Mysterious And Unexplained Things That Will Freak Your Night Out

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➡ Antonio posted a video on Instagram showing what appears to be a face on the moon, which sparked a lot of debate. Some people think it’s fake or edited, while others are unsure. He also shared other videos of strange occurrences, like flying humanoids and mysterious orbs that disappear. Despite the mixed opinions, these videos have stirred up a lot of interest and curiosity.
➡ The speaker is discussing various strange occurrences and videos, including a mysterious light show in the sky and a large owl that appeared and disappeared mysteriously. They also mention a movie called “The Fourth Kind” which is about alien abductions and features an owl as a sign of an impending abduction. The speaker is unsure if these events are real or fake, and encourages viewers to share their thoughts and experiences.
➡ The text is about a person hosting a live stream where they review and discuss various videos and images, some of which are supposedly of mysterious or unexplained phenomena. They interact with their audience, asking for their opinions and comments. They also discuss a video from a blogger who captured what some believe to be a “night marcher,” a spirit from Hawaiian folklore, during a hike. The host also reviews other videos, including one that supposedly features a strange noise in the woods and another that shows a large shadowy figure.
➡ The text is about a person commenting on various videos, discussing their content and interacting with viewers. The videos include a large person walking on a mountain, a giant spider, a dog acting strangely, and a mysterious creature in the woods. The commentator also asks viewers for their opinions and shares personal anecdotes.
➡ The text is a mix of different topics. It starts with a video of a mysterious creature that could be a dog or something else. Then, it moves to a discussion about ancient Egypt, where there are theories about advanced technology and knowledge that we might not have today. The text also mentions a strange object that can turn water red and then back to normal. Finally, it talks about a possible glitch in the matrix where someone found something in their house that they didn’t remember leaving there.
➡ A woman cleaning her Airbnb found a pendant from a necklace she hadn’t worn in weeks on the bathroom floor, leading her to believe she experienced a “glitch in the matrix.” The article also discusses various other strange occurrences shared online, such as unexplainable sounds heard in Canada, a man finding ancient oceanic fossils, and a baby reacting to something unseen in a graveyard. These events have left people puzzled and questioning reality.
➡ The text is about a person discussing various videos and experiences related to paranormal activities, particularly involving shadow figures. They question why some people can see these entities while others can’t, and they also discuss a specific incident where a woman and her child encounter a possible intruder in their home. The person encourages viewers to share their thoughts and experiences, and mentions plans for future content.


So this video is coming in from Antonio. He’s got an Instagram account. He posts several interesting videos. And lately a lot of people have been emailing me, like, james, have you seen that face on the moon? And I’m like, what face on the moon? I’ve never seen a face on the moon. Or something like that. So I started investigating, going after this face on the moon thing. I was.

I think I misunderstood the beginning, but then I found a video, and I was like, oh, my gosh. What is that? Let’s just check this out. Let’s take a look at this. It is February 20 eigth 29th. Before I go on, just make sure. I want to make sure that the audio from the video is good. Can you guys hear the audio from the video? Is it good? Is the volume good? Leave a comment.

I can’t hear you. Someone’s saying I can’t hear. Is this true? Can you guys hear me better right now? Is my microphone too loud? Is it too low? And can you guys hear the video? I’m going to play the video once again. So you guys just make sure the audio from the video is good. It is February 20 eigth. Is it good? It’s all good. Sounds good. It’s good.

Okay, let’s go. Let’s go. All right. 9th. 20 eigth. 29th. I have got me. Wait, audio is low. Wait, someone said audio is low? Which audio is low, my voice or the video? Audio and the video is loud. Your volume is low. Okay, thank you very much for that. So my audio is low. Let me see if I can. Testing. Okay, I think now it’s a little bit better, right? All right, so the audio from the video is okay.

So let’s just got things all set up right now. It is February 20 eigth. 29th. 20 eigth 29th. I have got me a better quality camera to catch this thing in the sky. And. Holy mo. Okay. A little low on the voice. Voice. Audio is low. Better. Okay, better. Okay, nice. Let’s play the video. Okay, now officially, it’s on. Leave a like, subscribe the channel. Let’s go. It is February 20 eigth 29th.

20 eigth 29th. I have got me a better quality camera to catch this thing in the sky. And holy moly, I am scared. I’m scared, but I’m not going to trip because I’ve been catching this thing for a while now. It’s very ominous. There he is. There he is. There he is. There he is. It’s a huge face. What is that? Looking right down on us. Let me see if I can zoom in a little bit brighter.

There he is. There’s the moon. Oh, I lost it. There it is. Let’s see if I can get a better picture in on the moon like it’s supposed to. Is my hand in front of the thing or something? All right, here we go. It is. Look at that. Yeah, there it is. What is that camera makes it so clear. There it is. It is February. Okay, so we got several people saying that this is fake.

Well, yeah. Well, I’d say 50 50, but it’s like a lot of people are leaving a comment right now. Like, what the heck? Got to agree with you guys. What the heck? Because if this isn’t fake, this is, like, one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen so far. But I guess it’s CGI. A lot of people are leaving comments like, it’s CGI. It’s not. Yeah, 50 50.

Now, I’m not going to play the entire video again, but I’m going to zoom in here. Just going to pause over here. Okay, check that out. So he zooms in on the moon, right? So you can see that it’s his house. You can see the window, right, to catch this thing in a truth. And holy moly, I am scared. And you got scared, but I’m not going to trip because I’ve been catching this thing for a while now.

It’s very ominous. There he is. There he is. Okay, right here. What is that over here? The impression I have is that if this is CGI, this could be a lamp, some sort of montage or some sort of edit that he did when he zooms in on the moon. He’s zooming in on the moon right here. I’m scared I’m not going to trip because zooming in on the moon, but here, at a certain moment there, he could actually, I don’t know, cut the video edit.

If he did that, he did it really well. Okay. And then it could be a lamp with some sort of statue next to it. So it makes it look like it’s a face. But my gosh, this is really well done. It’s a huge face looking right down on us. Let’s see if I can zoom in a little bit brighter. Super creepy. There he is. There’s the moon. Oh, I lost it.

There it is. Let’s see if I can get a better picture on the moon like it’s supposed to. Yeah, that’s got to be an edit. I mean, there would be hundreds of videos. I mean, there are two or three videos. I just got to tell you guys that I did not find the other videos. The other videos I was sent by subscribers. The quality was so bad, I said to myself, I’m not going to present this to you guys.

This is the best quality I found. Is my hand in front of the thing or something? Look at that. Look at that. There it is. At first I thought it was a cloud. Okay. When I saw this video, I thought it was a cloud, but it looks quite solid to me. Look at that. Yeah, there it is. There it is. Yeah. If I were to vote, I would say that this is fake.

Most likely fake, but I could be wrong. Let’s go to the next video. All right. Before I play this video, I probably have to resize it here on the stream. Sorry for that, guys. Okay, let’s do this. So this is coming in from Reddit. Reddit user spooky boy. It was about 03:00 a. m. In the morning. Let me play the video once again. It was about 03:00 a.

m. In the morning. Thank you very much, Benny. The Internet was divided, but it didn’t stop there. Yeah. Okay, so this is supposed to be a flying humanoid caught on camera in San Pedro, California, about 03:00 a. m. In the morning. I don’t know if he went to get some food or something, McDonald’s, whatever. And he saw this. Creepy. That’s not a drone. That’s definitely not a drone.

What the heck, right? That’s Chris angel. Maybe a magician. There’s no audio on this video, guys. Okay, let’s go to the next one. This is posted by pit. Full adaptness. Four, five, seven on Reddit. This is an interesting video because this is most likely not fake. And let’s take a look at, want you guys to pay attention. There’s a moment there. We got two orbs, two metallic objects.

Look at that. Pay attention. It’s going to disappear right there. Holy shit. Where the fuck is it? I even see it. It’s gone. It’s gone. They disappeared. Look at that. You got two metallic, what looks like two metallic objects, two metallic orbs, and then they’re gone. I’m going to play the exact moment that the objects disappear. It’s gone. I don’t see it. It’s gone. Holy. Yeah, that’s manmade.

The date is fake. That’s the future. No, February 11, if I’m not mistaken. Yeah, not the future yet. What do you guys think? I mean, have you ever seen anything like this. This is the sort of thing that when you get to see with your own eyes and you record it on camera, a lot of people will say it’s fake or it’s edited or CGI, but I don’t think this is the case with this video.

Okay, this one is creepy, because at first I thought this was just some laser lights or a laser show. Then I started realizing that whatever is making these laser. Whatever is producing these lasers, the source of the lasers does not seem to be coming from the ground at all. This is definitely coming from the clouds or at least somewhere up above. I’ve never seen anything like this. So I decided to play this video.

Check this out. It’s like label. Like sky. It. It. Yeah, gonna play the video once again. It’s like laser like. Look at that. I mean, here in one of the first. Here. Go. Okay, so this is in. Let me see where this is coming from. Melbourne, Australia. This is coming from Melbourne, Australia. Can someone please leave a comment? If we have really high skyscraper, really huge, or, I don’t know, do we have buildings that go up high in the sky or something like that in Melbourne, Australia? That could actually explain why these lasers seem to be coming from somewhere really high up in the sky, because I don’t see how this is coming from the ground.

Do you understand what I’m talking about? I’m going to zoom in a little bit here so you guys understand what I’m talking about. Take a look at that. Okay, what is going on here? There could be a light show, but why? How close the sky. Now they’re gone. Yeah, that’s Creepy. So again, a video with no audio. That’s crazy. Does not look like CGI to me at first.

But what is that? I mean, the object itself doesn’t seem like CGI. Does not look like CGI. Maybe the lightning strike, I don’t know, was added after. But what is that in the sky, sir? Spookfest hell. Hello, all. Hi. How are you guys doing? Anyways, welcome to everyone that’s arriving right now. Leave a comment. Where are you guys from right now? Where are you guys at? And again, if you want to send strange videos, stories, that impossible channel@gmail.

com. If you want me to talk about something right now, leave a comment. I’m open to different sorts of topics. And what do you think this is? This is crazy. I mean, this is supposedly coming from Brazil, but I’m not too sure. The information on this video is very vague. And this video is like, I don’t know, seven to six years old. It’s not exactly super viral thing right now going on, but it could be fake.

Still could be the real deal. Look at that. Leave a comment. CGI or the real deal? It’s a difficult one. Ohio. India. India. Wow. Fresno, California. Falling from a plane. Yes. The previous video. Yes. It could be some sort of object that fell from a plane or maybe skydivers, but still would not explain the lightning. Could be CGI. Yeah. Let’s take a look at this one. This is coming in from Montreal.

Wish how to what? I don’t understand what he’s saying. If someone understands, please do leave a comment. Help me translate here. This is wild. Most likely a laser beam coming from the ground. You see the difference from the previous video of the lasers in the sky. This is definitely coming from the ground, but even so. Okay, this is a wild one. I don’t know if you guys seen this before.

So, like three weeks ago, this thing. I think the volume in this video, this particular video is quite low. Let me just push the volume up here. So, like three weeks ago, this thing showed up at my window. It took a flash. There’s no screen. 1 second. Okay, so, like three weeks ago, this thing showed up at my window. It took a flash, there’s no eyeshine. And then it turned pink and disappeared.

So last night. Okay, just a second. Before I play this video, before I play this video, I think it’s important for me to give some background info here. This is coming in from Fosbo on TikTok and I don’t know if you’ve guys seen that video. That movie actually. What’s the name of the movie where people get taken by aliens in Alaska and before they’re taken by aliens, they see this owl.

Usually they see an owl at their window. What’s the name of the movie, guys? Please, someone help me out here. Leave a comment. Gosh, I’m going to have to search this. Let me see if I can find the name of the movie. 1 second. It’s not Harry Potter. Harry Potter. It’s not Harry Potter. Oh, my gosh. Okay, that’s it. The fourth kind. Oh, my gosh. That’s a creepy movie.

That is a really creepy movie. The fourth kind. That’s it. That’s it. That’s a creepy movie, guys. The fourth kind. Has anyone seen this movie before? I mean, from zero to ten? This movie has to be like a 9. 5 to me at least, because it’s based on a true story. But then I started researching it seems that a lot of it was made up just to make the movie a little bit more terrifying.

But even so, what makes this all super creepy is the fact that there are countless reports of people who’ve been abducted by aliens, who supposedly abducted by aliens, and in most cases they report seeing an owl. This is real. Okay. There’s tons of reports of people who, I don’t know why they see this owl at their window or moments before they’re abducted or when they come back, all they remember is the owl.

Right? So this guy Fosbo on TikTok posted this video recently and people are freaking out about it because. Yeah, just take a look at this. So, like three weeks ago, this thing. Tell me if the audio is low. It took a flash, there’s no eyeshine. Oh, my gosh. And then it turned pink and disappeared. So last night I get a knock on my window, this window. I pull up the blinds and it’s fucking sitting right on my ledge, looking at me, and it’s fucking huge.

Like 3ft tall, it’s massive. And I go to pull my phone out. It sees me pulling my phone out and it jumps away to the ledge, the wire. And what it does from there is it jumps in the air and stays in the air. It doesn’t move, just stays there. I took a couple of shots of it and then after it disappeared, these lights show up. Okay. A lot of people are saying that the audio is low.

Fucking insane. Yeah, let me fix the audio, guys. Just 1 second. All right, tell me if the audio is better now. So like three weeks ago, this thing showed up at my window. Yes, it is called an owl. I agree with you guys, but pay attention to the story. Not only that, this guy’s freaked out. He legit saw the owl disappear. He tried taking pictures of it to document this.

It’s not exactly the easiest thing when you’re not. Just think about this, guys. There’s like loads of strange things going on all over the world all the time. People who get to remember to catch, get their cameras out and start recording. I don’t know what, 30%, 40% of people out there still, there are 60% of things going on that people are not recording. I mean, like this guy had, he remembered that he had his camera, so he started taking pictures of it, but still.

So, like three weeks ago, this thing showed up at my window. Let me see if the audio gets better here. It took a flash, there’s no eyeshine. And then it turned pink and disappeared. So last night I get a knock on my window, this window. I pulled the blinds and it’s fucking sitting right on my ledge, looking at me and it’s fucking huge. Like 3ft tall, it’s massive.

And I go to pull my phone out. It sees me pulling my phone out and it jumps away to the ledge, the wire. And what it does from there is it jumps in the air and stays in the air. It doesn’t move, just stays there. I took a couple of shots of it. What? And then after it disappeared, these lights show up. Fucking insane. Yeah, that’s insane. Okay, so we got this same guy explaining a little bit better, explaining the situation a little bit better.

So real quick, I’m going to show you exactly what happened to the owl. So this is last night, 330 on the dot again. I hear a tapping, like a light tapping knock, and then I hear a hoop. Oh, my God, this thing’s. So I get up. So I walk over to the window and literally it’s right in front of my face. Literally two inches. So I’m literally two inch.

If you ever have stared at an owl two inches away, he had to been almost 3ft tall. It’s freaky. So I pulled the phone up real slick like this, and it looked right at it and was like this and followed it. And at this point it glided back onto that telephone line and then it went straight up into the air and stood there, didn’t flap its wings, just stayed in one spot.

And then just at one point, it did rearrange its wings, but then that was it. Then these lights started flashing. But that is what happened. I do have a security camera, but it managed to miss the whole camera and it could. It should. Yeah, I know he seems freaked out. I’m reading your comments here, guys. Yes. First of all, he seems legit freaked out. Second of all, I don’t think he’s looking for clout.

I don’t think he’s trying to go viral with this couple of pictures. I think he’s legit freaked out. I don’t think this is fake. Okay. I think that he saw something and he tried taking pictures of it, which is sometimes hard. And I actually contacted him. And I understand that this is not fake, but it’s the Internet. It’s a lot of possibilities, but still, it’s the kind of thing that we don’t hear about every day, right? So who knows? Who knows? Leave a comment.

I’m interested now because I know you guys think the fourth kind of movie is creepy, and I do too. And it seems that a lot of the stories are real, so just leave a comment. Do you know anyone who was legit abducted by aliens or anyone who started seeing owls all of a sudden, then saw, had a sighting or saw something really strange that they didn’t know how to explain because this seems to be legit, something that actually happens? Well, okay, for you guys that are arriving right now, leave a comment.

Where are you guys at? How’s the weather? How you guys doing? Are you guys eating pizza? Popcorn? How you guys having fun? Leave a comment. All right, let’s play this one. This is coming in from the half family 2018 on TikTok just for you guys to know. Wait, too high. Someone is saying that the audio is too high. Just a second. Okay, over here. Come here. Look right above the trees.

Come here. Feeling right above the trees, dude. Over here. Come here. Look right above the trees. Come here. Right above the trees. What? Dude, what is that? That is not a plane either. It’s not moving. Oh, my gosh, dude, me neither. Oh, dude. Did you see how fast it just went? Wow, dude. Yeah, I got. Did you see how fast that thing just went? That is a UFO, dude.

Oh, my gosh. It’s gone. Where did it go? Dude, where did that thing go? Bro, did you see how fast it just left? There is no plane that can do that. Dude. That was a UFO, dude. Over here. Come here. Look right above the trees. Come here. Right above the trees. What? Dude, what is that? That is not a plane either. Is not moving. Oh, my gosh, dude, me neither.

Oh, dude, did you not move? Oh, my gosh, dude, me neither. Oh, dude. Yeah, it moves quite fast. Not sure. Seems like they’re legit. Their reaction is legit. Seems like their reaction is actually on frame with what’s happening. Seems legit. If it is, it’s a pretty good catch, isn’t it? Yeah. All right, so let’s go to the next one. Someone’s leaving comments here. A comments here. Cryptids. Yeah, we’re going to have some cryptids soon.

Very soon. Don’t worry about it. But if you want to suggest some cryptid videos or anything like that, leave a comment or email me at that impossible channel at Gmail. Well, yeah, also, guys, we have the super chat button where you can leave comments. It will stand out for a while, and that’ll help me actually take a look at here. What I’m doing right now is taking a look at the comments, live chat comments.

And when you leave a super chat, it stands out. So I can actually, for example, if you want me to feature something specific. I’ll take a look at that. It’s easier for me. Okay, so let’s go with the next one here. Let’s take a look at this. All right. This is a good one. No, you’re seeing its weight. It’s a duck. It’s the duck. I’m sorry. All right, second guys.

Okay, sorry. Let’s go. You’re seeing it’s weight. It’s a duck. What’s going on here? I’m sorry. That is exactly how it happens. Oh, my gosh. What was that? What was that? Oh, my gosh. I was not expecting that. Oh, my gosh. So this is coming in from Jack Heath. What was that? Let me play the video again. I mean, like, let’s just go directly to this part over here.

What is that? What is that? A dinosaur? What is that? That’s a duck. Someone’s saying that’s a duck. I don’t think that’s a duck. Take a look at your duck here. Look at that. How is that a duck? That’s not a duck. A fish? I don’t think so. I’m going to play the video again. Look at that. Pay very close attention, guys. Look at that. That’s no duck.

A whale? I don’t know what that is. It looks like a dinosaur, but really strange. Jellyfish. Some people are saying jellyfish. I don’t think so. Not a new video. It’s not a new video. But even so, this is, like, one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen so far. Squid? I’m not sure. Yeah, that’s a pokemon. Nice. Okay. That’s a Pokemon. Okay. I may believe that’s a pokemon, so you probably heard about this one, but I think it’s a really interesting story.

This is coming in from Hawaii. This is coming from a woman named Kay Borles. So Kay Borlese has a blog, so she’s a blogger, and she posts about random things, but never, ever about mysterious and explained and creepy things. She has a normal blog, talks about normal daily stuff. And she was in Hawaii hiking. And the person behind. I don’t know if this is the person behind her, if this is her taking pictures.

I guess this is actually someone behind her. Maybe the guide, the person who was guiding them through this tour on Hawai. Anyways, she captured what looks like. I don’t know what this looks like, actually, but officially, people are saying that this is a night marcher. I don’t know if you know what a night marcher is, to be very honest. I had never heard about a night marcher before.

But it seems that this is a spirit of a protector, of being an entity in Hawaii that if you talk about a night marcher in Hawaii, people will know what you’re talking about. Right. But it seems that this is something I had never heard about before. And I guess maybe you haven’t either. So there is a video. I’m going to play the video, but I just want to make sure you’re seeing this picture before.

So this is coming in from Kay Borles. She raised. I just want to make things very clear here. She erased this from her blog. I don’t know why, but it went viral. It was all over the Internet a couple of months ago. Let’s take a look at this. This is another picture from the same place. She did not see. This is the thing. She didn’t see the night marcher.

No one that was with her saw the night marcher with their own eyes. They just kept walking on the hike. Nothing else happened. And she actually laughed. A post on her blog about this saying that they were hiking in Hawaii and they were taking pictures. And after they got home back to the United States, they were revealed. They were taking a look at the pictures and they saw this.

So this is the live photo that she took with her iPhone. Your phone, if you have an iPhone, it has this function. It’s called live. And when you activate this function, every picture is actually a five second video. And this is the five second video that she took. Let’s just zoom in over here. This is a wild one, in my opinion. This is a really good one. Look at that.

What the heck is that? So let’s just say this is a night marcher, right. An entity that protects people in the forest or maybe protects the forest. Right. This is super creepy because kind of means that this thing was there for a reason, in my opinion. I don’t know. The question is why? Right? Yeah, that’s a legit. This is super legit. I tried contacting Kborley’s about this, but she raised the post on her blog, I guess that she wasn’t enjoying much of the feedback that she was getting from this.

Most likely a lot of people trolling her and all that. I understand. But, yeah, there’s something strange about the entity itself in this picture. I don’t know if you know what I’m talking about, but it looks more like a hat man, a shadow person. You know what I mean? I’m not sure. Leave a comment. This is super creepy. They didn’t see this with their own eyes. I just want to make it very clear, they did not see this with their own eyes.

They just kept on hiking. But it showed up on the picture. Yeah, for some reason this thing showed up in that specific moment. Super creepy. This is coming in from Bigfoot. Mi on TikTok. Original source is unknown. Let’s take a look at this. Let me see if the audio is good. Let’s play this. All right, again, if you guys are joining the live chat right now, the live stream right now.

Leave a comment. Where are you guys at? If you want me to feature any different kind of video, leave a comment. You guys hear that shit? Something out there. What the fuck? Hey, what the fuck is that? Hey, what the fuck are you’re pissed off out there? Yeah, guys go, hey, let’s go out there and investigate it. Oh my gosh. What is that? That’s super creepy. Coyote. I’m reading the comments here.

Coyote. That’s just a tour guy taking a dump. You guys are super creative with the comments. Sometimes fake. Some people believe this is fake. I’m not sure. It could be because, well, I don’t know. I’ve never heard anything like this. Play the next one. Alrighty, this is coming in from Mexico. If you’re in Mexico, leave a comment. Do you know where this place is? A giant show? I mean, what’s going on? Allah.

My gosh, what is going on with so many giant videos? First of all, I just want to say that the people that are recording this seem legit creeped out about it. And it seems that this place, let me just. Yeah, they’re pretty far away. And when she zooms in, person kind of looks like a giant, I mean like super huge. Ah. Most out there. Allah. Some people are saying the audio is loud.

Just a second. Yeah, I agree it’s loud. She’s kind of screaming. I don’t know why. I think they’re legit creeped out. Some people are saying I don’t see it. Let me just look at that. Do you see that? Let me try to zoom in. 1 second. See that? Now over there. Do you see it? Now look at the size of this person. Has to be someone really, really big.

It’s crouchy. Now wait, Alaman, did he call me worthy? Allah. Madri. Exactly how did this person step across this thing over here in the mountain, this slope or whatever, man, this is like, this is someone really big. And whomever it is, it’s walking quite, has absolutely no difficulty crossing this mountain. Look at that. Super easy. Rodriguez is saying, looks like a regular person to me. Well, it is.

It does look like a regular person. What is creepy about this video is that have you ever been hiking? Have you ever been on a hike on a mountain? It’s not exactly like a stroller park. It’s not the same thing as walking in the park. You got to be careful. You got to take it slow. And this person is Allah. Madre Allah. Yeah. Too far, too blurry, too fake.

I agree with you. It is too far, too blurry. Some people are saying, no, he’s too far. Exactly. This is the perspective we’re talking about. Right? Look at that. Okay, so she’s zooming in. There you go. Look at the size of this person. I don’t know. It could be a normal person, but a super tall person, maybe. I don’t know. Let’s go for the next video. If you’re joining the live stream right now, leave a comment.

Where are you coming from? Where are you typing from? Leave a comment. How’s the weather? Are you enjoying the video? Do you want me to talk about something different? Let’s just roll this. Oh, my gosh. Oh, no. I don’t like spiders. Oh, my gosh. I remember the first time I traveled to the beach. A giant spider on the wall, and I’m freaked out about spiders. Look at that.

I mean, that’s a really big spider, isn’t it? I mean, too big. Maybe that’s a giant spider. Exactly. Hell, no. Oh, my gosh. That is a huge spider. Some people in the comments are saying it’s fake. If it is, this is one of the best fakes I’ve ever seen so far. But it could be CGI. But what gets me in this video is the movement. Look at that.

It stops. It’s moving like a spider would. Look. This was supposedly caught on a CCTV camera. I don’t know. Someone’s saying a robot. Nice. Could be a robot. That’s a spider, guys. But it’s too big to be a normal spider. Okay, so this one is coming from. Just a second here. It’s coming from all byte nobark 88 on Twitter. Let’s take a look at this. No one there.

Oh, my gosh. Dog’s freaking out. Okay, so the description of the video says that, well, this is his golden retriever. Never, ever barks or does anything like this. Usually behaves very well. You know how golden retrievers are. They’re really super cute dogs. Sometimes they can be kind of protective and all that. But in the title, he says that the dog. This is the title. Tell me why a golden retriever who has never barked or growled in a park or anyone or anything in his entire life is now looking at the sky and guarding me like there’s no tomorrow.

I mean, this is super strange. And this is the particular moment I think he’s talking about. It seems like he’s barking at the sky. Could be. Look at that. I don’t know if he’s barking at the sky, but there’s definitely something that it’s not there, right? It’s not there. The dog’s freaking out. This kind of behavior. You know what he should do? He should get out of there.

Should get the heck out of there. Exactly. Dogs always know. And this is something that freaks me out. And there’s this next video. Check this out. Oh, my gosh. Where’s the next video? Wait a second, guys. Come on. Oh, my gosh. Where is the dog video? Oh, this is not nice. Wait a second, guys. Come on. This is not the first time or the only time something like this happens.

If you have a dog, you probably know what I’m talking about. Dogs are known to bark and protect people from invisible things. They can see and hear things that no one can and people can’t. And there’s a number of examples on this kind of thing happening. And I think this is the case with this. I’m going to find the video. Just a second here, guys. I had. Okay, this is the one.

I’ll get you. Just a sec. Coming in from Jesse Welter on Twitter. This is the video. Then again, what can I see? Come on. You did bite me. Come on. Come on. What’s wrong? Help me. Come on. What’s going on, buddy? Earth. Don’t go down there. That’s what the dog’s saying, right? Don’t go down there. Is he going to go down there? Grizzly. Hey, it. He’s legit saying get the heck out of there, right? This is, I feel like, I feel that the dog is legit saying get the heck out of there.

Bro, what are, what are you doing there still, you know? Yeah, get out of here. Go. Oh, my gosh. I’m freaked out right now. There are so many stories of people lately. There are so many stories of people disappearing, bad things happening and all that. And I guess that this is the kind of thing that the dog could have saved him from. For instance, there could be someone hiding in there.

Let’s just forget about ghosts, gins, paranormal events or things like that. There could be a real person hiding in his basement. And the dogs kind of like, get the heck out of there, bro. There’s someone there. Come on, let’s go. Movie. Most of the times, actually, we should trust our dogs or our animals. Cats and dogs. It’s a good thing. They act like guardian angels sometimes. And he should listen to it.

He should just. This is freaky. Leave a comment. Guys, have you ever had an experience like this with your dog or cat? Has he ever saved you from something? Sometimes we don’t know exactly what they save us from, but, yeah, I guess you understand what I’m talking about. Okay, so this is coming in from Reddit user dependent ad six nine five. So he posted this all across Reddit.

And let me just write about some sort of dog man creature or Bigfoot. No one actually knows. But what’s interesting is that he gave a little bit of information on this video. And I find it very interesting because I’ve been following dogman videos, Bigfoot videos. I’ve been trying to differentiate the real from the fake. Right? So he says, uncle working at a ranch recorded this in the early two thousand s in central Utah.

Workers were hearing what sounded like a woman screeching at night. And one day they spotted this thing in the woods. Let’s take a look at it. Video has no audio. What is that? Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. He’s running. There is no audio. It makes it even creepier. Oh, my gosh. Okay, so take a look at that. Do you see that? Wait, okay, there, wait. In the middle.

This is when it gets up. Yeah. It seems like a human. It’s very difficult to make out, but there’s a certain moment there. I’m going to try to screenshot this. There’s a moment there you can actually see it has two pointy ears. And this is one of the reasons this actually went on Dogman topic on Reddit and cryptids. Let me zoom in for you guys to take a look at it better.

All right. You see that? Do you see that over there? Over there? It has something like this on its head. Not to mention the fact that the people who were working at the area were hearing, like, a woman’s creeching at night. This is not good. Right? Look at that over there. You can actually see what looks like two large ears. Look at that. Did you see that? Again? Do you see that? And then it stands up again.

You can see like, it’s not like over there. Oh, my gosh. Maybe a wolf. Yeah, I don’t know. That’s creepy. So this is a video that I feature before, so please don’t judge me. I’ve played this video before, but I wanted to compare. I wanted to bring you guys another document video for you to see what I’m talking about. Why is this super, super. Oh, my gosh. Okay, I’m going to do my best to.

Come on, really? Okay, it. There you go. So is something a dog or what? Ola vera. Dude, they’re laughing until this thing jumps in the water and starts swimming at them. Right? They’re like, oh, it’s a dog, man. Oh, yeah. Ha. Until it jumps in the water and starts swimming at you. I got it on video. Wait, yeah, two. Let’s repeat. Okay, so is something a dog or what? Olavir.

It. Just try to pause this. Okay. So you can see there. I’m going to try to zoom in, though. I think it’s going to be quite hard, but there you go. It’s something a dog or what? Oh, my gosh. So it stands up. Look at that. So we don’t have a clear picture of it. We don’t get to see what it is, but still it’s furry. You can see it’s not a human being.

It was walking like a dog would, and then it gets up. It stands up. Could be bigfoot, could be dogman. Yeah, super creepy. All right, so this is coming in. All right. What’s that? I can hear it. I’m guessing that this is in Canada. This person starts. There’s not much around. This is in the middle of woods, like cabin in the woods kind of thing, and then you start hearing this.

It’s kind of creepy, isn’t it? Yeah. Nice place, though. I agree with you guys. Super. Okay, so this is coming in from Brian Forrester. It’s been a while since I don’t feature one of these videos, but this is one interesting topic, guys. Okay. This is very important teaching that only hakeem gives. Now, this. We are in the crypts of the temple of Hattor Dendara. This is where secret information was stored.

As we revealed to people coming in. Secret information is revealed here. So they took these blocks from other sections. As you can see, this one is much older, and brought them down here for the secret. Only the high priestesses came down here. Only the high priestesses. Ancient Egypt. This is Egypt. Brian Forrester is taking a tour with a guide. He’s going to start explaining things that there’s only one specific guide that knows about.

This is super interesting. So now we have an interesting teaching over here on this wall. We see what appears to be giant light bulbs, crooks tubes. Right. In ancient times, till today, the snake is often said to be a symbol of electricity. Kundalini energy snake. This here is a jet pillar, but it actually looks like it’s a Faraday. And what you can see is this is not talking about wireless electricity, because it’s plugged in.

That is condenser here. So they’re saying this is symbolic. Supposed to be lotuses. Why is it plugged in if it’s symbolic? Actually, what’s shown here, we believe the ancient commissions are shown as giants, whether actually we’re giants or giants in intellect and ability. It could be either or. But here, these are dynastic people. And this is saying that the ancient commissions brought this knowledge. And now the secret is on the other side.

Okay. Now, on this side, we see a priest holding the staff, the snake staff. He’s controlling the energy. Controlling the. Again, a commission. Priest. Here’s another ancient commission holding the crook’s tube. But here is the difference. The snake here is being deflected by this creature holding two. This is a lot of information that he’s giving out, not official information. This is, I guess, a theory he’s talking about.

Maybe the guides came up with this or knives. Now, we thought maybe this is the companion of Jehouti, which was a baboon. However, I was here in 2003 with Hank Wesselman, our anthropologist. He said, this is not a baboon’s tale. He said, this is a reptilian. Whatever that means. Whatever here is. Hakeem says, the texts here are saying a warning. They are issuing a warning that this is ancient knowledge of power that can be abused.

This is the origin of the myth of Atlantis. Right here. Right here. Ancient civilization had a power that could be abused. I guess we’re living that right now. So this is sandstone, and this is limestone. Okay. Yeah, this is super creepy. It looks like a lamp, and it looks like it’s connected to a condenser with some sort of. Yeah, that’s the super. Do you guys think that ancient Egypt, or do you think they had knowledge or technology that we still don’t have today? Or maybe something even more advanced than we could imagine? There’s this guy, rocky Mountain monkey on TikTok.

Check it out. He’s got a really interesting profile. I finally found. Wait, all right, I finally found some saw blade marks. This ancient temple. This is super interesting. They had some sort of machine. You can see. Look at that. The blade lines as it was cutting through, and it’s not just straight. It’s kind of concaved, perfectly smooth. That’s how they cut the insides so smooth in there. The same thing I’ve seen in Peru.

Okay, this is super interesting. Super interesting. This is the first time I see any saw markings or blade markings on one of these stones. You can see the blade lines as it was cutting. Wow. Not exactly sure if they used blades or whatever kind of technology they were using, but we got to agree that the constrictions is super well made. And then you have these guys over here.

I’m not exactly sure if this is supposed to be the lost red mercury that a lot of people talk about. That was some sort of technology or something that they found in the 1940s that could be used for certain technologies, and it had certain. Take a look at this. This is super strange. If you’re arriving at the live stream right now, leave a comment. Where are you coming from? Where are you at? And if there’s something you want me to talk about on this live stream, leave a commentary.

Yes, these videos are very sketchy, I have to agree. So, supposedly, this object turns water into wine or turns water into this red water. And when he removes the object, look what happens. Hey, Brian. Hey, John. Look at that. Slowly the water starts, I don’t know how, fading away. It’s not red anymore. It’s like orange now and then. Just jump a little bit here. Just video. Okay. Yeah, it’s water again.

I don’t know if I would drink that anymore. But even so, what I think is going on here, there could be some sort of trick going on. What I don’t understand, however, is how the water ceases to become. To stay red. So he puts this thing next to the water bottle, and it becomes red really quick. Look. Do you see that? Now look at that. Let’s just say, okay, that he has something underneath the water bottle, some sort of wire or whatever, something like that, and he’s pumping in some sort of liquid to make it look like the water is turning red.

But if you pay attention, the water becomes red at the top of the water bottle. Look at that. Did you see that? It’s not turning red from the bottom of the water bottle as in some sort of wire connected to the water bottle or some sort. It’s becoming red from the top of the water bottle. And then when he removes that thing beside the water bottle, it just goes back to being normal water.

Then there’s this video over here where he actually shows this thing once again. And in this particular video, he kind of gets the water bottle and removes it from its place. So I don’t think this is fake or whatever is going on here. I don’t know how to explain it. There’s something inside this supposed to be red mercury. He’s wearing a glove. Yes. He should be wearing better gloves, but.

Hey, Mars 73. Robert, nice. Can you see that’s. See, he picked the water bottle. There’s nothing below it. I don’t know. I’ve seen several of these videos, and there’s one particular video I really enjoy. That’s the one they use. The Coca Cola bottle, right. They set up a coca Cola bottle next to this thing. It blows up. It simply blows up. It’s super strange. We found a pet, but it could be fake.

It could be like they’re trying to sell this and make money. Know? I don’t. Is. So this is a video coming from a stellar saga sphere. I don’t know if I should play this. But the thing is, he found this structure, this rock, and he’s going to compare it to a hand. Do you see that? So he has this kid making this gesture, and you can see that just next to him.

Although I think this is just a coincidence, I think he’s kind of pushing it. But, yeah, I’m not saying that. For instance, there are several. Yeah, it is. Okay. Giants. What do you think about giants? Leave a comment. Did they really exist? Do we have petrified giants and these kind of things that are still there for us to see? Take a look at this. This is coming in from a green manor on TikTok.

Supposed to be a glitch in the matrix. She found something in her house that she was pretty sure she didn’t leave it there. Take a look at this. Okay. So I’m Loki freak. This is the kind of thing that happens to me all the time. Probably happens to you guys also. Okay, so I’m Loki freaking out right now. I feel like I’m experiencing one of those glitch in the matrix moments.

You ever see people talk about those on here? I’m upstairs in our Airbnb. We have guests coming today, so I’ve been cleaning it and whatnot. I have most of the rooms done about an hour ago. I did the bathroom. I cleaned it top to bottom. I swept, as you can see, the broom. I mopped and everything. So I just went to walk in here to double check to make sure the floors look good.

And this is laying on the bathroom floor. Okay, hold on. And this is from a necklace that my husband got me for Christmas a few years ago. I wear it a lot, but I have not been wearing it for the last couple of weeks because I’ve been wearing my gold necklaces. And like I said, I just cleaned this whole bathroom top to bottom and did the floors not even an hour ago.

Wow. And I have not worn this necklace in weeks. So now I have to go downstairs and look at all my jewelry and see if I have the chain for it in its usual spot. So if we come into my bedroom, I always keep my most worn necklaces right here. Okay. Literally. I know it. This is the chain? Yes. This is the chain that it usually sits on.

And that was just up. Let me understand this. Let me get this straight. She cleaned the house. She mopped the house from top to bottom. She’s having guests over in a few hours and she was not wearing this necklace. Then all of a sudden she finds this thing on the ground. On the floor. And it was not supposed to be there. So this is a legit glitch in the matrix.

This kind of happens all the time with me. And I don’t think that she’s lying. I don’t think that she’s making it up. If you take a look at her account again, this is the green manor on TikTok. You can take a look at it. She doesn’t talk about these things, actually. So, yeah. To those who have never witnessed a glitch in the matrix, this is probably fake.

This is fake. But when it happens to you, I guarantee you’re going to be scratching your heads kind of forever. Like what? What about all those glitch in the videos? Glitch videos that I’ve seen? Some are fake, of course, but upstairs on my fucking bathroom floor in the Airbnb, I cannot stress enough that I have not worn this necklace in at least a couple weeks because like I said, I have been wearing my gold necklaces religiously.

I haven’t even taken them off to sleep or shower. Yeah, this is super crazy. Okay? This is a glitch in the matrix. Also, let me just turn the volume a little bit down because this one is loud. Pay attention. What just happened here, man? What just happened here? The Leonardo DiCaprio scene is perfect. Have you guys ever witnessed the glitch in the matrix? Take a look at this.

Okay, so I’m not sure if this is a legit glitch in the matrix, but it’s definitely very weird. And I’m guessing that this person was sitting on top of the bike in reverse and just changed the position. I don’t know. Took a look. What just happened here? Anyways, let’s go to the next one. Okay. This is, again, a glitch in the matrix. Super creepy. This one is super creepy.

No audio on this one. Did you see that? Take a look at it again. Oh, nice bunny. Right? Cute bunny. And then you have a person running. But where is the person? I see only the legs. And what’s even creepier about it, is that the bunny? Yeah. What was that? Did you see the legs? Let me just try to zoom in on that. Okay. What is that? A ghost, maybe.

Look at that. What is going. Yeah. Half man. Exactly. This reminds me of a song. Used to be half the man. It used to be. Or something like that. What is that song? Let me just. I think you guys know what I’m talking about. Is he here? Nirvana? No. I was thinking about the stone temple pilots one. No. Oh, come on. Not ads. Come on. Yeah, I was thinking of this song.

Yeah. I can’t play songs, but, yeah, this is the song. All right. Yeah. So I guess it applies to this video. Still in tempo, pilots? Yes. Good band, I guess. Okay, another glitch in the matrix. This one is. I don’t know. I need some explanations. I need someone to explain this video to me because I still haven’t got it. I still haven’t got it. Okay, so we have a fish then.

What is going on here? Oh, my gosh. What is going on here? Look at that. What? Can someone please explain? Okay, so another glitch in the matrix. However, this one is yellow. What? The Serrano sognis. My entire life, I’ve never seen anything like this. The day I see something like this, I’m pretty sure I’m going to start scratching my head. Although I’m pretty sure someone’s going to say this is a phenomena or a cloud type.

Yeah, not in my days. It. So this is coming from Cooper’s 204 on YouTube. 2012, Manitoba, Canada. Check this out. It. That’s trippy loud. My dogs barking. Got my rabbit standing up. Check them out. That’s scary. Shit. Holy. Sounds like. Oh, no. In the sky. Hard to say. Hard. Really hard to say. Fucking. Just all clouds. Too creepy, right? So someone’s leaving a comment here saying that this is the same audio in every single video.

Well, yes, a lot of videos portray the same. You can hear the same audio, but it’s not exactly the same. I’ve compared a few and they’re usually a bit different. They happen in different intervals and they have sometimes different tones. Not necessarily the same audio. The same audio. No. Sometimes it’s just similar, which means that this is most likely coming from a machine or something that’s producing these sounds.

Maybe underground, maybe. Officially, these are sky quakes. Right. This is a phenomenon. No one knows exactly why it happens. There’s a lot of theories on it, but it keeps on happening. And sometimes it is a bit different, like this next video, for instance. Here you go. This is coming in from Heidi Bear five on TikTok. Listen. Whoa. Stay inside, baby. What the is that? Okay. Really? What the.

Please let me guys hear this. Wait for it. What is that? What’s super creepy? That’s super creepy. The thing is, if you start looking around for these kind of videos, you’ll find endless people talking about it, endless videos all over the world. But what’s even creepier is that the majority of the videos are coming in from Canada. So I’m still investigating this. This is an ongoing investigation of mine.

If I ever come up with a theory or something like that, I will make a video on it. And I actually should soon enough. But the thing is, why Canada? What happens in Canada or what doesn’t happen in Canada that we have so many people recording these sounds very close to Alaska, sometimes strange. Yes. Someone says, well, I think it does have to do with something in the atmosphere, to be very honest.

But the sounds could be coming from underground for some reason, maybe tunnels, maybe some sort of underground constriction. And definitely something we are not aware of. No one knows, or no one wants to talk about it, but do it again. Okay, so this is a video that was posted by Sergey Merklov on TikTok. Check his channel out. He’s a really cool guy. He has been posting about some interesting things about the ocean.

Sergey Merkolov on TikTok. I’m gonna play a snippet of his video. So today I’m actually standing at. Let me just see if the video is focused here. Just a sec. The bottom of the ocean. What I mean by that is this layer right here coming out of this creek is ancient oceanic sediment. And today I’m going to dig around and see what kind of fossils are being eroded out of this rocky clay material.

Scoop in. And I got the vertebra to a shark. This is the backbone to some sort of small shark species. So one day, I don’t know, 10 million years ago, as he suggests in the beginning of the video, this was the bottom of the ocean. How creepy and awesome at the same time is this. So that’s a vertebra, likely a lemon shark or another really tiny shark species.

Next. Do I found that shark vertebra. There is a little busted out bull shark tooth. Fossilized. Look at that. Bull shark tooth from around 10 million years ago. That is amazing. And congratulations to Sergey Merkolov to actually going on and investigating this and going further and talking about it. Really cool. Not exactly sure. However, look, this one is the typical paranormal video. You would say this is fake.

Take a look at the baby’s reaction. What do you see? Oh, my gosh. So they’re at the graveyard and. Yeah. Dogs, cats and babies. They seem to have a very good sense of things that are there, but we can’t see. It seems like it’s having a good time talking to something or interacting to someone, maybe. What do you see? That’s so cute. It. What are you waving at? Look at that.

Oh, my gosh. My gosh. That’s a legit reaction to what looks like someone, a ghost maybe waving, then getting closer, talking to her. Yeah. Wow. You know what if babies can see things, what happens as we grow up that we can’t anymore? Is it television? Is it the food? Is it the water that we’re drinking? Is it just society as it is? What is it that we just stop? There are quite a few videos on YouTube you can find.

Let me see if I can find something like this of native people talking about why humans in our society stop having or being sensitive. Native talks about humans stop seeing ghosts. I don’t know. I don’t think I’m going to find anything interesting here. Yeah, it’s. It. Yeah, I don’t think so. Okay, if you guys know the link to what? If you know what video I’m talking about, send a comment, please, or email me.

I would be very happy to find this video. Okay, so we got this one. This is a super creepy one, in my opinion. So this is coming in from riverfront haunting. Riverfront haunting on TikTok. She says recently creepy things have started happening to me and my family. Ghosts, paranormal encounters and this kind of thing. So let’s play the video first and then I’ll explain. I’ll tell you guys what I think about it.

So me and my kid just got back from eating dinner and my bedroom light is on, which is strange because I don’t remember leaving it on. Are you sure? Yeah, I’m sure. I didn’t leave it on. Come on. Listen, I’m going to walk inside real fast. I want you to wait out here for me. Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, my gosh. Somebody broke a door. Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, I don’t know, mom. Go. Jaden. Yeah, it is. Go next door. Go next door and get your ic. Okay. No. You all hear me scream. Call 911. Okay. No, go back to your car. Just don’t. I mean, you both get out of there. No, don’t go inside. Oh, my gosh. This is exactly what happens in movies. Okay, so there’s like part one. This is part two. Hey, everybody.

So I just picked my son up from school and I thought I would make a video to answer some questions. Okay, so let me just sum it up. This is a three minute video. I’m not going to play the entire video. But the thing is, she explains why she didn’t call the cops. Right? She says that she lives in a very small town and they’re not used to calling the cops when these kind of things happen.

Because she knows there’s not supposed to be anyone inside her house. She knows the neighbors. She trusts the neighbors. And when she realized that there may be someone inside her home, she didn’t think about calling the cops. Just went in. And I guess I understand because think about it, okay? You’re arriving home with your kid and you see the lights on. Then you see a shadow moving inside and lights turn off.

If you’re a defensive person, a protective person, you go into defensive mode. Some people will instantly go inside and try to catch the person. Others will get into fear mode, call the cops, get the heck out of there. Right? So I guess this is why in most movies people just go inside. Because. I don’t know. I’m just saying it out loud. I know that there’s two types of people.

The ones that would go inside and face what’s going on and the ones that would just go leave. And she was the type of person that would go inside. That’s what she explains in the video. And. Okay, for me, to me. Okay, let’s see the next one. Okay, so walk, baby. I know there’s no room. Walk back the other way. Yeah, I definitely feel like I can tell you have a head.

Like you’re a person. Okay, thank you. Hello. Okay, so she’s with her kid on the phone and she’s trying to mimic or she’s trying to replay, reenact the entire situation. Right. So this is her kid. The shadow you’re seeing is her kid in this particular place in her house you’re going to see soon. I’m going to show you guys. There’s like part three, part four, in this particular place where she’s at, there’s several furniture.

She’s not actually able to get closer to the window. So as you can see, you can see her, the silhouette, her head and all that. Now, in the first video. Look, in the first video. I’m going to zoom in here just for you guys to take a better look at it. There’s no head, first of all, you don’t see a head. Yeah. Oh, my God. Look. Somebody broke a door.

There’s no head. The shadow is quite big. There seems to be no head. And this thing is super duper close to the window. Yeah. Oh, my God. Somebody broke a door. And this thing is moving very free. Very. In a. In a manner as if there’s no furniture, just moving. I get what she’s saying here. She explains then. Okay, so this happenstance. No, I went up. Look. Okay, so they’re freaking out.

Do you see the furniture? Do you see what I’m talking about? The window over there. There’s not much room for this thing to be walking over there. Like, there’s nothing there. Okay, so this is part five. Do it, girl. There ain’t nothing back there. I’m telling you, the light just went off. Nothing back there, right? There’s nobody back here. I told you, there’s never. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Yeah, it’s quite difficult to understand. I mean, to make out if this is the real deal or maybe a fake video. But what’s interesting is that there are so many reports of shadow people. To me, their reaction seems legit. But I do understand what a lot of people are saying in the comments, that she should have called the cops. She should not have acted the way she did.

But people do act differently. I guarantee you that. It’s not like everyone’s going to do the same. And this is why bad things happen sometimes, guys. That’s why the correct thing to do is if you arrive at your home, at your house, your light is on. It was off. You know, it was off. And there’s someone inside moving. And then the lights go, you should call the cops to get the heck out of there.

That’s it. So after these videos, I understand she posted a couple of more videos explaining that there was something in her house. So could be shadow person, could be that they’re faking this for clout. Want to know your thoughts? What do you think? Okay, that’s it. So these videos, I showed you guys these videos before. Well, guys, this is it. This is it. For now. But we do have our videos.

Don’t forget to check them out and leave a comment. Don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe to the channel with notifications on also. And this week, guys, so just, I think it’s very important for you guys to know I’m going to be uploading another video this week. It’s going to be a premiere. So I’ve never done a premiere before. It should go live by Thursday. And it’s a normal video.

It’s just like a normal video. But it’s going to be a premiere. So expect to see a new video this week just like you guys. Enjoy. All right. Thank you very much for being here, guys. Once again, have an awesome week. I hope you guys have a great Monday. I don’t know if it’s Monday already there, but have a great Monday. And if you want to contact me with strange videos, strange stories, leave.

Send me an email, that impossible channel@gmail. com and I’ll make sure, I’ll do my best to answer you guys. All right. See you guys later. Thank you very much for being here. Just a second here. All right. That’s it. Thank you very much for being here, guys. Okay, so do mermaid videos next, James. All right. Let me take notes of that. Mermaid videos. I enjoy mermaid videos. Very rare to see.

But yeah, guys, if you have any comment, if you want to leave a comment, right now is the time. I’m reading the comments now. What kind of topic do you want to see next, by the way? The next topic is going to be crazy, weird and unexplained things caught on live tv. This is what you should expect for this week and this is going to be a good one.

All right, bye bye, guys. .


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2 thoughts on “Mysterious And Unexplained Things That Will Freak Your Night Out

  1. Avatar Of Fan
    fan says:

    Horrible, Horrible. No stimulating thought. Not entertaining. Extremely Lazy Content. Just some wacked out 40 year old dude commenting on fake videos. This is an embarrassment to our TM audience and dude should be wacked from all playlists.

    Comparing this guys content to say Tommy’s, Juan’s or Doenut’s is like comparing a rowboat to Battleship. Not even the same game, Not even the Same Ballpark. Get that jerkoff out of here!

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Lol, you don’t like him, Jay DreamerZ recommended him. You know what’s sad though, brother or sister, not sure what sex you are, but those are the kind of videos that go viral because that’s what most of these sheep want to believe in. I only put them up because Jay recommended him. I don’t know him personally. Maybe I need to take a closer look at his content.

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