That’s crazy. We will build a wall. We will build a wall. And then everybody comes. And I said, we got to build a wall. And everybody said, oh, that’s crazy. That’s crazy. We will build a wall. We will build a wall. We will build a wall. I am the only one. Trust me. I can build a wall around your homes that nothing will penetrate. What do we do? How do we save ourselves? You ask how do you build that wall. You ask, and I’m here to tell you. He says the world is going to come to an end.
Midnight, tonight. And they tell me it is absolutely vital. And in the other words, it’s a vital tool. It’s an important tool. It’s maybe the most important tool that they could think of. We’re going to build the wall. We have no choice. We have no choice. Build that wall. Build that wall build that wall build that wall build that wall build that wall build that wall No matter how much the world changes the central drama of human history remains the same Tell me something What’s wrong this time anyway joke mayor died world coming to an end Midnight tonight the whole kabooma’s gonna burn up How important is the wall and they tell me it is absolutely vital and in the other words It’s a vital tool.
It’s an important tool It’s maybe the most important tool that they can think of we’re gonna build the wall. We have no choice. We have no choice You’re a liar Trump There’s not gonna be any rain or fire and you deny the meteorites will come can you deny the comet? Well, it’s not gonna happen the way you say it is If we’re not for my magnetium friends those meteorites would be bombarding us this very instant By the beings you can see them There’s another one I understand I have until midnight and you heard and I heard your name is Trump Dr.
Walter Trump Do you MC? Yes, it’s all right. It’s a whole bunch of letters Just a few of the degrees that have been conferred on me Would you mind a run through them again for me? Do you is doctor of universe? MC master of cometary SSR student of stellar reactions Well, how do you figure that the world is gonna end that’s really quite simple According to my calculations The earth will either collide with or come into close proximity to a comet or comet The earth will either collide with or come into close proximity to a comet In any event the outcome will be disaster a cosmic explosion will end all But the end may come by other means.
How do you see it by means of this? I Counted millions of these This is a meteorite Iron ore from outer space they will rain on the earth like pepper on an egg each one red hot Traveling at speeds in excess of millions of miles an hour Molded by their passage into unstoppable bullets, but you can stop her I cancer and I will See they had drawn to the earth by a force that we call gravity. I Have discovered how to Repel that force by doing that I can save this town By means of a force repeller you sell these for suppose You have a very suspicious mind sir Alright sheriff, how are you gonna put up with this? What do you mean? How long you gonna let this come and walk around town be careful, son? I can sue you how about it sheriff when you’re gonna put the lid on What for the stealing is stealing whether you do it with a gun or mouth full of me words I don’t intend to sit here and be insulted sheriff.
If y’all people don’t want my help. I can go elsewhere Wait a minute. Mr. Trump. You don’t talk for the rest of us Can you prove he’s wrong? Well, no, not right now, but if you give me some time that son we don’t have very much according to him Yeah, let me tell you something right now. It’s a lot safer to go his way than it is yours How did you get to be sheriff? Look, this is not a suggestion. It’s an order But be not afraid my friends, I also bring you the means with which to save yourselves save us from what? From the end of the world friend save us from what from the end of the world friend Which I don’t expect you to believe The world will come to a flaming end at midnight tonight without my help and knowledge Every one of you will be dead Do you hear about Trump? Yes, sir.
What are you gonna do by? What do you want me to do? Stop it from what? I’m taking the town. Can you prove that that’s what he has in mind? It’s obvious, but can you prove it in order to arrest him? The sheriff has to have a charge and Trump hasn’t given him a thing to go What side are you on the law? I know how you feel. Maybe I agree with you, but the law is the law It’s got to be kept. What if I take him on one charge? Fraud once you see he’s not exactly guilty of fraud Well, what about the meteors in a comet? No, what not you might not like it mr.
Gilman, but he’s right there could be a meteor rain tonight the Leonids are due What the Leonids? It’s a shower of meteors There’s a book about it around here someplace if you want to look at it. No, thank you, sir I’ll take your word for it. Look here son. I Live here. I know these people pretty well And right now there’s nothing in the world and change their minds and anybody who tries to that end up getting hurt They’re not gonna listen What if he starts a panic it could happen.
Sure You might as well try to spit out a forest fire. Well There’s gotta be some way to stop The source of time at the time she feel it getting closer She bring that to the owner Queen if you understand Step on the scene with the country Quite crazy Though rate with me no watch face My lady gosh rock plan ready mandating don’t stop Spin it right Once you do it like that that she are in funny line and they want stop because spend legal time in a job Shot shot Please When the red coats tried to steal American boats the Patriots sank Those boats and sank them very quickly very quickly Get over here get over here Message you will be able to believe a message of great importance a Message I alone was able to read in the fires of the universe But be not afraid my friends But be not afraid I Also bring you the means with which to save yourself Save us from what from the end of the world He says the world is gonna come to men midnight tonight Save us from what from the end of the world friend I Get over here bum get over here bum Which I don’t expect you to believe but the rest of you those who want to be alive tomorrow I Will tell you tonight remember Bring your friends here I’ll tell you tonight So that you will be able to repair.
What are you selling mr. Snake oil? The world will come to a flaming end at midnight tonight But we are building the wall. They’re not happy about it And we will have over 400 miles of wall built by the end of next year You