The Hampstead Case Truth Mafia Numb3rs Dont Li3
[ai-buttons]Tommy Truthful on a Revealing Video
I have a feeling this video might be removed soon, so I’ve downloaded it for backup. Please watch the original on YouTube to support the creator and boost view counts. The backup video is here just in case it gets taken down, which I believe is highly likely.
This video, created by Numb3rs Dont Li3, was personally selected by me, Tommy Truthful. He’s an outstanding decoder. The video covers the Hampstead case, where the children are now back with their father. If you ask me, I doubt these children could fabricate such detailed stories. They’ve made allegations of satanic ritual abuse, human sacrifice, and cannibalism, claiming their father involved them in a cult. This cult supposedly conducted rituals with the involvement of teachers, judges, and police officers. Yet, the judge returned the children to their father, dismissing the claims as coerced by their mother. However, the vividness of their accounts makes it hard to believe they were coached. It’s clear these kids are sharing the truth.
I wholeheartedly believe them and am convinced they faced severe repercussions for speaking out against this cult. The details shared are horrifying. The little girl described how the teacher, adorned with baby skulls on her head and chest like body armor, danced around. This points to some deeply sinister practices, possibly involving ancient dark magik or necromancy.
I invite you to share your thoughts below. What do you make of this case? Do you think the children invented these stories, or are they recounting genuine experiences?
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➡ This text is about a complex and disturbing case involving allegations of child abuse and a satanic cult at a school. The children, Alisa and Gabriel, claim they were abused by their father, teachers, and other adults. Their mother, Ella, and her partner are accused of forcing the children to make up these stories. Despite the children later retracting their claims, some people, including a former police officer, believe the allegations are true and that the case has been covered up by authorities.
➡ This text is simply saying hello.
Going to help us to cat people? They work with the official services. And what did they do to you? They do sex. They touch me. Who does. Who sticks it in your book? Social services. Everybody. Who does your mother do it? No. Do I do it? No. Who does it, then? Big church. I. We use it for sex. Eating baby, drinking baby’s blood. We sacrifice the baby. We give sex to the babies when we are dancing in the skulls after the babies are dead.
Skulls? What skulls? The baby skulls. From before? Yeah, from before we put it on. Where do the baby skulls come from? They come from the baby and we dance in the skull. You what? We dance with the skull in the church. What skulls? Pardon? Baby. The skulls of a baby. You dance with the baby skulls. And who kills the babies? Papa. Me and Lisa. Who kills the babies? Papa.
And what, he gets you to help him? Yes. What did the police say to you? That you’d been accused of it. With what? They said? It’s more that this has come from my children. They said I’m the leader of a satanic sex cult paedophile ring. And there’s 100 and plus involvement in this, including cathast police social services school. And I’m the leader of this. And I’m sat across under recording this and I’m sat across from the table from the police officer asking the questions and I don’t know how to answer that.
So he tells us to hold the hand in an eye and then he holds his hand on our hand and then he cuts the baby’s head off and he tip it upside down. And then we drain the blood. And then what they do? And then we drink crickets and then we drink the blood. Tell me more people. Tell me some more people, please. I’m interested. What about the teachers at school? Who’s the main one? Who’s Mrs.
Vorsdyke? Mrs. The head teacher of our school. First of all, just tell me your name. Tell me what you do. My name’s Katie Forsdyke and I’m the head teacher at Christchurch Primary School. So we’ve just come out of court and the judge has ruled in this particular case. What’s your response to that? Well, we welcome the judgment. Everybody in the school community welcomes the judgment. We’re particularly pleased that the judge ruled and was unequivocal in her ruling, that the allegations about the school, the staff members, governors and parents, were completely malicious, untrue and baseless.
Some people will say there must be some grain of truth in this. Well, we were really pleased that the judge was unequivocal in saying that they were baseless and that there was no truth in any of the allegations or in any of the material that’s been circulated quite widely now on the Internet. So how did it get out of control? Well, I think that’s a real issue now that we’ve got to think about and that we’ve got to think about more widely in terms of the speed with which the Internet spread the information.
And what else had they apparently told the police that you’d done? They said that my children, my two children, eight and nine. It’s okay. It’s okay. They said that. Not that I had sexually abused Tate. Said that we’re killing babies. I was shipping them in and we was cooking. They were showing with their hand movements how I would get their hand on the. On the knives and we would cut the baby’s neck, drain the blood, and then drink the blood.
And. I mean, it’s just horrific upon horrific detail. Tell me more stuff. Tell me about this cult that you’re in. This cult is because the first time, whenever we ever done it, did what first ever? We saw Papa kill a baby. And me and Gabriel, when they done sex to me and Gable, who did sexy papa. The others when we just came, who was Elvis, who was elders, Mr.
Hollins, Mr. Foster, all the parents and the teachers and. Papa, can you give me the name of some of these parents and teachers, please? Laura. Sophie. Georgia. Sophie’s mom. Yes, Sophie. Laura. Who is Laura? Laura Herlacar. Leaders of this cult. Papa. And who is Papa? Papa is my dad. His name is Ricky, dear man. And he’s the boss of what? The whole thing. Of the what? Boss of what? Of the whole cult.
The whole Peter bow. Was it abroad, you think, where your ex partner and her new boyfriend filmed your children making these allegations, which were then uploaded onto the Internet? What they did? They. They beat my kids. And what’s. What do they do? They do sexter. They kill babies. Sexter. Who they do sex to. Children. Did it to each other. Each other. And what are the babies for? What do you get the babies? Babies? We did the social services to do it.
Unfortunately, they get the babies from families who can’t look after the baby and who don’t want the baby. Really? Yes. I find that difficult to believe. Yes. Richie. Richie who? Richie. I don’t know his surname, but it’s Richie. His name came to our house. He’s your particular social. He’s your social service? He’s your worker? Yes. And Ella, they are the lady who? First time? Yes, she came to our house.
So you’ve come here with your mum? And do you live with your mum, do you? Yes, I live with her. So you live with your mum? Yes. And do you ever get to see your dad, do you? My dad. Ricky. Ricky. Do you ever get to see him? Every two Saturday. But actually, in fact, he lies to my mum and he says that he just sees us every two Saturdays.
Do you see him every two Saturday? Orders. Okay. Do you see him every two Saturdays? No, we see him every single day. Every single day. And how’d you do that? He comes to our school. Oh, does he? And what does he do at the school? He does sex to us. He kills babies there. Right. We eat babies. We drink their blood. Okay. Because this is how we do it on Wednesdays.
Wednesdays is the most special, busiest days. Special, right, okay. And papa and me, either me or Gabriel hold on to the life. But he actually kills the baby because he puts his hand on our hand. Then he says to swing and then just chop off the baby’s head off, but stop straight away, like, maybe for. Maybe go like this one, and then just leave a bit of space so it’s still on the head.
But the blood is dripping in the bowl, though. That’s how we drain out the blood. Okay, so you do that. Blood dripping. Does blood not go, like, everywhere? No, we don’t make that. We go like this. We don’t just go, like, smash like that. We go like this. Not so speedy. Just like, medium speed. Instead of making those children lunches, they give baby to the children. They give baby to the children? Yes.
If they say there’s spaghetti bolognaise that day, they put a bill baby meat in all the time. How’s an eight baby meat to use? Because they cut the baby. Mrs. Falstake, the head mistress, she cuts the baby. What about all the bones in? Yes, yes. They keep the bones. How do they go? No, I know, but the bones, they do just. They keep them. They make stuff out of them.
And they all dance around with skulls on in the church, though. Okay, so they have skulls like the teachers and the staff. They got 20 skulls each. And how do you know they’ve got 20 each? Yes, because I counted once, they were like, there’s one here, and then there’s one here, and there’s one on here. It looks like skulls everywhere. On the knees, on the elbows. It looks like armor.
Okay, so if I was to try and find these skulls, where would I find them? Yes, in the church. Where is the church say there’s this secret rooms. They got secret rooms gone. Tell me, how do I find the secret? So when you go in the secret rooms, because they hide it in loads of places. Would you be able to help me find them? Would you? Yes. Okay.
Yes. They just hide them anywhere? They just hide it in one place, then they move to other place, then they move at other place. This just goes underground. What’s in there? Underground. So then we go underground. And after this little hallway, and on the right, there’s this door. And then there’s this big, enormous secret room. And what’s in the secret room? In the secret room, there’s cupboards everywhere.
Looks like everywhere. But then they do sex there, too. How’d you know they do sex there? Because they took me there to do sex. Who took you there? My father. Mr. Hollings took me. So you’re who? My father. Your father? Sorry. Okay, do you call him father or Papa? Papa. Papa. So papa’s taking you down there and what did you do? Sex. What? They buy plastic quillies, right? Okay.
Yes. And then they strap it on, but they make sure it hurt. They want plastic willys. They don’t want to use their real willie. Why not? Because it just doesn’t hurt. They want to make sure it hurts. Okay, so whose day? So Papa and who else? Mr. Hollings? Head mistress. Okay, so Mr. Hollings, the head mistress? Yes. Ms. Mardin. Mr. Fernoni. Mr. Boy. So who done it? When you went to that house, who was there? So all the staff.
All the staff. All the know. The parents of all the children, they all know about it. Right. Back. The classroom, they’ve got a little dawn. It’s just a little, tiny little room. It’s all stuffed with suites. Prizes especially to pay the children with suites to do sex to them. Right. They pay them suites. And then after they do what they want them to do. Okay, because I would deter.
What children? What children? Say there’s children from our school. 200 children in our school. It’s not like all. That’s 20 special children. Who are these 20 special children? That’s Millie. She’s a brown girl. Millie who? Millie Cowell. Millie Cowell? Yeah. Okay, so how do you know she’s one of the 20 special children? Because she’s. Because I know. Because she comes and they do sex to her, mostly. Who’s they? Who’s they? The teachers, the parents, the staff, the social services who are in it.
So they go to families. So they got a baby, but they can’t look after it or anything. They can’t buy food or they can’t buy clothes. They can’t look after it. So the families who sell their children to the social services get them. They say they get them to a foster home, but they don’t. They get the babies or the children. And then they get. Ms. Marden, our nurse in our school, she injects the child or baby in the neck.
Just here though. Right. Okay, and how do you know that? Because I saw her doing it. I saw her doing it. My name’s Steve and I’m a policeman and I work here at this police station. I haven’t asked you your name, have I? And what your date of birth is. Can you tell us? Gabriel. Gabriel. What’s your second? Gabriel? You mean my surname? Yes, your surname. I’m Gabriel Greiva Diemond.
Grieva Dieman. Okay, and how old are you? I’m eight years old. Yeah, eight. And what school do you go to? The Christchurch primary school. Christchurch primary school? Yeah, it’s in Hampstead. Okay, so your dad told you. Him and the year four teacher at BFF. Okay, and when did he tell you that? When he was doing the sex to me. He does sex to me. What does that mean? Sex? What do you mean? He touches me in a private.
He touches me in a private. He sticks a plastic willie in my bottom and it bleeds down. Okay? Yeah. So your dad does sex to you. And what that means is he touches your private. Put a plastic willie in your bottom when they stick a big plastic willie in my bottom. And when it bleeds, if I cry. Do you know those spaghetti spoons, those metal ones? If I cry, he hits me on the head with it.
Okay. But if I cry more, he hits me again. But if I cry more, the nurse teacher, I’m a smarter. She injects me and I. A sleeping injection on my neck and then I fell asleep straight away. You said you didn’t really like the party. No, I hate it. Why do you hate the party? They hit me. They do all kind of stuff. And I’m a vegan. Who’s that? You said they hit me.
Who’s day? Who hit you? My dad. All the teachers, my dad’s friends. And also the parents do it too. And they’re really mean to me. Really mean, the parents. Why are all these people so mean to you? They like being mean to me. Why? What have you done for them to be. I don’t understand why they’ll be so mean to you. I did nothing, okay. My dad made up a really strange religion.
Okay, tell me about the party. Who hit you at the party? The parents do. Should I tell you the name of the parents? Were the parents at the party? Yeah. Should I tell the children names? Why was your mum not at the party before the parents were at the party? She doesn’t do the sex to us. Was she at the party? Yes. She know. Why wasn’t she at the party? Why didn’t she get invited? Because she doesn’t touch us.
She doesn’t do sex to us. Why wasn’t she at the party? Because she doesn’t do sex to us. My name is Ella Gariba and I’m the mother of two children from Hampstead, Alisa and Gabrielle, who have been unlawfully removed from me on 911 2014. This is a high profile case. The Hampstead case is a criminal case which has been blatantly and shamelessly covered up by the british authorities, and we have more than enough documented evidence to prove it.
The judgment of notorious High Court judge Anna Puffley was fraudulent and in breach of several articles of human rights. Can I add a piece of that? As a former police officer of 20 years, I had the opportunity of actually sitting with a mother in this case for 3 hours. I can absolutely tell you, with my experience of interrogation over a 20 year period as a former detective sergeant, she was speaking 110% truth.
I know there’s been no investigation, there’s been no proper police statement taken from this woman because of the way she’s been harassed. I also know that we have child abuse in this country to epidemic levels. I was on Saturday sitting with a former MP from the Home Office who categorically stated to me that we’ve got now about one in ten children being abused. And we have a police force that’s in denial and it’s not you.
I know that it comes from senior levels. We now need to recognize this and start acting on it to change the ethos of what is wrecking so many children’s lives and costing so much deprivation and degradation to the way we live on this planet. I think it’s worth telling our audience how far it got. Your children were interviewed on three separate occasions by the police. On the first and second occasion, they made the allegations about you.
Yes. Abusing them, sexually abusing them, being the leader of this satanic cult. Various other adults involved, abused in all sorts of places. Fast food restaurants, churches, swimming pools, swimming baths. It was on the third occasion that they were interviewed that they revealed, admitted, whatever word you want to use, that it was all made up, that they’d been forced to say these things by their mother’s partner or he threatened to hurt them.
Yes. When you knew that your children had said these things we’ve been saying are all made up, how did you respond? Um, this I felt pleased about as I losing my kids. We are here with a large delegation of people and I am speaking on behalf of 1000 children taken a month. The father had always threatened to kill them if they were to talk. So the mother never knew why their behavior was as it was.
But when they were on holiday together, her partner observed that they were touching each other and themselves sexually. And he asked them, who taught you that? And they said, papa. And that’s how it began. That the children talked. And then they made a few videos and they called me. But the mother called me after the children had been taken into care and needed some help. We are here crying for help.
There are children screaming to be heard. If you don’t hear those children scream, who will? Why do you want to talk about this to us? That the children should not being put through this and parents shouldn’t be stopping another parent from seeing their children. Regardless of what goes on or what dynamic goes on between mom and dad and Ella and those two children’s case is not unique. I sat with her for 3 hours and she.
What she shared was 100% true. And I know no police officers have properly investigated this. It’s incumbent upon you, sergeant, to make sure that that investigation starts fully and fairly. How’d you know they did sex there? Because they took me there to do sex. Who took you there? My father. Mr. Hollings took me. Oh, wow. That’s. I said, like, guys, you just won eBay’s 2017 business award winners.
There’s this kind of moment of silence for two or 3 seconds. Then there’s this screaming. It’s just really cool. It’s bizarre. It really is bizarre. It’s magical. Okay, a lot. So basically what we investigated today, what we tested today are the allegations of you training your children to have said what they said or if you knew anything about it, if you participate in any way in inducing your children, training your children, coaching your children in saying what they said.
Okay, I can tell you the results of the test have to careful review. I can say that there is no deception, meaning that you pass the test. Thank you so much. That’s just the result of the test. Thank you. You’re welcome. .
I remember these kids, they were so matter of fact Lu and knew all the right words. I believed them, but their court was never going to charge the adults, cause they are part of it, sick shit
This is been aired on Monday next week in the UK. Let’s see how much they cover it up!
I watched this interview about 5 yrs ago and it was deeply disturbing. I 100% believe those kids. The interview was very long and for those children to give such details there is no way I could see them being coerced to that degree. I believe the judge is also in on it along with the entire school. Such a sad sad story I often wonder if those children ever made it out of that darkness.
I believe until foolheardedly.
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