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Strange End Times Signs Happening WORLDWIDE

By: End Times Productions
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➡ Jamie Walden believes we are living in the end times, as described in religious texts. He points to various signs such as natural disasters, advancements in technology, and genetic manipulation as indicators. However, he emphasizes that the most significant sign is the ‘spirit of the age’, referring to the moral and spiritual state of society, particularly within the Christian community. He criticizes the modern church for straying from the teachings of Christ and warns of a coming judgement.
➡ The Christian Truther movement is criticized for focusing too much on knowledge and not enough on love. The author believes that this focus on knowledge and the pursuit of the latest information can lead to self-centeredness and pleasure-seeking, rather than a love for God. The author also expresses his belief that he will witness the return of Christ in his lifetime, and warns against the dangers of becoming too attached to worldly things. He emphasizes the importance of repentance and maintaining a strong relationship with God.
➡ The speaker identifies as a monarchist, serving a king and kingdom beyond this world. He criticizes people for being complacent and self-absorbed, not realizing the urgency of the times. He emphasizes the importance of living for Christ and warns against the dangers of complacency, using his experience in the Marine Corps as an example. He urges people to take personal responsibility for their lives and actions, and to fully commit to their faith.
➡ The text discusses the power of faith and the strength it provides in overcoming challenges, even in the face of fear and adversity. It emphasizes the importance of not being self-preserving, but instead trusting in God’s plan. The author suggests that the ultimate deception is self-deception, and warns against genetic manipulation as a form of deception. The text concludes by highlighting the importance of staying strong in faith, even when faced with global adversities.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the potential impact of an astronomical event in 2025 and 2029, the global effects of COVID-19, and various conspiracy theories. It suggests that these events are all interconnected and could lead to a global crisis. The author also discusses religious beliefs, including the concept of deception and the importance of humility in seeking truth. The text ends with a call to action, urging readers to confront their fears and uncertainties.
➡ This text emphasizes that pursuing worldly pleasures and self-centered desires doesn’t lead to true satisfaction. It suggests that people often realize this, but struggle to find a solution. The author believes the answer lies in surrendering to a higher power, specifically God, and committing fully to a spiritual path. This, they argue, brings a deep sense of peace, hope, and purpose, despite potential hardships.



The great deception will come in the form of, for lack of a better word, the return of the gods of the golden age of the gods, the gods of old. As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of lot, so shall be the coming of the son of man. The genetic warfare that we see from Genesis three coming full circle back around in the end times, right, that I will put enmity. There’s that word again, between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman, right? This genetic warfare.

I’m convinced that I will see his return with my own eyes, and I’m convinced that it will be while I’m still in my youth. They’re pre positioning assets for FEMA camps. Oh, and I know the Antichrist said he’s going to make war against the saints and overcome us. The man of lawlessness, the Antichrist and everything that comes with him. All the beast system, right? Everything that’s going on in the book of revelation, in Daniel and elsewhere, it says that. This is Jamie Walden. You’re watching end times productions. When you look at, like, the totality, the circumstances that are going on right now, there is, you know, for lack of a better word, a convergent zenith of all things related to the end times.

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking at empirically, objectively, or even subjectively. Everything’s in alignment right now. For really painting the picture of the lateness of the hour, you know, I talk about all the time, even with our own church or the other people that were around all the time, is like, I cannot overstress the lateness of the hour. And here’s what I go to that most people, you know, it’s not their. Their common go to for discerning the lateness of the hour, right? They want to look at the objective stuff, like astro catastrophism, volcanism, earthquakes in diverse places, right? Famine, pestilence, disease.

Kind of those wars, rumors of wars, right? There’s kind of all these little checkboxy things that. That we can look at to go, oh, yeah, we’re in the end times. I’m like, yeah, bro, but you could have said that in all kinds of different aspects of history just for your listeners. They don’t know my background being in Marine Corps, infantry and law enforcement and doing technical rescue and tactical EMS type stuff. But actually, what I got my degree in, besides law enforcement, was history and more importantly, comparative history. So when I look at things from, like, an actual historic, a level historicity, right? A historical context, I go you could have said any one of these indicators at any other point in time in history, I mean, world War two being the most prevalent aspect that people look at.

They would have been like, undoubtedly, that is the Antichrist. The Jews are being slaughtered. The whole world is at war, right? Like, economies are collapsing all over the place. The man of perdition is very obviously on the scene. I mean, you would have been utterly convinced that it was the end times, and yet it wasn’t, right? And so not to dismiss that being the setting, the stage for why I believe now is the lateness of the hour. But when I look at it objectively, to me, the indicator of, truly the lateness of the hour is the spirit of the age.

The spirit of the age is actually what’s spoken to more than any of those objective, scientifically compiled, algorithmic types of aspects of indicators of the end times. I mean, you can see the infographs of earthquakes, of astro catastrophism, of earth sciences and changes in earth sciences, even the advent of technology. Aihdem, quantum computer, right? D wave, quantum computer. And all these different aspects, the. The uptick in transhumanism. I mean, huge, right? Even the. The rediscovery. I say rediscovery if anybody knows what’s going on. Antediluvian world, right? Pre flood world, Genesis six on type of narrative. The rediscovery of DNA was as early as the mid eighties, right? This.

This ability. And now. And by now, we’re already at a point with CRISPR cas nine and other technologies where we can easily cut and paste, and we know about the viable hybridization of different cross species. Cross species, genetic amalgamations, not to mention human animal hybridization. So that’s going on in real time. I mean, these are mega indicators, right? The late night, as it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days, a lot, so shall be the coming son of man. And again, I know there’s layers to that, so. But the spirit of the age, to me, is the number one indicator of how late the hour is.

And when I speak to the sphere of the age, it doesn’t matter. If you’re looking at first Thessalonians two, Thessalonians one, Timothy two, Timothy two, Peter, the Book of Jude. If you’re looking at Matthew 24, mark 13, Luke 21, right, the whole book of Revelation. If you’re looking at Daniel seven through Daniel twelve, you’re looking at aspects of Jeremiah, aspects of Nahum, Zephaniah. I mean, a lot of books that people typically, sadly, they don’t even dig into in their Bible, which you should be digging into all of it. Side note, dig into all the word, right? So, like, it’s, it’s.

The spirit of the age is a central theme that Christ addressed in the gospels and that the writers of the epistles addressed was the spirit of the age. And more in particular, what they were speaking to is not necessarily the spirit of the unbelieving world. Unbelievers are unbelievers, right? I like, carnality is carnality. Flesh is flesh. Men devoid of the right restrictions of God that leave to freedom are going to devour, self loathe, self hate, self exalt, self esteem, self justify, self righteous. They’re going to self everything, right? That’s, that’s, that’s the curse of the fall, right? Genesis three.

But when you look at the gospels and the epistles, then the number one thing that was spoken to was the spirit of the christians. The church age. The church age. The church age. All those letters were written to the churches. All the letters in the book of Revelation are written to the churches. Christ Jesus was speaking to his disciples. Listen, gents, this is what you can anticipate seeing, right? So, like, when you look at the totality of the lateness of the hour, it’s the centrality. The central theme is the spirit of the christians. They will be the lovers of self.

They’ll be proud, boastful, arrogant, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of plight rather than lovers of God. See, there’s a cosmic usurpation. They will have the form of godliness but deny the power thereof. Have nothing to do with such people, right? It’s the church where he says, hey, listen, like, they will deliberately forget. Deliberately. So it is a willful disobedient. It is a willful affront against God. They will deliberately forget that the same God that judged the earth with the deluge is coming again to judge it with fire, right? It says that they will not tolerate sound doctrine.

They’ll tolerate anything, dude. Like, dude, earth’s so woke, man. Love wins. Love, doves, crazy love, right? Like it’s all about this, like counterfeit, like insanity of love, which is no love. They’re devouring each other out there, right? Has, it’s totally devoid of authentic love because it’s devoid of selflessness, it’s selfish, it’s self aggrandizing, it’s self seeking, it’s narcissistic love. They will be intolerant, right? Like they will tolerate everything but not sound doctrine. And it says, actually, they will reject the gospel or reject sound teaching. They will reject the word in its totality, and instead, they will devote themselves to the doctrines of demons.

So think about this. There’s this cosmic exchange that the church does, the cosmic exchange that is going on right now in real time among the Christians, and not just western centric, not just evangelically fishing, you know, americanized, hyper narcissistic Christian, Bethel Hillsong, blah, blah, blah, you know, gnar or social justice or progressivism or tour observance or whatever. Like, take your pick, dude. Wherever the pendulum is swinging, I tell people I’m like, dude, I feel like Napoleon dynamite playing tetherball by myself, and I just want to hulk out and like, smash the ball. Cause it’s like this tetherball is going to all these doctrines of men, all these mythos and these genealogies and these, these teachings of men, and.

And they’re doctrines of demons. They’re literally doctrines of demons having the form of God in to deny the power thereof. And every single one of these movements is smashing the ball around and around around. I want to hulk out like Napoleon and make that ball actually wrap the pulp because the sinner is Christ Jesus. See, that’s what what’s not sufficient for any of these people. Christ alone is not sufficient. It’s my dates, it’s my times, it’s my cosmology. It’s my shape of the earth. It’s my pre trib, it’s my post triv, it’s my preterism, it’s my, you know, dominionism.

It’s my ridiculous laughter. It’s my grave soaking. It’s my social justice woke ism. Progressivism. I mean, you name it, dude, it’s everything but Christ. And actually, you know who’s center stage of that? It’s the truther, the christian truther movement. The christian truther movements has done more to deny Christ and come into a neo gnosticism almost more than any other movement out there. They’ve made it all about knowledge, but devoid of love, authentic love. And again, going back to the scriptures, there’s only one time we were told you are nothing. Your physicality, your physical being, you are nothing.

It’s if you’re all puffed up on your gnosticism, your knowledge, your knowledge, your knowledge due to the next YouTube thing, the next podcast, click the next whatever, like the next rabbit hole. The next rabbit hole in the next rabbit hole in life. So now I get to Lord over everybody else because I more woke truth or woke than the other woke people. And so guess what they are. They are lovers of self. They are lovers of pleasure, rather than lovers of God. Because, see, it’s pleasurable to get the latest, greatest intel, isn’t it? Like, you get a little dopamine drop, you get a little dopamine release, you get a little buzz.

You’re like, ooh, combing through the news, perusing through things, I’m like, oh, aliens, oh, abduction phenomenon. Oh, you know this. And then like, oh, giants. And then, oh, transhumanism. And then the globalists in the World Economic Forum, like, dude, like, been there, done that, bro. That’s why I know what I know, and I’m not diminishing any of that, because it does all have value, but it has to be filtered through the only thing that’s going to be left standing, which is the word of the Lord, and an identity in Christ alone. See, all that’s going to melt away.

It will. All your doctrines, all the theologies, all your pontificating, all your elucidating, dude, it’s all gonna, it’s, we’re gonna realize how wrong we all were, and that’s why it’s gotta be centered on Christ alone. So let me come back to the, to the topic. Do I believe, do I believe the lateness of the hour? Unequivocally, I am convinced. That doesn’t mean that I’m right. I’m just convinced, like, the Lord is the Lord. I’m not, like, I don’t want to darken his counsel with words without wisdom, like Job’s homies, you know? But it’s like, I’m convinced that I will see his return with my own eyes, and I’m convinced that it will be while I’m still in my youth.

So I’m 41 right now. I may look a little bit younger on camera. Maybe I look, maybe your camera will pull out my wrinkles. But, yeah, so it’s like, I’m convinced that I’ll see it with my own eyes. And again, it’s because of the spirit of the age. The spirit of the age is the man of law. Second, thessalonians two, right? The man of lawlessness, the Antichrist, and everything that comes with him. All the beast system, right? Everything that’s going on in the book of Revelation, in Daniel and elsewhere, it says that he cannot be revealed until the great falling away occurs first, which in the original greek is apostasia, which is an official revolt or defection from the religious dogma that she once held to be true.

So it’s when the christians become lawless that the man of lawlessness himself is allowed to come on the scene. So we are the ones who determine. This is my speculation, right? This is not thus says every theologian who ever walked the earth and tore down a scripture. This is my understanding of it. It says, no man knows the day or hour hour. Not even the son of man. But only God the father knows the day of the hour. It’s my supposition that the reason why nobody knows the day hour is because each church age the seven lampstands would be before the Lord.

Day and night actually determine when the second and coming of Christ is. If you look at the letters to the churches. To the what? To the churches. Not to the unbelieving world. There are letters to the churches. And he lays out some of the things that are good but then he lays out their offense and he gives this reply every time. Repent. Every single church. Repent. Repent. Repent. And to Smyrna and Philadelphia and Ephesus or Pergamon or whatever. And he actually says, repent. But if you do not, I myself will come and fight against you. Dude, I thought we were his bride.

I thought we were his people. I thought we were. So did Israel. I’m like, dude, what do you think? So did Israel. We’re God’s holy people. We’re chosen, we’re elect, we’re whatever. You can use all the pontifical language you want. And, like, we’re anointed and the spirit dwells with us. And literally, we have his temple and the spirit dwells with us and then we have the ark. And then we, you know, went from a tent and then it went to the temple and, like, we have the presence of goddess. Till it wasn’t. See, that’s what people don’t understand.

Till Ichabod is written over your head, the glory lord departs. You know, and you think of Samson. It’s like he was convinced. He presumed. King David says, keep back your servant from the sin of presumption. Let it not have dominion over me. And the Lord, actually, biblically makes a distinction between sins of ignorance and presumptuous sin study. It’s fascinating when you look at the sin of presumption. But what was I going to say? I don’t know. Something about David. Something about presumptuous sin. Oh, like Samson, right? So presumptuous, where he’s like, I’m a Nazareth. I’m a nazirite.

Took a nazirite vault. I’m good to go right to the world. Delilah and the Philistines creeping in, creeping in, creeping in, creeping in. He did not know until after the fact that the Lord’s favor on him had departed. He didn’t know till his eyes are gouged out and he’s publicly humiliated again. Don’t get me started on rapture doctrine, because I’m like, free trib rapture thing. I don’t know. But, like, I hope for it, right? I totally hope for it. But I’m like, that’s not the pattern of how I see God do business with his people that are apostate, officially revolting.

Revolting and defecting against him. This goes back to, like, anybody who loves the world or things of the world, the love of the father is not in him. Anybody who loves the world, he is at enmity with God. So what does it mean to be at enmity with God? Nobody wrestles out this language. Like, what does it mean to be at enmity? Well, enmity means bitter rancor or forcible hatred or warfare. So here’s a unique thing about enmity. Enmity is a mutual exchange. That’s the, it’s a very particular word there. That’s not. That’s not used in our modern english lexicon to be at enmity with somebody.

We think, like, oh, you just got a beef with them. Like, what’s up, bro? Like, I got enmity with you, homie. Right? But it’s like, it’s. Enmity actually is a mutual exchange of bitter rancor, forcible hatred, or warfare. So it says, anybody who loves the world is at enmity with God. Guess what? He’s at enmity with you. And so then I go again, like, the spirit of the age. The spirit of age. Every single epistle almost speaks to the spirit of the age as the indicator of the second coming. The deception. The. The deception. The compromise.

The compromise. The compromise. The apostasia and the love of the world in place of a love for God. All the while, while you’re saying you love the Lord. So there is this cosmic exchange going on in real time. Well, actually, we’re told a truth for the lie. A truth for a lie because they love not the truth. Second, Thessalonians, God gives them over to strong delusions, right? Is it because they didn’t know the truth because they were ignorant? No, they knew the truth. They just didn’t love it. That’s written to the Christians. Because they love not the truth, he gives them over to strong delusions.

Romans one. Right? Like, knowing God, they neither glorified him nor gave him thanks, but became darkened by the hardening of their hearts. Right? So then he gives them over. He gives you over. Why? It says, knowing God. It’s not that they don’t know him. They just won’t give him thanks or glorify him. And that’s within the church, dude. So that’s why I’m like, yeah, second coming to Christ. Yeah, but like, bro, I’ll break down transhumanism. I’ll break down genetic manipulation, space based weapons platform, directed energy. I’ll break down world economic, you know, and geopolitical and geostrategic machinations.

Amanda, the rampant sexual immorality, right? The child coming through the Caribbean and over to Ukraine and out through like, dude, it’s all interconnected. It’s all interconnected. But the only reason why that is happening is because of the lawlessness of the ones who have the truth first and foremost. It is unequivocally our burden of command to be ambassadors of a true and better kingdom. People ask me, like, oh, so, like, you’re a super patriot, right? Cause you’re a marine and a cop and blah, blah. Like, you’re all patriotic. I’m like, yeah, bro, I’m super patriotic, but I’m a monarchist, homie.

I’m always like, dude, I’m a monarchist. I serve a king and a kingdom. This world is not even worthy of me. I don’t belong here. People who say such things say that prove that they’re looking for a city, a true and better city, a celestial city, the new Jerusalem, the new heaven and new earth, where Emmanuel, God will be with us. The restoration of Emmanuel in the garden. Like, dude, I’m a monarchist, bro. Don’t you ever. Don’t you ever mistake that I’m willing to die for the United States of America, but I am willing to die for a king and a kingdom that’s unshakable, that’s from everlasting to everlasting, you know? So it’s crazy when you look at the big, broad picture of it all, dude, the lateness of the hour is far beyond what I think most people can comprehend.

And even people that are in tune, like, let’s say to your channel, where you do an amazing job, expositionary job, of breaking down things that are going on in our world around us with relevancy through a biblical perspective, right? Like, that’s the centrality of end times productions. But what’s crazy is people that are even watching your channel and others out there that are putting together and compiling and like, grinding out to try to serve the people of God. Even unbelievers as well, too, that maybe they would come in underneath Christ Jesus and be clothing by him.

They still are not rightly conceiving how late the hour is. It’s like a Pollyanna thing. It’s like this pie in the sky. It’s. It’s fanciful. It’s matrix based. It’s. It’s augmented reality or virtual reality. Pick one. Right? Augmented reality is way worse than virtual reality, and they’re. They’re just going like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Information, information, information. Oh, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah. So I’m so awake, and yet they’re blind, deaf, and dumb to the reality of what’s going on. Sound doctrine says, die to self, live for Christ. See, that sounds. How simple is that, right? Like, you can’t get any more.

Like, not easy. I didn’t say it was easy. I just said it’s simple. And so they go, no, I love self. I love myself. Like, it’s selfie. It’s facebook, it’s YouTube, it’s whatever. MySpace. That’s super old, right? Like, whatever. But it’s like it’s all about this narcissistic reality where they actually think their opinions matter or their doctrinal perspective or their theological debate that they want to have publicly on some weird form that nobody’s even paying attention to anyways. But they’re so self consumed that I don’t think they could. You mentioned a word, complacency. In the Marine Corps.

I actually did a sermon on this not too long ago. People can find it on my YouTube channel. But in the Marine Corps, when we were in theater, in country war, fighting at the front of every one of our forward operating bases, or whenever we would leave the wire with spray paint. And complacency kills. That is a Marine Corps motto, a Marine Corps axiom, and it truly does. Complacency kills. It was like, dude, if your gear is not on right, you think you can go one day without shaving? You think you can go one day without cleaning your weapon? You think you can go one day without scanning your sectors? You think you can cross this bridge because you’ve done it 20 times? So why would you stop and do media action drills for ieds, search for ids? That’s the day your whole crew gets blown up, right? Because complacency kills.

What’s interesting is that’s a biblical precedence that God set out. Proverbs one Zephaniah. Elsewhere, it says woe to the complacent he says it three times. Woe to the complacent. He says the complacency of fools destroys them. And actually, God says again, speaking to the church spirit of the age, he says, at that time, this is in Zephaniah. He says, at that time, I will search Jerusalem to destroy all those who are complacent. He’s, he’s literally coming for the apathetic and the complacent. And what is the entire spirit of the laodicean church? The last church age us.

What’s the spirit? Eh? Like, let me sum up the spirit of the age. Meh. And like, that’s it. It’s like, they’re neither hot, they’re neither cold. They’re like, eh, you know, like, but think of the narcissism of the spirit of the church age. They think they’re wealthy and in need of nothing. So they’re like, dude, I’m, like, crushing it for Jesus. I’m doing all these things. I love the Lord. I read every book ever produced by Skywatch. I’m not knocking Skywatch. It’s awesome. But they use that to self justify, right? Like, I know everything that Tim Alberino ever talks about.

Like, yeah, and, like, you know, they’ll pick their kind of like a cult groupy following thing, and they’ll go, because I’m informed I’m wealthy and in need of nothing. But see, what people won’t do again, in answering your question, I don’t think they’ll ever wake up is they won’t say, lord, how do you see me? Because they might be horrified at his response. Just like Laodicea, you’re wretched, you’re pitiful, you’re poor, you’re blind, you’re naked, you’re hot, vomit in my mouth. And because you’re complacent, you’re apathetic, and you’re indifferent. You’re neither hot nor cold. I’m going to spit you out of my mouth, dude, come on.

Like, where’s the fear of the Lord? You know? And so, like, again, you see the same threat all throughout. It’s like always speaking to the same thing. So, yeah, man, in answer to your question, like what? Like, what do you do to wake people? I don’t know what you do. I know that you do business with the Lord one on one. I’m going to do business with the Lord one on one because you’re not going to be standing next to me when I give an account for my life. And I won’t be standing next to you like you will give an account for you.

You can’t blame it on them or blame it on. You can’t blame it on your apostate pastor. Why are you in that church? You can’t blame it on the culture. You can’t blame it on your parents. You can’t blame it on your childhood sexual abuse that occurred to you. You can’t blame it on your adult traumas and your dramas that you’ve created in your own life. Or maybe somebody else is imposed on you just because it’s a fallen world. You don’t get to blame anything. You will give an account for your life, for your walk, for your surrenderness to the Lord.

And mark my words, we are told unequivocally, I think it’s two chronicles 16 nine. Don’t quote me on that. But he says, the eyes of the Lord range throughout the whole earth, or they go to and fro throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. He’s looking for those that are all in. Like Jesus said, count the cost. Listen, gents, I just like, he’s a captain of our salvation, battlefield commander, like commander in chief, God the father, captain of salvation Christ Jesus. The Lord is a warrior. The Lord is his name, right? The Lord, like a mighty man of war, will stir up his zeal and show himself mighty against his foe, Jesus.

Like, dude, you think I came to bring peace? Bro, you miss. I’m the king of glory. Like, I know I came as Messiah ben Joseph, right? The suffering servant. But don’t mistake me. I’m coming as a lionesse of the tribe of Judah, as Messiah ben David, a conquering king. Do not mistake my posture, right? In fact, the next time you see me, I’ll be riding out on a horse whose name is faithful and true. I’ll be right now in justice and judgment to make war so gnarly that my robe will be drenched in blood. So don’t mistake how I’m coming, right? And so, like any battlefield commander, that’s how I picture Christ, right? He’s like, he’s like, hey, Jetse, you better count the cost if you’re not all in, get off the battlefield.

Hey, hey, Israel. Are you double minded about your wife or that? Or your new house or your new whatever? Get off the battlefield. I’m looking for those who are so jealous for my glory. They’re as jealous for my glory as I am. Like Phineas, who ran the spear through the high priest and his moabite wife. He’s like that dude. That dude gets me. He’s like, everlasting covenant with that guy. Everlasting covenant with it. He gets me. And he’s like Christ Jesus speaking to disciples like, listen, man, I mean, think of the high bar that he set that the church has reduced.

He’s like, if you’re not willing to forsake father, mother, brother, sister, even in your very life, for me, you cannot be my disciples. Hey, you better count the cost. What general sends his army in the battle without first counting the cost of whether or not he’s going to get victory, you better count the cost. But see, the only way you can rightly count the cost is if you know and understand the reward. So if you knew Christ, if you knew the sufficiency of his blood, if you knew the sufficiency of his death and his resurrection and the glorification, if you needed sufficiency, the fact that he disarmed all the powers of darkness, right? Vanquished them, triumphing over them at the cross, like making a public spectacle of them, humiliated them.

It’s like if you understood the God who loves you and bought you and you come underneath that, that not even death has any swan you whatsoever. Where you at, homie? Death. You miss walled up, bro. Where you at? Oh, and by the way, I’ve been given to, I’ve been given my weapons of warfare are not carnal, but they have divine power to tear down of every stronghold and every false pretense. Bring it on. Oh, by the way, and I’m dawned with the armor of God. Like God’s little armor, he’s like the armor of God, like Christ himself, right? Salvation and faith and righteousness and truth and peace before God, where once I was his enemy and like, you can’t harm it, you cannot touch my life.

It’s hidden in Christ. He bought and paid for it. Like, if you knew that, if you knew that you would count the cost and you’d go, oh, it’s like two corinthians four says, like, eh, ain’t even worth comparing to the glory that’s gonna be revealed. Like, you’re like, wait, I’m gonna be mocked, scoff, reviled. I’m gonna be persecuted, I’m gonna be hated by all men for his name’s sake. My own family member is going to reject me, just like Jesus’s own family is going to reject me. They’re going to skew my words, they’re going to misrepresent me.

They’re going to mar my testimony. The powers of darkness are going to swirl about me, trying to destroy me. They’re going to sleep paralysis me. They’re going to do things to try to derail me, to disrupt me. And you’re like, okay, and the government said they’re making lists, and Ocasio Cortez said they’re making lists, and Hillary Clinton said they’re making lists, and they’re shutting down Walmarts everywhere, and they’re pre positioning assets for FEMA camps. Oh, and I know the Antichrist said he’s going to make war against the saints and overcome us. So you go, like, let me count the cost.

And then you go, dude, compared to the reward, it ain’t even worth comparing, right? That’s why they feel like it’s not even worth comparing to the glory that’s going to be revealed. Or second corinthians four, it’s like, so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. Because what is seen is temporary, dude. What is unseen is eternal, dude. I’m not gonna grow weary doing good. I know the harvest that’s coming. Like, I know so. And I actually know my God. It has nothing to do with me. I’m weak, I’m flawed, I’m fail, I’m carnal, I’m double minded at times.

I’m super weak. But my, and I’m weary all the time. He never grows weary. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. He is not weak. His arm is not too short. Some men trust in chariots, some in horses. I trust in the name of the Lord. I know that when I fear the Lord, he says he’ll make me mighty in the land, and that I’ll never be shaken. And I don’t have to have any fear of bad news. I know, my God. Actually, the spirit he gave me is not one of fear, timidity, but power loving a sound mind.

Like, I know, my God. See, that’s what David knew, which is why he charged headlong on the field of battle in front of a nephilimic freak shows like, where you at, bro, you uncircumcised? Fill in the blank, dude. I’m going to cut your head off. So, like, I think how gangster he was, right? 14 year old boy. And who was behind him in rank and file? All the professional soldiers in their armor, shaking. And they didn’t care how much this freak show was mocking God. They did not fear the Lord or were jealous for his glory.

And so David comes out going, I know, my God. See, David, what did David. The armor could. He couldn’t even carry the armor, right? He couldn’t even lift the sword. But he’s like, but I know my God. I know my God will not be mocked by you. I am certain he will deliver you into my hands today. See, that’s the fullness of really what’s going on in the end times is this great juxtaposition, this distinguishing mark, this delineation, this sifting, these right divisions that God makes. Malachi, 3316 through four, three. And elsewhere the Lord says, again, you will see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve me and those who do not.

And he’s like, they will make enemies. Ashes under the soles of their feet. Those are the ones, right? And again, like, they were shy. Who overcomes the antichrist? There’s somebody. There’s some people that are overcoming them. Says they overcome them by the blood of the lamb, the word of their testimony. I know my God. And they don’t love their life so much as they’re afraid to lose it. Why? Because they know it’s hidden in Christ. They’re like, what are you going to do? Set me free to glory? Okay, I mean, seriously, like, when you understand the resurrection, when you understand the glorification, like, so you’re telling me that if I don’t recant Jesus and take your mark, that you’re gonna.

You’re gonna set me free to my king’s presence? Okay, I think I’m all right with that. But what’s the opposite side of that? It’s the self preservers. And another name for a self preserver is a coward. A coward. That’s all. A coward. A coward wants to preserve self at all cost. Lovers of self, lovers of pleasure, like. Like, they want to preserve self at all costs. That’s what makes them a coward. They cut and run. When others stand and fight, they balk under the pressure. They’re always looking and working an angle to make sure that self is protected, self is preserved.

And people are doing it every day. And they’re like, they’re doing it in their marriages. They’re doing it in their workplaces. They’re doing it within their church bias. They’re doing it in their relationship with the Lord. It’s all about self preservation. Who’s the first ones God deals with in the Lake of fire? The cowards. The cowards are the first ones he does business with because it is such an anathema to the spirit of Christ, who was selfless. He was selflessly sacrificial sacrificial. God the Father was selflessly sacrificial. They laid it all down so that others may live.

See, these are all warrior axioms. No greater love is there than this that a man would lay down his life for his friends. And you are my friends if you obey my commands. And they’re like, so you couldn’t be more offensive to the gospel of Jesus Christ than being a self preserver. After having to receive the fullness of grace and mercy while you’re a reprobate enemy of God, while you’re debt in your trespasses, now you’re going to preserve self using his name? No way, dude. He’s like, you’re the first ones I’m doing business with. So again, it’s all interconnected, man.

It’s a huge deal. I think that the great deception is the summation of God revealing men’s hearts for what they really wanted all along anyways. So that’s the nature of the deception, is it’s self deception. You’re self deceived. There’s that word self again, right? Like, you’re self deceived. You actually choose the deception because the truth is plain, right? And so with the great deception, what I see is actually, that was, to me, one of the last bastions, like the law, the last asymmetric warfare softening techniques for the great deception is what happened the last three years.

I’m totally convinced of it. And more in particular is the genetic manipulation through pharmakia, through pharmacological processes to change your very created image. That’s the deception that’s coming. So I lean along the lines because of biblically, I think it’s pretty well laid out that the great deception will come in the form of, for lack of a better word, the return of the gods of the golden age of the gods, the gods of old, as it was in days of Noah, as it was in the days a lot, so shall be the coming of the son of man.

The genetic warfare that we see from Genesis three coming full circle back around in the end times, right, that I will put enmity. There’s that word again, between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman, right? This genetic warfare. And I believe that the deception to get you to that higher level of asymmetric warfare will come through a multi layered process of deception through shared traumatic experience. It’ll be a global, collective hive mind through what would be, for lack of a better word, like a. A global satanic, ritualistic, traumatic abuse ceremony. We saw that with.

Right. I think it’ll come back through even what’s going on right now with Russia and Ukraine and NATO in the US, everything that’s going on there. I don’t want to break into that because I’ll talk on that for 3 hours. Right. And also what’s going on with astrocatasphysium, with the Pofus, which will be visible in the sky in 2025, and the near earth effects of it, and the planetary science effects of it coming by in 2029. I think that they’re all integrated, Covid to world war three, to the astral catastrophism, to the great Deception. It will be the traumatic experience that we see laid out in scriptures of a third of the population.

A third of the population, a third of the population. Like we’re talking about things. It says times the likes of which never has been, never will be again. If Christ didn’t shorten the day, there’d be no flesh left alive. Right. Like that. High level will get us to the point where we will be clamoring for solutions from those guys that are now back to say, listen, if it was by the blood of the lamb that the Christians are healed, it’s by the blood of me that you can have life extension immortality. I will have a counterfeit death and resurrection.

I will have a counterfeit father, Son and Holy Spirit. Right. Father, unholy Son or unholy Spirit and the Antichrist, the false son. Right. I’ll have a. I’ll perform lying signs and wonders to deceive even the elect, if it were possible. He affirmed who he was by signs and wonders. He said, you know who I am. By the signs and wonders I proved, every single attribute is an exact counterfeit of Christ Jesus. Therefore, the fullness of the counterfeit after the counterfeit death and resurrection of the Antichrist will be by his blood. You can be healed. That’s how big the deception will go.

But you have to work people through this global traumatic experience to create a collective hive mind, which we got with COVID Every single person on the face of the earth had empathy with one another for the first time in human history, since the tower of Babel or the flood. Two other times, right? Every. You could go to Malaysia and they would. They would have empathy with you about what you’re experiencing with COVID or the fear of the government lockdowns or the whatever. You could go to the Philippines, you could go to Siberia, you could go to Eritrea or Somalia.

You could go to West Africa, central south America, and there was a. For the first time ever since Babel, there was a global, collective, shared traumatic experience that united the whole earth. And remember what it says about Mystery Babylon, which I’m convinced the United States, we can debate that all day long. But if you know the occultic origins, Sir Adam west hop and our Sir Francis Bacon and Adam Westop in the revival of the atlantean age, the new Atlantis coming out, 13 colonies. 13 is 13. That 13, you know. Anyways, again, I’ll go on that for hours.

But that mystery Babylon, it says, she deceived the whole world with her pharmakia. From her was found the slain of all the earth, it says, and they trafficked in the souls of men. It’s a very unique qualifier about Mishria. Everybody wants to go, oh, it’ll be a revived Babylon in Iraq. Yeah. No, I was literally in Iraq, in the ancient city of Babylon. Touched the stones that still say Nebuchadnezzar on them, like, stole, that. Stood at the gate of Ishtar, like, took al Gila, Iraq, you know, which is where Saddam was unearthing archaeologically, all the ancient artifacts of Mesopotamia and Babylon been there.

Like, it’s not a revived Iraq, it’s not a holy Rome, it’s not a Vatican. Most people are like, okay, mystery Babylon is a Vatican. I’m like, it’s not the Vatican. The Vatican is wicked beyond comprehension. It’s the United States of America. You just don’t want to know what’s going on. You don’t want to know why they call it District of Columbia. You don’t want to know why most of presidents graduate from Columbia University. You don’t want to know what goes on the free masonic stuff or the Illumina stuff or the whatever. You don’t want to know what’s going on with the raising of Osiris, which I know you and Justin and Wes have talked about that in great detail.

You don’t want to know about the ceremonies. You don’t want to know about bohemian growth. You don’t want to know why it’s called the city of angels, which angels? Nobody asked that. And you don’t want to know in what God they trust that’s on the back of every one of your talisman’s dollar bills in your pocket. You don’t want to know that. And it’s founded on the souls of men. More importantly, the souls of children is what it’s founded upon. So. But the nature of deception that’s so unique is that you cannot self evaluate that you’re deceived.

Like, is everybody tracking? Like, you cannot self reveal or self evaluate that you are deceived, hence deception. You could never come to that conclusion on your own because again, like the church of Laodicea, even on this spiritual level, they say they’re wealthy and in need of nothing. You’re like, no, you’re falling short. And they’re like, what are you talking about? Like, what are you talking about? So you can be like, hey, listen, this is a lie. This is a lie. This is a lie. You’re like, what are you talking about? You know, Tim Albarino and I have did expedition in Peru, right? Studying antediluvian stuff.

And we spent a lot of time together. Our families are very tight knit and we just enjoy each other as bros. And, you know, we talked so much about even the alien agenda and the soft disclosure versus a hard disclosure and the abduction phenomenon, right? And the different terrestrial base are nuts and bolts types, technology versus their technology and our technology, blah, blah, blah. And the breeding programs and the hybridization, now that will get some christians to freak out, but they don’t know their word because actually all that’s in the word, they just, they’ve never heard it before, they’ve never read it, or their pastor has never told them about it.

But when you look at it from that perspective, the soft cell of deception is so far down the pipeline that you can’t tell somebody sound doctrine. They will be intolerant of it and then devote themselves to the doctrines of demons instead. So that’s why I’m like, it’s like, where do you start? Where do you stop? How do you do? How do you break through? I don’t know. Nothing but the power of God by the power of the holy spirit. And actually it’s humility. Humility is where the Lord will break through. So simple. Go, I don’t know what I don’t know or I’m not sure.

I don’t have an answer to that. Or God. I don’t know if you’re real or not, but I want to know if you’re real or not. And he’s like, I’m coming for you. Finally, verse, the guy is like, I don’t need God. I don’t need anything. He’s like, and I’ll leave you to it. I will satisfy the desire of your heart. See, that’s what people don’t understand about God. When he says he will satisfy the desires of your heart, he doesn’t say, only if they’re good and in alignment with his will. He’s like, whatever the desire of your heart is, I’ll give you to it.

You choose. You get to choose. So I will satisfy desire, your heart. You want to be deceived? I will allow you to be deceived. You want the world and all the narcissism and broken sister and things? I’ll leave you to it. You want to run from relation to relationship and never be satisfied, because you won’t be. Come to me, your true betrothed, and you won’t come underneath. I’ll leave you to it. I’ll leave you to it. But if you want it, oh, man. He says, I’ll break open the floodgates of heaven and lavish you with so much blessing, you won’t even have enough storeroom for it.

And actually, it says, those who know me, in this time, in the time of the end, in the end times, those who know their God will be strong and go forth and do daring feats of valor. They may be God haters, you know, new agers. I love talking to witches and warlocks and blah, blah, blah. And I’m like, dude, you’re like, yeah, like, let’s talk your power, right? You explain to me your power. I explain to you my God’s power. You explain me this. I’ll explain. Because I’m like, dude, at least you’re open to it. But the lukewarm.

See, the lukewarm, you can’t do anything with somebody who’s lukewarm. They’re like, nah, I’m good, right? Apathy, complacency, love of self. But I say, dude, if you’re feeling this consternation and even this tearing or fear or anxiety or maybe a lack of preparedness, I don’t know, pick a. Pick an emotion and I go. I go, man, don’t shrink back from that. Lean and pressing harder. That’s the mercy of goddess. That’s merciful. He so merciful, he’s such a lover of your soul that he’s willing to do business with you now willingly, rather than later on, desperately. I’m always like, lean into it, man.

You see the chaos, you see that everything’s a lie. Nothing satisfies every. Go sleep with every girl you want, sleep with every guy you want, make all the money you want. Do all your narcissistic things that you want. Do all the pleasurable things, all the leisure, all the frivolity, right? All the dissipations of this life, or be undone by anxiety and be depressed and then go to a doctor and take these pills and do that and, like, has anything satisfied? And they’re like, no. And I’m like, praise God. You’re right where he wants you. Like, dude, I don’t.

I’m like, dude, that. That doesn’t shock me, bro. And even people like sin. I’m like, doesn’t shock me. Oh, you mean that you’re married and then you, your eyes fell on somebody else who wasn’t your spouse, and you lean into that temptation, and now you have a wake of chaos and consequence all around you. I’m like, that does not surprise me. Like, that’s the carnality that we’re making war against all day long in the spirit of God. And even the Christians are doing it, too. And I’m like, so now the question is, what are you going to do about that? Because there is a hope that will not disappoint.

There is redemption and restoration. There is the forgiveness of sins and cleansing. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding. You’re not going to find it in this life. You’re not going to get peace in this life. You get moments of it, right? We get highlights, reels. Moments of joy or peace in this life. Your peace is positional before God forevermore. It says, you’ll never go out from my presence. You will never go out from my rest. How much rest is there in the land of living? I’m like, so, dude, all this weariness and all this junk and all the lies and all this seat and all the preservation, think of all the.

And all these people doing the stuff like that, and they’re like, oh, God, that didn’t satisfy either. I was like, and it’s like, he is the only one. Don’t you see? Like, he’s the only one. So whenever I talk to people that are in that state, especially unbelievers, dude, I’d much rather be around unbelievers than christians. Are you kidding me? Dude, come on. I pastor a church, right? It’s like, I’d much rather be around unbelievers because they’re transparent, they’re real, they’re authentic, and they know that they’re broken. Most christians will never confess that. They think because they’re in the faith that now they’re good to go.

They’re on easy street, right? Hyper grace. All who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord. Where’s this God of justice, right? As they were saying in Malachi. But the unbelieving world, by and large, they know something is not right. This can’t be it. This can’t be it, really. Like, just keep grinding it out, same thing every day, and then die. Like, everybody knows, like, there’s something innately wrong. It actually says in ecclesiastes, like, God has put eternity into every man’s heart. They know, like, they may deny God, they may hate God, they may be atheistic, or maybe they’re like, yeah, like, sure, I believe in God, but whatever, you know, like, they have a concept of God.

They intellectually agree with God. They may even intellectually agree with Jesus, but they’ve never come underneath of him and surrendered or submitted themselves into Christ Jesus and made him the Lord of their lives. And they. But they know something’s off. They know that. Again, second, thessalonians two, romans one knowing God, they just won’t glorify them or give them thanks. But I’m like, you won’t be disappointed. That’s always tell people. It says, no one whose hope is in the Lord will be disappointed. Their faces are radiant. No one. Like, no one so, like it. I didn’t say it’d be easy.

I didn’t say it’d be comfortable. I didn’t say the flowers and rainbows. Like, the secret friendly church is trying to tell everybody. Positive, encouraging. Caleb is trying to, like, ram down people’s throats every day. It’s actually the opposite. You’ll probably suffer more because now you’re conscious of Christ, so you’ll even suffer in your thoughts. I do what I don’t want to do. I don’t do what I want to do. Oh, I’m such a wretch, right? Like the apostle Paul saying, like, oh, like, I’m tempted and I gotta fight. And you’re like, so now you’re. Now you understand the battle.

So you’re probably gonna suffer more in Christ. However, you also have more peace, more hope, more joy, mobility, authent, authentic love, your dying of self. Like, you have a hope that’s not gonna disappoint. I always tell people, like, dude, just go all in. Bet you won’t. I’m always like, I bet you won’t. Bet you won’t. Go all in. And watch what the Lord will do. Like, liquidate your reality, liquidate your friends, do liquidate your family members. It’s what Christ called you. Liquidate it all and say, God, like, I’m yours. Nothing else will satisfy, Lord, take my life.

Take all me. What would you have me do, God. And watch what he’ll do with somebody whose hearts is fully committed to him. When you’re fully committed, he’s like, I got a mission set for you, bro. I got a mission set for you, daughter. You ready? Here we go. Buckle up. You will not be disappointed.

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