➡ This text seems to be a mix of song lyrics, dialogue from a movie or TV show, and a political endorsement. It talks about personal independence, the importance of voting, and some sort of conflict or danger. The text also mentions a character named Captain America, suggesting it might be related to a superhero story.
Oh, let me tell you, we have a new star! A star is born, Elon! And it came down and down, and you saw all that fire burning and burning and burning and burning and burning and burning… … … … Baby I’ve been thinking about running away from you After all you’ve said and done, you’ll want to stay with you It seems like everything we could have done has passed us by Yeah, I got to get moving, I’m tired of grooving with someone who can’t get a high Don’t chase me around, you’re bringing me down I don’t wanna play for you Don’t chase me around, you’re bringing me down I don’t wanna play by your rules My life is my own, so leave me alone I don’t wanna be your fool It seems like everything we could have done has passed us by Yeah, I got to get moving, I’m tired of grooving with someone who can’t get a high Don’t chase me around, you’re bringing me down I don’t wanna play by your rules My life is my own, so leave me alone I don’t wanna be your fool You do that? You know, that’s not my car That’s my boss’s car And if something were to happen to my boss’s car, well, I’d get in trouble Lucky for you, he’s got a spare Don’t chase me around, you’re bringing me down I don’t wanna play by your rules Don’t chase me around, you’re bringing me down Hahaha, fuck you Sundance, get on my horse, go get Tex, and get his ass down here In Think Like a Champion, I’ve been asked and I think perhaps I’ve really wanted to be a little bit more reflective of myself Now, as far as I’m concerned, that’s of no interest, but a lot of people seem to be interested And I think the reason they’re interested is they want that certain attitude that it takes for success So I’ve really been very introspective in a big way, more so than any other book I’ve written And a lot of people, especially reviewers, they’ve seen it and they really like it I’m Harrison Ford, doing something I never thought I’d do Telling people I’ve never met who I’m voting for And why I think they might do the same This election, I’m casting my ballot for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Do I agree with every one of their policies? Of course not Do I think they’re perfect? Come on, for crying out loud, they’re people just like you and me But these two people believe in the rule of the wall They believe in science They believe that when you govern, you do so for all Americans They believe that we are in this together These are ideas I believe in These are people I can get behind Look, I’m frustrated about a lot of things in this country I’m sure you are too But the other guy? He spent four years turning us against each other While embracing dictators and tyrants around the world That’s not who we are We don’t need to make America great again Come on, we are great What we need is to work together again What we need is a president who works for all of us again Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Thaddeus Ross Whatever this is, Cap, be careful What do we know? There were five shooters This was a coordinated terrorist attack, sir I was wartime general Now I’m a wartime president Your inner circle’s been compromised Let me fix it Watch yourself Watch yourself If you sound like a personal nigga Your inner circle’s been compromised Let me fix it Watch yourself You’re not Steve Rogers You’re right I’m not Wait for it We’re on the brink of war I can’t trust anyone Nothing about this feels right Captain America You ever ask yourself Who’s playing who? Someone’s been pulling the strings on everything You’re under arrest? I don’t want a variable out there that I can’t control Stop Captain America Caught without his wings You’d like to play dress-up and blindly execute the state’s orders Don’t say I didn’t warn you What if this is a trap? You don’t even know what this is Since when were they read? You want me? Come and get me