Amen. Almighty and everlasting bomb, who came down among us to make heaven under earth, lighten our darkness. O instrument of God, grant us thy peace. Almighty bomb, who destroyed all devils and created angels before his glory. Behold the truth that abides in us. Reveal that truth unto that Maker. I reveal my emo self unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God.
Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God.
Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my God. Unto my Stand up all the fresh never stale niggas off the third rail deep dark and black like the magnet my back It’s that artifacts chat from the wrong side of the track My backpack spray paint some more cuz the sparka tagging up a trip against the path take a trip to the train y’all to think When I used to write that shit that used to hit had all the mad color tips breaking was my thing I used to spend the back.
I never thought I’d spend the wax with tracks to make your hands clap I could’ve went the other way, but no house I got my tap on the map with the big that’s on the spray cap niggas used to dot my clock for now I turn it out they shout my shit about town like they want to be down avoid the crowds I wanna stab it in the back enough for that watch the third rail track cuz I don’t wanna get zapped Show my name no shame don’t want to put the blame down all my Brothers don’t want to see me grow to get my cash flow.
I have the remorse to check me out I