The Black Nobility
[ai-buttons]Decoding the Canaanite Bloodline: An Exposé by Tommy Truthful, Based on BDELL1014’s Findings
The annals of history hide many mysteries, and thanks to researchers like BDELL1014, we’re beginning to shed light on some of the darkest corners. My name is Tommy Truthful, and in today’s exploration, we’ll be delving deep into the often-overlooked Canaanite bloodline, its radical historic roots, and its purported influence on the modern world.
➡ Historical Genesis: The Canaanite lineage has fascinated historians for centuries. Tracing its origins back to biblical tales, this bloodline, including ancient groups like the Hittites and Jebusites, is believed to carry a genetic affliction likened to vampiric diseases and even leprosy. This ‘curse,’ as it’s often referred to, is said to have ties to an energy similar to Lucifer’s.
➡ From Past to Present: Transitioning from antiquity to contemporary times, BDELL1014 presents a compelling argument connecting the Canaanites to today’s major political powers and societal constructs. Not just as mere influencers, but as the puppeteers, pulling the strings of governance, economics, and even religion.
➡ Conspiracy and Control: Building upon layers of conspiracy, BDELL1014 identifies a ‘black nobility’ – a group with roots in draconian overlords that have orchestrated vast facets of our societal system. Their alleged involvement ranges from shaping legal landscapes to alleged human trafficking rings.
➡ Religious Overtones: Delving into religious narratives, the text makes audacious claims about deities such as Baal, Moloch, and others, suggesting their interconnected energy, which is said to enforce limitations on humankind. Their worship, intricately linked to the Star of Remphan, allegedly requires sacrifices, maintaining the dominion of these deities over the planet.
➡ Canaanites to Phoenicians: One of the most riveting sections highlights the evolution of the Canaanites. Once Babylonians, they became the black nobility, shifting identities to Phoenicians, and ultimately establishing influential global footprints. Their signature color, purple, became synonymous with power. Throughout history, there have been rumors of a select group of individuals who have found a way to transfer their consciousness from one body to another, ensuring their immortality. Some even believe that this group includes reptilian and vampiric beings. It is said that some of these individuals have been present on the world stage for thousands of years, thanks to their advanced technology that allows them to achieve immortality.
➡ Modern Politics and Maritime Law: The European Union isn’t exempt from these theories. BDELL1014 draws parallels between the EU’s establishment and maritime law, suggesting a nefarious underbelly controlling global politics and economy, perpetuating their sinister agendas.
➡ Mythology and Modern Conflicts: Our global political scene, notably the tussles between Iran, Israel, and Palestine, may very well be influenced by these ancient bloodlines, creating a matrix of historic, religious, and political narratives that influence our world.
➡ A Prophetic Future: Looking ahead, BDELL1014 warns of potential upheavals between 2024 and 2027, as retribution for the wrongs of this system. It’s a mesh of theories involving land ownership, racial origins, political manipulation, and even extra-terrestrial entities.
➡ The Great Awakening: The discussion culminates in a profound exploration of the Great Awakening, underscoring the alleged influence of the Canaanite bloodline and black nobility on today’s most visible figures – our politicians and celebrities.
In conclusion, while the theories are vast and sometimes intimidating, BDELL1014’s research offers a kaleidoscopic view of our past, present, and potential future. This intricate web of connections demands an open mind and a thirst for knowledge. The truth, as they say, may very well be stranger than fiction.
➡ The text deduces that the Canaanites, including various ancient groups like Hittites and Jebusites, were afflicted with a vampiric disease, leprosy, due to their genetic connections to Lucifer-like energy. It further delves into different bloodlines and their linkages to various modern-day ethnicities, associating them with solar transmission. Eventually, the discussion leads to various conspiracy theories, including the idea of a black nobility who were draconian overlords and have orchestrated various systems, including legal and political structures, on the Earth.
➡ The text focuses on religious, biological, and historical claims around the Canaanite bloodline, stating that they are a cursed seed connected to pig genetics per certain interpretations of biblical verses. It accuses them of needing to make sacrifices, particularly child sacrifices, to maintain power and control. There are allegations against powerful figures and institutions involved in heinous acts such as human trafficking, with an emphasis on missing children. The text also discusses the idea of draconian black nobility maintaining control on Earth via these rituals.
➡ The text delves into conspiracy theories relating to a purported high-level governmental control by a group termed as the “Canaanites,” allegedly linked with nefarious activities such as human trafficking and sexual exploitation. It further explores conspiracy theories surrounding UFO incidents, extraterrestrials, interactions between entities and the U.S. government, specifically pointing to deals involving technology exchange for human abductions. The text also suggests that substantial numbers of missing persons, particularly darker-skinned individuals, might be used in clandestine operations or experiments tied to these alleged entities.
➡ The text discusses the theory that various ancient gods and entities such as Baal, Moloch, Dagon, Enlil, and Yahweh share the same energy and are connected to the worship of Saturn, symbolized by the Star of Rimfran. This worship is said to enforce limitations and restrictions on mankind. The text suggests that certain groups, including celebrities, perform sacrifices to these deities as part of a deep state shadow government tied to black nobility. The author also connects this to wide-ranging conspiracy theories involving human trafficking, secret societies, the stock market, international banks, the Bilderberg Group, the Vatican Bank, AI technology, and cybernetics. It is suggested that this is all part of a scheme to preserve dominion over the planet. Lastly, the author mentions a book called “The Curse of Canaan” and suggests that many people have interbred with the Canaanite bloodline, resulting in a mix of different groups.
➡ The text discusses the evolution and influence of the Canaanites, known as Babylonians, who later became the black nobility. They are said to have spread corruption and devastation across the globe and practiced horrific rituals. The text also mentions their change of identities to Phoenicians, symbolized by the color purple, later establishing influential colonies like Carthage. It explains that control over society, politics, and economy is attributed to these Canaanite descendants.
➡ The text discusses the European Union and its relationship to economic and political systems, focusing on maritime law and the concept of a person as a vessel. It contends that these systems, which are connected to high-ranking political figures and institutions like the Church and State, have been manipulated to exploit people and nations. It outlines connections to the Canaanite bloodline, maritime law, commerce, and specific U.S. cities. The text also asserts that these dynamics are related to ecclesiastical law and celebrities in the entertainment industry, suggesting that such individuals and institutions exist to propagate these systems.
➡ Understanding the mythology of religion is crucial for comprehending its connection to history, particularly on how the Canaanites were conceived in religious tales. This complexity extends to the world’s political disputes, such as conflicts involving Iran, Israel, and Palestine, which could be influenced by ritualistic and symbolic events tied to dates and numbers. The situation is further complicated by powerful entities allegedly funding both sides of conflicts, reflecting patterns seen in the European sphere in the past. This intricate matrix of historical, religious, and political elements contributes to the present global scenario, suggesting possible significant events ahead.
➡ The text suggests a forthcoming period of turmoil and judgment between 2024 and 2027, brought about due to perceived injustices, subjugations and unrighteous acts committed by the current system. It further suggests a connection of these events to a variety of conspiracy theories, covering areas such as ancestral ownership of lands, origins of different races, impact of politics and religion, along with speculations about secret societies and non-human entities.
➡ The video is about explaining the distinctive characteristics between the seeds of Inky and Enlil during the Great Awakening, explaining that most politicians and celebrities are influenced by the Canaanite bloodline and the black nobility, seeking to bring clarity to viewers on this topic.
Be Frankie. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness. Trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness. Trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix. Yo, what’s good? It’s your boy, Bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit that like button, hit that share button, hit that subscribe button, hit that notification bell.
But today, I’m going to be breaking down the historical radicalization of the Canaanite bloodline that’s connected to Eschatology, which corresponds to genetical self preservation, eugenics, trafficking, political subjugation and metaphysics, right? So with all that being said, the purpose of this video is to show people the true Esoteric inception points of the Canaanite bloodline and the black nobility, whose predecessors are the Cherubim, who are the 200 Draconian fallen angels who are known as the Kazarian Mafia, right? So, ladies and gentlemen, get those notes out.
It’s a lot of information we’re going to cover tonight. It’s a lot of information. I don’t even know where we’re going to start at. But what you got to understand is that the Book of Enoch was written in 161 BC, right? And it’s basically telling you the inception points of the Canaanite bloodline on how the Nephilim or the 200 fallen angels, the Draconian race, they came down and made it with the daughters of men.
And the daughters of men is the Canaanite bloodline. We’re going to break that down, right? So first what you got to understand is when you look at this, when you look at the seal portion of the final statement of the priesthood, it tells you about Lucifer and his followers began a considerable success with some species of animals, right, who possess bodies, like bodies of Adam and Eve, basically.
So Lucifer permitted the laws of heaven and began to interbreed with certain species, with other species until they formed an animal that was very much onto, like the bodies that were created for Adam and Eve, right? So now, when you look at this, lucifer began to possess the bodies of these animals, where you get your physical devil, who you call Shaitan, right? And Shaitan means to be wicked and recessive, right? So this is all connected to the genetical splicing that took place.
So now when you’re talking about his name is Esau. He’s European in America. So I need you to understand something. Not all Europeans are connected to the Canaanite bloodline. Now, the great majority of them are Nordics who are part of Ashtar command, who are the Pleiadians, and you got some of them who are also Flugrides, who are part of the genetical splicing program that took place on the Allen Apatmos.
So now what you got to understand is that Esau, the Edomite, is also in Symbiotic connection with the Canaanite bloodline because there’s eleven different bloodlines of the canaanite. So when you go to Genesis 25 25, it tells you the fallen angels, the wicked evil ones, created the fixed position reality, the materialistic third dimension. They created it for the wild man who is the Caucasian or the Gentile or you consider the Europeans, right? And it tells you that at first came out red all over like the hairy garment.
And you’re talking about the wild man because the wild man, when you go look at this right here, it says the wild man of the woods who’s basically inhabited Europe and they were considered and to be depicted and covered in hair, right? And his name is Esau, the Edomite, which is part of the cursed bloodline of Canaanites. So this is where we get into the mythology of Yaakub, depending on what side of history that you following on.
A lot of people say that Yaakub is actually Yahweh because it’s talking about he is the father of the Canaanite race because it’s basically talking about he was a big head scientist that basically genetically spliced a certain demographic of people on the island of Patmos or the of Pea Line, depending on what side of history that you looking at. Because he is the one who started the eugenics humanoid Gravitation experiment process, right, where he took the black gene and he broke it all the way down to the pale gene, basically.
Right. Which was the inception point of the Canaanite nations. Right. So this is why you got to look at this right here, because the canaanite is not only subjected to your so called Europeans, because you have black canaanites because they were the first canaanite that were genetically spliced into existence, where you get your exception point of your so called black nobility, right? We’re going to break it down today.
So when you go to Dr. York’s publication, the Secret Societies of Mass, it talks about the eleven sons of canaan are the synonyms, the Hittites, the Jesuites, who are your so called Jews, the Amorites, the Gurgasites, the Hivites, the architects, the Sinites, the Archabadites, the Zimorites and the Hamethites, right? And all these bloodlines is all connected to the fact that they are the ones that’s running this fake demonstrative government that is being controlling humanity in a form of subjugation.
So when you look at this, right here are a branch of the canaanites and the canaanites are the main branches of the Nephilim who came down, right? So that’s all connected to this chart right here. Because, like I said, when you go to the beginning of what I was talking about, on the first slide, it says that Lucifer interbred with a certain species. And that species is your canaanite, because when a nephilim came down, they made it with the emirates, the edomites, the canaanites, because that is the nephilim that was cast down from Riffran, who was also known as Kronos.
That is basically Equated to Kratos. Kraussy chronology, democracy. The shadow government that controls the Khazarian Mafia, the Auschanazis, using Rothschilds and all the royal families, when you’re talking about the Popes of Rome, the black nobility and things of that nature. So when the Nephilim came down, they made it with the Daughters of Men, because when Lucifer was casted out, that is one third of the galaxy that went against the Order of ANU.
So when they went against the Order of ANU, they was casted down, right? And when it was casted down, that’s when they genetically spliced a certain demographic of people on a planet and then embreaded the devil energy inside of these canaanites, right? Which is why everything in the system is actually inverted. Everything in the system goes against nature and it goes against righteousness, right? So this, what you’re looking at is an esoteric hierarchy chart, and it’s telling you basically the story of how the Nephilim, when they came down, they interbreeded, you know what I’m saying? They went to many different interdimensional portals to get to this planet.
And when they was casted down, they was casted down to the demiurge. The demiurge is basically the third dimension, right, which is a lower form of reality. So when they came down, they basically made it with the Daughters of Men, who are the Canaanite. And the Canaanites is what created this false demonstrative government that we live in right now. They created the Jesuit order. They created, you know what I’m saying, these pharaohs.
They created these emperors in the Council of 13 and the Vatican and things of that nature, because the canaanite is actually connected to Ball worship and Cannibalism, which is also connected to the Hyksos, the Hyksos dynasty, when they infiltrated Kemet, because Egypt, a lot of people don’t know that Egypt is actually a Greek word, right? So the Hyksos, when they came, then that’s when you had the pharaohs where they taught them palo, theistic religions, right? So this is basically your inception points of the Romans, the Gazars, the Vatican, the Judaism, the Knights of Templars, which is also connected to all the Jesuits and the Bavarian Illuminati, the Masonic groups and things of that nature.
So this is basically the inception points of know. Everything started to take place when you’re talking about, I don’t know what happened there, it kind of paused on me. But that is basically your inception points when it’s talking about how Lucifer, who is Yahweh, who is enlil, was casted down and interbred it with the Daughters of man, who was the Canaanite, right? Because after he genetically spliced them, Yaakub, because, like I said, it depends on what side of history you’re on.
Ya’kub is the one who genetically, genetically spliced the Canaanites into existence through eugenics and humanoid gravitation experiments, right? And he basically gave them the edification on how to subjugate the seeds of inky, right? Because that’s why Yakub said, I will create a people that will rule over you for 6000 years, right? Rule over the seeds of Inky. So that’s why we under subjugation on a political level, on a physical level, and at a spiritual level, right? Because these beings that Yaku created, these beings are the ones who are running the corporate system of the government, the seeds of canaan, right? So that’s like I said, when the Nephilim came down, they put the devilishment energy inside these beings.
They got the energy of Lucifer, right? So like I said, they are comprised of the synonyms the hittites, the jeju bites, the Amorites, and the gurgasites, right? And they were the ones who were cursed with leprosy because leprosy is a vampiric disease. We’re going to get into that, right? So like this is you got to get this book right here and it’s talking about the Khazarian Kanite. And it’s basically like the modern day Ukraine used to be called the Khazarian, and the Khazarian mafia is where Ukraine is at today, where the great majority of these canaanites are at right? Now I need you to understand something.
There’s a diametrical difference between the seeds of Inky and the seeds of Enlil. The seeds of Enki are actually your so called negroes, right? Your blacks, puerto Ricans, latinos. But your seeds of Enlil is basically comprised of the Egyptians, who are basically your Hixos and your Ethiopians, the Levians and your Canaanites and other demographics of the canaanites, the eleven bloodlines of them, which is comprised of your 13 bloodlines of your Illuminati.
Those are the seas of Enlil. Those are the diametrical differences between the bloodlines in between the two, right? So I need you to understand that. So now when Yakub He genetically spliced these beings into existence, the great majority of them were cursed with leprosy, right? And leprosy is basically a vampiric disease, right? It’s a vampiric disease, which is a form of a weakness. It’s a genetical weakness. And leprosy suffer from Nasvar two curse.
And nasbar Two is basically an emulation of Dracula or a vampire, right? We’re going to get into that because when you go to the Order of San Martin, nasbar Two is a clan of vampires. So leprosy is a form of a vampiric disease because you got to understand that when they were genetically spliced into existence in the of Peel line, when you’re talking about the Caucus Mountains and things of that nature, when they was put inside of Caucus mountains.
The solar transmission of the sun was basically breaking down the genetical structure of the canaanite to where they started to develop. Leprosy. Sores. That’s why they had to hide in the caves. That’s where you get the term a man is a dog’s best friend because the dog used to lick the canaanite, his leprosy sores, the canine canaanite. You know what I’m saying? There’s a symbiotic connection to that, right? So with that being said, that’s telling you that Nasvar Two is a vampire.
It’s a clan of vampires. So the vampiric disease that was created by the Canaanite, I mean, that was created by the nephilim, because when the nephilim interbred, it because the nephilim what you got to understand is that the nephilim are actually draconians right? They’re basically humanoid Draconians that came down, that was casted to this planet and made it with the Canaanite. So the Canaanite has the vampiric disease, which is called lepers.
Right? Matter of fact, I got a video I can show you. So this is when you’re talking about leprosy, right? When you’re talking about the vampiric disease, this is an emulation of a kid, because what you got to understand is that the great majority of the Canaanite bloodline is not only subjected to the European. A lot of them are your so called Arabs, a lot of them are your $5 Indians, your Mongoloids, and things of that nature is not only subjected to the European race.
Your thoughts and your views on what you’re witnessing right now, I read some of the comments, and they stated things such as this is nephilim. This is a nephilim come back walking face of this planet. So, like I said, that is what the original Canaanites, how they used to look when they was inside the caves because they got cursed with leprosy. Right? There was a vampiric disease. So, like I said, when you go to the Order of Sir Martin, it’s telling you about the Nazvatu clan of vampires, right, which is a form of lepers, because, like I said, leprosy is a nasvar two curse, the Canaanite curse, right? So that is nasvar two as a vampire.
There’s a lot of old silent movies that used to come out with back in the early 19 hundreds. But the original vampires actually look like this right here. Who is black? You look right? They actually look like this. And these are basically inception points of the blackamores who took you out of your sovereign capacity on a mental and spiritual level, right? So that’s why when you understand that the Pope is the viscera of all religions, the Pope is supposed to be the visceral of all the religions from Catholicism, Judaism, Islam.
Why is the Pope bound down? And I need you to understand something that when you understand the color spectrum of purple, purple is a Babylonian color that was facilitated by the phoenicians and Phoenician, and the word Greek and Phoenician means purple. So those are basically Babylonian principles that they’re following, because the kings of Babylon are actually being facilitated by black nobility. Draconian. Overlords right. Which is why the Pope is bowing down, right? So it’s not a coincidence that when you’re looking at this right here, you see the European, the Indo European basically politicking with the black nobility.
With the black nobility. Draconians right. So it’s not a coincidence that you see statues like this over in Switzerland, which is the black nobility seal that you’re looking at right now, because a lot of these black nobility ARCONs were draconians. They came down and made it with the daughters of men. Because I told you, when you’re talking about the genetic splicing aspect of everything, what you got to understand is that you got to break down the black gene to get the recessive gene.
So the first devil was the black canaanite, right? Because the first beings that came down, they were actually your so called blacks because they were casted down your Saturnians. Because remember when Norman Bergam, he said verbatim that he’s seen on planet Saturn, he’s seen seven to nine foot blacks hopping off a spaceship, right? And some of those, like I said, and what you got to understand is that Saturn is a fallen planet because Saturn is Satan, right? So that is basically your veneration of the three dimensional paradigm that we live in when you’re talking about the Saturn moon matrix and things of that nature.
So, like I said, the Saturnians were actually your fallen angels. And your fallen angels create the black nobility who basically controls your canaanite on a lower level. So, like I said, that’s not a coincidence that you see Yakub Politicking with a black nobility more with a black or more, right? Because Yakub, he is the one who gave the edification to the more to give the canaanite to rule over us for 6000 years.
But the 6000 years is up in 2024. I’ve told you that. You get an 1813 free Masonic. Apocryphal Bible. It tells you that the year of 2023 is actually 5999. The year of 2024 is the year 6000. The 6000 years is up in 2024, right? And this is Yaku giving the black nobility more the edification of technology. And what is the technology based on? It is based on admiralty law, right? And it’s based on admiralty law, which is basically under the five evil principles of religion, politics, economics, socialism, genetically modified foods in the pharmaceutical industry, which is being controlled by world leaders, united States presidents and things of that nature.
So this system in itself was created by the black nobility and they gave the edification to the canaanite. I told you, when you go to Els Holy and Jill, Revelation 1717, the evil reptilian gave power to the beast who was the beast is the canaanite who was the evil reptilian, your black nobility, draconian archons. So, like I said, it’s not a coincidence that you see the canaanite, the Pope, kissing the feet of these black nobility shapeshifting, black nobility archives, who are basically controlling everything behind the scenes.
So the European is basically a frontman, right? So like I said, you see the Yaku giving the edification to the black nobility more the sellout. So like I said, this is where you see it right here. You know what I’m saying? There’s a ritual that they do in Freemasonry called riding a goat. And riding a goat is how you rise to higher states of knowledge when you’re talking about ruling over a certain demographic of people.
So right behind them you got the black nobility moors, right? So now I need you to understand something. Lilith is also some of know she is also part of the process of the demonic energy on the planet. When you’re talking about the vampiric curse of Leprosy, because she was a draconian, she was like a black nobility canaanite draconian. So it’s not a coincidence that when you look at the movie Freezing Up On Me when you look at the movie what’s this movie called? Vampire in Brooklyn.
Vampire in Brooklyn. See, these are basically direct emulations of the illustrations that was in Dr. Malachi York’s books. Not a coincidence, right? Because like I said, the vampiric disease in itself was created by the black nobility who gave the power to the beast. So this is why you got to understand that the great majority of Europeans, they cannot be in the sun just like a vampire, right? So they need you to understand something.
There’s a reason why this is able to take place. When you’re talking about the canaanite bloodline, it says right here verbatim, that the Maryland surgeon successfully transplant pig heart into a 50 year old man’s body, right? Because a pig is basically the fourth seed of the canaanite, which is the gurgasite. Because the gurgasite what you got to understand is that the canaanite is basically a curse seed, the cursed seed, meaning that you’re not supposed to be procreating on this planet because you’re basically comprised of the demonic energy from the nephilim, right? So what does it say through Levitical law when you understand the dynamics of pigs? When you go through biblical context, it says that in the Leviticus eleven seven is that the pig is unclean.
When you go to Deuteronomy 14 eight, it said it’s basically a carcass, which is equated to caucus. Caucus meaning that you’re genetically dead. So when you eaten a pig, when you eat in pork, you’re basically eating a canaanite, you’re eating a human, right? So the pig is an unclean cursed animal, right? So it’s not a coincidence that you’re able to take a pig heart and put it inside.
You know what I’m saying? Anybody who’s connected to the canaanite bloodline, right? Because they are a cursed seed and the pig is a cursed animal. Right? So you got the planet being ran by people who are cursed because they’re basically a part of the genetical grafting process. Their genetics is equated to a pig because a pig has 98% of canaanite DNA, which is a fact, right? Now, what you got to understand is that when you break down the 1180 strong accordance, bally is equated to ball.
So they’re basically one and the same when you understand the symbology of the tetragrammaton, right? So when you understand the words of etymology, enlil, baal, yahweh, Zeus are basically one and the same. It depends on what side of history that you’re looking on. So that’s not a coincidence. That the Canaanite, they always have to give sacrifices to baal or sacrifices to enlil. And the reason they got to give those sacrifices is to have world dominion on the planet and to have genetical self preservation to carry out these agendas, right? Because they have to make a sacrifice to keep this three dimensional illusion going through politics, through government, through media, through entertainment and things of that nature, right? So like I said, it’s not a coincidence.
They make their sacrifice. Everything has to do with children. All the things they do as far as they sacrifices and things of that nature, it has to do with children, right? So back to what I was saying. Depending on what side of history you’re on, yaakub is actually the god of the Hyksos, who was also the So, because when you go to their publications, when you understand the mythology of it, a lot of their books says the god of Yaaku, who was actually basically Jacob of the Bible, right? So that’s who the Israelites they give their veneration to, right? So it’s not a coincidence that when you look at this right here, you look at the Khazarian tamga, it’s also a sigil of Moloch, because the sigil of Moloch is the sigil of Lucifer, who is the fallen angel who came down and made it with the daughters of man, who are basically your Kazarians.
And your Kazarians are your Ukrainians, right? This is all working in Symbiotic connection. You got to look at the symbolism, because symbolism is going to be their downfall. So when you understand the symbolism in itself, you’ll be able to decipher who’s who and what’s what. I don’t know why my computer keeps freezing up. Like I said, since you understand that the Canaanite is a cursed bloodline, they have cursed genetics because they made it with Lucifer and the 200 fallen angels who was in Lil or Yahweh or Ball, depending on the mythology.
So when the Canaanite made it with the daughter, when the 200 fallen angels made it with the daughters of men, they have a cursed genetical structure. They have six ether genetical properties, meaning that they’re genetically recessive to the solar transmission that’s encapsulated inside of the dome that we live in right now. So since they are cursed, right, this is why the great majority of them have to basically subject themselves to human trafficking, right? That’s why the jurisdiction of the amateur law, maritime law, commerce, sea traders, merchants are actually traffickers, right? When you go to Nahoom 34 because of the multitude of Fordhams and well favored, this is basically talking about illegal commerce on behalf of Satan, right? And you’re talking about the usurpation process of the feminine energy to create a harlot energy.
And now that’s why the great majority of everything on the planet is based on witchcraft. And the witchcraft in itself is connected to the seller of nations, the seller of people and the seller of war through human trafficking, right, which is basically subjected to the high ranking officials, esteemed businessmen in America, right? So like I said, it’s not a coincidence that politicians and your merchants are basically one and the same as traffickers, right? And I’m going to show you some videos about human trafficking trend in Ohio.
Children disappearing in record numbers. According to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, more than 1000 children have been reported missing so far this year, with a large number of the but today we’re going to be talking about so it’s not a coincidence then you got another one talking about trafficking, human trafficking, right? Because like I said, when you don’t have the genetical structure and the carbonated body, you know what I’m saying, that connects you with the most high.
That means you’re accursed. And when you are a curse, you have to feed off the divinity of people who are connected to the seeds of inking. They’re here. Now, there are 1833 of them that have been living underground between 100 and 200 miles surface. They’ve been here, some of them have been here a long, long time. They have lifespans for thousands of years. They are connivorous. They are not friendly to mankind.
Eat. The ones that are here, they won’t eat at the time of its children. If this is truly the case, it would explain where a good portion of the missing children go and how so many children vanish in cheer without a cause. We’ve been told, we’ll say, well, you better not talk about the reptilians. Well, you know, why not? According to the andromedans they’re responsible for 31,712 children in the last 25 years from the United States and not say anything about it because people don’t want to hear it.
That’s tough. West county in the last five years, 3000 children in the Westminster County, New York, have damaged without a train. Where are they going? Why are we allowing this to happen? Why should people stay in denial about it? How are they able to do it? How are they able to come up out of the from underground everywhere? They’re being helped by the grace. And also there are groups within the higher echelon that are actually helping them, acquire them.
So human beings are abducting them to the graves, give them to the alpha draconians. So like I said, it’s not a coincidence. Like I said, when you understand the mythology of the canaanite, they have to make sacrifices to ball. That’s why most of these children come up missing. Not only they know hold on, I got a matter of fact, I got a publication for it. So it’s not a coincidence that Africa, it says the African children traffic to UK for blood rituals, right? So it’s not a coincidence all that stuff starts to take place.
It says some 9000 children have gone missing in Uganda over the past four years according to US report. And like I said, they being used for blood rituals because this is all connected to the reptilian energy. What he’s talking about? Because these 200 fallen angels are actually alpha draconian, black nobility draconian reptilians, right? So these reptilians are responsible for child and human trafficking, adrenal, chrome, blood sacrifices, torture, rape, blood drinking, blood, veins, organ doning, abortions, PPH, wars, poverty, disease, cloning, Satanism and things of that nature.
That is basically what’s these rituals are, the things that’s basically keeping the illusion going. So that’s why the Canaanite, the cursed seed, has to show their veneration to these black nobility draconian archives. They have to do that. So it’s not a coincidence that the Biden family, they have been convicted of 459 crimes, which is based on 140 business crimes, 191 sex crimes, 128 drug crimes, all while in office, right? Which consists of money laundering, human trafficking, spying and infiltration, you know what I’m saying? This is all connected to human trafficking.
Like I said, this is why all those kids in Ohio are basically missing. You know what I’m saying? 800,000 kids come up missing all time, every time, every year. That’s because nothing’s getting done about because it’s being done at the highest level of government. And the highest level of government is being controlled by the canaanite. I told you the evil reptilian gave power to the beast and the beast is the one who controls the political infrastructure that subjugates humanity under a demonstrative government, which is a de facto corporation, right? And a corporation in itself is being ran by trafficking, right? So it’s like I said, new mystery as nearly 50 schoolchildren go missing in Cleveland this month.
So it tells you right here that over 219 arrested in human trafficking operation, including Florida teacher and Disney employees, this is a real thing that’s taking place, right? So this is why, you know what I’m saying, the great majority of people in Hollywood are connected to sexual rituals, you know what I’m saying? In order to make it to the top, to where you’re making basically an abundant amount of money, where you’re making all types of millions of dollars, billions of dollars and things of that nature, you got to do sexual degradation, sexual gratification, you got to do all types of stuff to these children.
You got to be a sexual predator because it says right here the Jewish sexual predators was an intention in the Israel’s Declaration of Independence proclaimed to the country, things of that nature. So this right here is showing you a map of the registered sex offenders in Israel. So that’s why the great majority of them, like I said, while Hollywood’s alleged sex predators are moving to Israel, because the Israelites, the ones that claim to be a so called Jews, who are the Jesuites, the Jesuites are a branch of the Canaanite and the Canaanite is the cursed seed who.
Got their edification from the Draconian reptilian, right? So these canaanites are actually hybrids. So that’s why everything is connected to Hollywood. That’s why they have to go through a principle of a freemasonic order that’s connected to the vow of silence. And the vow of silence, meaning that you got to be silent about these things that actually take place in order to get to the top in order to get to the top of the financial pyramid, right? You want to be a millionaire, go sacrifice these kids.
You know what I’m saying? You want to be a millionaire, you got to mess with these kids that are underage and things of that nature, right? So like I said, the great majority of people in Hollywood are actually canaanite, right? So it’s not a coincidence that it’s connected to this video. I’m kind of freaking out right now because I went on the dark web and of course I’m safe, but I leaked to classified information it was supposed to.
So you guys all remember how back in the late 2000s you realize back in the 50s how the electricity was getting super advanced, like the electronics were getting super advanced? Well, in the 1947 it was the rise of New Mexico. I need you to understand something. The basis of this video is basically him talking about how the canaanite bloodline the people who run this governmental system. They basically trade in the divinity of so called indigenous people for technology.
That’s what he’s basically talking about. Before crash, well, they uncovered two flying saucers. There was total of 27 bodies from the classified report on the dark web and all of them were dead. There was females, there was children, ETS and everything. There was five survivors of ETS extraterrestrials. There’s one female Et and one boy. The female one had twelve toes, twelve fingers. And I have a classified video and it has big gas marks in its leg from the crash.
And I shouldn’t have stole this stuff, but I did. We need to know and it’s not right. And I got to keep this quiet because I don’t know what’s going to happen to me if I keep talking about this. So the peak of the electronic era was in the crash of the most famous crash site was in 1947. As you know, Roswell, New Mexico. The UFO crash. Back in the 50s, President Eisenhower signed a treaty within an extraterrestrial civilization and it was the ones that crashed into the UFO roswell, New Mexico crash site.
You may ask, how do I know this? How am I fucking correct? And why? If I’m crazy, I might be crazy. From what I reckon, you would be too. I got on Tor browser, got on VPN, everything, got on government classified files. I paid bitcoin for them. And yeah, I did some stuff I’m not too proud of. I broke a fucking federal offense. But they’re hiding fucking stuff and they’re killing people.
Those kids that go missing. All the children that go missing are not kidnappers. Small portion, maybe, but from the classified files I read, there’s a base in New Mexico or dulce, New Mexico, and it’s underground. It spans 2 miles wide and 2 miles down. You may think that’s impossible. They’re studying on humans down there. I’m not fucking joking, okay? I’m going crazy right now. I just read, like, hundreds of pages of classified information, and they’re studying on humans that they abduct.
And there are certain blood type, obviously, and most of them are either native American or hispanic. They’re either darker skinned. And I hate to say that because I have a black girlfriend who may think I’m kind of racist. I’m not. It’s weird. I don’t know why, but there was a treaty that Eisenhower signed that said in the classified documents that the extraterrestrials that survived at Roswell said, if we can have 150,000 of your people, then you can have advanced technology from us.
The peak of the technology era was in the 1950s. 1950s? That’s like freaking Eisenhower’s era. This classified information I was reading on the dark web, there’s a lot of fake stuff on the dark web, like fake classified information, but this stuff was too fucking real. This stuff I shouldn’t have fucking seen. And I have so much proof of underground bunker locations that stretches to this place called Roswell, New Mexico, to dulce, to Los Alamos, to Montana, to, like, hundreds of different areas.
They’re all underground, and they’re testing on people. I don’t fucking know. Just I’ve seen some very fucking weird pictures I shouldn’t have seen. I’ve seen pictures of kids being tested on with people in hazmat suits in bunkers. I’ve seen gas chambers. I don’t know if we’re flaming chambers or gas. I couldn’t tell. But from what I know is most of the people that are going missing is indigenous.
And you guys know that the government does nothing about it, right? Coincident or not, is my classified shit I found on dark web true? I mean, think about it. Bob lazar, because I’m a huge UFO guy. So that’s why I find the information. Bob Lazar was saying back in the 80s that he worked at area 51. Everybody thought he was a joke. But we didn’t know what area 51 is because we didn’t know what it was.
We wouldn’t have knew what area 51 was if it wasn’t for him. Well, I got the fucking chills because he’s the one that was saying that the UFOs extraterrestrial aircraft have a crystal in the back of them, like a big crystal, and that’s how they run is off crystals. You may think I’m fucking whack, but I don’t believe in that old fucking crystal shit. Like that energy crystal shit.
But I have no choice to now because I’ve seen some fucking photos I can’t even see, man. Look at that. I have chills on every single spot on my body. We have came in contact with extraterrestrials since 1947, and we’re still in contact with them right now. When he’s basically talking about those extraterrestrials are basically your so called nephilim and your nephilim. That’s why a lot of these sacrifices had to be made, because these canaanites, they basically got to take these kids and give them to these Draconian black nobility archives in order to have dominion, in order to have technology, in order to keep this three dimensional illusion going.
That is the sacrifice that they got to make to Moloch, who was Baal, who was Yahweh, who was Enlil, Round in Dulce, New Mexico. They are cloning people. They are injecting kids, mostly darker skinned kids, black, Hispanic, Puerto Rican, like darker ascent people, and they are injecting them with different chemicals to see what would happen. And some fucking photos I can’t unsee, man. Look at that. I have chills on every single spot on my body.
We have came in contact with extraterrestrials since but, yeah, that’s pretty much the gist of that video, right? So it’s not a coincidence that, like I said, when you go to this chart, when you go to the Esoteric hierarchy chart, like I said, the nephilim came down. These are extraterrestrials. That’s why the canaanites, when you’re talking about the Hittites, the Edomites, the Canaanites, the Khazarians, the Popes of Rome, they got to make a sacrifice to the nephilim who are Draconian.
These are extraterrestrials. They came down because they fell from grace, because they went against the Order of ANU. That’s one third of the galaxy that went against the order of ANU, right? So this is all connected to like I said, Baal is basically one of the same with Moloch. And Moloch is actually Dagon. Dagon and Enlil and Yahweh are basically comprised of the same energy, right? So, like I said, that’s why everything is based on Saturn worship.
Saturn worship is based on the Star of Rimfran. The Star of Rimfran basically creates the limitations of space and time and restrictions through a fictitious law and order that’s under the cube of Saturn that keeps you mentally, physically and spiritually boxed into the system under the god of Chronos, which is chronology, meaning that you’re trapped in time. So when you trapped in time, this is why these canaanites, these Levites, these archives or whatever, they got to make a sacrifice to them.
They got to make a sacrifice to the archives, right? So that’s why it tells you right here that the great majority of Arkansas, I mean, not the great majority of canaanites, they have to make a sacrifice of a firstborn. So that’s why you see a great majority of celebrities or whatever, a lot of their first children, they end up dying. They end up sacrificing them, right? So, like I said, this is all connected, right? The star of Remfran is L.
And L is Saturn. The Saturn, which is Kronos. And Kronos is Kratos. And crossius democracy. So this is where you get your concept of a deep state shadow government. And the deep state shadow government is the Canaanite bloodline that is doing the biding of black nobility. So that’s why you see Kronos eating the child. They doing sacrifices to Baal. Baal was enlil Yahweh, according to the Tetragrammaton, right? So the Star of David is not actually the Star of David.
It’s actually the Star of Renfriend, belonging to Moloch, who is Satan, which is basically the veneration of a Saturn matrix, right? The Hexahedron cube, right, which keeps you in a metatronic overlay. Right? So like I said, all these corporations that you’re looking at, black nobility, Zionism, this is all connected to trafficking, human trafficking. They have to keep their power on the planet. And these secret orders and these secret societies is comprised of the stock market, big banks, international banks, right? The Bilderberg group, the Vatican Bank.
This is why everything is connected to the government system, which is connected to the Octagon group. Octagon group is comprised of the Balkans, the Khazarian mafia, the Naji regime, the Knights of Malta. You know what I’m saying? This is basically your hierarchical order that’s connected to the alphabetical groups. The three alphabetical groups. When you’re talking about the CIA, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Funding System, the IHS, this is all connected.
And all these secret societies and these organizations are basically cover ups for human trafficking, to sacrifice these kids to the ARCONs, to have the three dimensional matrix illusion, to have it keeping going. Right? So this is all connected to a technocrack system, right? So like I said, all this stuff is basically connected to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is facilitated by a technocrat system. And a technocrat system, meaning that they want to merge humans with cybernetics.
Why they want to merge human with cybernetics? Because the Canaanite, they don’t have the genetical frequency to survive the ship. So they got to use AI technology, artificial intelligence, to basically have dominion over the planet. Because when the planet is going through a sun cycle, the sun cycle dematerializes everything in technology. Right. So that’s why, like I said, they try to save face on this planet. Right? So it’s not a coincidence that all that stuff that’s taking place as far as, like, trafficking and things of that nature.
So like I said, that’s why the great majority of celebrities, they got to use that cover up because these celebrities are basically ponds for the deep state shadow government. Right? Did I already go through that? Yeah. So there’s this book that you got to get there’s this book you got to get called The Curse of Canaan, right? And I’m going to show you some it’s an audiobook. That’s the only thing I can get out of it because I couldn’t get actually the publication.
You might be able to find it on Amazon, but I’m going to show you some of these clips from the audiobook that I found talking about the curse of Canaan. They brought these obscene practices into every land which they entered. Not only did they bring their demonic cult to Egypt, but known by their later name the Phoenicians, as they were called after 1200 BC. I need to understand something.
Egypt is a Greek term. Egypt was controlled by hixos. They weren’t controlled by the Nubians. The Nubians are the ones who control ancient Kemet. So there’s a diametrical difference between ancient Chemt and Egypt. We’re not egyptians. Egyptians are the ones that was basically infiltrated ancient Chemt and stole everything. And that is your Canaanite bloodline came the demonizers of civilization through successive epochs, being known in medieval history as the Venetians, who destroyed the great Byzantine Christian civilization and later as the black nobility, which infiltrated the nations of Europe and gradually assumed power through trickery, revolution and financial legitimate.
The reputation of Canaan is to be found in many ancient records, although its foul history has been carefully expunged from even more of the historic archives and libraries. In 1225 BC. The pharaoh Mernepta, who because of his victories in the Canaanite region, was known as Binder of Geza, set up a stell to commemorate his successes. Among the inscriptions placed thereon was this plundered is the Canaan. With every evil, all lands are united and pacified.
This inscription did not mean that Nurnepta had used every evil to plunder the Canaan. It meant that he had in his sojourn there encountered every evil practiced by this notorious tribe. Ham had four sons. Kush, who founded the land of Ethiopia, Mizraim. All right, that’s one part that’s basically just giving you a simplistic breakdown of what’s taking place, of who the Canaanite is. Right? I’m going to show you another clip, so you got to get this book.
The Curse of Canaan, son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations. Your origin and your birth are of the land of Canaan. Considering the frequency of references to Canaanites in the Bible, it is surprising that religious leaders rarely make any mention of them. In fact, many of the wealthier religious leaders today are actively in league with the Canaanites, enabling them to garner millions of dollars in contributions from gullible Christians.
Certainly, the barbaric practices of the Canaanites were never secret, nor were they unknown in ancient times, as evidenced by the number of references available. Psalms 106 to 37 -38 they sacrificed their sons and daughters to the demon. They poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan. Because of this well documented record of their fiendish practices, god issued numerous orders that other tribes should not intermarry with this people.
Isaac passed on one. See, the great majority of people have interbreeded with these people. Right? So like I said, the hyxos was comprised know mulattos were you talking about mixed people or whatever I’m not against, you know what I’m saying, interracial dating and things of that nature. But like I said, it depending on what bloodline you come from. Not all Europeans are Canaanites. Some of them are flugris, some of them are floridians, right? But like I said, you have canaanites that basically interbred with a lot of the flugrides, right? So it’s kind of hard to see the diametrical difference between who’s who and what’s what.
So like I said, all Europeans are not canaanites. Most of the Canaanites are comprised of your 13 bloodlines of your illuminati. So that’s why for the European followers that follow me, y’all got to stop thinking that y’all like these people. Y’all are nothing like these people. Two different bloodlines. They are the curse seed, right? But like I said, through imperialism and colonization, a lot of them infiltrated your bloodline to where? You know what I’m saying? You start to think that you just like these people because you all comprise of the same genetical structure.
You might look the same on a perceptional level, but when it comes to bloodline, you’re not the same in these people, because the Canaanite are the ones that was cursed. They are cursed. They are cursed for lepers. They got the vampiric disease from the Nephilim who are draconians your black nobility. Vampires just took place. The prohibition against mingling with the demon worshipping Canaanites remained one of God’s strongest commands.
God said, So shall we be separated, I and all of thy people from all the people that are upon the face of the earth. Exodus, chapter three, verse 16. God characterized the Canaanites thusly and I will make them a terror and an evil for all the kingdoms of the earth, referring to the Diaspora, ed, as a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse on all places where I shall scatter them.
Jeremiah, chapter 24, verse nine. Thus we see the Canaanites, newly named the Phoenicians, dispersing along all of the trade routes and avenues. Another thing about Phoenician is not actually a demographic of people. Phoenician comes from the word phonetics, which was a language that was spoken by the Babylonians. Well Babylonians are actually canaanites. I need you to understand that. Commerce throughout the earth. As God prophesied, they spread corruption, terror and devastation wherever he scattered them.
Later known as the Venetians, they dominated the avenues of commerce. When they settled inland, they specialized as merchants and later as bankers, at last comprising a group now loosely known as the black nobility, which holds seemingly irresistible power today. God further warned his people against the dispersed Canites. Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verses two to five. Thou shalt smite them lilt, utterly destroy them. Thou shalt make no covenant with I, such as the League of nations or the United Nations ed, nor show mercy unto them.
Neither shalt thou make lih one riage with them thy daughter. Thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son, for J Hay will turn away thy son from following you see what I’m saying? They are the curse seed, because I told you when Lucifer was casted down. What you got to understand is that the casting in itself, what you got to understand is that they are basically nomads, that basically means the Canaanite doesn’t have a homeland.
You know what I’m saying? You can call yourself a Nordic, but Nordic means north. It’s not actually connected to Normandy and things of that nature. These people are nomads, meaning that they don’t have a homeland, because Saturn is another nomenclature title for the land of NAD. The land of NAD is meaning that you are a nomad, you don’t have a homeland. This homeland in itself, the birthrights, the people who belong to this planet are the seeds of Inky.
So enlil, like I said, when you break down the etymology of his name, it means Lord of Earth. En means Lord. When you break down Inky, en key ki means kai. Kai means planet Earth, meaning that he’s the Lord of not. You know what, the Lord, the people who are connected to the seas of Inky are actually connected to this land by birthright. Who are your so called indigenous people? Right? We’re going to get into that.
I got some publications I want for you guys, some documents, but I’m going to play this next video in Rights of Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism, in which the torture and murder of small children were featured. That’s how you know that cannibalism in itself is connected to ball worship can. It ball canaanite, right? Because the canaanite, like I said, when you understand the genetical frequency of the enemy, it’s basically a cajun caucus in the Caucus Mountains, because the Caucus Mountains, they didn’t have no sun, so that’s why they was in the caves eating meat.
So cannibalism in itself comes from the canaanite curse seed. So, like I said, as far as an indigenous person, you don’t have the genetical structure to break down certain meats inside your body, right? So when you’re not able to break down certain meats, that creates enzymes of cancer, right? Because we don’t produce enough amino acids to break down meat. Right? We’re going to get into that. To consolidate their power over the people.
The priests of the Canaanites claimed that all firstborn children were owed to their demon gods, and they were given over for sacrifice. This lewd and barbaric practice was noted in Isaiah, chapter 57, verses three to five. But you draw near hither sons of the sorceress, offspring of the adulterer and the harlot. Of whom are you making sport? Against whom make ye a wide mouth and draw out the tongue.
Are ye not children of transgression a seed of falsehood? Inflaming yourself with idols under every green tree. Slaying the children in the valleys under the cleft of the rocks. Thus Isaiah invade not only against the obscene expressions of the blood maddened orgiasts their salacious premises, but also their now. So the purpose of these videos I’m showing you that’s connects to this book. You got to understand the inception points of what happened.
If you don’t understand what happened in the past, you don’t understand who the enemy is in the future. That’s why a lot of you, you know what I’m saying? I’m going to break it down. Before we get to this video, I got to show you these videos. First risef the god of the plague, diva god of pestilence and the god of the underworld, MOT from Mavit, the Hebrew word for death.
Despite their prominence as destructive influences in the ancient world, the Canaanites and their demon god Baal seldom appear in the authoritative works on the ancient Near East. Gaston Maspero’s Great History of Egypt the dawn of Civilization, published in 1894 and republished in 1968, does not mention either Baal or Canaan. H. R. Hall’s Ancient History of the Near East does not mention Shem or Canaan in the index, baal has a single mention.
How much of this is due to the deliberate falsification and destruction of historical records by the Egyptian priesthood cannot be ascertained, but the results are obvious. Another contributing factor is the sudden disappearance of the names canaan and canaanites from all historical records after 1200 BC. How did this come about? It was very simple. They merely changed their name. Chambers Encyclopedia notes that after 1200 BC, the name of Canaanites vanished from history.
They changed their name to phoenician. Thus, the most notorious and most hated people on earth received a new lease on life. The barbaric canaanites had disappeared. The more civilized phoenicians, seemingly harmless merchant folk, took their place. Having obtained a monopoly on purple dye which was highly prized throughout the ancient world. The Canaanites advertised their control over this product by calling themselves phoenicians from phoenicia. Phoenicia, the Greek word for purple.
From the outset of their history, the phoenician canaanites, always the Greek word for purple is phoenician. Right? That’s connected to this. I can find it. Purple is a royal color for the black nobility because it means that you’re a hybrid. It’s comprised of the red and the blue blood. Red and blue makes purple, I think, is it? I think red and blue makes purple. But that’s, like I said, that’s why you’ll see some politicians, they wearing a red tie.
That means that they’re 100% canaanite. But all canaanites don’t have, you know what I’m saying? Depending on what branch of canaanite, because I remember there’s different because canaan had eleven sons. So it depends on what branch of canaanite could get you coming from. If you see a person wearing a blue tie, like I said, basically a purple tie means that you’re a hybrid, a draconian red blood and blue, blood red and blue together makes purple, right? So red and blue makes purple.
It has a royal bloodline black nobility, draconian, bloodline. Because, like I said, phoenician in the word Greek means purple, right? Deer or fortress. Their most important colony, which soon became a rival to Rome itself, was Carthage, which they established about 900 BC. The name derived from Hebrew, Cart, Hadshat, or New City. The Phoenicians often named their cities with the prefix of New during the fifth century. So, like I said, places like New York City, because New York City is an energy center for the Canaanites, for admiralty law, maritime law.
So that, like I said, there’s not a coincidence that water you had those floods that was taking place over in New York City, it’s not a coincidence. Not a coincidence at all. Right, hold on. Well, why is this working? Hold on, guys. All right. Now, remember I was telling you that the evil reptilian gave Bible to the beast. And the power is comprised of the five evil laws of religion, political system, economic socialism, the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry that is galvanized by world leaders and United States presidents.
That put you under a policy, right? Which is connected to the 1724 Black Christian Codes, which is comprised of policies and ordinances, right? And those policies and ordinances is connected to the right hand and the left hand, which is comprised of politics and socialism. So all that stuff in itself is connected to the fact that Esau is Edom and Edom is the Edomite and the Edomite is the Canaanite.
So this is connected to all the generations when you understand Genesis 36 one, right? Which means genealogy of ISIS. So Esau is an anagram for the word C, right? So C is connected to the Single European Act, which is the European nations, which is Gomer, and Gomer is the Caucasian in America, which is Esau. Right. So that’s how Esau, the Edomite, the Canaanite, is controlling everything from a governmental level.
Els Holy in jail. Revelation 1717 the evil reptilian gave power to the beast. Yaku, I will create a people that will have dominion over you for 6000 years. When he’s talking about the 6000 years, he is talking about the single European nation under the axe, right? Which is comprised of the European Community under the European Union and the security policy enforcers. Right. So this is like I said, this is how they have dominion and subjugation over you through the fictitious law.
A demonstrative government, a de facto government. Right. So the European Union is the right hand political system and the feet is the economic system and the left hand is the Union, right? Which is basically located primarily in Europe. So this is when you’re talking about the single market and the standardized system of laws, fictitious laws at that. Right. So this is why they created the artificial dead person under admiralty law, right? Meaning that you’re artificially dead because you don’t have a nationality.
Because it says right here, as a vessel. What is a vessel? A vessel is a person. A person has a persona and a persona, a person is a citizen under Admiralty Law because they don’t have jurisdiction over themselves, right? So like I said, when you go to the Blacks Law Dictionary, 1891, the vessel, right? A vessel was a ship, right? And its purpose is based on commerce, right? And the commerce in itself, it tells you right here in the US code Nine, vessel of the United States defined vessels of the United States, meaning that they’re basically citizens, right? Citizens of a territory, meaning that you’re possession under.
So what you’re looking at right here when you go back, because I told you, the Canaanite, when Yakub said I’ll create a people that will rule over you for 6000 years, you’re looking at this black nobility, Draconian. Canaanite. He is basically going to give the edification and tricknology of the laws and ordinances on how to galvanize everything under maritime law because it was all being created by Yaku.
So this more this black or more the sellout, the one who looks like you, he is the one who gave the power to the beast. The beast is the canaanite. He gave them the power. He gave them the power of technology through political system, through the government, through everything that’s connected to a form of black magic and spell casting, right? That is what’s taking place. Because the Moors are the ones who understood law intuitively, the indigenous ones, right? So that’s why all this stuff is connected to the maritime jurisdiction of the United States defined, right? Meaning that a vessel is a citizen, right? So this is all connected to amorti law, which is basically the Kessetu K Vay Act of 166 six, right? Many that the ceases of the person is beyond sea or absent of themselves, meaning that they’re basically humanoid real estate.
Humanoid real estate. You a citizen, no nationality, no nothing, right? So when you don’t have a nationality, right, this is why the know Canaanite cities of America are basically connected to the fact is basically an energy center. You got DC, new york, chicago, boston and los angeles. Right? And these are basically the five cities that are basically connected to the Big Dipper star constellation, because who controls those five cities controls the you got and these cities are operated by the descendants of Canaan who are basically merchants and traders, amorty law, maritime rulers who are the sons of Ham, right? So like I said, this is all connected to the Calamities in the fall, it says Woe to the bloody city.
So it’s telling you right here in Naham 31 that Washington is going to be the bloody city that’s basically going to fall eventually. We’re going to talk about the fall at the end of this video. So, like I said, so now it tells you that the DC merchants, politicians and traffickers is all connected to the Canaanite bloodline who are known as your. So called phoenician, which is actually not basically phoenician.
They’re basically canaanites. So everything as far as, like, maritime law, amorty law, commerce, sea traders, is all connected to merchants. And merchants are politicians who do sellers of nations, sellers of people, and sellers of war who are traffickers, right? So these are your high ranking freemasons, your high ranking political figures, your high ranking city council members, your high ranking congress members, senate and things of that nature, right, because everything that’s taking place on the planet is being done at the House level of government.
So the phoenicians to become notable merchants and traders and colonizers, right, because they basically are one and the same with the canaanite, right? Everything is based on illegal commerce, right? And illegal commerce in itself, I told you, is based on sellers of nations and people, which is under Amherty law, right, which is maritime law. Because what you got to understand is that the obulis is basically a watermark for the energy centers of the cities that’s being controlled by the canonite bloodline, which is basically connected to the vessels PISCES, right, extracted from the fish god Dagon, right? So with that being said, this is under ecclesiastical law, which is a canon law, and the canon law meaning that the Church and the state is not separate.
So, like I said, it’s connected to the veneration of Dagon because all laws are corporate internal codes, meaning it’s basically a commercial law, because a commercial law is basically connected to commerce, basically, right? So all this stuff is basically connected. So ecclesiastical law is what push you out of your sovereign capacity because you undertake jurisdiction. No national law can become legitimate except consent of the pope, right? So you under ecclesiastical law, the Church and the state is not separate, which is why they show their veneration to Dagon.
Dagon. Depending upon the mythology, dagon is actually Enlil. Enlil is yahweh, yahweh is Baal and Baal is moloch. It’s one and the same. So they show their veneration to the god Dagon, right, through ecclesiastical law, maritime law. You underwater law, because it’s being galvanized by the Popes of Rome, the Vatican Popes of Rome, which is basically a Babylonian hat that is being facilitated by Canaanites, right? So like I said dagon baal moloch enlil yahweh.
Same, same entity. The same entity. So that’s why everything as far as like, child trafficking and things of that nature, it’s all connected to the Vatican. A lot of these cardinals and these popes, the great majority of them are molesters. They traffickers, right? So with that being said, this is all connected to your politicians, your politicians and your favorite celebrities, right? This is why you got people like Sexy Red.
Matter of fact, this is all topic. Speaking of Sexy red, you had everybody believing that that thing was pink, but that thing was brown and he had a spit to start it up. So quit the false advertisement. So this is why she know what I’m saying? She’s talking about they use people like Sexy Red and they use her to propagate the political system. You know what I’m saying? And this is when out of nowhere, in 48 hours after she showed her veneration for Donald Trump, she had an unauthorized sex tape that dropped on social media.
So this is why you see the great majority of black rappers, black entertainers basically endorse the Democratic Party, right? Because I told you, democracy, when you look at the suffix of the word crossy, is accredited to Kratos, who was Kronos, who was Renfran, the god of Saturn, right? So they show their veneration to the god of Saturn. So that’s why the great majority of these celebrities, they always got to make a sacrifice, a blood sacrifice.
They got to go through a humiliation ritual, just like Sexy Red did that weak sex tape that she put out. This is why they got to do the stuff they do. This is why they got to be down with the get down. This is why they got to traffic children and things of that nature. This is why they got to keep it on the hush hush. This is why they got to have a vowel of silence, which is a freemasonic ritual.
So it’s not a coincidence that you know what I’m saying? All this stuff is connected to the people who are in the political system. All the people who are part of the fraternal order, the people who are propagating sororities and fraternities, all those people are sellouts too maccabees 415. They ignore the honor of the followers and sought after the glory of the Greeks most of all, right? Because I told you, the Greeks are actually a branch of the Canaanite system.
So when you show a veneration to the fraternal order, that connects you right back to the Canaanite system. Because remember, in order to get inside these fraternities and things of that nature, what you got to do, you got to make a sacrifice. You got to make a sacrifice, meaning that you got to sacrifice your morals. You got to sacrifice your morals, vows, and principles in order to be a part of these organizations.
You sold out, right? So this is why you got celebrities like this idiot right here showing a veneration for the Democratic order. Please go to vote Gov. Register to vote. Remind all your friends and family that their vote is their voice, and it makes a difference. Get there right away. Stop playing. Go to, like, crack a barrel wall, because we got to stop at the denny’s, are you out here? It so it’s the site.
Part of these idiots don’t even know that they showing veneration to the Canaanite bloodline, the cursed seed. So that’s why I said, if you don’t understand history, you don’t understand the mythology of the religion. Because history and the mythology of the religion works in Symbiotic connection if you don’t know one, you don’t know the other. So a lot of people don’t understand who the enemy is because they don’t understand the inception point of where the canaanite came from.
Because I told you the inception point of the canaanite in the kingdom of the Canaanite was galvanized by Lucifer. Lucifer interbred it with a certain species. That species is a canaanite. That is when you’re talking about the evil reptilian gave power to the beast. He created the canaanite. And like I said, some people, according to the mythology, a lot of people think that Lucifer or Enlil or Yahweh is the same person as Yaqub.
It depends on the mythology of what you’re looking at, right? But when you look at certain stuff, you know what I’m saying, when you’re talking about the genetical grafting, because he is actually the father of the canaanite race. So in some shape or form, it’s actually kind of connected. But these idiots don’t know that they following, you know what I’m saying? The canaanite system that’s being facilitated by the archons in the higher dimensions, right, already went through this.
Now this is why we having everything that’s connected to the rumors of wars and everything that’s taking place. Because like I said, this is all being facilitated by canaanites. So what you got to understand is that Joe Biden, he gave $6 billion to Iran and then turn around and gave, I think he gave like $27 million to Israel or something like that. So he’s basically funding both sides of the war.
So when you understand the history of the European nations, they always fund both sides of the war. You got to get the book The Art of War that tells you in that book they fund both sides of the war in order to galvanize control of the people under a hingelian dialectic principle, right? So the Prime Minister declares that the country is at war after Hamas launches surprise attack.
So Israel is at war, right? So I need you to understand something that the Khazarians are Rothschilds. The Khazarians are basically one of the same with the Khazarian Mafia who are the Ukrainians and the Ukrainians are the Canaanite. This empire goes all the way back to 100 and 1200 Ad. And they owned and operated all of the other mafias, which are small secret societies, free Masonic groups, right? And they are trying to run to Israel for refuge.
Like I said, everybody in Hollywood is going to Israel. That’s where the great majority of all the sex traffickers and stuff is at. None will be found because the people are not going to accept them as Jews. They are basically desperate for respite. Right? So like I said, the Kazarian kingdom is encompassed what is now Ukraine in parts of Eastern Europe. The Rothschilds, who are nephilim hosts, and the Kazarian mafia gained a foothold in the nations across the earth since the mid 17 hundreds.
When you’re talking about the inception point of the Federal Reserve System. People are not dealing with the ancient, people don’t know that we’re dealing with ancient power. So the city of Jerusalem eventually will utterly be obliterated unless the Khazarian mafia surrenders. According to the Gnostic Illuminati source, the destruction of that city is needed to put out an end of the Masonic delusions of the end quote of Benjamin Fieldford.
So like I said, this was the beginning points of everything that’s taking place right now. When you’re talking about the Foreign Office letter that was written to Lord Rothschilds, when it’s talking about the facilitation process of the non Jewish communities in Palestine and the rights of the political status of the Jews of any other country, facilitated by your so called Jews who are actually canaanites, which is created by the Zionist confederation.
So it’s not a coincidence that this freemasonic person named Albert Pike, he was talking about a Third World War that was going to be taking place. The only reason they’re able to basically create these so called prophecies because they basically usurped us the Tablets of Destiny. The Tablets of destiny basically tells you about what’s going to be taking place in the future. Now. It tells you that the Third World War must be fermented by taking advantage of differences caused by the age of tour of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic world that’s actually taking place right now.
Right? And the war must be conducted in such a way that Islam, the Muslim Abrahamic world and the political Zionism in the state of Israel mutually destroy each other. Right? So like I said, this is all connected to the fact that then where the citizens obliged to defend themselves against the world minority revolutionaries will exterminate the destroyers of civilization and the multitude of this illusion with Christianity and whose daciatic spirits will from the moment of encompass none of that stuff is important.
But he’s basically telling you right here that all this stuff is going to be taking place and it’s happening right now. So like I said, they fund both sides of the war, the democratic liberalistic citizens of the saying that’s being controlled by Joe Biden, the Democrats, they gave and approved $75 million to Palestine and he also gave $6 billion to Iran. Right? So he funded both sides of the war.
So it’s not a coincidence that the attack started on October 6, which was basically exactly nine years and eleven months from the South Park episode called Ginger Cow, when it’s talking about the war with Israel and Palestine. So it’s not a coincidence. So everything when you’re talking about 911, 911 is a mirror flip. Eleven nine is basically the same thing. So it’s basically 911 or 119 is basically a free Masonic number.
It’s a canaanite number. Right? So hold on, let me get my I thought I had it the other part, it’s not even in here. I can’t find it. But what you got to understand is that what you’re looking at, this chart, everything is operated in a place of atonement, and the Day of Atonement is the Day of Judgment, and the Day of Judgment is basically being galvanized by the scales of Libra.
So everything in Libra, that’s why the great majority of all the stock market crashes happen in when October happened in October 19, 1925 or 1929. Right. So, like I said, the same thing that’s actually taking place is basically a direct emulation of the birth chart of what took place in the coordinates back in 1929 when you’re talking about the stock market crashing. Right. Because Lamu Mars is a deity of war, and the war in itself is being facilitated by the energy of Libra to put out the Day of Atonement through the scales of justice.
Right. Which is why we have in that solar eclipse on my birthday on October 14. So the judgment in itself is connected to that. Right. So the judgment in itself is the reason why you got stuff like this going on. Roshankaram paria hazarote magbar omrico yani magbaram poultono Pompo magbar magbar Sardam doromagar omrica maggiver shumachan toy kuru. He kept reading enon bastard sonyan tobac to letter regime resolat Rodar amolo in magbaramikad honey run the adult man to seem in a kamodna darmorda fish king Bashari mozart marguta has the mass within mug of them.
Hamdar tells me home the harfisha. Right. So, like I said, this is judgment. A lot of this stuff that’s taking place is judgment because it’s the end of the Canaanite system. It’s the end of the Canaanite and the black nobility, rulership, Iranian lawmakers chanting Death to America, that is clearly how they feel or certainly the way that they are expressing themselves. So all this stuff is actually taking place.
Right. Not a coincidence anyhow. And it’s a black guy and he’s from another country, and he’s holding out this card, and he said, yeah, the UN sent me over here. I’m a soldier for the UN. And they gave me this card. It’s got a computer chip in it, like a bank card, but it’s got the guy’s picture on it, information number. He’s a you know, he’s telling them that he was told he was given a phone, he was given this card, and he was told to go to a certain city and get a place to stay and wait.
They would get in touch with him through the phone, I guess, last text message or something, tell him where to go when they needed him to do something. But basically he was free to come into the country and hang out. Now listen, he’s not just going to come live here if he’s a soldier for the UN. He’s not going to come live here for six months and then pay him $2,200 a month.
Okay? Whatever they’re planning on doing, they’re planning on doing it within I would say the next 90 days to 120 days. So with that being said, be very meticulous of your surroundings because when you fund both sides of the war, that is basically the precursor to a false flag operation that’s going to be taking place, right? There’s going to be a false flag operation that’s going to be taking place in order to compensate the lack thereof.
So like I said, the judgment in itself is basically the great Day of Atonement, the great day of the time of Thoth, the dreadful day, right, when you’re talking about your so called apocalypse, right? So a lot of his stuff is going to be taking place in between the years of 2024 and 2027, right? Why is this stuff taking place? Because of all the subjugation, all the subjugation that you created with your fictitious laws and things of that nature, all the trafficking that was created by the European nations that’s connected to the Canaanite bloodline, all this stuff, you know what I’m saying? That’s because this system in itself has reached its verification limit on destruction.
It’s reached its limit on unrighteous acts, it’s reached its limit on degradation of the indigenous people. So that’s why, like I said, that’s why the cosmic pendulum in itself has to go through a reset, right? So like I said, it’s basically reached its limitations. That’s why everything is going to be facilitated by the day of the Lord, who is the true Lord, who is Tahooti, who was Thoth, because America is the land of Tahooti.
So meaning that it’s going to be the end of the evil spirits and demonic witchcraft and the spell casting that was basically created by your political system and your laws and your ordinances and your regulations to subjugate a certain demographic of people, right? So that’s why I’m saying the judgment itself, the great Day of Atonement is when you get your land back, right? Because like I said, by birthright, through the seeds of Inky, inky means Lord of Earth, right? So the scenes of Inky, meaning that you have birthright to the planet.
So it tells you right here, the United States versus here is Henry. It tells you verbatim that the geographical landmass of America belongs to the title holders who are the Moors, who are actually merged, that are connected to the five civilized tribes, the Choctaw, the Wishitaw, the Yamancy, the Seminal. When you break down the etymology of the word seminal, it means fugitive, slave, the Chickasaw, all these is connected to the five civilized tribes, right, which was propagated in 1848 on June 6, right? It tells you right here, like I said, I blow it up some more.
The mound builders of North America, the land of Moo for more than a million square miles belongs to the MERS, not the Black Amores, but the Merge, the indigenous MERS who ran Atlantis, right? So it’s not a coincidence that everything is taking place when you’re talking about. The black attorney successfully gets the N word removed from the dictionary, right? A dark skinned person of any origin in the United States usually reference to American Indians.
So you’re basically a Native American. You’re not African. The only reason they talking about you are African is because they want those reparations, right? They want those reparations because they want to connect this whole mythology in itself, this falsehood. And these fallacies saying that we came from Africa so they can get their reparations. We are not Africans. How can you be from a place you can’t be deported back to? So with that being said, I can find it.
With that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I got to show you the chart because like I said, the inception point of the Canaanite is the Nephilim, who is the fallen angel. And the fallen angel is your Lucifer, who made it with the daughters of men. And the daughters of men is the Canaanite. And the Canaanite created the Pharaohs, which was the Hyksos, who infiltrated ancient Kemet and turned it into Egypt.
And those pharaohs end up being Romans and Khazars, where they created Judaism and they created the Vatican. That’s when they created the Knights of Templars, which is a branch of the KKK, which is connected to the democratic order because a lot of people don’t know that the KKK was created by Democrats, which is a Christian organization. And you go to the G 35 26 strong concordance, christian means black.
So that means that the Vatican, through ecclesiastical law, puts you under subjugation of the Knights of Templars that is controlled by the black nobility. So, like I said, all these freemasonic groups is connected to the Canaanite bloodline. So the Canaanite bloodline is being galvanized by Saturn worship. The Saturn worship in itself is Rimframe. Remfram is L. And L is Saturn. And Saturn is Satan, which is Chronos. Kratos chronology, crossy democracy.
So when you showing your veneration to democracy, saying that we need to go vote, we need to get reparations, or you’re doing whatever your favorite celebrity want to do, you’re showing your veneration to the Cuba Saturn, that’s being galvanized by Canaanites, right? And that’s why, like I said, this is all connected to child trafficking, human trafficking, right? So back to this here. When you go to all the way at the top, you know what I’m saying? I’m giving a small synopsis and a rundown for those coming in, because like I said, the inception point of the Canaanite, lucifer interbreeded with a certain species.
That certain species is the Canaanite. The Canaanite are these nations right here. And the canaanite is comprised of the Sidonites, the Hittites, the Jeju bites, the Amorites, the Gurgasites, the Hivites, the architects, the Sinites, the Ardaka Vites and the Zimorites and the Hethites. Right? And they were basically created by Yaku. They were created by Yakub through a form of eugenics, human gravitation experiments. So he created them on the island of Patmos and then they got banished to the caves because they got banished to the caves because they was cursed with leprosy.
Leprosy is a vampiric disease that they got from the right, right. Because I told you, the nephilim, Lucifer, when he came down, he interbreeded with a certain demographic of people, a certain species, the Canaanite, the evil reptilian, gave power to the beast. Right. And when he interbreeded, it created a weakness, a genetical weakness called lepers suffer from the Nasvar two curse. Nasvar two? Who is that? A draconian, a vampire.
Right. Lepers, which is the Nazvatu clan of vampires, who was Nazvatu, but the Nazvatu is not actually he wasn’t a pell. Nasvatu actually like this. So these nephilim, when they came down, they actually looked like these beings right here. Right. So it’s not a coincidence that you see the Pope, the virciever of all religion, kissing the feet of the people who are wearing the royal purple, which is a Babylonian color.
Right. So that’s why you see the Canaanites, the Europeans propagating and politicking with the black nobility Moors and the black nobility Moors. When you look at the Blackamore, he is holding the seal of Switzerland, right, which is a black nobility symbol. So that’s why Yaku, he gave the Edification to the Blackamore to give to the Canaanite to put jurisdiction over the people who are connected to the seas of Enki for 6000 years.
Right? So these are the Black and Moors. Given the edification, they make them rob the goat. Rod the goat is a freemasonic ritual. They got to go through a ritual to get this knowledge. They got to go through 33 degrees of freemasonry. Right. Jacob’s ladder. Right. So, like I said, a lot of these black nobility Moors, the blacker Moors were actually vampires. So it’s not a coincidence that Dr.
York put out this publication way before this movie came out. So that means that he’s seen something, right? Because Lilith was actually a vampire. Right. So, with all that being said, ladies and gentlemen, with all that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I hope this video gave you the clarification that you needed in order to decipher the enemy, to decipher who’s who and what’s what. Because you got to understand, the inception point of the Canaanite was created by Yaku or Yahweh or whoever, the father of the Canaanite race.
Right? And when the nephilim came down, that’s when they made it with the daughters of men. The daughters of men are the Canaanites. They basically took upon the energetic frequency of the nephilim. Many that they are a cursed seed. Because of nephilim, these Draconians, when they came down, when they was casted out, one third of the galaxy went against the order of Anunu and they got casted out.
So when they get casted out, they fell into a lower frequency, the third dimension. So the third dimension in itself is being galvanized by the Saturn moon matrix. Saturn is L and L is Rimfriend. Right. So what happened was, when these fallen angels made up with the daughters of men, that’s where the canaanite got their edification from these draconians, right? And the edification in itself is being facilitated by amorty law, maritime law, trafficking, eugenics, and things of that nature, right? And it’s all being facilitated by these political groups, worldwide governments, united Nations, World Economic Forum, the IMF, the International Monetary Funding System.
All this stuff is being controlled by Canaanites. And like I said, l’s Holy in jail by Dr. York. Revelation 1717. It tells you the evil reptilian gave power to the beast. The beast is the canaanite. The evil reptilian is the black nobility. Draconian. Archon. So the purpose of this video is to show people, as we’re going through the Great Awakening, to show people the diametrical difference between the seeds of inky and the seeds of enlil, to see who is on what side.
So the great majority of your black politicians, the great majority of your politicians in general, are what is a canaanite empire? Your celebrities is following them, your favorite athletes, right? Your pastors. All this stuff is being galvanized by, you know what I’m saying, the Canaanite bloodline, who is doing the bidding of the black nobility. So with all that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I hope this video gave you clarity.
If you have any questions, leave comments in the comment section. End of transmission. Bye. .
This dude packs a lot of information in! Thanks dude and Tommy for do 🌸😎💫