going on in my own city. We would have notified you, sir. We would have, yeah. Although I’ve been at the city, I’ve been down there in the pd hole. It says like, if it was notified, they refused to respond.

Okay. I don’t know who the. First of all, I’m just, I don’t appreciate all of this going on and nobody knows of mine. Okay, I’m sorry, what’s your name? Sir, I am too. You’re not gonna talk about chief like that, sir. That’s not gonna happen. You can get the out of my face. I don’t who you are, okay? This is my county too. Back up. You need to stop. Chill out. Back up. Everything’s gonna be okay, but you need to back up. I get it. That you do. Negative, sheriff. You need to back up out of my face.

Sir, you have no. Tell me what to do, Mother. You’re not gonna get my share of face. You want to do that? Just like you told me. Mother your hands off me. Mandy, pull him. Pull him back. Even the sheriff. Stop. He’s converting. Back off. Oh, yeah, perfectly, perfectly clear. Come on, I want that legend’s name. Put his hands on me. Good. You know we’re recording. Now listen, some of these police are so corrupt. This is a lot of the places, especially, especially the sheriffs. The sheriffs have jurisdiction over any county, over the police. Because the sheriffs are tied to the state’s constitution and they’re elected in.

Right. Also, sheriffs can deputize anybody, right. So it’s almost like when they get elected in, they’re voted in by the people. But at this point, it’s a corrupt process. And I can guarantee you they can get people voted in that they want in the. So check out these clips. Really shedding light on police officers and sheriffs and how they can be caught doing things that are corrupt. And when police or sheriff tries to go and arrest or take down this corruption, it can literally end in gun battle, gun blazing fight between sheriff and police. That’s how crazy this is.

An appeals court just threw out a million dollar whistleblower case against Kentucky state police. WDRB’s Monica Harkins explains why the court reversed the verdict. We’d had a theft. We had thefts from the evidence room. That that was very clear and concise. This interview from February of 2022 was recorded after a jury sided with three KSB trooper whistleblowers. The three claimed when they alerted higher ups, other troopers stole evidence. They were retaliated against for reporting it. Them held accountable for what they did and were the ones that are evil. The jury awarded a total of $900,000 to the three men, but KSP’s attorneys appealed.

Now, two years later, the Kentucky Court of Appeals threw out the verdict and called for a new trial. The court cited erroneous jury instructions that did not indicate how each trooper was retaliated against. I was very disappointed by the opinion Thomas Clay represents the whistleblowers and says KSP’s attorney agreed to the jury instructions. So it shouldn’t be a basis for appeal and it’s on record. Do they look okay other than handling okay? The judge even asked each attorney to clearly state they do not object. We’re not objecting to the final version of the instructor. Oh, right.

We’re not objecting to the final version of the instructions. So if they’re not objecting, then it’s very difficult for them to complain on appeal if those instructions were erroneous to the point where the case ought to be retried. In a statement, KSP said, we are pleased with the court’s ruling and look forward to a retrial of the case. Clay says he will appeal and if necessary, take the case to the Kentucky Supreme Court. It’s been a long, drawn out process. Don’t we’re going to continue to fight this until it’s over with photojournalist Frank Stamper. Monica Harkins, WDRB News Today is that day.

You are not the law is Jamie Knoll, an ex sheriff from Clark County, Indiana. The reason he is an ex sheriff is because he was corrupt and he believed he was above the law. Well, it turns out that he was very, very wrong. In November of 2023, Jamie Noll was charged with 15 felonies, including counts of theft, tax evasion, corrupt business practices, ghost employment and official misconduct. Documents say Noel spent $184,000 at Tom James between 2019 and 2023 using fire department cards. Additionally, there was a $3,000 purchase that arrived at his house on Wednesday. Police also seized an orange riding lawnmower and we saw a white box truck drive away, but it’s unclear what was inside.

Noel, his wife and daughter are accused of making over $3.5 million in personal purchases. Knoll’s accused of stealing millions of dollars in public money for his own personal gain, as well as to benefit his family and his friends. Well, recent search warrants took Indiana state police to properties in Scottsburg and deputy township, where investigators say they found vintage cars and us government shipping containers. Focus investigator John Charlton has more on what was found and how police say it’s linked back to null this is the best example of a corrupt judge that I think you’ll ever see in your entire life.

Ready, go. He was convicted of sexually molesting an eight year old girl, making national headlines in 2006 when Judge Edward Cashman sentenced him to 60 days in jail. The judge came under fire and defended his actions, saying he wanted to send Hewlett to prison, but wanted him in sex offender treatment immediately. That was an offer to low risk offenders behind bars at the time. So Judge Cashman wanted to make a point. I think that particular decision was the high point of my career. Vermont is in the middle of nowhere. I can’t believe this stuff is going down in my backyard where you would think nothing is going down.

I think this mate, this little sex ring, this child pornography ring, may even be connected to the CNN producer, the high up CNN. Look it up. Two of them were busted with child porn. One of them was in Vermont. I think this whole thing is connected. And they were using this little woodland area as a little pedophile hideaway. I think smugglers notch may even be. I’m not even to go that deep. I’m just saying it may be so deep that we may not be able to comprehend it. Check out these news clips. Thank you, Connor. Operation Bada Bing has eight men facing charges related to child pornography.

This morning, Channel three’s Erin Brown digs into the archives to give you a clearer picture of two of those men. Eight men between the ages of 25 and 75 were arrested during the week of May 13 on charges of possession and promotion of child pornography. Several agencies, including the Crimes against Children Task Force, teamed up to track down these men after receiving cyber tips alerting them to criminal activity on their electronics. Half of them are being charged by the state. Authorities say these four men had pictures of child pornography on their computers and hard drives. The four other men are being charged federally, and two of these names may ring a bell following arrest today in connection with the murder and sexual assault of twelve year old Melissa Walbridge of Essex.

Lewis Hamlin is the father of one of the most infamous killers in the state. His son, Louis Hamlin III, was sentenced to 45 years to life in prison for the rape, torture and stabbing of 212 year old girls in 1981. One of them died. The other lived to identify Hamlin as a suspect. The other person in that attack, Jamie Savage, was 15 at the time. He served fewer than three years because Vermont law said he could only be tried in juvenile court. Simply can’t comprehend, can’t understand why our law permits this result. Lawmakers went on to pass the toughest juvenile law in the country, lowering the age.

A minor could be tried as an adult for murder and sexual assault to ten years old. Do you fear he may rape another child? Well, you never know. The second familiar name on the list is Mark Hewlett. He was convicted of sexually molesting an eight year old girl, making national headlines in 2006, when Judge Edward Cashman sentenced him to 60 days in jail, the judge came under fire and defended his actions, saying he wanted to send Hewlett to prison but wanted him in sex offender treatment immediately. That wasn’t offered to low risk offenders behind bars at the time.

So Judge Cashman wanted to make a point. I think that particular decision was the high point of my career. That prompted then Governor Jim Douglas to mandate prisons offer sex offender treatment to all inmates. Judge Cashman then resentence Hewlett to serve at least three years. The men charged by the state are set to appear in court in June, and three of the four men federally charged are being detained pending trial. Reporting in the studio, Aaron Brown, Channel Three news. Eight men are facing charges of possession and promotion of child pornography. Attorney General TJ Donovan and US Attorney Christina Nolan announced this morning that the men were arrested.

Two weeks ago, the men were charged with having images of child porn on their computers. US attorney Nolan described these cases as, quote, immoral and disturbing. She said authorities will continue working together to track down and punish anyone who hurts kids. State and federal law enforcement will work together to bring you swift and serious consequences. We will never stop fighting for children. Every child represents hope, innocence, and vulnerability. Please also bear in mind that we won’t hesitate to use our mandatory minimum charges in federal court against the most egregious child exploitation offenders. We work extremely hard in protecting children in this important operation that took place last week.

Office and Vermonters, each of the men who are being charged by the state are set to appear in court in June. We’ll have more on that tonight at 11:00 this is just one little tiny example. It’s probably going on in your backyard, too. This is insane. Make sure you get this out there. Years in prison for a Vermont man convicted of gruesome crimes and accused of a murder for hire, plot to kidnap and torture a victim overseas. Sean Fiore was sentenced just over an hour ago in federal court in Burlington. Cam Smith was there for both days of the sentencing hearing.

Cam, what happened in court? Yeah, Darren. After nearly 4 hours of closing arguments from both the defense and the government and a statement from Fiore himself, Judge Christina Reich issued the 27 year sentence and a lifetime of supervised release. 38 year old Sean Fiore pleaded guilty to federal child pornography charges in October of last year after investigators found more than 700 images and videos on an external hard drive. During the course of the investigation, police also determined Fiore had hired a woman from Venezuela to make child torture videos and to kidnap torture and allegedly kill a man.

On video in court this afternoon, Fiore described how apologetic he was to his family, his wife at the time, and the victims. He said he was only thinking about himself and that the thoughts of what he did are now shocking to him. Fiore said he is willing to seek treatment and that he wants to let this dark side of him go. The government wanted the court to impose a life sentence and the defense argued for 25 years. Judge Rice sided with the defense and imposed the lower end of the sentence and said Fiore will serve 85% of the 27 years behind bars upon his release.

There are a series of stringent conditions that he must follow, including registering as a sex offender and no contact with anyone under the age of 18. Live in the studio, Cam Smith, channel three news. Mister Dean, he’s going to prison. Directly connected with the DCF. The Bennington county state’s attorney, she’s involved. I just gave you eight and told you about a pedophile symbol in a child advocacy center run by the state administrator. And your name again. I am recording you. What’s your name again? I don’t know anything about you. Bennington County Child Care association. Don’t take my shit.

Get out of here. Look, Vermont. The Bennington County Child Care association, they have a pedophile. They have what the FBI described as a pedophile symbol in their logo. Directly connected to DCI. Mister Gothier. Rick Gauthier is completely aware because I just showed him felony crimes. Hey, Captain Hurley, come on over, I want to show you some evidence. Look right here. Bennington County Sheriff’s association. That’s your number, right? But I’m showing you as a law enforcement agency. This is legal. This is money laundering. Andy. This is embezzlementhe. This guy right here, Sam get a good thing? Probably his last free Christmas last year.

They think they’re untouchable. Andy, I’m going to send you to prison. You guys are here asking for more money and I’m here because I want to talk about embezzlement and money laundering and fraud and obstruction and tax all names everybody’s familiar with. Remind sheriff’s association. Let’s get a little bit bigger, right? How come they all have matching ein numbers? That’s unique. As in one individual business federal identification number. So I’m getting a no trespass order from a town public meeting. That’s a felony crime. I want to know how you’re going to enforce that. Hi, dispatcher. Cross act.

Taking it back or the town is correct. Is that for the Bennington select board meeting for the correct pulp fire. I’ll stop down this pocket part. For instance, this bench that I’m sitting on. You guys can come down and sit on this bench also and google this bench and see how much they cost. Right. For about $300, I can have one of these overnight delivered in here to meet tomorrow. You as a taxpayer in Bennington, paid $3,000 for this bench. But don’t worry, there’s only one, two, three of them that we purchased, and that’s a big deal.

In fact, where’s the third one? Oh, it’s over here. Bam. Third one. They put one outside. But I want to give you a quick summary again of how your elected officials spend $100,000, right? Boom. Did you miss it? That was that. That’s our pocket park. And again, if you look at the cost of the trees, of the flowers of all these things, it’s pretty sensational. Basically your local officials are doing all the price inflation. They’re just straight up stealing your money. And then our law enforcement, unfortunately, when they’re not molesting our children, they’re trafficking the drugs.

And then when you get to the senator and judge level, it’s more of a land and property grab. Potentially hundreds of military employees and contractors who may have bought child pornography online but haven’t been prosecuted or even in some cases, investigated. That’s right, you heard me. Child pornography. As many as 1700 names, according to a us senator on a list of 5200 from an Internet sting operation, overlooked the first time around, four years ago. Only now are they supposedly getting a second look. And only after pressure from investigative reporters and the us senator. You’re about to hear from Republican Charles Grassley.

Pentagon porn story began in 2006. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement child pornography sting operation called Project Flickr produced payment records of about 5200 people, many of whom provided army or fleet zip codes or military email addresses, according to DCIS documents revealed in a Freedom of Information act request. Out of that, 3500 investigators uncovered 264 employees or contractors, including staffers for the secretary of defense and contractors at the NSA. Nine people had top security clearances, but only about 20% of those 264 people were completely investigated. Fewer still were prosecuted. And about eight months after about eight months, the entire probe was halted.

It left about 1700 names totally unchecked. 1700 alleged kiddie porn customers, an unknown number of whom may still work in some capacity for the Defense Department. The Defense Department releasing brand new details into an investigation involving child pornography and dozens of its workers and contractors, some with top level security clearance. Not only are these very serious accusations, but investigators say some of the people involved were handling the nation’s most sensitive secrets, potentially making this a matter of national security. Chief Fox report correspondent Jonathan Hunt with the news appalling story. Jonathan, do we know more about these people and their security clearances? Well, we don’t know their exact job titles, John, but what we do know is that they did appear to have been working, some of them at high levels across a range of government agencies.

Take a look at this, for instance, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the very secretive Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency. Others also worked on actual military installations, including Edwards Air Force Base in California and also the California based Naval Air Warfare Centre. So they had access to military secrets in some cases and military hardware. Are all these suspects under arrest? They’re not all under arrest. We’ve got 94 pages of investigative material from the Defense Department today, including dozens of specific individuals. They have not all been arrested, though. Some have been tried, some have been sentenced, but some have, the cases simply fell apart because of lack of evidence.

And legal experts tell us it is always very difficult to prosecute child porn cases, not least because it’s difficult to prove who exactly was on any given computer. Listen, who has the password, who has the identification to get into that? Was it you who opened the computer? And I went on it? Those are very difficult aspects in prosecuting. Then there’s finding the victims. Are they abused victims? Are they underage? Do they appear overage? You know, there’s a lot of difficulties built right into child pornography cases. But Josh Handschaft also told me it is imperative that the government find a way to prosecute in these cases because they are so important and so disturbing.

And this isn’t just about workers committing crime. No, it’s not. The big fear here is that there is a possibility that these people open themselves to blackmail by a foreign power that wants to get information about our military secrets or even terrorists. So the Defense Department is very concerned. It says they are taking all of these cases very seriously indeed, John. I bet they are. Jonathan Hunt all right. Despite the DoD taking steps to limit access to various websites, most notably child pornography, the Pentagon apparently has come under investigation for links to the proliferation of graphic material called Project Flickr.

Some 5000 individuals have been identified as having subscriptions to child porn sites, including many DoD affiliated persons. So this ongoing national investigation has now prompted the house to introduce a bipartisan bill that would help the DoD stop the use of its network to, quote, possess, procure or produce child pornography. CIA’s reputation speaks for itself. They are the world’s biggest drug cartel. I am a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, and I work south central Los Angeles. And I will tell you, Director Deutsch, emphatically and not equipped the Kim to the mic, sir, these mics seem to be.

I will tell you, Director Deutsch, as a former Los Angeles police narcotics detective, that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time. All right, all right, all right. Obviously, that is an answer for a lot of you. Now, can you please I refer. All right, now, can you please I refer direct Director Deutsch, I will refer you to three specific agency operations known as Amadeus, Pegasus, and Watchtower. I have watchtower documents heavily redacted by the agency. I was personally exposed to CIA operations and recruited by CIA personnel who attempted to recruit me in the late seventies to become involved in protecting agency drug operations in this country.

I have been trying to get this out for 18 years, and I have the evidence. My question for you is very specific, sir. If in the course of the IG’s investigations and Fred Hitz’s work, you come across evidence of severely criminal activity, and it’s classified, will you use that classification to hide the criminal activity or will you tell the american people the truth? If you have information about CIA illegal activity in drugs, you should immediately bring that information to wherever you want. But let me suggest three places. The Los Angeles Police Department. For the record, my name is Mike Rupert.

R u P P E R t. I did bring this information out 18 years ago, and I got shot at and forced out of LAPD because of it. I’ve been on the record for 18 years, nonstop. On. And I’ll be happy to give you, Congressman, anything that I have the gentleman in the beige shirt back there in the back. My name is James Otis. I’m currently making a documentary on the CIA, and we’re interviewing seven former agents. One was sent down to murder the head of Cuba, Fidel Castro. Another gentleman, Colonel Philip Breininger, was sent down to Guatemala to overthrow the government of Guatemala in 1954.

The third agent was actually a spy on Iowa State University campus, where he spied on students, dark skinned students, foreigners, and people from other countries. He was then sent down to Cuba to poison the food supply in Havana, poison the children of Cuba, for whatever reason. So we all, I believe, already know this information. Mister Deutsch, my question to you is, if we know all of this stuff that the agency has done historically, then why certainly should we believe you today when you say, certainly this could never happen in Los Angeles when it’s happened all over the world.

Overthrower of nations, you guys. Nikki Klon, Scottsdale, Arizona. And I am here at the post office because I’m about to send out several certified letters. I’ve got 13 certified letters requesting the bonds for each of the sheriffs in each of the counties of Arizona. And I also have two letters going out to obtain the governor’s bond in Arizona. Now, the governor’s bond in Arizona is a blanket bond. It’s unique to other states because technically, by federal law, each state is supposed to have every elected official carrying their own surety bond liability policy. Okay, so it’s one of the other.

It’s either they have to have to carry a bond or a surety bond liability policy. Now, in Arizona, they kind of manipulated the laws, and they said that everybody could be covered under Ducey’s blanket bond. Ducey’s our governor, so I’ve got a request for that blanket bond. If I can get a hold of Ducey’s blanket bond, that means that we can go and file a letter of intent to file a claim against their bond for every single superintendent in our entire state, every school superintendent, school district superintendent. Sorry, I have to be very specific. So today what I’m doing is I’m requesting the bonds for each individual sheriff in our entire state.

Then I’m requesting Ducey’s bond, and I’m sending that request to both Ducey and to the secretary of state, Katie Hobbs. Now, if Ducey and Katie Hobbs do not provide me with this blanket bond, which is required by law for them to provide me, then I will ask a sheriff to go and issue a warrant for their arrest, because they are in direct violation of the law. And if the sheriff doesn’t issue the warrant, then I have their bonds. Okay? So this is pretty intense, but I think that everyone should be doing this now, because these people, they signed an oath to the constitution of the United States of America to uphold their duties.

And if they do nothing, hold their duties, then they are. They are liable for a surety bond claim. And so I’m gonna go after these guys. I. All I need is one sheriff’s bond. If I can’t get Ducey’s bond, then I’m gonna go after the sheriff’s. So here we go, guys. Let’s get this. Let’s get this done. And in your state, most likely, your individual elected official is bonded. Bonded. So let’s say you’re talking about the superintendent at your school district. Or the board of directors at your school district. Likely, they each carry their own bonds, but if they don’t provide those bonds to you, you can get the bond for your county sheriff.

It is the responsibility of the sheriff to uphold the laws. Okay? If you have someone who’s abducted in the hospital, if you have someone that you feel is being a child that’s being harmed or hurt in any way, the sheriff’s responsibility is to uphold the laws in their county. They have complete jurisdiction over the police departments, the police precincts, the judges, everybody, everybody. So if you have their bond, it is incredibly powerful. All right. All right, guys, so wish me luck. We’ll talk soon. Bye. It doesn’t have the case number on here for the original right there.

That’s a PD case number. Doesn’t have a magistrate or district case. This is in district court two, and this is a magistrate warrant. Okay? This case is already in district court. You understand that? This case. This case is in district court. Right? After being delivered the warrant and notified of the situation, Lujan immediately gives his phone to his undersheriff to then call his lawyer. He then tried to find flaws in the document to invalidate it, but to no avail. And in order to avoid any more time being wasted, the district attorney herself called Luhan’s lawyer to make things even easier.

Once again, the whole situation has become extremely shady, but not hostile yet. And it is here when Lujan shows concern about the number of units Espanola police dispatched. Who do you see here? The under sheriff, myself, the transport deputy, on doing reports. What are you saying? I’m gonna do something we don’t know. You don’t know? Really, Ernest? Really? Sure. Wow. Okay. Well, then you don’t stand outside of my office. That’s really, really bad. As an interesting observation, when the officer tries to explain the situation to the undersheriff, he answers in a hostile way that shows disrespect and annoyance at the whole situation, clearly siding with his own sheriff.

So? So the district attorney is calling the lawyer. I’m assuming the lawyer. But despite having a search warrant, Sheriff Lujan still refuses to give his phone to authorities. And what’s even more weird is that despite having the warrant, the officers are not taking any step forward toward Luhan, giving him time to wander around with his phone to do whatever he pleases, giving him ample time to delete crucial information. Then, after a long wait, the chief of Espanola police steps into the room. But he wasn’t as patient as his officers trying to make contact with morning under sheriff, is he gonna comply or no? Waiting for his attorney.

So he has the warrants. They’re signing their legal. It’s a court order. I know, I know you guys are just doing your job, but I don’t want you guys in the middle of this. All we need are the phones. That’s it. Once it gets his advice on his attorney, we’ll do that. I got him. I don’t know. You have your phone? His phone, yes. Can I see him at least? So I could give you that professional courtesy? So I don’t understand with a legal order why he’s fighting. If you have them, that’s all we want. Yeah, but he has the court orders, so, you know, our attorney called his attorney.

So she told him exactly what. Maybe that’s why he’s not asking. Because he’s on the phone. I also try to call Tomas campus. I don’t want to take you there. I didn’t want to go this far. Just want the phones. I’d say would be out of your hair. At this point, it is clear that Lu Han is trying to save himself from trouble and so are his deputies. And to show the gravity of the matter, the under sheriff even asks the chief to pull his men back, feeling threatened by their presence at the scene, which we can’t see from this camera footage angle.

Now, obviously you could see. See how different stresses like this would put police together and sheriffs together. They would band together, increase camaraderie and make these tight little fit knit groups and gangs, right? So I bet you at this point it would make sense to you that most police joined one specific gang over any other gang. And it’s so common, so mainstream people don’t even know it as a gang. And it’s called Freemasonry. Before we get into how police are Freemasons, let me just show you two examples of how freemasons literally run the world. I’m going to show you a quick example of a really famous singer on tv zooming into their necklace, seeing the symbol, and then somebody as famous as Shaq admitting to be a 33 degree Freemason live on tv.

And then I’m going to get into the last part, which is exposing police how they’re masonic and how this whole thing ties ties to masons. Just think about their badges. Some of them are a pentagram. There is symbolism and there is reasons why they wear their uniforms. Intimidation. And to signify Satan, literally. Because what these police are, are anti God’s law. You have God given rights and these people have no authority over you. And when you know that, they melt. I teach you that in secret. Civics. Check this out. This is proof they are masons, man.

Let me ask you this, and then I’ll get out of your hair. You a freemason? Yes, you are. But I’m. Not yet. But my father was. What does that mean, not yet? In the process. In the process? You’re in the process of becoming a freemason? I’m in the process with some of the folks, yes. So I’m like, just. They just talked to me a month ago and I. Absolutely. And they. Yes. Okay. So my grandfather was okay. And I’m not 100% on all the processes, but yeah, I’m getting rolling. So did you. Did you take an oath of loyalty to this officer? What was the oath of loyalty here? Can I ask.

No, you’re not. You’re not willing to repeat a public oath of loyalty, so you don’t have an oath of loyalty? You know what oath is? We’re not. Well, the reason I ask about your oath of loyalty is that you’re required to give another oath of loyalty to the Freemasons. So which one’s it going to be? I mean, which master are you serving? Or are you going to lie to one of us? One party? You’ll have to lie to one party or the other. You aware of that? Well, you got your idea. No, I got facts on my side, sir.

But anyway, I tell you what, man, how many. How many, how many officers we got working here that are Freemasons, to your knowledge, or females that are eastern star? I don’t know that we have any eastern star, but I believe we have several Freemasons. This is extremely problematic. And yet you don’t want to take a public report on the fraud. That’ll bring it to you on the COVID thing. Is that. Is that what I’m hearing? Just be clear before I leave. You’re not willing to write that down, take no notes. You’re not going to take a case number, an incident report, nothing.

You’re just spouting off stuff. No, I’m coming in here and telling you that you got fraud in your county and I’m asking about conflicting loyalties that you appear to have. Provide many facts. It’s a fact that you have to swear an oath of loyalty to the Freemasons. Is that a factor? Are you going to tell me that’s not a fact or you provide many facts? Are you telling me that that’s not true? Just let you spin it however you want, sir? You go ahead and tell them all. You spin it however you want, man. You want to provide me any facts or circumstances? Yeah, yeah, it looks like.

Are you even aware that’ll take the facts? But now, if you’re just throwing stuff out there so you don’t know how many freemasons you got working for you. Oh, I’m gonna try to get all of this on. On record, man, because we’re highly concerned. I think we’re kind of getting to the end of this chicanery that’s going on. How long you been sheriff here, sir? Eight years. Well, but you’re just now getting around to free masonic practices? Well, I’m not free masonic practices? What would you call it? I have been discussing the coming up freemason with some of my peers in the community.

Would these be law enforcement type peers? Oh, I think it’s. I think it’s definitely here. That’s not. We need to show. So you’re okay with the dual loyalty. That doesn’t. That doesn’t seem to present a problem for you. You had also masonic, right? Yeah, well, my career in law enforcement, I actually joined the brotherhood, the Freemasons. And, you know, a lot of cops are involved with that. Really? Oh, yeah, yeah. It’s a thing that I’m not saying you must do, but 95% of them do. You know what I mean? What’s the benefit out of it? Like, what’s the main purpose of that for me, if you’re gonna ask me the question, I think it was more like biblical history.

Oh, okay. What intrigued me the most was they, you know, they talked about King Solomon’s temple and the holy of holies, and I’ve always been intrigued by it. So this actually exists? Yes, it does. It’s your cult. There’s nothing to be messing with. Okay. I’m gonna tell you straight up. And there’s three phases. First ship. I mean, the first phase is an apprentice. Even before you get to that face, you got to be pretty much spoke about. You know, to be one, you have to ask one. So one of my supervisors, he was a lieutenant. Okay, can we get a close up on that? Yeah.

What is the profession? Yeah, which professor are we talking about? Just look at it. Is it a legal professional? Of course there’s legal selenium. One professional. I’m trying to read it now. It’s too many times. It’s too bright. Of course I am. Okay. Impressive. This deal. I don’t ever change. Anyway, the Freemasons and their grasp on the military all right. Well, at least the army can’t speak on other branches. But I was in the army for four years. But what I know there’s two sides of the army. There’s the enlisted side and the officer side, all right? And I was deployed with a staff sergeant, which is an e six.

And I noticed him studying some freemason shit, right? When we were in Afghanistan, during some downtime, he was reading a book with the. With the logo on the COVID and shit. The Freemason logo. Right? And so I said, I didn’t really ask him about freemasonry at that time. I didn’t really. My. That’s not really where my head was at, but asked him, I said, well, what’s up with that shit right there? What do you. What are you studying? You know what I mean? And he said he’s trying to become a Freemason because he said, you’ll learn about it as your army career progresses.

But basically, you know, he said that he didn’t call it a secret society. He called her to fraternity, all right? And he said, freemasons are basically your fraternity. And in order to get your e eight, which is a master sergeant or first sergeant, in the army, you got to be part of the Freemasons. And in the military, we have a thing. It’s almost like your resume for the military. It’s called an erb, which is a, um, enlisted record. Enlisted record brief. All right? And there’s also a DD 214. When you get out, that’s your discharge paperwork.

Both of those have an m on them. If you’re a Mason, part of the army called s one. Right? And I was, like, fucking around this chick that worked for s one, which is like a paper pusher job in the army. And I was kicking it with her one day, and I just happened to glance at a couple erbs. I wanted to see what some of these, uh, first sergeants and. And, uh, the sergeant major in my unit, you know, what kind of credentials they had and shit. I was looking at their awards on there and stuff, and, uh, I asked her what that shit was.

I noticed the m on there, and that’s what she told me. She said, oh, that means they’re masons. I don’t really know what it is, but it’s something that. It’s some kind of club that the e eight s and above are in. On the unlisted side, e eight and e nine are the key leadership roles. All they’re really doing is relaying orders from Freemasons. The United States Army I can’t speak on the air force of the marines or the navy because I wasn’t in those branches. But from what I know about how, how fluid the military runs, it’s probably the same in those branches too.

Okay? United States army is ran by Freemasons, okay? All the people, all the top brass with rank in the army are Freemasons, whether they’ll admit to it or not. General Petraeus, he’s a Freemason, all right? That’s why he was in charge of Iraq and Afghanistan for a while. Yes, Freemasons run the army. I don’t care what anyone tells me. I did four years of that shit, 16 months in Afghanistan. I know it for a fact. I’m a Freemason. Of course I went to work today, but all I could think about was my ritual at lodge tonight.

I’m a Freemason. Of course we got random pictures of George Washington in our lodge room. I’m a Freemason. And I get really ticked off when we don’t have green beans for supper. I’m a Freemason. Of course I’m going to sign every legal document document and end it with my log, name and number. I’m a Freemason. Of course I like handling my brother’s jewels. I’m a Freemason. And if you want to join and be one of us, all you got to do is knock. When you actually go back into the history of the police, which is very fascinating, I would ask anybody watching this to actually do the history of the police of any nation, because it comes from exactly the same principle.

There is no. None of it will ever change. You can go to at least 53 countries in the world, or legally defined areas in the world, and you will find that the police were created for exactly the same reason. The two reasons they were created was one, to protect the aristocracy from us, to protect their goods, their lifestyle, their possessions from us. The second reason was to create state control of street life. Because they knew through keeping crime alive, there was a lot of money to be made there. A lot of money through keeping crime alive.

Absolutely. That’s their job, to keep crime alive. Not to solve crime, to keep it alive. What they did is they. They structured what’s called a private political army and they called them. Now, the funny thing is they were created by policy and they are ruled by policy, and they don’t do anything outside of the parameters of policy. And if you take the word police and say it differently, it actually says policy. It’s there in your face and it’s always been there. The writing’s always been on the wall, which you choose to read it or not. When you look at the structure of the police, you see command structure, hierarchy.

Exactly. Same as the army, which has been infiltrated by the Ministry of funny handshakes. Most of chief superintendents, chief constables, all that really should be called Chief Freemason, because 90% of them, if not 100% of them, are Freemason fraternity, which is that element of it is a paper bull army. So they’re actually doing the work. You know, they’re under papal orders, if you like. Streetlights needed to be contained and controlled because they wanted to maintain that they were going to earn a great deal of money out of crime. Think about this. If you’re in their shoes and you have the opportunity, or the responsibility, as they see it, to manage the entire population and to monetize it, all of the speed limits, every little tiny baby statue.

That’s why there’s so many. You think there’s so many to keep us safe. Because they really, really care. No, no, no. They methodically need to make money every little second they can. Because guess what? There are so many people, the world, that making even a dollar off each individual person, adding a dollar off of their life, is literally millions of dollars in their pocket. Literally. So they do this exponentially. And each time, each year, they increase the laws, they increase the pressure, they decrease the leash, and they want you at the end, to be in a box in a prison cell with basically a tread wheel where you can exercise with small, simple tasks to make them money while they have AI do all of the other important tasks.

We’re basically going to be their gerbils. Anyways, let’s get back into this. Back in sort of 1740s, there was a man called Charles Hitchens, who was a. This was before any police actually existed. He was what they call a thief taker. Now, the thief takers were quite interesting because the thief takers would go and reclaim stolen property and sell it back to the people it had been stolen from. Charles Hitchens ran a gang of thieves, according to history, ran a gang of thieves who would go and pickpocket and rob people, bring it back to Charles Hitchens.

Then Charles Hitchens would find out from the descriptions, obviously, insignia on whatever they’d stolen who it belonged to, and go and sell it back to who it been stolen from. So it was a very lucrative business. Hey, bro, what’s that? What you just do in here? What’s what? Words I got. I got you on camera, bro. I got you on camera. We’re all good. Hey, bro, you just do that in here? Now all of this being said, would it make you feel a little uneasy to know that if police get very emotional, for instance, if someone kills a police officer and these police get emotional, they will literally, as they say, turn you into a block of cheese, they will shoot you until they’re out of bullets.

They will empty their entire magazine into you. They don’t care about taxpayer dollars. They don’t care about the blood, they don’t care about the mess. They don’t care about people looking. They don’t care about anything besides their emotion. If you get them upset. Now me personally, I get it. If a police officer gets killed, that’s somebody in your line of work, that could have been you, that could have been your friend, but it’s your job to do your job and to remove emotion. This is very concerning to see somebody in his position be so happy and so content and thinks that it’s so moral to literally turn someone into a block of cheese when they get emotional, let alone the fact that these are all potentially Freemasons.

Guys shot this guy 68 times. And when the media asks you why shoot him 68 times? Your answer was, we ran out of bullets. We would have shot him more. Where does that come from? Well, it comes from the heart and it comes from the soul. This guy shot and killed our k nine. Shot and killed our k nine handler, shot the backup deputy. Well, he pointed the dead deputy’s gun at a SWAT team. What do you think’s gonna happen? You’re going to get shot a lot. You’re going to get shot so much you can read the Sunday New York Times three.

And that’s what happened 68 times in a matter of a second and a half. And now for the final section, let’s just show you what it looks like when you do a searcher rights the right way and do put these people in their place and treat them the way they should be treated. This is exactly what it looks like. How’s it going, sir? Okay, good, good. I’m off, Mister Salcedo, with the lord of police department reason why I’m pulling you over. You were going ten over the speed limit, 40 and a 30. Okay. 023-19-6492 sir. I’m gonna go let you go with the verbal warning, okay? I’m gonna go handle that guy.

Thank you. Yes, sir. What’s going on, man? What’s going on? Why your traffic stop? What? What’s getting aggressive for. Why are you. Who are you? Don’t worry about it. You’re a firm we’re at. What’s your name? Don’t worry about it. Right. Well, I just did. All right. What did it come back to? Well, I don’t know. Make sure your supervisor get here. Supervisor. You don’t. You sure? Sure. I’m not. I’m telling you, call Aaron. Okay. Yes. And you’re telling me to slow down. How do you know I’m speeding? Are you done? No. How do you know I’m.

Dude, you literally revved your engine and took off in front of me. Because you did this. Because you did this, right? Yeah, I said slow down. So how do you know I was feeding? Because, dude, you took off right in front of me. How do you know I was speeding? Dude, you literally. Dude, you’re not in bar to tell me if I’m speeding or not. How did you. How did. Why are you stopping me? Because you’re speeding. Okay. How did you. How did you track it? I was honestly gonna let you get out of there. Step out.

Dude. I’m not playing. Just step out so I can talk to you. Over here, man. Step up. Okay. Make some good. Who’s on duty today? Me, Aaron and shuffle. I don’t need Aaron here. So you’re not asking for nothing else? I’m asking for your life. For what? For what reason? Why I’m pulling you over, eating you don’t. How did you track me speeding? Dude, you’re not in car. You were outside, right? I don’t need this camera. I got your camera. Don’t worry about it. All right, brother. It’s all right. Have a seat. No, I’m standing right here, man.

I don’t know why you’re acting dumb with me. Dude, I’m just trying my. Acting dumb with you? You abandoned your traffic stop to come pull me, right? You invented your traffic. Now you’re. We’re in front of property. Okay. I don’t care if it’s okay, but now you not. Why you so afraid? Just back up, okay? You’re raising your hands, and you’re getting. Raising my hands? I’m from Philly. Ask Aaron. He’ll tell you. That’s the time I talk. Okay, dude. Okay, man. It’s whatever. You have your license on you when you. When your supervisor gets you. Okay, well, he’ll come tell you the same thing, too.

I mean, when he gets here. We’ll see. Because you don’t have a reason to pull me over. You hauled by going track the speed. Okay. How did you check? What was the speed limit right there? What’s the speed limit right there? 45. 45. 40. Where’s the 40? Sit down, dude. You’re brand new. Okay? You’re brand new. Whatever you say. Yeah, you’re new. Yes, sir. You’ll figure it out real quick. Yes, sir, I will. Why wasn’t I going already? Why don’t I let you catch me if I was speeding? You took off right in front of me, dude, don’t try to play.

Because you did. Why did you do this? Why did you do this? So that gonna show you in the video when you did this? Yeah, because I was recording. Why did you do this? So tell you to slow down. You already. You can’t tell me to slow down. Okay, so. So how did you just jump in your car? I’m done. No, you just told me to jump in your car. Jump in your car. He’s not coming, so just jump in your car. Have a good day, man. I’ll deal with you later. Go ahead. That’s okay. Go ahead.

You don’t need to be polite to them, right? They could be really good cops. Feel it out. If you want to just be rude off the bat, you can. But it’s going to give us all a bad look and it’s going to make it more abrasive as more police see more interactions like that, and they’re going to be on edge and it’s just going to inflame the situation. So I wear a suit if you could. If you know you’re going to interact, you know, dress accordingly, be polite, represent us well, and just be prepared to sue.

People have created a career out of suing the police, out of literally just interacting with them and just them making mistakes and then them suing after that could be a career for you. You could look it up. One guy, the Guinness Booker world Record, he sued a bunch of people and he was basically a millionaire from it. But the people that he suede role government related. Anyways, let’s get into one more. This lady has it down, unfortunately, we don’t get to see the end of it. But just listen to the words she says and how she interacts.

She has a great understanding of it and she’s fierce and she asserts her rights very well. And again, if you want more information on how to do this, I get into so much more detail on traffic stops and exactly how it works in many, many videos. or specifically the driving will get you there. But you can also go to the driving. That’ll bring you directly to the driving. But I would go to start from there because you could learn so much more. Taxes, so much more. And it’s all very easy. All you do is sit and watch videos, and it’s free.

Or just station. What’s your station? Nine. What? 90 one East 14th Street. 90 one East 14th street. Why is he here? Because your behavior was erratic, aggressive, and confrontational. Aggressive. See, this is the words that they use to make you seem like you’re irate when you know what you’re talking about. So when you defend yourself, they start to use irate, erratic, threatening, vicious. I thought I saw something. That’s what they start to do. They use these words so they could defend themselves for fooling you over for a false reason. Please know your laws. Read the black laws dictionary.

Because they don’t go by the same laws that they say that they put you under. Matter of fact, they don’t even have the same jurisdiction that you have. They’re private citizens, which means they can harass and pull you over and gun you down in the street and nothing will happen to them because they’re private citizens. But if you go after their insurance, then you can dig into their pockets because the insurance companies don’t like that. When you go off the insurance companies for police falsely pulling people over, they have to keep giving million dollar settlements. They keep murdering people for no reason.

The insurance companies don’t like that. So when you know your loss and you go after them in the right way, then you can know how to really get them where it hurts. So I got my son recording both phones just to make sure we can have all angles just in case. They say that they body cams wasn’t on because we have them saying that they body cams was on when they came to the car. We have him on camera putting blue gloves on because he thought that he was going to open my car door and pull me out and falsely check my car.

That’s why I had to tell him I do not give him the right to search my vehicle, which he had no right to search my vehicle because there is no suspicion of a crime being committed, have been committed or about to be committed. He just pulled me over right now. He’s committing kidnap. He’s kidnapping me and my son right now because he has no reason why he pulled me over. How long it take? I just recited the code to like that. Now I touch on forever. What’s going on? What’s the deal? I’m sorry? What’s the deal? You’re getting ticket.

I got somewhere to go. Okay, I’m getting it. I need to verify that my license plates. I need to verify that my license plate is on the front. Because that’s what you said you pulled me over for. Right? No front license plate. Right. Okay, you can verify that when we’re done. Well, I gotta wait till you’re done. That’s. Again, that’s the. That’s the thing. That’s what they use. They try to intimidate you. Again by that tactic. They want to show that they’re in control, but he’s not in control. Somebody else is in controlling him. And he comes out here and acts like an asshole in a dickhead.

Because in high school he used to get bullied and picked on and shit. So now he gonna show me. I’m gonna go pick on and harass other people. I’m a creep on the side of her until she passes us. And then I’m gonna get behind her and find a reason. But if you’re on the side of me and then you get behind me. How could you tell that there’s no front license plate? He didn’t even walk around to the front of my cardinal. We got both cameras on them. Don’t look at my car, please. That’s searching my vehicle.

I don’t give no percent for you to search my vehicle. That’s crazy. The fraternal order of police. That’s who they’re under. They’re a masonic order. That’s how they operate. You see, they badge isn’t. Look at this. The badge. It’s a star. That’s. That’s what? That’s the same thing that they do. That’s the masonic stuff. They’re under our order. They’re masons. Some of them know it. Some of them don’t know it. Make sure you keep your camera on here, too. You can see my hands. We don’t have any weapons. But they’re under the masonic paternal order of police.

They’re masons. They operate on a different level. So what we think they’re policing, they’re not here to protect and serve you. They’re here to protect and serve property. That’s why they’ll protect a building from downtown getting destroyed quicker than they’ll come to save your life. If he was dying, they’ll wait for you to kill each other. And then they’ll call the police after it’s done. Then I’ll call an ambulance in a corner. But before that, they don’t protect you, sir. They protect insert property. But that’s why you got to keep recording them so you can show how they behave when they on duty, to intimidate a manner that they possess, how they surround your car when you sit in a vehicle with your child, how they talk to you crazy and threaten you to take you to jail because you telling them you know your rights.

So just remember, the president of the United States is not the president of the United States of America. Two different things. The president of the United States is the CEO of this big corporation that’s in charge of the police, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA. And really that’s just optics, because the real people in control are obviously the whole Congress mechanism. That’s like the board members. And then obviously there’s people behind the scenes pulling the strings, threatening people, applying pressure. And then this whole system is literally built to apply pressure and to pay people with loopholes that look legal according to their statutes that they created to literally pay these people in this big corruption racket system.

I know you’re intrigued by this. If you haven’t, go to and watch every video that you can see on that site. Go through each course. They’re all in a order. You can do it real quick, or you can take your time and do it over time. It’s not going anywhere. Well, it might if I go broke. So if you want to support it, buy any product from and it’ll go directly to supporting that. The longer we can stay up, the more people have the opportunity to see and learn this information and join the battle.

Now, this isn’t a physical, violent battle. This is a battle of wits and information and knowledge and courage and honor. So just remember, we don’t want to be electing a president. We want to focus on local. We want to elect a sheriff. A sheriff that’s one of us who knows things and who’s overdevelop, open to things and who’s impossible to corrupt. Find somebody local that you trust. Prop them up and see if you can get him elected. When he’s elected, he can make whoever he wants deputies. That’s where we go. That’s where we should begin. Not the president of the United States.

That’s a misdirection. We should be focusing on our local sheriffs weeding out corruption and finding different ways to put new sheriffs in the office. If you learned a lot from this video. There’s plenty more videos and a whole free class courses explaining to you how all of this works. Go in there with an open mind. You don’t need a wallet. It’s 100% free. I pay for you viewing on my CDN. You can support us by buying products from green Mountain greenery. We get directly supported from them. Go to all of this information is free. Check it out.

I’m GK with the disclosure hub dedicating my life to waking up the world to what’s going on and giving you your power back that you have as we speak. All you have to do is unravel the mess in your mind of how this whole thing was put together, find the confidence and assert your God given rights. you know what they’re going to do to you in jail? Why am I going to jail? Let me show you what’s going to happen to your little ass in jail.


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