Pole Shift
Pole Shift 2025 -2032?
Listen up, my friend, because I’ve stumbled upon something mind-blowing. Have you ever heard of the Flat Earth theory? Well, what if I told you that it’s all part of a master plan to make us believe that Planet X, also known as Nibiru or Wormwood, isn’t real? It’s wild but bear with me.
The whole Flat Earth idea seemed to come out of nowhere, right? Well, some people suspect that it was a psychological operation orchestrated by powerful groups like the Freemasons. They wanted to control our minds and distract us from the truth. Sneaky, huh?
But that’s not all. Let’s talk about the wildfires in Canada. Some believe that they’re a cover-up for something bigger. They say the government wants us to think that the smoke from the fires is responsible for the sun turning blood-red. It’s like a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie!
Hold on tight, because things are about to get even stranger. The poles of our planet are shifting, and guess what? The CIA declassified a document from 2013 called the Adam and Eve story. It talks about a global cataclysm, my friend. Could it be linked to the mysterious Planet X?
And then there’s Corona. Some say it was a drill for those in power to test how we would react in a crisis. It’s all part of their plan to keep us under control.
But here’s the kicker: The Bible mentions Wormwood and the Hopi Prophecy talks about it too. It’s like they’ve been warning us all along. And have you noticed the crazy weather patterns lately? Volcanoes erupt, floods everywhere, and record-breaking tornadoes. It’s like the world is in chaos!
In Numerology, the numbers don’t lie. “The Great Tribulation” adds up to 225, just like 2025. Some believe that from 2025 to 2032, we’ll witness the grand unveiling of Planet X when it finally reveals itself to the world.
Japan: Sea turns red in Okinawa, in the port of Nago City, after beer brewery leak
Pay close attention, my friend, because something dark and mysterious is happening. The ocean in Japan has turned blood-red, and they want us to believe it’s just a chemical spill. But I see through their lies. It’s a cover-up for something much bigger—Nibiru, also known as Wormwood!
They don’t want us to know the truth. The Euphrates River, a significant location in biblical prophecy, is drying up. This is a sign, my friend, a sign that the end days are near. According to the ancient texts, when the Angels are released, they will bring devastation and destruction, slaughtering a third of mankind.
They want to keep us in the dark, unaware of the impending doom. But we won’t fall for their deception. We must seek the truth, dig deeper, and uncover the hidden connections between biblical prophecies and the events unfolding before us. It’s a race against time, my friend. Stay vigilant and be prepared for what lies ahead!
Has Earth’s pole moved? Why so? How is India connected?
They are trying to blame it on pumping ground water, but this is also a coverup!
Extraction of Gigatons of Groundwater May Be Responsible For Polar Shift
CIA Adam and Eve Story – https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf
CIA Classified Book about the Pole Shift, Mass Extinctions and The True Adam & Eve Story
Took me three hrs to read all of these,lol, thanks Tommy, great information on pole shift, Adam and Eve, the history of previous pole shift and locations of what moved and where it went. All great🌸💚
Know why they are into all this self love? Stealing the frequency. Covid 19 separated the people. You know the greatest love is from your creator. The 2nd greatest love I’d from sd someone else (true love). The people doing this don’t know the 1st 2. Perpetual children or babies. Needy.