All right. Lick her it up. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Just sit still, homie. How are we doing? Oh, God. That’s it. That’s way to man out. That wasn’t so bad. Let me see it. Am I bleeding? Yeah, you’re living in a crazy town. Gotta keep your eyes wide open. Stay focused. Thomas Matthew Crooks, a name in the news. 20 years old, man, had nothing to lose. Bet the bar P.A. from the shadows he came. At the rally, started aiming, trying to make a name.
Shots fired, trunk braved, secret service all alert. Exposers in his car had a plan to do worse. But they took him down fast, cutting laughs in the game. Why’d he do it? We don’t know. Just a moment of fame. Shots from the rooftop, bullets in the air. Gotta stay vigilant. Gotta stay aware. Political violence, man, it’s getting out of hand. We gotta stand together. Gotta make it stand. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, J.F.A. Presidents falling, all in the front. Jackson, Roosevelt, Reagan, they tried. But the strength of a leader, you can’t kill the pride.
That’s not the nation of tests. Through history’s pages. From pistols to rifles. Through all the ages, but we rise above hate. Unify and relate. Build a future with love. Not a nation of hate. Let’s go. Shots from the rooftop, bullets in the air. Gotta stay vigilant. Gotta stay aware. Political violence, man, it’s getting out of hand. We gotta stand together. Gotta make it stand. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, that’s a little bit old. That chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that’s said, take a look at what happened.
Take a look at what happened. Your opponent, an existential threat. On a call a week ago, you said it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye. There’s some dispute about the context, but I think you appreciate that word better. I didn’t say crosshairs. I was talking about focus on. Look, the truth of the matter was, what I guess I was talking about at the time was, there was very little focus on Trump. Yeah, the term was bullseye. It was a mistake to use. I didn’t say crosshairs. I meant bullseye. I meant focus on him. Focus on what he’s doing.
Focus on him. Focus on him. Focus on him. Focus on him. Take a look at what happened. When he was young, he was… He was a lot younger than I was, because he was born in the past. But normally, it was the worst of his life. He was a black hole, in his fury, in his damage. You know what I mean? Why are we leaving? Well, he was in the center, he died. It’s very easy to do. I’m sure Mark and Okemata are the ones who are here, who are here to help us.
We are not only the personal leaders, but also the leaders of the T-Gabari, the people who are here. We have a group of people who are very familiar with us. We have a group of people who are here to help us, like you and me, who are here to help us. They are here to help us. They are here to help us. They are here to help us. But in our world, in this country, the personal leaders, we are here to help us. It’s a very important thing. It’s what you do, and you do it with your life, and you’re in the world.
We are the people, like you and me, We are the people who are here, who are here to help us. We have a group that is here to help us, who are here to help us, and the people who are here to help us. It’s a great pleasure to be here. A great pleasure to see President Donald Trump safe. And if I may, before the benediction, give you this promise. You’re going to be so blessed. You’re going to be tired of being blessed. I guarantee it. It’s twilight time. When purple color curtains mark the end of day, I’ll hear you, my dear, at twilight time.
I’ll hear you. Deep in the dark, your kiss spills in me Like days of old, Delighting the spark of love that fills me With the rain, you’re welcome. It’s day I pray for evening just here It’s day I pray for evening just here Hey, ring the alarm, hey, whoa Ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, some sounds sound like a pig jumpin’ Listen, the sound is accompanying Run the dancing or any session Rock off the woman, don’t rock off the man Ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, dee ta toe, we’ll be them all in a row Don’t you want water, but you’ll hold him, Joe Dee ta toe, we’ll be them all in a row Don’t you want water, but you’ll hold him, Joe Ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, some sound sound like a pig jumpin’ Ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying Whoa, hey, ring the alarm, and now the sound is dying It’s not just the velocity of the change, it’s the magnitude of it.
Shock, upon shock, upon shock. Political, social, cultural. But perhaps most of all, financial. The old ways of investing aren’t working anymore, and people don’t know what to do or where to look for leadership. The one question that’s on everyone’s minds is, so what do I do with my money?