Archaix A Trip to the Jailhouse

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Archaix is returning to a higher level of activity after a break, during which they faced stress and legal issues. They interact with their online community, sharing their experiences and offering advice on overcoming obstacles. Despite a recent arrest by US marshals, they remain positive and committed to their work, which involves researching and sharing rare, vintage books. Archaix also challenges others who claim to have information but can’t back it up with sources.

Archaix discusses the concept of overcoming adversity and learning from difficult experiences. They emphasize that these challenges often lead to personal growth and development. They also highlight the importance of honesty, trust, and spiritual growth. Lastly, they share their personal experience with law enforcement, viewing it as a learning opportunity rather than a setback.

Archaix reflects on their past experiences, particularly their time in prison where they were able to read and learn extensively. They express concern about the current state of the prison system, where books have been replaced with tablets, limiting the inmates’ access to a wide range of literature. They emphasize the importance of learning from past experiences and using them to grow as individuals. They believe that every experience, good or bad, contributes to the development of our inner selves.

The text discusses the concept of the soul and its journey through life, emphasizing that we are not here to save the world but to experience it. It also touches on the subjectivity of near-death experiences, suggesting they are influenced by personal beliefs and education. Archaix shares personal experiences and observations, including their time in prison, and reflects on the difference between their perspective and those of others. They conclude by expressing a sense of disconnect from the common experiences and language of others.

Archaix emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and treating life’s challenges as opportunities for growth. They believe in the power of energy and the need to transform negatives into positives. Despite facing personal attacks and legal issues, they remain committed to their spiritual journey and sharing their insights with others. They also stress the importance of authenticity, consistency, and learning from mistakes.

Archaix discusses how they refuse to engage with online trolls who are jealous of their success and constantly attack them. Despite these attacks, Archaix remains focused on their own path, sharing their knowledge and experiences with their audience. They emphasize the importance of judging things by their effects, not appearances, and remain committed to truth and integrity. Archaix also criticizes certain theories and networks for spreading misinformation, urging their audience not to entertain such falsehoods.

Archaix discusses a technique used in aerial archaeology that reveals underground structures by photographing at a 45-degree angle when the sun is also at 45 degrees. This method has shown that the UK is full of infrastructure buried just under the surface, connecting ancient monuments. Archaix also talks about their work, the “chronicon,” which aligns 41 different ancient and modern calendars to show the exact year of historical events. They suggest that the perfection of historical events and their alignment with calendars indicates that we may be living in a simulated reality.

Archaix believes that our reality is not as physical as we think, but rather a simulation or construct. They argue that the world’s violence and suffering, such as predator-prey relationships, are evidence of this artificial reality. They also discuss the evolution of Christian teachings, suggesting that the original spiritual messages of Jesus were later embellished with miracles and supernatural elements. Archaix rejects the idea of needing a crucified savior for spiritual redemption, viewing it as a form of manipulation.

Archaix is expressing their love for their audience before signing off. They mention plans to eat a burrito and walk around their property in LaMel, despite the recent terrible weather. They describe how the area was quickly flooded, making the roads impassable, but now the weather is beautiful. They end with a cheerful goodbye and a promise to see their audience later.


I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level.

I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level.

I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level.

I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I’m going to go back to the next level. I have stress and depression and all needs warm stomach fat which is literally the first day of last Friday night and I’m going to do my best for this week.

They’re going to gather again and come out, talk to them during their campaigns. But I’ll see what we can do during those days andpc- Let’s see, sounds good, thank you. I don’t need any more than that. Remember, something is true somewhere; it’s probably true everywhere. One of the archaic’s tense. It’s one of the paramount aspects of the research. So if it sounds good for two or three people, it probably sounds good for everybody.

All right. Let me remove that intro from the studio. Here it is. Let’s see, 1500 people in the chat, that’s pretty nice. Pretty nice little chunk. After my hiatus, my little temporary stay in the accommodations over Texas jail. Yes, the rumor is true. For those of you who didn’t don’t believe it and thought it was just troll videos, I mean trolls are responsible, but if you thought it was a fiction, you are wrong.

It is absolutely true. Let’s see, looking over my chat. Hello Chrissy, Sarah and Celeste, HMO Liberty, girl from Mars. See, I see I’ve got a bunch of moderators in the chat, that’s good. One Tux, Damien, Shiva shampoo, always there. How you doing, bro? George Aldumnor? Man, so many familiar. A hundred of you are familiar to me now. And it’s good. Yeah, guys, from the inception of my channel, I’ve always, always been able to walk people through their dark days.

People always in my comment section, always in the Q and A’s and they’re expressing when they’re going through a dark time. And I’m always telling people there are ways to draw from yourself more than you contain. There are ways that we can tap into spirit to overcome all obstacles. And when obstacles cannot be overcome, then they’re not obstacles, they’re conduits to something else. And that’s what we need to understand.

Everything changes just because I go through a dark time. I don’t modify, I don’t modify my personal philosophy and my behavior, the very architecture of my personality by which I conduct myself in public and in private. I don’t change these things simply because I’m going through something now and I am, I am, I was arrested, US marshals showed up. That doesn’t mean that I have been charged with anything heinous.

It’s actually the jurisprudence of the marshals to execute warrants like that. So they did their job. They did a really good job. They did it, you know, clean, clean, fast, all professional. They walked up on me, completely surrounded by my archaic stuff. Hey, it’s, yeah, I’m not hating on them at all for doing their job. Wow, there’s a lot of you guys in the chat. Look, the chat is slowed down to 60 seconds per comment.

Also, only subs, so there’s no way for me to regulate that, guys. The chat’s just moving so fast. It was slowed down to every second and only subscribers can chat. So I can’t control the speed. Yeah, yeah, blah, blah. Texas, Texas is a police state. I tell, I’ve told you guys in the past, I’ve had absolutely no problems with Montgomery County law enforcement seven and a half years I’ve been out.

You guys know I did five years on parole. Not a hitch did it all. And part of that parole was very restrictive, but yeah, it’s, I haven’t had any problems. I was the first time in 34 years I had even been arrested. Last time I was arrested, I was 17 year old kid. Let’s see. Yeah, some great people. Yeah. So, I’m seeing a lot of new names I’ve never seen before mixed in with all the names I know.

Yeah, I had an awesome conversation with them. Yeah, they weren’t, they weren’t assholes at all. They were not assholes at all. They were there to do a job when they saw, when they saw how commissaried I was when they, when they saw, Hey man, 100%, let’s go, let’s go, let’s do it. I already knew why they were there, but I’d already known, I’d already known about the war.

I had just been notified about the warrant. I don’t know how old it was, but as soon as I found out about it, I secured legal counsel. And acting on that counsel, he told me the best time to turn myself in. So, we were just about to do that and they beat me to the punch, but that’s okay. I had already, I had already secured counsel and he was already aware of the situation.

And hey, we just got to go through these things sometimes guys, but it has been my position many times to tell you that we are more than anything that can happen to us. Very surreal experience. It’s very surreal because under the ordinary circumstances, somebody would be very, very nervous. I was comfortable with these guys. And it is just, it was so interesting to me when I could just objectify and en route, en route while they were turning me in for custody in county jail.

You know, we were just making small talk, talking about different, they’re asking me about, you know, all my published books, how I published books while I was incarcerated in prison, how I had come across all this information and how I had spent my years incarcerated, just studying all these materials that most people would never have time in their life. So, I was telling these guys about all that and how I had made all this happen and people all over the world were donating some very rare, vintage, old books for me to continue my research out here and how my library had grown and I share these materials with the public.

It was just, it was surreal to talk to law enforcement like this just openly and, you know, there was seven or eight of them, but in transit, I got to talk to two of them for quite a while and it was just, it was so, it was so unusual because once, once I had 100% complied and we were en route, no longer, you know, the threat assessment is all the way down.

They already know, okay, because Don had talked to him and said, hey, you know what, his attorney already knows about all this and he was on his way to turn himself in and, you know, he was just, Archaics takes a lot, Archaics takes a lot to run. So, you know, getting all the packaging ready for you guys and, you know, I got a bunch of published books that had to be signed and everything was getting ready for the next, the next, you know, a salvo of packages that were going out and, and it’s crazy.

Yeah, you’re right. Jimmy, you’re right. They got their own private van vlog. There’s no doubt because I was, I was a, some of them are going to be listening to this. I have no doubt whatsoever. And yeah, I gave them a historical dissertation. I told them exactly what I do. I find all these people who think they know the business who actually make public claims that they’re in possession of information.

And then I call them out and then I back them up against the wall and put up or shut up time. And you guys have already seen in 100% of every situation so far, it’s been shut up because people are, people really hate it. They have a, they have a really unique ability to spin yarns, but they’re not going to provide a bibliographic citations. They’re not going to provide any source materials for their work.

So this has, this has caused, you know, a lot of enmity. This has caused a lot of, of maybe even jealousy. We can even call it that. But it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t even matter that it doesn’t even matter why somebody would go out of their way to hate on me partially so that it doesn’t even matter why attacks or opportunities. Attacks or opportunities because they’re going, because the attacked is always going to find something unique in that situation to learn from.

There’s going to be some, there’s going to be a takeaway every time. Remember who we are and why we’re here. Many times I’ve done many presentations where I’ve given you guys examples that we are in a photo negative of a real reality. Our arithmetic shows us when we do, when we analyze our own reality in base mathematics. Everything dissolves to zero, except the number 2178. You guys have seen a demonstration showing that our arithmetic.

It’s more to something else. We are not in an actual mathematical construct. We are in the photo negative of a real reality. And when spirit moves, it is not always digestible to the world. Remember that. When spirit is making a move in your life, those on the outside looking in will see it as an attack. They will see it as a great negative experience. They will see it as, you know, in the hero’s dialogue, the hero trips and goes through a dark spell.

But when spirit moves, it’s not always digestible to those on the outside looking in. If the activity of the over soul was recognizable as such, there would be no more mysteries in the world. There wouldn’t be anything left to discover. We would all be subject to dungeon programming and live absolutely boring lives. That’s not what we find ourselves. It is when the soul is dragged through the dark that true growth begins.

Because remember guys, it’s the prodigal son story all over again. You got to be the one that goes through everything. Because if you don’t, you’re never going to be the one that goes through everything. Because if you don’t, you’re never going to develop. You’re never going to mature. This whole journey. Remember, there are spiritual signatures that separate the living from the dead. Empathy, intuition and imagination. And once somebody is in true possession of all three qualities, they’re movers and shakers in their own world.

They can do all things. Have you seen I’ve overcome incredible odds all throughout my life. Most people in my circumstances have never been able to overcome those circumstances. Never trapped in dungeon programming. This is what they’ve chosen. So who they are is not important. And what I mean by they are those who have sent this darkness to me. They’re not even important. They’re irrelevant. We need to analyze a situation for what it is and not its particulars.

We need to look at phenomena objectively and not try to isolate particulars that then lead to blame circumstance. Basically he said, she said, and these are the only things that lead to then why. And then we start we go. We trace these rabbit holes that completely keep us from seeing clearly and seeing clearly is exactly what we need in order to understand what we’re going through. Remember, when people go through dark times, spirits moving in that person’s life.

There’s something they need to learn or something that they need to be educated by. There’s something they need to purge away. Sometimes it’s corrective. Sometimes there needs to be a correction. Other times it may be a huge philosophical internal struggle. Two different belief systems cannot exist within the same soul and that soul not live a bifurcated life. It’s not going to happen. One will completely contaminate the other.

It’s going to happen every time. So this experience, this is a field saturated in energies. You can choose to absorb them, ignore them, or resist them. But all three positions have consequences. So yes, U. S. Marshals doing their job arrested me. Fact. Yes, the same U. S. Marshals took me to jail. Fact. Anything else that is attached to that is irrelevant. Absolutely irrelevant. So I have shown you guys multiple examples, multiple examples of others attacking me who end up losing badly in credibility in their personal finances and social standing.

I have routinely even explained to my opposers many times I have explained to them that their behavior is the reason why. They are suffering. I haven’t done anything to them but question things that they publicly asserted and then required of them the source materials for which they got that information. Since you’re going to be a public figure, you need to be able to defend your position when you assert it.

If you’re going to teach a lot of people what you claim to be a historical structure or a chronology or a sequence of events, wherever it is that you’re focusing on, you need to be able to defend your position. If you’re not going to do that, then someone like me should be able to analyze your material and show the engaged public that you’re full of shit. And this is what I’ve been doing for a long time now.

It’s very easy to do. Like I say, Franz Boas, I quote him all the time, record enough facts and the answers will fall like ripe fruit every time. So this is how we separate facts from fiction right here in Archaics. And yes, the separation of facts from fiction often pisses a lot of people off. People are a species that love with their illusions. You all know this. You all know this.

Oh, hey, Wendy Flores and Meryl. I just got off a text with Meryl a little while ago. Dr. Corey Stern, how you doing? So. The U. S. Marshals are very interested in my publishing. I mean, they were asking some pretty good questions. Now, of course, some of the questions are baited questions. I get that. They’re law enforcement. They’re doing what they’re supposed to do. So but there was also some some some some curiosity on the on the history and on the chronology of what makes my research different than others.

So how is it that I was able to secure publishing contracts inside from inside of prison? Wasn’t even free yet. I’m still serving time since I was 17 years old and publishers on the outside were giving me publishing contracts on a herd of it’s almost a standard throughout the industry to not to not basically publish convicted felons. So I answered their questions and after all was said and done, I no longer I mean, at first, it’s very of course, it’s intimidating.

But it wears off fast because I’m constantly reminded in every in all my dealings with people. I’m not talking to U. S. Marshals. That’s dressing on the avatar. Just like a preacher. That’s just cultural and societal dressing on an avatar that contains an immortal soul. I’m dealing with a mortal soul. So in dealing with the moral souls that there are other subtle communications and those communications have a lot to do with trust and honesty and people know when you’re bullshitting them or not.

I tell you guys all the time. The reason so many people are unsuccessful in in public speaking and giving dissertations is because audiences are just people to and people are basically intelligent. And they know when you’re blowing smoke up their ass. So these men asked some pretty interesting questions. Almost felt like I was in a Q&A in one of my videos because some of the questions were really good and I answer them and I I was just honest with them and told them, you know, personal philosophies and how I live my life and spiritual etiquette and basically who I am.

I even told them I’ll be doing it. I they’re probably watching. I don’t know. But I even told them, hey, guys, you know, when I when I get out, I’ll be doing a video and talking about this experience because it’s a unique experience in my life. Like I said, it’s been 34 almost 35 years since I’ve been arrested. So this was this was interesting. It was. But there’s no I just don’t harbor any ill will law enforcement is doing her job and law enforcement is the reason why, you know, this area of Texas is so awesome and clean.

But so it’s a there are there are setbacks. But I tell you guys all the time, setbacks are hurdles. Hurdles are meant to be jumped. One setback. This situation has already cost me 10 grand. It’s already cost me 10 grand. It could very well in the next week cost me another 15 or even 20. I get that. But money is energy. Have I said this? Hasn’t this been my message in multiple videos? Money is energy.

Energy is spiritual. So this is why I know that whatever I lose in the temporary, I will gain back in other forms. And there are other compensations as well. And what I mean is, is that what I lose in other facets of my life. It’s like a Mandelbrot set. What part of the geometry collapses over here is birthed in a new form over here. This is the beauty of spirit.

And yeah, sometimes it takes you it takes you going through a temporary dark spell, maybe waking you up from from a long held sleep, setting you back on the right track. But when you lose things that are important to you, you realize very quickly that the emergence of new things in your life are equally important. And then the loss is basically taken away. Over and over, I’ve told you guys, don’t worry about money.

Money will come when money is needed. And I’ve shown you example after example after example of this appearing in my life. In many of you, I would not have I would not have this loyal audience if you guys had not been with the bins for these experiences with me. Ever since I first started with a little ritual $27 in my pocket broke off my ass. I started my little company Paradise Rock Gardens and I was just on parole.

My parole officer saw I was working my ass off. I was I was building people’s flagstone and patio dreams. But with but with the loss of time, other experiences were my compensations, such as you guys know. Twenty six years in Texas prison afforded me the opportunity of a lifetime. But that opportunity doesn’t exist anymore in Texas. Very interesting that I should sit right next to a guy in the holding cell in Montgomery County jail who was telling me I knew him 25 years ago and we knew each other when we were sitting when we were in there.

We got to talk and it took us about 10 minutes, 10 minutes before realizing that I told him I said I haven’t been in prison in seven and a half years. I haven’t even been anywhere in that culture in seven and a half years. I’ve been out here working and doing my thing, man, and enjoying life. He’s been in and out doing all kinds of stuff. He was still in that prison mindset, prison culture.

But he reminded me of my earlier days when I was a teenager, I was 19 years old in a maximum security unit, Terrell Unit, Livingston, Texas, before they called it the Polonsky Unit. He reminded me of those years. Those were violent years. He reminded me of all the news agencies that came down there and interviewed everybody. He reminded me of when the feds came in. He reminded me of all the riots and the lockdowns.

I’m sitting here listening to him like, what? Wow, I’m not resonating with any of this. I’m just objectively listening to him. I’m just listening to him tell me these things. But this architecture that makes up who I am today is listening to a foreigner speaking a different language, yet I comprehend it. And it was so interesting to me when I was sitting in the holding cell listening to him.

And then he told me how the prison had changed after I left. I was paroled in 2016. And he told me, he said, hey, all those old books and all that, all the stuff you used to read and packages, packages of books used to get in. No, man, that’s over with. I’m like, what? How do they maintain control? How do you keep 155,000 men not erupting into all kinds of chaos, man? You got to give them some type of babysitter.

What they do, put a TV in everybody’s cell? He goes, no. They took all the books. They took a bunch of the telephones out because after I left, they also put telephones up. I was like, wow, it’s crazy. None of these things were there when I was there. The system was very different. It was far more primitive. The opportunities that I had when I was 17, all the way till I was 43 years old, when I read over 1500 nonfiction reference books, and I gotta mind them.

And I wrote down all this information from all these books and I told you guys a story. I took this, all these stacks of notes on hundreds and hundreds of different topics with bibliographic citations. I’m talking about chapter and verse. You guys know the story? All of that I did back then cannot be done today. I was in prison at the right time. When they liquidated the East Ham Library, the old Bonnie and Clyde Library from the old prison and all those wooden crates were full of old books.

Yeah, that doesn’t happen today. Because the system went through and did a purge and threw away all paper products, all the magazines, newspapers, threw away all the books, old and new. And if you didn’t want your books thrown away, you had to mail them home. And they replaced them with a tablet. A little tablet. Everybody has access to a tablet. And with that tablet, they now regulate what you read.

They give you things to watch. You can download some things if you got extra money in your commissary account. But the tablet has now, with a little earpiece interface in Texas prison, now they have tablets. They’ve gotten more sophisticated. But I would have never been able to do the research I did. And all these old books most people haven’t read in over a hundred years. Had I have gotten locked up later in my life, later than 17.

It was all those years in the 90s. From 1990 to the year 2000, from the year 2000 to the year 2016. All that reading, writing, research, redacting, editing, recopying, recomposing, all that. Over years, years and years of that activity. Done. So Archaics is packed with over 700 videos, all my published books, packed with the data that was put together in a very unique way. But the ability to put all that data together is now gone.

Someone else cannot come behind me and do the same thing. Maybe in another prison system, but not Texas. Not Texas. You’re not going to get all those old books on that table. And that’s pretty sad. So, yeah, that’s crazy. Just listening to that guy tell me all that’s like, wow, it’s amazing. Just, uh, I feel sorry for those guys. It’s, it’s no way to live, man. No way to live.

It’s crazy. They probably got an app on there for the Bible read the Bible, Quran, read the Quran, got a selection for the library. Yeah, man. Feel sorry for those guys. It’s no good. It’s no good. So. Just crazy. Again, one of the tenants of Archaics is we’re just passing through. How many times have I told you guys, man, if we’re, we are spiritual beings just passing through this construct.

If that’s true. Hold on. Hold on. If it’s true that we’re just spiritual beings just passing through this construct. Well, the experience of history, the history being every, all the background programming that we’ve traveled through in the past. And we grew to the point we are today. If all that’s true. Then what makes right now any different. What makes right now any different. If we are immortal beings in using avatars, which belong to the construct, this real, this mathematical reality that we exist within.

If we are immortal beings, consciousness, personalities that are inhabiting these avatars in these avatars have passed through multiple life. Sims call it, you can call it whatever you can spiritualize it and call it reincarnation. You can call it the transmigration of souls. You can go all the way back to the, to the Mahabharata or the Baha Bhagavad Gita. You can go back to the, the, the commentaries of the ancient of far of a Vetta, the rig Vetta.

You can, they’re called the Puranic texts. You go to back and it is perfect descriptions of this life process, this migration of souls all through the, all through the timeline. If it’s true that we’re immortals borrowing avatars, going through all these things to learn and develop and to completely basically forge our very unique personalities over a long period of time through manifold experiences. If this is who we are, then what makes right now any different? Remember, if something is true somewhere, then it’s probably true everywhere.

And, uh, this would also apply to like time coordinates, coordinates in time. Something is true somewhere in coordinates of time in a linear, you know, in a linear projection, then it’s probably true everywhere. So. This would mean, this would mean that everything that we have gone through in the past leading up to this point is no more important than what we’re going through right now. What it is, it’s all for the development of the immortal within every bit of it.

You guys know how that goes. Thought I had one of those books on the back shelf, but I don’t think I got it. See, they’re gonna be on the shelf out in the den. I think I got it here and here. Yeah, I don’t. You guys have seen it. Hell, hundreds of you, hundreds of you have read my book Awaken the Immortal Within. You’ve read it. You understand what I’m talking about.

So. We have to keep, we have to, we have to take into consideration that having lived through everything in the past and that the past is no more important than anything we’re going through right now. And that the past, everything attached to it was for the development of the immortal within. That all the experiences, all the ups and downs, were the forging for the forging of a personality, which is the only thing that’s real.

Everything else decays. Everything else is subject to the law of diminishing returns. The law of entropy. Of decay. Everything. Everything changes into something else. But the soul within continues. So we have this idea that separates those who understand these tenets, those who truly grasp the idea that we are a soul passing through this experience. This experience we call life. But most of the world can’t grasp that concept.

They want to save the world as if the world is some type of quantifiable aspect that is measurable and being measurable, therefore it’s controllable because its perimeters could be defined, which is untrue. So we’re not here to save the world. In fact, German philosopher Will Durant said it best a century ago, we will leave this world as wicked as we found it. Yeah, we’re not going to save this world.

We’re not even here to save the world. The living dead, they operate in negative default programming and they cannot perceive anything beyond the construct itself. Remember those who are enslaved in dungeon programming that will always attack those who exhibit intuition, imagination and empathy. Those three things separate the immortal from the living dead and they always have. So humanity is not about the avatar, but about the immortal within.

Unfortunately for the lost, their avatars, they serve their spirits. It’s like serving their spirits as tombs rather than cocoons. Huge difference between a cocoon and a tomb. They’re both containers, but the ideas attached to them are fundamentally different. So my youth was spent reading all this material and this guy sitting next to me, it’s like, wow. It’s like I’m totally, I tell you, I tell you, this is another thing I tell you guys a lot.

We can live in the same world, but we’re existing in totally different universes. And this is what was happening. So they’re listening to this like, wow, just no resonating whatsoever at all. Oh, I agree. I do agree. It’s sad to think of a world without old things. I know. Love the old books, love the antiques, antiques, love the vintage furniture, all that stuff. It’s awesome. It’s the best.

Let me check my chat real quick. Got my old Houston, Houston hat on. Even though I’m upset with NFL. NFL is no good anymore. I can’t, I can’t deal with NFL anymore. NFL gets sued. NFL comes up with an awesome defense. NFL wins. Yeah. What was the conclusion? Well, first of all, they were sued because it was basically shown that many games were thrown and that referees gave false calls and those false calls changed the entire trajectory of the games resulting in a win that should not have happened.

It was proven and shown so many times that it was concluded in court that it was a fact. Every reasonable try or a fact understood. Okay. Yeah. You know what? You prove your case. Here it is right here. However, they still lost. Why? Because the NFL was filed as entertainment. Just like worldwide wrestling. It’s crazy. Whole thing is just crazy guys. Yeah, man. It is crazy. So you guys have always had the benefit of my past experiences.

You’ve always had that benefit and I’ve always freely given that information. Like I freely told you about my criminal history. I freely told you about all my experiences in prison. I’ve told you, I’ve told you about all these strange things that have happened in my life. Nothing supernatural. I’ve never had anything weird like that happen to me. And I know some of you get frustrated with me because I’m just not really, I’m not going to entertain the out of body experiences.

I’m not going to, the next day, I’m going to be able to do that. But it’s not really to me, knowing my Chief operator can, my chief officer has experienced operations near death experiences. All the. All this leads to subjectivity. I’m not calling him liars, not calling him liars. they claim that they had, and yet also admit they were unconscious when they had them, or clinically dead, then I have to assume that the psyche, and there was a miscommunication between the psyche and the central nervous system, and the brain was trying to put these signals into their proper frames of reference.

This is why, I’m very critical of all this, because this is why someone who was born a Southern Baptist Christian has a car accident, and they come out of it with a near-death experience, or an OBE story, and they tell the story about hell, and what hell is really like, and how they were plucked from the fire, and it came back. That’s all very interesting, but somebody who is in India, and the only thing they’ve ever been educated about was Rakshasas, the Indian, the Vedic demons, and they die, and they go to an underground place of darkness, like the Hebrew Sheol, and it’s a place of the dead, but they’re not being tormented, but they gotta hide from these tiger-faced demons called Rakshasas.

So these are frames of reference. Their experiences unconscious, or in a coma, whatever, whatever their avatar did to shut down to imitate a temple death. Whatever happened is important. What’s important is the information they come and convey after the experience, because in about 100% of all the ones that I have ever reviewed, it’s always entirely subjective and connected to their either indoctrination or their education. How they perceived the spiritual world to be is how they came back and conveyed it.

And that to me is pretty telling. It’s pretty telling. When Christians come back with stories that resonate with biblical materials and Catholics have OBEs that are focused on Mother Mary, the Virgin Mary, yeah, it’s crazy. People in Iran, they come back and they have OBEs. Yeah, I mean, there are YouTube channels in Iran, and they got their own social medias over there and speaking whatever they do. And I’m gonna tell you now, their NDE experiences are commiserate with their frames of reference as well.

They’re coming back talking about Ahura Mazda. They’re coming back talking about who is it? Ahriman, yeah. So this is why I don’t buy into it. I can’t claim those people are lying. They’re telling the absolute truth based off the memories they have from the experience. But because the experience is entirely related to how they view the world or their education, then it’s subjective. Your brain put together a story from those signals, and that story was gonna fit within a mold that you had been trained to believe in.

So this is the same thing. Remember, we live in a photo negative of a real reality. So I’ve showed you guys the arithmetic. I’ve shown many times. I’ve been challenged about it, and I’ve met every challenge. Showed you guys the mathematical analysis when we break down numbers into their core components. When we subtract numbers from their holographic reflections, we find out that about 95% of all numbers collapse to zero.

They have no value. They’re illusory. Just like the quantum field that the quantum physicists tell us about. They tell us this. They make us understand in their material the difference between physical reality, which is something that would be physical, and the reality that we really experience, which is quantum. Remember, when you magnify anything that you think is physical, you will find out that upon more and more magnification, that the actual points of light that you believe are physical are actually oscillating fields.

And when you magnify them enough, those oscillating fields are very far apart. If oscillating fields can be separated by the human eye using instruments, then that means there’s a vast emptiness between those oscillating fields. That is empty space. But you don’t perceive it to be, you perceive it to be a physical world. Because the avatar is what? Physical to you. You’re jacked into an avatar, which is an extension, a tiny little finger of the construct itself.

So I’m going through my little, whatever, call it three days of darkness. And I’m having these experiences. And like I said, there’s a loss of money here, but there’s a gain of knowledge. And listening to these guys talk, I’m listening to their experiences. I’m like, wow, I’ve been so divorced from this entire lifestyle. I’m listening to the pain. I’m listening to these guys express, oh man, I’m going through this.

I’m also listening to the excuses. And I’m listening to the BS. I’m listening to the lies. And I play my cards close to my chest. I’m not gonna call them out. They’re really just venting or ranting. They’re discouraged. Of course they are. They’re in a holding cell. So I listen to all these things. And I’m like, wow, my life has been incredible. It’s even incredible to me. And I’m the one that lived it.

To have survived all these maximum security units. It’s amazing. It’s amazing considering everything I’ve seen. I wasn’t even a participant. I was an observer through most of all this. And I just saw so much. It’s crazy. And yet here I am seeing guys talking about things that though they speak the same language I can comprehend, I’m no longer resonating with those consonants and those syllables in their syntax.

None of it. The grammar I find offensive. I’m like, wow, this is, it’s so surreal to me. And it’s because as I tell you guys all the time, that’s my catchphrase. Once the soul understands that it’s inside an avatar, not the avatar itself, a lot of things just don’t matter anymore. They just don’t matter anymore. People take things from me all the time. I don’t seek retribution. The trolls that have attacked me now, what? What am I gonna do? Really attack them back? Come on.

This is all about energy. Yeah, it’s all about energy. So I’m going to treat it as energy. We have to turn negatives to positives. Yeah, I mean, it’s as simple as that. There’s no other way for me to live, but to roll with the punches and to see opportunities where other people see attacks. That’s how I live my life. This is how I have conveyed these things to you guys in the past.

And there is no way that I would stand before you, a hypocrite today, by telling you the dynamics of how the spiritual interface works with our reality and not practice it myself. There’s no way. That’s not who I am. And you know that. Those of you who have been following me for a while, you already know who I am. You already know this. So yes, I got rolled down on by the US Marshals.

And yes, they’re just doing their job. And yes, they took me to jail. And yes, I don’t harbor any ill will. And yes, I’m pretty much know the full story now. I’ve seen the screenshots. I’ve even seen the guys bragging about it in social media. I’ve seen the videos. Many people have downloaded the videos to show me. Yeah, they planned all this. It’s all good. Every single channel that has gone out of their way to attack me, you guys have already seen this yourself.

You have seen the blow back, the loss of credibility face, how subs just vacated them just left. We have to be authentic. We have to be consistent. And we have to practice what we preach in everything we do, no matter what we’re going through. Yeah, guys, if nothing ever comes of this, I’m gonna continue to be the immortal within who’s reaching out to other immortals who are willing to hear what I have to say.

If I disappear for a spell, I’ll probably surface with one of the greatest books ever written in mankind’s history. Anybody who has read my book, Awaken the Immortal Within already knows that one was pretty good, but it’s not even comparable to the books that are still left inside of me. Tell you guys all the time, I got 500 videos left in me, and I said that 500 videos ago.

When you’re resonating with truth, then truths pop up everywhere. Somebody going through their grandfather’s belongings in an attic, knowing they don’t want to abandon them, knowing that there’s gonna be some priceless stuff up there, but they themselves don’t see any value of it. They rifle through these things and then find a rare treasure. And because they’ve been listening to me for so long, they email me and say, hey, I need an address to mail this book to.

It’s from 1822, and it’s the secret history of Ireland. You understand? Spirit is always in the field, reaching out and finding all the different things we need. Yeah, I’m fascinated with, I’m fascinated with the Tuatha De Dainan. I am fascinated with the Iberian stock people that were before the Irish of today. Yeah, I wanna learn about that. I wanna learn the transition, I wanna learn the culture. Irish mythology is very unique.

It’s very different. I wanna read about the hags, the black anise. Oh yeah, all this stuff is very interesting to me. So when you’re tapped into the field, the field responds with all these things. And slowly over time, as you guys have observed, treasure after treasure after treasure after treasure has entered the Archaic’s library. Many of them I’ve shared right here. But this is precisely how spirit moves.

Not always are we going to receive treasures. We’re gonna receive traps as well. It’s how you respond to a trap, which basically identifies what level of spirituality you obtained, who you are. Yeah guys, the decisions you’ve made in the past only put you where you are in the present. But who you are in the present is going to be defined by what you decide to do with whatever circumstances you have right now.

So what happened to me? I found out I had a warrant. Did I run? Did I try to escape? Did I try to go? No. Soon as I found out, I called an attorney. Worked it out with him and he gave me advice and I followed that advice. Wherever this leads, this is my message guys, wherever this leads, it’s precisely where spirit wants it to go. I’m not going to fight or resist spirit.

I’m gonna, if something comes, if something comes naturally, then it’s natural. Things that are natural above the spirit. If something comes at great resistance, then it’s forced. And if you force something that shouldn’t be forced, then after that, some type of expos facto problem, it’s gonna develop in your life. It’s gonna develop. Forcing something in the now only creates negative circumstances in the future. We don’t need to do that.

We need to cleanse that out in the here and now by making the right executive decisions in the present. Now, remember as well, we are always, always entitled to make mistakes. You can’t judge your present spirituality by the fact that you made some mistake here and there. Mistakes are how we forge our character because the mistakes create situations that force us into making decisions. Those decisions and how we deal with them, those define us afterward.

They all come with consequences. We don’t always make the right decisions and we have to suffer those consequences. And then when we make the right decisions, we find great bounty in our lives. So over and over, this has been my message from the beginning of my channel. You have to break free or die trying. Breaking free is something that requires every day. You have to pay attention to detail.

Dungeon programming is everywhere. You can get sucked into that Republican conservatism. You can get sucked into that liberal leftist ideology. You can get sucked into all kinds of Christian right, Christian right programming. You can get sucked into the whole sports world and gambling. It doesn’t matter, it’s all dungeon programming. It’s all there to distract. Every bit of that is for you to enjoy the construct and keep away from the idea of any internal work.

Yeah, the living dead, they are living external to themselves and they’re not looking within. You have to look within guys because the only way you’re ever going to accomplish or become anything in life is when you realize that being tapped to source allows us to draw from ourselves more than we contain. It was so surreal sitting in that car, well actually truck with the US Marshals and just talking to a man to man, just chatting, it was so surreal.

This inner peace, these spiritual cords thrumming in me were like, wow, this is just, I’m so calm, man. I go to jail, so calm. I’m in jail, I’m in the holding tanks, I’m like, wow. It’s like I’m not even here. I’m experiencing all this and looking around. It’s like, it’s just so surreal, so surreal. My spirit was humming. And you guys have seen those videos. I’ve got some videos out where you’ve seen me in that state where I’m just in the flow and I am just completely unleashing all this material straight from spirit.

Yeah guys, that’s how I was. And while I was in there, I had everybody’s undivided attention. 40 something men in that one tank sitting there just listening to me. I didn’t have a problem with it. Yeah, 36 hours in there. So I didn’t have a problem with it. Just who I am right down in front of you was who I was in there. The only difference was, was they had no idea what they had gotten themselves into when they started asking me questions.

You guys have already been there, you know. So this, yeah, but this just a, hey, well, I just saw the donations. Thanks guys, appreciate it. I’ll go straight to my legal, my legal, my legal fund. Yeah, but you know, I love Mark case community and I’m just gonna, I’m just gonna tell you guys, listen, it’s there. They were already bragging about what they had done. I’m telling you now, it’s not an invitation to retaliate.

Leave them alone. Leave them alone. Don’t even feed into that. Don’t even feed into that energy. Just leave them alone. Yeah. Let them make asses of themselves. Cause I don’t care. I’m not, I’m not going to tap into that field. My own field remains uncontaminated from that. My own field, my own field. I’m very comfortable in my own skin. I’m very comfortable with my accomplishments. Do I make mistakes? Of course, everybody does.

Yeah. Can mistakes be corrected? Yeah, fast. But I’m not going to engage. Something Dawn, Dawn has, has, has basically introduced me to. I’m not going to engage. I’m not engaging. Okay. I’ve never used that terminology before, but I follow her, understand what she’s saying. I’m not going to engage. That’s her thing. That’s what she likes to say. Me, I’ve always said it like, I’m just not going to bring it into my field.

I’ve heard her say that too though, but it’s a, yeah. Engagement. It’s a, it’s a, I don’t want to borrow that energy from you. It’s, we have to look at this. We have to look at this from the troll’s perspective. Every other troll account, every other podcaster who tried to take shots at me, who tried this, you know what? Because I’m honest about my past and, or because they’re jealous because, because of my past, I can’t believe that I won’t overcome these circumstances and I am who I am today.

A lot of them are jealous over my publishing. Some of them are jealous over the fact that I’m eloquent. Even though I can’t pronounce most of the sophisticated words I know. Why? Because I never heard anybody say them. I’m self-educated, auto-didactic. So having read all these, I don’t know how some of these words sound. I’ve been attacked extensively for that, but in every circumstance, every, I’m whole, there’s been, there’s been podcasters who have completely left YouTube after attacking me.

Yeah, the blowback. It’s not because I sent anybody their way. I’ve even tried to educate my trolls. So what are you guys doing? Look, you’ve been attacking me for years and you don’t even have any more subs than you did when you started. 90% of your videos are all attacking me. For what? Nobody’s watching you. That’s not content. You’re not doing anything. You’re not providing the service. You’re not doing anything.

You’re nothing but you’ve entered a feedback loop focused on me, but my field’s not entertaining that. So you get to draw in all the negativity from other people. And now 100% of your viewers are all just as negative as you. What does that do? It puts you all in the same niche of dungeon programming. You’re all sharing the same sphere. You’re all in the field together over here.

It’s crazy. I don’t understand how you don’t understand this when I’ve been teaching you. I’ve been teaching my own trolls the business. Yeah, it’s crazy how many times I have taken time out of my dissertations to educate the trolls. And they still don’t get it. They just don’t get it. Attention is energy. But how you apply that attention is gonna have everything to do with reciprocating energy. It’s crazy, man.

It’s like, wow, man. I need to do like an arcades for real dummies as opposed to just arcades for dummies. Do arcades for real dummies because that’s where it needs to go. There’s no more I can do for somebody who just absolutely refuses to see. And it was crazy as you can just believe me all you want. But look, we have to judge things by their effects, right? Isn’t this something I tell? I say a whole lot on my channel.

Judge things by their effects. When you judge things by their effects, it does rhetoric doesn’t matter. Presentation doesn’t matter. Structure doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if somebody’s wearing a suit and tie, bow tie. If they’re clean cut, none of that matters. We have to judge all things by their effects. And when you do, don’t you think that, damn, you put out 200 and something videos about Jason of arcades and you still can’t get anybody to listen to you.

Maybe there’s a problem here because Jason of arcades seems to be very, very interesting or so many people wouldn’t be in his live chat at the exact same time. So Jason of arcades wouldn’t have 1. 1 million people tuning into his channel every 28 days. That’s my analytics. Yeah. So if I can be so interesting that so many people would devote so much of their time to sit here and watch all my presentations over 700 and yet your focus is 100% on me and yet no one’s watching you.

Maybe it should tell you something. It’s crazy guys. If everybody already knows my criminal history, if everybody already knows my life experiences, if everybody has already been listening to hundreds of my historical dissertations, my philosophical dissertations, my spiritual dissertations, what do you have left to attack me about? It’s gotten to the point of being ridiculous. So I’m not living that in my field guys. I don’t care. I’m moving forward.

Wherever forward takes me. I mean that wherever forward takes me. If I go to jail, I’ll write one of the best books known to man. You guys know I will do it right out of my head. Awaken the immortal within was written right out of my head. I did it. It’s when I’m in that spiritual zone, that’s what I do. Write all that stuff, write all my experiences.

And plus I know that there’s about a hundred thousand of you guys that’ll send me all kinds of stuff and other stuff to read. Hey listen, wherever my life takes me, takes me to radio broadcasting. Well it takes me to public, my public deals right here. I’ve done these Houston meetups and stuff. I get 300 people in a room, but who knows? I may fill up auditoriums with 30,000 people.

No matter where my path takes me, I’m going to be Jason Breshears. And I’m gonna hold myself with truth and integrity. And I’m going to expect everybody around me to do the same. Simple as that. And I’m not going to let those guys get into my field that are always trying to sap that energy from me. These psychic vampires, this envious jealousy that has just basically overcome them to where all they do is obsess about my success, my story, my data.

Yeah, you don’t see any of these. Remember guys, you don’t see any of these troll channels. You don’t see any of these professional podcasters. You don’t see any other author out there ever attacking any of my published data sets. Not one single individual. And that’s very telling. Data sets don’t lie. People do. Data sets completely collapse false paradigms. This is what you’re seeing. I have educated you guys to see the difference between fact and fiction and how a data set completely overturned a person’s, the whole life research of an individual who has not supported their conclusions and the chain of custody of their logic with references and materials that can be logically concluded.

Yeah, guys, ancient aliens is bullshit. Atlantis 9,600 years is bullshit. Anunnaki history is bullshit as it’s been presented by Zechariah Stitch. And you guys already know every bit of that’s false. It’s all BS. But they’re still gonna pump it out. Yeah, you always already know. I can’t stand the Gaia network. This is so much, so much of that toxicity, so much of that false. It is everything completely, complete adult fantasy.

They need to start a new channel on YouTube and call it adult pinwheel or adult Nickelodeon and start uploading all this ancient alien stuff, all this Gaia stuff. We’ll put it all on there. All this Atlanta stuff, all this Anunnaki stuff, put it all on there because that’s what it is. It’s adult fantasy. And exposing all this fantasy has ticked a lot of people off. But I’m not gonna let them in my field and you shouldn’t either.

So leave them alone. Just leave them alone. Don’t even entertain that shit. Yes, Dr. Corey Starr, Gaia is crap. It is crap. It is crap. Viva Las Veggies, I love that name. Christina Astonishing, it’s good to see you again. You had a blast when you were in Texas. Had a blast. So guys, this is my presentation. To me, if you guys were wondering what’s going on, I’ve been getting all kinds of emails and messages.

People wanna know what the truth was. Was it a rumor? Was it a BS? Was it a BS? Or a troll video that’s just making up stuff? No, it’s absolutely true. Got arrested, I went to jail. Absolutely true. Anything beyond that? You let spirit worry about it. Baminey Rising, huh? I’m looking for a couple of questions in here. Thank you, Nia Shiver, Mattie, those are new names. God, I’m a Sharpie Fudd.

Thank you, Michelle. That’s great. Catherine, you’re welcome. That’s great. Catherine, Brian Donovan, you’re becoming more and more of a common name. I’m starting to see your name a whole lot more. Sarcastic Warlock, you’ve been around for a minute too. Old Bible verse, it’s very true. It’s very true. When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. I like that one.

It’s a good one. Hey, Tiger Turtle. Yeah, my attorney, he’s doing a job as best he can. So we’ll see. We’ll see. I have checked out Newgrange in Ireland, Terrence. I have. The whole Newgrange, Stonehenge, Avbury, the UK, the UK in Ireland, Cornwall, Wales, that whole area is one of the longest continued inhabited areas with an infrastructure known to man. What I mean is, is Avbury Stonehenge, Durrington Walls, the Surn Giant, the big chalk giant that was put in the side of the hill, the ley lines and the roads that go everywhere, they’re like four and five feet deep.

But you can see them on like, what is that aerial archeology when they take the pictures at 45 degree angles? The sun has to be at a 45 degree angle from any area on the ground that you’re gonna take a picture with from a 45 degree angle in an aircraft. This is, now you can’t see anything on the photos, but if the sun is at 45 degrees from the surface of an area that you’re photographing at 45 degrees for whatever your altitude is, that area, they’ll process that film.

The negatives of those photos reveal the geometry of structures underground. So this is an old technique that was used in the 40s, 50s and 60s. I don’t know, they’re probably using something more sophisticated now. But this technique revealed that the UK is literally packed full of infrastructure buried just under the surface, connecting all these ancient monuments. And the reports that I have published in my chronic on on those sites all date them from 3163 BC to 3103 BC.

The start of the Vedic calendar, it’s a very small, when you’re talking about almost 5,500 years of history, that little 60 year window when all that architecture was laid and all set up, it’s a bullseye. Scientifically it’s a bullseye. You know how uniformitarians do it. Uniformitarians date everything plus or minus 200 or 300 years to give them that four to 600 year window of being wrong. Neither everywhere, not in arcades.

Arcades is about chronology. We’re not gonna give ourselves any room for error like that. That’s ridiculous. I don’t, Ed Bragg, I don’t know what an overwatcher is. Talking about the tablets. I don’t know. I’m just looking for a couple of questions. Oh wow. I have a lot of that on my chronic called Vincent Lirma. In my chronic on how I have a lot of that about the stone of scone and how it changed from Ireland, England, Wales, how it was moved around, how it was allegedly brought when the Phoenician princess Tamar was brought by a prophet from the Mediterranean.

And a lot of people think that prophet was maybe Jeremiah, who would have been your man, your Jeremiah. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but we have a lot of historical records that believed it to be true. Unfortunately, I mean, you do have secular historians that contend this because these were Christianized histories, meaning the older traditions, there’s a substrate of older traditions from the pagan tree that support the later Christian writings of the same story that have been Christianized were using Old Testament names.

So it’s really hard. It’s really hard to separate the real from the imagined when you’re dealing with that, because you know the Roman Catholics, in the Irish were Catholics, you know the Roman Catholics, they had a real long-standing practice of turning into saints, which were probably the gods of the common folk around them. Yeah, learn about Santa Claus, the demon. Yeah, they turned into saints with the people around in the surrounding environment already believed to be a deity.

They turned them into a saint, old Saint Nick. Knicker, that’s an old demon. Dressed in red, had a funny hat, upturned shoes. Absolutely right, guys. Let’s see, oh, I’m just looking for a few. Awakened, where can I find info on how to read or understand these dates? We’ve moved on, so I don’t know what date you’re talking about. 819, you made that comment at 819. You must be talking about the only dates I mentioned were 3163 BC.

3163 BC to 3103 BC, when the UK, if that’s what you’re referring to, Awakened, those were found in my chronicon. You know guys, chronicon is my magnum opus. It’s my epic work. It’s now over 1,500 pages, aligning 41 different ancient and modern calendars, showing the exact year of all historical events that I could ever come across, that I could ever find in any nonfiction reference books, put them all together, showing you what year it was and all these different calendars, remember these events unfolded, and with a calculator showing you forward and backward in time, how all of these major historical events are enmeshed within this beautiful mathematical construct that cannot be real.

So when we take data that has been published by different cultures at different time periods, using different languages, it’s passed through different filters in different centuries. And yet, when you put it all together and you translate it into English, and you put it in a linear chronological format, according to the date correspondences between the ancient calendars and our AADBC deal, put everything into its proper perspective, and using a calculator, what we find is that the history of the world is too perfect to be true.

And yet no one man did all that. I may be one man, but I just put it together and discovered it, I didn’t do it. It is not my work. It is the work of something else. This is why Archaics is advanced research of chronological history of artificial intelligence X. You guys know my position on that. Something of intelligent design is the author of collective history. Because that’s what it is.

The construct is a part of the collective. What is a construct? It is something that implies structure. What is structure? Structure requires arithmetic. What is arithmetic? It is numbers. What is the expression of numbers in linear time? Calendars. When you put all this together, as I did in chronic on, you will find out that you are not actually living in a real reality with a real historical narrative.

Because the history that has come down to us is so mathematically perfect, it cannot be real. It is packed with associations of calendrical isometrics, palindromic sequencing that is just amazing. In addition to that, there are thousands of instances that can be found even on your own. You don’t need my help. Many people have done it on their own. And showed in the comments section their discoveries. But we can even study calendars and the distance in time between major events and other dimensions of arithmetic.

We can divide these numbers in years and months and days by phi and pi and curvature. And we will come across parallels that are inexplicable. It’s almost as if history is a Mandelbrot set, not of geometry, but of events that form structured systems. What is it called? Calendars. So this is what arcades, this is the prima facie evidence of our unreality, of our simulated world. There’s a real world out there.

But we’re not in it. Tell you guys all the time. We’re just passing through. So, and remember, for those of you new to my channel, you gotta understand simulation theory is not my idea. Simulation theory just happens to be on the table with some of the greatest theoretical physicists and mathematicians in the world today. Simulation theory is a very hot topic and it is because that all of our sciences have led us to look at the world from a quantum perspective and understanding the principles of non-locality has now made us understand that there are correspondences between disparate phenomena that we have never been able to link together.

And those correspondences unveil more mysteries of the universe for which we have no physical laws. When the quantum physicist begins to magnify everything in phenomena and trying to apply scientific expression and formula to, it becomes impossible. The very existence of non-locality means that our attention can be placed on one phenomena. But in inducing a reaction to that phenomena creates a corresponding reaction in a disparate area. The very fact that we can do this shows that the number system for which we have here is amorphous and collapsible.

Remember the Archaic’s Challenge? Somebody can put the link in the description box. But there was a guy from the UK or Germany or Pakistan or somebody who had thought to discredit me and actually showed a demonstration because he created a program and he showed it on YouTube saying that Jason can’t be right. He can’t be right. I’m going to do the same thing I’m going to show you guys.

And he did it live and everybody saw. And he was even astonished himself and he concluded in his own video. I know many of you have seen that video, but he concluded in his own video, Jason’s absolutely right. All the numbers in existence collapse to zero when you subtract them from their holographic reflections, all of them. Except the number 2178. It is the only number and it loops showing that our entire arithmetic is more to something else.

Whatever’s on the other side of that loop is real because we’re in the photo negative of a mathematical construct that exists somewhere else. This is what the quantum field has been able to teach us. All the experiments of the quantum physicists have yielded forth enough information for the greatest minds in the world today to realize, okay, this can only mean that we’re in some type of simulated environment.

What do I call it? The Simulacrum. Can you guys even believe that I pronounced that right? Simulacrum is the way I’ve been saying it for a long time. The Simulacrum. Here it is. It’s the false reality. This ain’t us. This avatar belongs to the construct. We are the immortal within. That’s who we are. And this is what our science teaches us as well. And this is what our greatest scientific minds are realizing now.

There are many, many books published by great minds right now that you can find for yourself that demonstrate that the world we live in today is not as physical as you think it is. That it is amorphous. It obeys mathematical laws that collapse. These collapsed discontinuities are the actual creation of events that seemingly look unpredictable, but there is order in the chaos. This is what it’s all about.

It’s a beautiful ride. It’s a beautiful ride. It’s a beautiful experience. It is a beautiful world, but it’s also a false one. And the evidence of its falsity is everywhere. I told you guys all the time, the true over soul, the eternal, would never create the predator versus prey ecosphere. It would never do that. Where physical beings have to devour and rend the flesh, drink the blood, and tear into the sinews and guts of living creatures to maintain their sustenance.

No. No. In a real reality, there is no room for the great white shark or the wolf rending the rabbit. There would be no need for that. All the evidence of the artificer’s violence is found within the construct. Yeah, it’s beautiful. It has to be beautiful in order to deceive immortal souls that this is a real experience instead of just a simulated experience. Yeah, we’re just passing through, guys.

That’s all we’re doing. But you can learn all about that in many of my other presentations. We go deep on that topic in many other presentations. I may be going a little too long for my little news report here. My special report. Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. Special report. Jason went to jail. Catch back up with my chat here. You guys are getting too far. Yeah, this is the realm of the artificer, artificial intelligence ex.

You know, most ancient religions, they all say the same thing. It’s a false reality. Maya. This is the dream time of the Aboriginals. This is the Maya of the ancient Hindus. This is the smoking mirror of the ancient Native Americans. Yeah, smoking mirror guys. I tell you I tell you guys that all the time too. This is a reflective medium. Otter Christopher. That’s a mouthful there. Been seeing you a lot lately too.

Wire pallet has been around forever. I see that 2178 there. Yeah, this is the valley of the shadow of the, that’s a good one. That’s a good one guys. That’s a real good one. Yeah man, thank you Bobo jangles. Well, polarity is what it’s all about. That’s how they pull you in. That’s how polarity, that’s always how they pull you in. I don’t know indigenous creature. You’re asking me about the Archons.

Therefore my mind is all all automatically going straight to Gnosticism. So which isn’t bad, which isn’t bad. I mean I tell you guys all the time I’m a Christian. I consider myself a Christian. There isn’t anything that Jesus said that that offends me. And the man spoke in parables and I told you parables are images of truth. So they’re images of truth not the actual truth. Not one story Jesus said was real.

It’s not an actual story. They’re parables or illustrations. But if you want to get real technical, a parable is a lie. But in this photo negative reality, we had a spiritual being named Jesus conveying deep truth through fictions. So I am a Christian but I also believe that when you read the book of Matthew Mark, when you read the Gospel and you put it all together as one, the synoptic gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, if you were to break it down to its core components like scholars did in the 1890s and early turn of the century, when you do that, you can conclude nothing else other than you’re looking at a series of drama acts.

When the curtain opens and closes or when the lights go down and come back up and each scene is different but it’s fixed. And all the activities, all the activities with the characters, then the scene closes, then a scene opens up somewhere else. When it does, we have a different series of characters, Jesus in the middle doing it again. Scholars determined in the 1890s and there’s many books published about this, that the structuring of the gospels when it’s broken down to its core components reveals that we may be, we may be looking at a scribe who about the year 300 AD had put together one of the gospels but the gospel was based off a Greek drama or a Samaritan Greek drama of a stage play.

The original gospel of Markian was devoid of the fantastic, devoid of the miracles. It concentrated on the very spiritual teachings of Jesus, the parables, the things he said, but there were no miracles. There was no virgin birth. There was no turning water into wine. There was no walking on water, no blood tears in the garden of Gethsemane. These things are completely missing from the earliest versions of the gospel.

They did not exist. This feeding 5,000 with five fishes and two loaves of bread did not exist. Many of the miracles of Jesus nothing, there’s not a hint of them. And what’s even worse is the Christian apologists of the first 400 years, all these people like Jerome and Augustine and Ignatius, all these people, Ignatius of Lyons, all these great Christian authors in the very beginning of Christianity, they were real big on doctrine.

They were real big on talking about different apostles and the things that they did. But you know what? It’s almost omitted from all of them any miracles Jesus did. It’s as if somebody had introduced all that later. Somebody had come and taken what was purely spiritual, a drama meant in an amphitheater for people to listen to and to engage and listen to this wise man tell all these spiritual things.

And yet someone within 250-300 years after when Christ was allegedly here took all this stage play notes, all these scenes and props and all that and put it into a fictional narrative. And then somebody came, that was the gospel, it’s called the gospel of Markian. And many people have ordered the book after I told people John Waite, the first 200 years of the Christian religion by John Waite, published in like 1929-30, written in 1910 or something like that.

Many of you have read that book and taught and it shows how scholars put together the gospel of Markian, how they figured out how all this had been done. But even even John, Charles Waite, had cited many scholars before him. But somebody came behind the Turkish navigator Markian. That person came behind him and took that document, which was just a narrative about Jesus and his teachings and parables.

And they turned around and added all the supernatural stuff, all this stuff. And I’ve told you guys many times I take offense with that because true spiritual beings don’t need anything miraculous in a non-physical world in order to justify any type of belief in their own spirituality. It’s ridiculous. I refuse to believe in the cult of the crucified God, the version of Christianity of a crucified individual who went through torture and pain and was put on a cross.

This is the sun god human sacrifice institution of the ancient bronze age, where they took a victim who was the scapegoat for a community. And they came and sacrificed him after laying all the problems and sins of the people on this one individual. And this one individual became the scapegoat. And then the whole community could go on and redo all the same sins all over again for a whole year.

Because in the following year they would choose another victim from their own community to be the scapegoat again. Yeah, this is the actual human institution that later became Christianized into the Gospels. But the core material of the Gospels is very spiritual. It is a maybe a Samaritan Buddhist. I don’t know. We do know Osaka had 30,000 Buddhist missionaries sent everywhere. And we also know that the Christian records say that Antioch was the first place people were called Christians.

But what historians, secular historians tell us is Antioch in Syria was also the strongest Buddhist concentration of strongholds, concentration of Buddhists in the first century A. D. In the first century A. D. is what? What’s it known for? The life and crucifixion of Jesus. So there’s a lot more to that. If you want to know more about it, my dark scriptures playlist goes into a lot of detail about the Christian, how the New Testament was put together.

But yeah, I’m not in the cult of the crucified God. I do not need a tortured individual to redeem me. I do not need the, I don’t know, I don’t need the physical death of anyone to maintain my own personal spirituality. It’s just ridiculous. It’s ridiculous. It’s a dungeon programming. That’s all it is. It’s all it is, guys. Thank you, Joel Dalton. Yeah, but with that, guys, my videos are normally two and a half hours, sometimes three, but I’m gonna cut it short.

I’m gonna cut it short. I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna ramble and all that. I’ve already said, I’ve already said my message anymore is not unnecessary. Love you, guys. I’m gonna hit that awesome outro. Probably eat me a burrito. Go walk the property in LaMel. We have some real, I posted that short this morning. We have some really terrible weather. Awful. Talking about it. So yeah, the two, the two bridges, the two bridges out of here, like going down Calvary Road and going down Shepherd Hill Road, both ways to get out of this area.

I’m way down Calvary. Oh, um, yeah, it’s, yeah, there’s no way. There’s just, they’re, they’re, they were so, uh, they had them blocked off. There’s just no way you could drive them. Yeah, that’s how flooded. It got flooded fast. It came from the sky. It’s not coming from other, other areas. That all came from the sky fast. It’s under the whole area. It’s crazy. Ain’t nobody moving around today.

And now it’s just beautiful outside. Yeah, man. Yeah. Love you guys. And, uh, I will see you later. Twilight Miss. Hey, hit that awesome outro. Hats off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. .

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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