While you’re busy getting your swag on, I’ll find you, sneak up behind you. Fuck you up with my nimble knowledge, numchucks. Make you sit down. And learn life’s lessons. Make you work hard to receive your blessings. And then I’ll try to save you. From the media’s campaign to massacre your brain. Make you insane in the membrane. Feed you Armageddon sized portions. Of disaster and pain. So your strength, past and soul. Are easier to claim. For perilous gain. There’s no one to blame. But yourself. For believing their treacherous messages. We all know how rough it is. We all know how tough it gets.
Especially when you resist. You resist. Resist. Resist. Resist. Resist. Keep in mind what had happened. This came up about two and a half years ago. Two and a half years ago. And so we called up the folks in Hawaii and the department of health. When it first came up, were you thinking, I hope I was born here. What are you? Can I just say, I was there. So I knew that I knew I’d been born there. I remembered it. Of course you did. This spectacular view over the islands this morning, a partial solar eclipse could be seen over several areas of the Pacific shortly after sunrise, including Hawaii.
We got a partially eclipse happening in Hawaii. The moon is going to cover about 47% of the sun. The moon is going to cover about 47% of the sun. It’s going to be the last solar eclipse for Hawaii until 2031. And so we’re excited to see that. The moon is going to cover about 47% of the sun. The moon is going to cover about 47% of the sun. [tr:trw].