Why J-Lo is Terrified of Her Past With Diddy Coming Out

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➡ Jennifer Lopez is worried about her past relationship with Diddy coming to light due to his current legal troubles. There are suspicions that she may have been involved in a crime Diddy committed during their relationship in 1999. This crime involved a shooting at a club, after which a witness claimed to see a light-skinned person, possibly Lopez, throw a weapon out of a car window during a police chase. Lopez is concerned that if this case is reopened, it could damage her career and public image, even though it’s unlikely she would face jail time due to the time that has passed.



Right now, Jennifer Lopez is desperately hoping people forget about her relationship with Diddy. As things seem to be heating up for Diddy, all of his silent accomplices are hoping they don’t get dragged into the fire. All of his once loyal friends have decided to play the quiet game all of a sudden. One of those who remain dead silent since Diddy’s takedown is no other than Jennifer Lopez. JLo, knowing she had a two year relationship with Diddy, is hoping that she can escape this without any consequences by avoiding it entirely. JLo desperately wants the world to forget about that part in her life.

But why? It wasn’t like she did anything illegal. It was all Diddy, right? Well, not exactly. See, it’s quite possible that she was one of Diddy’s accomplices for one of his worst crimes ever. It’s quite possible that JLo helped Diddy cover up one of his most horrible crimes and has been keeping it all a secret all these years. I’ll explain exactly what I mean by this. See, JLo and Diddy started dating each other all the way back in 1999, right when she started her music career. While JLo was already successfully acting since the 1980s, it wasn’t until 1999 that she started her music career.

Diddy at the time was already a very powerful music executive who definitely could have helped her with her career. I believe Diddy and JLo’s relationship was directly tied to JLo’s music career as Diddy was the right guy to help her with it. Diddy and JLo’s relationship was going great, but that wasn’t until something horrible happened, something that could have ended Diddy’s career and even JLo’s. This was the infamous Diddy and Shine club shooting incident. On December 27th, 1999, Diddy and JLo, accompanied by their security and bad boy artist Shine, were at a club in Mid-South New York City.

Diddy and JLo were at the club celebrating Shine’s upcoming album release. Everything was going great until the moment Diddy was ready to leave. See, while Diddy was making his way out of the club, he accidentally bumped into a man and knocked his drink out of his hand. The man who Diddy bumped into just so happened to be a local drug dealer named Matthew Allen or Scar as they called them in the streets. Scar then shoved Diddy in response and an argument started with Diddy asking Scar if he knew who he was.

This is when Scar responded by throwing money in Diddy’s face and telling him he ain’t the only one with money. This led to Diddy and Shine pulling out weapons and unloading in the direction of Scar but missing. Instead, three random club goers were struck. After all the commotion, Diddy and JLo and his security guard escaped the club jumping into a vehicle driving away. As they were trying to drive off, they ate several red lights and the police began to chase the vehicle. This led to Diddy and JLo leading the police on a high speed chase through New York City.

Moments before the police started to chase them, a witness claimed they saw someone sitting on the rear passenger side of the car, tossing a loaded weapon out of the window that landed on his vehicle. These two officers spoke about this incident on a podcast where they admitted a witness stated that a light-skinned, slim-armed person saws the weapon out the passenger window. He comes flying out of the rear passenger side of the navigator and literally lands on the hood of his car and he confiscates it and he doesn’t he really doesn’t know what to do with it and he eventually tells his boss who he works for, hey he sees what’s going on I believe he saw everything like the next day or that night on TV.

He’s in the news, puts two and two together. So he gets in touch with his boss, does his civic duty, sort of right. And what was his statement to the police? I’m sitting in the car and he was waiting, he was an escort driver, he was waiting for his escorts to come back out. An escort for the escort. Mining his own business and he says the Lincoln Navigator is driving by, according to him he sees a light-skinned slender arm throw this loaded weapon out the window that lands on his car. Okay from the rear passenger side.

As you heard for yourself, the police claimed that a witness called the police giving them this weapon and testified that a light-skinned slimmer arm threw the weapon out the window. Now, considering that it was only Diddy J.Lo and the driver in the car, we must assume the light-skinned slimmer arm had to belong to Jennifer Lopez. After dumping the weapon and trying to flee, the police were finally able to pull the vehicle over, searching the car and finding a stolen loaded weapon in the car. This led the police officer to arrest everyone in the car, taking Diddy and J.Lo to While at the jail, it’s reported that J.Lo was panicking, bursting out in tears and sobbing, while Diddy was trying to convince his bodyguard to take the weapon charge for him in exchange for a diamond ring he had on.

Eventually, Diddy and J.Lo were released and J.Lo would go on to be dropped from the investigation but Diddy and Shine would end up going to trial. The case ended with Diddy being acquitted of all charges while Shine was charged and served 9 years in prison. This was rather strange since one of the victims and key witnesses, Natania Rubin, who was actually shot in the face during a club incident, has been adamant that Diddy was the one who shot her since day one. Natania told the surgeon who was trying to save her life that she was shot by Diddy.

She also told investigators that Diddy was the man responsible for what happened to her. Natania claimed she saw Diddy pull out the weapon and unload it, striking her in her face which she saw out of her own eyes as she was facing Diddy. I’ve seen all this time. Even the surgeon who did my surgery to take out part of the bullet fragments that was aspirating into my lungs and try to remove as many bullet fragments as possible testified in the criminal trial that while they were putting me under I was screaming Puffy pew pew me in the face.

He testified in the criminal trial. It is in the record. As you heard for yourself Natania stated she saw Diddy do it since day one but it didn’t matter. Diddy and JLo both managed to escape all criminal charges even when their involvement was pretty obvious. Now what the police officer stated about a slim light skinned arm dumping the weapon is very important and serious as like I mentioned the only person in that vehicle at that moment that matches that description was JLo. It appears that JLo tried getting rid of evidence for Diddy which would make her an accomplice to the club incident.

This would explain why she was so scared crying in the jail cell. She most likely thought they were going to charge her with discarding evidence. Ever since that situation happened JLo began distancing herself from Diddy. They dated for a bit longer but it wasn’t like before no public appearances or anything like that. It was pretty obvious that they were done with each other way before they officially announced they broke up. I believe this was JLo trying to protect herself from the situation. She was hoping she could get past it without going down for it.

This is why right now while Diddy is being investigated JLo is straight up panicking. She’s afraid that they would reopen the club shooting investigation where so much was covered up. She knows that if they do that and look into her possible involvement things can end up badly for her. Now I will say I doubt she can get prison time for that since it happened so long ago but it would definitely ruin her career in public image if she’s outed for helping cover up a crime for Diddy. She’s been so quiet not saying anything negative about Diddy and that’s because she knows she played a part in his crimes too.

Now this club shooting incident isn’t the only thing JLo was involved in. According to one of Diddy’s court witnesses he claims to have the Diddy freak off tapes claiming he allegedly saw JLo in one of the freak off tapes using an adult toy on herself while being filmed. This witness recently was forced to hand over this evidence to authorities. As you heard for yourself Courtney claims he saw JLo in these freak off tapes. Now this means that not only JLo was involved in the club shooting incident but also with the Diddy freak off parties.

This proves that she knew about many of Diddy’s crimes but did nothing about it choosing instead to attempt to erase her time with Diddy. In my opinion JLo chose to protect Diddy in order to protect herself. I find it interesting that while she was trying to get in the music industry she ended up having to go through Diddy just like we saw with Cassie. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that there’s allegedly a freak off tape with her participating in it. This proves that Diddy has been forcing upcoming stars to hook up with him in order for him to help their career.

He then films these women in compromising situations to use as leverage against them. This is most likely the main reason so many people stood quiet about the Diddy situation. Diddy most likely got tapes on them and they are afraid of them getting leaked. It’s clear to me that JLo knows a lot more about Diddy’s behavior than she’s leading on. She was right in the middle of his evil behavior and it appears she participated in some of it. Now while I was investigating JLo for this video I found out some interesting information. JLo like many other celebrities in Hollywood is into voodoo and witchcraft.

This is something her own ex-husband Ojani Noah has come out and exposed. Jennifer was married to Ojani back in 1998 right before she was with Diddy. Ojani even claims that Jennifer cheated on him More importantly Ojani exposed something about Jennifer that most people don’t know that she’s into black magic and witchcraft. According to Ojani JLo is deep into Santa Ria which is similar to voodoo. He claims that JLo was extremely serious about Santa Ria and he was as well at one point. Ojani claims that he and Jennifer had a black magic godmother.

That JLo even performed a Santa Ria ritual to be granted the Selena movie role. The movie role that changed her life. It was reported that Sama Hayak was originally cast to play Selena but somehow the role ended up going to Jennifer Lopez. According to Sama she turned it down because she felt it was too soon to do a movie about Selena claiming that she was offered the role one week after Selena passed away. When I read this detail I was shocked and I instantly got a lot of questions. How were they going to make a Selena movie just one week after she passed away? This makes me suspicious about Selena’s passing and honestly makes me want to look into it.

Unfortunately this video is about JLo not Selena but if you guys want to see a video on Selena comment Selena below. Now back to JLo and the witchcraft allegations. JLo started dating Ojani back in the mid 90s and ended up marrying him in 1998. He was actually her first husband and was with her before she became a massive star. He was exposed to Santa Ria after he started dating JLo. He claimed that after they broke up because JLo was cheating on him with Diddy he and JLo went to see their Santa Ria spiritual leader who he called the godmother.

This is where he claims that JLo participated in sacrifices to the gods in order to cleanse herself of Diddy. According to Ojani he saw JLo do a blood rebirth ritual where she bathed in chicken blood until she was covered in it from head to toe. He then claims that she was washed off with holy water and patted with herbs. Ojani actually did an interview with Felan broadcaster some time back. The interview is in Spanish which I am able to understand but for those who don’t speak Spanish I ran the video through a dubbing translator that translated it to English.

Obviously is not a great translation but is decent enough to make out what he said. Jennifer and I were discussing the possibility of reuniting, of getting back together. There were sacrifices of what kind of animals please? A lot of chickens, hens for example. That was the most I can tell you. The most there at hand right? The chickens and hens. I was there once and when I went I saw animal sacrifices. For example Jennifer was being cleaned and I was there telling you they were cleaning her because I was present. Let’s go step by step please.

I mean Yennefer is being cleansed in this ceremony where they are doing gentlemen animal sacrifices. How is she being cleansed? I mean did they kill the animals on top of her? No, I want the public to understand how this cleansing was done. Cleansing process begins when they kill the animal. In this instance it was a hen. The blood from the hen is poured over you essentially giving you a blood bath cleansing you in the process. After you’re covered in blood you enter a pool like a small pool and they give you another type of water.

I imagine this water might be holy water or something similar though I don’t remember exactly. They clean the blood from you again and then they use another water. During this they use herbs passing them all over your body. They use these herbs and the godmother in that water which I believe might be holy water or something akin to it although I’m not entirely sure. In that scenario she is not only asking you and the gods but also taking the time to cleanse the… That’s happened in Los Angeles in the city of…

Same house in Madrid. In the very same house they refer to her as the godmother who serves as the spiritual leader. Exactly. In that case that she was the spiritual leader for both of us. That was at the same time that we were you know going back and those cleanseings were to go back to save the marriage because at that time already she was fighting having problems with Pofi. As you heard for yourself he claims that J-Lo was into Santa Ria and refers to it as black magic. He claims that he witnessed J-Lo do rituals even claiming in another interview that she had some sort of voodoo doll of him, Diddy and all the other men she dated.

This is further confirmed after blog started reporting that Ben Affleck was afraid of J-Lo because of her dealing with dark magic claiming that he wanted to stay on her good side so that she won’t put a spell on him. Something else Ojani said was that J-Lo used Santa Ria rituals to further her Hollywood career. So this confirms that J-Lo just like so many other stars in Hollywood used the occult to further her career. I am not surprised as she did end up around Diddy who is known for his strange industry rituals.

After seeing all of this about J-Lo it’s clear to me that she’s hiding from this Diddy situation because she’s afraid of what might come to the light. She obviously isn’t the woman she pretends to be, she’s into the world of witchcraft and was allegedly a part of those freakoffs. Hopefully the truth will come out and J-Lo and every other silent accomplice would be outed for what they really are. Well that’s it for this one. I wanna thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one. [tr:trw].


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