Rod Hayes: Urgent Message To The 144000

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Reality is a Code – I am the glitch that reveals its secrets – Tommy Truthful
“In They Live, they wore glasses to see the truth. Today, we don’t need glasses—we need the courage to open our eyes.”


➡ The speaker discusses the complex history of the United States, focusing on the influence of various groups and conflicts. They mention the role of the British, the Vatican, and the merging of two corporations that led to the Revolutionary War. The speaker also talks about the impact of Genghis Khan’s descendants, the creation of the term ‘niggers’, and the introduction of the term ‘Native Americans’. They conclude by discussing the establishment of plantations and the economic strategies used to conquer and control various groups.
➡ This text discusses the historical conflicts and manipulations that have led to divisions among different groups, particularly focusing on African and Native American communities. It mentions how these groups were pitted against each other and exploited, with references to historical events like the Gullah wars, the US Indian bounties, and the Spencer Phipps Proclamation. The text also suggests that these historical injustices continue to impact present-day society, particularly in the context of racial tensions and cultural identity. It emphasizes the importance of understanding this history to resist ongoing manipulation and exploitation.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including the events of January 6th, the concept of reclaiming land, and the perceived corruption within the United States government. They also touch on the importance of understanding the system and the role of different groups in society. The speaker emphasizes the need for awareness and action, and suggests that there are plans in motion to bring about significant change.
➡ This text discusses various tribes and their histories, from North America to South America. It mentions alliances, changes over time, and the impact of government and laws on these tribes. The text also delves into the use of marijuana and its effects, as well as the importance of understanding and acknowledging one’s heritage. It ends with a call to action for people to wake up and recognize the truth about these issues.
➡ The text discusses the shared genetic lineage of various populations, from Australia to Southeast Asia, including the Aboriginals, Hawaiians, Ainu people in Japan, and Dravidians in India. It suggests that these groups evolved into distinct populations due to geographical isolation and interbreeding. The text also touches on historical injustices, political conspiracies, and the struggle for identity and recognition. It ends with a poetic reflection on life, faith, and the quest for understanding.
➡ This text is a heartfelt plea to God, expressing the speaker’s long absence from prayer and their hope for divine assistance to reach a better place in life.



Video 101 four. Hell yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? That we’re stuck in the Matrix? I’m gonna let y’all get a chance to get in before I get started, but this episode of Chief and with the chief, chief from the chief Pontiac. It’s called the US versus us cowboys, Indians, and outlaws. Y’all might want to share this one. This one I’m skinny. Shout out to all little brothers out there and the sisters that’s doing the work to try to get this message to our people.

Oh, what happened to us? And how we end up where we don’t got our birthright. So I’m used this device to try to share some receipts with y’all when I start going in. So share, share, share, and then share. And I. And then post it on your other social media. Let them know on instagram. Ryan Harry’s live on Facebook. This about to be one that’s gonna wake you fucking up. You finna wake the fuck up from this one, because if you don’t know we was at war, and you don’t know that we was at war against the United States government, and you don’t know that they the reason why we was.

We lost our identity from trying to hide from the assassins. But you don’t even know who the assassins was. We bout to get into it. The first thing that we need to understand is the United States is a federal corporation owned by the crown of England and the Vatican. It’s a primarily a british holding. It used to be two corporations. It used to be the Virginia trading Company, and it used to be the Northwest trading company as the overseers of what they called the 13 column colonies. In the course of this, these two corporations merged and what we know as the.

As we know as the revolutionary War. They told us, hold on, I’m looking up a receipt right quick. So what they told us that the Indians was scalping the pale face cowboys. And they told us that, um, it was some people with the. They call Native Americans now we call them five dollar Indians because they was created by the dogs role in the Doors act. For a fee of $5. They entered them on the road. It was a trail of tears when they switched us out with the five dollar Indians under Andrew Jackson. Right now, the receipt I was just looking up was Genghis.

Khan’s descendants. Now, I told people more young elder show. And I said, look, the moors was called Etruscans before they became Moors, after King Maurice and Ottomans. And these moors was at war with several different subgroups of people. They was at war taking prisoners of war from the Huns, as in Attila, to hunt. They were at war with the kinds, as in Genghis Khan. And they was at war with the people of India called the Vedics. And these are the people that made up the european slave class. And then they had the, um, the Indo European.

No, the neo European is the correct term. Neo means new. They had the neo european offspring that they had in the harems that they amalgamated with and created what we call today the Kazarians. The Kazarians is from a place in Europe called the prussian mountains. The prussian mountains was once called Khazaria. The Prussian Empire was a post roman empire that rose up prior to modern day Russia. We had strong support in our wars with the French, Portuguese, the Dutch, the Spanish, the Italians. We was fighting all of them niggas. They wasn’t pale faces yet. Pale face, don’t start making it over here until like the 17 and 18 hundreds, the first wave they brought over, when they tell you that the.

They had slaves on the Mayflower, well, you got to know the people that was on the Mayflower, which was known as the good ship Plymouth. When Malcolm say we didn’t land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth rock landed on us. That’s what he was talking about. So they had three ships. The. They came before them with Columbus, the Penta, the Nina and the Santa Maria. These three ships was led by niggers. But see, they wasn’t called niggers. We gonna go into the history of how we got to be called niggas because we wasn’t called niggers. We was called nagas.

And they know who we were and they waged war against us. Cuz all of the high chiefs was in what was called the. Between life cycles. That mean there was no high chiefs on the land and that they outranked them in the lodges by. By ranking system because there was no high chiefs. They didn’t respect the chiefs that was in training, learning to rule as the chiefs. Now, the people they brought over here with them, we call them today Native Americans and five dollar Indians. If you go to Google and if you think I’m playing, you can do it, but I’m about to pull it up for y’all 1 second and you say, how many people men are descendants, a Genghis khan.

Now, the. The basic statistic is that is one in 200 people that descend from me and that descend from Genghis Khan, following his Y chromosome. Right. Now, notice we, over here, we have what was called the Amaru cons in southwestern United States. It was amalgamation of the chinese and I royal families under Ganglion, under Kubla Khan, and the rest of the family that was marrying and intermarrying into the old Mississippians. And the old Mississippians is the earth root tribe. Now, Genghis Khan had a ridiculous amount of offspring, and his son, Kubla Khan, who was his successor, also had a ridiculous number of offspring, spreading the white chromosome of the kinds.

But they was not the Lee family. The Lee family is an entirely different group of Asians that was chocolate colored with straight hair. They married into the lines in the. After Columbus’s settlement, when they came in to assist with the construction of the railroads. The iron workers are the railroads, and they made truces with the railroad Mississippians. Them seven foot tall, muscle bound crips, them seven foot fold, muscle bound bloods. But they wasn’t called that at that time. They were just the old Mississippians. They was the Toltecs. They was the Maya. They was the Inca. They were the Aztecs.

They was the. How you say that word in the native tongue, which is the people. Just like when they came in with the spanish language, they couldn’t pronounce the way that we pronounce our words. And that’s why in our southern draw, we have a whole different descriptive analysis of our communication with these people. So, you see, me and young elder was doing the city slicker, country boy, cold flip tribe talk in the public, in everybody face, so that y’all could see that just because he a little bit of country and just because I’m a little bit of city don’t mean we don’t know who he is and that we know the lingo of the tribes.

Even when we move into modern times using a foreign language, a foreign spiritual concept called religion, that didn’t exist over here prior to 1492. We was one with nature, one with the earth. Under father sky, we roamed across mother Earth. And at any given time that we needed to call the ancestors, we look to the skyd, and we spoke to the great father, who walks with the black dog on his heels. For those who don’t know what that is, that’s the osirian connection. In your biblical Greek, the word for heaven is Orianos. We talking about the great hunter Orion which, when he’s in physical form on earth, he becomes the great father who walks with a black dog on his heels.

And I keep a black dog. And don’t make me flip my camera and show you he ain’t sitting right here right now. When they came, they brought Mongolians, Huns and Vedics to do they heavy lifting for them. It was not for another 200 years when warfare and the ones escaping the plantation was them five dollar Indians. They had two pow camps set up. One major camp in the north, one major camp in the south. Then the south diversified and opened up several different that became known as the plantation south. The plantation south. Remember, the first part of the plantation is plan, and the second part is asian, which comes from a nation.

It’s a national plan. It’s a plan to take over your nation. The plantation became the modern day plant, or workers unions was what we were guilds when they got here. We had organized workforce. Our families was named after the stuff that they done. The bridges. Family built bridges, right. The banks family were worked at big mama banks, and we had big mama banks all across the land. This is where your outlaws come in. But we gonna get back to the economic hitmen, because they come up a little later in this story. So they platinum on how to get and conquer the ones of these nappy head Negroes out west.

We talking about your pyros, we talking about your rolling sixties, your rolling twenties. Your Og blood sets right your treetop pyros. All them is ancient clans. The name reveals who they is when you know what side of the family lineage they coming in on. And the trick was, is to turn us against each other. So this is one of them ones where the ogs, our west, sit the ygs down and say, this how they did it. This the one right here. This how they did it. So, um, they brought the Mongolians, they brought the Vedics, and they brought the Huns that was in captivity.

This is your Mississippi masala story. Shout out to Denzel, cuz. King Kong ain’t got shit on me, cuz. Motherfucking gorilla grind GD Rod is knocking on this bitch today. So when they get over here and they are switching us out. Now, remember, these three groups that they brought have similar spiritual practices in background. They’ve been misled by their captives. That bringing them over here in a hostile manner. Remember, it take 90 days to get from Africa to the nearest point in the americas. It takes two weeks to get from Europe to America. What’s more practical, to bring your slaves from Africa or to bring your slaves with you that you already have in captivity enslaved villages called ghettos.

Ghettos don’t originate over here. Go back to Warsaw, world War Two. Who lived in the ghettos? It was the so called Jews. But they make the Jews. They moved up north into Switzerland. This is why when they had that last war in France with the Swiss, they all went into them underground tunnels over there. The whole country of Switzerland didn’t even know that they had a whole bunch of darkies with kinky hair walking around in the tunnels under they feet while they was the neutral territory. The only reason they neutral, because they were fending us off, putting us against each other on both sides.

The east versus the west, the north versus the south. The south will rise again. When it never failed, it was undermined, it was usurped on the sweetheart swindle. Big Mama got hooked up with a banker and he was a scottish, right, 32 degree freemason. This is your George Washington cherry tree masonic moorish code. George Washington didn’t chop down no cherry tree. He raked the air, not the female air. He raped the male heir. Because the only way he can stop him from ousting them from the land, because he was the only high chief at the time, is to rupture his root chakra, his cherry bus, his cherry, his duke shoot.

Babylonian sex magic, go look it up. Babylonian blood magic, go look it up. They use it on all of this against us. Babylonian money magic, they use it and they incorporated it all in the biblical text that they sent a pedophile priest coat over first to rock us to sleep. Because you notice when Columbus came, he wasn’t guns ablazing. He had to go back and give a report to somebody. They say it was Isabella and Ferdinand, but they was beheaded. So they, we know they was in cahoots with the dirty moors because that’s why they got beheaded.

But then you still got these uprisings all across France, Italy, Portugal and Spain trying to get rid of these motherfuckers that’s coming over here. The first stop they were stopped at was northwestern Africa, aka al Margrib. There was no Morocco. There was no Libya. There was no tunis. None of them countries existed when Columbus came here. That was a broad territory of land called al Margreave. And then the part that was a freak was a little river valley stronghold of the traders who sold out Hannibal of Carthage. Right? He in the, up there, there’s a little river run called a freak.

This is where they got the whole concept to call Africa Africa. After the Berlin conference because it was a play on our freak. If you go to the Arabic, the word ifrah is what they were saying in. In the negotiations at the Berlin conference when they divided the continent up over there. Now, remember, all the way down into Brazil, coming up into the islands. We been marrying and intermingling and intermarrying with Africans for thousands of years before Columbus came. So this is why they use the african narrative to disassociate us from the land. But in nature, science, we not called Africans.

In a science, they call us Los Negritos. Look up. It pulled up. Seriously. We a whole different genetic stock from the whole of Africa. We were called by these people los negreto. Negritos, right? Then they translated to, in modern English as the little niggers. That’s what Negrito means. Little nigger, modern English. Now, when they was doing this, we was fighting the Gullah wars in Florida. We were fighting South America. We was fighting Cortez and the hordes that came looking for Cordoba. Cordoba, the city of gold. Cordoba means gold. They was looking for the city called Cordoba.

And Cordoba is supposed to be where we had our gold reserves, and they was looking in the wrong hemisphere. They was looking in South America. But if you go to the Nicolas Cage movie called national treasure, it’ll show you where our gold was kept. And it’s still there. It got dust on it because Big Mama shut her bank down. And even the goddamn devil don’t want to go up in there messing with big Mama stuff. He gonna try to trick us into surrendering big Mama stuff to him so that he can say that we surrendered our birthright.

We ain’t back down. We ain’t quit. We ain’t retreat. We didn’t surrender. We backed up, regroup, came a different way to fight a different war. Now, during this time, they have something called us and pull it up. Us indian bounties, and look what it say. The United States government and colonial authorities offered bounties on native american scouts and other body parts from the 17th to the 19th century. Now, they came in 1492. That was the 15th century. So from the 15 hundreds to the 18 hundreds, there was a bounty on our head. It’s a Spencer Phipps proclamation.

In 1755, the Massachusetts lieutenant governor issued the Spencer Phipps Proclamation, which offered bounties for Penobscot Indians captured and brought to Boston. The bounty was 50 pounds for a living male captive, 40 pounds for a dead male scout, 25 pounds for a female scout, and 20 pounds for a child scout. They was killing the babies like they doing now. Now look, pay attention. This is not denominations known as dollars. Who weigh their money in pounds straight. Motherfucking British. That’s british money. Money market value until they switched over to the euro. Now, New Hampshire, 1724 the New Hampshire legislator authorized a bounty of 100 pounds for each male scalp turned in.

Women’s scalp were worth half as much as means, and children’s scalps were worth half as much as women’s. That mean there was $100 for a man, $50 for a woman scout, $25 for a child scout. These two people that’s running this country, that Trump is fighting against this, who they fighting against? The same motherfuckers. They haven’t changed. The same motherfuckers that tried to kill Tupac. The same motherfuckers that tried to kill Nipsey Hussle. I got the nigga page when he put the hit on him, I seen it all. His mama told me where to look and I found that shit.

So I know the nigga what he looked like. This nigga walked up on me in the penitentiary in the nineties. And then I see this motherfucker in California with nip and then he tried to use my motherfucking rap name and. But he couldn’t spell it right. To break the conjure. Cuz they thought they was gonna trick me into giving them the keys to the house. It ain’t gonna work because I’m always ten steps ahead of you motherfuckers. This is chest, not checkers. What Tupac say, we didn’t seen too many real players fall to let these bitch niggas beat us, right? So this probably gonna be a flagged ass video.

So if you’re gonna put it up on a different channel, you might want to do some beeping or some silent marks on some of the profanity. Cuz I ain’t. I’m cutting loose on the ass today. Now, California, remember we got these bloods, these crips, these cholos, these vatos, these lokes all out there in Cali. At one point, California offered a bounty of around $25 for a male body part and $5 for a child or a woman. The it goes on. That’s not all of them. The US Dakota War 1862 bounties indigenous people they off reminder neighbor donated Phipps bounty proclamation up standard project the California Indian Scalp bounty.

Scalping Wikipedia. Now they’ve been telling us that the buffalo soldiers, right, was some other people. How is you a buffalo soldier and you ain’t from where the buffalo from first of all, so the black buffalo clan is the stealth priests responsible to defend all nations. Whose totem animal is the great buffalo called the top. In the shaman he was pale faced in a motherfucker but he came and sat behind that desk and he only had to be there for 1 minute and he sat there for five. And the police let him in. In the police, the DC police let him in.

All them people that they come by was insurrectionists on January the 6th was let in and gave a whole tour by the motherfucking capitol police. And when they was leaving with podiums and shit. That was called capturing the ship. For those who don’t know if battleship is a game that we used to play back in the seventies and the sixties, well I started playing in the seventies. I was a little boy because I was born in the late sixties. But we sank a battleship that day. It was over with that day. Now we just going through this to make sure that y’all know what happened.

Because only by y’all knowing what happened will y’all understand what we doing when we reclaim in the land. When Sipico put the pope on notice, she said the chiefs have been selected across the land. Govern yourself accordingly. And he was froze because he knew that she was not playing what he do. He went back to the Vatican and sent back a response. Discovery doctrine rescinded. I mean every piece of paper foundated on the discovery doctrine, including your United States Constitution, your secondary corporate constitution, including your right to settle your white man’s birth. All that was rescinded under discovery doctrine.

Only problem was they keep calling us miners. They ain’t talking about coal miners. Ain’t talking about gold miners. They calling us miners. Cousin law a minor mean you an imbecile in law. Cali with me though. I ain’t worried about it. Cali. Whitney, he ain’t playing. Look, when I told him, hit him in the pockets, what do you say? Look, under Cali law, they legal beagles talking out of the. Out of the system. Now under Cali law, you know, if it’s more than 300 people, that’s considered a riot and nobody can get more than 30 days for a riot, participate in the riot because it falls under the control of irresistible impulse.

And the supporting document is a book called the Crowd by Gustav Lebanon where he say that under the influence the crowd, the individual loses all sense of itself and only can follow the will and the power that the crowd drives a man. Hello, critical mass 100 monkey effect. Bust them in a badussie. That’s what you do hundred monkey effect. Bust them in, neighbor Dussie. So what they do? Thousand niggas in Nordstrom. Thousand niggas in the jury stove. Thousand niggas on the train. That’s mob action. That’s mob action. That’s mobile. That’s mothers over bitches. We say, right, mothers over bitches.

We love the mothers, but we don’t give a damn about a bitch because they sent them slimy bitches in to undermine us and get us caught up in these child support cases, in these sex cases, and all of these fabricated molestation cases while they protecting the pedophiles that’s coming into the schools dressed like women. And all the time, this motherfucker got a beard thicker than mine, a mustache and eyebrows thicker than mine, talking about he don’t know if he a man or a woman, and he in a dress reading books to your kids in the name of the goddamn Statue of Liberty.

Drag queen, pedophile priest. Cubs from Rome. This the fall of Rome. Babylon been failed. I’ve been told, y’all, that I announced the fall of Babylon in 2018. 2019. So Babylon over with. And this is the last grip that we break it soon as y’all understand the United States is not our government. The United States only want us to vote. They don’t want. They don’t. Your vote don’t mean that. They don’t want the voter. They want the organizer. So they can know who to pay off, who to bribe, who to give benefits to, to keep the rest of the niggas under control.

And it ain’t working no more, cuz even the ones who they thought didn’t see they game peeping a game. Now they like, hold on. This a new chiefs coming up. And these motherfuckers is beating a chest like some real gorillas. They like some George Jackson solar dead brother, black August type shit. Niggas like that. The quintessential destructive force of nature, all in the form of pure intelligence. We don’t have to beat up nobody. All we got to do is get our clients to know what’s going on. We ready. We ready. Ship this out west. Let them crips in them bloods dissect us for the YG.

Let the OGs break this down. The triple ogs break this down for the YG’s. Let them know what I’m talking about. Pull the receipts that I’m calling out while I’m calling them out. And y’all see this shit clear as day. They can fool a whole bunch of people, but they can’t fool me. My mama told me a long time ago, it’s okay to be fooled, but don’t be nobody’s damn fool, right? So I took the fool’s journey and became the fucking hero at the end of the tarot deck. When I started off as the zero and ended up sitting in the emperor’s seat, right? Making sure that the empress is well situated.

Y’all don’t know what’s going on. I’m telling y’all what’s going on. The white hats. Hefe Blanco, right? Everything they use to tear us down, we had to use it to come up. Jefe Blanco. The one with the white suits in the white hat, that’s the naval Guard. Then the at the brass in the navy, we’re white. The brass in the army we’re green. The brass in the marines we’re navy blue. The brass in the air force, they were white over black, I believe it is. Right? And then your national Guard wear army colors. If you see our army dispatch on domestic soil that mean that they have been sheep dipped by the National Guard.

Because what’s about to happen is the largest eviction in the history of the planet. And we ain’t talking about evicting them from America. We talked about evicting them from the planet. They didn’t already ship thousands of motherfuckers, if not millions, off world. Because they can’t die here no more. They got to go. So now we just dealing with the henchmen in the minions. The COVID words. The ones who was the facilitators for the dirt. And the ones that was sitting at the freak off parties seeing everything going on. But they too much of a bitch to say something.

They don’t bitch up. My mama say the sealer is as bad as the steeler, right? That mean that if you are sitting there with a motherfucker that’s stealing and y’all get caught, you just as bad as him. They call it accessory in law. You can be accessory to the fact, after the fact or before the fact. But an accessory is an accessory and you can still get life. If the crime is right, the game is over. Look, when the Lacoste Nostra came over here, the children of Hannibal Carthage was exiled from Italy by the Etruscans. And after the carthaginian wars with the Romans, when they exiled.

And they exiled to the island of Sicily. So they sent us Mario puzzle so he can write the Godfather movie. So you can see the structure and the order of a family that’s ran by a single individual. Right or wrong, it don’t matter what he’s doing. He’s protecting his family. And he feeding his family off the fat of the land. They sent that over here for a reason. It’s a reason people say that Biggie and Tupac was tied into two different mafia families. That ain’t no. The Rolex. Ain’t no coincidence, that Mickey Mouse Rolex, the double upper and ain’t no coincidence, right? This down the happenstance, this is a well orchestrated plot of all of the earth tribes from around the planet that met up at the bang dong conference.

Look it up. Right? Look it up. Y’all don’t know that is. Yeah. I’m gonna let wait see this video and then I’m. He gonna put up. You gonna be like, look it up. He used to be a comedian, but he ain’t cracking no jokes today, right? So in Chicago right now, make the wrong move and you gonna get took off the land a hard way. Them youngsters. Them youngsters is being informed by the ogs in the shire of what’s taking place in real time. And y’all don’t even know it. Y’all don’t even know it. With that look.

Don’t worry about nobody from Venezuela. That’s MS 13, right? Then they tied up intruses on the west coast with bloods and crips and mexican mafia and all that shit. They tied up in the midwest with trucers, with the vice lords, the gDs, the peace stone nation. They tied up in treaties with us. They ain’t coming to sabotage us week. That’s the support team. Quiet as is kept. That’s the support team. That’s why on Rex 84, under the section known as operation cable splicer, it tell them that if they ever wake up, they got to block the border.

But the one who tell you to block the border is telling you where the help gonna come from. He telling you where to aid in the sister tribes. Fuck that motherfucking military shit. We talking about the tribes of the land. We go all the way from the North Pole to the southern tip of South America. This is Turtle island, and we coming. You can’t stop them. Build a wall if you want to. They gonna find a way. Either through it, around it, over it, under it. They coming. You can’t stop them. You can’t stop them. We got treaties with the Hells angels, right? This ain’t no.

They ain’t just rolling around on the land for no reason. They been. They used to ride horses 200 years ago now they riding motorbikes. Before they was riding harleys, they was riding some car to indian, go look it up. I’m not making this shit up. Then the Lawndale district, before the vice lords became vice lords, they was called outlaw vice Lord bikers. That ain’t no coincidence. Young Vice Lord told me. I know what I was talking about. Two days later, I dropped the receipt on my morpheus page. It’s over there. Go look it up. Right? So it don’t matter.

I know everything going on on the land. I know all of the tribes. I know right now about the continuity government about to come out and expose this shit. The motherfucking orange man. Because they remember they flashed the White House orange the other day. Who is Agent Orange? That’s Donald J. That’s Howard the duck. That’s Donald the duck, right? That’s Agent Orange. Because when negotiations get on you, you can’t get that suck off you, right? Y’all didn’t. I’ve been watching him for years, ever since Tupac flipped him to me. Cuz I don’t. I don’t trust none of.

And he second cousins to Hillary Clinton. Washington. We needed somebody on the inside. They didn’t like what was going on and took sides with us and it was him. Because they look like Indians to. They don’t look like Indians to him and they don’t look like Indians to us. And we the Indians. I’m just saying you got to be able to see through this bullshit because it’s all a big facade. The government is a fraud. All of their laws is made up to interfere with our natural life process. All of the stuff that they made illegal on the land is targeting us specifically.

This is why they say we smoke marijuana and we go crazy and wait, white girls. Oh, no, make a law. Make a law. That was just to keep the chiefs, their chief from chief and with the chief, so that you can see when the chief be chiefing, he’d be chiefing up on some shit, right? We’d be talking about, um, four fifth dimensional mind communication. We be talking about getting the THC and the CBD’s to work together. When we get the monkeys, the sugar turn into the dirty burn. The dirty burn turn into the rapid fuel fire.

But because it’s saturated with 70% water, the fire gets smothered and let off a bunch of smoke. And the smoke becomes the black soot, and the soot becomes the. The carbon. And the carbon is auto synthian when it turns into melanin and the melanin can communicate with the carbon. So now we can talk to the dark mother without ever moving from where we at. Wake up now. This shit over with. This shit so over with that. These motherfuckers need to come bow down and kiss my fucking feet so I can kick them in the mouth like the pope be doing.

Let the pope come kiss my feet. I guarantee you his teeth gon come out his ass within 30 seconds or less. Let him come kiss my feet. I’m a boot. His ass hit an Albuquerque, right? And when he hit the Albuquerque, you know who gonna be waiting for him? A dark man. Chief Zolo. I’m coming. Y’all know what I’m talking about. This the culture chief Zolo is DMX, the dark Man X. The unknown man that walked out the darkest into the light, through the tunnel. Get at me, dog, right? Flipping the dog pound off the east coast to the west coast, right? Barking back and forth.

Remember, Pluto was a dog in Disney, right? And goofy was a dog that had a pet dog. Let it sink in. They’re telling you the stories all the time. The caliphate queens replica. After they bombed the castle, they had to build a replica because it had to be accessible to activate the genetic memory of the caliphate queens and make them want to go and back, back to Cali, Cali, Cali. Got gunplay bitches on the Runway. So in order to activate the genetic memory, we looking at Tinkerbell, put this pixie dust on the castle every time we watch a Disney movie.

Ticker Bill say, here you go, right here. The Khalifia Queens castle is right here. I’m Tinkerbell and I’m here to show where you said, and then everybody be thinking that we don’t know what we see and when we looking at it. Just cuz I ain’t saying that before, don’t mean I didn’t know before. I just didn’t tell you before it was time. Paul Massan say, I’ll sell no wine before, and I will tell no truth before it need to be exposed. That’s a masonic code all day long. Then they say they are traveling, man. That mean they amazing.

They say they are navigator, that mean they are Mason. They say that they are physician, that mean they’re shriner. Watch out now, they come in all shape, sizes and colors, right? But the ones who’s pulling the strings, them black ass niggas. Now I know why my mama said I don’t like no damn Africans. And I’m like, what the fuck? I thought we was from Africa. At the time. But I knew something wasn’t right. Then I started noticing that the stuff my mama was telling me was consistent with american tribal heritage. Why is my mama telling me american tribal heritage if I’m supposed to be from Africa? But I don’t never remember being born in Africa before.

Every time I be born, I be born either right here or in the territory of the Sun Wukong. Hail the return of the Sun Wukong, back from the west. Buddhist scrolls in my arm. I went to tame my soccer mouth. Now I’m coming back right now. They don’t know nothing about that shit. But look. So their government ran us into, um, seclusion. Bye. Sending contingents to put them between buffers, between us. Sending infiltrators in to sweetheart, swindle the women in order to wrestle the land so that they can institute the sharecropper agreement and turn the family farm into a plantation to maximize the plan for a nation.

Y’all, y’all need to pay attention while I’m telling y’all. I’m not making this shit up. I got too many references to prove it. Let these, let the G’s know this is a rap. This is a rap. Look, if you don’t, if you don’t believe me, keep watching. So back to Hefe Blanco. So when they used to be the black hand, right, and they wear they KKK regalia, which is they hombre, it’s a, it’s ombre negro something. But it’s the black brotherhood of Spain. When you look them up, they came over here wearing them white uniforms. So what we have to do in order to overthrow them is we have to invite the people that ran the ass off from over there in Europe over here.

Now we gonna have to take some heat from these people too because they not gonna be able to tell which one of us nappy here. Whether it’s the Negrito or the Moreno’s. They don’t know by looking at us the difference, right? So they gonna treat all us the same. They gonna call all of us nigger, which came from the conquistadors calling us Los Negritos. When you go look up Los Negritos, the Negritos is a whole different. I’m gonna pull it up, I’m gonna put them, read it to y’all. Because this stuff is, this stuff is so it’s second, it’s like second step now.

Genetic stock of Negrito unraveling genetic history of negritos. And in indigenous National Institute of Health, let y’all see it. National Institute of Health it say unraveling genetic history of Negritos and indigenous population of Southeast Asia. See, that’s where they get you. But that’s why Elijah Muhammad say I’m the asiatic black man. Because he’s saying, we the Negrito stock. We not the niggas, the Morenos, the Moriscos. We are los Negritos. The. The asiatic melanated being the. What they call Melanesians, right. It’s an indigenous population of Malaysia known as orang asli or oa show huge morphological, anthropological and linguistic diversity.

However, the genetic history of these populations remain obscure. We performed a high density array genotyping using over 2 million single nucleotide polymorphisms in three major groups Negrito, Sinoi and Proto Malay. Structural analysis indicated that although the AO group are genetically close to east asian populations they are substantially distinct. We identified a genetic affinity between Andamanses and malaysian negritos which may suggest any ancient link between these two groups. We also showed the Senoi and the Proto Malay may be admixtures between Negrito and EA populations. Formal admixtures tests provided evidence of gene flow between australasiatic speaking OAS and populations from Southeast Asia.

So what they telling you is that the people in Australia they call aboriginals and have a similar blood lineage to the people from Hawaii all the way going up into the Ainu people in Japan, going into the Dravidians in India. And these are the people called negritos. That was the same people. That’s from the genetic stock that we from organic original Mississippi clay dirt walking. And we rose up out of the Mississippi clay dirt because the garden of Eden, the cradle of civilization, a birthplace of humanity is in the Mississippi delta, the Louisiana outlawed into the ocean into St.

Bernard parish where that pyramid is under the ocean that they don’t want y’all to know about. I ain’t making it up. It said elevated linkage, disequilibrium and enriched homas homozygosity found at Oa’s reflect isolation and bottlenecks experience what that mean that over a period of time you end up with Tongans and Samoans and Hawaiians and Japanese but they all from the Negrito stock. But because they got isolated into certain groups then they formed into a. They evolved into a solidified stock at the geography that they was. In other words, the part of the land of the earth that they was on.

They became a stock of people unto themselves. Do continuously inbreeding with each other. In crossbreeding with each other, the people from the area begin to form one people. This is what the plan was for America with the dirty moors. Because they posed to come marrying to our families. And we ain’t supposed to know it, but they murdering our big mamas. And they telling us that, oh, big mama had a heart attack last night, baby. He poisoned her. Two years later, he’s selling the family farm as a sharecropper. And he all the time, he know we don’t believe in selling land.

So what’s going on here? Somebody ain’t telling us something, right? It didn’t say. The continuum in divergence time from Negritos to Sonoy and proto Malay, in combination with ancestral markers, provide evidence of multiple waves of migration into sea, starting with the first out of Africa dispersals, followed by early train and subsequent expansions. So they telling you they tried anything. They can get this out of Africa thing, they gotta get this in the like. The african people are kindred, but they not exactly the same as us. They got different matrilineal lines, but similar patrilineal lines through to the marrying across the ocean.

We got an admixture of that stuff over here. We don’t have a problem with Africans. We got a problem with the motherfuckers that divided it up at the Berlin conference that looked like us and blamed it on pale faces. Them the niggas we got the problem with. Not the people in Africa that’s being victimized, just like we being victimized. They not the enemy. Right? Ibrahim Treyori, he won us Earthborn. Original tribe ain’t buying that shit for nothing. Julius Malalima down in South Africa, he’s not buying that. Look, they killed off my man from get his name.

We got so many of the ogs that they just murdered Maurice Bishop. Maurice Bishop was the truest brother that you ever will want to meet. And the CIA, this wasn’t the KGB. This wasn’t chinese secret service. This wasn’t the mosaic. This was the US Central Intelligence Agency. Since the hit squad down there murdered that man, then turned around, they had a 25 year under Jimmy. Jimmy Carter gave a 25 year moratorium on CIA sponsored homicides, assassinations. The first motherfucker they kill, when he lifted it was Lorent Kabila. Go look him up. And they was chasing after the brother, Jerry Rock, Jerry Rollins.

They was chasing after all of these progressive leaders. They was at Mokmar Qaddafi here. The CIA did that. That’s why Pakman went over in Benghazi. Go pull the footage, see who y’all seeing. Benghazi? Nigga, this some outlaw shit. This how outlaws ride. For real. We ain’t never going nowhere. We don’t got nowhere to go. We from here. We’ve been here, and we gonna be here. This is the way it is. You know, so they can tell who they want to. They can call a mama, they call a daddy, they call a Uncle Charles, they Uncle Jake.

It don’t matter to me. They call. It ain’t Susie, they ain’t Barbara, they ain’t Mary. They can call whoever the fuck they want you. But ain’t nobody calling these outlaws off they ass now. It’s too late. We won. Victory is assured, saith the Lord. Vengeance is mad. Say a big rod. Let me get my hands around these motherfuckers necks. And I’m gonna show you what brain banging turns into gang banging at the highest levels when I get to slam one of these motherfuckers off the motherfucking gallows. So I don’t even want him to hang. I’m gonna throw him off the gallo head first.

Let him crack his melon and tell him like they told him about me. Oh, Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall. He can’t be put back together again. I ain’t Humpty Dumpty. I ain’t never took the fall off the wall. Because my potential has never been wasted. Because an egg is infinite potential. And to break the egg before it develops is wasted potential. And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men will never put Humpty back together again. Because once the potential is wasted, it’s like squandered money. You can’t call it back because it won’t come.

But if you manage it correctly, the money becomes an infinite seed. A currency. The current that you see when the goodness flow back into your life. Return of the sweet waters. Ocean speaks. The ocean. Priestesses of the caliph is in. The Chiquita banana lady and all of the mascots that they turned us into. We ain’t never stopped being here. Go into any tobacco shop in the south and one of them old indian tobacco shops and you go see a big tuscaloosa looking indian in every tobacco shop. That’s because we was tobacco. Cheese. They didn’t have tobacco in Europe.

They came over here to get that shit. So what was we doing with the tobacco? We wouldn’t. We wouldn’t have an all of them toxins on that tobacco. Because nicotine is a neuro stimulant. They had to poison it to stop you from smoking, right? Then they don’t want you to know none of this shit. They want you to think everything good for you is poison. That’s because everything good for you, they poisoned it deliberately. With malice and a forethought and ill intent. The desire was to remove us from the land. If you don’t believe me, we go talk to Ramona Africa.

We can sit down and have a conversation with the sister. And she gonna tell you how they did her family in Philadelphia in 1985. She’s still here. She ain’t the only one. I’m still here. They didn’t kill them all, but they got. They was, uh, fortunate. They was unfortunate enough to get rid of John, the mastermind 1014 we will put an end to this madness since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Calm is going to get to you and then you’ll have a chariot with only one less friend.

Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe but now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire. Flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling. When it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes two. And, um, do unto others if you want it done unto you.

Huh? It’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this is completion the selfish proto grecian, amerindian Phoenician I’m the last of the Mohicans the bastard of the land the pean melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we was kings and queens of Atlanta but for the avalanche sees that I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep and feel my words.

Like Breland, they’re awakened with the penmanship of hindu script written in them. Vacant monastery. Honorary payments to the prototype. Tomorrow’s only a day away, but nothing happens overnight. The fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew. That’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History. It’s me again? God, I know it’s been a long time? Since I last called you? Back on your line? So I hope and I pray? For your hand? To help me on the ladder to the land? It’s me again? God, I know it’s been a long time? Since I last called you? Back on your line? So I hope and I pray? For your hand? To help me on the latter day to the land.


  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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