Bases at the Barge – Max Spiers on Alters Mind Kontrol and Bloodlines

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➡ Max Spears, in his first public appearance, discusses his experiences and connections with James Casbol. He shares his early experiences with the occult, including strange occurrences in his childhood bedroom and his family’s involvement in tarot and astrology. He also talks about his time living near the supposed Mars jump rooms in Los Angeles and his family’s lineage tracing back to Charlemagne. The event concludes with a social gathering and a night watch for flying saucers.
➡ This text discusses the concept of mind control, tracing its origins back to the Egyptian Book of the Dead and its perfection by modern Nazis with alleged information from extraterrestrial beings. It delves into the process of creating a mind-controlled slave, involving extreme trauma to a child before the age of three, leading to a shattered mind that can be programmed with multiple personalities. The text also touches on the influence of powerful families and organizations, suggesting that they operate behind the scenes of global events. It concludes by suggesting that the frequency of the planet is raising, making it harder for these entities to hide their actions.
➡ The speaker discusses a pervasive sense of fear and uncertainty in society, leading many to seek solace in religion. They share their personal experiences of memory loss and altered states, suggesting that modern movies can trigger these states and potentially program viewers. They also recount a traumatic childhood experience involving a mysterious ritual and a strange puzzle, which they believe was part of a larger scheme to manipulate their mind. In 2008, they experienced a mental breakdown, feeling as if their identity was fragmented and doubting the authenticity of people in their life.
➡ A man recounts a series of traumatic events, including being attacked, hospitalized, and placed in a psych ward and rehab center. He believes these events were part of a larger scheme to reprogram him using neuro-linguistics, as he found himself recalling strange memories and discovering books on the subject. He also shares a peculiar experience of communicating with a baby in a tank filled with blue liquid, which he believes was part of a DNA breeding experiment. The man feels he was used for these experiments and reprogramming due to his unique abilities and experiences.
➡ The speaker discusses her involvement in a secretive breeding program, where she was chosen due to her specific bloodline. She mentions that this program was part of a larger project involving psychic abilities and time travel technology. She also talks about her experiences with memory recall and the impact of these memories on her life. Lastly, she touches on the influence of symbolism in society and the potential for many people to be unknowingly programmed.
➡ The speaker discusses their struggle with negative entities that attach and grow through emotions, tricking the person into thinking their thoughts are their own. They’ve learned to raise their vibration through self-care and positive actions, making them immune to these entities. They also touch on the idea that fame and money often come at a great cost, hinting at a conspiracy involving the deaths of famous musicians. The speaker also discusses the concept of timelines and how our choices can shift them, suggesting that understanding our own thoughts gives us control. Lastly, they mention CERN’s potential to open vortexes for low vibrational beings, and the possibility of a global state being the end goal of a long-term plan.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s belief in a global conspiracy involving powerful figures, and their suspicion that these figures are hiding something more. The speaker also talks about their personal experiences with trauma and abuse, and their journey towards healing. They express skepticism about the world as we know it, including education and the nature of reality. The speaker also mentions their involvement in certain rituals and their connection to institutions like Tavistock and Stanford Research Institute.
➡ The speaker discusses his experiences with awakening and becoming more aware of his spiritual guides. He mentions a friend, James, who is angry with him and talks about their shared experiences playing a game called Double Dragon. He also discusses the symbolism of their experiences and the concept of trauma bonding. The speaker believes that everyone has the ability to self-regenerate and that our current lifespan is limited due to manipulation of our DNA. He suggests that we should be able to live for thousands of years and that our current aging process is unnatural.
➡ The text discusses theories about human DNA, suggesting that humans originally had 12 strands of DNA, but now only have two. It also mentions a conflict between scientists and priests, and the idea that some people might be ‘programmed’ for specific tasks. The speaker believes that these ‘programmed’ individuals will be activated when a significant event occurs.


Foreign welcome to Bases The Barge Part 2 with Max Spears. Max. This is Max’s first public appearance and he was very nervous because this is something which he can be triggered on. So it’s a great deal of effort he’s gone to, to come and display and talk and take these questions. So at the Coronation hall we have Max Spears for the basis project. Everybody out in smokers. Yeah, bloody ex military late comer again. Right, just to remind people that there is a Meet the speakers at the barge at 6 o’clock when we will all transfer to the barge where we will announce the raffle and there’s some.

There’s very exciting prizes for you to win. You brought yours, didn’t you? You didn’t forget. Thank God for that. They don’t use spaceships, they use interdimensional time traveling portals for God’s sake. Right, so that was Max and Sarah and now we have Max and. Do you want to start just James Casbol, do you want to do that? Are you on? You want to ask me some questions? Right, this is the second part of the Bases at the Barge which is held at the Coronation hall and we’ll be retiring afterwards. You’ll have an opportunity to have a social over drinks and things with the speakers at the Barge Inn.

And some people will be going up to Knapphill and having a night watch to watch flares being launched over the military plane of Salisbury plane and then calling them flying saucers landing. Believe, believe you me. Anyway, this is a military training area. We’re surrounded by military bases. The Illuminati live just to the left of us over there. The Illuminati live over there. But right here we’ve got Max and Max and James Casbol are a couple of British super soldiers. You want to describe what that means? Certainly not a word that I would ever use. And I would never call myself like super anything.

I think it starts to get too much involved in ego when you supersize yourself like that. But definitely there was military presence in what happens and what the agenda was to create and what was going on with that. I think I’m just. Well, yeah, that’s got the ball rolling. So Max, over to you. Okay, thank you. Okay, so I suppose the best thing for me to do is to start off explaining my connection with James Caswell and that began. I was born in Brighton in East Sussex in England here. And I grew up there until I was 8, 9 years old in Lewes which is just outside there.

But I was going back and forth from Brighton To Lewis. And it just so happened that Michael James Caswell was in Brighton at the same time as me for those years, those period of time. Now there’s a swimming pool in Brighton called the Prince Regent Swimming Pool. And I used to go there with my dad. And they have these log. They have these flumes, a black one and a red one and a yellow one, and they kind of come down and you go into the water and they have arcade games. And so I used to go there when I was 6, 7, 8, 9.

And they had one of the video games that I used to play all the time was called Double Dragon. And I used to go and play it. And I got talking to this boy who was there all the time. I used to see him there occasionally. And we’d play this game. And then subsequently, years on, we recognized each other. About 2007, we’d recognize each other. Oh, yeah, I remember. Remember you from there. I remember you from Brighton. And so we acknowledged each other. I had been looking into esoteric occult subjects since I was very, very little.

Since I was very little because I always knew that there was something that wasn’t right. I was having experiences when I was 3, 4, 5, 6, in my bedroom. It would always happen when the sun went down. And when it was time for me to go to bed, I would be aware. Always there was something. I mean, it’s like the boogeyman sort of feeling or the bogeyman sort of feeling, like there was something underneath the bed or there was something in the cupboard or there was something around me. When I would start to go to sleep, it would make itself more aware.

It would make itself more aware to me. And what I feel now is that there were charmed objects put and placed in my bedroom. That where the house was built as well, Numerologically, it was 93 as well, which is a very specific number, numerologically, to Crowley’s oto. So the number and where. The name of the name of the. The road was High Down Road. Now, high down is a paradox. You can’t have high down. So that. That’s also connected to disassociating the mind, which I’ll get into. So there was definitely presences in my room from when I was.

From when I was very young. And I was aware that when I would first start drifting off to go to sleep, I would feel myself. This would be every night. I would feel myself slipping out of my body, out above the roof of the house, out, out and go up and up and up through layers and layers and layers of clouds. This is going to sound strange, but I suppose it all does when I get above the top layer of the clouds. There was a stereotypical looking type of witch with a pointed hat on and a long nose with sort of warts on the nose.

And she’d be laugh. There was two of them, they’d be laughing at me. And I had that feeling in your stomach when you’re falling in dreams. I could constantly have that. And they would be standing around me, sort of stare, sort of like maybe Macbeth sort of type imagery from Shakespeare. They’d be standing around and then they’d all sort of come around, grab hold of me, and then I’d wake up. So this was a recurring thing. And my family goes back for the last certainly hundred years. We’re all involved in the occult in some way or another.

Not involved in the occult. When I say the occult, occult just means hidden. So it’s not. I’m not saying there were black magicians, black witches or anything like that, but there were certainly a lot of runestones readings, tarot card readings. I learned astrology and tarot when I was very young. My mom was sort of Wiccan, so I sort of learned from that. So when I became aware as I got older, 6, 7, 8 years old. So there was an interim period between the ages of 5 and 6, my parents had decided that they were gonna move to California, move to Los Angeles.

So they just added the blue upped and moved. So from the ages between five and six, I was living in just off Sepulveda Boulevard, which is in the valley area of Los Angeles. Now there is, I think Andrew Bushago talks about the Mars jump rooms, which are situated on 999sepulveda Avenue. And I lived right near there. And now the jump rooms supposedly, and this ties in from my own investigation, the jump rooms are only available to be. Children are only available to go through them. Something to do with the molecular construction of a child before the age of puberty that allows them to go through this sort of like from my memory.

It’s literally there was two ways, literally like a door. So you’d go in through the door, stand in the door. It’d be like maybe a lift. You’d stand there. Then you’d feel this incredible feeling like you were being completely disconnected from everything. And then when you’d come out, you’d be in somewhere completely different. So I had been to Phoenix a lot. And Phoenix, when you look at Phoenix, Arizona, it looks very much like what the imagery of what Mars looked like to me when I was shown it. So I was confused because I was taken to Phoenix when I was a kid and this also happened.

So I thought I was actually going from one state to another. But then some other things that happened told me otherwise. I do come from. So my background is Celtic and French. On my father’s side. He comes, he’s a descendant from Charlemagne, which is a French nobility family that goes back to the south of France from about 6, 7, 800 AD. And it’s a royal sort of lineage line that comes through France. But it came through, they sort of migrated, they took control of each spot and they migrated to another spot. So if we imagine they began in Babylon, conquered Babylon, went over to Sumeria, conquered Sumeria, went to Egypt.

So each one of these are the same people. So we’re understanding these are the same families coming through from Egypt. They went on to and created the Roman Empire. So when I’m talking about when someone says the Third Reich or the Fourth Reich, it’s actually 10th, 11th, 12th. So these are the same beings that have done that. And pre Atlantean times. So Second World War was key to understanding how to have the complete understanding of how to create a mind controlled slave. Now if you go back and look at the Egyptian Book of the Dead, there are actually instructions within that book.

And that’s a book anyone can pick up from any bookstore. It explains how to do that. But the sort of like the modern Nazis. The modern Nazis perfected it. They perfected it. And I think that they got the information of how to perfect and shatter the human mind from the tall grays or the Zeta Grays. There are two forms of grays, the short grays, that seem to me to be lackeys. They seem to do what they’re told. And then there’s the taller ones, sort of more gangly looking, which are like this tall. They’re also lackeys, but they seem to have superiority over the smaller ones.

So this is all in a hierarchy structure. Everything is done hierarchically because they. That’s the mindset of these particular beings. So from how I understand it, this present state that we’re in, you have the Anunnaki consciousness stream of consciousness that is pretty much in control of this planet at the moment. What they’ve tried to do is make us think that Planet Earth itself is not that important, that we’re just some rock somewhere with evolving beings on it. And, you know, this is the only place and that nothing, when in fact Gaia Or Earth is the jewel in the crown.

It’s the actual jewel, the most important thing. And everything actually is revolving around and focused on this. Earth is actually anchoring everything else down from. From ascending this planet is anchoring it down. So that’s why all eyes are on this planet at the moment. Because when we release it, when the human beings here release it, it releases everybody else. So they’re watching for that to happen. I wanted to go a little bit in, I wanted to go into, which is what I know about, because I’ve had to study a lot into mind control in general and how it’s done and what happens with that.

For these specific bloodlines and these breeding bloodlines, they have to take a child before the age of three. So to shatter and honeycomb the mind, the children have to be put into extreme trauma. So any way that you can extremely traumatize a child before the age of three, electric shock, rape, extreme, extreme physical abuse, any torture like that, what will happen? When they were testing out the breaking points of human beings at tavistavistock, the Tavistock Institute originally was set up to work out the breaking point of human beings. So that once the human being breaks, it shatters the.

The top of the spine here, it shatters that and sort of honeycombs into many other possibilities for personalities, because the body doesn’t want to go, or the mind and the soul doesn’t want to go through that trauma. So it separates itself off. And so what they had the Nazi doctors, Mengele and Himmler and. And the SS crew had worked out and they got information from the Zeta of exactly how to do it, exactly how to program it. So then once the mind is shattered, then you can then in each of the honeycombs, which would be another personality or another alter can be specifically programmed to anything that you want it to be.

None of the other personalities are aware of the other one. So. So you could have somebody with. So it’s called dimpd Multiple Personality Disorder, but more recently it’s known as Disassociative Identity Disorder. Because it’s not another personality really. It’s another version of the identity of the person. So it’s not another personality. So the primary personality is the front personality, which is all of us communicating to each other. Now, that’s the front alter personality is not aware of, if that had happened to you, is not aware of any of the other ones. Now, the programmers themselves have ways of using color, tone, hand signals, frequencies to be able to switch to another one, to another personality through.

So like I said with the honeycomb is there and switch to another one. So there could be one personality, which is the front one, that didn’t have any abilities whatsoever to ride a motorcycle, to shoot, to be a sniper, to do any of these things. But another one, if it’s then activated, is then completely able to do it and has all these abilities. So you can. That way was the way to be able to create an undetectable mind control slave, because the other personalities are not aware of the other ones. So the key of. Okay, so I didn’t want to really want to get too graphic with it, because some of it is really hard to talk about.

And so sodomy is one of the main keys to doing it. Because what happens is when you rape a child below before the age of three, what happens is it sends electrical signals up the. Up the spine, which then explode at the top of the spine, and then that. That’s the easiest and fastest way to create multiple altars. It’s called vasovasial shock. And they also call it in the old. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, it’s known as the Key of Solomon. So that’s another way of putting it. I’m just trying to lead on from that.

So Mengele was at the head of doing that. He was the one who was the head of the main scientist for doing that and understanding and learning it. There’s a lot of. I don’t know if everybody knows who Michael Aquino is. He is directly connected as well to that. A lot of the people in positions of power now, certainly all the Bushfire family, which are actually the Bauer family, which are actually German Nazi family. So when you had Project Paperclip, I don’t know if you know what that is, but Project Paperclip was when. At the end of the.

So essentially we didn’t win the Second World War, as it says in the textbooks. What actually happened is that they went underground and then made it appear that they had lost so that they could go underground, continue with the work through Project Paperclip. They took all of their top scientists, military strategists, and placed them in South America and North America in 1947. 1947 seems to be a major key date for them because. So you have the Roswell incident happening. Then you have the CIA beginning then you have the NSA at the end of that year beginning then, and you have Aleister Crowley dying on that year.

And I think this all has something to do with a ritual that was done which is connected to Hubbard and Scientology and Jack Parsons people, if anyone knows who Jack Parsons is, Jack Parsons was a genius rocket scientist who was working in Southern California at JPL Laboratories, which is jet. Which is known as Jet Propulsion Laboratories. But in truth, it means Jack Parsons Laboratories. What he was trying to do was find out the ultimate weapon to be created and what they were using. They were using. He was using fetuses and using. Using nuclear technology and fetuses from baby fetuses at the same time and combining them together.

So they essentially wanted to have at the end a combination of ritual, black magic and technology used at the same time, and that would be the ultimate weapon. And essentially we’ve got that going on now. So I was saying earlier when Sarah was speaking, any of the outer heads, any of the outer rulers that we’re seeing at the moment, any of the prime ministers, any of the aristocracy are only the outer heads. So certainly for the British rulership, if you look at the symbol, you’ll see a crown. And very, very often through the crown there’ll be a symbol, sword, which is the Templar’s way of telling you that they rule behind, in the shadows, behind the aristocracy.

The Saxe Coburg, Gotha line, which usurped the British throne, which they called themselves the Windsors. That certainly isn’t their name. They’re a German family who, Victoria was the first one came and stole the jets of the Germans. They’ve been German for the last 120 years. So Germany really is at the rulership of this country, and they are still today. They’ve just done it subversively and they’ve just done it underneath the radar. And what, in their mind, what better way to do it is to, you know, than to disappear and then get everybody in, you know, in a comfortable position where we think we’re, everything’s all right, and then hit in the last, the last second, which I think is really what’s going on now.

They’re not able to hide themselves as much as they could do anymore because of the frequency of the planet raising. They can’t hide anymore as they used to be able to. So there was what they wanted to do at the end, after the end of the Second World War, which was really about money and was really about testing out the collective trust. So we all, as a species, on this planet, we all have. We’re all traumatized. We’re all traumatized collectively through the wars that have gone on outside of the individual trauma that goes on as a human species, we’re traumatized.

I noticed, just as an example, walking down the high street yesterday where I live, and a bang went off and everybody. I could sense the fear. There’s an underlying fear with everybody or everybody on this planet at the moment that something is sort of about to happen, but they don’t know what it is. So you’ve got a lot of people who were speaking out about these things now sort of running to the solace of Christianity or religion because they don’t know what else to do. The Christian religion. And I don’t want to step on anybody’s touch.

All this stuff is just from my understanding and my research, which has been 15 years of research, because I needed to find out what happened to me in 2008. Then I’ll briefly go into what happened to me in 2008. I knew that people had told me. People had told me throughout the years that sometimes that when I would speak about something or I would watch a movie with somebody or read a magazine or read a book, and then they would then say to me, you know, I’d say, oh, should we put this movie on again? And they would say, well, you just watched this yesterday, or you just.

You just did this yesterday. And I would have no recall of it. So I knew there was something wrong there. So I’d be missing time or what I think it is. Actually, a lot of the modern movies that come. Come out immediately. Trigger immediately have trigger in there. So they’re layered movies. So when certain people watch it, that will trigger you into a slightly other altered state. And then the movie itself can then program you and you would have no idea at all that you’ve been programmed. So I watched Oblivion for the first time and I had absolutely no recall of the movie at the end of it.

I just watched it and then it finished. I watched it with Sarah and then when it was finished, I didn’t have any clue what happened in the movie. But it certainly had affected me on an emotional level, but I didn’t. And if you think of how movies are laid out, they’re laid out in a dream sequence sort of state. So, you know, all movies are there to affect the subconscious because it’s not like one camera when we’re walking around, it’s one camera moving wherever you are. A movie is dream sequence, like sketch, sketch, like we’re in a dream.

It’s like that. So they’re doing that, and that’s the Hollywood, which is the holy wood, which is. They used to. Out of the. They used to create magic wands, staffs out of this particular wood that grows in Hollywood, I used to live in Hollywood and this particular wood stick actually and Hollywood isn’t a particularly nice place. But that’s why this wood that they use is called the wood of illusion. So the illusion is created and stems from Southern California and this sort of pervades out through. So they’re using the US as a testing ground. So they test it out.

They’ll test out different things there in the US usually on the western coast for certain things and the east coast for other things. East coast is more European so they’ll test out different things there and then if it worked, they’ll try it in other countries. If it didn’t work, they’ll leave it. Okay. So in 2008, what had happened? I had searched and searched. I’d been speaking to Michael, to James Casabot for a couple of years and we had come to some conclusions. We remembered certain things. My only memory of him then was when we were children.

I don’t remember him in the in between time. I remember he recognized him when we saw each other, but I don’t remember him. Only when we were kids there was this particular swimming pool. They tend to use big bodies of water to because water is a stargate in and of itself. Water is needed to use frequencies and vibrations. So I have this memory. I have a memory of this. And it’s strange. I had got changed after I’d gone swimming and there was a door that was on the right hand side of where the swimming pool which is the Prince Regent swimming pool in Brighton.

And I remember, I always remembered it was a locked door door and somebody who worked there who was. Looked like they worked for the swimming pool with a whistle or whatever and they sort of ushered me over this way. They said that my dad was going because I was there with my dad. They said that he was going to be. He was somewhere in the changing room. Well that I got taken through this door that was always locked. As I went through the door there was spiral staircase on the left hand side there. So the door, I go through the door.

Spiral staircase here, spiral staircase on this side. I was taken down the spiral staircase and there was somebody else on this side going down the spiral staircase. So we walked down. I didn’t see that person. I was just as I’d gone through the door I felt sort of like in a sedative sort of hypnotic state where, where I was very. I just sort of went along with it. There’s a word I’m trying to think of. I just sort of went along and did what I was told to do. And when I went down the spiral staircase, there was some sexual ritual that was going on there.

And I was sort of watching it. I was sort of watching it, but without any feeling associated with it, Just watching it. And then there was a classroom behind this is just one of the stories where I was in a classroom. There was another door. Went through the door, and there was sort of like school desks. If I remember, there was four. Four. Four kids sitting at each one of the desks. And. But all in that. All in the state. I sat down all in a state of sort of like this hypnotic state, looking forwards. And a man came around, put what I can only explain is not a Rubik’s cube like that, but another version of it.

I think there was another one that came out 10 years late, where you unfold it or something a little bit like that, with symbols and glyphs and other things on it. And I didn’t recognize what it was, but the man who put them down onto the tables had said, okay, go ahead and do it. And I thought, well, I don’t know how to do it. But then he said, yes, you do. Go. And so I did it. And I started just to know how to be able to do it. So I was messing around with this, and I linked all the things together, and they sort of rewarded me for doing that.

So this all happened over a period of what felt like an hour, an hour’s time. When I came back upstairs through the same point I came back out, there was this, the fruit machine, the arcade machine that I was playing on. I sort of went back over to it and continued playing on it. And my dad came out and we were there and we left. So that thing that happened then as I. As like an hour went on, two hours went on. I had convinced myself that it didn’t happen because it felt like I’d woken up from a dream.

And you know how a dream sort of dissipates as the hours go on when you wake up. And I was a kid, so I rationalized it and said that it didn’t happen now. So this is when I was younger. So I’m leading now into 2000. In March of 2008, I had a really. The. So. So, okay, so I have altars that have been made and manifested and created in my mind. And what happened is there’s so many of them. And this was around the age of 31. They start. This is the only way for me to explain it is they started to, like, bleed through at the same time.

And as they were bleeding through, it caused complete confusion to me because I didn’t know. It was like complete loss of identity. I didn’t know who I was anymore. And I didn’t know. I didn’t know my name. I didn’t believe. I started doubting everybody in my life. And I sort of had this Truman show feeling that everybody who had, including friends from school, friends from the school that I’d gone to, other friends, family members, that they were all actors and they were all placed there and that they weren’t real people or they were real people, but they were placements.

And that. That sort of made me have a sort of breakdown because it intensified. Intensified. This was 3:00 in the morning. This started to happen. It was. I think it was like March 8th, something like that. I came out of my house and I stood in front of the. Stood in front of the house that was living at the time. And I was standing there and there was. Then I looked across and there was two men standing. I’ve never told this story actually anything on camera. There was two men standing at the top of the street where I lived.

And they were South America, they were Colombian. They were both probably about my height, and they were standing there and I was standing at the front. And he’s like this to me. So. So I walked over to him and I stood. I said. He goes, what are you doing? You need to get back into your house. And I said, I’m confused at the moment. I’m not sure what’s going on. I was basically sort of asking for help because I needed help from anybody who was around at the time. And as I turned this way, I got hit.

So I got hit across the back of my head and then hit. So there was two of them got hit from that other side. I went down onto the ground. As I fell down onto the ground on my back, these two guys attacked me. And I was covering myself up, but, I mean, I got hit multiple times in the head. My nose is broken. It’s still actually broken. And I managed to get up from underneath them and scramble back into the house. So what I think was happening then was as that. As the programming was breaking down, they don’t want a person to have to remember what’s happened, because then I’m able to stand up here and speak and explain, you know, what I feel is happening.

So they either want to discredit you, completely discredit anything that you have to say. So they will assassinate your character, get you in a mental institution or a prison as quickly as possible or kill you. So I was. So I’m sitting in the house bleeding at that point, police show up, ambulance shows up. I came out of the house, they put me on a gurney and I was in very, I was in a state that it’s very difficult to explain. They’re trying to get me into the back of the ambulance. As they, as they were rolling me on the gurney, these two men dressed up in lab, white ambulance men threw me off of the gurney and then pushed the gurney back down on top of me.

So something didn’t make sense there. So it was like I was being set up. This whole, I felt like this whole thing was being set up. They then picked me up, put me back on it, put me into the back of the ambulance and then I don’t remember anymore. The next thing I remember I was in a coma in, in, in hospital which, where I didn’t know where I was. And then they had decided that they would wanted to put me into a psych ward, so they wanted to put me in a psych ward for three days.

So I was stuck in there with some unbelievably unusual people and trying to get out. And so I was there for three days. Somebody told me, look, follow the rules, follow what they tell you and you’ll be out there. You know, there’s nothing, there’s nothing psychologically wrong with you. I went through a number, a number of tests and there was nothing wrong with me. They just needed to keep me locked down for that, for that period of time. So I transferred from. So I went from this, from this hospital to this particular ward. I left after three days from this ward.

And then they wanted. So then I was placed into a rehab center, but it wasn’t for a drug rehab because I was clean. I wasn’t using drugs at the time, but I was left in there. I was there for nine months. And what I now know is, is that this is a reprogramming center and what they were using primarily is neuro linguistics. And I actually found secretly like one. I was just searching around, it was a big place. I was searching around and I found these neuro linguistic books. So they were using neuro linguistics to reprogram people who were waking up.

I mean they also help people who have drug issues, et cetera, but they were reprogramming certain people. I know that 80% of the drug rehabs throughout the UK and the US are used as reprogramming centres. So that went on from there after that happened. So I was 31, 32. I’m 38 years old now. They. So as I learned this, I learned that I would had been being used for. I’m gonna sit down now. I learned I was going to be used. I had been used for breeding process. For breeding processes because all these memories came back of bizarre sexual situations that I don’t ever have any remember any memory whatsoever of being in and a lot of lab coat, a lot of administering of medication that I had no idea what it was.

So this ties into something else. Okay. So when I was four or five years old, I was riding down a hill and I had dominoes in my right hand. It was a child’s bike. And I’m riding down the hill, I lost control of the bike. I went into a thorn bush and as I went into the thorn bus thorn bush, I fell off. I came into the house and my mom saw me and she looked at me and she saw there was a dot, a black dot in my left eye. And she panicked, took me to the hospital and a thorn had gone all the pierced the white wire and gone all the way into my eye.

Now there’s something symbolic about Thor thorn. There’s something symbolic about that also the fact that when they pulled the thorn out of my left eye, they didn’t give me any anesthetic. So I remember when they pulled the thorn as he came, they were holding my eyes open as they came forward to take the thorn out just before he touched it. I remember leaving my body because I remember often whispering, leave your body, leave your body. Because once you leave your body, it’s reinforcing the alters there. So they can then once you leave your body then they can give you reprogram another alter.

That was just one of a number of situations that happened like that. Okay, I’m going to give you another scenario that happened to me that was very significant. In the same house. There was a two week period of where I felt like there was bleed through of all these different, these different alters that were happening. I had a. It wasn’t like. It wasn’t a dream. It was literally. I saw, I was literally experiencing what was going on. My mind got pulled. Hold on, hold on a second. Okay, so I was. I don’t know whether I was on a ship, I don’t know whether I was on a base, I don’t know where I was.

But I know this, that I was led. But with two people in white lab coats next to me up to a Big, maybe an oblong square tank full of blue liquid. And inside the tank there was an Asian looking baby, okay. And it had a big round face and was smiling and it was sort of there. It was sort of like that. They, these two people next to me brought me up to it and they said, communicate, communicate with it. That he, this was a he. This little boy needs communication with you. You need to interact with him.

He won’t interact with anybody else. Now there was, inside this tank, there was blocks, little blocks, like blocks kids would play with on either side. And they then said to me again, play with him. So I focused and looked over where the blocks were. I made the psychic telepathically, telekinetically, I made the blocks start moving. And they started moving in different shapes in this blue liquid there. As that started to happen, the baby then emulated it with the other blocks. So he was copying what I was doing. And they seemed to be very happy that this interaction was going on.

And they wanted me to come back every two or three days, seemingly to keep interacting with this baby. This went on for six months, as far as I can remember. And then I was taken by. This is all in laboratory settings, very, very clean, a lot of steel, silver. And everything was very clinically done. I was taken into another room by an Asian woman and she sat down with me and she explained to me what had been going on. She was very kind. This wasn’t negative. This wasn’t a negative experience. She explained to me that they had been using my DNA to test and to use for different breeding lines, for different breeding lines.

So they needed my DNA or sperm for specific lines that were being done. They wanted to mix and match to find out, to create, to create, I think some of these babies because they were just being brought up in a very sterile environment, like in a base, like in a ship. They need some interaction with beings who have, who interact regularly with people. So that when the baby is then incorporated into society, it has some idea what it’s like to have heart, to have experiences with other people. So that was my sort of service to this particular child.

I also had a very strong feeling that it was my child. Child as well. I got explained in detail why and what it was by this Asian lady. And if anybody has any questions and then I can sort of like move on with other things. With questions. Yes, yes. Yeah. Just that you said, Gina, you were involved in this breeding program. Do you know how that happened? Do you know how they were using you? And were you conscious of it or Was it part of it? Was it an alter or. Okay, so when, when, when the breeding programs went on.

Yes, it was done in an alter. It wasn’t done in. So in the front alter, which is the, the walking around person that I am, they would never do that. They would do it in a separate altar. So there’s a number of different programs. Beta programming is sexual programming. So Project Monarch, which is used for.90% of Project Monarchs are female and they’re used for prostitution, they’re used for pleasuring the elite in whatever way. And there’s the small percentage that are also males which are used in that way as well. So I’m sort of connecting myself to that level.

So was it done in Author? Absolutely, yes. Yeah. It’s just because I had that bleed through at that time. I remember now bits and pieces, more memories are coming back as I go along and I remember James Caswell and a number of different ones as well. And my question to you, I’ve only recently come across your work. Why you. Why were you chosen to go down the spiral staircase at that age? Why were you chosen to take part in all this stuff? I think there are a group of volunteers that have come down and incarnated into certain bodies.

The elite or whatever you want to call them, are aware when somebody is going to incarnate into a certain body. They’re aware because everybody has a harmonic signature tone. Everybody has an individual fingerprint signature sound tone that when they come into the body that they give off. So they’re already tracking and they’re already aware of who it is. Why was I picked for it? Because of the particular. I mean it really is down to bloodlines because of this particular bloodline. These were all seeded from different off planet streams. So you have the Sirian streams, you have the Orion streams, Alpha Draconis streams.

It all comes down to essentially off planet stuff and inner Earth stuff. Yeah. So the French line which comes from Charlemagne is connected to the Fisher Kings. They call them the Fisher Kings and the Tribe of Dan, which the Fish Tribe of Dan is the one of the hit with one of the hidden tribes of Israel. And they don’t really. They sort of left it out of the tribe of Dan, out of the Bible because they thought they were blasphemers and they thought that they were worshipping false idols, etc. Etc. So they sort of pushed them out of the that.

So this particular tribe, this Tribe of Dan is what they were looking for because of the psi abilities that they have, psychic abilities that they have in the 1950s, there was something called Project Oak Tree, where it was looking for women who were from that particular tribe as well, and men who were from that tribe, and the children who were born from mothers and fathers who came together in the. Who were born in the 50s, who had their children in the 70s. So from 1972 to 1978, there was an influx of these children being born. And they were tracking these children.

How many people just in regular life, getting up, going to their job in their insurance company at call centre on a Monday morning, thinking they’re living a normal life, might actually be like you programmed and not know it because they’ve got bloodline in their family. I think that there are 2 million people to some extent, programmed specifically in this country. But then you’ve got to understand, like, they have a total understanding of the subconscious. So any billboards that they. They understand the rods and cones and the eyes, they understand that the number 13 or the letter M is.

We all really know what it is. And it’s symbolic of birth and death. When they created the McDonald’s restaurant, for example, they didn’t care that the name was McDonald’s as long as it began with the letter M. Because when you see the letter M, it reinforces this cycle of birth and death. So you’ll see a lot. If you look around now, you’ll see a lot of M’s circled or M’s making a point of showing you the M or the number 13. You’re welcome. Yeah. On. Is this still on? Yes. Okay. On the breeding program, you, you said were the memories bled through to.

At some point that actually happened. Was it actually in your adult life? Yeah. Yes. That your memory come through? Yeah. Before that. Before. So 31 was when that happened. Before that, I knew that something was going on. I knew that there was that because I felt it. And I trust my instincts and I knew when I would get. So throughout my twenties, throughout my whole life, when I. When. When my emotion, when I got very, very upset or very, very angry, things would happen around me. The glasses would break, books would fall off on them ground.

So I knew that that was one of the clues. There was something unusual going on with me because I have a lot of bioelectricity coming off of me. So. So, So I knew there was something going on. In 2008, there was a confirmation of it, and I had a lot, a lot of memories come back to me that were really, really, really unpleasant. I hadn’t gone into a lot of the satanic ritual abuse which I can do. And I’m quite happy to do that. It’s just now I don’t really want to go into too many personal experiences on camera because of what’s happened in the past.

Now I’ve done that and then, you know, this. Facebook and this and that and the other. And it’s kind of difficult to have people saying this and that about you after you’ve sort of poured your heart out about it. This is what I’m trying to establish that 2011 we had sort of the same experience of. Of you. You did. Of something happening. Yeah. And it was, it was. My best way to describe it is like a. A flash of other memory and it. Where did that come from? Yeah, yeah, yeah. For me there was so many that came through.

I literally thought I was losing my mind. The original experience on the evening and thought was strange, but didn’t really, you know, your mind goes somewhere else. Oh, just nothing. Yeah. And then a couple of weeks later, I’m just watching the TV in my front room and there was a flash of like a, like a segment of memory. Yeah. Which I don’t recollect ever being in a chrome room. Yeah, yeah. But trying to piece together the pieces of Jigsaw over like a 25 year period of, well, 46 years. Well, if you have. They have time travel technology and they’ve had time travel technology for a long, long time now.

So when, when, you know, when, when you’ve got time travel technology, it’s very, very difficult to really like work out, well, you know, what did this happen then or did it happen then? Because time, time, you know, timelines are being changed all the time. For example, if I pick this up, put that down and that I’ve just altered it because had I not done it, so it’s altered another line as well. They also have time stop technology, which is where they can slow time right down and then do some really nasty stuff and then restart it up.

They can sort of go. They can create. It’s really easy for them to create portals, create vortexes. There are lots of vortexes scattered across the planet anyway, but they can create them. So a bit like the Adjustment Bureau. I don’t know if any of anyone’s seen that. Philip K. Dick’s work, Philip K. Dick was an insider and then put a lot of truth out. So they can create vortexes or stargates, go through it, freeze time or slow time down and do things. Yeah. John Dee and Elizabeth I, John Dee had worked out a lot of that stuff back then.

And I have a very strong feeling that Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II are actually the same person. And didn’t John Dee actually. He was working with demonology, wasn’t he? He was a very high black magician. Yes. Yeah. And so I’d wondered for long, for the longest time, why are these Goetia demons under? Why are we allowed to summon them and then tell them what to do? It didn’t make any sense. So there’s something going on on this planet where we’re linked to these. If you want to call it hell or lower frequency, we’re linked to them and they have to do, they have to do what you say.

The thing is, they’ll always trick you. They’re always cleverer than you, and you’re always, always get backlash from it and something negative will happen. Cool, thank you. Hi, Max. Hi. I just wondered if you could just tell us what’s actually happening with you now. Are you able to control it better or can. Because obviously Miles sort of said something before you arrived that, you know, you’ve been over the last, over the last almost three years, I have done a hard whole lot of work in deprogramming and taking care of myself more. Because what, what they also do is they, they, the attachments, they start, they attach and then they get emotions and they sort of grow.

So they attach and they grow on you and grow on you, become more powerful through your, through your own emotions. And then they start to make their thoughts your thoughts. So then you’ve got to differentiate between is, did I choose to do that? Or is this somebody else projecting the thought in my head, which is very, very important to do. So I learned over the last few years, and I turned a lot around from three years ago because I was ending up in positions where I was almost dying multiple times, 10 times, 15 times where I was on the.

I almost, almost dead. And they’re not. So that is not. I’ve come away from that. It was really, they. They seemed to really want me to be dead for a very long time, but they now are not able to do that because they can only attack you if you’re vibrating at the same level as them. So if you’re vibrating at a higher frequency, they literally can’t even do anything to you. So in terms of high frequency frequency and doing, doing nice things for yourself, giving back to other people, taking care of your body, in terms of eating things that aren’t shitty, and that is raising your vibration because they like toxicity, they like that nastiness.

So if they can Trick you into doing something somehow corruption, you know, it’s corrupting you doing something, offering you a large amount of money to do something that would hurt somebody who you really cared about. Then you are lowering your vibration and they’ve got you. So, so many deals are made, the heart deals. Essentially what they want to do is they want to break the human heart. And if they break the human heart, then they have it, they have us. And the human heart is the thing that’s shining the brightest. That’s the thing that’s keeping us going.

They’re able to enter all the rest of the chakra points on the body, but they’re not able to get to the human heart. So a lot of the deals that are made, acting deals, music deals, fame, seemingly, I love, I mean, people are loving to have fame. You are selling out. If you look through all the big bands, music bands throughout maybe the last 50, 60 years, somebody has died, somebody has died. And all of them, all of them, somebody’s been killed. And it’s usually the nicest one. It’s usually the one who is, you know, the kindest or the nicer of all of them.

Because that way you’re taking out, you know, the kindest heart. And then money come, money and fame come with that. Eric Clapton is actually quite a good example with his son Connor. Clapton, who fell out burn window and died. That was the corner we clapped and was the closest thing to Eric and he died. So that would be hi. A combination of technology and magic is a little bit like a black box, like that, which you can change frequencies on because they have to hide themselves under the guise of being, you know, human beings here because they don’t look like human beings.

And sometimes they use a holographic field around themselves. Other times it’s connected to actual shape shifting because shapeshifting is actually very, very easy. All it is is unlocking DNA codes and re locking them into another one. Yeah, I just wanted to ask you about your parents. Do you know who your biological parents are and what’s your relationship like with them now? Do they know about all this? Yeah, I’m going to be very careful about personal things like that. Yes, I do speak to one member of my family who I’m close with, who does know what’s going on with that.

So were they part of it or were they. It’s multi generational, so it’s every generation back, every is part of it, all the way back. Thank you. Yeah, you’re welcome. Thank you very much. Hi. Yeah, I just wanted to seek a bit of elaboration, actually, on the question of timelines. It’s funny, I was trying to ask you about it and you actually mentioned it a few minutes ago. But briefly, as you know, there’s a thinking that we create different timelines with every decision, et cetera. So I just want to seek a little bit of elaboration according to your experience on the question of.

Well, two things, really. A, the extent of control that the elite that you refer to might have on timelines, and B, whether they. If they are controlling that to any extent, whether it’s on a timeline being what, you know, a consensus timeline as a collective group of humanity, you know, our total timeline, or whether they might be influencing individual timelines, if it is a case of individuals creating their own timelines. So, you know, just a comment on that angle, really, if you may. So this is. So just to expand on that a little bit. I believe that the external world, everything, everything outside of myself is a reflection of what’s going on inside of myself.

I believe that essentially I’m walking through the imagination. I am the imagination of myself. I’m walking through the imagination myself. And that when you change something significant about yourself, you’re going to change the external reality. Because this is the micro and that’s the macro. And it does work, even down to the point if you put a different shoe on in the morning, that if you switch up something around the other way, you’ll notice that things slightly shift and slightly change. Yes. So choices, choices that you make will shift different timelines. But then it comes down to being able to differentiate whether or not it was your choice in the first place.

So if I’m driving in the car and all of a sudden I feel like orange juice, is that because I really want the vitamin C and the orange juice my body wants? Or is it because two days before I was influenced subconsciously by something else that I saw somewhere else on a billboard or from a commercial or something like that. So, yeah. Are they in control of that? To an extent. I think when you understand your own thoughts, then you are more in control of it. And then. So if everybody here is a single unit, really, it’s just broke itself.

So we’re all one piece of glass. It’s been dropped and it’s just broken into separate pieces. So I feel aware that everybody here is a part of me. And I’m just explaining. So you’re me, I’m you. And you’re just explaining things, reminding you of things that you already know. Thanks for Your view on that, you’re talking about timelines. What are your thoughts about CERN and how are they involved in manipulating time? I think that CERN is trying to, I think it goes back to what Crowley was doing in the 20s and 30s as well. They were trying to open vortexes through, through rituals and ceremonies to allow very low vibrational beings in, through these, to sort of run amok and do what they want to do.

CERN is what I feel they’re trying to do because they’re using like ancient religion as well. They have a statue of Shiva right in the front of CERN which sort of doesn’t make any sense anyway. But if they, so if they do this correctly, they could tear a hole in space time and allow these beings or these entities that have been locked away for very, very long time to come back here and sort of make hell on Earth. If the great work of ages, which is where it began from this whole thing behind when Atlantis fell 13,000 years ago, they have a new, they wanted to create a new order.

So it’s taken 15,000 years. They have this block of time to get a perfectly organized, ordered sort of like global Nazi state. And the capstone floating above the top of the pyramid is letting you know that it’s still in progress. And when the capstone is placed on the top, then that means the, they have completed the great work, which is the aim to have what I just said, a global state. Given what you went through, I’d be very interested to hear your opinion about the fact that the pedophilia within the government, you know, the whole Jimmy Savile Ninth Circle Royal affair thing, it’s all coming to light now.

I mean, I would assume that that would be information that they wouldn’t want to come to light, the ruling families, because it’s beginning to make people question. We were coming up for a general election and people are thinking, I’m not going to vote because we’re run by a bunch of murdering paedophiles. It’s in the Sunday Mirror now. It’s coming to light very, very, very quickly. That’s the thing. But that makes me feel that there’s something more going on with it because like I said, the people who seemingly are in control are all expendable. And I think, yeah, there is consciousness is raising, but I think they have something else up their sleeve.

And I don’t think it’s just going to be as simple as, okay, rising up. Yes, these people have done that. Yes, Prince Charles has done that. I have Memories of Charles doing like heinous, unbelievably horrible things. So these people will fall and then so what’s going to be replaced? Somebody. They’re going to put somebody in a position to think it’s a double bluff. I think that there’s more to it than just all of a sudden we’re all waking up and everything’s going to be flowers. I think there’s something else coming before that happens. Will we see an end to pedophilia ever? Or is it just part of this whole global cosmic way of these beings operating? They can’t function here, they can’t be here unless they steal raw, like life force energy.

That’s how they feed. For them to maintain how they are here, they use that. Is there going to be an end to it? There’ll be an end to it when they cease to exist. And I think that we as us being the creators, really, we have to sort of almost think them out of existence. When we realize when all that, when everything’s out, when we realize what’s really, really gone on, when everybody realizes that we’ve all been lied to, all the textbooks were wrong, we’d all been lied to about the physics, maths, chemistry. It’s all bs.

And when we look at it like that, the influx, also the flat Earth stuff that’s coming out now is insane. I don’t have. I’m not saying it is or it isn’t that, but I do know that the way we’ve been told that the globe system works is. Isn’t exactly right. So I mean, it’s hard to. Yes, in the imperfect world, of course, that would all be done with. Sarah touched. Only one more question, then I will shut up, I promise. But Sarah touched on this about the children, you know, children that have been abused and how they go off and lead these awful lives.

A lot of them commit suicide and turn to drugs. The majority. The majority. But if. And if you have that trauma as a child, child, and you don’t, obviously you have no idea why it’s happening to you, let alone that it’s part of a galactic thing. But can people who have been victims from children’s homes and currently existing in the world as damaged adults, can you ever heal them? Can they be healed? You seem quite healed, actually. Yes, you can. But you have a lot of work needs to be done. I think a lot of work has to be done.

And you have. First of all, you have to realize that something had been done to you. The majority of people don’t want to realize that or don’t want to think that. And the rational mind is so strong and telling you that this is this and this is solid. And we’re sitting here and nothing is solid. The reason we’re living in a dualistic. Everything is dual. Everything is dual here. And the dualistic nature of it is the illusion of it. If it vibrates, everything is vibrating. If it’s vibrating, it’s going from one point to another point, back and forth is vibration.

Right. So it’s going. There’s duality within the vibration. So if it’s vibrating, then it’s dualistic and illusion. Yeah. Great. Max, just a quick question about Aleister Crowley, because I do believe that intuitively he’s. Anyone who’s so demonized in, you know, the public, there might actually be some truth that he may have been a star person, or at least had. Isn’t quite the demonized person that he’s made out to be. And, you know, any, any person like that that’s portrayed in a negative way, they do that for a reason. So is it that he is actually, you know, one of these lightworkers and we just don’t know the full story of who he was and obviously his connections to intelligence agencies and things, but there’s much more to his story than we actually know.

Yeah, I mean, he exposed. I mean, he wrote and exposed in his books about things that had. Had not ever been written before. And so he, the, the information that he put in his books, regardless of whether it was good or bad or if he was doing anything good or bad. When one human being does something that nobody else has done before, we all collectively evolve and we all collectively get wiser. So in that respect, definitely, and I definitely believe that there’s a Crowley connection to the Bush family as well. And I feel that Barbara Pierce, who was Barbara Bush, was the child of Crowley and somebody else.

And also, I don’t think anybody knows about Candy Crowley. Candy Crowley, the news reader on cnn. If anyone’s seen her, just have a look at her spitting image of him with a wig on. I, I was just wondering how your schooling years were and how you managed to deal with, like, the system imposed on teenagers and then how that led you to. Because you said, I don’t like using the word super soldier like you mentioned, but how were you plucked? Okay, I went to a private school in Canterbury and a lot of things went on there.

I was, I mean, I’m just trying to be careful with names and stuff. That’s all I was Christened and confirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Canterbury Cathedral. And so there was that ritual in and of itself by that person. They already had picked me then. I’ve been to a couple of schools and there’s a lot of missing time for me at school. There’s a lot of where I wasn’t aware what, you know, what had gone on. And there’s somebody else in particular who’s in the public eye who I sort of don’t want to mention, but who went through that with me as well.

And so, yeah, I knew. I was aware that there was stuff going on that shouldn’t have been throughout school for definite. Yeah. Thank you. Sorry, I just got one more question. Did your parents know or do your parents know or did they know what was happening to you on one side of them? On one side of them, yes, they both. There’s Tavistock. Tavistock and Stanford Research Institute are prevalent in my family. I remember going to laboratories with a best friend of mine who was a little girl when we were very, very young. And her parents were scientists from Stadium Stanford.

But they would come back and forth from Sussex University to Stanford University, and those two universities are the main arms of Tavistock. And I remember some strange incidents happening. When we go. Her mother would say, okay, we’re going to the lab now. She used to come pick me up and Meredith up. This is my best friend when I was a little boy. And we’d go to the lab and some strange things would happen there, like out of feeling, like I was out of my. Out of my body. And then we were locked in the car. I remember being in lots of times locked in, into spaces with her.

And it didn’t make any sense, but whenever it happened, it was always sort of like in a disassociated, hip, hypnotic state. And so then when time went on after, I just assumed that it didn’t really happen. Or some, you know, adults say, oh, you know, it’s just your imagination. And I now know that it wasn’t. They did three surgeries on my left eye after the thorn went into my eye, and they had to take my eye out and then cut the muscle behind the eye and then reefered it back in. Now, Sarah’s seen my eye, this left eye before, glow completely become like, fluorescent.

Sometimes if I have extreme emotions or an emotional thing come up, my left eye will glow. So I’m not so sure that they were doing exactly what was said when they were doing the eye surgeries. I’m sorry, but you’re so fascinated Are you still programmed now or your alters? I would say yeah, I would say yes. But I mean, it takes such a long process to deprogram and there’s a lot of work that needs to redone and you have to sort of surround yourself with people who, you know, who you really can trust, because, you know, I’ve certainly not said a lot of the things that, you know, that have happened because some of them are really, really brutal and some of them not very nice to hear, you know, But, I mean, I’m quite happy to talk one on one, you know, with that.

But I’m much more careful now about what I’m going to say in front of a camera. And have other people contacted you? Just, for example, you mentioned Meredith and there must be other people that. I haven’t seen Meredith, the friend from school, she’s a doctor now and I haven’t seen her since I was 7 or 8. She actually works at Stanford now. She does that. But do you have any contact with people who have gone through similar experiences where their altars have broken down and they’re remembering and seems to be a collective remembering. You’re waking up.

People in here have woken up. People are waking, waking, waking. Yeah, that. There’s obviously an army of. Well, presumably some sort of army of you guys and your friend James Casbar, if you could talk a bit more about him, if he is your friend. I don’t know. He’s not your friend. Well, there’s obviously a link there. You grew up in the same place. Yeah, yeah. He is not happy. He just, He, He’s. He’s very angry at me. Well, I, I didn’t have any animosity towards him. He. He got angry. He’s angry at me. But he, he.

It’s a bit difficult to go into his story because there’s a loss, there’s a, you know, black lawsuit. You don’t have to. But, yeah, it’s interesting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So where I born, six days apart. So we’re both Capricorn Fire Dragons, which is very significant because the game that we. The game where I met him, the game that we were playing was called Double, Double Dragon. And so I think the game, the arcade game itself was programming and something to do with splitting, something to do with trauma bonding. Trauma bonding. You know, you put two boys together and traumatize them at the same time.

You have a link forever from that. So I think that was going on. He remembers that. Also, these water slides that came down into the. They’re very symbolic, almost like coming through the birth canal and coming through a black birth canal, a red one and yellow one. It’s very symbolic as well. The whole setup of the swimming pool and leisure center was set up as a ritual and a ceremony. So you come down the birth canal there, then you played the double dragon game, then spiral staircase, then this sort of like classroom setting. So these all, all these things like tie in.

Anyone else? Question? Thank you. I just wondered because you’re waking up, which I think is wonderful, are you now approached by entities or other presences that are supporting your waking up? I’m very aware of my guides that have been with me all my galactic family that is always with me. That has always been with me. I’m aware of that. I was very disconnected from that for a long time. And then the more you get, the more you sort of become in sort of constant touch with them that your decision making skills sort of get better. Because when you’re not connected to them, you tend to make really bad decisions.

Decisions or. I did. So. Yeah. What was you. What was. Am I answering the question right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s. It’s also because I’ve. I noticed that there’s such a change going on that the pos. Let’s say the positive, the constructive powers or presences are approaching the ones who want to wake up easily. Yeah. Now I also. The negative ones for following me all the time. Yes. You know, and I’m aware of them watching, following. Yeah. But do you. Are you aware of any communication between those two? I mean, in the other dimensions they’ve had to.

There was numerous divided forces that infighting. They’re sort of like a crew of robbers where they agree on the crime, but they don’t agree on how the money sort of divided out to each other. But now they’ve had to get. So they’ve all sort of kind of got together and joined to make sure that they get the agenda fulfilled. So the ones that had been fighting for thousands of years have now come together. The Davidic bloodline, which King David’s bloodline is now joined with the Merovingian bloodline. They’ve connected up, which they never would, never, never would have done for a long time.

The tribe of Judah is joined up with. I’m talking about the negative aspects of the tribe of Judah joined up. And this really does lead back to Anu, Enki and Leo and Yeah. The original Anunnaki who created this hominid, upright species that we are. That we have now this template of the being that we are now, they sort of put together, remember, they’ve got the technology just to build a being, place it inside the female, and let it grow. And then, you know, they think that it’s their child when in fact, it’s hidden under another name.

With sleeper programming to wake up when they want it to wake up, to go ahead and do the duties or the job that they want it to do. That makes sense. Yes, it does. So thank you and welcome. Anybody else? Hi there. My name is Ashley. I wanted to know that in your earlier speech, you said chakras. So I would like to sort of amplify. Are you in any way spiritual? Spiritual in terms of your spirituality and how do you balance the future? How do I balance the future? Well, I stepped out of thinking about things that are negative and positive and future and past and up and down, because that’s reinforcing the dualistic nature of the trap and the prison that we’re in at the moment.

My spirituality is sort of going within, and I found most of the answers and most of the things when I sit quietly away from other people and then sort of. I’m not necessarily meditating or Transcendental meditation has been incredible. And so spiritually, I find the answers within myself. As soon as you start looking externally for a God or an answer, you’ve missed the point. Because then you’re giving your power. In my opinion, you’re giving your power away to something else when you’re trying to keep it for yourself. We’ve all. We’re all in this position because we’ve given all our power away to something that doesn’t have our best interest.

And how would you view past life and regeneration? Okay, so I would say that it would be concurrent life because time, it would be an illusion. So it would be all like a Russian doll, one with the other. It’s all happening because there’s only the eternal present that’s really real. Time is very obviously an illusion to me. So how do I view that? Yeah, I mean, so we’re living in linear. We’re all agreeing on linear time because it’s sort of makes it easier to meet up somewhere. Otherwise we’d all be arriving here or not, you know.

So in terms of that, do I. Are you asking me if I believe in reincarnation? Is that what you were asking me? Absolutely. Because it feels. Yes, absolutely. So you would say that can we all somehow. That we may have or may not have healing powers to heal ourselves? I think everybody is self regeneration. Everybody can. I think everybody can regenerate themselves. Thank you. Welcome. We’re all living longer. And I might be a little bit, little bit awkward question, but who’s actually responsible for making us be older, sort of, you know, being alive longer? Is it ET or is it human beings? You mean the few years older that we’re getting now? Rather.

Yeah, I mean like that’s only just, that’s only really because of the food isn’t. I mean the food is what? Sorry? The food is a little bit better. There’s, there’s medicine, western medicine now, but really we shouldn’t. We should. The human body is genius incarnate and it’s infinite. Incarnate shouldn’t age up to a hundred years. We should live thousands of years. We shouldn’t be aging like this. So what’s stopping it? I’m sorry, what is stopping us? Well the creators of this particular body messed around with our DNA helix helixes. So we’re only. We’re not. If there’s 12 basic root races in this particular galaxy.

Feline races, dog races, reptilian, a number of different reptilian races, mammalian races, what they’ve locked it down within. The human body is only mammalian and reptoid. So we’ve only got those two. And they don’t fit together at all. They’re complete opposites. So essentially every human being has got an internal war going on within, inside them at all times. And most promoted, most things that are promoted are reptilian brain based things, survival, survival type stuff. So eating, fighting, sleeping, anything. All those things like sex without love. All the things that are sort of based upon the pleasure sense are part of the, the pleasure part of the brain.

The self pleasure part of the brain is all based on reptilian part of the brain. Oh the R complex it’s called. So I know that in the human body there’s. I’m not sure about this but there’s a part of us that is reptile. Oh yeah. On the pelvic, the amygdala. Yeah, yeah. If we’ve got that, isn’t that, shouldn’t we be inheriting that sort of genium genius genus genome? Yeah, yeah. Shouldn’t we be inheriting that genome for. To make us live longer from that? Well we’re predominantly because it’s the neo mammalian brain. We’re predominantly neo mammalian. Okay.

And the older part, the ancient part of the brain is the amygdala. It doesn’t mean that we would live any longer either one. Yeah, I think that they’re both. We should have Far more strands of DNA. Far, far more strands of DNA. Well, in actual fact, we’ve got two strands. Got two strands, yeah. It’s moving into three, isn’t it? Because you’re getting. Some people have more than that now. Some people are walking around with far more than two strands. I believe that 200 million years ago we did have 12 strands. And we was messed about then.

And they took away sort of 10 strands, leaving us with just really two strands, which is one survival. And one was. The other one was probably procreation. Right. Mammal, Malian, reptilian. Yeah. So that did happen, if not a little bit more longer than that. But we, we are a human body that did have 12 strands. Yes. Yeah. I mean, in its prime form, how it’s supposed to be. Yeah, the. The endeal disconnected it and sort of. Yeah, yeah. There’s still that war going on between the two half brothers, Enlil and Enki. And you’ve got the war going on between the scientists and the priests, which stems from Atlantis all the way up to present day.

The scientists want to have this body, live in this body, stay in here. Stay in here for good and continue like that. The priests understand that really we’re part of a bigger thing than that. Yeah. Because The Plavians have 12 strands, don’t they? I hear. I don’t hear. I hear. Thank you. Hi. Hi. Hi, Max. I’m Lisa. Hi, Lisa. I’m interested to know when you going back a little bit, maybe 10 minutes ago, you said that there was possibly 2 million people that you guesstimated that might be of similar experiences to yourself. No, no, I think that specific programming has been done in.

So there’s beta programming, delta programming, omega programming, one or the other. I think, I think there’s been about. In the U.S. i think it’s been 2 million. About 2 million. So you do believe there’s been plenty of people out there that have been programmed? Yeah, loads and loads. 90, 95. Don’t have any idea. Okay. And so what do you think that end game is? What. What’s your perception of that? So if there are all these people programmed, what do you think the end game is for that? A lot of time and effort has obviously been put into that.

Yeah. So what would you say then? Get or there isn’t. They’re just sleeping. They’re there for a reason. I think that when it’s shut, when everything sort of hits the fan, then a lot of them are sleeper programmers and they’ll be activated to do what they’re supposed. I think each one will have a different thing that they’re supposed to do, and they’ll. Some of them are shepherds, some of them are to go. And each one is different military programs, sexual program. They’re all different ones, but they’re being. They’re going to be used for that. Thank you.

Thank you.

  • Numb3Rs Dont Li3

    Numbers don't lie. The newest member of the Truth Mafia is a soldier handpicked by Tommy Truthful himself. He's a master in metaphysics, alchemy, decoding Gematria, and Jewish Kabbalah mysticism. He's right up there with Logan from Decode your Reality, and Tommy Truthful, the leader of the Truth Mafia.

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