Do you regard black magic as being purely fictitious, or is there some truth in it? Some truth. 100% truth. There is nothing fictitious about black magic, in any way, whatever. It is a fact. It is a fact which has existed for several thousand years. I mean, when we talk about black magic, we are talking about Satanism, necromancy, alchemy, witchcraft. Three gave no information to the police. All five refused to answer any questions at Stephen’s inquest. And at the public inquiry, questions about their guilt or innocence couldn’t be put for legal reasons. In agreeing to speak to us, they clearly had their own reasons.
Perhaps they were attempting to change public perceptions and to counter these images of a swaggering gang. To speak to us, they clearly… They had their own reasons. Perhaps they were… To speak to us, they clearly had their own… They clearly had their own reasons. Perhaps… Perhaps they were changing the… They clearly had their own reasons. Perhaps they were changing the… Perhaps they were changing the… [tr:trw].